R. Villano - book : Time carved in the silence of eternity part 2 cap 12

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CDD 177 VIL tim 2011 LCC BH 81-208

“Thhee ttiimmee iiss aa ffiiccttiioonnaall mmoobbiillee eetteerrnniittyy” Pllaattoo

Raimondo Villano Presentation Ceremony with High Patronage of:


Ministry of Artistic and Cultural Heritage of the Italian Republic



Patronage of:

Pontifical Academy Tiberina Academy of History of Medical Art College Noble Chemical Pharmaceutical European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations Norman Academy of the State of Florida USA and of the Republic of the Gambia

Presentation of: Ven. Baliff Gran Cross of Jiustice of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Exc. Fra’ Franz von Lobstein Past District Governor of Rotary International 2100-Italy Prof. Antonio Carosella

Time carved in the silence of eternity

D Diiaaccrroonniicc rreefflleeccttiioonnss oonn tthhee iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn ffoorr tthhee m meem moorryy ooff hhoom moo ffaabbeerr

CHIRON FOUND. Praxys dpt

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CHIRON FOUND. Praxys dpt

© Copyright Raimondo Villano. © Research, creation, cover by Raimondo Villano. All right reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced in publications and studies without root’s citation. No part of this book shall be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by ani means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Editorial: Prof. Dott. Maria Rosaria Giordano. Editors: mobile 338 59 60 222; e-mail: farmavillano@libero.it Advisor executive: Francesco Villano. Editions Chiron Found. - Praxys dpt. © 2010 Chiron Foundation, via Maresca 12, scala A - 80058 Torre Annunziata (Napoli) Phone: +39 81 861 22 99 Fax: +39 81 353 29 81 Website: www.chiron-found.org Sales: Prof. Dott. Annamaria Giordano mobile 347 61 71 669. E-mail: annamaria.g10@alice.it; http://www.chiron-found.org Print LP - Napoli. First published in January 2010. Before March 2010 reprint. Second reprint September 2010. First published in English in January 2011. Finished writing the twenty four in December 2009. Cover photo of Raymondo Villano (2005): bust from the cloister of the Certosa of Prosecutors San Martino in Naples. Serialized. This volume, with no serial number and signature, shall be deemed counterfeit. ISBN 978-88-97303-03-9. CDD 177 VIL tim 2011. LCC BH 81-208.


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity

For the Professed and no Knights Brothers and Sisters Dame of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta very close to me, which I appreciate the talent that drives my studies and also some of which, above all, love the deep spirituality that inspires and directs significantly my life.

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Ceremony of presentation of the book:

with the High Patronage of Ministry of Heritage and Culture of the Italian Republic

With the participation of:

Your Eminence the Mr. Cardinal Poul POUPARD President Poul Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture

Prof. Dott. Comm. Tito Lucrezio Rizzo Chief Counsel Services Quirinale

Studiorum Universitas Ruggero II State of Florida - U. S. A. and Republic of the Gambia

Prof. Dott. Gr. Uff. Giulio Tarro WABT c/o UATI-ICET / UNESCO House - Paris Chairman of International Committe Biothecnologies and VirusPhere

Coordinator: Duke Riccardo Giordani of Willemburg Master of Ceremonies of the Norman Academy

Ceremony: Saturday, October 2, 2010 - 17:00 House of Pilot Air Officers Club - Rome

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Published under the Patronage of:



University Institute of Culture and Higher Education

Academy of History of Medical Art


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Contents Introduction






Part One The sense of history and the duty of memory


Memory as perceived sense of collective identity


The sense of memory in the arts health


Essence and logic of subtraction facts to oblivion


The seat of the divine Epiphany in the interweaving of time and eternity


Part Two Paradigms methodological and technical aspects of historical sciences


Conceptual and methodological approach to history


Heuristics historiography of science


Issues of interdisciplinarity in the history of science


Insight regarding the History of Art Health


The historical archive and the museum area


Role of ICT in the development of the study and dissemination of health history


Further correlative between book in print and multimedia work


Study on the funzional integration of informatics:


1. Insights on the virtual library online


2. Study on virtual museum online


3. The Minerva project under the Community Initiatives digitization of cultural heritage 4. Examples of support networks for research and consulting

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Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity



Roma, 7 gennaio 2010 Carissimo Raimondo, facendo seguito alla tua richiesta di patrocinio AEREC per la pubblicazione della tua ultima fatica letteraria: “Il tempo scolpito nel silenzio dell’eternità. Riflessioni sull’indagine diacronica per la memoria dell’homo faber”. sono lieto procedere con la concessione, in virtù dell’impegno straordinario profuso in quest’opera che, dai postulati programmatici, si propone come strumento di lettura del nostro Paese in un momento particolarmente delicato ma interessante di cambiamenti epocali e determinanti per il futuro. Augurandoti pieno successo per l’iniziativa, aspetto di leggere intanto ti giungano i più affettuosi e sinceri auguri di buon anno.

il libro ed

Ernesto Carpentieri

Via Sebino 11 – 00199 Roma - Tel. 0039- Fax 0039- Web site: www.aerec.org e-mail: info@aerec.org

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity




entleman of the composite social and historical interests, by and large, I dare say, even impressive bibliography, the brother Raimondo Villano presents to our attention his last work of fiction entitled “The time carved in the silence

of eternity. Diachronic reflections on the investigation for the memory of homo faber”. Is, in fact, a “slender” volume, since it consists of just over one hundred pages, which stands for both consultability and elegance to the iconographic choices indeed refined. I run, however, the obligation to make a clarification, or it is deceit of the term adopted “slender volume” because the phoneme that we allowed to use, mind you, refers to anything but a work of thinness not just because of the topics covered, in fact everyone, but everyone “hard”, but also for the depth of knowledge and the thoughtful attention. To get a vague idea about it, moreover, appears sufficient to put much was already only titles of the chapters of Part One and Two, although it must be confessed that a careful reading of them assume some, if not require, a immediate knowledge of the relevant texts. Pausing, then, to reflect on major themes, however, performed within the highest of the term, the accumulation of an ideal “summa”, the work leads us, in relation to aspects of “memory”, aphorism fruit of ancient wisdom with which Cicero suggests that memory diminishes if not held in year (“memoria minuitur nisi eam exerceas”, “De senectude”, VII VII. 21) while for what concerns “the history and its methodology”, it still refers to Cicero where claims “historia vero testis temporum, lux veritatis, vita memoriae, magistra vitae, qua voce alia nisi oratore immortalitati commendatum ” (“De orat”, II, 9, 36) , but also engaging in a remarkable “leap” in time, to Massimo D'Azeglio, from which we learn that “history is not useful because it reads the past, but because we read the future”, to

Francesco Domenico

Guerrazzi that “the hole in the sea” remembers how the philosophy of art history is to seek and discover the laws governing the moral world”, to Carlo Belgioioso in

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


“School and Family” said that “history is the conscience of the notary public” and, also, to Giacomo Bazzellotti that treating Francesco de Sanctis points out how “the recent progress of the method have increasingly moved away from art history by giving it an increasingly scientific”. Reflecting, again, on aspects of the History of Science and, in particular, medical science and its dissemination, we remember in mind is the thought of St. Gregory the Great, “quando mundus ad extremum ducitur, tanto largior nobis aeternae scientiae aditum aperitur”, that the assertion of Carlo Cattaneo, ie that “knowledge is wealth” and a consideration of Gaetano Negri that “the fundamental characteristic of the modern spirit is that all the forces of intelligence are brought to the investigation of physical phenomena and moral considered themselves outside of any injury each element metaphysical” (“Sign of the times”, 125). But what we love more, as well as historians, professed as members of John, finally, about the developments described on the seat of divine epiphanies in the interweaving of time and eternity, a desire to participate in store last reference the very interesting synthetic fundamental precept that in the Satires of Juvenal (10, 356) points out that “orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano”: “must pray for a healthy mind is a healthy body”! Rome, February 6, 2010 Fra’ Franz von Lobstein Ven. Baliff Gran Cross of Justice of Sovereig Military Order of Malta


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity



he book, which consists of two distinct parts and connected into the idea while skiing, faces the difficult task of approaching two traditional scientific disciplines and different structuring both inside and objective knowledge:

History and computing. The purpose of the combination is a practical and operational, that, without compromising the autonomy of both disciplines and without affecting the statutes or affect the internal logic, it has the potential of one (the computer ) in the service of the (history) to dilate and increase the amplitude of the horizons of knowledge and to enhance the teaching load. At the root or the root of such a transaction, complex and daring at the same time, there is the firm conviction that differentiation of the “two cultures”, theme in the second half of last century, is destined to give way to a desired integration into a “knowledge”, both new and old, that seems not too distant horizon of troubled present. waiting, still rather bewildered and confused, a rise that seems to allude even the “The time carved in the silence of eternity”; where the image of time painstakingly carves its mark on eternity is not infinite slab can not even scratch, it, intact and absorbed the silence. And so it comes together, for us men, the mystery of the eternity-time relationship. Then: he has a sense of the generous effort of the author to call our limited understanding of mortals to confront the issue again with time-eternity, if this problem is constitutively above the intellectual possibilities of man? Certainly. Indeed it seems that the inner meaning and overall the demanding and challenging language that the villain is precisely the awareness of limits and in an effort to move even further using the tools of modern technology. And in this effort that science and History will have to work together to grow in knowledge man without authorize the mad flight of Ulysses than Pillars of Hercules of his finitude. The long and detailed reflection on history, its meaning and its purpose is nurtured and supported by valid documentation and authoritative references, but not an end in

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


itself, because once the prospect, more limited, art and health, more precisarmente, the history of pharmacy, which the author is passionate lover. Desirability by the emergence and relevance of knowing the past to better live the present and more consciously prepare for the future comes as a logical consequence, the identification of computing as a technology that today can expand remarkably, facilitate, enhance and disseminate the signs and testimonies of the past to the advantage of cultural enrichment that the propitiation of a wider horizon of knowledge for the future. And with the added benefits offered by the tool, which allows to overcome and eliminate two major problems that have until now limited operational possibilities of man: the obstacles of time and space. It is not the conquest of omnipotence, which belongs only to God but is a giant step forward in man-made gradual but relentless march towards the "great sea of being" supreme. And it is thanks to Raymond Villano intuition and made the subject of his research. C.mare di Stabia, March 4, 2010 Prof. Antonio Carosella Past District Governor of Rotary International 2100-Italy


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity



his work springs from a particular bundle of items related to my status as a student of history, Catholic John, professional health and social citizenship in a nation engaged in its wonderful complexity yet clear.

A summary of the reading does not work I believe, indeed, could mark a time when we remember the important moments and aspects of our history. At the same time, without any rhetoric, the passage of Chapter I may be an opportunity to look to the future opportunities for rediscovering the value and duty of the witness, narration and aid knowledge. A reading, then, from which emerge not only solid lintels to support the conceptual framework of memory, not to forget, but also a literary work that engages in the completion of further work highly civil beam reflection elements of peace social competition in revitalizing the sense of national cohesion, particularly need to be cultivated and distributed in current times, and care and protection of genuine roots that essentially cover the whole country. On the other hand, with deep Christian feeling, I wanted to develop coherent thoughts with the intention to collaborate to spread the kingdom of God in the world today and in a prolific metabolism of faith and reason, even humbly contribute effort open space for all peoples and for those who know God from a distance or where he is unknown or even stranger: for help, in fact, “to engage with God”, before whom every human being(1). As an academic, finally, I detailed some methodological issues and use of subdiscipline of historical health. Raimondo Villano

_________________ (1) The terms of reference are that the “court of the Gentiles”, reserved in the Temple of Jerusalem to the Gentiles who wanted to pray to the one God and that Jesus wanted to evacuate those who had turned into “a den of thieves”, and thoughts expressed by relevance Pope Benedict XVI in his address to the Roman Curia for the submission of Christmas greetings (Vatican, Sala Clementina, December 21, 2009).

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


“Timeo lectorem unius libri” San Tommaso d’Aquino

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Cigola the pulley of the Well the water rises to the light and there merges. trembles in a memory filled bucket, in the pure image circle laughs. lips pulled over their faces to the evanescent: deforms the past, you old, belongs to another... Ah already stride the wheel, you end restores the atrium, vision, a distance between us. Eugenio Montale

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


P T art


“Science and art belong to the whole world, and before they dissolve the barriers of nationality” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


3. The Minerva project under the Community Initiatives digitization of cultural heritage(174)


he coordination of digitization of European cultural heritage is a priority of

the Directorate General for Information Society of the European Commission. Falls in the context of more general application of new technologies to cultural heritage and is part of the e-Europe Action Plan formally approved by the Member States of the EU during the European Council in Feira in June 2000 and recently renewed until 2005 . One of the objectives of the Action Plan is to promote the creation of European content to be placed on the global networks, exploiting the full potential of digital technologies. It makes it increasingly felt the need for a direct link between the incentive programs in the cultural sector and those based on new technologies, both at national and Community level. On April 4, 2001 was organized by the Swedish Presidency of the European Union in cooperation with the European Commission (Directorate General for Information Society - Unit on Cultural Heritage) in the Swedish city of Lund attended a meeting representatives and experts from all Member States to analyze the main aspects of this initiative and make recommendations on a series of actions that can help coordinate the work between the other to create a value-added activities digitization in the various Member States, so that they are valid at European level and the long term. The basic principle states that the alleged cultural and scientific knowledge are a European exclusive patrimony of public value that reflects the collective and evolving memory of the companies that characterize Europe, while providing a solid base for development European industry of digital content in a knowledge society with sustainable dimension. This heritage must therefore be made to the general public and be part of a dynamic of sustainability. _________________ the author of books entitled “Towards global information society” (sponsored by RC Pompeii, Introducing Anthony Carosella, Ed Eidos, p.. 194; Pompeii, 1996); “Structure and Functions of District Archivio” (sponsored by Rotary District 2100 and presented to the Governor Anthony Carosella ar Congressional District 1998-99, Ed Eidos, p.. 162, Sorrento, May 1999), author of numerous works on hypertext and multimedia CD-ROMs and web e-books including: hyperlinks called “Elements of university orientation and work” (sponsored by RC Pompeii and its Commission Az Prof. Ed Eidos, 5 Mb, 1999); A. Carosella - R. Villano “The man as an end: the activities of the District 2100 1998 ar 99”, Multimedia CD (sponsored by Rotary District 2100, Ed Eidos, 421 Mb - 554 files, Sorrento, 2000); Multimedia “Website Rotary Club Oplonti Pompei Vesuvio East - design and content”, (sponsored by RC Pompeii made by Interior Telephone Company, distributed by Global Com Provider Infostrada, 72 links - 800 Mb, Pompeii, 2000), “Rotary Club Oplonti Pompei Vesuvio Est: territory, tasks, documents, images”, multimedia CD (RC patronage Pompeii Ed Eidos, 610 Mb - 1812 files, Pompeii, 2001), “Rotary for the man” cd multimedia (patroc. Pompeii RC, Ed Eidos, 410 Mb - 820 files, Pompeii, 2001), “The scent of time - notes on art and history of pharmacy”, Multimedia CD (1st ed. sponsored by the Academy of Italian History of Pharmacy presented the President with AISF Antonio Ravens, Ed Eidos, 585 Mb - 139 files - 62 soundtracks - 873 slides - 1093 pages, Naples, May 2002, 2nd Ed.: sponsored by the Italian Academy of History of Pharmacy and the Rotary International District 2100, Italy, Presentation of the President AISF A. Corvi, Ed Eidos, 607 MB - 146 files - 62 soundtracks - 895 slides - 1248 pages, Tower of Greek, in November 2002, 2nd Edition, 1st Reprint: Florence, December 2002). (174) Rossella Caffo, Manager of Informatics and Statistics VI Secretariat-General and coordinated project Minerva Italian Library Association. Bollettino AIB 2002 n. 3 p. 337-340.


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity

However, there are significant difficulties that might limit the opportunities for enhancing the potential of these resources on the cultural, social and economic development. The main barriers identified in this context are: x A fragmented approach. Although already quite popular now, digitization is still highly fragmented according to the instruments and mechanisms adopted in different Member States. Furthermore, the absence of a uniform European approach to determine which content is digitized and select those to be digitized sometimes results in duplication of effort, resources and investment. x The obsolescence. Digitization procedures are expensive and require considerable investment, usually by government. Do not underestimate the risk of undermining the investment if you opt for inappropriate technologies and standards that may soon make obsolete or unusable digital assets created or impose other disbursements within the near future.

x Lack of access modes simple and universal for all citizens. The use of approaches and different technical standards, as well as the lack of structures and systems which enable the multilingual access severely limit the general availability of different resources at national and Community level. x Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The various categories of stakeholders to digital content (eg. Original rights holders, intermediaries, end users, etc..) Defend the legitimate interests quite different. Should take account of their needs and seek equilibrium points. To exploit the economic value of content and store it in a sustainable industry culture must find and apply different solutions for managing and processing rights.

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


x Asinergie between cultural and technological innovation. It is increasingly felt the need for a direct link between cultural and incentive programs based on those new technologies, both at national and community levels to identify priorities and opportunities to create a European added value. x The need for investment and commitment by the institutions. The scan operations require a commitment by individual organizations custodian of “memories� historical, such as archives, libraries and museums, which have to be willing to make a costly and technically complex in the long run. Also, to use the tools and technologies for digitization staff of these institutions must acquire skills and knowledge. To address these problems, the European Commission, considering the strategic importance of creating a stable coordination, set up a Group of national representatives of all Member States to support the implementation of Lund principles established to achieve a plan for European cooperation in the field of digital cultural and scientific content, promoting the convergence of archives, libraries and museums. With the aim to support this coordination action in Europe and to implement the Lund Principles, the Ministry for Heritage and cultural activities, through the General Directorate for Libraries and Cultural Institutions, presented under the Fifth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, a project proposal entitled Minerva. The proposal was approved and the shares are formally matches on 1 March 2002.

The main objective of the Minerva project is to create a network of Ministries of Culture of the EU member states, coordinated by the Italian Ministry, whose purpose is to discuss, compare and harmonize the activities developed in the field of heritage digitization European culture.


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity

When the project partners are the Ministries responsible for cultural activities of the following countries: Italy, according to the network coordinator, Belgium, Finland, France, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. The first activity will involve the extension of the network to all 15. Greece and the Netherlands have already joined, and have expressed the desire to join Austria, Denmark, Portugal, Germany and Ireland. The goal that the project aims is the creation of a European common platform, and the development of a series of recommendations and guidelines for digitization, metadata, long-term preservation and accessibility of content. Thanks to the high level of involvement of national governments, Minerva also aims to coordinate its national programs, and establish contacts with other European countries, international organizations, associations, networks and projects involved in digitization. Minerva thus operates on two levels: a political and more technical, and on this basis is the leading European network in the field of digitization and long-term accessibility of cultural heritage in digital form. The policy is to ensure close cooperation between Member States through high-level institutions such as that represented by the ministries that have jurisdiction over cultural heritage, and between them and the European Commission. In this perspective, Minerva also aims to give visibility to national initiatives to promote the exchange of good practice and ensure dissemination and understanding of policies and programs at national and local levels. Furthermore, the players within Minerva working groups, open to the participation of representatives of all Member States, addressing technical issues which have the aim of developing a platform that can serve as the lowest common denominator for guidelines and recommendations of European value. Topics include benchmarking of digital with the aim to highlight the “good practices”, standards and metadata for the creation of national registers of digitized, the interoperability and long-term accessibility of digital resources, the quality criteria websites in the cultural sector. The area of interest is the convergence of archives, libraries, museums, archaeological sites with a view to integration of services between different memory institutions. Benchmarking e “good practice” This working group, coordinated by the European partners in Sweden and Finland, has the goal of creating a common format for exchange of information between member states on programs and policies for digitization of cultural heritage and to ensure the visibility of national initiatives for exchange of experiences and skills. The adoption of this instrument offers the ability to coordinate and harmonize the national initiatives and to develop measures to show progress and improvement. Metadata and repertories of digitized founds The group, coordinated by the French experts, aims to conduct a survey to all member states of the internal directories of projects on digitization of cultural and scientific content in progress, planned or already completed and the definition of a technical infrastructure sustainable for the directories of digitized, with particular

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


reference to identify a common set of metadata for description. It also addressed issues related to multilingualism. Preservation The Working Group focuses its activities on implementing the plan of work attached to the Resolution on the long-term preservation of digital memory, approved at the Council of Culture Ministers held in Brussels May 23, 2002, proposed by the Spanish Presidency the European Union. The resolution on the preservation puts the emphasis on the importance of a real connection to the European level of initiatives and resources and involvement of holders of technological expertise. In particular point out the Italian contribution to the elaboration of the aforementioned resolution. Quality of websites Working group, coordinated by Belgium and Spain, aims to arrive at recommendations and guidelines that define and promote the adoption of quality criteria for digital content, with particular reference to websites and portals of culture. The activities concern the definition and validation of these criteria, the identification of a set of indicators, an analysis of costs and benefits and the development of a quality plan and a reference model to compare and evaluate different web products. Interoperability and access services The group, coordinated by British experts, is responsible for identifying and analyzing reliable standards, metadata and technologies to ensure the interoperability of systems and the creation of a common infrastructure with the goal of providing network access.


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity

The organization of these services also requires the consideration of related issues such as authentication, definition of user profiles, rights management and data protection. Regarding the organization of activities on the Italian will seek to involve groups Work all major components of the cultural heritage sector (representatives of various sectors of the Ministry, regions, universities and individual experts). Moreover, to launch a coordinated and concerted national level has been a National Commission, a sort of advisory group, consisting of representatives from so far all DGs and the Central Institute of Ministry and representatives of the technical coordination of the Regions field of cultural heritage, but open to participation by other institutions. Finally, it was set up a website on the project (www.minervaeurope.org), through which information is given regarding actions taken on those scheduled and publicly available documents produced. Towards the Sixth Framework Program for Research and Technological Development Among the expected results of the Minerva project is to create a stable reference in view of the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, for the encouragement of other thematic networks on specific topics, to promote the development of new European integrated project on the basis of broad partnership agreements made through the joint work initiated with representatives of all Member States. In this respect, Italy, as coordinator of the Minerva project, presented on behalf of the entire group of 15, a expression of interest addressed to the European Commission in the framework of preparatory activities in the Sixth Framework Program for Research and Technological Development. This term to stress the strategic importance that countries place on issues related to digitization and preservation of cultural and scientific developments in digital form, and wants to lay the groundwork for a possible network of excellence to be proposed at Community level in this field. The Italian goal in this action is to give Minerva, and then to Italy, a leader in the Sixth Framework Programme, for aspects of digitization of cultural heritage, with the consent of the Commission and Member States. 4. Examples of support networks for research and consulting historical


or the coordination and telematics lessons of history-pharmaceutical organizations with expertise is the Polo Historical Computer PISF pharmaceutical, who lives a structure specific didactic dimension to coordinate courses and seminars in computer science applied to teaching Medieval, manage the interdisciplinary seminar “Internet for teaching and historical research� and its website. It also has a dimension strictly scientific, coordinating search sites, online editions of sources, iconographic and bibliographic databases. Each implementation is run independently by its authors.

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity


Only educational websites (Antiquities and medieval institutions, Medieval Archaeology, and exegesis of medieval historical sources) are bound to a homogeneous structure in terms of graphics and articulation of content. An important service that allows readers to navigate the site of IMP, is offered with a search engine that indexes the contents of all the achievements that make it again. A hypertext introduction to medieval Latin paleography http://www.4net.com/aevum is the address where you can make a consultation in the form of hypertext. The work, supported by examples, diagrams and illustrative drawings, is divided into several sections: the materials, tools, copying, characters, the book, a small vocabulary and also a bibliographical appendix. End of experiment is the illustration, in a clear and understandable, the various aspects of production writers with particular attention to the medieval period. This is an educational approach in which they deliberately avoided the most difficult aspects of graphic production, all in order to make work attractive even to a lay audience but interested in issues relating to the medieval literary(175).

_________________ (175) The problem of the relationship between computing methodologies and historical memory: The eclipse of memories, a c. T. Gregory M. Morelli, Bari, Laterza, 1995 a collection of reflections by scholars and scientists who use computers daily as a business tool.


Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity

Synthetic profile of the t author Born in 19960. Roles:M B Manager Villano Intern national Bussiness Team m; CEO Chiron Editor,, h honorary meember (2013) and honorrary memberr (2013) andd Associate Professor in n History off H Healt Admiinistration Pharmaceutic P cal Departm ment of Ruuggero II U University - Studiorum m U Universitas ( (BR, Miamii, Florida, USA, U 2014), Diplomatic Advisor A Aerec,Trader since 1976,, K Knight SMO O of Malta, President P hum manitarian Foundation F C Chiron since 1985, memb ber Internat.. Group of Study S ISHP History Phharmacopoeiaas-Bern. Aca ademy: History Art off Health-Min nistery B.C.,, already Ponntifical Tiberrina, Studies Melitensi, Medical M Trad dition Smithssonian Instituution-USA, International I l Society Hisstory Pharmaacy, Italian Pharmacy History, H Neap politan Sociiety History Homeland, honorary off Noble Chem mical Pharm maceutical College. C Oveer 100 confeerences andd chairman in dozens of o congress.. Collaborates with impoortant nationnals and interrnationals Jo ournals. Is Addvisory Boarrd Member for f americann Editor DPC C, which pubblishes in more m than 1550 Nations. Study: classsic; degree aand enabling g: Pharmacyy (1985); certtified coursess of: Officinaal plants, Coosmetics tech hnical, Corpoorate securityy, Haccp, History, Sociall Doctrine off the Church, Theology. Degrees D h.c.: Human and d Social Scieences (2009);; History and d Philosophyy (2010); Scieences of the Communicaation (2013). Master h.c..: Science Medical M Ethiccs (2010). It was: author,, organizer annd chairmann Safety couurse for manaagers, gettin ng High Patrronages by C Chief of Statte and ONU U (2000), Seccretary Interrnational Coommittee Biothecnologiies Wabt-Unnesco 2008--13, membeer of Worldd Academy Biomedical B T Technology (U Unesco 20077-12), 11 yeaars in Scientiific Board foor safety of health of IBD D (responsiblee company of o safety of Tribunals Appeals A Cou urt Naples), Board memb mber of Beau umont Onluss Foundation for cancer researh r with Prefect of Naples N (2011-12). 32 year partner aand owner of o pharmacy.. Member sinnce 1990, Seecretary at agge 29 1990-995 and Presid dent 2000 Rootary Club P Pompei-Oplon nti-Vesuvio;; in Commetttees of Italy:: Professionaal Etic, Mondial Action, Informatic; among the m many internaational roles:: Pompeii. Carthage archheology; Com mmittee Prizze Magna Grecia. G Presiddent in Napooli, national coordinatorr and foundeer Youngs Pharmacists P Federation;; national Representativ R ve Federativve Pact of Pharmacists. P . Assistant roole Pharmacyy Phaculty of o Naples (19985-90), pro ofessorship Lembo L - Supperior Institutt of Health).. Internation nals awards: Diploma off Honor for exceptional Services on an individuaal basis in th he 5 Avenuess of Action byy Rotary Inteernational Prresident (Evaanston 2001: only 100/yeear/1,5 milionn member); Reward R Antii Crime-Taskk Force Rotaary Italy, Albbany, former Yugoslavia, S. Marine (Zurich ( 20011); Sapientia a Mundi-Eticc (Rm 2008); Legion Union of Gold-W Work (Rm 20010); Veritass in Charitatte-Religion ((2011); Bonifface-Culturee and Societyy (2011); Nattionals awarrds: Aesculappius-Health Patron. Counncil of Minissters (Rm 19 987); LXVIIII Piccinini-R Research (Rm m 2006); LX XV Stramezzi-Health (Rm m 2007); Caapitolino-Huumanitarian activity a (Rm m 2010); Tibeerin-Science and Culturee (Rm 20122); LXXIV SeronoS Histoory (Rm 2012), Aerec-C Culture (Rm m 2013); Rew ward by Certif ificate of meerits public ittalian Health h (DPR 20133). Author oof over 630 publications p s sanitary, prrofessionals, scientifics, historicals, religiosus; over 50 boooks with prestigious publishers ass Zanichelli, with sponsoorships from m the Minisstry of Cultu ural Heritagge,Unesco, R Rotary, Univ versity, etc.,, present in italians Libraries (includding: Quirinaale, Nationall Science Acccademy, Ministries) and d of over 400 Nations (inncluding: Naational Instittute Health--USA, Natio onale de Fraance, Congrress UK), in n Istituts off Culture, unniversity, muuseums;a youur book debbuted to the Fair of Frannkfurt. Cataalogs: 2000 Outstandingg Intellectualss IBC-Cambbridge since 2010; Opacc Sbn with over o 130 woorks; Card oof Authority by Ministryy BAC. Varioous books are appreciateed from authhorities, inclu uding more times t the Heead of State and a the Holyy Father. * * * Some book ks: Gobal society of information, 19996; Rotary for fo Men, 20001; Managem ment safety in i Pharmacyy (pres. Dr. Renzulli, allready Safetty Advisor of ONU, 2004); 2 Pharrmacy art aand history (pres. PhD D Ledermann,, Presid. Inteernational Soociety Historyy Pharmacy,, 2 edit., 20006); History aand activity of o SMOM (44 edit., 2007); Pharmaceuutical meridiaans between secular ethiics and cathoolic moral (ppres. PhD Tarrro, Bioethicc National Commettee, 3 edit., 20088); Thesauruus Pharmaccologicus (prres. Presid. Italians Phaarmacist Dr.. Mandelli 20009); Time caarved in the silence of etternity. Diacrronic reflections on invesstigation forr the memoryy of homo faaber (pres. eminent hisstorian Fra’ von Lobsteein and crittic PhD Caarosella, 6 repr., r 2010);; Pharmaceutical Activitties Kingdom m of Naplees (pres.: Preesid. It. Ac. Pharmacy H History Dr. Corvi, C 2010);; i digital tim mes (pres. Mons. M Trafn ny, Presid. Dpt D Science-Faith Pontiffical Culturee Logos and theophany in Council, 20012). Amongg the 40 mu ultimedia: Perfume P of times.Art t annd pharmacyy history (paatron. AISF,, 2002); Influuence A/H1N N1 (patron. Unesco, U 2009)).

“Oratio brevis cogitatio longa” Marco Tullio Cicerone

Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity



Raimondo Villano – Time carved in the silence of eternity

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