Whaingaroa news for you weekly
Nga Ripo o Whaingaroa
17th September 2015 - Issue #461
Raglan Amigos win p4
Herbal health
Gig guide
Ave e i rr
ld o s -
Let Julie auction your property for TOP RESULTS Call for your free appraisal TODAY!
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dining guide Jo’s Takeaways. Te Kopua Domain......................................................825 8761
The Shack. Dine in or Takeaway. 19 Bow Street..................................825 0027
Cover Local Jay Byrne-Brodie - see Q & A page 5.
STREET talk • q Let’s talk parking! Does Raglan really require a parking warden? Should we instead be moving towards permanent parking meters, or alternatively, completely unrestricted parking in the CBD?
• •
Please feel free to email us with any ‘Street Talk’ suggestions! (
a p 2
5 1 a W h a a n ga Ro a d , W h a l e B a y, R a g l a n , N Z
The Raglan Club. Dine in or Takeaway. 22-24 Bow Street.................. 825 8278
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Caring for the ones you love 27 - 29 Manukau Road Ph. 07 825 8306 Fax: 07 825 8855 Email:
Wednesday 7.00pm
Ro: Raglan certainly needs better parking facilities but parking meters are unsightly. Perhaps pay and display would be an option. Businesses in the CBD rely on tourists and day trippers in their cars and motor homes to make enough over the summer months to survive through the winter. It is therefore important to offer plenty of parking at reasonable rates for this to happen. Sign posting the parking areas available off the main street would be helpful and making more parking available any where a good idea. Motor vehicles are here to stay for better or worse!
Jake: Of course we need a warden, we need one all summer and most holidays. Raglan is desperate for a presence downtown every day then, instead of once a week. What I’m against is a warden during the winter months when parking spaces are a dime a dozen. Also, there needs to be more accountability locally in regards to enforcement.
Kelly: Location of extra parking and time limits requires a look at the bigger picture of what the community want for the future of the CBD (ie. I like the idea of longer parking in town to have less turnover of vehicles / more pedestrian friendly, but it doesn’t work for elderly trying to get their medicine at the chemist). High rates reflect the infrastructure to cater to the summer crowds, and so I don’t think residents should have any more coming out of their pocket via parking meters. At the same time, with some sort of visitor pays system, it provides an opportunity to create a community managed revenue stream, with profits directed straight back into the community to fund local initiatives.
For more information contact: Cam 021 529 765
for free quotes & quality workmanship PHONEPH MARK 0274 912912 911911 A/HA/H 825 825 00690069 MARK 0274 ROB 027 550 6080 EE PH ROB 027 550 6080
Geoff: The parking warden is definitely required in the town over summer to ensure that car parks are rotated evenly. But perhaps over winter this could be waived or seasonal restrictions put in place so that on those slow winter days you can linger a bit longer in town. Also there is no call for a warden to ticket beach goers over summer when all cars parks at the beaches are at capacity and parking is at premium.
07 825 7072
10.00am - Family Service with Sunday School Op-Shop in the hall 10am - 2pm Saturdays.
3 Stewart St | Contact: 07 825 8276
WeatherMap - New Zealand weather forecasts
Contact: Administrator Jan Mitchell ph 825 5122
Bob: Do we require car parking, and for who? Is it to increase foot traffic for the commercial Business area, or drop off and pick up of goods and services? Or is the problem the status quo, a mix of business operators and locals parking for long periods? Why not a pedestrian area only with vehicles access for pick up and drop off only? This would operate over our busiest season. Eve: I think since Raglan is a small community it should have free parking and for as long as you need. Because even in summer people are coming and going throughout the day so parks do become available.
John: 10 minute parking and electric bikes could largely sort out Raglan CBD parking. If we’re parking more than 10 minutes, we’ve time to walk a minute or two and it’ll leave spaces for quick trips and help bring business to the shops away from the centre. As several people have discovered, electric bikes are easy to park and as quick, or quicker than driving for most in-town trips. Raglan Naturally said, “Encourage the use of bicycles around the town”. That’s never happened and, now electric bikes have sorted out the problem of hills, it’s even more urgent. Weather Map
Raglan Weather & Tides
Check for latest forecasts Forecasts Forecast generated on Wednesday 16 September Max Summary Wind Waves* Tides* Sun temp (C) (km/hr) (m) (High/Low) (Rise/Set)
Should you wish to aquire any images from this week’s Chronicle - please contact us on 825 7076 or email your request to
Raglan Ink Ltd home of the Raglan Chronicle Office Open Mon - Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm, Wainui Rd, Raglan Ph: (07) 825-7076 Fax: (07) 825-7078 Post: P.O. Box 234, Raglan Email:
12:30 06:40 12:50 07:00
am am pm pm
R 06:19 am S 06:10 pm
am pm
01:10 07:20 01:30 07:40
am am pm pm
R 06:17 am S 06:11 pm
E 30 SE 40
am pm
01:50 08:10 02:20 08:30
am am pm pm
R 06:16 am S 06:11 pm
E 45 E 40
am pm
02:40 09:00 03:20 09:40
am am pm pm
R 06:14 am S 06:12 pm
E 30 E 25
am pm
03:50 10:10 04:30 10:50
am am pm pm
R 06:12 am S 06:13 pm
Mainly fine with possible showers
E 20 E 20
am pm
H 05:10 am L 11:20 am H 05:50 pm
R 06:11 am S 06:14 pm
Sunny with some cloud
E 15 E 15
am pm
Cloudy with Showers
Cloudy with Showers
E 5 S 10
Cloudy with Showers
Cloudy with Showers
Advertising & Articles The advertising and editorial content deadline will be Monday at 12pm week of issue. DISCLAIMER
Opinions and views expressed in the Raglan Chronicle do not necessarily represent those held by the Editors or Publishers. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of submitted material but the Editors/Publishers shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to the same. It is the submitters responsibility to ensure material is not libelous or defamatory. The Editors/Publishers reserve the right to abridge, alter or decline any material submitted to the Raglan Chronicle to meet the constraints of space and/or maintain a reasonable standard of language and decorum.
2 RAGLAN Chronicle
NW 20 am W 25 pm
12:10 06:20 12:30 07:00
am am pm pm
R 06:09 am S 06:15 pm
*Total significant wave height and *Tide times for Raglan Bar
‘Huge’ changes in bringing upbabies - retiring Plunket nurse
ngrid Rendle admits she was “in two minds” about finally retiring and relinquishing her job as the local Plunket nurse after more than a dozen years working with Raglan mothers and babies.
Our centre has trained, experienced teachers, excellent ratios and a beautiful, nurturing environment. Please feel free to pop in and visit us anytime, or contact us to enrol your child. 5 Wallis Street 825 0442
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“But there comes a time to move on,” adds the 68-year-old grandmother of 10, who’s looking ahead now to five months’ holiday in the UK before she and her husband Neil return to town and a more leisured life. “The closer I get to the actual leaving date the more excited I feel,” she told the Chronicle last week of her final day’s work next Thursday. “So I know it’s the right decision.” Even so, Ingrid reckons she’ll watch from the sidelines - in the supermarket aisles for instance - as the children she’s worked with over the years grow up. “It’s very rewarding, working with families,” she says. But there’ve been “huge” changes in the 28 years she’s worked as a Plunket nurse, the last 12 or so dividing her time between Ngaruawahia and Raglan. The first that springs to mind, she says, is the age of the mothers. Way back in the 1970s and 80s - when Ingrid was busy as a mum herself to four sons - women were giving birth in their 20s, whereas now they can be in their late 30s and even early 40s. “Given another generation we’re going to have some very old grandparents,” she adds, clearly a little concerned that the current trend means today’s mothers may not have so strong a family support network. Whether babies should be fed on demand or to a routine has also changed according to the decades, she points out. “It’s all swings and roundabouts.” Then there’s new babies’ sleeping positions which have changed from being on their tummies to on their backs - or from side to side - after studies showed the high incidence of cot deaths dropped drastically when a newborn’s position was reversed. “Gosh, the changes!” Ingrid marvels. Birthing outside of hospitals with midwives in attendance is another big turnaround, she says, as is the trend now for mothers to head back to work soon after having their children. But mothers and babies themselves essentially don’t change, insists Ingrid, and neither does the Plunket support system which is unique to this country. Plunket sees over 90 percent of babies in New Zealand, with nurses still recording their growth and development in individual health books which parents often kept as momentos. Despite all her extra training in lactation and so on, says Ingrid, most
We have spaces available straight away for children from infants to school age.
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MORTGAGE BROKERS Murtaghs Dermot M. Murtagh
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Ingrid Rendle is looking forward to retirement after relinquishing her job as the local Plunket nurse.
people still believe the job of the Plunket nurse is simply to “weigh babies”. That’s a very important part of the job, she concedes, but so too is the expert support and advice that Plunket nurses have to offer mothers and their babies. “It can take a small thing - a simple suggestion perhaps - to make a problem come right.” And nine times out of 10 the mothers are just needing reassurance, Ingrid insists. Helping set up coffee groups as a support network among first-time mothers in Raglan has been another rewarding part of Ingrid’s job. The groups work really well here, she says, because many of the new mums have been too busy commuting to work to get to know others in the community, while others are from overseas with no family support at all.
Raglan’s been a “fabulous” place to work because of the nature of the community, Ingrid says, and she’s loved living nearly 20 years now in Earles Place - overlooking Manu Bay - with “the quietness of the bush behind us and the sea in front of us”. But her sons and their young families are now living in various places - Raglan, Wellington, the Gold Coast of Australia and the UK - and Ingrid feels the need for more freedom. “You can see what I’m going to do with my time,” she says. A community morning tea is to be held in the town hall supper room next Monday to farewell Ingrid and welcome her replacement, Sue Sallis from Waitetuna. Edith Symes� Freephone� 0800 647 633�
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Hosts: Mary and Rob Clark Address: Marine Parade,
Raglan Phone: (07) 825 8283 Email: RAGLAN Chronicle 3
Ecoast to investigate local break R Manu Bay has qualified to be one
aglan’s famed left-hand break at
of the seven iconic surf breaks in New Zealand to be studied by Raglanbased eCoast Marine Consulting and Research.
Also at H.G Webb House, Cnr Boundary & Victoria Streets, Hamilton
10am Raglan Area School 6.30pm 7pm Te Uku Church Pastor Roger Peart ph 07 825 5199
eCoast has put together a group of experts that will look at the breaks at Manu Bay, Auckland’s Piha Beach, ‘The Bar’ at Whangamata, ‘Pines’ at Gisborne’s Wainui Beach, Lyall Bay in Wellington, and Aramoana and Whareakeake (also known as Murdering Bay) near Dunedin. Co-director Ed Atkin says eCoast, University of Waikato scientist Associate Professor Karen Bryan and two independent consultants have received about $1.2 million from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment’s 2015 science investment programme for the three year study. Entitled Remote Sensing, Classification and Management Guidelines for Surf Breaks of National and Regional Significance, the study will use remote camera imagery, underwater topography, wind and wave conditions and user information to look at how surf breaks work from a physical,
social and cultural perspective. Ed says the end product will be a set of management guidelines for the surf breaks. The group also plans to develop a website where all the data and knowledge they gather can be freely accessed. Very little data is currently available on New Zealand’s surf breaks, but this study shows a recognition of their importance as social and economic resources that need to be protected, Ed says. “Yet there is essentially no baseline quantitative information on which to base any management decisions. This project will change that and serve as a model for others to follow in terms of surf break protection and the protection of recreational resources in general.” The work will also support the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010, which calls for the protection of 17 surf breaks of national significance and directs regional councils to have regard for the significant features of these important surf breaks. “If we can look at the breaks in a scientific and quantitative way, it just makes coastal resource management a whole lot easier,” Ed said. “Surf breaks mean a lot to New Zealand.”
Another benefit will be that data from the study will also provide useful information for future developers and prospectors. When the researchers were deciding which breaks to study, Whale Bay also came up as a potential candidate, but Manu Bay had better access, crowds and vantage points. The two Dunedin breaks are already being monitored as part of another project so they are included for that reason. Lyall Bay is the only break in the study not already protected under the coastal policy statement, but is included because it is one of the most significant learner or “nursery” breaks in New Zealand, Ed stated. Rachel Benn
Raglan Community Te Kohao Health Medical Centre hao HealthYour Medical Clinic The Raglan Amigos rip into another win Nau Mai Haere Mai
Raglan, Te Kohao Health our Medical Clinic
All Welcome
Poihakena Marae All Welcome 216 Wainui Rd, Raglan 218 Monday,-Wednesday, Friday Friday 9.00am - -4.30pm 08.30am 5.00pm e Free after hours telephone triage service Raglan day, Friday Phone: (07) 825 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 Email: elephone triage service Te Kohao Health 0197 Fax: (07) 825 0956 180 Dey St, Hamilton Monday - Friday 8.30 - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30 - 12.00pm Free after hours telephone triage service ilton Phone: (07) 856 1211 8.30 - 5.00pm 2.00pm Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison elephone triage service 1211
u Mai Haere Mai
Dedicated in the memory of Dr Tom Ellison
Dr. Fiona Bolden Dr. Rebekah Doran Dr. Mike Loten
A Raglan Area School team has won the junior snowboarding title for the second year running at the recent North Island Primary School Ski Champs at Whakapapa. The four Year 5 snowboarders that make up the Raglan Amigos achieved good enough individual placings in the giant slalom to give the team a collective win. The team is made up of twins Leeto and Eli Hughes, who were in last year’s winning team, with new members Txema Mazet-Brown and George Loten. “Yes, they did really well competing against the Year 6s,” says the twins’
12 Wallis St PO Box 164 RAGLAN
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4 RAGLAN Chronicle
Title winners: The Raglan Amigos with medals from left: Leeto Hughes, Txema Mazet-Brown, George Loten and Eli Hughes
mum, Kath Hughes. “I think what helped their case was that they’re all strong snowboarders, rather than just having one or two that carry the team through.” A senior RAS snowboarding team did not place. Four days are set aside for the competition to allow time for the giant slalom, boarder cross and slope style events. But bad weather this year meant only one day of competition could go ahead. “They felt ripped off they couldn’t do the boarder cross – but they were very proud of themselves for winning it again,” Kath says. The Raglan Amigos have been invited to compete against a local junior team
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next week at Ohakune when the secondary schools have their events. The team will be able to compete on the same course and hone their competitive skills. The growth and significance of snowboarding will be recognised at next year’s primary school champs when the competition will split into ski events and snowboarding events, with a week set aside for each. “It’s really good because the snowboarders were just being tacked on to the end [of the North Island Primary School Champs] and it was frustrating for the growing group of snowboarders,” Kath explains. Rachel Benn
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Toogood to play the Yotty
A series of Q & A’s with the youth in Raglan
We have a series of great shows/bands coming up in the next 4 weeks, quite possibly the best 4 weeks ever in The Yot Club history. This Saturday brings a double header with Strangely Arousing and Brendon Thomas and The Vibe. Strangely Arousing are the band you hear jamming at Whale Bay sometimes. What I can tell you is these guys are unmissable a tight funky 6 piece who rock like a young Supergroove as the 100 or so people that saw them a month ago at The Yot will agree. Brendon Thomas and the Vibe are the band who were runners up on The X Factor but impressed all with their extreme musicianship and soulful singing. The Friday afterwards the 25th brings one of The Countries top bands ‘A Hori Buzz’ to town. Hori Buzz are fronted by Aaron Tokona who has headed bands Weta and Cairo Knifefight and is one of, if not, the Countries top rock guitarist. Caught these guys on the weekend and you do not want to miss this gig. Searing musicianship great songs and one of the countries most ‘out there’ front men. Cheaper tickets at the Yot. This will sell out I reckon. Saturday the 3rd October brings alternative rock bands The Situations, Lowest Fidelity and the Transistors. As previous visitors to the Yotty, The Situations and the Lowest Fidelity have always bought the goods. It is The Transistors first visit however. Pretty much every person I know that has seen them has told me to see them,
This week the Chronicle caught up with Jay Byrne-Brodie. What school do you go to? Fraser high school Do you have a part time job? Where? I’m a Part time Barista at Raglan Roast for almost 2 years. What do you like to do? so I reckon this Christchurch band are not to be missed. Another huge one on Saturday the 10th October. It is a gig that will be done a little differently. Jon Toogood from Shihad will be playing an acoustic gig on a tour of smaller venues in New Zealand, playing a collection of Shihad songs, adult songs and a range of songs that have influenced him. Doors will open at 7. Jon is on stage at 8. Tickets are limited and on sale at the Yot and online for $40. After Jon we will be having what is in my mind the Countries top ska band Surrey Boudit returning to Raglan. Your ticket to Jon Toogood will allow you to stay for Surrey Boudit. Otherwise you can come along and just see Surrey Boudit from 10. This is a world class gig and if you can do both than just ‘do it’ I reckon. Every other weekend night the Yot Club is open with Djs, free pool, nice food and surf-snow-skate coverage. Andy Meek.
Locals cast in updated Evita The Hamilton Operatic Society’s rendition of Evita, premieres at Clarence Street Theatre this Saturday 19th September (and runs through to 3 October). The show, which features two locals, Niamh Cowley Connolly and Kersten Hickman, stars approximately 40 cast and dancers from Hamilton and small surrounding towns. The lead role, Eva Peron, is played by Rebecca Wright from Auckland – who starred in the New Zealand touring production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’ “Starlight Express” during 2009. It will be the first show performed at Clarence Street Theatre since the Hamilton City Council gifted the theatre to Clarence Street Theatre Trust. It will also be the 175th production staged by the society at this premises; not to mention, the most expensive. The show tells the story of Argentine political leader Eva Peron, the second wife of
The Ones
I like to do art; painting, photography, make clothes. My main focus is fashion design so that all fits really well together. I also am really into music as well and go for an odd skate and surf too. Who do you look up to? In the fashion industry I would say Rick Owens as he has created his own look and approach to design not only in clothing but also he ranges from home ware to installations as well. What’s the benefit of living in Raglan? It’s a really great place to make connections with people who are interested in things that you are into and also to meet new people. After a while everybody knows each other too which creates a strong sense of community too. What music gets you on the dancefloor? Nirvana, Cult Mountain, GBE, Maxo Kream, Flatbush Zombies, Skepta, Sticky Fingers, Black Flag, Turnstile. I’m into a lot of music so it really depends on my mood. Best thing about social media? Seeing what things people make or are into across the world, the internet is the biggest platform for creative individuals at the moment and it’s a great place to find inspiration for coming projects. Worst thing about social media? The anti-social aspect and dependency that people have on it. Who should run the country? I don’t really know enough about politics to have an informed decision on things like that, need to do more research on that topic, but I’d say the green party seem to have pretty great policies.
Kersten Hickman
What is the biggest issue facing the world right now?
President Juan Peron, and features well-known numbers like Don’t Cry for Me Argentina and High Flying Adored. It was adapted for film in 1996, starring Madonna and Antonio Banderas.
Once again I’m not an economist or anything like that but poverty is a massive issue and is linked to so many problems; homelessness, disease, and many others and I think It’s a very hard cycle to break.
Kia ora aku hoa, i roto i te ingoa o to tatou Kaiwhakaora, o Ihu Karaiti. Ko Georgina Ripia (nee Hamiora) ahau. I was the fifth of 13 children. My parents named me Pakitea – 'the day has dawned'! Mother came from Ngati Haua. I remember her praying, explaining that there is a God and that He cares for us. Her whole lifestyle was such an example to me. My Father was from Tuwharetoa tribe in Taupo. When I was 10, and my youngest sister only 9 months old, our Mother died. With such a large family to care for Dad decided to send seven of us to the Children's Home in Marton. There the staff led us in devotions morning and night. I attended Turakina Maori Girls College, and later trained to teach te reo Maori at Secondary School level. I attended a lot of Christian hui and valued serving my Lord. At one of these hui I met my future husband, Joe Ripia. I was drawn to him because he was prepared to study the Word and obey it. For me this was so natural.
The country you would most like to visit? There are a lot of places and cultures I would like to experience but I think I would love to go to France. Sisteron looks beautiful along with the alps and of course Paris too. Best book you’ve ever read? Trainspotting You have the exact same meal for the next 12 months. What’s your pick? Some type of curry with naan bread, probably a chicken Korma be?
If you were an animal what would you
I’d like to think a wolf, but it would be super cool to fly like an eagle or something. If you were a car, what would you be? Ferrari 250 gt I really crack up when…. Any of the bros are round and cracking jokes. What gives you the creeps? Spiders What two things would be on your desert island? ‘ Boat with copious amounts of petrol and a care package of food for 12 months Favorite website? Youtube In 10 years I see myself… As a menswear designer somewhere interesting, probably New York.
Joe was employed by Ralph Forlong to do cartage work. When Forlongs moved to Raglan we also transferred there. Our family grew. At one point I had 4 of my own, plus three nieces and nephews all under 5 years! Motherhood was a great privilege, but also a responsibility – the children needed to know Jesus. We started Sunday School in a lean-to at the back of the house. When numbers of keen, curious children reached thirty, I prayed for bigger premises. The Forlongs supplied a lean-to on Taipari Ave. Later a group of locals built the Gospel Chapel there. What a joy to have 80 to 100 attending. Jesus Christ has been marvellous to me. I have just celebrated 86 fantastic years, and He has guided all my days. The Word of God has great power. Without that I wouldn't be here. I love to sing the message that Jesus is alive. “If God be for us who can be against us?” Romans 8:31. All praise to His Holy Name! Kia kaha i roto i te ingoa nui me te aroha tino nui o Ihu Karaiti. Georgina Ripia
Contact: Anglican Jan Mitchell 825 5122, Surfside Ps Roger Peart 825 5199, Activate Ps Andrew Roughton 825 6563, Union Ps Doug Stephenson 825 8276
This is a paid feature from combined churches in Raglan. The opinions and views expressed are those of the individuals and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or publishers of the Chronicle
RAGLAN Chronicle 5
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Dispensary: digestive health
Did you know a sore throat can lead to rheumatic fever? Get your child’s sore throat checked at a general practice, pharmacy, pathlab or anywhere you see this logo
Raglan Service Herbal Dispensary’s Sam and Kirsty with plenty of healthy product options
A bacteria living within our digestive
re you aware that we have more
system than we have cells in our body?
Ten times as many! The bacteria that live within us exert a significant influence on our health that we are only just beginning to understand. The following can negatively impact our microbiota (human bacteria) balance • Antibiotics • Reflux medications • Low fibre diet • High sugar diet • Alcohol • Stress • Gastro intestinal infections There are two categories of food (and supplements) that can help restore a balanced microbiota: Pre biotics: foods that help feed the already existing bacteria in our gut to promote growth. Include these in your daily diet. Examples: • Yoghurt-(dairy or coconut) aim for one
• • • • •
that is full fat, unsweetened and has no artificial flavours. Miso-fermented soybeans that make a rich paste, which can be added to soups, marinades and sauces. Sauerkraut-fermented cabbage, which has a long history in Eastern Europe. Kimchi - A Korean dish similar to sauerkraut but spicy Kombucha - a fermented drink made from black tea and a ‘scoby’. Tempeh - fermented whole soybeans similar to tofu but nuttier. Can be added to stirfries, and other vegetarian dishes.
Hours of operation
West Coast Health 2004 Ltd Mon,Tue,Thu 8am-7pm & Wed,Fri 8am-5pm Raglan Pathlab
Mon-Fri 9am-4pm
For more information about rheumatic fever, and how it can affect you visit
Pro biotics: supplements with a variety of live bacteria which benefit our health. Beneficial for digestive problems or after antibiotic use. We stock all of these pre biotic foods at The Herbal Dispensary and one of our qualified naturopaths can give you advice on what probiotic is best for you. The Herbal Dispensary & Organic Food Store. Ph: 8257444
Legendary Raglan Mudsharks coming back to town The Legendary Raglan Mudsharks are having another party. With a line-up boasting an impressive array of musicians needing little introduction; the father and son bass/drums ’engine room’ of Sid and Freddie Limbert, Midge Marsden (harp and vocals), Dave Maybee (guitar and vocals), Liam Ryan (keyboards and vocals), Gary “Mr Tasteful’ Verberne (guitar) and Peter Skandera (harp). Plus local jazz group Brass, Rhythm and Reeds (formerly known as WestCoast Jazz) featuring Greg Taylor (keyboards and trombone), Grant Mason (trumpet and flugal horn), Bill Forrest (tenor, alto and soprano sax), and Freddie Limbert (drums) with Jack Porima (upright bass). The night will kick off around 8.00pm, with both the old and new “Raglan By The Sea introducing the Legendary Mudsharks” doco’s Advertorial
playing on the Club’s large screen systems, this followed by a ‘cool jazz’ set from Brass, Rhythm and Reeds, then the Mudsharks will hit the stage with their unique blend of blues, southern swamp and country, all of this driven by the ‘finely tuned’ horn section and keys from Brass, Rhythm and Reeds … “You know every Mudshark Monday People come out from the hills They get on down to Bow Street And forget about their bills … They do the Bow Street Boogie It’s a slow street goodie Kick off your shoes, you can’t lose, Do the Bow Street Boogie … tonight“ (Sid Limbert) Raglan Club Fri 16 Oct, 2015. 8.00pm $20 pre-sales, $25 door sales from the Raglan Club
RAGLAN Chronicle 7
MathZwise: business award winner arrives in town
Neverland setting for children’s theatre group production A fairies… Peter Pan is coming to ttention all those who believe in
Local Jules McLeod and Mathzwise owner/operator Jean McKenzie
athzwise Te Awamutu is an exciting maths tutoring programme which offers students the opportunity to improve or extend themselves in mathematics. It has a tutor to student ratio of 1 to 2 for primary, high school students and beyond. Primary level MathZwise provides each child with a one hour lesson with steps of learning including times tables, revision, problem solving, new strategy learning and games. Alternatively the secondary student lessons are flexible thus meeting the needs of the student for both internal and external assessments. Recent winners of the ‘New and Emerging Excellence in Business Award’ for Waipa we are a professional business dedicated to meeting the needs of students. Why? • MathZwise is the only after school tuition programme which focusses Advertorial
8 RAGLAN Chronicle
exclusively on Mathematics and is linked to the NZ Curriculum • Each programme is individual which allows students to work at their own rate • We are here to solve your worries! Who ? • Jules McLeod joins the MathZwise team based in Raglan at the Community House to work with Primary students. Jules has a Post Graduate Diploma in HR, Degree in Education and Sport and holds a NZQA 4098 Assessor Certificate. She is a positive, patient and highly motivated Tutor! • We are also seeking a Secondary level tutor (currently only available in Te Awamutu) “I am thrilled to be opening this branch of MathZwise Te Awamutu with Jules’s expertise and knowledge.” Jean McKenzie, MathZwise Te Awamutu Owner / Operator. Contact us on Mob 0211335161 or www.
Raglan Children’s Theatre: Drama Trix is putting on a production of the children’s classic fairytale, Peter Pan, at the end of the month at the Raglan Town Hall. Twenty-six children, from six to 13 years, have been practicing long and hard to recreate the story, says local drama teacher Ruth Hare. The young actors, who all go to Ruth’s classes, have helped adapt the story and have helped with the other production details like sound, lighting, costumes and props. “I think doing a big show like this gives them a good platform to use all the skills they’ve gained in class,” Ruth says. The children are all excited about the three performances of Peter Pan they will give on September 26 and 27, after putting in hours of work to learn lines and to do rehearsals over the past 12 weeks, she says. Rachel Benn
Tom Hannon as Captain Hook Tickets for Peter Pan are available from Trade Aid: adults $8 and children $5. Shows will be held on Saturday, September 26 at 1pm and 6pm, and at 1pm on Sunday, September 27.
SUPPORT OUR SUPPORTERS! The businesses and individuals advertising in the Raglan Chronicle are participating not only to promote their businesses, but to show their support for our community paper – so be sure to tell them you saw them in the Raglan Chronicle. Local businesses are the foundation of our community - and they make it possible for us to bring the Raglan Chronicle to you.
RAGLAN Chronicle 9
P L U M B I N G & G A S LT D Grant Mathis 07 825 0523 or 027 222 0156 Solar Power
021 945 997 or 07 825 0214
Offering a reliable, friendly service combined with quality workmanship.
PO BOX 32273
PH Pete: 0274 302 890
• Qualified builder • Landscaping • Lawn Mowing • Garden Care • Chainsaw Work
• Chipper/ Shredder • Water Blasting • Painting • Decorating • Carpet Cleaning
Nick & Kerin Hardie: 07 825 6886 / 027 425 6886
RAGLAN ENGINEERING LTD For all your Welding and Metalwork needs, as well as Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings, pay a visit to Peter at Raglan Engineering.
Stefan Frew 022 676 3081
Commercial Residential Rural / Farming
Registered Electrician
Electrical and Heat Pumps
Mark Milner 027 772 7595
Contact Peter on 825-8486 or see him 8am-5pm at 2 Park Drive, Raglan
FENCING RaglanEngineeringAd.indd 1
4/10/07 3:17:13 PM
• • • •
Contact for FREE QUOTE
mobile 021 263 8698
REFRIGERATION Talk to the Experts: commeRcial RefRiGeRation ltd Richard, Trish and Glenn Flower
2.5m3³to 4.5m3³Capacity House & Garage Clean-Outs • Renovation & Building Sites
• Service and Sales - Air Conditioning and Refrigeration • 24 hours - 7 days • Fujitsu heat pumps • All Farm Vat Refrigeration
07 825 6509 027 208 6742
Richard 027 4460 361 Glenn 027 4809 765 a/hrs ph 825 2640 fax 825 2122
P: 021 127 5486 E: DRIPFREE@XTRA.CO.NZ
For advertising inquiries: Contact the Raglan Chronicle on 07 825 7076 or email us at:
10 RAGLAN Chronicle
WED 23 SEP R A G L A N RAMBLERS 9am from Wainui Rd car park next to the fire station - Kakepukubring lunch. B U D G E T ASSISTANCE @ Raglan Community House. Phone 825 8142 for an appointment. Become a Budget Service client and be eligible for a Bargain Basement 50% off clothing voucher.
BAD JELLY THE WITCH @ RAGLAN TOWN HALL Presented by Waitetuna School. 22nd Sept. 12:30pm, 23rd Sept. 6:30pm. Tix from Waitetuna School or Raglan Social Club. PETER PAN @ RAGLAN TOWN HALL 26th Sept. 1pm & 6:30pm and 27th Sept. 1pm. Presale tix via dramatrixkids@ HEALING ROOMS 2nd & 4th Thurs @ Plunket Rooms, 11am – 12.30pm.
RAGLAN LIGHT EXERCISE GROUP. “Making a Difference” Light exercise sessions: Mondays & Thursdays 10am. St. Peter’s Church Hall, Bow St. All welcome.
$25 per year $400 accumulating draw every Friday Live entertainment most Fridays Left Hand Break Restaurant – Excellent meals at reasonable prices (group bookings welcome) Pool darts Snooker Gaming & TAB Family Friendly plus BBQ area Big Screen Courtesy Vans Wed-Sun.
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Open Late Fri & Sat What’s On @ Rock-It checkout rockitraglan Facebook 248 Wainui Rd 825 8233
FRI 18 @ ROCK-IT: Joe Wilson, Albert Ross. Acoustic vibes. 9pm, koha. FRI 18 @ YOT CLUB: Resident DJ, great music, free pool, surf skate, kiting vids, free entry.
Courses, classes & workshops PERMACULTURE D E S I G N C E R T I F I C AT E COURSE Solscape 4th-18th October Tutors – Rick & Liz and the Raglan Permaculture C o m m u n i t y Registrations open until Sept 20th (This Sunday) More info www. or call 825 8268 MAINLY MUSIC FOR PRESCHOOLERS Every Mon & Wed. 9:30AM @ Te Uku Church Hall $3 per family. All welcome. Ph. Surfside 825 5199 for more details.
RAGLAN FILM FESTIVAL at the Old School in Stewart St
17 to 19
Thursday 17- 4.30pm, Friday 18- 8.00pm Rating M sex scenes, offensive language, drug use.
WALKING THE CAMINO Thursday 17- 8.00pm Rating RG Coarse Lang.
TOMORROW WE DISAPPEAR Friday 18- 4.30pm Documentary Exempt.
RAFFA AWARDS NIGHT Saturday 19- 7.00pm
For Sale TRACTOR $2,200 Boat tractor for sale at Raglan. Massey Ferguson 1960s 4-cylinder diesel, reliable though hard starting unless the battery is fully charged Good tires. Galvanised rims. Three point hitch. Unregistered and no current wof, but no difficulties expected. Ph. Guff France 855 7728 or email
Pick up a Film Festival guide from the Old School or at the i-SITE. Check out
HOME FOR SALE 3-4 Bedroom c h a r a c t e r bungalow plus 2 bedroom cottage.
Reserves phone 825 0023
For Sale
For Sale
F I R E W O O D DRY Leggings 30% OFF MANUKA $130m3 delivered Feels like Summer instore ph 027 3619022 0273626004 New Portugal made or
T r a d e M e #947719398. Ph. 027 839 7208.
Liquido Yoga/Active
Sandals & Espadrilles, Denim shorts & shirting
+ All MENS TEE’S 20% OFF this week
In My Good Books Quality 2nd hand books Open Thurs - Sun from 10am 2 Wallis St Books wanted.
BEEHIVE SITES WANTED For land SAT 19TH @ YOT near Kanuka/bush. questions CLUB: Live music Any or inquiries Strangely Arousing, contact Bevan on Brendon Thomas 0211661465. and the Vibe, funk E M P L O Y M E N Tsoul Rock n Roll D e s p e r a t e l y looking for work from 9 pm cleaning sections, lawn mowing, rubbish cleaning, looking after the environment. S u s t a i n a b i l i t y, looking after animals. Ph. David C L A S S I C A L GUITAR LESSONS Abraham 021 035 available from a 5484. qualified professional with university teaching experience. Lessons held at the Old School Arts Centre. $30 for half an hour or $50 for an hour. All levels including beginner welcomed. Starting beginning of October. Limited numbers. Phone Sue Court 07 560 4973 / 022 1714 122 F R E E INTRODUCTORY M E D I TAT I O N W O R K S H O P. Saturday 19th September at Raglan Town Hall Supper Room. 4-530pm. Registration essential. Contact Daniel 021831382. Offered by the Auckland Sri Chinmoy Centre For Sale
FIREWOOD MANUKA DRY $130m3 delivered ph 027 3619022 or 0273626004 Garage Sale
21 WALLIS S T R E E T Sat 19th. 10-3pm, Lots of treasures. 24 UPPER BOW STREET Sept. 19th 9am. Down sizing, furniture, lots of stuff. Commercial To Let SELF STORAGE
Contact Ray & Sheryl Ker
4005 SH23, Raglan Ph: (07) 825 6560 Mob: 027 2022 575
INDUSTRIAL YARD FOR RENT. F I R E W O O D Could add building DRY Native if required. Ph. Bob $160, Gum $160. 021 825 869
6x6 Delivered. Ph 0210771524.
Services Offered
Independent Homecare Provider Delwyn Abbott M: 027 452 6787
Public Notices
R A G L A N C O M M U N I T Y, Thank you for your love and support during our brother Lindsays illness. - Slade Whanau. M AT H Z W I S E Maths Tuition Available in Raglan Jean McKenzie 0211 33 5161
To Let
1 BDRM, OPEN FIRE, New carpet, water views, $15.36+gst per insert private courtyard, off-street parking, RUAPUKE fruit trees, 25m M AT H ZCAMP WISE MOTOR from waters edge • Peace and Maths Tuition and 2 mins flat tranquility NOW available in walk to shops. • Surfing, fishing, Raglan Avail 22/9. $230/ bush walks new entrant - year 6 wk. Be quick! • Cabins, powered Jean McKenzie Phone Melanie sites, tent sites 0211 33 5161 now 021 760 468 PH 07 8256800
Situations Vacant
RAGLAN AREA$20.48+gst per insert LET’S GROW SCHOOLSCHOOL EARLY LEARNCLEANER ING CENTRE’S We are looking for a ART highly motivated, ANNUAL EXHIBITION AT reliable, suitably experienced person ROCK-IT CAFE. to fill a position in our All artwork will be cleaning team. The hours will be Monday on display from to Friday between the 14th of Sep3pm – 5.30pm (12.5 tember with the hours per week). art auction kicking Key Attributes: off at 4.30pm on - A passion for presentation; Sunday the 20th - Team player; of September.All - Enviro conscious; proceeds from the - Self-motivating. To request an art auction will go Information Pack to the Raglan Toy contact, or to apply for this position send Library. your CV to Lorna Eason, Raglan Area ITS NOT COOL School, P O Box 80, TO BULLY IN Raglan 3265. SCHOOL
THE RAGLAN O U T D O O R BOWLING CLUB is looking for a person interested in doing the Casual Catering for our Tournaments. The is is mainly to do the morning and afternoon teas, and during the four winter months to do the lunches as well. Tea and coffee are served at lunch times too. The job includes the preparation, serving of food and cleaning up of the dishes etc afterwards. Interested persons to contact Ruth Rawlinson on 07 825 7142 or 027 2063171 before Sunday 20th September.
Public Notices
Raglan Violence Prevention and Awareness
RAGLAN Chronicle 11
RAGLAN REAL ESTATE Open Homes Saturday 2pm - 9c East Street
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
AUCTION Fri 3 February 2012 - 6pm Ray White Office, 21 Bow St, Raglan rd
12 Karioi Crescent NEW BEGINNINGS
Solid brick 3 brm family home in rural setting
• 2 Storey House In 2 Legal Flats
Office & rumpus, single garage, internal access
• 2 Brm Flat Upstairs / 3 Brm Flat Downstairs • Panoramic Harbour & Mountain Views
Plumbed shed (potential ancillary unit), well planted garden
5 0.1 1 . E 7 : 1 NSIT N IO O CT 0PM U A 1:3
Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN
Saturday 11am 297 Te Papatapu Road
Stylishly redecorated this tidy little home has all you need. With two bedrooms inside the house and an additional room outside you will enjoy the open plan living and fully fenced section. Relax on the lovely decking while enjoying the easy care section. Ideal opportunity for you to enter the fastgrowing market in Raglan! Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME
Sun drenched open plan living & decks Large paved entertainment area Double garaging with internal access
Saturday 1pm 23a Violet Street
Solid brick 3 brm family home in rural setting Office & rumpus, single garage, internal access Plumbed shed (potential ancillary unit), well planted garden 3973m² fenced & ready for a new family
Saturday 1pm 6 Violet Street
Prior Auction offers considered.
4 bedroom home with endless options Wonderful family home Modern new kitchen Large double garaging and workshop Large shade houses with irrigation throughout 1212m² of land Prior Auction offers considered.
This 3 bedroom weatherboard home has many great features: Double garaging 2 bedrooms with ensuite + family bathroom Native timber flooring Private off road location Just a walk to the beach, on the bus route. Wonderful family home/ investment/ rental (Currently rented $300/wk) Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME
Saturday 1pm 10 Violet Street
Located close to town & beach. This is a 2 bedroom immaculate home, fully lockable garage with power. Elevated and sunny, only minutes to the nearest beach & town centre. The house has polished timber flooring, is fully insulated, newly roofed, newly painted and has a newly decked spa pool area. The easy care, fully fenced section will make this home a pleasure to live in. Prior Auction offers considered. Sunday 1pm ID#RAG20968 19 Manukau Road
3 dble brms + office, entertainers kitchen
Sun drenched open plan living & decks
Saturday 2pm 55 Government Road
Large paved entertainment area Double garaging with internal access
150 Whaanga Road
Prior Auction offers considered
• 2 homes on 1 freehold title 2 houses, 2 incomes – 2 two bedroom houses Income opportunity here Superbly located – sea views, easy walk to town and harbour Ideal accommodation investment – live in one, rent out the other! Prior Auction offers considered.
There are lots of good tenants looking at the moment.
Board and batten rustic house plus a separate large barn with adjoining carport - ideal as a workshop/ studio. The main house has one large bedroom which could be converted into two; plus one single bedroom/ office area. Huge potential for improvement. 7253m² section Established orchard and extensively planted. Listen to the sound of the surf - Very close access to beach and surf, only minutes to Raglan town. Prior Auction Offers considered. Phone now for an appointment to view.
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: Email:
380 Whaanga Rd
ID#RAG22460 3
1 & 1a Long St
ID#RAG20147 3
OPEN HOME 150 Whaanga Road
SO MUCH ON OFFER AUCTION THIS SAT HERE5 o’clock $499,000 Saturday 21 January, Ray W
ID#RAG22402 2
• Enjoy the great views from this elevated 3 bedroom home • All the work has been completed, just add your own landscaping touches • Located in a lovely quiet cul-de-sac with harbour views from the large sunny deck • The low maintenance will mean you have plenty of time to enjoy the vista of native bush, park, harbour and Te Akau.
• View this unique and flexible property which offers so much • 2 bedroom unit on large, landscaped section • Lots of potential for future development • The options are many, the choice is yours!
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Graham Rope 021 222 7427
87a Houchen Rd
ID#RAG22448 3
EMERALD HILLS $195,000 • 5006sqm of sun soaked lifestyle • Elevated with panoramic views of lush, rolling farmland and the majestic Mount Karioi • Te Mata school just around the corner • Easy commute to Raglan township and the beautiful Ruapuke beach.
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
Dave Hanna 027 614 6722
Saturday 12PM - 18 Seabreeze Way Saturday 2PM - 12 Karioi Crescent
21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 Fax: 07 825 7410 Website: Email:
12 RAGLAN Chronicle
• This property has so much potential with two dwellings, providing excellent home and income options. • A character bungalow featuring 3 bedrooms with spacious living area, separate dining and kitchen is awaiting your personal touch to restore this house to its former glory • Also on the same title is a separate, two level 1 bedroom cute cottage • Situated on 943m2 and close walking distance to town 21 Bow St, Raglan Phone: 07 825 8669 • This property will be sought after so call now to view!
21a Government Rd
Rarely does a property of this quality come on the market. The well designed home has a real feeling of warmth and space. The open plan kitchen and dining get the most amazing uninterrupted view of the Tasman. The home is powered using a very reliable alternative power source. Situated on 13.9 hectares with about 2 hectares in pine trees planted in 1995 and the remaining 11 hectares in grass and bush, lovely rocky bottom stream with waterfalls and waterholes. There are also two separate lots of accommodation that are included with the purchase of this property. This property is situated only minutes from the famous Manu and Whale Bay surf breaks. Only 14 kms from Raglan with all it has to offer, great shopping, cafes and people.
this weekend 19th & 20th of September
Graham Rope 021 222 7427
ID#RAG22422 4
A slice of Raglan’s best real estate nestled into native bush surrounds near Whale Bay. Master bedroom has its own private decking and huge views. 2nd room/ storage/ laundry/ studio. Open plan living with cosy wood burner with wet back & sun drenched decking enjoying gorgeous ocean and bush views. Hide away, holiday ambiance. Situated on 1258m². Sunday 1pm
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282
ID#RAG22432 4
Located close to town & beach. This is a 2 bedroom immaculate home, fully lockable garage with power. Elevated and sunny, only minutes to the nearest beach & town centre. The house has polished timber flooring, is fully insulated, newly roofed, newly painted and has a newly decked spa pool area. The easy care, fully fenced section will make this home a pleasure to live in. Prior Auction offers considered. Sunday 1pm ID#RAG20968 19 Manukau Road
PHONE: 07 825 8640 / 021 0200 7665
• This is a beautifully presented home with vast decking providing the ultimate foundation for sunny afternoons taking in the views of the sea • Spacious and stylish kitchen flows to the open plan living and dining areas • 2 bedrooms upstairs and 1 downstairs provide plenty of space and options for extended living with the downstairs room having its own ensuite • 3 heat pumps large double garage and additional external storage shed
23 Seabreeze Way
448 Wainui Road
View Open Home Saturday 12PM or by appointment
Saturday 1pm 10 Violet Street
Julie Hanna 027 441 8964 ID#RAG20984 Blair Hanna 021 0200 8282 Phone now for an appointment to view
18 Seabreeze Way
Sunday 2pm 16 Stewart Street
Saturday 1pm 23a Violet Street
This 3 bedroom weatherboard home has many great features: Double garaging 2 bedrooms with ensuite + family bathroom Native timber flooring Private off road location Just a walk to the beach, on the bus route. Wonderful family home/ investment/ rental (Currently rented $300/wk) Prior Auction offers considered. OPEN HOME
Sunday 1pm 1 Seabreeze Way
A slice of Raglan’s best real estate nestled into native bush surrounds near Whale Bay. Master bedroom has its own private decking and huge views. 2nd room/ storage/ laundry/ studio. Open plan living with cosy wood burner with wet back & sun drenched decking enjoying gorgeous ocean and bush views. Hide away, holiday ambiance. Situated on 1258m². Sunday 1pm
Character cottage Situated on flat 797m2 section OPEN HOME • Small sleep out • Water views AUCTION THIS SATURDAY!! 5 o’clock Saturday 21 January, Ray White Office. Be There!!! • Walking distance to town and beach
Saturday 11am 297 Te Papatapu Road
Fabulous family living / Easy care garden
Four double bedroom home on 625m² Two large living areas, 2 ½ bathrooms Fantastic designer kitchen, entertainer’s oven Large family area flows out to sunny deck or alfresco dining Glorious Mtn views, magnificent sunsets & a glimpse of the harbour. Prior Auction offers considered.
View Open Home Saturday 2PM or by appointment OPEN HOME
• •
AUCTION Fri 3rd February 2012 - 6pm Ray
3 dble brms + office, entertainers kitchen
Raglan Real Estate Ltd Licenced (REAA 2008)
Saturday 12pm 335 Wainui Road
Fabulous family living / Easy care garden
• Single Garage & Storage Shed
Prior Auction offers considered
• 2 Acre + Lifestyle Block – Prime Location
3973m² fenced & ready for a new family Prior Auction offers considered.
Sunday 2pm - 69d Otonga Valley Rd
Fax: 07 825 7410