Raimondo Villano - book: Eye of the needle - p 6 technique pharma safety management

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wonderful to my wife Maria Rosaria for his infinite loving patience for criticism and suggestions, for its tolerance and its support throughout the preparation of the book, my thanks and my love; My adorable son, Francis, small admirable scholar of Egyptian history, to participate active loving and emotional And because we know, memories, and it will hand; those who trust in the values for a true profession to improve quality of life.

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


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© Copyright Raimondo Villano. © Research, creation, cover by Raimondo Villano. All right reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced in publications and studies without root’s citation. No part of this book shall be stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by ani means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. Editorial: Prof. Dott. Maria Rosaria Giordano. Editors: mobile 338 59 60 222; e-mail: farmavillano@libero.it Advisor executive: Francesco Villano. Editions Chiron Found. - Praxys dpt. © 2010 Chiron Foundation, via Maresca 12, scala A - 80058 Torre Annunziata (Napoli) Phone: +39 81 861 22 99 Fax: +39 81 353 29 81 Website: www.chiron-found.org Sales: Prof. Dott. Annamaria Giordano mobile 347 61 71 669. E-mail: annamaria.g10@alice.it; http://www.chiron-found.org Print LP - Napoli. First Edition, July 2007. Second Edition, September 2008. Third Edition, June 2009. First published in English in April 2011. Finished writing the twenty-second in June 2007. Serialized. This volume, with no serial number and signature, shall be deemed counterfeit. ISBN 978-88-97303-01-5. CDD 177 VIL eye 2011. LCC BJ 1725.


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral







The pharmacy and hieratic iatreic magismo between and paganism God's time with the man Galenic and Signature, monasticism and Fall of the Roman Empire Alchemy and Arab-Islamic civilization The era of St. Benedict and the School of Salerno The development of the monasteries hospitality and ethos From the awakening of the culture and customs of the university and the advent of the lords Regimina, hospitals, corporations and Frederick Costitutiones Alchemy and the Church bubonic plague Humanism, Noble College, rebirth of magic, Florentine Recipe Renaissance, New World, St. Giovanni Leonardi Scientific development, black death, doctrine and systems iatrochemistry Enlightenment, the scientific development of chemistry, revolutionary epoch Napoleon’s heyday, positivism, breach of Porta Pia, the Industrial Revolution From the Great War to World War II From WWII to Paul VI By John Paul II to Benedict XVI

35 43 48 52 54 59 61 64 69 74 83 90 97 103 111 113 115 125

Ethics Oath of Hippocrates Oath of Maimonides Pharmacist’s Code of Conduct Oath to the Profession of Pharmacist The system Pharmacy Drug Card Code of Conduct Farmindustria Erice Declaration on ethical principles of pharmacogenetic research Rome Declaration on Combating counterfeit drugs Berlin Declaration on Pharmacovigilance Statements of principle and of international organizations of pharmacists State of the art Speziali of the Republic of Siena (1355) Saladin d’Ascoli: the apothecary, from “Compendium Aromatariorum” I Particula (XV sec.) Iacono M. S.: “The true way to elect, to prepare medicaments et simple dial” Iacono M. S.: “De l’officio de lo speciaro” (1559) Fiorentino Cookbook: The Good Speziale Fiorentino Cookbook: The Apothecary Shop of Noble College Statutes - Chapter One (1787) Statute Noble College - Monitoring Arrangements (1787) Statute Noble College - Provisions on discipline and harmony (1787) Religion Pharmacist's Prayer

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral

127 127 129 144 145 145 147 157 160 161 182 182 186 187 189 190 190 190 191 192 193 195


Prayer of the Military Health Prayer to St. John Leonardi Patron of Pharmacists Invocation to St. John Leonardi Address of John Paul II to the participants of the 1981 FOFI Discorso di Giovanni Paolo II ai congressisti FOFI del 1981 Letter Apostolic S.S. John Paul II Salvifici Doloris Address of John Paul II to FOFI (1986) Health Care Workers in the Italian Church P. B. Honings “Charter for Health Care Workers. Synthesis of Hippocratic ethics and Christian morality” S.S. John Paul II: “Institution of the World Day of the Sick” Pontificia Academia Pro Vita, V General Assembly "Final Declaration" Pontificia Academia Pro Vita "The Christian conscience in support of the right to life" Homily of His Holiness. John Paul II visited the parish of St. G. Leonardi Torre Maura SS message. John Paul II to the Rector General of the Order of St. G. Leonardi Promise of Catholic Pharmacists Ex aedibus Congregationis de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum: Italiae Society The future of this: the implications of the drug on the human race Towards the global information society The protection of the right to life in contemporary society Philosophical, moral and existential of new telecommunications systems Technology Policy pharmacovigilance Concepts of privacy Historiography of the major pharmaceutical institutions Drugs and the Internet Policies to combat counterfeiting of medicines Reflections on recent criticism of the Institute of Pharmacy Values of safety management in Pharmacy Culture The caduceus The Hippocratic ethics and Christian morality The patron saint of pharmacists and Protectors Art and pharmacy Readings satirical Thoughts on some implications of contemporary historiography pharmaceutical Role of information technology in the development and dissemination of study of the History of Pharmacy Assumptions of multimedia design for the History of Pharmacy Author Profile Pubblications


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195 195 196 196 197 199 220 222 227 233 234 236 238 240 242 242 243 245 256 262 265 273 275 280 283 297 302 305 319 321 323 327 331 340 344 348 351 359 363 365 367

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


“There have been some people from a speech or a reading have collected a sentence, a word, an ear that has fed them for the rest of life. When you hear a good ear, and hold fast Take it and say: this is mine!� Girolamo Savonarola (adaptation Gianfranco Ravasi in secular breviary)

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral



T Italian

he work of Raimondo Villano “Eye of the Needle: Pharmaceutical meridians between secular and Catholic moral ethics� is to fill a gap in treatment in an field










Raimondo Villano, already a harbinger of original contributions, now provides this in his book to students of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacology, a number of valuable insights and reflections. It is, therefore, Altamar meritorious work of Raimondo Villano thrash for a large crowd of readers and scholars in the field of medicine and the various problems at the same time, highlight the difficulties of promoting science for an audience already mature and tempered by the situation particularly serious, especially with regard to therapeutic aspects. This issue is framed in the proper form and is full of prospects. The chapters of the book of Villano are full of philosophy and the high culture and humanity of the author emerge here and there, with classical references and your knowledge of the subject allows him to go through the same property by the etiopathogenesis of language sociology. It is my hope that this book does not just go and use the analysis to the study of farmacogenesi but also promotes public awareness, all too often ignorant and helpless in the face of health problems: to this end, efforts will certainly reading of Raimondo's Villano excellent book. Naples, September 20, 2008 MD, PhD Giulio Tarro Chairman of committing on Biotechnologies and VirusSphere World Academy of Biomedical Technologies WABT (UNESCO, Paris) (Former student of A. B. Sabin and member of the Italian National Commission of Bioethics)

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral




oing beyond the self to universal custom, superficiality and quiescence can mean profitable to compete in the Profession to loose the virtual image of the real distinction and mend your status more appropriate aperture public(1). Rather than let me be dominated by feelings of powerlessness in the face of such self-evident observation, I have endeavored to develop this work so that fits into the track of awareness of his colleagues and trying to inspire them inspired by the ethics of responsibility expressed by Max Weber’s notion that “effort would never be reached unless there were those, and again, attempt the impossible(2)”. The objective is, therefore, seeking to ensure the profession is also progressing with the instrument of culture lata in its most proper and the old cultus, from Coleraine, or cultivate, cultivating: the educated person, in fact, he has carefully cultivated selfrespect. Acquired this care and self-respect, the cultured person becomes more likely, more and more programs designed to care for and respect of others, then yes, that culture is an indispensable tool to create that active citizenship rooted professional, productive and effective in daily is desirable that the ultimate goal. Are released, so those formidable energies capable of taking man out, keeping him conscious of his personal dignity, enriching him with deep humanity and place it with its uniqueness in the fabric of society and the profession(3). Free of hubris in classical memory, but maybe not quite outdated, and with all the “overage” of modesty that I think deserves the approach to certain problems, a reading of the Meridian I think can be trained in order to help differentiate certain elementsprospective professional, social, cultural and technical area to be ones that, in terms of stringency, the concreteness, the fineness and consistency of argument, a significant advancement of the reflection of the professional design and creation of awareness at least potentially prodromal for works and “shares” as more desirable with the high-end work for the man(4). First, adhering to the life education or training is not intended only as a time of learning but also as a work that, in contrast to the view that the mind of the learner is devoid of intrinsic qualities and container to be filled with the most knowledge, is inspired by the idea that education is the education of the memory of a function, to form working on valuable content on material with deep feeling. It is clear, citing an authoritative contemporary philosopher, Karl Popper, who with such moments of sense thought into the process of memory which, therefore, becomes memory judicious. With such substantial logical connection I think there is going to investigate other important issues _______________ (1) Raimondo Villano, presentation of training courses on Safety and Quality business, ethical and professional training courses for managers curated by Piero Renzulli and Raimondo Villano under the patronage of the President of the Republic and the UN Year of Worker Memorial , Pompei, Oct. 2000. (2) Visit the Representative of the President of Rotary Club International at Pompeii: Rotary Club speech by President Raimondo Villano Pompei, Pompei, 5 May 2001. (3) Visit the Representative of the President of Rotary Club International at Pompeii: President’s speech of Journalists of Campania Ermanno Corsi, Pompeii, May 5, 2001. (4) Antonio Carosella - Raimondo Villano “Man as an end: the activities of District 2100 of Rotary International-Italy ar 1998-99”, multimedia edition on CD-ROM (sponsored by Rotary District 2100 RI, Ed Eidos, 421 Mb - 554 files - pag. 3162; Sorrento, July 2000).

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


profession, or preparatory to it or confluent, after using the historical journey of several other locations(5). It is desirable, first, that a path with the help of Church leading man of faith, but not only, to become aware or more aware of the possible ways of freeing the great crisis of spiritual values which surrounds us in life and in profession, and that it strengthened and extended to most if not all, the need to reinvigorate their commitment to the Lord with courage to carry on the Christian action or substantial enlightened lay apostolate(6). Strive, therefore, as a humble branch of the Great Vine, the second lay Christifideles(7), further open their hearts with good will so that his and others' lives are better ordered at the highest values. In addition, it is hoped that further action can be stimulated to arise under such conditions is that the moral theories, in front of an abundance of cultural systems in evolution, are not feeble attempts to make an absolute quota and their validity is not likely to be confined to a particular historical stage of a given society. It could create more targeted and reach such a way, through comparisons and construction processes, also at individual resolutions or actions in any way that the story does appear to be non-antagonistic ethics, relativizing the first absolutizes what the other, but rather the field in which the ethical demand makes sense(8). From the jumble of the elements of the depth and thickness of talented colleagues, believe that love is much more than that I am privileged to know, can take further sap the strength of their ideas and the actions which can go towards new directions and perhaps even wider horizons, of course, by virtue and not in spite of an appreciable diversity of expression and essential, but in a particularly fruitful opportunities that make you feel more deeply that what little or much you can do for others produces enrichmentand increases in the size of his own humanity wonderfully (9). By opting for a different choice, however, it seems worthwhile to take in mind the statements of Mahatma Gandhi, “is not the critic who counts, not the man that indicates why the sharp falls, or where the filmmaker could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat, fighting valiantly, who errs and may fall again, because there is no conquest without fault or weakness that really fight for carried out, who knows the great enthusiasm and great faith, that strives for a noble cause, which at best knows in the end the triumph of high goals and, at worst, if he fails, at least fall gloriously, so that the his place shall never be close to the fearful and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat”. _______________ (5) Abs remodeled by: Raimondo Villano, The actions of the Rotary Club for Youth, Pompeii, September 20, 2000. (6) Raimondo Villano - Boris Ulianich, abs by talk of considerations about the meaning of Christmas, Rotary Club, Ceremony Greetings, Pompeii, December 20, 2000. (7) S.S. John Paul II, Christifideles lay (8) Raimondo Villano, Reflections on the protection of life, (Rapporteur as the first signatory to the submission of the motion to Co.L. International Rotary International for the establishment of a worldwide day of celebration of the protection of life); District Conference Celebration of Family, Rotary International, Pompei, Casa del Pellegrino, 10 February 2001. “Men as an men” multimedia CDROM Edition (sponsored by Rotary District 2100 RI, Ed Eidos, 421 Mb - 554 files - pag. 3162; Sorrento, July 2000). (9) Meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the clubs in the area south of the Gulf of Naples on the Forum “The establishment of the new Civil and Criminal Court in Torre Annunziata”, Abs. with input from the Committee Secretary Raymond Villano, Castellammare di Stabia, Hotel Stabia, October 1993).


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral

Eye of the Needle, then, is there to remind us how narrow and difficult passage through which pass the meridians, which are ideal for wireless help to heal such a warp, using a preliminary bonum otium of Horace’s memory and an essential cultural metabolism between faith and reason which, to paraphrase Goethe, I filled the interior of his colleagues ever higher feelings, desires that feed on deserve to be outsiders in their breasts and food intake any more worthy(10). However, having the gift of faith, I am comforted by the belief that “reason is the need for infinite and culminates in the longing and the presentiment of this infinite posters(11)�. Raimondo Villano

_______________ (10) Raimondo Villano, Introduction, p.. 2 book cover of the CD of classical music "Two pianos wandering through the centuries" Emma Rose Petrillo & Santoro, Quick Sound, Napoli, 2000. (11) Theme of the Meeting of Rimini 2006 Communion and Liberation for the friendship of peoples.

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


“Be true to yourself. Not to be weary and become something, but works with zeal and perseverance what ever you are and become someone� List, motet

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral




“Everyone wants to possess the knowledge, but few are willing to pay the price� Juvenal

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral



“ ncreased awareness of specific issues and relative degrees of difficulty can be useful to produce appropriate and targeted increases in problem-solving efforts To focus and more precisely a goal, although it may initially seem out of reach” Raimondo Villano



he growth and maintaining a high level of safety in pharmacy is the product of accountability, planning and also documentation rather than an unnecessary cost and unproductive, are the complex of corporate quality, reliability and support essential to the effectiveness professional. In reality articulated standards and evolving needs of the pharmacy in the security sector, should aim at changing the behavior within the entire system of prevention and safety through a purely objective technical design a dynamic conception of global security seen as responsible participation of all stakeholders. It is far from vain, also, the effort to ask the further aim of reaching a global concept, the broad sense of safety, ie not only to develop the analysis of management related to the safety of the workplace and the points food critics but also to deepen, and articulated within a broader vision, those aspects of commodity, technical, legal and management professionals who have as their common denominator the potential to confer security both at the time of possession and dispensing of medication is a marketable productcertain relationships with clients and institutional contacts. Considering the activities of holding and dispensing the product marketable to the pharmacy, the extension of the analysis side assimilated to the concept of global security, rather than be apparent on examination of the management functions of a chemist, is derived from the reflections possible on the activity of marketing of drugs under Article. 2050 of the Civil Code, should be considered dangerous not only because it expressly qualified by such an articulated set of rules designed to ensure public health and safety, but also because it is natural to an appreciable potential detrimental. The overall assessment of Leg. 538, 539, 540 and 541 of 1992, in fact, which regulates in detail various aspects of the marketing of drugs, makes it clear that the legislature has estimated this activity potentially harmful to human health and sought to subject it to a penetrating scrutiny. But the potential for damage is not that a danger of damage for which the potentially harmful, and therefore subject to controls, an activity is “dangerous” pursuant to art. 2050 of the Civil Code. At the same time, even for the Supreme Court (July 15, 1987, No 6241) the importation and distribution of drugs should be considered as dangerous because it is natural to an appreciable potential detrimental because essentially spread throughout the public a significant danger disease derived from the nature of the medium used. Faced with assets held with a high degree of probability to generate damage and yet be deemed lawful by virtue of their social utility, it is clear that the practitioner be held liable (based on a presumption of guilt or liability, depending on the thesis) unless he proves that he took all reasonable steps to avoid damage. The further study carried out following the thread on the exposed side of the global concept sense of security, also

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


related to certain reports with the users and institutional representatives, may, therefore, put in conditions to eliminate other potential causative links between the exercise activity and a loss event. All this without either fear or discouragement for the contents of laws and regulations or, of course, stiffness in the face to the many problems arising in the context of the pharmacy. The hope, then, therefore I make is that, at the end of the development of such a training, safety standards are applied broadly, rather than by force arising from the laws, with the strength derived from the knowledge that belongs to a higher culture of life and profession.

_________________ Abstract from: R. Villano, “Security Management in Pharmacy”, Preface, with a presentation by Dr. Piero Renzulli, former Security Adviser to the United Nations (Small Business, Ed Lombard, P.. 222, April 2004 - submitted to the National Congress National Federation of Italian Pharmacists from “Cutolo & Vartuli” in May 2004, Standard Edition, International Led Web Publisher, p.. 264, Turin, October 2004 - presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair - Book Fair - the 6 / 10 October 2004).


R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral

“If have thousands of ideas and even one turns out to be good, I can be satisfied�

R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral




R.Villano - Eye of the needle: pharmaceutical meridians between secular ethics and Catholic moral


Synthetic profile of the t author Born in 19960. Roles:M B Manager Villano Intern national Bussiness Team m; CEO Chiron Editor,, h honorary meember (2013) and honorrary memberr (2013) andd Associate Professor in n History off H Healt Admiinistration Pharmaceutic P cal Departm ment of Ruuggero II U University - Studiorum m U Universitas ( (BR, Miamii, Florida, USA, U 2014), Diplomatic Advisor A Aerec,Trader since 1976,, K Knight SMO O of Malta, President P hum manitarian Foundation F C Chiron since 1985, memb ber Internat.. Group of Study S ISHP History Phharmacopoeiaas-Bern. Aca ademy: History Art off Health-Min nistery B.C.,, already Ponntifical Tiberrina, Studies Melitensi, Medical M Trad dition Smithssonian Instituution-USA, International I l Society Hisstory Pharmaacy, Italian Pharmacy History, H Neap politan Sociiety History Homeland, honorary off Noble Chem mical Pharm maceutical College. C Oveer 100 confeerences andd chairman in dozens of o congress.. Collaborates with impoortant nationnals and interrnationals Jo ournals. Is Addvisory Boarrd Member for f americann Editor DPC C, which pubblishes in more m than 1550 Nations. Study: classsic; degree aand enabling g: Pharmacyy (1985); certtified coursess of: Officinaal plants, Coosmetics tech hnical, Corpoorate securityy, Haccp, History, Sociall Doctrine off the Church, Theology. Degrees D h.c.: Human and d Social Scieences (2009);; History and d Philosophyy (2010); Scieences of the Communicaation (2013). Master h.c..: Science Medical M Ethiccs (2010). It was: author,, organizer annd chairmann Safety couurse for manaagers, gettin ng High Patrronages by C Chief of Statte and ONU U (2000), Seccretary Interrnational Coommittee Biothecnologiies Wabt-Unnesco 2008--13, membeer of Worldd Academy Biomedical B T Technology (U Unesco 20077-12), 11 yeaars in Scientiific Board foor safety of health of IBD D (responsiblee company of o safety of Tribunals Appeals A Cou urt Naples), Board memb mber of Beau umont Onluss Foundation for cancer researh r with Prefect of Naples N (2011-12). 32 year partner aand owner of o pharmacy.. Member sinnce 1990, Seecretary at agge 29 1990-995 and Presid dent 2000 Rootary Club P Pompei-Oplon nti-Vesuvio;; in Commetttees of Italy:: Professionaal Etic, Mondial Action, Informatic; among the m many internaational roles:: Pompeii. Carthage archheology; Com mmittee Prizze Magna Grecia. G Presiddent in Napooli, national coordinatorr and foundeer Youngs Pharmacists P Federation;; national Representativ R ve Federativve Pact of Pharmacists. P . Assistant roole Pharmacyy Phaculty of o Naples (19985-90), pro ofessorship Lembo L - Supperior Institutt of Health).. Internation nals awards: Diploma off Honor for exceptional Services on an individuaal basis in th he 5 Avenuess of Action byy Rotary Inteernational Prresident (Evaanston 2001: only 100/yeear/1,5 milionn member); Reward R Antii Crime-Taskk Force Rotaary Italy, Albbany, former Yugoslavia, S. Marine (Zurich ( 20011); Sapientia a Mundi-Eticc (Rm 2008); Legion Union of Gold-W Work (Rm 20010); Veritass in Charitatte-Religion ((2011); Bonifface-Culturee and Societyy (2011); Nattionals awarrds: Aesculappius-Health Patron. Counncil of Minissters (Rm 19 987); LXVIIII Piccinini-R Research (Rm m 2006); LX XV Stramezzi-Health (Rm m 2007); Caapitolino-Huumanitarian activity a (Rm m 2010); Tibeerin-Science and Culturee (Rm 20122); LXXIV SeronoS Histoory (Rm 2012), Aerec-C Culture (Rm m 2013); Rew ward by Certif ificate of meerits public ittalian Health h (DPR 20133). Author oof over 630 publications p s sanitary, prrofessionals, scientifics, historicals, religiosus; over 50 boooks with prestigious publishers ass Zanichelli, with sponsoorships from m the Minisstry of Cultu ural Heritagge,Unesco, R Rotary, Univ versity, etc.,, present in italians Libraries (includding: Quirinaale, Nationall Science Acccademy, Ministries) and d of over 400 Nations (inncluding: Naational Instittute Health--USA, Natio onale de Fraance, Congrress UK), in n Istituts off Culture, unniversity, muuseums;a youur book debbuted to the Fair of Frannkfurt. Cataalogs: 2000 Outstandingg Intellectualss IBC-Cambbridge since 2010; Opacc Sbn with over o 130 woorks; Card oof Authority by Ministryy BAC. Varioous books are appreciateed from authhorities, inclu uding more times t the Heead of State and a the Holyy Father. * * * Some book ks: Gobal society of information, 19996; Rotary for fo Men, 20001; Managem ment safety in i Pharmacyy (pres. Dr. Renzulli, allready Safetty Advisor of ONU, 2004); 2 Pharrmacy art aand history (pres. PhD D Ledermann,, Presid. Inteernational Soociety Historyy Pharmacy,, 2 edit., 20006); History aand activity of o SMOM (44 edit., 2007); Pharmaceuutical meridiaans between secular ethiics and cathoolic moral (ppres. PhD Tarrro, Bioethicc National Commettee, 3 edit., 20088); Thesauruus Pharmaccologicus (prres. Presid. Italians Phaarmacist Dr.. Mandelli 20009); Time caarved in the silence of etternity. Diacrronic reflections on invesstigation forr the memoryy of homo faaber (pres. eminent hisstorian Fra’ von Lobsteein and crittic PhD Caarosella, 6 repr., r 2010);; Pharmaceutical Activitties Kingdom m of Naplees (pres.: Preesid. It. Ac. Pharmacy H History Dr. Corvi, C 2010);; i digital tim mes (pres. Mons. M Trafn ny, Presid. Dpt D Science-Faith Pontiffical Culturee Logos and theophany in Council, 20012). Amongg the 40 mu ultimedia: Perfume P of times.Art t annd pharmacyy history (paatron. AISF,, 2002); Influuence A/H1N N1 (patron. Unesco, U 2009)).

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