Software Testing: Understanding Structural Testing Structural testing is very much a part of software testing. In this article, we will be seeing the concept of structural testing. We will thus come to know as to what is testing of software structure/architecture. What is the need of it? Etc...A software testing course in Pune with placement, will help you to get a software testing job in Pune. Moving on with structural testing; structural testing is the testing of the structure of the software system or the individual component. Testing is frequently alluded to as 'white box' or 'glass box' or 'clear-box testing' on the grounds that in this kind of testing we are keen on what is going on 'inside the application/system'. Highlights of structural testing:
In case of structural testing, the testers are needed to have the information of the inside application of the code. Over here, the testers are needed to have the knowledge of how the software is executed, how it functions. Structural testing can be implemented at all levels of testing. Developers utilize structural testing in case of module testing and module integration testing, particularly where there is great tool support in terms of code coverage. Structural testing is additionally utilized as a part of system and acceptance testing, yet the structures are distinctive. For instance, the scope of menu options or real business exchanges could be the structural component in the system or acceptance testing. Amid structural testing the tester is focusing on how the product does it. For instance, a structural technique needs to know how the loops in the software product are functioning. Distinctive test cases might be inferred to execute the loop one time, two times and many times. This might be done paying little heed to the functionality of the software product or application.
Learn more about structural testing, with the help of testing classes in Pune. Techniques of structural testing:
Path coverage:
This technique is concerned with testing all feasible paths which implies, each statement and branch is covered.
Branch coverage:
This technique involves execution of a battery of tests to make sure that all branches are tested at least once.
Statement coverage: The aim here is to cover all the programming statements with minimum number of tests.
Structural testing is more dedicated towards how the system does it as opposed to the functionality of the system. It gives more coverage to the testing. E.g. to test a particular error message in an application, we have to test the trigger condition behind it, however, there must be many triggers behind its occurrence. It is conceivable to miss out a great opportunity one while testing the requirements drafted in SRS. Be that as it may, utilizing this testing, the trigger is well on the way to be covered since structural testing means to cover every one of the nodes and paths in the structure of the code. Advantages:
Implementation reasoning needs to be careful on the part of the test developer. Helps extract errors from within the “hidden” code. Helps in pointing out dead code or other such problems keeping in mind the best programming practices.
Chances of overseeing a few lines of code by accident. Proves to be costly both because of the time required and the amount of money spent in order to perform white box testing. As white box testing is involved, having detailed knowledge of the programming language is absolutely necessary.
These were a few things about structural testing, which we saw above. Software testing training in Pune can help you to begin a career in this very field.