Chaplaincy in focus
On track to be a chaplain • Helen Lewis Recently Helen Lewis joined Railway Mission as the Railway and British Transport Police Chaplain for South and Mid-Wales. Recalling how she came to faith in Christ at the age of 14, Helen said, “I would love to say that since then my Christian walk has been one of continuous growth, but sadly, I backslid during my late teens…” but God remained faithful and while at university, Helen recommitted her life to serving God. In 2004, together with her husband, Matt, Helen began to
work in schools across Wales with the Christian Council for Schools in Wales (CCSW), sharing the Gospel with children and young people from nursery age to sixth form. Although CCSW has closed and the work is now run by Scripture Union, initially Helen continued in a different role with Scripture Union, working as a support worker for the Wales team. About four years ago, after suffering a back injury that left her unable to continue working with Scripture Union, Helen was prayerfully waiting on the Lord’s direction; for many years she had suffered from severe post-natal