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To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my interest in applying as an intern at the Miami Herald. The Miami Herald feels like my second home. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, the Herald is the only newspaper I have read since I was a little girl. Constantly updating me on issues/events in my city. It was my first glimpse of true journalism. I have always admired and respected this newspaper based on its detailed reporting and quality journalism. The Herald’s dedication to providing good and unbiased news coverage is inspiring. It would be a privilege to contribute to this legacy as an intern for your company.

Starting hig school as just any other student in the journalism program, I learned many key basics such as working with Indesign and Photoshopp, research, writing articles/storytelling, interviewing, photography, ethics, audience engagement, and most importantly, responsibility and deadlines. This enabled my capabilities of becoming a member of the Yearbook Staff the following year.

Now, with just one year in the staff, I can proudly say that I have enhanced my knowledge in all of these qualities and after a year of hard work, dedication, and experience, I am confident in making complex spreads and covering events through my writing/photography skills. Additionally, I have experience working in a fast- paced environment, meeting deadlines, and collaborating with others. I am positive that these skills would make me a valuable asset to the team. It would be a privilege to work beside experienced professionals in the field and gain a valuable hands-on experience.

I look forward to the possible opportunity to learn from and contribute to the Miami Herald this summer. It would be an honor, thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Valentina Fernandez.


Gulliver Preparatory

Class of 2025


Gulliver Preparatory Yearbook Staff (2022-2023)

-Created various complex spreads, including photography, writing, and design.

Robin Hood Summer Camp- Counselor In Training (June, 2022)

-Attended a summer camp where everyday I would take care of little kids. (Put them to bed, played with them, made sure they were ok, etc.) I earned community service hours.

Summer Music Internship- Art House/Abbey Road Institute (July, 2022)

-Completed an internship with a music academy. It enhanced my knowledge and understanding of music as a whole.


HIP Peer Health Educator

-Educate freshmen on how to avoid/cope with dangerous everyday problems to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Student Discipline Committee Member

-Recommend and regard possible consequences towards the student who has performed a major school rule. Work in positive/ preventive ways.

Red Cross Club (2022-2023)

-Avid member/volunteer since freshman year.

Volunteer-Hermanos De La Calle (8 years)

-I have been a loyal member of this non-profit organization since elementary school. I cook/deliver weekly foods for the homeless as well as toiletries and clothes.

National English Honor Society

National French Honor Society

FSPA Excellence Award

FSPA Honorable Mention


JV Lacrosse Team- 9th grade

JV Soccer Team- 9th grade

JV Swimming Team- 10th grade

REFERENCES: Monica Rodriguez

Yearbook Advisor

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