Nature + Technology = Solution?

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Nature + Technology = Solution? Can natural forms and processes be integrated with modern technological advances to save the world we live in from our destructive ways?

Raheel Yousaf – Diploma in Architecture (International) – TMA 1502

A b s t r a c t The aim of this study is to find, investigate, and learn from the influences nature has on architecture and combine this with modern technological advances to find practical and holistic solutions to the problems we face today. The natural world has always existed in equilibrium with the animal kingdom, we as humans through vast and rapid development and advancement as species have upset this balance. Only now acknowledging the damage we have and still are causing.

We have only

recognised the problem now because we find ourselves in a situation that requires immediate change or we face disastrous environmental impact. We are at crucial point in our history, where we have made unprecedented progress in the last century for example massive increase in population and mega cities that are home to more then 10 million residents.

Technology has become a part of our

lives with our cities shaped and functioning around the motorcar and our homes full of personal electronics. Life has become unrecognisable from our humble roots, and we have progressed from caves to mansions; from open fields to manmade skylines stretching as far as the eye can see. This progress has developed some issues, which are threatening our way of life and the planet we call home. In our selfish acts to feed our greed we have become reliant on excessive amounts of energy, which we acquire through unsustainable methods. In turn these methods are having detrimental effects to the environment that we share with every other species on this planet. We have scarred




vast landscapes, poisoned rivers and underground water supplies, polluted the quality of air and have even increased the average temperature. The purpose of this study is to investigate and seek inspiration from nature itself. It will look at Biophilia; the influence that natural elements have on design to better the psychological link between mankind and architecture. Biomimicry, the application of natural processes into design. New technologies that can be combined and integrated with natural forms and processes.

These can be applied to design to

achieve a new balance and a new architecture.




A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t

I would like to begin in the name of!God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you Who have assisted me to achieve my full potential Without you I could not have arrived at this juncture:

My family, you have always encouraged me with both support and pride.

My fiancĂŠ, Amina, you have always shown love and support.

My personal tutor, Sophia, your help and guidance have been invaluable.




L i s t

o f

i l l u s t r a t i o n s

Front cover

1- Mechanical Beatle.

2- Full page – Logging photograph.

Page. 1

3- Full page – Hurricane Katrina damage.

Page. 5

4- Figure 1.1 – Chart showing population growth patterns.

Page. 6

5- Figure 1.2 – Table showing top 10 populated countries, data from US Census Bureau.

6- Figure 1.3 – Graph from the Global Education Project showing world energy use by fuel type.


Page. 7

Page. 8



7- Figure 1.4 – Graph from the Global Education Project showing Energy use per capita.

Page. 8

8- Figure 1.5- Chart from the Global Education project showing CO2 emissions.

Page. 9

9- Figure 1.6 – Chart showing population increases in the worlds largest cities.

Page. 10

10- Figure 1.7 – Above Shanghai skyline 1990, below Shanghai skyline 2010.

Page. 11

11- Figure 1.8 – Fuel to CO2 emission ratio.

Page. 12

12- Figure 1.9 – (Left) A cartoonist expresses concern to the situation we currently face.

Page. 16




13- Figure 1.10 – (Below) An Activist is hurt during protests regarding climate change at the 2009 G20 leader summit in London.

Page. 16

14- Full page – Flower.

Page. 18

15- Figure 2.1 – A baby in the mother’s womb.

Page. 20

16- Figure 2.2 – Inside view of a cave.

Page. 20

17- Full page – Termite nests.

Page. 22

18- Figure 2.3 – Sketch showing the ventilation system of a termite nest.

Page. 24




19- Full page – Weaverbird nest

Page. 25

20- Figure 2.4 – The Eared Grebe makes its nest so that it floats.

Page. 26

21- Figure 2.5 – The Cliff Swallow nests along a cliff face.

Page. 27

22- Full page – Beaver dam.

Page. 28

23- Figure 2.6 – Cross sectional image showing how a beaver home functions with two entrances and space for the beaver and its family.

Page. 29

24- Figure 2.7 – Beaver using its specialised teeth to cut down a tree.


Page. 30



25- Full page – Germinating seed.

Page. 31

26 -Full page – Camera eye.

Page. 34

27- Full page – Water feature.

Page. 37

28- Figure 3.1 – Water fountains are often used in landscape design to make the more interactive.

Page. 40

29- Figure 3.2 – A house designed in the shape of a seashell.

Page. 41

30- Figure 3.3 – The stealth fighter jet’s aerodynamic function is based on that of a stingray.

Page. 41




31- Figure 3.4 – Tadao Ando’s Church of Light plays on the relationship of light and space.

Page. 41

32- Figure 3.5 – The Eden Project successfully connects visitors to a natural setting within a native environment created through its design.

Page. 42

33- Figure 3.6 – A man tends to his garden, a relationship that has psychological benefits.

Page. 42

34- Figure 3.7 – Chart from Biophilic Design, (Kellert, 2008) categorises the attributes and related design elements to biophilic architecture.

Page. 43

35- Full page – Woodpecker inspired hammer

Page. 47

36- Figure 3.8 – ‘Bone Chair’ designed by Joris Laarman in 1998 uses software mimicking the structure assessment used by bones to eliminate any extra material.

Page. 49




37- Figure 3.9 – Mercedez-Benz prototype car based on two biomimetic principles.

Page. 50

38- Figure 3.10 – The structure of the car created using bone structure software allowing the removal extra material.

Page. 50

39- Figure 3.11 – The box fish on which the aerodynamic body fo the car is shaped.

Page. 50

40- Figure 3.12 – The moment a kingfisher bird enters the water.

Page. 51

41- Figure 3.13 – Japan's 500 Series Shinkansen bullet train as modeled on the beak of a kingfisher bird.

Page. 51

42- Full page – Banksy – I want change

Page. 52




43- Figure 3.14 – Fibre optic cables.

Page. 54

44- Figure 3.15 – Venus’s flower basket.

Page. 54

45- Full page – Change ahead

Page. 56

46- Full page – Eastgate Centre

Page. 58

47- Figure 4.1 – External elevation showing Eastgate and its distinct ‘chimneys’.

Page. 60

48 -Figure 4.2 – A view of Eastgate showing balconies shading the windows.

Page. 62




49- Figure 4.3 – Diagram showing the environmental strategy of Eastgate.

Page. 63

50- Full page - BedZED

Page. 65

51- Figure 4.4 – A chart comparing ecological footprints for different UK lifestyles.

Page. 66

52- Figure 4.5 – A cross sectional sketch shows the environmental strategy.

Page. 70

53- Figure 4.6 – Sketch showing the water treatment strategy.

54- Full page – California Academy of Sciences roof.


Page. 71

Page. 74



55- Figure 4.7 – A cross sectional sketch shows how the building is ventilated.

Page. 77

56- Figure 4.8 – A view of the undulation roof of the academy.

Page. 78

57- Figure 4.9 – Photograph showing the California Academy of Sciences within its context.

Page. 81

58- Full page – California dry death valley

Page. 83

59- Figure 5.1 – A visualisation of the naturally grown village.

Page. 86

60- Figure 5.2 – Cross sectional image describing how the home works.


Page. 86



61- Figure 5.3 – A cross section showing the spaces created by selective solidification of sand dunes.

Page. 87

62- Figure 5.4 – An aerial visualisation showing the impact of the concept in its context.

Page. 88

63- Figure 5.5 – A diagram showing the three stages in construction.

Page. 89

64- Full page – Paradise

Page. 93

65- Full page - Destruction

Page. 94




C o n t e n t s Abstract




List of illustrations




- Life Unbalanced


Need for change


Learning from Nature’s Engineers



- The Termite


- The Bird


- The Beaver




Seed for change


Nature led design


- Biophilic Design


- Biomimetic Design


Application of evolution


Evaluation of evolution


- Eastgate, Harare, Zimbabwe


- Beddington Zero Energy Development, London, UK


- California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA


Progress or regress







Image references





“There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.� 1 Mohandas K. Gandhi


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I n t r o d u c t i o n Historically the natural environment has played a vital role in our development, and has provided us with our first homes in the form of caves, shelters carved from the landscape that protect us from the elements and predators.

As we became

intelligent enough to create our own homes we lost our way with nature. Progression for us caused the decay of the natural environment in which we chose to settle, resulting in the destruction of whole forests and the flattening of entire landscapes to create our environment. We still long for the natural environment, creating parks and retreating to nature at every possible juncture to relax. So why is that we cannot live harmoniously with the natural environment rather than have two distinct places, the natural and urban environments, which are completely detached? amenities to be produced from natural means.

We have the technology for Therefore we need to implement

these technologies and work closer with the natural environment to achieve the balance we once had. We need to sustain our development before it is too late, furthermore we must look back at our roots, our intelligence has taken us away from nature and we must now use it to bring us closer to it and work together to create equilibrium once more. We live in uncertain times, we are surrounded by dwindling natural resources, increasing natural disasters, and rising humanitarian crises. It is time to recognise the need for change and begin the transformation in adequate time. This study will

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aim to research natural solutions rather then artificial solutions created by humans, but the solutions that are present and evident in the natural world around us. Through millennia the natural world has adapted and evolved to create solutions to problems on it’s own.

This study will look to nature as precedence to find the

possible application of forms and processes that can be integrated with new technologies to achieve a balance. We must learn from nature to bring an end to our selfish destructive ways we, that have become so accustomed to. With focused research looking into design and architecture within nature and nature within design and architecture, one can understand the situation in which we find ourselves.

This study will aim to change thoughts and perceptions we currently

have. This study will identify the effects we have had on the world we live in and the damage we have caused.

We must first fully understand the situation at hand

before we can try and solve it. Once the problem is understood, the study will then focus on seeking solutions from the natural world around us, from plants, insects, birds and animals; all of which live in harmony with their surroundings. This study will look in detail at successful methods used in the natural world, which can be then related and applied to design and architecture. It will also explore possibilities of integration with new technologies and existing applications of natural processes, which will be reviewed upon their success and practicality.

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This study will aim to answer a question that any architect or designer should ask himself or herself since their designs ultimately impact both the end user and also the world as a whole:

Can natural forms and processes be integrated with modern technological advances to save the world we live in from our destructive ways?


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“Climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing today, more serious even than the threat of terrorism� 1 David King





L i f e

U n b al a n c e d

The global environment is very sensitive to change.

For instance localised

microclimates become unbalanced due to small-unexpected differentiations in temperature or millimetres of precipitation. The earth has undergone many natural climatic changes through out its history.

However now we are on the brink of

another change which in even more crucial, as it is a man made change.


change has come about due to the rapid growth in population, urbanisation, and the increasing human reliance on fossil fuels. The world’s population has grown exponentially in a relatively short amount time.

According to the

US Census Bureau, in the year 1950 there was an estimated world population between two and three billion this has grown to nearly seven billion, more than double in 60 years. This figure is estimated to grow to nine billion by the year 2044. (See figure 1.1)


Figure 1.1 - Chart showing population growth patterns.


Seven of the top ten populated countries are developing countries (see figure 1.2) with weak infrastructure and an ever-increasing dependency on energy and food. This dependency will only increase as they aim to achieve the same wasteful lifestyle standards enjoyed by the developed nations. The current demand for energy is at an all time high (see figure 1.3) and there are no signs of

this reducing as the developing nations grow and consume as much resources as developed Figure 1.2 – Table showing top 10 populated countries, data from US Census Bureau.

nations. The developed nations have not made any significant

changes to reduce their dependency on fossil fuels, extensive imports, or wasteful lifestyles.

This is proven in figure 1.4, as it is the developed world that uses more

energy per capita than the developing nations, which have relatively larger population and still consume less. However this is a changing statistic as developing countries continue to industrialise and develop similar lifestyles.



Figure 1.3 – Graph from the Global Education Project showing world energy use by fuel type.

Figure 1.4 – Graph from the Global Education Project showing Energy use per capita.

Developing countries are only now industrialising. This is shown by their continued growth and energy hungry expectations, which are not sustainable and in the near future will not be possible at all. The majority of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels, which are devastating the world’s climate and are being used extensively and are now almost depleted. Currently the top 12 countries producing CO2 emissions emit 76% of the total global CO2 emissions. (See figure 1.5)



The rate of population growth coupled with populations from rural communities moving to the cities looking for a better life has resulted in not just a population growth, but also a change in lifestyle habits. People who had lived a sustained life, in a rural setting with minimal impact on their surroundings and lived off their immediate hinterland are now moving to the city. They are becoming reliant on fossil fuels for energy and acquiring resources from Figure 1.5- Chart from the Global Education project showing CO2 emissions.

the global hinterland resulting in a much higher environmental impact.

â€œâ€Śthe average UK meal having travelled over 2000 miles from farm to dinner plateâ€? (Bill Dunster Architects, 2003, p.8)

Cities of the world today create more pressure on resources than ever before, with the emergence of mega cities with populations over ten million (see figure 1.6). These cities have huge environmental impacts. For instance localised microclimates that have been created and shaped by the natural environment and all that it contains once coexisted in equilibrium. This equilibrium is no longer present and it is for this reason we are experiencing climate change ranging from local microclimates to a global scale.



Figure 1.6 – Chart showing population increases in the worlds largest cities.

Rapid urbanisation has destroyed vast areas of land which is no longer recognisable to its natural state.

There are both direct and indirect consequences as land is

cleared for construction where whole forests once stood. Now CO2 is released in enormous amounts where it was once absorbed. Also mines for various minerals and fuels have destroyed habitats, altered natural ecosystems, and scarred natural landscapes. China and India, the two largest and fastest growing populations in the world, both combined make 30% of the worlds population, “Bombay’s population has quadrupled in thirty years” (Boeri et al., 2001).

The cities in these countries have undergone a

massive change, becoming unrecognisable in the last 20 years as can be seen in figure 1.7 on page 11.



Figure 1.7 – Above Shanghai skyline 1990, below Shanghai skyline 2010.



N e e d

f o r

c h a n g e

Humans require energy in two forms; energy for internal consumption such as food and energy for external consumption such as fuel. Food production per capita has increased in recent years in all continents apart from Africa. This is largely due to intensive chemical fertilization, which in turn has led to increased nitrate pollution of underground water supplies (Samuels and Prasad, 1994).

The world’s natural

resources need to be maintained in a more sustainable manner. If we overuse any substance for a quick fix this will only facilitate immediate demand and result in longterm damage to another aspect of nature that inevitably will be overlooked. Fossil fuels are what all nations’ development and progress has been built upon and what they rely on to maintain it.

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas

combined are the single largest source of man-made global warming pollutants, all to produce energy (Gore 2009). These are not renewable nor are they infinite, in the last 50 years the extraction, production, and use of these fuels has seen an exponential growth, which cannot be sustained.


Figure 1.8 – Fuel to CO2 emission ratio.


We must make substantial changes to the way we live, we are environmentally aware as people, but the way we live and the way we construct our buildings does not reflect our awareness.

There are many examples through out history that show

how important it is for us to live in equilibrium with our environment. There have been many cities, some with populations of even one million that now cease to exist because of their extensive unsustainable use of their resources. Ancient Rome for example, by the year 100BC had reached a population of 1.2 million residents (Girardet, 2008).

Between 500-1000AD, Rome had shrunk to a

population of 300,000, because the city could no longer sustain the large population. It had required more resources than those that were available. Rome had used most of Europe’s woodlands for fuel, because no fossil fuels were used, timber was used as a fuel.

Though timber is a natural resource, it was used extensively without


The destruction to Europe’s woodland had possibly created a whole

new landscape as Europe was once nearly completely covered in forests, seemingly endless to its inhabitants, the forests of Europe now are merely a shadow of their former selves. “…from 95 percent coverage at the time of the Roman Empire’s collapse in 47 to only 20 percent at the beginning of the Scientific Revolution in the early 17th century.” (Gore 2009, p.52)



The main food source for Rome was grain and the land in Europe could not produce enough to feed the large city.

Therefore, land in North Africa was cleared and

farmed extensively without any crop rotation for hundreds of years. This resulted in poor quality of soil, which eventually became unable to yield the amount of food that was required. Rome was left with reduced food and fuel, which left the city and its people to starve. This once great city shrank to a shadow of its former self. Europe and North Africa were not enough to sustain one unbalanced city.

The world’s

resources are stretched once more and the global hinterland is not enough to provide for the worlds population with the same expectation. We must learn from the past and make changes while we still can. “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.� (The Life of Reason Vol.1, George Santayana, 1905-1906)

The world is sensitive to changes such as the ones caused by human life.


unhealthy lifestyle of humans is now having an adverse effect on the earth. History is riddled with examples of cities and even civilisations that no longer exist because of their un-resourceful lives. History teaches us to respect nature and be good to it so it will be good to us. Furthermore governments and scientists warn us of the imminent danger and advise us to change our current lifestyles.



Climate change has become an important topic in politics and is at the forefront of government ambitions and targets. Policies and legislation have been altered to help reach set targets. The UK government has issued a review of targets set in June 2006 to be achieved in three areas (Defra, 2010): Climate change & energy Sustainable consumption & production Natural resource protection The issue of climate change is no longer a rumour, rather it is recognised as a real issue and one of great importance that will challenge this generation. There is also a strong belief that the increase of natural disasters is directly linked with global warming. Ex UN Secretary General Kofi Annan’s warning in a report for the Global Humanitarian Forum was cited in Oxfam’s ‘Climate Alarm’ briefing: “The humanitarian impact of climate change is likely to be among the biggest humanitarian challenges in years and decades to come. Actions so far have been slow and inadequate compared with needs.” (Oxfam, 2007)

The issue of climate change has been established and this issue has also become common knowledge, as expressed by William E, Rees, “There is little doubt that global ecological change is real and threatening” (Rees, 2002). This study will attempt to find

solutions and answers inspired by nature’s own engineers in order to reduce damage.



Maybe it is time we realised that it was from nature that we were initially inspired to construct our own homes. Therefore, we should go to our roots as we are not the first nor are we the only species on this world to construct a home. However we are the only species that have significantly impacted the world climate and altered it in a negative way.

The animal kingdom is full of inspirational and sustainable

construction. We can and should learn something from the creatures that share this world with us, so that we may be able to preserve the length of time this world can support our lives. “We have arrived at a moment unlike any other in all of human history. Our home is in grave danger.

What is at risk of being destroyed is not the earth itself, of course, but the

conditions that have made it hospitable for human beings.” (Gore 2009, p.16)

Figure 1.9 – (Left) A cartoonist expresses concern to the situation we currently face. Figure 1.10 – (Below) An Activist is hurt during protests regarding climate change at the 2009 G20 leader summit in London.



The next chapter of this study will look to nature, to learn how the natural world has responded to similar issues that face mankind.

It will investigate the functional

aspect of nature which allows it operate in equilibrium no matter what the climatic conditions. We need to appreciate how natural resources can be used in a manner that has little or no impact on the local environment.

How can we observe,

investigate, and adapt processes and forms in nature, which are fully sustainable and apply them into architecture to create truly sustainable design? Additionally, the following chapter will particularly look at forms and constructions in the natural world, studying how natural forms and principles work within their own context.

Furthermore, cases where design has been applied outside its natural

context will be studied in order to learn how to create more efficient designs and improve existing designs that are traditionally flawed by man.



“No form of Nature is inferior to Art; for the arts merely imitate natural forms�


Marcus Aurelius, 170-180

1-The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius - XI-10(


L e a r n i n g N a t u r e‘s

f r o m

E n g i n e e r s

The previous chapter highlighted the need to seek a better relationship between man and the natural world, in order to prevent the continuing environmental deterioration we are faced with today. This chapter will look to nature seeking inspiration for the ways that architects and designers approach environmentally efficient architecture. Architecture and the people behind it need to evolve to the current environmental needs. The natural world has been designing and evolving since before we humans even contemplated creating a structure. Nature is the precedence that this chapter will investigate, studying nature, learning from its lessons. Nature has always been a vital part of man’s life, long before he discovered how to build; nature provided shelter for him.

Caves carved into the landscape by the

elements over time they provided man with a safe place of abode.


protection from the elements in the forms of caves and caverns had been created by the power and ferocity of the forces themselves, now providing protection for man from themselves, natural predators and beasts. Though caves became man’s home through no engineering or construction himself, they were selected with great understanding and intelligence; for instance the opening had to be south facing to protect from cold northern winds, a small opening was required at the end of the cave to allow smoke from a fire to exit the cave and provide ventilation. Only as


mans intelligence increased did he move out of the cave and begin to create a dwelling of his own. One of the essential aspects of both natural and manmade design is functionalism. In nature, function is intimately related to form; there is no form without function or function without form. Both are essentially two parts of one solution, one without the other cannot provide a holistic solution, rendering the other as a folly.

In 1896, Sullivan

declared that: “form ever follows function” (Sullivan, 1896).

Senosiain quotes Le Corbusier as having

written that as far as he is concerned: “Plants grow from the inside out, the exterior part being the result of the interior” (Senosiain, 2003, p9).

Figure 2.1 – A baby in the mother’s womb.

Life for humans begins in the womb of the mother, a form of nature created through function.

It is the first space

that is experienced by the foetus as it grows and develops.

The surrounding

liquid creates an ambient temperature that





temperature outside; the liquid also acts Figure 2.2 – Inside view of a cave.


as a damper for sound from outside the womb. converted into gentle rocking.

All movements and bumps are

The birth throws the baby into a strange

environment, it’s cold, noisy and full or bright lights, and it is a long way from the controlled environment they baby has thus far experienced. It is from this moment we enter the world we begin to seek refuge, protection and shelter reminiscent of the place from which we came. The cave was the simplest and yet most versatile for this need, it gave shelter and protection, like the womb a natural space that we did not create but inhabited. None the less a space that once ready we left, to find our own individual space. This new freedom that man had achieved through construction came through observation, as humans are not the only species to construct a dwelling, nor were they the first or even arguably the best at it.

Natures other constructers have

created in relative comparison far more ingenious solutions to seek shelter, whether that be land, air or water, and it is this that inspired constructions of our own. The inspiration from the natural world has always been recognised and appreciated in human construction, as cited by Senosiain in 400 BC the Greek philosopher Democritus said: “We learn important things from imitating animals, we are apprentices of the spider, imitating her in the task of weaving and confecting clothing. We learn from the swallows how to construct homes, and we learn to sing from the both the lark and swan…” (Senosiain, 2003)



T h e

T e r m i t e

Some of the most astonishing constructions that one can find on land in this world are not man made, a termite nest is one of those. Termites live in large colonies and therefore construct as one, with nothing more than earth, their own saliva and materials traded with other insects they are known to create mounds.


mounds in many cases reach heights of up to three meters and four meters in width. These incredible structures are also resilient and can withstand environmental conditions incredibly well; a mound found in Kenya has been dated to be 700 years old. (Senosiain, 2003) Generally located in the tropics, the termites cannot survive in hot temperatures; their skin does not provide sufficient protection from the heat, they are usually blind and require a relatively constant temperature. Termites have an infinite number of nest forms but they are usually similar in materials and temperature control methods. The nests are built transversely from East to West and longitudinally from North to South, the orientation can be explained by the need for sun protection. These astonishing structures are on average 800 times the height of the termites themselves; by comparison the Petronas Towers (1483 feet) in Malaysia are only 200 times the height of an average human. (Senosiain, 2003)


The functional aspect of the construction is just as, if not more remarkable than the vast scale of it.

The ventilation system engineered by these ingenious insects is

quite remarkable as shown in figure 2.3, they have created a system that allows fresh air to be ventilated through perforations in the walls, channelling the air through the nest. The flow of stale air facilitates the loss of carbon dioxide, while the thinness of the walls and ducts allows gaseous diffusion, keeping a constant temperature and humidity level. The termites require a constant level of humidity, in arid climates this is a challenge and one that the termites over come, they dig vertical tunnels sometimes up to 40m deep to reach under ground water supplies. These allow the water to evaporate up through the tunnel to create almost 100% humidity by disusing into the air. (Benyus, 2009)

Figure 2.3 – Sketch showing the ventilation system of a termite nest. 24!


T h e

B i r d

As discussed previously the architectural feats constructed by termites are immense shelters, perfectly suited to their requirements, adapted through evolution.


similarly, are also one of nature’s constructors, creating a unique shelter for themselves, as they have been for the past 150 million years, in the air, on the ground and even on water. Working on the principles of tension and compression, they use only natural materials available to them in their immediate surroundings. Twigs work in tension are combined with mud or droppings that work in compression to create solid structures, in which the birds lay and incubate eggs and then nurture the hatchlings. Birds are probably the best-known example from nature, other than man, which build a shelter for themselves and the raising of their young, with nests sometimes in use all year round. There are thousands of different species of birds that build nests, which are based on this basic principle.

Bird nests come in an

extensive range and sizes and they can be found in trees, on the ground, burrowed into the ground, on water and even cliff faces. Figure 2.4 – The Eared Grebe makes its nest so that it floats.



From birds we can learn a lot,




concrete has come through the




structural integrity of a bird’s nest.

The mud in the nest

which acts as compression, is replaced with concrete which




compression, steel elements are then added in some Figure 2.5 – The Cliff Swallow nests along a cliff face. cases, metallic or other fibres in other cases which act in tension. Adding strength to the structure allowing it to be slender, more efficient and reducing material usage. We must also learn from birds to be resourceful, build and adapt with the materials around us to suit the climate and conditions within which we construct out buildings.



T h e

B e a v e r

The beaver is the heavyweight of engineers within nature, creating dwellings well protected from enemies and the elements. The beaver is able to construct dams in order to control water flow around their homes. The beaver creates it’s home in water, within a colony so they can build dams to raise water levels to help protect their homes against predators. Beavers




builders; they select their site at the edge of water currents, close to trees. The create dredges up to trees they have selected to chop down, using their chisel like teeth (see figure 2.7) they chew the tree

until it falls, they then use the Figure 2.6 – Cross sectional image showing how a beaver home functions with two entrances and space for the beaver and its family.

dredge to transport it back to the site.

With only the use of mud, branches, and stones beavers build their dams, they will use natural rock outcrops or manmade walls if present to make their work less by recycling existing structures. Their dams also benefit the local ecosystem by creating wetlands as result of their dams, which support and host many species of animals


and plants these wetlands also help absorb water after heavy rainfall reducing flood risks. This reflects the importance of considerate accordance

construction to



Beavers have a large effect on their local ecosystem, however this is a positive affect unlike the negative human impact. Through



dwellings and building dams to Figure 2.7 – Beaver using its specialised teeth to cut down a tree.

protect themselves they are also promoting natural growth of life around them.

We should also try and adopt this approach to construction one, which is not only sustainable but also ethical, nature has a lot to teach us through its natural engineers, we should observe, take notes and adapt.



S e e d

f o r

c h a n g e

This chapter has provided a brief insight into nature’s engineers; perfectly adapted natural forms that perform with maximum efficiency, structures in the natural world built intelligent and resourcefully. Many more examples can be taken from nature, with clear and directed research a lot can be gained, we must stop destroying the environment and rebuilding it to what suits us. We should embrace the challenges and seek real long-term solutions, understanding natural constructions can help us achieve what we need, a balanced coexistence with nature. However, it is not only natural forms that we can observe, investigate and adapt; the natural world is full of organic processes created as unique responses to individual requirements. These processes are driven by natural principles, the problem is fully understood and the response is an ideal solution. What if we were to replicate these processes, what if we replicate the ventilation system used by termites, the way a plant produces energy through photosynthesis? The application of these principles can help designers achieve climatic and environmentally aware and responsible architecture. Ultimately,










environmentally efficient design as an element of design, but as the driving force of each and every project. A holistic design approach is required, we must plant the seed for change now and embrace change as it grows and flourishes.

The next

chapter will look at natural process with a vision for an integrated design approach.


The following chapter will seek to understand the correlation between nature and design, the elements of design that provide a connection with the natural world and the user.

The psychological effect of design characteristics that make a design feel

more entwined with its context.

This study will then look into the possible

application of natural processes that can make design and architecture sit in harmony with the environment. Furthermore the next chapter will investigate research conducted into natural processes, how and why they are the way they are.

To then explore the possible

integration with technologies or directly to architecture and design. Providing not only a form that is more naturally in balance with its surroundings, but architecture and design that is as natural and intelligent as its local environment.


“Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason. �


Leonardo da Vinci

1- Leonardo da Vinci. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2010, from Web site:

!"!"*The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted section of pipe# #



N a t u r e

l e d

d e s i g n

While the previous chapter looked into architecture and design within nature, this chapter will focus on nature within architecture and design. The following are two main categories of nature within architecture and design that will be studied:

Biophilic Design – In this thesis, biophilic design is recognised as promoting a holistic sustainable design approach.

One aspect of biophilia is the

considerate use of material in terms of construction and the promotion of renewable energy sources.

Though it is not the same as the generally

perceived ‘sustainable design’, but it also incorporates user comfort and the psychological effect of natural elements within its hypothesis A building can be sustainable but if user comfort is sacrificed, the building will become unused, and will ultimately deteriorate become a folly. To understand the meaning of biophilia one can refer to the Oxford dictionary definition, which describes it as: “An innate and genetically determined affinity of human beings with the natural world.” (Oxford University Press, 2010)

Biomimimetic Design – This is a relative new concept in design and can be seen as a direct response and continuation from the previous chapter. Biomimicry looks to nature not for inspiration in form, but to understand natural processes that drive and create the responsive design in the natural environment. Biomimicry allows the architect or designer to understand the


environmental, and/or climatic challenges and then look to the natural world to see how natural design has provided a solution for those challenges. This solution is then broken down to the basic concepts that are then adapted into design









environmentally conscious and climatically responsive. To understand the meaning of biomimicry one can refer to the Oxford dictionary definition, which describes it as: “The design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modelled on biological entities and processes.� (Oxford University Press, 2010)



B i o p h i l i c

D e s i g n

As briefly mentioned before, biophilia recognises the positive effects of nature within design. It recognises the need to preserve materials by considerate use and the benefits attainable from the human-nature relationship. Biophilic design looks into user comfort and the effect the natural environment has on the users of the building. It recognises the basic principle of architecture as the need to provide user comfort. Also it recognises that the architects and designers have a duty of care not only for the user but also for society and the environment as a whole. Biophilia looks to incorporate all these elements in order to create a fully sustainable design, a design which is environmentally sound and provides a level of user comfort that prolongs the maximum use and life of the building, coupled with health and psychological benefits.


The presence and respect for nature is something that man has slowly moved away from; once living amongst nature in the fields and caves we now live in concrete jungles, having conquered the landscape with a trophy plant pot sitting on the mantle piece. “Unfortunately, the prevailing approach to design of the modern urban built environment has encouraged the massive transformation and degradation of natural systems and increasing human separation from the natural world.� (Kellert 2008, p.5)

Society must function within the natural environment, in order to improve psychological health and quality of life. We must seek inspiration from the natural environment to live in harmony rather than destructively within the varied climatic conditions around the world.

Everything in nature apart from humans live in a

balance, we must also live in harmony with nature if we want to save this planet we call home.


Biophilia consists of the following two dimensions; The first being one of an organic or naturalistic dimension, that defines shapes and forms in design that directly or indirectly reflect the inherent human affinity for nature. The second dimension of biophilic design refers to what we see as vernacular or place-based design.

That incorporates the local or geographic areas

working with the local culture and ecology as part of a holistic design approach, which works with and does not infringe on the local landscape and values. (Kellert, 2008)

There are six design principles that are connected to Biophilic architecture, they can be split further into 70 design attributes (see figure 3.7); all aimed at integrating the natural elements that improve the quality of our lives. Environmental




environmental feature as a design element is probably the most obvious design principal; it involves the use of wellrecognised characteristics of the natural world in the built environment.

Figure 3.1 – Water fountains are often used in landscape design to make the more interactive.


Natural shape and form – This includes the representation and simulation of the natural world.

Figure 3.2 – A house designed in the shape of a seashell.

Natural patterns and processes – This principle emphasises the representation rather than the simulation of nature. also







elements to improve the design deeper than just for aesthetics. Figure 3.3 – The stealth fighter jet’s aerodynamic function is based on that of a stingray.

Light and space – The focus of this design element is to improve design qualities through the relationship of light and space. Figure 3.4 – Tadao Ando’s Church of Light plays on the relationship of light and space. 41#

Place-based relationships – The successful combination of ecology and culture within a geographical context is the aim of this principle.

Figure 3.5 – The Eden Project successfully connects visitors to a natural setting within a native environment created through its design.

Evolved human-nature relationships – This principle




on of

the the

inherent relationship

between man and nature.

(Kellert, 2008)

Figure 3.6 – A man tends to his garden, a relationship that has psychological benefits.


# Figure 3.7 - Chart from Biophilic Design, (Kellert, 2008) categorises the attributes and related design elements to biophilic architecture.


Biophilia teaches us the importance of nature in design, illustrating how to make a building truly sustainable the and further explaining the psychological effects on its users.

Architects explore the psychological effect of architecture by evoking

emotion, however the effect of environmental factors in building design is something that is overlooked. We must understand and factor this into the design rationale. The design elements discussed need to be explored and exploited in order to create a building that is sustainable in construction and use.

Architecture must evoke

emotion and allow the user to feel connected with the architecture creating a user relationship that allows frequent, flexible and sustained use of the building. To create a design that is sustainable and environmentally responsible an understanding of the environment and its effect on humans is just as important as the effect humans have on the environment, overall it is a balance we need in order to achieve true success. There is no wasteful design in biophilic architecture, alternative sources of energy are recommended and materials should be used responsibly and appropriately. The design should respond to environmental factors by working with them rather then addressing climatic issues by means on unsustainable energy hungry methods once the design is finished.

The seeds of a maple tree are an example of extremely

efficient design, the winged seeds are designed perfectly to work with gravity using an aerodynamic design; they catch the wind as they fall, making them spin and drift to a spot beyond the shade of thier parent. (Benyus, 2008)


We must embrace design in accordance to solutions perfected by nature through millennia; after all, nature has created an ideal solution for each unique climatic issue it presents.

Design in nature is the same as purpose; there is not form without

function and no function without form. Superfluous design is an invention of man, Architects and designers have a duty to efficiently address the needs of the client. Nature is the only true precedence.



B i o m i m e t i c

D e s i g n

This study has thus far investigated the relationship between man and the natural environment and how this relationship has in recent times become distorted by man’s greed and lack of care. The damage caused to the environment has been accepted, however the extent of the damage has not yet truly come forward. The thesis then moved on to discuss the architecture in the natural world and the influence it has or should have on design and architecture. This chapter will focus on lessons to be learned from nature, from a different perspective; it will focus on function. Though form and function in the natural world are seen as one, natural processes are not as apparent as the appearance. Only on close inspection can they be seen as an integrated part of the design. Biomimicry investigates the processes and methodology in natural design and applies them directly into the design process. “Biomimicry is not a style of building, nor is it an identifiable design product. It is, rather a design process- a way of seeking solutions...� (Benyus 2010, p.29)

The investigation of natural design and processes allows the understanding of just how efficient natural processes have become through evolution, everything is designed with a purpose in mind. The understanding of these processes ultimately leads to the implementation and adaptation of those principles into architecture and design, which defines biomimicry.


We instinctively appreciate both the aesthetic and practical wonders of the natural world, apprentices of the world we live in it is from observation we have fashioned tools and processes. Biomimicry has two aspects, which are the following;

Observation – Biomimicry works by observation, when there is a problem one looks to nature to see how the natural world has overcome that problem. We then research, understand and adapt the solution. For instance, in terms of aerodynamics, one researches the function and the solution is the form. However one researches photosynthesis in leaves, the green pigment is part of the form, but it is not the green pigment rather the function of it that is imitated by solar cells. (Benyus 2008)

Application – Unique design principles in nature can help achieve better climatic solutions with both minimal environmental impact and technological input. Thus providing low-tech solutions to problems previously solved with high-energy wasteful processes.

Natural solutions are never wasteful and

this can be seen all around. For instance, eggshells, trees and skeletons to name a few are structural elements, which have sufficient structural integrity with minimal material use.


Recent times have seen an increase into investigation on just how the natural world deals with climatic issues to survive and progress. Therefore designers, architects and engineers may develop those principles for use in manufacturing, industry and construction.

Janine Benyus describes in her talk ‘Biomimicry in action, July 2009’

available to view at as of August 2009, how people have forgotten that we are surrounded by genius of design. Bones






improve their own structural integrity as they




themselves in positions of high stress while trees use branches to transfer load,






disperse it into the ground with an extended root system. biologist



Research by has


embedded into computer software to

Figure 3.8 – ‘Bone Chair’ designed by Joris

mimic this self-assessment of loads and Laarman in 1998 uses software mimicking the stress.




principles applicable to design.

structure assessment used by bones to

same eliminate any extra material. The

software calculates where extra material is required and where material can be removed. 49#

This software allowed a car designed by Mercedes-Benz had its weight reduced by 40%; it optimized the structure by featuring material only where it was required. This technology was then combined with mimicking the aerodynamic shape of the boxfish to allow the car to achieve 70-mpg. (Car body design, 2008)

Figure 3.9 – (Right) Mercedez-Benz prototype car based on two biomimetic principles. Figure 3.10 – (Below right) The structure of the car created using bone structure software allowing the removal extra material. Figure 3.11 – (Below left) The box fish on which the aerodynamic body fo the car is shaped.


The developers of the bullet train in Japan were faced with a problem; the train would travel so fast that as it went through a tunnel, upon exit it would create







difference in pressure (Dasgupta, 2009). The solution to the problem came when the





challenge faced by the Kingfisher bird. The bird needs to pass from two mediums that vary in pressure, from air to water, this needs to be seamless so it Figure 3.12 – The moment a kingfisher bird can see the fish as it enters the water enters the water.

without making a splash. The adaptation of this principle seen in the kingfisher bird made the train quieter and allowed it to go 10% faster on 15% less electricity. (Benyus, 2009)

Figure 3.13 – Japan's 500 Series Shinkansen bullet train as modeled on the beak of a kingfisher bird.



A p p l i c a t i o n

o f

e v o l u t i o n

To fully integrate the principles of biophilia and the imitation of natural process through biomimicry into modern architecture and design, consideration must be given to address comfort issues. Many modern technologies, which are harmful to the environment are implemented in order to achieve a certain degree of comfort to, which society has come to accept as the standard. Changes in society and culture cannot be forced and are changed over time, therefore must target the issues at heart.

How to achieve the same lifestyle as is expected by people of the world

today, without expecting people to change? User comfort is determined by a number of factors, one being daylight; daylight is important to many organisms. For humans, the lack of sunlight exposure can have detrimental affects to our health. Sunlight exposure is how humans take in 80% of their vitamin D intake and therefore it is vital in every design. Though not just for health reasons but also to reduce energy use, the more we take advantage of daylight the less the need artificially light buildings. Designs must respond to this basic human need, as insufficient day lighting can reduce productivity at work and over prolonged periods of time can lead to health problems. Windows and skylights are currently the only viable solution to allow daylight into buildings, yet it could be argued that this method is insufficient and creates design compromises. Often the form of a building and its internal layout is dictated by the availability of daylight; windows and skylights must be directly related to the rooms 53#

and spaces they provide daylight into. If we look at how nature addresses this issue, we may be able to provide a solution, which we could possibly adapt to allow daylight into any room no matter its position in plan. The Venus’s flower basket a sea sponge that lives on the ocean floor, has adapted to overcome the same problem; it has specially shaped filaments that channel light as well as fibre optics with a remarkable difference. The filaments can even be tied into a knot with out breaking. Scientists from Alcatel-Lucent Labs are in the process of developing fibre optics, which mimic this attribute (Benyus, 2008). The development of this technology opens up a range of possibilities and ways to transport natural to light to spaces inside buildings, this task was previously was either impossible or compromised.

Figure 3.14 – Fibre optic cables.

Figure 3.15 – Venus’s flower basket.


Windows and skylights can also be inspired and created with more natural means rather then being manufactured in kilns off site. The University of California-Santa Barbara is developing a method that may lead to windows and skylights being created on site. Inspired by diatoms and sponges, windows and skylights may be crystallised from water solutions in situ.

However if we collaborate and combine

technologies with companies such as Konarka1, these windows could also create energy.

Konarka has developed dye-sensitised cells that actually harness energy

from light. Unlike photovoltaic cells they work on the same principle as leaves do with photosynthesis.

The film is flexible and less toxic than photovoltaic cells,

cheaper to produce and can be sandwiched into windows, glued to wall and roofs, and they can even operate at shallow angles. (Benyus, 2008)

######################################################## $Konarka

is recognized throughout the world as a leader in OPV (organic photovoltaic) technology – a 3rd generation solar technology that is rapidly emerging to compete with silicon based 1st and 2nd generation solar technologies. The company holds over 350 patents and filings covering every aspect of our proprietary chemistry and processes. Their current research efforts are exploring exciting new OPV chemistries as well as advances to our existing technology that will produce greater power output at a lower cost.





! E v a l u a t i o n

o f

e v o l u t i o n

Architecture has begun to look to nature, acknowledging there is much to be learned. Design adaptation of natural processes and a holistic sustainable design approach that benefits the earth, human health, and psyche is now more apparent and celebrated. At this point in the study the adaptation of natures perfected wisdom through millennia of evolution will be evaluated in its success, analyzed in its weakness, and possible improvements or combination of methods to create a more holistic design approach. To consider the benefits attainable across a varied range of architecture, this part of the study will focus on three projects of varying scale and use in different climatic conditions, these will be as following: Eastgate, Harare, Zimbabwe – Large scale office and retail development. BedZED, South London, U.K – A 100 House zero carbon eco village. California Academy of sciences, California, USA – Museum and research institute.




! E a s t g a t e ,

H a r a r e ,

Z i m b a b w e

The Eastgate office and retail building in Harare is an example of biomimicry applied. The nine-story building does not look like a termite mound but operates in a similar fashion, like the local insect construction, which shares the same climate.

It is

surrounded by towers of glass that relay on air-conditioning systems to make the building comfortable. The actual design of those buildings increasing and multiplying discomforting conditions shows the failure of ‘aesthetic’ architecture that is designed to simply look ‘beautiful’.

Architects have a duty of care to ensure any building they

design is comfortable to the user, designed efficiently to respond to the local geographical and climatic conditions. Too much of modern architecture is concerned with promoting power and wealth, a wasteful and environmentally detrimental process. Mick Pearce, the architect behind Eastgate has in Harare approached design with the fundamental principle of biomimicry, find the problem and ask nature for the solution.

Along with engineers Ove Arup and Partners a ventilation system was

developed to keep the building cool and comfortable for the user without the need to rely on wasteful air conditioning. (Senosiain, 2003)


! Ventilation is a factor in architectural design and planning, which drastically affects the comfort for the users of the building. Modern mechanical methods are heavily reliant on air conditioning, which causes environmental deterioration. It also poses potential health risks due to prolonged exposure and it is extremely wasteful of energy. Modern regulations and user comfort require well-ventilated buildings, and in places with extreme climatic issues the only perceived way is through mechanical conditioned air, which is not a design response. A well-designed sustainable building should not require any wasteful of energy to produce the required comfort level. Figure 4.1 – External elevation showing Eastgate and its distinct ‘chimneys’.


! Architect Mick Pearce along with engineers Ove Arup and partners were to construct a naturally ventilated building in Harare, Zimbabwe. To achieve the desired results they took inspiration from local termites (Macrotermes michaelseni); the office block, Eastgate is a nine-story, one-block-square building that has no air conditioning and uses 35% less energy than six conventional buildings in Harare combined. (Senosiain, 2003)

The termite mound functions as a large extravagant ventilation system and rises from 6-18 feet though no termites live in the actual mound but underground, this is also where the termites cultivate their food source, fungus. The fungus and termites require a certain temperature, the termites construct tunnels that pipe surface air into cool mud chambers.

The air then rises through the living quarters and out

through the chimneys via the Venturi effect1 created by the sun-heated mound above. A vast network or ‘bronchial tubes’ in the mound allow ground-level breezes to circulate and regulate the humidity. The architectural design should address and respond to the issue as other builders in the natural world do. As previously mentioned termites are remarkable insects, the ventilation system adopted by termites does not require any mechanical support or conditioning. The outside temperature may fluctuate daily between 37oF to 107oF

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $The

Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted section of pipe.



! but the inside temperature of the nest will remain constant to within one degree of 87oF. (Senosiain, 2003)(Benyus, 2008). In the article learning from insect engineers by Don Borough, dated September 1999, the architect Pearce is quoted as describing the internal space, “the space that you live and work in had to become the air duct� (Boroughs, 1999). Pearce had to work

closely with engineers from the beginning of the design; usually the architects call upon engineers after the design process.

They are then given are set of conditions

they need to match, in order to create a comfortable environment which then requires air conditioning. The involvement from the beginning of the design allows the building to remain a comfortable 25oC, even when the outside sub tropical temperature rises to 35oC. (Boroughs, 2009) Two parallel nine-storey office wings, each 15 metres deep are separated by a fullheight atrium that is also 15 metres deep. The external wall compromises of in-situ concrete with brick cladding and external balconies to shade the walls and windows. A total of 32 vertical ducts serve the ventilation in the building running through the core of each floor. These together act a plenum, delivering air to the office spaces through grilles.

The hollow concrete floor slabs Figure 4.2 – A view of Eastgate showing balconies shading the

that remain at roughly 200C provide cooling to the windows.


! air in the hot periods of the year and a degree of heating during the cool season. (McDonald et al., 2001)

As a production of the design process the form followed the function of the building. The building design required that only 25% of the wall could be windows, which are sealed due to varying wind pressure. However this has resulted in a very energy efficient design in the first five years this system has saved the owner $3.5 million in energy costs. (Benyus, 2009)

Figure 4.3 – Diagram showing the environmental strategy of Eastgate. 63!

! Eastgate is the largest mixed used development in Zimbabwe and by the application of a natural precedence to achieve user comfort it shows no matter the scale a natural solution can be applied (Hawkes, et al., 2001). This shows that it is in our best interest to stop and look to this world, to see what we can learn before we try to ‘progress’. We have come to a point where change is required and it is required now. The Eastgate centre is a good example of modern architecture working within in its natural climate rather than against it. It is also a good example that shows it is not expensive to be environmentally conscious in fact it is cheaper.

This is an

approach that must be adopted by all designers and architects.




! B e d d i ng t o n

Z e r o

D e v e l o p m e n t,

E n e r g y

L o n d o n, UK

Completed in 2002 BedZED was a development first, an inspiring and ambitious project to create a one hundred home development that is carbon neutral. Located in Wallington, London, the housing was designed to be high density in order to create a viable future precedence. The architects behind the project, Bill Dunster Architects have not only set a design precedence, but in the process have set a legal precedence, by expanding a normal section 106 planning to include environmental impact targets (Bill Dunster Architects, 2003).

The architects were hoping not only to achieve a zero carbon design but by

creating the development in a dense city environment that, they would design a model that will be adopted by all new housing. “The UK replaces its urban fabric (homes and workplaces) at an average 1-5%/year, meaning that if ZED standards became common place – most of our habitat could be carbon neutral well before the start of the next century” (Bill Dunster Architects, 2003, p.6)”11

Energy targets were to be achieved by high levels of insulation, passive heating and ventilation, low energy appliances and renewable energy sources on site.


included photovoltaic panels and a wood powered onsite combined heating and power (CHP) plant. For which the fuel is compiled of waste wood products, including a local tree-pruning firm.


! The design of the development was based on a carbon neutral strategy in regards to individual design elements that work together to make a holistic design approach. The principles of the strategy can be compared to those of biophilic design.


BedZED was designed not only to be sustainable but also to provide the same level is not better comfort and quality of life as normal homes.

All most all homes were

designed with a garden and shared community facilities were also provided. The architects understood the affinity to nature that man has, and the benefits to general well being of the community this provided. Some of the key principles that formed the strategy are: To reduce energy requirements to the point where renewable energy us a realistic viable option for a large in not entire required energy amount. Design for a lifestyle that is not as dependant on the car by developing diverse mixed-uses on site, and by promoting car pools and electric vehicles. Maximise the use of local, reclaimed and recycled material and use materials with low embodied energy. Reduce mains water consumption by collecting rainwater and recycling grey/black water on site.


! Integrate ‘green lifestyle’ services such as recycling and onsite composting; coordinating deliveries of sustainably sourced products and local organic food and waste collection.

! Figure 4.4 – A chart comparing ecological footprints for different UK lifestyles.


! The design strategy was accompanied by design requirements that would dictate and reduce variables, allowing the development to work with the local climatic conditions from the beginning of the design process.

These elements of design are in

accordance with the biophilic design process, designing with the climate in mind not just constructing without due care, these design elements are; Passive design – Passive design is a vital design element, it works by thermal mass, which helps to keep the building cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

By providing extensively exposed high thermal capacity room

surfaces, the walls absorb heat when the room becomes warmer and then dissipate heat when the temperature falls. Orientation – Orientation is another key element, like with the orientation of termite nests it can play a big role in the energy efficiency of a building. The orientation can regulate temperature gain and loss. The ZED principles dictates that the development need to be within 20 degrees of due south to obtain enough solar gain. Ventilation – Wind cowls are orientated to allow prevailing wind, with the aid of the shaped roof to be caught and ventilate the building, while a smaller cowl as part of the same installation allows stale air to be flushed out.


! Renewable energy – A combination of solar collectors, photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and bio-fuelled combination heat and power (CHP), provide the home and development with the energy required. (Bill Dunster Architects, 2003)

Figure 4.5 – A cross sectional sketch shows the environmental strategy.



Figure 4.6 – Sketch showing the water treatment strategy.

The theory behind BedZED is strong, the project was a first, inspiring and ambitious, but has it achieved what it set out to? It takes into account a holistic sustainable design approach from the ground up, not just add-ons at then end of the design process. So much so that it is designed in a way to encourage the shared use of cars, it makes provisions for the use of electric cars, with charging stations designed in. On site facilities are incorporated so people do not need to drive to access facilities elsewhere. It is a well though out design that not only focuses on the building but the whole development and the lives of the


! residents. In that sense BedZED is very successful in implementing a holistic design, as architecture, in terms that are measurable, how successful is it in its own right? BedZED was built to reduce environmental impact and enhance the quality of life of the residents, has it achieved that goal? It is a success in the term of environmental impact; the average BedZED house has 27% less energy requirements than a house of similar size, built in accordance with building regulations in the year 2000. The remaining heating requirements were to be provided by CHP, that however failed, it worked intermittently between 2002-2005 and there after completely failed, at which point the company the provided the equipments dissolved after bankruptcy.


onsite water treatment facility also failed, BedZED was never fully carbon neutral. It had never achieved its zero carbon aim, though because of the many design elements attributed to a sustainable design it still had a relatively small environmental impact. An audit into BedZED seven years from construction by Bioregional in 2009 revealed some facts.

On average a BedZED home if compared to one of a similar size

required 45% energy then that of an average house in Sutton. However the homes did have a lower demand for energy, even though the onsite energy failed the energy required to run the homes was still considerably less than the average home. The CHP was also to provide heating requirements, after the breakdown this was provided by a district heating system by BedZED, the requirements were still 81% less then that of a house of comparable size. (Bioregional, 2009)


! BedZED is seen as a social revolution as described by Peter F. Smith: “It is not just another low-energy housing scheme, it is a prescription for a social revolution; a prototype of how we should live in the twenty-first century if we are to enjoy a sustainable future.� (Smith, 2007, p.157)

BedZED did not manage to attain its own ambitions but the in the process to achieve them sustainable low environmental impact homes were still produced.

With the

lack of energy efficient homes and prolonged use of out dated inefficient homes this is still a welcome success by any means. A holistic approach is something which all designers and architects should employee as good design, there were two failures in the principle design strategy of BedZED yet it was still a successful design. Without a holistic approach these failures would render BedZED an expensive experiment into new technology, but with the adaptation of other key elements with failure it still succeeded.




! C a l i f o r n i a S a n

A c a d e m y

F r a n c i s c o,

o f

S c i e n c e s,

C a l i f o r n i a,


The California Academy of Sciences interviewed many potential architects to design their new building. The primary goal of the project was to provide a safe, modern facility for exhibition, education, and research all under one roof. The brief required the reflection of the academy’s role, housing one of the worlds most innovative and prestigious cultural institutions. (Feireis & Lovell, 2009) The part research, part museum design project was consequently awarded to Renzo Piano on the premise of a holistic sustainable design approach.

The academy

commissioned the new building to replace a complex consisting of 11 buildings that had received irreparable damage in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.


buildings actually formed a major part of the design strategy as 90% of the demolished buildings were reused in the construction of their successor. There is a strong recycling ethic in place at the academy, as 95% of the steel used in the construction is made up of recycled steel.

The timber was also sourced from

responsible sources of which amount to 50% of the total timber used (Feireis & Lovell, 2009).

The concrete used in the construction also contains recycled material, it contains 30% fly ash, a bi-product of coal-fired power stations and 20% slag a waste product from metal smelting.

Compared to normal concrete the addition of these waste

products has prevented the release of 5,375 tons of carbon emissions. Even the 75!

! insulation in the building is recycled; it is made from recycled blue jeans. (Pearson, 2009)

Piano had from the beginning envisioned the iconic roof of the building, as he is quoted in the Architectural Record by Clifford A. Pearson as saying, “I saw it as typography…The idea was to cut a piece of the park, push it up 35 feet-to the height of the old buildings-and put whatever was needed underneath.” (Pearson, 2009)

As expressed by Piano it is the roof that is the driving force of the design, the ‘living roof’ that incorporates the majority of the sustainable design attributes.


construction of the roof gives it highly efficient insulation properties, making the roof 4 degrees cooler than a standard roof. (Feireis & Lovell, 2009) The roof is built up in several layers, there is a layer of biodegradable coconut husk trays containing soil and species of native Californian plants, an erosion-control blanket design to retain soil, a drainage layer, insulation, a water proof layer and finally a concrete slab. This extensive build up provides the roof with its insulation properties, which in the summer allow the building to be 10 degrees cooler than the outside temperature. (Feireis & Lovell, 2009) A special layer creates a reservoir that absorbs rainwater for growing plants, when full the remaining water is collected and stored as grey water to be sued for flushing toilets. This process also reduces storm water run off by 7.5 million litres of water a year (Hansen, 2005), comparable to the roots of a tree, which soak and hold water within a certain radius. 76!

! The undulating roof, which creates seven hills reflecting the characteristic Seven Hills1 of San Francisco, is punctured with 100 skylights that flood the interior with daylight, 36 of the skylights will be operable to allow ventilation (Hansen, 2005). The dynamic shape of the roof is also what drives the passive ventilation, the steep slopes and curves pull the warm air out of the building, while the shape also draws air into the building.

Figure 4.7 – A cross sectional sketch shows how the building is ventilated.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1

“Seven Hills of San Francisco" refer to: Telegraph Hill, Nob Hill, Russian Hill, Rincon Hill, Mount Sutro, Twin Peaks and Mount Davidson 77!


Figure 4.8 – A view of the undulation roof of the academy.


! The success of the environmental strategy is accredited by LEED1 which awarded the building a platinum certificate, its highest achievement, by the point system used by LEED the academy is they most sustainable building of its typology in the world. According to the San Francisco Citizen in its March 2009 article, it scored points in six categories, which are the following: Green building features – The integration of green building features allows the building to use 30-35% less energy then a building of similar size. Heat & humidity – Radiant floor heating reduces energy by 5-10%, heat recovery systems capture and utilize heat produced by HVAC equipment, reducing energy used to heat. Natural light & ventilation – At least 90% of the occupied space has access to natural light and outside views. The roofline draws ait into the building. Renewable energy – The solar panels on the canopy of the building generate up to 10% of the energy requirements, producing 213,000 kW of energy per year.

There are also sensor faucets in the bathrooms, which charge

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $!The

LEED green building certification program encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through a suite of rating systems that recognize projects that implement strategies for better environmental and health performance.! 79!

! themselves after each use, flowing water causes an internal turbine to generate power and charge the battery. Water efficiency – Reclaimed water form the city of San Francisco will be used to flush the toilets reducing the use of potable water for waste water by 90%.

In addition low flow fixtures reduce total water use by 78%.


water for the aquarium is pumped from the Pacific Ocean to reduce fresh water use. (San Francisco Citizen, 2009)

The success of Piano’s California Academy of Sciences is apparent with critical acclaim through the LEED award system for sustainable design. Though it is more successful then the award can comprehend, the LEED award system recognises and praises sustainable design, but through this study one can see that it is not only the building which encompasses sustainability. A holistic sustainable design is a start and something, which should be apparent in each and every new building; the next step must be attitudes and the way we live, like BedZED the academy itself takes the extra step forward. Secure parking is available on site, both at the front and rear of the building for bicycles, while electric car charging stations are also designed into the facility. Staff members are encouraged to take public transport to and from work, as they are compensated travel costs if they take public transport. Employing policies like this


! help










infrastructure but society, by encouraging the use of public transport and welcoming the use of bicycles and electric cars. Another feature associated with the living roof is its successful impact on the local ecosystem.

As previously

examined in this study how the beaver adds to its local ecosystem creating wetlands, which are home to many living organisms. similar




In a of


academy is home to 1.7 million Figure 4.9 – Photograph showing the California native Californian plants, insects and Academy of Sciences within its context. birds (Pearson, 2009).

The roof

created 2.5 acres of native vegetation, which is the largest concentration of native vegetation in San Francisco. (San Francisco Citizen, 2009) Piano’s academy is a great example of vision, he has achieved what he set out to; he lifted the park and placed whatever is required underneath, without making a large environmental impact. In the process much of what existed has been reused and a mini ecosystem reintegrated and added where there was none before, enhancing the Golden Gate Park in which it sits.


! These examples illustrate the fact that designing to achieve balance between man and nature does not need to be difficult. Architects and designers only need to look at nature to find solutions, in order to allow society to function in a sustainable manner.

Society functions as a whole but through individual achievements.

Buildings similarly to the ones studied in this thesis, are examples of progression in design, attitudes and social acceptance. change must be embraced.

Responsibilities must be accepted and

Species that fail to adapt in the wake of change

inevitably become extinct, it is our time to accept that we must now adapt to change.



“I want to testify today about what I believe is a planetary emergency - a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilization and the habitability of the Earth.� 1 Al Gore



! P r o g r e s s

o r

r e g r e s s

The question this study proposed was to investigate if natural forms and processes could be integrated with modern technological advances, to save the world we live in from our destructive ways. This study first outlined the threat we humans posed to the environment and in turn resulting to the threat we face from climatic issues. It then explored the influences and possible application of lessons from nature in order to resolve these issues to seek a balance. The analysis of research from this study has shown some promise in a possible bleak future. Evolution does not always need to be associated with physical attributes; the evolution of the mind, the refinement of thought, and the progression of intelligence can also lead to progress as species. What sets humans apart from the majority of other creatures on this planet is our intelligence.

The ability to fashion tools

preceded the ability to create mechanical systems, which in turn led to development of electronic systems. This intelligence must not be linked to arrogance; we must be humble and take advice from nature. We must learn to consult the natural world to help us survive, and if we want to reverse the possible irreparable change that has now begun. Climate change as discussed earlier is a very serious problem that we face not as an individual, a village, and city or even country but as a global community. We must all accept responsibility and initiate the inevitable change. Architects and designers have the ability to shape and create societies. This study has shown the potential of


! what can be achieved when we recognise and appreciate nature as a design consultant.

Nature’s engineers combined with natural processes can help create











surroundings. We possess the technology and the research facilities that allow us to investigate nature and adapt the results to suit our needs. This is evident from the research produced by this study as a viable solution. The projects discussed in this study have shown the success of implementing natural processes and positive ecological approach.

Our planet is sensitive to change,

therefore we still have the power to reduce and possibly reverse this change, and all we must do is accept the responsibility to change. A difference in thought and perceptions is what we need and it is something, which is becoming a topic of discussion. To redesign the building we must first alter our perceptions of what we consider modern construction. This is something that the work of Mitchell Joachim describes, in his video “Don’t build your home, grow it!” of February 2009, available at from July 2009.

In this talk Joachim

describes possible future eco-villages constructed by the method of pleaching trees. This new concept is based on old knowledge combined with new thinking. This is the type of re-invention we currently require. Joachim describes how the living villages can be grown over a period of 15 years, and once created a community can live and prosper in architecture, which is made from natural living materials. (Joachim, 2009)


! Figure 5.1 – A visualisation of the naturally grown village.

Figure 5.2 – Cross sectional image describing how the home works.


! A revolution only begins from the eyes of visionaries.

A revolution in design is

required now to combat the effects of climate change. Architect student Magnus Larsson has proposed an idea, which transforms an inhabitable belt along the Sahara dessert into a thriving ecosystem.

He describes his proposal through the online

platform of his talk, “Turning dunes into architecture� of July 2009, available on the website from November 2009. He highlights that the Sahara dessert is moving further south into Africa at a rate of 600m per year. The idea is based on the incorporation of the bacteria Bacillus pasteurii with the sand of the desert, this bacteria solidifies the sand converting the sand into sand stone. Solidifying the sand at selective places will create solid hollow structures that can be lived in, by planting vegetation in these spaces a new ecosystem can be created and the growing desert can be stopped. (Magnus, 2009)

Figure 5.3 – A cross section showing the spaces created by selective solidification of sand dunes.



Figure 5.4 – An aerial visualisation showing the impact of the concept in its context.


! These ideas are new concepts that are not necessarily the solution but ideas which show the difference in possibilities that can help achieve a better balance. However, the world needs ideas to become reality to address current issues due to climate change. Sustainable and low environmental impact solutions that address increasing humanitarian issues caused through climate change, are also required as part of a holistic solution. The Concrete Canvas is an invention by Peter Brewin and William Crawford. It is designed to house medical facilities in an emergency situation. This structure, which arrives as a small package bag later turns into a Quonset-shaped structure within 12 hours. Structures such as these provide a safe environment to deal with medical emergencies in humanitarian crisis zones. (Architects for Humanity, 2006)

Figure 5.5 – A diagram showing the three stages in construction.


! In October 2008, the North West Frontier Province and the Pakistani administered state of Azad Jammu, Kashmir in Northern Pakistan, were devastated with an earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter Scale. The earthquake left an estimated 3.3 million people homeless.

It is during large-scale humanitarian crises such as

these, that architects and designers must apply short-term sustainable housing and infrastructure.

The re-housing of so many people is a vital priority; it must be

efficient and sustainable in order to reduce further impact.

Article 25, an

architectural practice dedicated to deliver relief in the wake of humanitarian crises were called to pioneer workshops. These workshops were based on the rebuilding of homes with the recycling of what little material was available and to provide a degree of resistance to seismic activity. (Article 25, 2010) This highlights the social responsibility of architects; ultimately it is the architect who dictates design, with the resources available within the local context. It is this basic design response which is often over looked to seek architecture of wealth and power which ironically is a design of poor and little thought.


! To truly address the state of unbalance, we must address the long-term impact of our architecture and also facilitate humanitarian crises in a sustainable and resourceful manner. “True sustainable design takes on board the full complexity of ecology with its life-enhancing agenda. Nature uses the minimum of resources to create the maximum of richness and beauty, employing full recycling in the process. ” (Edwards & Plessis, 2001)

Many examples are available which promote the proverb, ‘where there is a will, there is a way’. That is the only barrier; we have the technology, intelligence, and the skills

to create a viable solution for the challenges we face, the will to do so is the final ingredient. The fate of future generations is in our hands, we must accept our duty as a society to preserve this world for future generations to come. This study has proven that inspiration is all around us, innovation is present amongst us, only change is required from within us.

“One thin September soon


! A floating continent disappears In midnight sun

Vapors rise as Fever settles on an acid sea Neptune’s bones dissolve

Snow glides from the mountain Ice fathers floods for a season A hard rain comes quickly

Unknown creatures Take their leave, unmourned Horsemen ready their stirrups

Passion seeks heroes and friends The bell of the city On the hill is rung

The shepherd cries The hour of choosing has arrived Here are your tools�

(Al Gore, 2009, p.28)







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