Vi. Mindful living By Raha

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Vi - Technology for life This is a report and process book on the development of the Vi concept which was the result of an eight months thesis period at the OCADU, Ontario College of Art and Design University. Authur and Designer: Raha Rouhollahi With the help and guidance of Alexande Manu, Thesis Advisor and Strategic Innovation Practitioner and Bernhard Dietz Presented at the 2018 Graduate Exhibition To learn more about my and my projects please visit


Table of contents INTRODUCTION

Acknowledgement About me Foreword Abstract Triggers Departure Points

3 5 8 11 13 15


Behavioral Motives Interviews Trends Research Synthesis

32 37 39 41


Decisions Problems Bernullis’ Formula Innitial Mapping OODA Loop D8 Loop Intention

45 51 55 56 59 61


Hypothesis Methodology Conceptual Synthesis True Value Vision Design Departure Points

67 69 75 77 79 81


Vi Products Branding Technology Nowable UI Design Process Prototype Details

85 89 95 103 113 115 123 125


Personas Stakeholders / Impact Experience Map Value Proposition Business Model Canvas Reflection

137 139 141 143 145 147




Acknowledgement Paulo Coelho once said, “when you want something’ the whole world conspires in your favor.� Today, I am honored to be able to vouch the verity of this claim as I am blessed to have been surrounded by incredible opportunities and individuals who have helped me make this happen. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge the lifelong effort of my parents in providing me with the opportunity to learn, experience and imagine. You have taught me never to stop dreaming, and that anything is possible with hard work. Thank you for encouraging me to make my visions come true, for being my backbone, my source of empowerment, my comfort-zone and my most honest critiques. To my brother who has taught me that no dream is too big or small and who has shown me that love is endless and there is no limit to forgiveness. You push me every day to become a better person. You are the best gift I ever got. To Alexander Manu, my design mentor and innovation guru. Thank you for enlightening my life with your brilliance and guidance. You have transformed my work by opening doors to my mind I never knew even existed. And to Bernhard Dietz and all my other instructors over the years who have so kindly shared their experience, skills, and knowledge with me. To my intelligent, beautiful and caring best friends, Will Neeteson and Nazanin Minoei. Your passion, endeavor and believe in me inspires me to move forward with hope and optimism. I would not have been able to pull this off without your help and inputs.


To my grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends and family living in various places around the world. Our experiences together have turned into irrefutable inspirational memories that drive me forward. Thank you for your continuous believe in me. Last but not least, I dedicate this journal to my beloved aunt Soha who passed away during the process of this book. She is the source of my courage, patience, mercy, and kindness and a reminder that every moment counts. May the goodness of her heart be the guiding light of my life. Raha


About me Passionate about design, I strive to learn and to contribute to building a better future. I am curious, adventures and creative. I continuously look for ways in which we could improve our everyday life. I am a problem solver with a positive attitude and a smile that never goes away even when things get unbearable. Someone who is not afraid to think outside the box and maybe even break it when necessary. My passion for design has developed from traditional industrial and product design to the design and creation of interactive and meaningful experiences using both physical, digital and, conceptual possibilities. I love learning about scientific and technological discoveries, reading or watching science fiction and fiction, observing and engaging with interactive games and installing apps just for the heck of it. My days are full of ‘AHA’ moments and innovative thoughts, and I genuinely believe that anything we imagine is possible and therefore I am optimistic and look forward to the future we are building today.





Foreword My path to this subject hasn’t been an easy one. I am a victim of undecidedness, uncertainty, and insecurity. I started my thesis project when my instructor, Alexander Manu, asked me “What are you passionate about?”. After some thought, my answer to this was clothing, mainly because during a certain period when I felt left out, and insecure I found comfort and confidence in being able to decide on how and what to wear. It made me feel in control, relaxed and confident. This experience pushed my thesis subject towards creating an automated tool for assistance with clothing and wearables; from the shopping experience to the choice of everyday clothing to recycling. I eventually abandoned this concept as I felt it lacked depth and was moving away from my intention to bring comfort, confidence, and happiness. From apparel, I changed my subject to that of ‘self-actualization and pleasure’ aka; Happiness. While researching these points, I came across the importance of decision making and how it affects our behavior and quality of life. Looking back at it now, it seems that decision making has always been the heart of my thesis, yet it is only now that I realize it.


Who are we? Everyone has asked themselves, at least once, this question. This constant quest to finding our path is embedded within every one of us. To me, although the problem of origin is of little importance, who we are and where we are going are the two vital questions I believe to be the primary factors behind the shape our world and our part in it. Many philosophers and scientists have tried to come up with a definite answer, but the beauty of it is the countless numbers of answers to these questions. The truth is, there are no right or wrong answers, in fact, there is no answer at all. Instead of looking at each notion separately we must look at the relationship between the two. Our advanced minds give us the ability to redesign ourselves, our behaviors for ‘Who we are’ to correspond with our environment and ultimately to provide us with what we want. We can decide to be anything and to have everything.


Where are we going? The answer to this question changes parallel the advancement of humankind. We are bound by our needs and wants, and we dedicate ourselves to fulfilling them and therefore when we are transformed so do our needs and wants. If we compare a primitive human being to one of today, although both may have the similar physiological needs, how they perceive the outside world and what they want to achieve is very different. When we are born, we are nothing but a being with specific capabilities and an unutilized intelligence. Through this intelligence, we then learn to process information to fulfill these needs. How we go about doing that, then, depends on our environment and our beliefs, what we consider as value. Based off of the two later, we determine tasks, priorities, we make decisions, and we live in a world of our own choices. Therefore to find out the answer to this question of where are we going we must look nowhere else but at the choices, we are making. We are made of choices. We are the results of our own doing, our choices, our decisions. A better life is made off of better decisions.


Abstract The age of information has brought with it many possibilities. We get to travel to the depth of the ocean, look into the human body, communicate with people on the other side of the world in real time and answer every question within an instant. We can gather, store, process, and manage information in ways once thought impossible. With the help of this knowledge, we have created tools and platforms that make it easier for us to survive, fulfill our needs and reach our desires. And although every human being is unique and different, we all share an essential purpose: to become the best versions of ourselves to live fulfilling lives. What is standing between our desired self and us is our decisions. A decision is a conclusion reached or a choice made through the evaluation of information. Information is a tool referred to as ‘knowledge.’ This knowledge is only used to inform our decisions. However, we are no longer able to process all the information on our own, and therefore we have created tools that can handle and analyze it for us called technology. Information gathered, investigated and made useful by technological means are referred to as ‘DATA.’ Data is the ultimate tool of our time. It is expanding so exponentially that it is impossible for one to use it efficiently. Once upon a time, the problem was lack of access to adequate information and inaccessibility, yet now we have too much information and too many resources, too much to know and too many possibilities. It can be said that the abundance of data has become the distress itself. We are producing and being projected with all this data, leaving us overwhelmed, and tired with almost no room to breathe. When in fact, it can be used to make our lives easier. The Issue is having tied together tools of today with the systems of the past. We are stuck in the outdated models of transactions, data farming, and data


mining. We have not yet grasped the magnitude of possibilities and opportunities that are coming our way through this great tool. Data plays an essential role in our lives, as it shapes the way we interact, behave, and make decisions. To empower our decisions and lead them towards the direction of self-actualization we need to remodel the way we exchange, utilize and develop data towards a more Self-curated, self-directed model. A model that does not overshadow our instantaneous reality but one that adds to every experience by clarifying it, being nearly invisible itself. Henceforth, we need new methodologies and new frameworks of value creation that mends and redefines the relationship between data and individuals. To serve every individual exclusively, Data will become intelligent and self-directing as it is moving towards becoming more self-centric. When efficiently connected to us and transparent, data can help us truly understand the past and enhance our connection to the present in anticipation of the possible future. By having complete agency over our data, we can gain control over our lives, make better decisions and become Self Actualized. We are enabling self-actualization by empowering our decisions through unfolding the essence of each moment and curation of our intellectual acuity.



















The ultimate intention, the motivation behind every action we take. This concept can be found in industries such as the social media, entertainment, health and wellness and wearables.

A new form of consciousness that has its genesis in the amplified awareness of our devices and systems which is creating an information galaxy, verified by the advancement of IOT.

Data not just as the traditional, conventional thing we know it as but as a self aware, living organism capable of implementing novel changes to enhance our experiences.

The shift towards decluttering our visions from the unnecessary which can clearly be seen in the invention of monotonous tools and modest devices that emphasize on Focus.

Through Blockchain and the distributed networks is forming a multiverse networks of data, allowing us to perform transactions in an entirely new way and with certainty.


Value of self Now more than ever are we realizing that mass production and the mainstream has overshadowed our individuality, the only thing that makes us different from the rest of the species and robots. Which is why many companies and businesses are trying to breathe back into their systems; Individuality, The SELF. We might be able to answer the question of “who we are” as a whole, but that answer will be a general, summarised, broad understanding of our society. The fact is, to know who we are we need to look within. Just like fingerprints, we are each different in how to perceive the world, gain knowledge, set values, develop specific needs and makes decisions. Therefore our way of feeling fulfilled might be very different from one another. However, one thing we all have in common is that we all want to be seen, recognized and understood. We want to stand out and be unique, and social media has proved this to be true. We are all yearning for the same thing, and that is Self Actualisation. In his book “A theory of Human Motivation” Abraham Maslow introduces the hierarchy of needs and defines self-actualization as an organisms tendency to unleash its highest potentials but only after the fulfillment of all the necessary physical and mental needs. However, Carl Rogers explains self-actualization as an individual’s ongoing effort to enhance his/her concept of self through self-reflection in the confrontation with different experiences which then allows the self to grow and develop. Self-actualization requires not only exposure to different experiences but the possibility to analyze and reflect upon it. Self-actualization requires one to focus and be fully conscious of its state of existence when engaging in an experience. However, one could argue that we are so occupied with choices and decisions that we do not have time to think deeply into matters.



Self actualization The “Self” sits at the heart of the behavioral study of human beings. From an internal perspective, the self is the sense of being separated and distinct from other creatures and the sense of exclusive awareness and agency. It is through the person that we get to live, experience and feel. Which is why the Self is referred to as ‘the subject of experience.’ Self-realization is the ideal we are all relentlessly seeking to be. As beings with a sense of awareness self-actualization, and self-realization are our ultimate morality. We always want to become more than what we are, and we want to experience higher levels of consciousness. So in reality, this notion is the central cause of every task we perform and everything we decide. Self-actualization and Fulfillment go hand in hand. And it is when we realize our true self that we become empowered to fulfill our desires and feel fulfilled. I initially started this journey trying to find a precise explanation for happiness when I realized that happiness is a broad notion with many different interpretations. It’s a feeling that’s defined differently and exclusively for every individual, and it manifests itself in our experiences. Happiness is what comes as a small part of fulfillment. And fulfillment as the outcome of every encounter is hidden within the self. So to find it we need to look nowhere but within. After this realization, I started looking deeply at “self” as an entity and very subjectively. In doing so, I came to understand that the self is in a continuous transformation. We are restricted biological beings with limited abilities and many weaknesses, yet, we are so intelligent that we could overcome those restrictions to become more. Our mind can move past every boundary and imagine; it can place itself in countless situations before they even happen, point out the issues and create solutions. Although our bodies are mortal our


state of consciousness at every moment is eternal. We live infinitely through our experiences and through the trails we leave of ourselves at every moment. Throughout our journey of Self Realization, we leave marks of our process which can help us direct this development by allowing us to gain a better understanding of our current selves, desires, and objectives. Presently we can see the marks we leave very vividly by analyzing our data footprint. All we need to do is to find out ways of leveraging this footprint to guide our next steps.





Machine learning Another critical topic of our time is how machines are now able to learn, understand and interpret. In other words, they are programmed with the ability to program themselves, to alter their actions to fit the situation. Like The Boston Dynamics Robot that can flip backward and forward. It uses its sensors it to calculate the height of the object on which it has to land and readjust the amount of force it has to apply to jump high enough to land on its obstacle successfully, and it also has to keep balance. Now imagine the countless scenarios where this could be implemented. Imagine a day when your windows could learn how to reorganize its structure relative to the angle and intensity of the sun. Now imagine a day when your window understands its role and your preferences and can perform its responsibilities in the best possible way, from keeping itself clean to adjusting its brightness, reflection, and color. It is still a debate as to whether machines being able to identify and recognize themselves is a threat to human beings, but we must not forget humans created computers and that they are made for us, programmed to serve our daily lives. It would be somehow dangerous to develop machines that can learn our weaknesses or are scheduled to kill and harm but our fear of future and progress is arbitrary as tomorrow is the result of the decisions we make today. The future does not exist unless we make it.


Meta consciousness Consciousness is a distinct ability that has an immense effect on our behavior. Through awareness, we get to comprehend our ambiance, compare and contrast, analyze, and make decisions. Through our technology, we have been able to give consciousness to information and non-biological entities. Our knowledge, now part of our data, now knows how to navigate and project Itself. Our devices and tools now can understand their ambiance and their connection to people and others. It is no longer humans transferring and sharing information and awareness, but it is also the information and the devices communicating and informing humans and one another. So it is fair to say that with our knowledge, through technology and Data we have created a new form of consciousness that now are aiding us to become more conscious than ever. A prominent example of this would be the Internet of things. That without the need to have a human in the middle objects can communicate with one another and comply with our commands. Throughout this research, it became apparent that consciousness is more than what we understand. Through the application of such awareness to our environment, we have projected a piece of ourselves in our surroundings. So, in reality, we have created Meta Consciousness.


Data transparency Post-demographic consumers are at a point at which they understand Data and how their personal information is being used to inform brands, businesses and their trends. There was a time when the magnitude of this notion was not understood, and people were not afraid of privacy invasion and information theft. However, now the role of this data has become so apparent that companies force users to comply with their user agreement before they are offered with any value what so ever, which, has now given rise to the fear of data collection where customers are paranoid about sharing their personal information. Every day there is a new article released in the news about either people’s distrust towards a particular service or company or people asking about their data. Collecting data is not evil, stealing it however is. Data gives us access to a new type of knowledge that matters and is significant to our growth. However, a new kind of transparency is on the rise that gives agency over personal information and choice of openness. Giving people the ownership of their data, and informing them of what is collected and used. Post-demographic customers are past the traditional “value for my trust� model; they want insight into their data, and they share when they can trust and for clear value. It is no longer about the what? They want to know the why and the how?


Vivified data Data has changed our lives. It has made considerable changes to everything from the food we consume to our city infrastructures data is the premiss of our present. It is no longer just information, but it is a currency and a commodity, it is the basis of our consumption. It is a tool through which we study and analyze our behavior. It is what connects us to our environment or defines the way we interact with it. **Data breaths information. It learns and grows, like a living organism. We must no longer look at data as mere information, but we must understand it as something that enhances as we grow, transforms itself as we change and effects the way we develop ourselves and our societies. It has become an inevitable part of our environment. Like the air that we breathe, we inhale and exhale data, helping it grow like an organism, reshaping it like a species going through an evolution. Therefore we must work collectively and consciously in guiding its growth.


Hyper accessibility It all started with sharing; that is thousands of years ago when humans realized the available number of resources and tools they have is not enough to accommodate every individual separately, so they decided to make their skills, tools, and resources available to one another. Now, thousands of years later we have reached the same point where our resources and accommodations are not enough to keep everyone happy. However, things are a bit more complicated than they were before. The population has grown immensely and with it our economic models, behavior patterns, and transaction models. Plus, we no longer live in small towns or villages, secluded from the rest of the world. We live in a connected world with a substantial amount of operations happening simultaneously that are considerably more complex than they were before, which is why, also, the level of uncertainty in transactions has grown. However, with the help of the internet and technology, we have partially brought accessibility and sustainability to our systems by making transactions safer, simpler, fairer, and recorded. Blockchain, therefore, is a mere result of our technological advancement and it is bringing about the sharing economy and with it a shift in belief and behavior which is looking at tools not as the value themselves but as a means of delivering value. For instance, Automobiles allow for transportation. So automobile is not the value, being able to transport is. So if some other means of transportation could offer the same service with the same quality, then its value is the same as automobiles. This shift in recognizing and assigning real value is fundamental when it comes to making decisions as they are often directly depended on one another.


Human sensates The internet has changed the way we carry out every form of communication and transaction, and now the blockchain and distribution network is going to have an even more significant effect on everything. These future evolutions in our networks are going to demolish many uncertainties. They are going to give us a window into information and data sharing like never before, and we can leverage this to our future benefit. We are not able to predict, technology and data analysis enable us to identify patterns and algorithms and to predict partially. Therefore, they can inform our decisions and make us more informed. Recently I was introduced to 5g and the immense effect it is going to have on the way we receive and utilize information. It will also have a tremendous impact on our networks. 5g will give us the speed we need to perform transactions in a matter of seconds. We will be able to exist in several dimensions all at once without the uncertainty of the past.


Seamless flow We are at an exciting point in history. We now know how to program tools to do the job for us, without mistakes or unpredictable outcomes. We are witnessing the automation of transportation and distribution through systems and brands such as Amazon, Uber and automobile companies producing self-driving cars. This transformation is also happening in every other sector in our lives. It is happening to our transactions, banking system, health system and many more. So We know Automation is halfway there. What would come from automation though? What are we truly after? The answer is not so hard to figure out. We want Seamless Flow. Instead of having to think about where the keys are so we could open the car’s door only to think about navigation, pressing the pedal, controlling the steering wheel, spending 30 minutes driving, we want to be there! We want the gap between our desires and their fulfillment to be at its minimum. We automate because we wish for a seamless flow.

















Invisible Design To Focus is the new objective of design. We want to move away from the clusters of information and tools that we have created to find the essence of each moment again. The devices we once made to enhance our experiences are now disruptive and move our focus away from the actual matter. So invisible design or zero-UI is the proposed method to solving this problem. Enrichment is no longer about adding and increasing, but it is about making effective changes, efficiency and minimalism. We have all the means to enhance our moments, but now we have to give them harmony and redesign them to fit our new style of life and our societies. **By stripping the UI away, the core function is exposed in its most basic and productive form.** I believe that the future of tools will be less visually driven and rely more on enhancing the primary function. Why should each app have its interface when the task can be achieved using voice or gesture control? Is there a point in having a visual cue for every action made? By including a visible UI, the task is often made more complicated by needless interactions and fancy designs. Apple AirPods is one of the first devices to step into this new invisible world. It is not impossible to imagine these devices inevitable progression in becoming the main point of interaction and having a screen as a secondary form of input. Following Invisible design, Calm technology is the principle of a device requiring the least amount of attention from its users, explaining a case in which the device or its function become so integrated into our way of life that it disappears entirely. When the device communicates with the user (using any of the senses), it does so in a human form, evoking an emotional response from the user.









Seeking perfection Ever since we are born, we are exposed to information that shapes our behaviors, the most significant of which is decision making, having the ability to make a choice, change and redirect. This trait or skill is the one thing that excludes us from every other species. We want to be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing and knowing that it is the right thing while looking forward to whats to come. And there is only one way we could achieve this: By making better decisions, the only thing standing between us and our definition of a better life. Where we stand today is the outcome of the trillions of decisions made before us. Our core existence is the result of a decision: do we want a kid or not? Should we use protection or not? Should we keep it or not? Everything we do and everything we have is the result of one or more decisions. How we make decisions has been a subject of study for many years because we want to gain insight into our gains and losses to maximize our success and minimize our failures. We call this state the state of self-actualization, and we are all intrinsically seeking it. Our definition of a good life or a better life is different for all yet common in one thing, and that is becoming actualized. We are the only species on the planet that holds its destiny in hands because we can make decisions. We can do whatever we want, and we can be whoever we want. Our decisions supplement our Identity, and our identity then becomes the deciding subject and the path modifier. It’s only when the two work perfectly aligned and in harmony towards achieving our desires that we feel fulfilled and start seeing results. To understand the drivers of decision-making I tried to follow the fundamental motives behind this act by analyzing the archetypal symbols of self-fulfillment and perfection: Heros, Heroines, and Gods.


Behavioral motives To our comprehension, the perfect life is a life of absolute awareness, Infinite control, resolute connection and meaningful experiences. And these four are drivers of decisions. It may be impossible to tell someone what to do or what not to do, but through practical guidance and clarity, people can be lead towards making specific choices; which is what brands do. They understand these motives, align themselves with the direction of your beliefs and alter your preferences. Which led me to start looking at different brands and services that are somehow related to our decisions through their connection to the four essential motives.

Our Decisions are driven by or composed of four essential motives:






My intention was at first, to find and select the most significant motive out of all four, but after much analysis and contemplation, I realized that when it comes to a decision, these four notions are inseparable and their ratio of effectiveness is different for every individual. Therefore anything too general would not work for the post-demographic consumers as progression is clearly towards customization and self-centric methodologies. However, I recognized that the one thing reflecting the way these four notions interact with one another within every individual to create their behavior is their Data.


Vi hopes to create benefit for its users by helping them make better decisions through the formulation of new frameworks of value creation for the user using their data. There is a definite relationship between our decisions and the data we produce and consume. How we plan our moves or not plan our steps is entirely dependant on our past experiences and our consciousness. So VI will be a new form of consciousness for its users.






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n U io S TR at ws Y uc Ne dia e n Ed M atio on ic ti g bl a in D Pu form rch & In Sea R


Interviews To understand the scope of the journey I had embarked upon and to solidify my findings and hypothesis I interviewed the people around me. I asked them questions about the data farming, machine learning and their overall experience with their technology. My questions were: What is the biggest problem you encounter when using technology? What is your general opinion about your data collection? What worries you about data and technology? What is your biggest challenge in the daily life? What is your general opinion about automation? What is your general opinion about voice assistants? What is your opinion on a data collection, automation of tasks and assist decision making? The individuals whom I interviewed ranged between the age of 16 to the age of 70 with various occupations and with different levels of education. • People are afraid of technology and its implications • There is a disconnect between the different ways of interacting with devices • Devices and tools can be overwhelming and complicated • It is not fair to entirely ban someone of a product when they disagree with privacy agreement • Data sharing becomes scary when it is forced. • Expectations are higher, and people want exclusivity. • The most prominent daily challenge is taking care of many tasks simultaneously while maintaining a good standard. • Users are paranoid about where and how their data is being used • People feel betrayed by brands when unexpectedly targeted for something • Its impossible to not use technology and devices, everything is now shaped around them • It is believed that data collection is a privacy invasion





Trends A-Commerce Automated commerce, customers allowing retail decide for itself

Virtual Companionship a shift of paradigm in human-technology relationship

Glass-box Wrecking balls Transparency even more than before, letting each other in.

Assisted Development Brands teaching users life skills and helping them to unveil their potential

Forgiving by Design allowing customers to change their mind, needs and wants.

Trend Watching top 5 trends of 2018


Virtual Experience Economy Digital experiences becoming as important as real experiences

Worlds Apart Iimmigration, global citizens, and cultural impacts reforming the definition of Home

Incognito Individuals more authentic demographics seeking flexibility and fluidity

Capacity Capture Unlocking the value of whats considered waste and using them in creative ways

Big Brother Brands The desire to be willingly watched for a personalized experience

Trend Watching top 5 trends of 2018


Research synthesis NEEDS


Feeling too connected AWARENESS Feeling cluttered Feeling monitored and endangered


feeling excluded outdatedness of products CONNECTION forcefulness of interactions poorly designed interfaces EXPERIENCE over complication of tools





Incognito Individuals

Giving agency and control Glass-box Wrecking balls

Big Brother Brands

Creating a frictionless Interaction Evoking emotions that are enlightning

Forgiving by Design

Capacity Capture

Turning every moment into an Indulging Experience Clarification of utilities Values become the Benefits

Assisted Development

Worlds Apart

Virtual companionship

Virtual Experience Economy

Benefits become the values





Decisions decisions After realizing that decision making is the foundation of our doings and synthesizing the parameters of my final goal with this project. I started analyzing this act by asking questions that would address the issues regarding this fundamental notion. I began investigating it through the following questions: > Why do we make decisions? > What are our current issues related to Decision making? > What is the true meaning of decisions? > What are decisions? > How do we make decisions? > What are the factors when making a decision? > Do other creatures make decisions too? > What happens if we delegate all our decisions to technology? > What would happen if we could change our past decisions? > How can decisions be categorized? > What happens if we stop making decisions? > How would our behavior be different if we did not have the word “What if�? > What is wrong and what is right? > Where was the word originated? > What if we had no regrets? > What if we were our best selves every moment? > How would our relationships differ if we were needless of one another? > How would our behavior change if we fully accepted ourselves and others? A decision is a conclusion reached or a choice made through the evaluation of information. I initially thought it to be made to solve a problem. When indeed, every act we carry out is the result of a decision. Like the steering wheel of a car, they take us where we want to be, so if the steering wheel or


the conscious mind behind it is not knowledgeable and aware enough, the car could never reach its destination, no matter how fast the car is. The right navigation and an accurate map would assist and flux the process. Lifting an arm is the result of a decision, as well as making a spaceship which in itself consists of several other decisions. Decisions are vital because they create the chain of events that cause the next series of occurrences that eventually form the path of life. Decisions are what connect our present to our future. Even by not making a decision you’re still making a decision. Therefore Decision is the core of self-fulfillment. Through our decisions, we develop an Identity, and we direct our evolution across time.


Decision fatigue In 2014 a reporter asked Mark Zuckerberg, chief, and founder of the multibillion-dollar tech company Facebook, “Why do you wear the same shirt every day?”, to which he replied: “I really want to clear my life so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community,…, I feel like I’m not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly or frivolous about my life, so that way I can dedicate all of my energy towards just building the best products and services.” If you have had the experience of working with a computer, then you know that when you try to run more than a few software all at once, the computer starts slowing down or it even freezes. That’s because the amount of data it has to process per second surpass the capacity of the CPU and the computer is, simply put, overwhelmed. Our mind is a very sophisticated computer that has to collect, analyze and act upon a massive amount of data every second. And just like a computer it can run slow or even break down if there are too many things happening in it all at once. A condition now called decision fatigue. Based on a survey done in the University of Columbia, our brain makes over 3500 decisions per day, from choosing to make our hearts beat to solving incredible puzzles to making tough life choices that could ultimately change everything. Based on a survey done at Harvard University, we make 70 decisions per day which require serious contemplation. And This is a significant number. To understand the real magnitude of this number lets look at the number of serious decisions we have to make relative to time. There are 24 hours within a day, of these 24 hours we spend 8 hours of it asleep, which leaves us with 16 hours. Now if we divide 70 by 16, we can see that on average we make four critical decisions per hour. Decisions that are ultimately an influence in our future. Many years ago when our societies were much more straightforward, the decisions we had to make were fewer and more apparent. Our communities


have grown so complicated that the number of choices we face daily has multiplied - as individuals and as societies. The more advanced we become, the more decisions we have to make. Up until 20 Years ago, parents did not have to worry about their children spending too much time on their iPads, or how deep they slept through the night, or how much daily activity they need to have to stay healthy. But now all of this information is being projected into our lives leaving us overwhelmed, and tired with almost no room to breathe. Our knowledge is progressing exponentially, so much so that it is impossible for one to acquire it all or even keep track of all that’s uploaded and updated. This knowledge is only used to guide our decisions but we are no longer able to process all the information on our own, and therefore we have brought technology to process and analyze it for us. However, the weight of the decisions arrived through this information is still on our shoulders which makes it hard and takes us to the next main issue which is Inaccuracy in judgments.




Identity crisis Identity Crisis is a term we are all familiar with either because at some point we have dealt with it ourselves or we know others who have had the experience. Identity crisis occurs most when we are undergoing evolution. This transformation may be of any type, as long as it is happening to us individually it creates a feeling of uncertainty and a sense of being left out which causes us to feel as if we are shallow, we lose our sense of being and our will to becoming. It feels as if everything is happening at the wrong time and no matter the situation, we are always at the wrong place. A feeling that is a pure disruption in our lives, and it could block our sense of fulfillment. When we lose the definition of who we are, nothing makes sense anymore. It is as if you don’t know where you are so even if you know what the destination is, you can not find the direction because you are unaware of your navigation, so no matter which angle you point to, they all feel wrong. To make the correct decisions, we need to navigate ourselves first. Our identity is what gives meaning to our decisions and vise versa. Identity and decisions are co-dependent. When not aligned they make it hard for us to live and to become actualized.








Inaccuracy Making accurate decisions is essential to our well being. Decisions form the chain of events that give meaning to our lives. So every decision counts as it can reshape our path of life and our destiny. However, we do not possess the ability to look ahead and predict the future. Therefore, we make the decisions based on our limited awareness and then, when everything unfolds, we look back to analyze what happened, and that’s when we question the decisions we made along the way. It is Then that it becomes clear to us whether we made the right choices or not. But then it’s usually too late. We suffer from decision inaccuracy. Decision inaccuracy is a condition in which we make the wrong decision or the less beneficial one. For example, you have a goal in mind which is to have your project done in four hours. The project has two parts each worth 50 percent. Part A is harder and lengthier than part B which means that you need more time to finish it. You decide to start on part A right away. Its been 3 hours and you are still struggling with part A. You are running out of time with a defective part and another part untouched. That’s when you realize you have made the wrong decision but time is up, and there is nothing to do to fix it. If you had chosen to do part B before Part A, you most probably would have been able to ultimately achieve a full 50 percent and partially complete part A. However, now by choosing A over B you are not gaining the true assigned value, the result of a condition known as Decision Inaccuracy. By why did you make that decision initially? Decision inaccuracy could be due to several reasons. The most common cause is not knowing that there’s a decision to be made. It’s important to understand the significance of choices in decision-making situations. So in this case, the inability to distinguish part A and part B as two distinct options. Secondly, not knowing how to evaluate the situation, or what questions to ask. This lack of thoroughness is either due to a lack of knowledge or just because at the time we are under contextual and


emotional influences that impair us from making the right decisions. Based on many psychological and economic studies done on our behavior the reason behind this inefficiency is because we are still accustomed to outdated models of practice, stuck to old archetypes and ideals even though we are different in every aspect. These archetypes and beliefs form the values based on which we make decisions. Therefore, our belief systems are outdated and crooked, our way of assigning value, as a result, are trivial, and our decision-making methodology is irrelevant, and our choices are inaccurate.


Bernulli’s formula My research on Decision inaccuracy led me to Daniel Bernoulli’s decision accuracy formula. Daniel Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician and physicist of the 18th century who was the first person to identify and differentiate utility from gain. He defined that the utility of a product or service is situational to every individual and it is seldom as valuable to one as it is to another. In his book, “Exposition of a new theory on the measurement of risk” Bernoulli proposed a new model for making valid decisions. He defines value as the benefit of a particular objective and claims that this benefit can be calculated as the product of two simple things: the odds of the action allowing us to gain something, and the quantified benefit of that gain for the subject. We can implement this formula to our assistive devices and teach them to analyze and make relevant analogies so, in situations where we are not able to see thoroughly, analyze and calculate they could help us understand clearly and make better decisions. It is a win-win situation.








Innitial mapping To address these issues and to find the hidden opportunity I started disintegrating the act of decision making to understand it thoroughly and deeply. Hence, I attempted to formulate the process of decision making and the components entailed. At first, I imagined our decisions to be controlled mainly by our mood which I explained as the coincidence of the following two distinct factors: Context and Intention and the following is the resulting map. THE INITIAL MOOD MAP








The issue with this map is that it does not take into consideration the information and knowledge correct steps and the flow of behavior is not accurate. Something was missing.


OODA loop Then, Alexander Manu introduced me to the OODA Loop concept. The OODA loop stands for Observe, Orient, Decide and Act, and it is a decision making strategy map developed by John Boyd. The OODA loop was meant to help pilots and war soldiers make quicker, better, more efficient choices to defeat their opponent, survive and ultimately win. The OODA concept explains how one could get fast in decision making and defeat the enemy by penetrating the opponent’s loop. The OODA loop was later developed by other industries such as the financial economy, business management, project management and quality control. Although this model is accurate under immediate circumstances and in contexts of war and teamwork, it is not precise enough when applied to everyday life and ordinary situational decisions. Therefore, I have used this model as the foundation of the D8 decision-making model which maps the process of our daily decision-making behavior by adding a few more steps and altering the OODA map to explain the cycle thoroughly.







D8D8 loop

This model looks at every step a human goes through before coming to a concluding decision and acting upon it.




FOCUS Actions

Observe - The part where we gather information and insight from the environment to find an opportunity. Orient - The point at which one situates an opportunity and directs its attention to it

Focus - After orienting, when one starts analyzing and questioning the opportunity Meaning - A byproduct of focus; realizing the in-depth application Actions - A byproduct of focus; recognizing the required actions Intention - The state of developing and assigning a clear purpose









Normatives - The point at which the intention is filtered and questioned relative to its subjects characteristics Instinct - A subset of normatives; Consideration of individual’s existen tial characteristics History - A subcategory of normatives: An examination of individual’s past experiences Ambiance - A subgroup of normatives: interpretation of individual’s physical location and setting Mood - Most essential and final filter. The emotional and cognitive state of the individual Decision - The point at which all is concluded and a commitment is made Behaviour - The resulting set of actions and outcomes of the decision that then informs the next occurring cycle of decisions.


D8 cycle As long as we exist consciously and we are not at the state of equilibrium the cycle keeps reoccurring as it attempts to move us towards the ultimate goal of self-fulfillment. And therefore the D8 loop keeps reforming.


Behaviour Feedback


Behaviour Feedback



Behaviour Feedback


Behaviour Feedback


Under the current situation and due to the earlier discussed issues regarding decision making our daily d8 cycle is as such.



Behaviour Feedback Experience


Behaviour Feedback Experience


Intention My conceptual intention is to create an assistive platform (whether its a device or an app, etc.) that would reshape its user’s D8 loop into an ideal one such as the following. This graph shows a situation in which the subject matter has achieved a state of flow through the elimination of decision fatigue, decisions are accurate, and identity crisis does not exist therefore the chain of events are unitedly are directed at a distinct goal, and the person feels actualized. This is the ideal state of being and the perfect context for making decisions.


Behaviour Feedback

Behaviour Feedback


Behaviour Feedback


Behaviour Feedback

Decisions are the foundation for vitality and growth Decisions are the Foundation for comprehending, shaping, and adapting in an unfolding, evolving reality that’s uncertain, changing, and unpredictable.









HYPOTHESIS To address the issues, find innovative solutions and create a solution I started analyzing the graphs. After much contemplation, I came to realize that the D8 elements can be grouped and categorized. If we examine this graph attentively, we see two very distinct groups of factors that shape our loop of behaviors. On the left, Observe, Orient and Focus can be defined under the same category as situations. And on the right, Normatives and Mood can be categorized as our Identity. It is clear to see that our decisions and the resulting behaviors are founded upon the relationship between these two categories. We make decisions based on our identity in relation to our situation. Therefore, I hypothesize that if we create a better connection between the two entities in a way that they are informed and predictive of one another, then the perfect D8 cycle and its ideal concatenations will be achievable. This Idea translates to continuously being at the right time and at the right place or just realizing that there are no wrong times and wrong places, it’s just us not seeing the opportunity.

















Actions History


Connecting entities To form better relations between the two categories we need to find ways in which we could create a better, more intuitive connection between them. To do so, we need to find a tool that can understand the two sets of entities and would enable us to analyze them. We have the means to do so through Data. Target, one of the largest retail superstores in America sent a pregnancy coupon brochures to a 15-year-old teenage girl’s house. This incident happened two weeks before she announced to her parents that she was pregnant and at the time no one knew of this but herself. So how could have target known about this? The answer is not so hard to get at; this information was all over her data. Not only could target tell if their customer is pregnant but it can also estimate how far along they are. Target doesn’t just gather this information through evident and immediate purchases. It analyzes your consumption behavior intensely, like how much food you are consuming, the amount of vitamins you take and the size of the bag you purchase. The reality is, our behaviors mean something and leads to something particular. And now our machines can identify these behaviors, find the relationship between them and interpret our intention. We might think that companies are after our money, but no, companies are looking for data. Data opens the door to our minds, It is worth millions of dollars, and it is the real currency.






Data tools Qualitative data is the new form of currency, and it is being collected left and right but not directly for us. Brands are using our data to predict trends, understand the new demographics and understand consumption behaviors. So this data is already being collected to help brands make decisions, and it could help us with our decisions as well. If we look at the map of Data Marketing, we can see four separate and fundamental categories of data; Demographic, Psychographic, Geographic and behavioral. These data directly respond to the two stations within the D8: Situations and Identity.












Data harvesting Social Media



IOT Block chain RFID







Social Sources

MRI scanning Blood Pressure

Facial Recognition

Body Gesture


Scent Recognition

Skin Reaction Social outcomes

Purchase History

Heart Rate

Brain Tracking


Brand Preferences



Conceptual synthesis Since we can gather all the data we need, I propose a new methodology for using it. Instead of producing this data solely for brands we can use it directly towards our wellbeing, decisions, and self-fulfillment. All we need is a machine learning tool that can learn and relate the two categories together through the four sets of data. When achieved, It can then guide us intuitively and help us make better decisions. With such a device/platform Data will be collected over time and through several mediums. Then this data could be utilized in many different ways that would help us solve our decision-making problems of any sort. This data could help us understand ourselves better by recognizing how we react individually to various situations. Based on that reaction then the assistive tool can help us filter out experiences that create a glitch in our decision making. It could gain insight into our past experiences and on other peoples’ with the same traits and predict possible and probable outcomes of different situations. With the help of this platform, Data becomes more than just a marketing tool; it becomes a reflection of our being. It will define the relationship between past, present and possible futures. Data is our virtual intuition.











Source Source









True value By creating an intermediary between the two sets of data a new method for value creation appears. When our instant existence becomes more connected to the momentary context, an opportunity could only be valuable and applicable if it corresponds and benefits both parties. So then the new formula for value creation becomes as such: Which states that value is the given benefit that is filtered by the context and the user’s Identity. Evaluating through this formula, we can see that our current way of interacting with our devices can be proved to be completely inefficient and non-beneficial under most circumstance. Our “application� based technology presents us with so much irrelevant information and tools, that sometimes finding true value could get harder because of them.





Vision Once I plotted a new framework for data usage within a personal assistive device it then became clear the path I had chosen to take for designing a solution. Using data collection, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, I wish to create a platform that would be able to gain insight into our past, be conscious of the present and be able to predict possible outcomes of future situations. I wish for this tool to help us become self-actualized through the following: Functionally Be prepared to understand the present, passively and actively pick up data Be able to organize and compare the collected data Identify the relationship between all forms of data Be able to update itself Understand our past and recognize the algorithms and patterns Become a portal between the person and external data Eliminate decision fatigue through automation of undesired experiences Provide accurate information and statistics to minimize decision inaccuracy Prevent severe Identity crisis through customization and curation Give providers and brands the opportunity to survive and grow Design Be fully integrated into the everyday life Become an experience enhancer and not a distraction Be customized and unique to each user

This tool will give control back to the user. It is that real, genuine assistant we’ve been yearning for since the dawn of time.




Design departure points INVISIBLE INTERFACES I believe that the future of apps will be less visually driven and rely more on enhancing the basic OS. Why should each app have its separate interface when the task can be achieved using voice or gesture control? Is there a point in having a visual cue for every action made? By including a visible UI, the task is often made more complicated by needless interactions and fancy designs. ZERO UI I hope for technology to become invisible and integrated, for the information to be continuously available while out of sight. I, therefore, oppose the rise of entirely augmented systems as I believe that it is too visible and too intrusive in our daily lives. The overabundance of information is already an issue, if we bring all of it into sight, then we have just given a face and physicality to the problem. CALM TECHNOLOGY Calm technology is the principle of a device requiring the least amount of attention from its users. The method (or function of said device) has become so integrated into our way of life that it disappears entirely. When the device communicates with the user (using any of the senses), it does so in a human form, evoking an emotional response from the user.








Vi Vi - Technology for Life Vi connects you to your context with the help of data. It is a portal between you and everything but you that stores, analyzes and organizes the data received from both ends and uses them for the following four functions: > To assist its user in decision making and enhance experiences > To allow the users to delegate their tasks > Informs the user of best possible opportunities > Helps brand and providers meet user needs and expectations

We need to step away from outdated systems and redesign new methods of interaction and models of behavior that are more self-centric. And data can enable doing so. Data is the new medium for everything; therefore, with an innovative model of data harvesting and distribution Vi can understand the past and enhance our connection to the present in anticipation of the possible future and help us become actualized. Becoming actualized is the ultimate desire embedded inside every creature, guiding its actions and path of life. Every behavior is the result of a decision, from lifting and arm to the making of a rocket-ship. Together, all these decisions, whether big or small turn into our successes and failures that form our memories, intelligence, and our emotions. Just like all other behaviors, decision-making follows a specific algorithm and a particular pattern that’s relative to our identity and all its features. We are now at a stage where we could identify these algorithms and models and utilize them to inform our decisions. And Vi hopes to do so. Vi enables self-actualization by empowering our decisions through unfolding the essence of each moment and curation of our intellectual acuity. VI does not overshadow our humanity, and it does not answer the questions for us, it gives us the resources and freedom to make the best of every moment and to be conscious of every opportunity that would benefit us.


Vi collects data over time and understands user’s emotional and behavioral traits. It then uses the received data to help people experience having more fulfilling lives. In essence, Vi is a platform that tends to help people make better decisions through new data exchange models and machine learning. It hopes to improve and enlighten the everyday experience through its comprehensive assistance and conformity to the principle of invisible design. Vi’s value to the user is providing an around the clock personal assistant with an enhanced AI. Vi collects users data through different mediums and wearable technology and uses the received data directly to the user’s benefit. Through this extensive data collection, then, Vi understands the difference between obligations and meaningful encounters. It continuously attempts to enhance the overall experience of living for its subscribers by filtering information, curating choices, and providing mindful options based on every individual’s identity and situation and in allowing its owner to delegate their unwanted tasks and decisions to focus on things that matter the most. Vi gains insight into consumer behaviors both as separate individuals and as a collective community. Then it performs as a third-party agent between the context and the users making sure to offer the most relevant and valuable utility and information. This feature would also help providers and brands to grow by allowing them to better direct and customize their products for every individual. Through Vi brands and services will be at the right place at the right time and therefore will maintain a positive relationship with the user, ensuring survival in the post-demographic consumerism society. We are currently faced with issues such as decision fatigue, identity crisis, and fear of technology because our ways of utilizing our technological developments are so outdated. At the moment it feels as if we are feeding technology when in fact technology must be there to nurture and feed us. The solution would be to reestablish our relationship with technology. Technology becomes efficient and nondistracting when data is fully understood and is not feared, the speed of our progression multiplies and our methods of dealing with issues becomes preventative and proactive.







Vi products Vi gathers comprehensive data about its user as well as the situation. It identifies behavioral and emotional traits and over time learns about its specific individual user. The linking of this two distinct types of data gives many possibilities and allows for the creation of the following four products and services that form Vi: Vi - Be Find the calm within chaos. Be is a new and intuitive operating system that processes information and functions in a way that helps users make better decisions by helping them focus on the present and setting them in a state of flow at all times. Vi - Delegate Make decisions that matter. Delegate is a program designed and created for Vi-Be that allows the user to automate tasks and decisions fully. It helps owners live a more fulfilling life by decreasing the number of mental engagements and allowing them to focus on things that matter Vi - Reverberate Gain control reach destination. Reverberate is the personal assistant within Vi-Be. It is what connects users data to providers. Informs and updates users of various situations and gives them advise on opportunities. It is the link between the present and the possibility. Vi - Additions Experience with all your senses. Vi additions are the new applications, a new method for providers to create value for the users. Additions are the portals between users and providers. They prevent brands and services to coincide in utility.









Vi - be Decisions are the link between the past, the present and the future. The accuracy of our choices determines whether or not we will reach our desired destination. To make accurate decisions, one needs to be aware of the past, immersed in the present and conscious of the future. BE is an operating system that understands the past, enables the user to be entirely focused on the present tense and can predict future outcomes through the analysis of similar behavioral patterns and past algorithms. Unlike other processing systems BE works in sequences like the human mind and performs differently under different emotional circumstances. It understands the context, filters out inappropriate options based on our identity and presents us with the most valuable, most relevant ones. My research and analysis have brought me to believe that with the current technology personal information can easily be traced and collected. Once data about a particular experience is obtained, it is added to the data library, compared and contrasted and used to guide the machine learning assistant who then informs providers of the opportunities, trends, and possibilities. The outcome of the entire process is then returned to the system to guide the next cycle of behavior. Vi is not another calculator; it is an assistant. It can analyze not only quantitative data but also qualitative data.




Data Goods











Vi - delegate Through time Vi picks up data on the experiences that leave a negative mark on users output, whether emotional or behavioral. It then learns and uses this information to eliminate and decreases user’s participation in such encounters intuitively. Is The Now-able part of vi which is an automation platform that substantially decreases the number of decisions we need to make per day, especially the ones we are not comfortable with, and therefore it solves the issue of decision fatigue. This Platform acts as a link between users and providers. It uses the gathered information from the users to eliminate decisions that create a negative mark in users emotional and behavioral well being. Currently, it can be utilized through an application. However, in the future, this will become an addition for the operating system. By using this tool, the user can find the time to focus on decisions that matter


Vi - additions In order for our models of interaction to become more efficient, the role of apps will change. Instead of becoming a prominent, individual entity, the majority of apps will transform into tasks which enhance the Operating System. I call this new wave of Apps ‘Additions’. Additions use the principles discussed above to become invisible and integrated with the OS (and other Additions) leading to more personal and meaningful interactions with users. Not all apps can become Additions. Apps which rely upon a graphical interface (such as the Adobe Suite) depend upon their UI to function and will, therefore, remain based using a visual system. That is not saying that these apps cannot use features of additions at all. Adobe Sensei is paving the way for artificial intelligence and machine learning in helping the user customize their interactions.


Brand development

BRAND STORY Our world is a complicated place. We are always overwhelmed with a stream of information leading to tasks, responsibilities, and decisions. This over complication and information overflow is partially due to our technology and our devices’ being disconnected from our physical realm. Entering a new era in which transactions are intelligent, data is the commodity and connectivity beyond physical reach is a necessity; we need to adopt new forms of interaction to adapt our devices and technology to our values and wellbeing. Vi hopes to connect the physical world to the digital world and help users become the best versions of themselves by being the bridge between users, their data, and their environment. PRODUCT Vi is a platform that gently observes and gets to know you and your behaviors as well as your context and situation. It gathers data on both entities, recognizes the patterns, and understands the relationship between the two. It then automatically filters out information and tasks that are irrelevant and of least priority. MISSION To help individuals make better, more informed decisions by filtering and decreasing the number of choices they need to make and by enabling us to regain our focus and immerse in every experience without distractions. To allows users to live effortlessly and with clarity. To helps individuals spend their time and energy on things that matter most.x


VISION Actualized individuals who are infinitely growing, in a constant state of Seamless flow participating in Frictionless interactions and experiences self indulgence with every transaction.

SERVICE ATTRIBUTES Intelligent Clarifying Dynamic Honest Customizable Trustworthy Calm Attentive Enlightening


Product attributes EXTROVERT

























ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv AB C D E FG H I J KLM N O PQ R STUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz






Branding Brand Name It was important to me to choose a name that was simple and easy to remember as the product is meant to be used by the vast demographic. At first, the name I wanted was Argot, meaning a new, secret language. However as I progressed through with the project, I decided to call it Vivi, combining the vi from vivification, giving life to something and the other vi from vivid, meaning apparent. Later I decided to simplify it, so I stripped the second vi. That’s when I realized the vi could also stand for Virtual Intuition which is in essence what Vi does. Therefore I knew vi was the right name for it since it had all the requirements I wished for were fulfilled with this name.

Logo For the Logo, I wanted something simple, elegant, friendly and timely. So I started experimenting with simple lines and dots. After much explorations, I decided to go with the following design except the dot was filled. In the end, I chose to empty out the inside to reflect the user and send the message of user-centrality of the product. The white dot reflects the person, the area around is the Data and the line is the tool, the benefit, and added value.



Vi technology We have now reached a point in which technology is becoming easier to understand and use while growing more powerful. The computers of yesteryear are no longer used by only a select few with knowledge in coding and high-level math, but by the everyday man. Even the term ‘Computer’ has changed. Things which could only be dreamt about years ago are now accomplished upon handheld devices. Technology has not become seamless. There remains a strange detachment when things refuse to work or when interacting when a device requires strange gestures or overcomplicated interactions.

Everything we do, even the most minimal decisions and interactions, leave a mark, one that we might not notice. But when all of them are combined, they form significant instants and meaningful occurrences. So everything we are and everything we do contains an implicit meaning.

We can track our marks by turning them into data. This data can later help us understand ourselves, the path we have taken and what we need to be aware of now while stepping into a better future.







Vi is not an entity on its own, its an extension of you that lets your identity grow by giving you a more comprehensive, clearer contextual perception and self-comprehension. Vi is your second brain and third arm.


Attributes map EXTROVERT











Live In 1995 IBM released the first handheld touchscreen phone, now famously known as “smartphone.” It didn’t take over 25 years for our systems to be significantly affected by the technology and for this device to become inevitable. We are so dependant on these devices that we can barely live without them, and not surprisingly they are replacing computers and bigger screens and The reason is apparent, because smartphones are convenient. On the other hand, for the first time in history, this year, Apple Watch outsold Swiss watch. This is not because people no longer like traditional watches, but it means that if possible, people would like to wear something that would give them a lot more information for a lot less effort. When wearing an Apple Watch you are wearing a gate to the world with the convenience of it being attached to you, so you no longer need to hold it, and, the convenience of not even having to look at it, since you can ask Siri. These were just two examples of the apparent transformation towards the future of our devices. This future is built upon three central concepts which are; Mobility, Invisibility, and Accessibility. Mobility dictated that the method must be easy to transport and it must allow the users to take it to all their desired location and under as many possible situations. Invisibility states that the device must be as integrated into the daily life as possible. This means making tools that are barely noticed and disruptive. And lastly, accessibility, which involves the device must enable its user’s easy access to information as well as a maximum possibility to perform as many tasks as possible. All of which are attributes of VI Technology.


Grow Through its extensive data collection, Vi technology will be a pioneer intends to be up to date, progressive and flexible. It is essential to enable the owner to grow. To do so, it needs to be aware of the trends, aware of the latest tech and inline with the changes. Vi collects data and grows with its user, keeps them up to date and curates their relationship and interactions to suit their personality and traits. One example of this would have age-sensitive prohibitions. The options and information presented to a 7-year-old would be different from a 27-year-old. but as the 7 year old gets older Vi learns to grow and curates information and utilities to best suit the age and era.


learn Machine learning has been one of the most talked about topics of the past century. It is maybe the most critical subfield of commuting technologies that was born when scientist realized they could teach computers to learn patterns and algorithms and automatically behave accordingly. This technology has now become so progressed that we are promised to have automated cars drive us around in the next five years. What makes new machine learning so progressive is its interactivity and its ability to adapt itself independently to new data and information. Which directly translates to the device being able to teach itself. This is what I call real intelligence. Accurate intelligence allows the machine to connect sets of information and understand the relationship between various artifacts. Vi’s intelligence uses many different technologies to harvest two sets of data; External Data and Internal Data. External information is the understanding it develops of your-Self and your attributes. And the external characteristics are the information it gathers from the outer world.


External To harvest external data Vi uses some technology mentioned in the following diagram. It takes advantage of 5G internet which is ten times faster than 4G wireless systems currently used. This will allow Vi to have access to the Cloud, Blockchain, Networks, previously saved and published information and to perform in unison with everything through the enhanced Internet of Things.

Internal As mentioned earlier Vi will grow with you through time. The sooner you acquire vi, the better it will learn you. It will gain insight into your habits and patterns of behavior as well as your emotions. Vi receives this information using some methods and mediums shown the diagram below. You have a habit of biting your nails when you get nervous or anxious, and every time you do it you feel guilty, and you punish yourself for having ugly hands. Vi understands this behavior and its outcomes, it learns the triggers of this behavior through time, and it helps you make the decision not to bite your nails before it even happens. You achieve having pretty hands, everyone’s happy. Mouse and Keyboard are disconnected from our mediums and the way we input our data is very inorganic. Moving forward our interaction with technology will become more organic, less visible and intrusive. We will be able to relate behaviourally to our devices, enables, data collectors.


Assist Looking at current occurrences around us we could witness a great transformation towards personal assistance and customized assistive systems in order to help us carry out our tasks smoother. This assistance happens through a number of mediums. Currently, the most prominent output technology is voice activated personal assistants like Siri (apple), Alexa (Amazon), Cortana (Microsoft), and Google Assistant which is presently the most progressed one. Even though these voice assistants are useful, their communication is passive which means they wait for the user to ask. Vi is the future of output. It moves away from traditional forms of receiving information to more modern, more intuitive ways of giving off giving off information. Vi’s assistant will ask questions to understand the situation better. When the device communicates with the user (using any of the senses), it does so in a human way, evoking an emotional response from the user. It won’t wait for everything to be asked, instead, it will actively participate in the creation of momentarily consciousness and Flow.


Vi’s assistive abilities will project in Audible, Tangible and visual forms which would all be highly customizable. Audible - Voice Assistant The user will be able to choose the name of its assistant. The assistant will be aware of the context and user preferences. This assistant will be able to understand the relationship between subjects and contexts. And it will be able to follow up on the information. Visual - Augmented Reality Vi’s augmented reality is against visual pollution. The overabundance of information can be overwhelming and not efficient at all. Therefore Vi’s Augmented reality assistant is invisible and integrated. despite the information is continuously available to be accessed, it is out of sight. Tangible - Tesla Touch This is the latest technology invented by the MIT which is a touch screen that allows the user to feel a multitude of textures. This technology leverages capacitive sensing already used by iPad and other phones. They applied transparent electrodes on the glass plate which then act as electro vibrator. Simply put, they use these electrodes to induce various types of electrical charge which then in contact with our fingers translate into different textures.


Making it nowable Ideally, Vi would be an entirely new operating system with the ability to understand contextual premises as well as being more customized to the person using it. However, to make this transition smoother, I created the Vi application platform that works as a plugin and acts as a filter for our mobile devices (Cellphones, digital watches, and tablets). What this app does is that through time it gathers and collects user-specific data. This data is then divided into two distinct sets of information: identity and context, that can be used simultaneously and in relation to one another to avoid chaos, bring focus and flow back to the lives of the users and to create immediate value.



Mechanics At this point, I started plotting the platform. I began by defining the significant zones of behavior in which user will interact with the device. From there I placed the smaller components of interaction within each and created the information flow based on it.






App Store


Manages Tasks


Tech Brands


Delegates Tasks


Other suppliers


Accesses Clarified Information



Accurate Prediction & Guidance


Understand s

Currated Experience





Information Flow

Welcome Screen

About Vi





Recognition Identification

Information Observation

Experience Builder


Interaction Active data collection

Filtering Matching


Action Behavior Experience




Outcome Data


Process Sketch







Try now:



Details Vi’s basic UI is designed around the concept of zero-ui. So every detail is either created to serve a function or not included at all. The main goal is to strip away all that is unnecessary to make it easier for the user to realize the existence of every moment and to be able to live freely without having to m In this welcome screen page the Vi logo appears and the assistant gives the welcome. Making it a bit more human and integrated into the real physical world.




Relativity The information displayed and shared with the user is time and place sensitive. Vi understands the user, and their preferences everywhere, at any time and it continually learns and adapts.

Scenario He wakes up in the morning. Picks up his device, Vi says Hello and good morning, it gives an audible review of how he has slept and gives him information on time, weather and temprature (things that he cares about). It then tells and shows him all he needs to know about his day, schedule and timeline are displayed on his screen. He knows what he needs to do and when. It also informs him of the status of all his delegated tasks and suggests an activity that he likes to do. This way he could focus on his day and focus on the things that matter.


Less is more We are overloaded with decisions; the average person makes over 3500 decisions per day! Vi quietly observes your daily patterns and breaks them up into logical, bite-size pieces that are simple to understand. So when the time comes to make a significant decision, you can focus on the ones that matter most. Vi allows the users to focus and to make the best of their time by showing them the most appropriate options available for that time/place. This way the individual user can visually see, compare and decide.

Scenario Roy wakes up 15 minutes earlier than anticipated. So based on past transactions and behavioral patterns vi suggest three best ways he could utilize this time. Roy could either read the news, check on today’s schedule and plan and customize his daily experience, or simply rest for another 15 minutes. These are just suggestions and Roy could choose to do something completely different, but he feels great to know somethings watching over him.




Efficiency is the key To achieve efficiency, it requires a space with no distractions and frictionless distractions. There is a fine line between too much and too little information, and vi is designed to be ideally balanced. When participating in experience or fulfilling a task Vi makes it easy for the user to focus on what is being done. Additions are present yet integrated into the customized space of the interface. Extra information and tools are available but in the most beautiful, intuitive way.

Scenario Roy decides to read some news, so he is directed to a news page with the most relevant article presented. Vi knows what Roy would like to learn and understands the latest news. So without hesitation, he starts reading the article. His BBC addition and CNN additions are also available, all he needs to do is a swipe to choose either one or he could want from the articles presented down below. But he wishes to explore the mentioned topic from the news he is reading, so he presses on “media� and is taken to a page of a relevant report from all his favorite news publications.



Feels good to be cared for We usually disregard our emotions or call the irrelevant when feelings are our natural reaction to the environment and everything. Our mood and emotions could explain our behaviors, our choices and our personality traits. Vi understands this, and therefore, it allows you to express yourself. It automatically takes information from indicators such as the Apple watch, but also, after significant tasks and experieces, it actively asks the user to rate their experience and to say how they are feeling.

Scenario Roy finished eating his breakfast. Today it was blueberry pancakes with low fat peanut butter that vi suggested a few days back. So after he is done and ready to leave the table vi asks him to rate his experience by plugging in how he is feeling. He liked this new taste, so he swipes down and brings it half way somewhere between neutral and happy. Now he is confident that vi will suggest this recipe every once in a while.





Personas THE EXPERIENCE SEEKER About: Is constantly looking for new experiences and adventures. loves to be alone but with lots of people. Issue: Does not have enough time to take care of the boring responsibilities and tasks. But cares! Vi: Uses vi to delegate tasks and to get status reports and to never miss a potential pleasurable moment.

THE HYPER CURIOUS About: always asking questions and wondering why! Keen to learn and gain wisdom. Wants to be helpful. Issue: Unable to focus on a single task without noticing something new to do or ask. Vi: Vi helps bring him back to focus, all answers are given relevant to the context and experiment so he will never forget.

THE SUPER SOCIAL About: Barely ever at home, has lots of friends and is making even more. Finds solitude is exhausting. Issue: Finds it hard to carry out tasks that need to be done independently. is bad with time and is often late. Vi: Uses vi to manage and delegate and tasks and to remind her of her social events and to carry out independant tasks.


THE KIND & RELAXED About: believes that nothing is really worth contemplation and too much effort. life passes by, all that remains is kindness. Issue: can not keep up with all the changes and technology. is always unaware! Vi: Vi is very simple and accessible and makes things easier to deal with.

THE WORKOHOLIC About: Always on a run, trying to get more done. life is a constant battle that needs to be fought fearlessly. Issue: Neglects personal care and does not want to take care of things unrelated to work Vi: Vi reminds helps her take care of her health and things she does not want to do are delegated.

THE TECH ADDICT About: Needs to be up to date constantly. Would gladly give up his life to see the future. Issue: has trouble being social and taking care of tasks that are unrelated to technology. Vi: vi is always growing and progressing with him. it helps him focus on the present and gives him the most relevant news and information.


Stakeholders USERS Individuals Community Corporate Business Data Generators Data Users Relationships Network Channels




Tech Personal Care Education Goods Services Food Financial Information Social Media

Parties Data Taxation Policy makers Insurance Law enforcers Cyber Law International Relations

Impact 10 YEARS



1 YEAR Learns



1 MONTH Testing



Unnotic able Using Interacts

Sees value


Learns Sees value


Develop Collects Data




Assists Assists

Flow Testing Sees Threats

New Laws





Deleg ates

Grows Delegate





New Laws Grows



Actuali zed


Experience map INQUIRY








There’s a lot of murmur going on about a plug in called Vi. It’s supposed to be the best assistant out there. It works best with a smart watch and a device like a tablet or a phone. Luckily I have both, so I download it and sign up for the trial version before I commit to the monthly or yearly subscribtion.

So I download it from the app store. like everything else I have to sign up first but I am shocked at how clearly it explains the way it works and how my data is going to be collected! I now know how it does not share my data with any other platform and that it gives me full control over the data I will be receiving and sharing.

I have connected all my devices to Vi. Now it will start to collect my data and understand my behavior, habits, moods and actions. I have to wait for two weeks until I can truly start using it. Vi assures me that my trial will start after two weeks and until then I must continue using my tools as before. The only thing I need to do now is to indicate how I feel when I have a change in mood.

I am doing as I would normally do. I can check vi to look at the data, my patterns of behaviors and mood paterns. Its very interesting. I am learning so much about myself I didnt know from before. I am enjoying putting my mood in the apple watch, it enables me to express how I feel.

It has been two weeks, I can not wait to use it. It allows me to delegate my tasks and I have already plugged in a few tasks I hate or am bad at. Like truning off all the lights and the colling system when I am away and turning on the dishwasher at night. I would also like for an uber to pick me up every morning at 9 too.

It started t When I wo morning it and gave of all the th to know in set prioriti importanc mood. It h the best of helps me f tasks since cluttered.

I love how I could name it myself and set its voice. feels like its mine.

I love how nudges ar right time





INQUIRY 8:30 PM There’s a lot of murmur going on about a plug in called Vi. It’s supposed to be the best assistant out there. It works best with a smart watch and a device like a tablet or a phone. Luckily I have both, so I download it and sign up for the trial version before I commit to the monthly or yearly subscribtion.


9:00 PM So I download it from the app store. like everything else I have to sign up first but I am shocked at how clearly it explains the way it works and how my data is going to be collected! I now know how it does not share my data with any other platform and that it gives me full control over the data I will be receiving and sharing.







8:00 PM

8:30 PM



I have connected all my devices to Vi. Now it will start to collect my data and understand my behavior, habits, moods and actions. I have to wait for two weeks until I can truly start using it. Vi assures me that my trial will start after two weeks and until then I must continue using my tools as before. The only thing I need to do now is to indicate how I feel when I have a change in mood.

I am doing as I would normally do. I can check vi to look at the data, my patterns of behaviors and mood paterns. Its very interesting. I am learning so much about myself I didnt know from before. I am enjoying putting my mood in the apple watch, it enables me to express how I feel.

9:00 PM

9:30 PM

It has been two w can not wait to us allows me to dele tasks and I have a plugged in a few hate or am bad a truning off all the and the colling sy when I am away turning on the dis at night. I would a for an uber to pic every morning at

I love how I could myself and set its feels like its mine.









eeks, I e it. It gate my already asks I t. Like lights stem and hwasher lso like k me up 9 too.

It started to work today. When I woke up in the morning it greeted me and gave me an overview of all the things I wanted to know in the morning. It set priorities based on importance, time and my mood. It helped me make the best of my time. It also helps me focus on my tasks since its not cluttered.

It booked my uber in time for it to arrive on time. it then notified me and planned my tasks accordingly. Its wonderful not to have to worry about so many little things. Its very to the point and efficient. I can just rely on this tool to give me guidance and help me manage everything. it feels like a true assistance.

after the meeting I was feeling a bit down because our clients refused to continue their account with us. So it suggested I take a break and gave me the option to watch a stand up comedian I previously had enjoyed watching. I feel happy again. I had no idea technology could be so calming.

I am in the car going back home. It asks me if I would like to call my mom since she had called me during the meeting. So I call her and we have a lovely chat. my monitor tells me that I have done well for today and my tasks have all been successful. It feels great to be reminded that I matter and I am doing good.

I feel motivated and productive. I am convinced that this tool will help me live a better, more fulfilling life by being a true assistant. I am subscribing tonight.

name it voice.

I love how notification and nudges are sent at the right time and place.

I was in a meeting at work and it knew so I did not have to worry about putting it on silent. also all my files were nicely layed out and ready for me to present. I feel more focused since eveything is so nicely layed out. I no longer have to rely on 10 different tools for the same application. this does everything all at once with repect to my context and mood. Its nice not to be bombarded with notifications and advertisements.

7:00 AM

2:30 PM


2:00 PM

3:30 PM

5:30 PM

10:00 PM


Value Proposition GAIN CREATOR


Curation of experiences Connecting user the spontanious experience Giving control over Data Simplifying interactions Allawing delegation and giving a choice

A platform that uses helps you make better decisions by allawing you to delegate your unwanted tasks to focus on what matters the most. Having control over whats being used Is a reflection of who the user is Allows customization of experiences Easier access More efficient and focused



GAINS Having unique experiences Having time and energy to focus on preferences Getting more done Being in a state of flow Becoming actualized



To live freely and be able to experience indulging, meaningful moments. To understand ourselves better and be able to grow and form our desired identity

Chaotic interfaces A disconnect between devices and the physical realm Too much information and too many things to do tasks and tools that are not desired



Business model canvas PROBLEM


Too many decisions to make in too little time.

Create a platform that is customizable for every person.

Devices that are disconnected from the physical reality.

Curate experiences that are enlightning and focus on the present.

Interactions that are not relevant to the context and identity of the user. Loads of information and data to consider to make accurate choices. Experiences that are not well-curated for the user.

Make interactions relevant to context and situation Allow users to delegate some of the many tasks they have to be able to focus upon decisions that matter.

Distrust towards brands, providers and sources.

COST STRUCTURE Research and Analysis Data Processors Programing Manufacturing (maybe) Labour


Development Marketing Maintanance Customer Service

Value Proposition

Unfair Advantage

Being perfectly connected to the present. Being in a state of flow and becoming the best versions of ourselves.

The consideration of human emotion, mood and personal preferences in experiences.

ages 3 and up. No matter the age or demographic group.


Existing Alternatives

Key Metrics

Software that understands the connection between individuals’ dentity and the context and is able to draw assistance from that.

Online Ads App stores Website Word of mouth

Customer Segments

Personal Assistants Time management apps. Automated machines

Revenue Streams

Subscribtion based payments Product sales Payments for Running additions for brands. User Data Synthesis


Reflection Vi is the future of technology. It is the link between us and our world. It is the enlightenment we have been waiting for in the past. Technology is progressing, and data is growing faster than ever which is why we need to step away from our old and outdated models of interaction and step into the future. A future that can be provided through Vi, where there is no divide between our devices, us and the environment. The future of design lies in the integration of life into artificial creations to bring back the essence of existence. Our technology does not define us. However, our technology is the accurate reflection of our values, morals, and meaning of life. And Vi can help us find our unique identity, to connect with ourselves, with others and with our world. Although Vi can be revolutionary, I believe the actual product of this project to be myself. Through this journey, I got to learn about myself, my path, and my values as a designer. The road forward is apparent although yet to be discovered and experienced. I know now that Design is a way of thinking. It allows us to recognize hidden potentials, find solutions, and create methods of improvement through innovation. It forms the relationship between users, systems, tools, and the environment. Good design allows each contributor to evolve and nourish in its unique way through its mindful creation of connections and interactions. Great design, however, encourages and embraces self-expression and navigates individuals towards self-actualization. To be a designer means to carry an immense responsibility as this role helps define who we are as humans and where we are going as the only species that holds its faith in its hands. Design means learning from the past to enhance and give meaning to present experiences in anticipation and consideration of possible futures. Futures I am ready to help build.

Bibliography and sources all available on my website at WWW.RAHAROUHOLLAHI.COM




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