Solutions for Teenage Problems..
Teenage.. Teenage is the time of rapid change for kids both physically and cognitively. Teenage problems are countless and it is the phase of challenging their ability. Parents need to lay a strong foundation especially if their kids are in teens. Of course this needs to be done patiently and skillfully. Here we can see the Teenage Problems and Solutions.
Depression.. Depression in teenagers is the most common problem now. Teenagers can't differentiate the difference between sadness and depression.
Assertive Communication.. In order to handle teenager problems first the parents should understand this is a temporary phase and no matter how reluctantly they act and is it common to have teenage problems with parents. During this you should apply the communication strategies while talking to them. Try communicating and balancing the situation that goes with humor.
Giving their personal space.. Stand at an appropriate distance from the child and let the child see you stand at an appropriate distance from others. Explain what personal space is, why it’s important, and how a child can respect the personal space of others.
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