How Many Days Post Ovulation Pregnancy Test

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How Many Days Post Ovulation Pregnancy Test *In order to know how many days post your ovulation, you should be taking a pregnancy test. It is important to understand the process of ovulation, conception, and implantation. It is also important that you understand about the formation of the hCG hormone. And how does the homepregnancy test detect pregnancy? *When the dominant follicle ruptures. The egg released from the ovary and into the close fallopian tube. It takes up to a maximum of 24 hours for the egg to fertilize. In case there are sperms in the fallopian tube and penetrates with fresh egg then this leads to conception.

How is pregnancy detected? In the early weeks after implantation takes place, the hCG hormone doubles in every 48 to 72 hours. A non-pregnant woman will have an hCG level of 5 mIU/ml however after conceiving hCG level rises to50 mIU/ml. This is a good increase in level and the hormone is secreted in her blood. When you do a home pregnancy test this is what detects the pregnancy.

When should the pregnancy test be done? Now that you understand the conception process, the pregnancy test should not be taken before 7 days of ovulation. The ideal pregnancy test days after ovulation, around 7 to 10 days after ovulation. This lets you confirm your pregnancy. However, if you take the pregnancy test early then there is a chance that the result will be false. It is also important that you have calculated the ovulation date accurately. If not accurate because of the low hCG level and no impanation has occurred. Thus it is advised that you wait at least 7 to 10 days after ovulation before you check for positive pregnancy. In case you take the test on the seventh day after ovulation and the result shows as negative, you may want to test it again after a few days just to be doubly sure about it.

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