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Rain Clouds Showers of Success and Happiness on Human Life

Volume 01 | Issue 01| April - 2015

Strengthen Your Network

Winners Do Fall, But They Rise; Quitters Fall, But They Don’t Rise

How to Win Friends and Collaborate With People For A Successful Career Growth?

Winning Point How to impress the interviewers and get your dream job?

Volume 01 - Issue 01| Rain Clouds | 1

Editor Note


ur aim of publishing this magazine is simple. To direct every individuals and groups into the right path of Success and Happiness. Today, every human being irrespective of caste, religion ,color, and nation is craving to plunge into the ocean of Happiness. The word “success” has become a ever chanting mantra of most people’s prayer obligation. The sphere of life is encircled around family, career, life styles, relationship all these exerted to strike the one ultimate target Success and Happiness. This magazine will to strive to the maximum at same time diligently deliver quality writings and informations. The hopeful assurance of this edition is , to enable every people to rise up from defeat to victory-and sadness to happiness and failure to success.

Rajan Jayabalan

Editorial Editor Rajan Jayabalan Designs Studio GWMTM Creative Head Sujay G Art Director Suhail A M Marketing Jansi R 9840761821

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How to reach Us

Rain Cloouds, No. 3 , 4 th street, Shanthipuram , Thirumullaivoyal, Chennai- 62 Mobile: 9444480449 Mail: rajanjayabalan@gmail.com

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The publishers of Rain Clouds cannot be held liable for errors or omissions contained in this issue. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are advised to make appropriate enquiries before making enquiries about products and services advertised in this edition. Readers are advised to seek expert opinion before action on the information provided in this edition, which is for general use and may not be appropriate to every reader's particular circumstances. No part of this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the permission of the publishers in writing. However extracts may be used

About The Editor

Rajan Jayabalan is not only involved in Teaching Business Management and Effective Human behaviors for Inter-Personal Success. He is a Public -Speaker frequently delivers Motivational Speeches for the employees in Banks and Corporate head offices on “Happiness for Successful Human Living”. As a socially- responsible person , He has Conducted quite a number of programs for Communities ,empowering them on Happiness is your Right” at any cost Happiness should not be Compromised.His work as editor and publisher of the magazine “RainClouds” which furnishes unexplored areas of Happiness and Success. His Happiness Programs are available in the Video format ,at following you tube links:http://youtu.be/tf0ApF5XXws. He could be contacted by email: rajanjayabalan@gmail.com

Content Page 04


Live Your Life, But Not Alone

Winning Point

06 Rise – up Rebuild your Life

14 Strengthen Your Network

08 Winners Do Fall, But They Rise; Quitters Fall, But They Don’t Rise

16 The power of Personal Influence

Volume 01 - Issue 01| Rain Clouds | 3

Happiness Series


e live in the Internet era where most people stay connected to the social media networks like Face book, Twitter & Google+. While most communication today occurs through net enabled gadgets, the personal face to face interaction with people, friends and relatives is rather diminishing at alarming rate. Today, even the basic amenities and retail products are purchased through online shopping with the click of the mouse and transactions happen digitally. So, millions of people are just missing out the interesting opportunity to talk to shopkeepers while negotiating the purchases. They are skipping away the engaging vibes of the market place, hustle and bustle actually that can help to break the monotonous life style. Thus, attachment with fellow human being is fast fading out today. Unfortunately, we have fashioned loneliness in our living pattern. The whole some health of every person depends on the level of mingling with the people around to experience the sense of togetherness. Human brain comprises of lively chemicals that stimulate the functioning of every organ in the body. The Brain chemicals contribute enormously for every person’s happiness. As people move away from enjoying the companies of their families, friends and human beings in general, the active role of brain and its chemicals slow down. This is the reason, why loneliness is often accompanied by depression and several psychological problems. We, the humans, though being the most superior species among the creatures living on the earth.Unfortunately chosen the path of loneliness. We have wrongly assumed that this path would offer everlasting agreeableness with life. But the truth is struggle for peace is increasing day by day. In the millennium era, we get the fundamental things done by machines. In this process, we do not bother to seek the support of our fellow people even for the washing of the clothes, while the washing machine washes them off. If you are hungry, but hesitant to ask your mom to make a dosa, instead would place the order over smart phone, in no time a crispy pepperoni topped–up pizza reaches your doorstep. On the whole, the smart phones and net enabled gadgets have stolen away our inter-dependence on each other for fulfillment of our needs. Consequently, loneliness has gripped every segment of our daily living. We have developed the habit of detaching rather than attaching ourselves with people around. Re enter into the circle of “Friendship” The very best remedy for the modern day loneliness is reentering into the circle of 4 | Rain Clouds | Volume 01 - Issue 01

“Friendship”. This sort of reentry a kind of positive socialization will cure all the ailments caused by loneliness ,without any doubt. Why are many of our friends not able to make friendship? In fact, the friendlessness factor is increasingly growing. You may think you are deserted, because people don’t like you. Your thoughts may

Live your



not alone

roam far and wide letting you to doubt your own ability to make friends. Your mind might say, “I am not much looking like others who have many friends”. Let me ask the people making such conclusion, “Are you true in saying this?” In fact, true friendship does not develop on physical appearance and material power; but is built on pure love and empathy emanating from the depth of the hearts. Is it a fact that all people on this planet are heartless and will show only unkindness? Simply, this notion is just a misjudgment or thinking with narrow mindedness ,that you might have embraced over the years through your personal experience. Probably, you had been so sensitive to your own problems, picturing

it as a unique crisis that only you have been undergoing. Just think of a situation where a person’s parents are separated. The person might remark, “I am a part of a broken family.” The other remarks could be, “I am not born to rich parents; My clothing is not very attractive and so my friend might dislike me”. It is not necessary to carry such remarks in your inner sense.Just go out and make friends. Shyness is Friend of Lonliness The other possible reasons that could pull you away from making friendship is feeling shy and being scared of others. Shyness is friend to loneliness. Just you might also feel a bit uneasy to break the ice and get into a conversation. Overcoming shyness should be viewed as a vital exercise to build a friendly bonding. A solid step in the exercise of overcoming shyness is understanding “Self”. To know about yourself, you must first audit your abilities and strengths. Analyze what you are good at. This could be any skill that comes rather naturally for you which you love to do that again and again. For example, it could be singing, public speaking, playing a musical instrument or things that works better for you . Truly speaking, every human being is born with something in which they are good. Allow your mind to acknowledge those good abilities. Take a pride in them; feel happy about those wonderful repertoire of your inborn qualities. And affirm time and again that you are capable of doing something good, for which others will like you and appreciate you. Send a message of affirmation to the inner sense of the mind that “I am capable of many good things.”; “I am also useful and born to contribute something to the world.” Such a positive affirmation will boost up your confidence level and will erase the shyness out from the frame of your mind. “Nobody in the world is perfect. Every human is prone to make mistakes.” We should understand this basic reality. Most times, the single reason for many people’s loneliness is their thinking , “I am not a perfect person; I make hell a lot of mistakes in whatever I do”. The fact is, mistakes can be corrected. Many great achievers like Edison, Steve jobs underwent series of failures in their attempts before designing viable products. So such cases are exemplified before us. Then, why do you have to worry about your imperfections? A proper insight about other people will help you to move boldly with them. Ultimately, loneliness cannot take the central part of your life.

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Happiness Series

Rise –up Rebuild Life your your

How to Overcome the Life Threatening Problems and Unstoppable Worries?

Life rebuild your life. Do you know ,Why many people see themselves hopeless and hesitate to live their lives? It is because they don’t know how to challenge the challenges; and how to rise up from their fall. You need to first unify your behaviors, actions and thoughts in a way to learn and to rise up from your fallen state. Accept help and support


e know life is full of struggles and challenges. If this is the reality, why should our heart and mind remain stubborn to accept it ? As a matter of fact, there is no human being on the earth who has not undergone trauma, tragedy and painful experiences. As we live in the mobilized world, to put it right-mobile phone dominated era. we could list out a wide variety of distresses in the family and relationship, health , work and finance. Most commonly, the greatest worry is the uncertainty about our future. All these factors pose a threat. While we try to run away from them, we stumble and fall down. But, will you be happy to remain flat in the same fallen position? Don’t you want to get up and pursue the goodness and hopeful future . If you rise up, it is very close to your reach. Now, the question is, what should you do to reach that goodness.Yes! You need to rise up to build your life. Bounce back through all the obstacles that block your joy and contentment. Here are the solution providers that can work for your advantage - to

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Stay in good relationship with those who especially care for you and seek your wellbeing. Find some time and suitable occasions to share your worries and the burden of your heart with them. They could be your family such as your father , mother ,sister ,brother and extended family members .When you open up , all the bottled up negative feelings shall be let out thereby making you feel easy and relaxed. Try to find out and become a member of a local group such as a spiritual and social service organization. These organizations are suitable ones that can support you to rise up from your emotional fall. Avoid seeing your painful problems as a no-way-to relief You cannot change the highly stressful and agonizing problems, but you can always change how you picture them in your mind. If you’re going to draw a picture of hopelessness, it is a negative way of interpreting your future. Try to look beyond the present and see the good things that can occur in the future. Responding to the painful problem with hope and courage circumstance will change

for better. This attitude can surely help you gain confidence and enable you deal with challenges in a better way. Always be ready for change and welcome it. Accept changes ,that are inseparable part of living. Be ready for change and welcome it. There may be certain goals in our life that are no longer be attainable. For instance, you may not be able to buy a mini bungalow in the heart of the city. What is the point in worrying about things which do not occur under your influence? Why do you trouble yourself and lose your peace by worrying on things which you cannot alter? There are always other viable alternatives. If you are unable to buy a house in the heart of the city, you can get a good one in the outskirts of the city . Accepting circumstances that cannot be changed can help you to focus on opportunities that are always near your reach. Visualize a hopeful future. An optimistic outlook enables you to expect that good things will happen in life. There are many people who always foresee the future with uncertainty. They hesitate to walk courageously because they believe there are road blocks in their personal journey. Make it a habit to visualize what you desire. Over this you can build an unshakable structure. Never foresee a circumstance that might arouse fear in you.But develop an outlook to visualize roads where good things can happen.By being fore-seeker of good things you become a receptor of goodness in life. Real expectations will pave way for Real accomplishments. The principal reason for disappointment is developing expectations that are not realistic. And these unrealistic aims in life will always prove disadvantageous to your happiness and growth. Set the expectations that are achievable. Full fill something regularly even it seems like a small accomplishment it can boost your confidence level to move forward in your life.It could be a simple act like asking, “What is one thing that I can accomplish today?” Answer it by doing a task which is likely to be achievable. Happiness is within the realms of your mind. Never allow any circumstances and situations to affect your joyous living. You must always learn to rise from the fall. That is where all the happiness lie. The moment you decide to rebuild your life, you are in the pursuit of unstoppable happiness.

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Personal Coach

Winners Do Fall, But They Rise; Quitters Fall, But They Don’t Rise Failure is the Best Master to Teach the Lessons of Success Rajan Jayabalan

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istakes can happen in our life many a times. However , not recognizing and learning from failures might be the most dangerous mistake of all. Because it simply means the same mistake is likely to occur again. So, we must learn how to overcome the mistake to ensure the same mistake is not committed once again. It is only by admitting the mistake we can take a step further to change the direction from the path that had been hindering our success. We should develop courage to admit the mistake and learn from it. If you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible for it�, that is the moment the possibilities of learning begins and the path of success opens broad and wide. Basically, we as a human beings assume the mistakes and failures are shameful things. We are taught by our schools, families, workplaces and friends to feel guilty about failures and that is why we stain hard to go that extra mile to avoid our mistakes. The simple reason why many people give up their ambition and passion is their inability to face the shame

during the initial setbacks in achieving their goals. What is missing in many people’s belief about the fact of success is ,the more challenging the goals are, the more frequent the setbacks could be. That is also one of the reason why people fear about failure. It is a sort of imposed value in many cultures. For instance, if you fail a high school exam, then you are a failure. If you fail in your first business, most people would seal you with a stamp saying you are going to be failure with the subsequent business ideas too. If you make one mistake, many a people might presume you are prone to commit the same mistake again and again. Many of our institutions, universities, and employers evaluate young candidates on their grades, numbers based on scores. Rigidly, indicating those mistakes are unforgivable. For many of us the world is seen as a scary place and made safe only by never getting into trouble and never breaking rules. Above all, we are cautioned not to take any risks to follow the passions of our heart.

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“Own up your mistakes you will disown defeats”

to give up. If you have not failed yet ,you are missing a chance of growing from better to best. Furthermore, you might find ‘pressing forward to reach the goal ‘mentality might slowly diminish. Failure is like blacksmith’s hammer, in the sense that every blow the hammer strikes on the iron ,the sword will get a sharper edge to it. There is a simple reason for why people fail continuously? .Because their inability to use failure as a tool. Success is about learning; it is about recognizing why you failed and how you are going to correct the areas which led to failures.

learning from them. Naturally, admitting a mistake can be challenging. Admit the mistakes to yourself first. Accept the fault. No human beings on the earth is perfect. Write down the various areas and situation that imposed a situation on you to commit a mistake. Admitting your mistake will not cause a bad reputation on your character. It will instead add more value to your character. When we admit our mistakes people would appreciate as well as our self-image becomes better.”Own up your mistakes you will disown defeats”

Study the root cause and fix it.

The natural tendency of the human species is to always struggle to accept the mistake. But if you courageously stand up and straight forwardly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible for it”, there is always a greater possibility for learning. The wise and successful people never hesitate to admit their mistakes. They know very well that there is always a scope for higher growth when they make mistakes and learn from it.

When you make a mistake, try to understand what caused it.What are the ultimate reasons for errors? Imagine, accidentally you have broken your wrist and you are in pain. Simply by taking painkiller, your broken wrist cannot be healed. Instead, the hand should be treated after a proper diagnose. If you try to fix the pain through tablets, it may reduce the

Let us reassess some of the effective techniques to avoid failures here. Pressure Situation leads us to faulty thinking. When we are pressurized ,we become stressful.These situations of distress often invoke faulty or unclear thinking. When our mind is not in peaceful state, our thought process cannot makes right decisions. When you are stressed, ask yourself. Just do a selftalk.”If I am in a calm and peaceful mindset, will I make the same decision”?To avoid faulty thinking, it is important we should be free from stress. Proper meditation (breathing exercises) could reduce stress. Walking and simple muscle relaxing exercises could also give freedom from stressful dispositions. So it is always good to check your present state of mind and give a thorough analysis. Are you in high pressure situation ? Is your body and mind free from undue stress? Are you calm and easy before making crucial decisions? Many managers, housewives, politicians and people from different walks of life can face high stressful encounters. While being under stress, most people never realize that it is not the right time to make any decision. Decisions made under stressful mind will ultimately lead to failures. We should always remember this: We are not born to succeed always; but we can always learn from our mistakes. Understand that failure is not bad. Most of us would agree that we have learnt many things in life from our mistakes rather than from success. Dealing with failure can be one of the toughest encounters we do face. We put in a lot of hard work and effort to attain the expected things in life. When doors of success shuts mercilessly, it seems all our hope is lost. Many a times we relate the word failure with the phrase such as “I can’t or I am not for this”, ultimately taking a stand 10 | Rain Clouds | Volume 01 - Issue 01

pain for the time being. After all you should get healed of your broken wrist. In the similar fashion, studying the root cause of the failure will help us to find out its origin and it could be fixed by asking three simple questions. i) Determine what happened ii) Determine why it happened (failure) iii) Figure out what to do to reduce it. Instead of seeing the failure superficially, get into the bottom, find out the real and original causes of the failure. Success is all about rising from the fallen state and standing up for your goals. Owning up leads to the path of success. If you make a mistake be willing to speak up and admit it. Being defensive about our mistakes keeps us off from learning from our failures. Success is all about learning lessons from the failures. A very common thing about human personality is this: We cannot avoid making mistakes entirely. But we human beings can transform to the better form by admitting our mistakes and

Success is the result of continuous planning, making steady efforts, uncompromising determination and foresightedness. Bottom Line The biggest difference between successful people and who are facing continuous failures is, all about learning the lessons from failures. The real truth about successful people is not that they have not failed, but they have never ignored the lessons of failure. Although failure can be discouraging, it offers incredible learning opportunities. There lies the key difference between those who succeed and those who give-up. Let us shape up our mind set to learning. The lessons of failures are very effective only when we learn. We can rise from the fall as we own up the mistakes and determine not to repeat them. Then success shall be the frequent visitor to our house called ‘Life’.

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Corporate Line

WinninG Point


any candidates walk into the company’s office without knowing much about the company and about the position they have applied for. This kind of unpreparedness causes major setback to candidates’ success in the interviews. Obliviously, the employers tend to ask questions about their company, products, market share, unique features of the services, and the recent turnover of the company. The candidates need to first gear up to gather such pieces of information about the company that will prove to be advantageous during the interview process. Such a familiarity about the organization can immensely impress the employers. The right impression exerted by candidate is sure to crack the interview with success. Following are the key essentials to be adhered during job interviews. Right communication pattern: The candidates aspiring for their dream job must ensure that they are seasoned with the right pattern of communication. Communication is not all about speaking stylish English or using flowery ‘adjectives’ and ‘feel good’ words. It is beyond that; our spoken English can be simple too, but at the same time it should be relevant to the employer’s question. It should be addressed in the sense what the employer is trying to extract from us. The meaningful and relevant answering would create a definite turning point in impressing the employers. The non-verbal communication commonly referred as body language which carries equal weight age. Some of effective non-verbal communications are putting across your message by

maintaining steady eye contact, not fiddling with mobile phones, being inclined towards the interviewer and of course a firm handshake before and after the interview. Spend some time to know the background of the company: You need to familiarize with the background information about the company like the details about the founder of the company, year of its initiation, vision and missions, uniqueness of their products, customer segment and the overall financial performance of the company. Having a solid information about the company will enhance your confidence level as you go to the interview. Above all, it will clearly exemplifies that you have done your home work. There are some people who fail to do the home work ,that may lead to losing the interview .Sometimes that might be the high cost you might pay for it. Therefore always get adequate time from the employers, usually from the HR Department before giving your confirmation on the date and timing. It is always beneficial to you to read some good articles about the company’s performance and browsing through their websites. In fact, if there is a chance, you can also talk to the insider, which means a working employee or a person who is quite familiar with the organization. Familiarize yourself with the job and its position: First of all, familiarize yourself with the job description and its responsibilities. Job description provides the vital information

How to impress the interviewers and get your dream job? Rajan Jayabalan

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about the key roles and responsibilities that one needs to carry out in their job. You need to check whether you are fitting into the roles that are mentioned in the job description. So, a self-examination about your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the job is really a useful exercise. Then, while at interview process project your strengths in a positive way and do not forget to explain the interviewers how you will correct the weakness. Get to know the possible interview questions: Foresightedness about your interview questions makes you to appear to be a confident candidate. The possible interview questions could be: i) Why should we select you for this position?’ ii) Tell me about yourself, iii) What are your strengths and weaknesses, iv) Are you a Team player? and v) What are your salary expectations? Work on with these interview questions by phrasing relevant answers. The answering should be always assertive and not aggressive; realistic and not a fantasy; polite and not judgmental and above all express your willingness to learn from the seniors of the company. Preparedness with correct answering leads to success in the job interviews. Develop a cordial at the sometime professional relationship with interviewers. After the interview session, don’t forget to send away a thanking mail to the HR department, if possible to the concern person who interviewed you. A “thanking mail” will epitome you as an amiable and loyal person. A good organization always seeks loyal people. A positive impression could be created in the heart of the interviewers and the organization as you post a “thanking letter”. Attending a job interview requires certain amount of skills. These skills need to be nurtured with constant practice and learning. Preparation for the job interviews with basic essentials is very crucial for successfully getting through it. The above mentioned techniques will hopefully open the doors of success in the job interviews.

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Corporate Line

Strengthen yourNetwork How to Win Friends and Collaborate With People For A Successful Career Growth?

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he success of any organization depends on the people who work well together. When people collaborate happily, then they will be more productive in their job and are less likely to look elsewhere for another job. I would like to reveal the core aspects of developing friendship and collaborations.

networking with people. Remember,projecting your negative emotions upon others might lead to breaking of relationships. It is always fine to take the conversation congenially with less arguments.

Try to relate with some one of your age and values:

You know why we forget people and their name. At times we have not paid attention to them. The most pleasurable sound in the whole world is hearing one’s name being used in a conversation. Apart from showing that you are paying attention to them, by using their names it sends a message that you consider them to be important. Always verify: when a person is being introduced to you, check what he or she wishes to be called. If a person’s name is unusual or could be spelled in more ways than one, ask the person how they spell it. Remembering people’s name is the key skill in striking the right chord in relationship building.

Relationship including professional partnership begin with who work in the same place and have a lot in common. It is easy to relate to some one of your age and who have your educational background and knowledge level. Seek for friends or colleagues who are carrying your values.When you have identified,don’t hesitate to strike up a relationship., When your values and education matches obliviously you can develop a cohesive bonding.As you involve in conversation of a common area the discussion will always be delightful and engaging. Interact frequently to share knowledge: People with same area of interest need to invest a great deal of time to strengthen the relationship. Share the knowledge with someone who would appreciate it and at the same time you must also be willing to listen to them too. As the experience of interaction is beneficial to each other, then the relationship can be strengthened. In short, many people initiate relationship when an opportunity arises, and they can always strengthen it by continuing frequent interaction through sharing of the knowledge. Check out a common connection: You must understand how to read people quickly and find what you have in common with them. The shared interest with people likely to develop a positive relationship. For example, when you come to know a group member is interested in watching cricket, talk more about cricket. Share your positive and negative views and also get to know the person’s view point about the game of cricket. This kind of common interest will lead ways for a strong

Always remember names and call by name

Smile There is an old Indian saying, “The smile you give out comes back to you”. People respond to smiles. Smile spreads like a wild fire and people get caught in it so quickly. If you notice people who has good number of friends, they smile a lot. If you can naturally and frequently smile, just go on doing it. But to some of us, smiling may not come easily. Therefore, you must work at it. Smile when the other person made a clever point in the conversation. Smiling in front of your face-mirror every day can make you a confident and vibrant personality. Notable Points When you give someone your absolute attention by entirely focusing on them, it can be a turning point in strengthening your relationship with them. By giving someone absolute attention, maintaining regular eye contact,smiling, remembering the person’s name, can connect you with them in common lines. As you practice people skills with uncompromising commitment gradually people will fall in your circle of Network.

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Corporate Line

The power of Personal Influence

How to Get the Work Done as a Manager From Your Employees? 16 | Rain Clouds | Volume 01 - Issue 01


irst,understand the problem of your employees .Really making effort to understand a person is precisely one of the most important quality that can help you to strike a positive relationship. We should know their values and areas of interest as you work along with them. Predominantly, most managers focus on only getting the things done from their subordinates. Sometimes, if they don’t deliver, they are not their favorite person. I know a manager of a reputed corporation, who allocates the work to his sub ordinates. At certain situations when they fail to accomplish the given tasks, he would first try to understand the worker as a human, who is prone to failures at times. He inquires the employees exactly about the problems that hindered the task. Several times, the manager found that some of his employees were undergoing familial problems. Their mental faculty did not permit them to attend to the task and complete it on-time. In this

case the manager understood the problem and the work was reallocated with some extra time. The decision made by the manger encouraged the employees to work with better spirit and did the job for the manager who had understood their situation. The art of getting things done through personal influence can be really effective. The art of understanding an individual could be highly rewarding to the role of the manager in handling people at work. That is why I say that a personal influence is powerful than taking negative action against the employee for not doing the work within the given time. Let your employee know that their manager is a person who could understand their problems. Ultimately, they will work for you; otherwise, they may not be seriously interested to contribute for the organization. Show your concern to smaller things too:

The act of little kindness and positive gestures are very vital. A attitude of little disrespect could mark a big margin of difference in relationship. If you are a manager and you come to know that one of the employees is sick and stayed back at home, as you show your courtesy by calling him over the phone and inquire about the health. This act of kind gesture can have a positive emotional impact on the employee. Definitely, the employee will give this back to you in the form of more cooperation and support. Basically, in general people are very sensitive inside. They expect words of concern from those to whom they are related. If they miss out recognition and caring words, that can be the moment they feel they are rejected. The age and experience are not the matters of concern. People generally long to carry tender feelings. That is the reason why we say Volume 01 - Issue 01| Rain Clouds | 17

emotions are a powerful impacting factor upon any personality. Live up to the promise: Walking the talk or keeping up the promise is the major influencing agent in winning the trust of the people. If a leader of an organization promises something and fails to live up to it ,next time, people might not believe him when he makes promises . The employees tend to build their hopes around promises, particularly promises about their basic livelihood. I always shared this philosophy with aspiring leaders: “Never make a promise which you can’t keep up”. But if you have made a promise, by all means try to fulfill it. I have come across certain kind of HR managers who promise incredulously to the interview candidates. But when it comes to fulfilling them, they rarely do it. Some managers promise employees about a salary rise over the coming month. It is obvious, the employees eagerly look forward to it. But one fine day the manager calls for a

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meeting. Without valid reason, he makes an announcement saying “there won’t be any raise in your salary due to some crisis situation”. Under such circumstances, the employees’ hopes fades away. In the end, they see the manager as well as the organization unworthy for trust. I believe that when the managers cultivate the habit of living up to the promise, they build a bridge of hope between the employees and the organization. A manager who delivers what he assures ,becomes a highly influential person. For him, employees are always ready to obey his commands and accomplish the tasks given to them. Be clear with the expectations: In most of the organizations, especially in countries like India, the major problem is about role clarity. If you get a job and enter the organization, you may have to wait for too long to get a clear job description. In fact, most managers fail to clear the confusion over job ,which need to be done. By clarifying the roles clearly and evaluating

the employees’ performance in relation to their roles and responsibilities is crucial to become an influential manager Be around with people: Usually, many managers stay in their cabins. Rarely , they move out of their space to mingle with the workers around. But the subordinates always expect from their managers to get along with them in exchanging ideas and views. If a manager finds time with the employees and talks to them having fun and being with them in the work spot ,can immensely influence and impress the employees. Definitely, it adds to the strength of the managerial capabilities. Of course as a matter of fact, people follow the orders of those managers who are able to be with them.

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Rain Clouds Showers of Success and Happiness on Human Life

upcoming Issue

.A little light in the Dark

“ Happiness can chase out Depression” How to keep happiness up when depression push you down?

20 | Rain Clouds | Volume 01 - Issue 01

“ How to Stay in Confidence when troubles trouble you?

Managers Impact

How to be an Impacting Manager in your Company?

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