Raglan Chronicle

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RaglanCHRONICLE Whaingaroa news for you weekly

29th September 2011 - Issue #263

Proudly brought to you by

bridge opening p3

West West Coast Coast Kitchens & Joinery

red carpet p6

what’s on p11

Phone/Fax 847 6006 or Mobile 027 212 5062 westcoastkitchens@xtra.co.nz www.joineryspecialists.co.nz 26 King St, Hamilton


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Professional Qualified Tradesmen offering you high quality & standards to the Raglan community & beyond. Phone/Fax 847 6006 or Mobile 027 212 5062

RAGLAN Chronicle 1

dining guide


The new Papahua Bridge on the official opening day 22.11.09 Images courtesy of Stuart Mackenzie

Aloha Market Place - Sushi Takeaway. 5 Bow Street..................................................... 825 7440

Burgershack. Takeaway. 35a Bow Street.................................................................... 825 8439 Jo’s Takeaways. Te Kopua Domain...............................................................................825 8761 Harbour View Hotel. Dine in & Takeaway. 14 Bow Street..............................................825 8010 Marlin Cafe & Grill. Dine in. On the Wharf.................................................................. 825 0010

Namaste Kitchen. Eat in or takeaway. 31 Bow Street....................................................825 0300 Nannies Takeaways. 35 Bow Street............................................................................. 825 8842 Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle - please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to info@raglanchronicle.co.nz

The Shack. Dine in or Takeaway. 19 Bow Street...........................................................825 0027


Raglan West Store. Takeaways.45 Wainui Rd...............................................................825 8293

Dear Editor

The Raglan Club. Dine in or Takeaway. 22-24 Bow Street............................................ 825 8288 Zaragoza . Restaurant. Cafe. Dine in & Takeaway. 23 Bow St.......................................825 0205

It amazes me how the Waikato District Council can get away with no safety hand rails on the one way bridge in Raglan. I know it’s not high from road level but school kids use that foot path daily! I drive buses across quite often and it’s only a matter of time before a kid trips or falls onto the road, which could be fatal. Dave Armer, Hamilton

Raglan Kindergarten

WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts

We Welcome all enquiries and enrolments We welcome all enquiries and enrolments for children 2 for Children 21/2 and over. 1/2 and over. We offer morning (8.30-12.30), afternoon We offer Morning or Afternoon sessions, (1-3) and ‘Kindergarten day’ sessions (8.30-3.00). fully qualified staff and a safe,We have fully qualified stafflearning and a safe,environment. fun, learning environment. fun, Using some of your child’s ‘20 free hours’ at Kindergarten could mean no fees for you!!

CALL IN ANYTIME AT: 9 STEWART STREET, RAGLAN or Phone us on 825 8674 Email raglan@kindergarten.org.nz

1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays in Raglan 2nd and 4th Saturdays in Te Mata Further information: Raglan 825 8135 Parish Priest Fr Anselm Aherne: Frankton 847 56 88


10.30am Traditional Service

A warm welcome awaits you there

Opportunity Shop Saturday the Hall Kids Club: Mondays 3 - in 4.30pm - 11.30am Opportunity9am Shop, Saturday in the Hall 9-11am


CHURCH OFFICE Ph: 825 - 8276

Pastor: Jeanette Vink. email: jeanette.vink@yahoo.com

2 RAGLAN Chronicle

Weather Map

Raglan Weather & Tides

Check www.weathermap.co.nz for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 28 September Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun/Moon temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set) Fri

Cloud with possible showers


E 30 E 45

am pm




Cloud with possible showers


NE 35 am NE 30 pm


L 05:50 am R S H 12:00 pm MR L 06:10 pm MS


Cloudy with Showers


NE 20 am NE 25 pm



12:20 06:30 12:40 07:00

am R 05:57 am am S 06:22 pm pm MR 10:00 am pm




N 25 am NW 20 pm



01:10 07:30 01:40 08:00

am R 05:55 am S 06:23 pm MR 10:58 pm MS 01:00

am pm am am




am pm



02:00 08:20 02:40 09:00

am R 05:54 am S 06:24 pm MR 12:00 pm MS 01:55

am pm pm am


Mainly fine with possible showers


NW 25 am NW 25 pm



03:10 09:30 03:50 10:20

am R 05:52 am S 06:25 pm MR 01:02 pm MS 02:41

am pm pm am


Showers with clear spells



05:51 H 04:30 am R S 06:25 L 10:40 am MR H 05:10 pm MS 02:03 03:21

am pm pm am

N 30 N 35

NE 0 NE 0

am pm

05:00 11:10 05:30 11:30

am R 06:00 am S 06:20 pm MR 08:19 pm MS 10:48 05:59 06:21 09:07 11:57

am pm am pm am pm am pm

*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar


* 8.45am 10am Contemporary - 11am Service * Communion every 4th Sunday (with children’s programme) * Kids Club: Mondays 3pm-4.30pm



10am Raglan Area School 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199


Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon to Fri 9am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email: raglan.chronicle@xtra.co.nz Advertising & Articles The

advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER

Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitter’s responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.

New ‘Papahua’ footbridge gets thumbs up all round Old traditions die hard and Raglan children – along with the odd adult – were jumping from the new Kopua footbridge within minutes of its official opening last week, most undeterred by the extra 80cm in height despite a few comments about the rite-of-passage plunge having become a bit “dodgy”.

But for most of the 400-plus people who turned out for the 9.30am opening at Kopua Domain last Thursday it was a much more sedentary affair with speeches by the bridge designers, builders, kaumatua, Waikato district mayor Allan Sanson and ward councillor Clint Baddeley. About 200 young Raglan Area School students also took part in the ceremony, singing waiata between the speeches. Aurecon technical director John McNeil said the new bridge had been designed to last for 100 years. “It’s not these children but their grandchildren who will be looking after it.” He described the bridge as “elegant and subtle”, and one which blended in with rather than overtook the landscape. Cr Baddeley said it was “an auspicious day” and that as the local councillor he never thought he’d be present at the opening of a new footbridge.

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The extra height however didn’t faze the likes of 12-year-old Sean Dillon who reckoned it just made for “better bombs”. And pro skater/surfer Miles Ratima, who’s been jumping off the old footbridge for 15 years, was also quickly up for the twin challenges of the higher deck and a slippery tube-like handrail.

Peaceful and Private Paradise 55 Checkly Road

The opening ceremony of Raglan’s new footbridge. Image S Mackenzie He told the Chronicle he was “very happy” with the bridge which had one of the country’s top architects, Pete Bosley, behind it. His brief was to make something special for Raglan, and while the colour of the railings – inspired by paua and the sea – had been debated, it was a “point of difference” for Raglan. Mayor Allan Sanson agreed the railings reflected the surrounds and acknowledged it had been a challenge to convince people that while the old bridge might look okay, it wasn’t and would soon be demolished. He spoke of the day as one of endings and beginnings “as we cross the old and new bridges for the last and first time”. With that, he and Cr Baddeley cut the red ribbon and led those gathered for the ceremony across the new bridge and back onto the old for their final walk across it. At 2.2m wide, the new bridge – unlike

MISSING! $500 Reward*

the narrower older bridge a few metres to the south – looks set to easily accommodate not only pedestrians but also buggies, bicycles and no doubt bombers. The latest $2.5 million structure has been named the Papahua Bridge after what’s known as the Papahua block on the domain side of the bridge, connecting the whole area to the town. The bridge symbolically links the domain to the township, said Cr Baddeley. Its construction had also strengthened ties between Waikato District Council and local iwi Ngati Mahanga, which had originally gifted the domain to the council. Thirty kaumatua blessed the new Raglan footbridge with ancient karakia or prayers at 5.30 on the Thursday morning, four hours ahead of the official opening. Edith Symes

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Escaped from accomodation @ Solscape on Wainui Road around lunchtime on Friday 23 September. Last seen at the bottom of Earles Place heading down track towards the beach. He has a red collar and is micro-chipped and can be quite nervous around strangers. If anyone has any information please contact Aron on 02102845560 or the vet in Raglan or the local council. *Reward paid upon safe return.

Grants Whiskey 1ltr

$32.99 RAGLAN Chronicle 3

Weekend retreat for women

Long-time friends Bernadette Gavin and Sarah Edwards have been combining forces to run enriching weekend retreats for women at Solscape.

The retreats are created to both nourish and rejuvenate women and to support them to develop skills and practices to enrich and enhance their daily lives. The weekends include a range of activities such as yoga, creative arts, dance and meditation. There is also time in nature: beach and bush walks and/or surfing. Delicious organic vegetarian/vegan food is served throughout the weekend. Everyone is supported to participate at their own level and no prior experience is necessary for any of the activities! Bernadette Gavin and Sarah Edwards

Sarah, who works as a Counsellor and Holistic Life Coach in Raglan is passionate about supporting people to live healthier happier lives. The retreats are another avenue where she can use her skills to support people to achieve this. “ Healthier, happier people make healthier, happier communities!” Bernadette, a healing practitioner, works from Solscape Eco retreat which she has co created with her partner. She is greatly inspired to guide others to reconnect with their inner nature. “ By honouring and nourishing who we really are and moving from this space, creates a healthy balance in life allowing healing to occur.” To read feedback from previous participants go to www.solscape.co.nz

“Women coming together to support each other’s growth and healing is a beautiful and powerful experience.”

The next Retreat is 28-30th of Oct. For further details ph 8258263 or email SaritaNZ@hotmail.com

Holistic culture and your health

The beauty and advantage of holistic living is that we can give the body tools which may help it to heal from an illness and then continue to thrive in good health and vitality, allowing us to fulfil our highest potential! It’s all about the journey not the destination.

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4 RAGLAN Chronicle

Herbalists, Naturopaths, Nutritionists and all natural health practitioners approach disease in a holistic way, providing treatments that honour your uniqueness. There is no one cure for all. Our view is that physical illness can be a guide to better self awareness, in order to heal and have lasting results. An understanding of the body allows us to treat the cause of an illness, working from the inside out. A quick fix is often disappointing; as the symptoms dissipate the illness is pushed deeper into the body, leading to more severe symptoms in the future. The holistic culture is an ancient traditional way of healing the body, mind and spirit, that includes herbal medicine, plant essences, nutritional supplementation, a whole food diet and lifestyle advice.

If you answered yes, we may have the answer. We are offering Recharge Health appointments during October. All you have to do is put aside 30 minutes to meet with one of our qualified staff and then follow our recommended treatment program. Our recommendations may include taking some herbal medicine or nutritional supplements, and/ or making some dietary and lifestyle changes. If this sounds like you please contact us by phone: 8257444 and get started towards a wonderful summer and living life to the full! Initial investment is $30.00 The Herbal Dispensary, Where you belong 825 7444

Leos club offers young chance for a real say Raglan Lions Club is on the lookout for 20 “budding” Leos keen to get involved in the community and have their say on how it’s run. It’s our young people aged 12 to 18, says local Lions Club president Bob Macleod, who can benefit from the club which comes

under the Lions banner – the largest service club organisation in the world. While it’s about leadership and teamwork in the community, he says, it’s also about having fun and taking on opportunities like the tree-planting of recent weeks and possibly even a Spirit of Adventure trip away.

Bob says he’s already applied to Lions International for the establishment of a Leos club in Raglan. It’s been cleared, he adds, and now – right on Lions Awareness Week beginning October 5 – is all good to go.

Coincidentally local photographer Tracie Heasman, who has a youngster called Leo, wants to see a percentage of all her work sold go to the Leos, specifically for building the foundations of the new club.

Greetings Whaingaroa and Visitors.


Tena Koutou Katoa ki nga whanau o te Rohe o Whaingaroa me nga manuhiri i tae mai. Over a month has passed since the last Police File. Here’s what’s been happening.

Lots of found property at the station - Jewellery,

INCIDENTS: Family Violence incidents x 8 - Lorenzen Bay Rd, Okete Rd (x2), Harakeke Pl, Government Rd (x 2), Uenuku Ave, Greenslade Rd Wilful Damage x 3 - work site at Kopua walk bridge Theft x 3 - Wharf, Riria Kereopa Memorial Dr, Rugby Club Theft from Car x 5 - Government Road, Main Rd, Cliff St, Helen Pl Suspicious vehicles/persons x 2 - Te Akau, Ohautira Rd Theft of Motorbike x 1 - Kawhia Rd Unlawfully Takes Motor Vehicle x 4 - Cliff St, Ngarunui Beach Carpark, Manukau Rd, Lily St Fighting in a Public Place x 1 - James St Assist with Mentally Disaffected Person x 3 Burglary x 6 - Wainui Rd, Daisy St, Government Rd, Cogswell Rd, Raglan Area School (x2) Water Rescue x 2 - Wainamu Beach/Bar Fraudulent use of Credit Card x 1 Motor Vehicle Crash x 4 - James St, Deviation, Main Rd, Wainui Rd Threatening Behaviour x 1 - Bow St Disorderly Behaviour x 1 - Wainui Rd Common Assault x 2 - Skatebowl, Manu Bay Theft of Bicycle x 2 - Main Rd, Long St Theft of Livestock x 2 - Te Akau, Ruapuke Thefts / Attempted Thefts of Farm Bike x 3 Karakariki / Whatawhata Water Rescue x 1 - Wainamu Beach / Raglan Bar 16yr old, 11yr old, 15yr old, 10yr old for lighting a fire in a rubbish bin

childrens’ clothing and toys, camera, glasses, watches, keys. MESSAGE OF THE WEEK: Secure your vehicles - leaving your car keys near your vehicles while you’re out surfing or swimming is not securing your vehicles. Cars are being stolen or property stolen from them while you’re away. We are receiving complaints about the behaviour

To add to that, Raglan Lions Club has also scored more funds from Waikato District Council’s events budget, says Bob, and an additional $1000 was raised recently when the Pirates – a charity group similar to the Variety Bash – came to town, fundraising with an entourage of police and fire vehicles. A power-point presentation has been shown at Raglan Area School and now it’s up to the young people – with parents and a couple of teachers behind them – to put

together a CV, elect their own leaders, form sub-committees and get to work.

Bob says the Lions are looking for committed, responsible individuals who are in it for the long haul. “We’ve still got charter members (here) that set up Raglan Lions Club 40 years ago,” he says, naming Ralph Blanchard, Neville Meekings and Vern Peglar as just a few of the foundation members. Edith Symes

Leo Motto

LEADERSHIP: Leo members acquire skills as project organisers and motivators of their peers. EXPERIENCE: They discover how teamwork and cooperation can bring about change in their community and the world. OPPORTUNITY: Leos develop positive character traits and receive recognition for their contributions.

of some of the young people who wait in town on Thursdays after school to go to the youth group at Te Uku. These kids are waiting for about 3 hours around town to be picked up. They get bored, they run out on the roads, they run into properties. Should this behaviour continue we will have no option but to clear the streets.

Offenders could

be taken to the police station for parents to be called to come and pick them up. Neighbourhood Support Groups - we are aware of a few streets that have functioning NS groups and we would like to see this expand throughout our area. The sad case in Wellington recently where the pensioner died without anyone being aware

TDO ( The Dinsdale Office)

and from world cup matches in Hamilton on the 16th and 18th September and the 2nd of October.

has highlighted the security and peace of mind Neighbourhood Support Groups can provide.

Come in for a delicious meal and

Please contact Kathy at the station, week day


mornings between 9 - 11 if you are interested in

21yr old male for Driving with Excess Breath Alcohol 39yr old male for Male Assaults Female 22yr old male for Wilful Damage 64yr old male for Careless Driving 11yr old & 12yr old for Theft and Wilful Damage 3 x males for Excess Breath Alcohol courtesy of Booze Bus 33yr old male for Breach of Bail 30yr old male for Shoplifting 39yr old male for Disorderly Behaviour 55yr old male for Unlawful Possession of a Firearm & Discharging a Firearm near a Dwelling 21yr old from Hamilton for Wilful Damage

Neighbourhood Support.

is running a FREE bus to

drink before the game. Hassel free parking and a ride

That’s about it for this edition.

to and from the match.

Stay safe and look after each other.

Please contact us if you are keen

Raglan Police Team.

to get onboard: 847 4474

If anyone has any information on any of the above incidents, or have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 825 8200. Any information received can be treated as anonymous. Or use the Crimestoppers confidential phone line on 0800 555 111.

Satisfy your kiwiosity! View a new Lockwood Eco Home, 33 Awatea Road, Whatawhata (off Bell Road)

Visit our Lockwood ‘Otama’ show home, now open Open for two weekends only - 1 and 2 and 8 and 9 at Main -Road, Kopu, Thames just over the bridge. of October 1pm to 4pm Call Lockwood Coromandel on show 07 868 “Plus don’t forget to visit our award winning home,8733 to 362A Hukanui Road, Hamilton. Open from 1pm to 4pm daily” arrange a time to view st




Visit us at lockwood.co.nz solid, secure, natural RAGLAN Chronicle 5

Red Carpet Awards night for the Raglan Film Festival Saturday 24th September Celebrities arrived to a red carpet floodlit welcome with local paparazzi Linda Holmes capturing people as they arrived. Raglan Whaingaroa’s own film makers and stars received their awards at the Raglan Arts Film Festival Awards night on Saturday night. The glamour event saw celebrity guests including Clive Neeson, producer of Last Paradise and Aroha Yates-Smith, composer/ singer for Water Whisperers, arrive on the red carpet. Others spotted arriving were Micah Puklowski, Maryann Tuao, Andre Ngapo, Miromiro Kelly-Hepi Te Huia, Winiata Hunia, Tamihana Moko, Turanga

Kereopa, Ariana Brunet, and representatives from the Whaingaroa Youth Movement. After arrival guests mingled, enjoying a buffet dinner provided by Rachel Lister. After a screening of the nominated movies, MC Wanda Barker called on members of the Raglan Community Arts Council to announce the awards. Individual Awards * RAFFA Best Documentary Turanga Kereopa * RAFFA Music Video Award Maryann Tuao * RAFFA Environmental Award Kathleen Gallagher * RAFFA Live Action Award Micha Puklowski * RAFFA Peoples’ Choice Award Clive Neeson * RAFFA Best Actor award Tamihana Moko * RAFFA Best Drama Actress Ariana Brunet Group Awards * RAFFA Best Directors Award:Andre Ngapo, Miromiro Kelly-Hepi Te Huia, Kylie Hollis and Winiata Hunia for 3 short films (Mana Motuhake, Karioi, Te Ataiorongo) * RAFFA Creative Dance Award: Whaingaroa Youth Movement – Indya Gibbs

Micah Puklowski, Patti Mitchley, Indya Gibbs

And the major overall award known as the RAFFA Creative Force Award went to Raglan Area School teachers and children of Te Roopu Aroha ki Te Reo. The Raglan Film Festival academy said they wanted to acknowledge Children of ‘Te Roopu Aroha ki Te Reo’ and their teachers in a special overall award. The RAFFA Creative Force Award acknowledges the collaboration and team effort between students and teachers of Raglan Area School.

Photo of all the award nominees from L-R: Back Row: Clive Neeson, Micah Puklowski, Indya Gibbs, Miromiro Kelly-Hepi Te Huia, Aroha Yates-Smith, Kylie Hollis, Andre Ngapo. Front Row: Maryann Tuao, Ariana Brunet, Kororia Moko, Tamihana Moko The RAFFA Awards are organised by the Raglan Community Arts Council with sponsorship by Creative Communities Waikato District. The Raglan Community Arts Council thank other supporters including Raglan Club, Raglan Operational Support Unit, V48 Furious Film Making, NZ Film Commission, film distributors, Rachel Lister for event catering, Aaron Moar for not only his planning help but for being the ‘voice’ for our film festival on Raglan Radio and Tractor FM, Phil and Emily Meek for designing of the RAFFAs, Linda Holmes as photographer for the evening, Lucretia and Maida for serving refreshments and all of the nominated stars and film makers. The RAFFA award winners also screened in two sessions on the afternoon of Sunday 25th September at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre. Short films were screened in full with excerpts from feature films. Images courtesy of Linda Holmes Photography

Ladies in red on the red carpet Wanda Barker and Susanne Giessen-Prinz

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Enviro Matters

filling you in each month with the green-goings-on

This month: Thank you for supporting WEC projects and workshops Rick chatting about permaculture and artichokes

Water Efficiency @ WEC Meters are coming.... Every year Raglan has water restrictions imposed due to water shortage and drought. Beginning in 2013, residents will be responsilble for paying for their water usage. We want to help you save water and money! WEC is rolling out our water efficiency project. Keep an eye on the Chronicle and the WEC website for water saving tips, tools and technology. We are also looking for volunteer households in Raglan West to be a part of our project. We’ll monitor your water use, and then introduce you to the ways you can save water, including free gizmos! The project successes will be showcased right here in the Chronicle. And you’ll be all ready when that first water bill comes.

AMerren, 1 of 50 volunteers carrying stoat traps up Karioi

WEC needs you!

Are you interested in supporting Whainga roa Environment Centre by being on the committee? We meet once a month for two hours. If you are interested please contact Kimberley at WEC.

Not long after moving to our new store we were honoured to win the inaugural Sustainable Business Award run by the New Zealand Retailers Association for the Waikato Region. Some of the criteria we were judged on included our impact on the environment, recycling programs, building design, use of outside space and composting systems. Part of our goal when moving the shop was to provide a green space for our staff and customers, with our herb garden we are able to do this. Our present site fulfilled our brief perfectly and gives us scope to develop a more sustainable business approach. We currently have a compost bin and a worm farm which take all our food waste, and we have just dug our first round of compost into the garden. This season we hope to have some bee hives also in the garden.



Vege of the Month: Co n g r a t u l a t i o n s S o l s c a p e o n t e n g re a t ye a r s i n s p i r i n g Earth building workshop: R a g llots a nof ! dirty fun! P h i l M c C a b e a n d t h e te a m a t S o l s c a p e

The Herbal Dispensary has been operating in Raglan for 15 years. While we have always actively recycled what we can, it is since our move just over 18 months ago to our present location that we have been able to practice a more sustainable approach within our business.


September is a fantastic month for sustainability after the long evenings of winter, dreaming about our spring vege gardens and building projects. It is a time for learning new lifestyle skills and getting outside to enjoy and protect our Whaingaroa environment. Sustainable September workshops and events have taken place this year thanks to the support, time and effort some very helpful organizers and hosts, including Phil McCabe, Paul Peterson, Parito Retreat, A Rocha, Liz and Rick, Xtreme Waste, Solscape, Simon Thompson, Jon B, Nelson Lebo, and Peter Cave (fruit tree pruning in the rain!). May we continue to work together to bring sustainability to our community. And of course, thanks to those who attended events: locals, travellers and Ruapuke beach planting new Whaingaroa residents. Your support with Penny, Star and Jenny makes it all possible. September may be coming to an end, but the good work continues. If you want to know about future workshops and eco-events, join WEC’s newsletter via our website or come into WEC and become a member. It’s only $5 for access to our newsletter, resource library, and seed bank.

Continuing our celebration of our key sponsors, Bronwyn of the Herbal Dispensary talks about their how her team work towards sustainability and their reward of top shop 2010 for their efforts.


Some of our goals for the future are to provide our customers more options to buy in bulk/refilling your own containers thus saving on packaging and transport. Sourcing more product from our local area thus reducing transport costs and supporting our local community is also a priority for us. At present we do both of the above but on a rather limited scale. So if anyone would like to contact us regarding local product that they would like to see in our store or suggest some items that you would like to be able to buy in bulk, please let us know! Judges comments from 2010 Top Shop Awards “It’s evident that the Herbal Dispensary have devoted time and attention to the sustainability of their products and the impacts of their store”. Bronwyn Lowe Medical Herbalist NZAMH

Thank you to our EnviroMatters sponsors:

Send comments and contributions to Kimberley at Whaingaroa Environment Centre: wenvc@kol.co.nz


High in vitamins C and K, as well as a bevy of healthful micronutrients, Kale has been cultivated for a very long time. Russian Red Kale (see pic) grows fast in cold weather and, like many winter crops, tastes sweeter after a good frost. You will see some varieties of ornamental (though also edible) Kale on roundabouts in Hamilton. 3 varieties at Seed Bank.

Seed of the Month:

Zinnia These beautiful flowers are a great companion for most summer veges, especially pumpkins. They grow up to a metre tall so can poke their heads above rampant pumpkin jungles! Also Gaillardia and Tithonia are good grown shoulder to shoulder with your summer veges. Fill in the gaps, bring more colour and friendly, health bringing creatures to your garden, sow some companion flowers! Many available at seed bank.


September 2011

RAGLAN Chronicle 7

Raglan library hosts author

Dr Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, the University of Waikato’s writer in residence, visited Raglan Library last week to speak about his current project. Dr Holman is writing a memoir, The Lost Pilot, based on his father’s wartime experience with a kamikaze pilot. He aims to have the book published late next year. Dr Holman also read from his poetry anthologies, As Big As A Father and Fly Boy, as well as unpublished poems about both the Christchurch and Sendai earthquakes.

The library had a great turn out of listeners. Among the audience were members of the Raglan Writers’ Group, the Te Akau Book Club, and student representatives from Raglan Area School. Audience members described Dr Holman’s presentation as “entertaining” and “inspiring”. The Waikato District Libraries own a number of Dr Holman’s publications and are enthusiastic about adding to their collection. Merren Tait

Sailing season begins this weekend This Sunday, 2nd October sees the start of the new sailing season for the Raglan Sailing Club, and for our oldest member - 77 year old Pam - it’s another chance to hone her newly acquired sailing skills. Pam has only been sailing since joining the club last season and has found the experience challenging but invigorating. Sailing classes are open to anyone over the age of 8 years and offer a complete ‘Learn To Sail’ course for absolute beginners, through to more advanced sessions for more experienced sailors. Various other activities are planned

for the season and you can bring your own boat or use one of the Club’s fleet. The Club meets every second weekend from October to December at Wainamu beach (by the concrete bunker), then after Christmas from Lorenzen Bay. You must be able to swim and children must be accompanied by an adult. Sailing is a fun, exciting social activity and a wonderful way to experience our fabulous harbour. So come down to Wainamu beach at 12.30pm Sunday 2nd October and give Sailing a go! J.Lankshear For more information phone Chris Mitchell 8250310, or email yannchris@xtra.co.nz.

Get your entry in for the 2011 Garden Competition Calling all budding gardeners. Now that ‘spring has sprung’, it’s time for gardeners to start perfecting their gardens for the Best Garden Competition 2011. Sponsored by the Waikato District Council and the Raglan community board, the annual Best Garden Competition is back. Keep your eyes open for entry forms, which are being delivered next week to residents in the Raglan and Whaingaroa ward areas. There are plenty of categories to enter and prizes to be won. The council encourages as many residents as possible to take part. This year’s categories include: Best street appearance; Best vegetable garden; Best new garden (1st and 2nd year gardens); Best established garden; Best ornamental garden; Best small garden; and Best children’s garden (school or home). Entries for Raglan’s Best Garden Competition close on Friday 28 October, with judging taking place between 14-15 November. Entry forms can be downloaded from the council’s website www.waikatodistrict. govt.nz or obtained from the Raglan council office and library. The Best Garden competition is also being run in the Ngaruawahia, Huntly, Onewhero and Awaroa ki Tuakau ward areas.

8 RAGLAN Chronicle

Spring training underway for surf recruits

Lifeguards and new recruits from our Trust Waikato Raglan Surf Life Saving Club braved the elements this weekend at Ngarunui Beach, in an intensive, early spring training program. For many of the new recruits, this was their first taste of the challenges of swimming and performing rescues in rough surf. These skills will be essential in their futures as qualified Surf Lifeguards. Their training had previously focussed on developing pool swimming technique and class-based first aid and theory sessions. The surf conditions on Saturday were very testing for these brave young men and women but they dove right in. Three of the young women proved to be the strongest swimmers, outdoing all of the boys! The Club’s Chief Instructor, Colette Withers, was “stoked to see them all give their best”. Eleven of the group have proved themselves ready to sit their Surf Lifeguard Award test in two weeks time. Club Chairperson, Brent Phillips, is excited that the “training team’s hard work over the winter is set to deliver more lifeguards to patrol Ngarunui Beach.” Anyone interested in joining the next training round should contact Colette (824-7738) or visit www.RaglanSurfLifeSaving.org.nz.

Annual agricultural days approaching fast Agricultural days foster an interest in farming, as well as teaching the children the responsibility involved with the care and well being of a pet. It also helps the children to develop an understanding of the importance of animal welfare issues such as feed, shelter, handling and health. Each year, each school in the Raglan District holds a local day and then all children from all four schools are encouraged to participate in Group Day. The dates for this year are below; Wednesday 5th October: - Te Uku School / Raglan Area School held at Te Uku School, judging starts at 10.00am - Waitetuna School held at Waitetuna School, judging starts at 10.00am Thursday 6th October: - Te Mata School held at Te Mata School, judging starts at 10.00am

the perfect opportunity. At Group Day there will be the traditional BBQ food available, along with great raffles. We would love to see as many people as possible come and support our local students with their pets. Pam Quirke

Saturday 8th October: - Raglan Agricultural Group Day held at Te Mata School, judging starts at 10.00am It is a great family day out! If your child / children want to get up close to lambs, calves and kid goats, this is

Kelly Gifford (Judge) with Jayden Kalma and Shaggy

Waitetuna kids Waka Round The World This Thursday 29th September at Te Uku Hall, the children of Waitetuna School will be showcasing their school production, ‘Waka Round the World’ to take the local community on a journey of discovery into the many cultures of the globe. The production is about recognising New Zealand’s diversity and also an opportunity for the children to learn and explore the different cultures that are out there and what make New Zealand special. In putting together the production, each of the classes chose a country and developed a performance piece using music from that culture. “It’s really great seeing the kids challenged in a whole lot of different ways. I’m really proud of how much they’ve grown and learnt to express themselves

through movement and dance,” says Principal Matt Stockton. A real team effort with parents pitching in to make costumes and the like, the show will see a 58-strong group of students with ages ranging from five to thirteen years take to the stage. After developing and rehearsing their performance piece for the majority of the school term, the students have worked hard to put together a lively and vibrant show that will take you away on a round-the-world trip. The matinee showing will be at 11am on Thursday 29th September, with a second showing on Friday 30th September at 7pm. Both shows will be at the Te Uku Hall so make sure you keep those dates free for the school production of the year! Maki Nishiyama

Anika Moa and Barnaby Weir show hits town Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls – jump outta the winter blues this spring when Anika Moa and Barnaby Weir strap on their guitars, strumming and humming through your town this September and October on their first accoustic tour together.

Julia Deans & Cairo Knife Fight, to name a few.

Bouncing like new born lambs through daffodils Anika and Barnaby take their mischevious, but light hearted show through vineyards, halls, theatres, cellars and cinemas of New Zealand collaborating on new, familiar, and sometimes surprising material.

The first time these artists have collaborated on a tour it promises to be a soundtrack for spring. All venues have been handpicked by both artists and are modestly sized for that ‘intimate’ experience.

Anika will be releasing a CD of NZ artists covering songs from her recent Gold Album, Love In Motion. Artists include Street Chant,

Barnaby, while not only making a name for himself in The Black Seeds also released his debut solo album Tarot Card Rock earlier this year which met with acclaim for his foray into Americana.

Thu Sept 29 – Raglan - Town Hall Tickets from www.eventfinder.co.nz and Raglan Info Centre. For all tour related enquiries – please contact John Baker actionman67@clear.net.nz

Coastguard School to deliver popular courses We’ve recently seen a number of tragic boating incidents and summer hasn’t even started. As the charity saving lives at sea “Prevention through education” plays a key part in this. With summer just around the corner Coastguard’s Northern Region Maritime School is delivering two popular courses in the Raglan area to allow local boaties get on board and prepare for a safe and enjoyable summer out on the water. Knowing how to let someone know you need help is of paramount importance especially given our often challenging local conditions especially out over the bar. A fully charged cell phone in a plastic bag is an ideal backup but a Marine VHF radio and an operator who knows what to do is by far the best tool for the job. The one day VHF Marine Radio Operator course being run on Saturday 1st October equips boaties with the knowledge of how to use their VHF both routinely to

Dance workshop swings into action

make a trip report to ensure safety on every trip, as well as in a distress situation. You’ll be surprised at the amount of confidence you walk away with and this qualification is also the minimum requirement to use a VHF radio in anything other than an emergency. If you’re not currently a Coastguard member, there is even the opportunity to sign up and receive a discount on this course. Boatmaster is a very popular comprehensive course that builds on your current knowledge - providing you with a strong platform of information that the average recreational boatie needs for a lifetime. This course starts on Thursday 3rd of November and runs over 3 weeknights and two and a half weekends. Local tutor Vivienne Regnier will be delivering the sessions in the St Johns building. To find out more information about these courses or to register your interest contact the friendly team at our Coastguard Maritime School on 0508 Rescue (737 283) or visit us at www. coastguard.org.nz.

Swing’s Raglan debut was a roaring success! Turns out just like most, we also love Lindy Hop. Nearly 30 would-be groovers showed for the beginners’ swing dance workshop on Saturday and the response speaks for itself.

“It was so much fun. The enthusiasm of the teachers and fellow swingers was awesome and everyone got really into it! The moves were a good mix of simple steps and more challenging spins. The emphasis was on fun, not so much on perfecting the moves; encouraging for the less experienced/co-ordinated ones such as myself,” said Mahuru, a workshop attendee. Held by Hamilton’s ‘Cats Corner Swing’ the energetic 2 hours left all more confident to head to Orca to practise their moves to Blue Tuxedo. The teachers loved being in Raglan and were impressed with the guys turning up to dance, with a 50-50 split. Guys staying home and leaving classes with 2/3rds women is a common problem. So well done males of Raglan, you’ve done our gender proud! Haha. ‘Lindy Hop by the Sea’ will return in October. We attend Cats Corner Swing’s Thursday night classes in Hamilton, and you are welcome to join. Also many are keen to start a Raglan Lindy Club, maybe starting informally with a few getting together one evening and practicing a few turns on the beach: Sun setting in the background; waves lapping at the shore.. ahh, doesn’t that sound nice! Ben Galloway If interested contact Ben: bentgallows@hotmail.com 0226578644.

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The swing workshop in action

Getting into the swing of things at Orca

RAGLAN Chronicle 9





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10 RAGLAN Chronicle

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