VOL 21
W O R L D ’ S
Two E Bar/Lounge
Blending classic elegance with modern mixology
Two E Bar/Lounge at The Pierre, A Taj Hotel, New York 2 East 61st Street at Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10065
VOL 21
FASHIO N TO L IVE FOR Fall For wa rd B e t he B es t Dresse d i n t h e R oom Three Looks for an E nt re pre n e ur Ani t a Pat r icks on Flir t ing wit h Fa l l Ani t a Pat r icks on Fres h Fa ces Touch of Cou t u re
3 10 22 17 47 17 60 70
ENTR EPR EN EUR S TO WATCH Fred M ouawa d 16 Ani t a Pat r icks on 17 MY|TR N D 18 B yron L a rs 19 Jamie G ott s cha l l 20
THIN KIN G O UTSI DE OF TH E BOX S am u el G onz a l es Justin Coa l e Lincol n Hel l er Cor p orate Cent ral R os e Smith
25 26 27 45 46
BUSIN ESS + TEC HNOLOGY 6 Things to K now. . . 30 3 I nnovators in Busi n e ss i n Alle y wi re 31 M us t R ea d 32 FashI nves t 33 Accel ator Program 34 Gif t of Wonder 36 K icks t a r ting I nnovat i on 37 HeadFunder 38 Tech Toys 39 Wea ra b l e Technology 42
EN T ER TA I N M EN T Melanie Iglesias K ath e r i n e B a i l e s s Ji l l i a n R o s e R e e d La u r i a n a M a e
52 54 56 58
R A I N EMA K ER N i c k y H i l to n
B EAU T Y + F I T N ESS Stay i n Sh a p e Fa l l B l o s s o m s B e a u t y Tre n ds
64 65 68
T R AV EL | EAT. STAY. CHI LL Ja de M o u nta i n St. Lu c i a
80 84
CU LT U R E Ch e f Lu i s D o m i n g u e z Su e Ph i l l i p s Jo h n S o l o Ch a nte l l e Fra s e r Ch a r m M a n a g e m e nt Pe te r Po p p s
88 89 90 91 93 94
I N T ER N AT I ON A L B a g s th at Ju m p Fa s h i o n We e k 2015 Sp r i n g Pre v i e w
96 97
Fa l l F o r wa r d Photography - Brandon Hart Makeup & Hair - Faye Smith Styling - Florence Leung Model - Dakota Fellows
VOL 21
ED ITORIA L TEA M Nova Lorraine - Founder, Creative Director & Editor in Chief Marilyn Wilson - Senior Editor Derron Forrest - Business Development Janet Igah - Style Editor Kristopher Johnson-Hoyle - Sr. Associate Editor
A S S O C I AT E E D I T O R Lisa Archibald
A RT D I R E C T I O N Martina Micko
R E S E A R C H E D I TO R Bryson Littlejohn
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS David J. Freschman Javin Forrest Michelle Brown Maik Wiedenbach Liz Belivoskaya
INTERNS Iesha Coppin Danielle Murray Dominique Barchus Taylor Kelly Jasmin Forrest
SPECIAL THANKS Carlotta Harrington Frederique Porter Javier Hernandez Natasha Gabriel Tina Littlejohn
COVER CREDITS Photographer – Luis Guillen Rita Vinieris gown, Pico earrings and cuff. INQUIRIES General: Advertise: Submissions:
NEW YORK * LA * SAN FRANCISCO * MIAMI CORRESPONDENCE Raine Magazine PO BOX 3021 Windermere, FL 34786 Raine Magazine is a trademark of Raine Creative Holdings LLC and is published quarterly. All contents, logos, and articles are copyrighted materials and all rights are reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of Raine Creative Holdings is prohibited. The publisher also reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason deemed inappropriate by publisher. Raine Magazine’s subscription is $39.99. Please make checks payable to Raine Creative Holdings. To distribute Raine at your business, please email
EDITOR’S NOTE WELCOME TO RAINE MAGAZINE Fall is here! Who doesn’t like the smell of autumn leaves or the feeling of a crisp breeze that this glorious season brings. After all, it’s the dawn before the holidays and the first snow fall. It’s an exciting time for everyone, especially those that anticipate the end of a great year or the beginning of an amazing one yet to come. We are thrilled to bring you another labour of love - our Fall Fashion and Style issue, featuring Nicky Hilton. Nicky, although a little shy, doesn’t hold back when it comes to business and style. With fashion being the love of her life, Nicky introduces an easy guide that will help you bring style into your wardrobe 365 days a year - with no fuss and no big bank accounts required. As you know, style goes beyond clothes. Read on and discover some of the most stylish businesses, accessories, technology and of course, exotic destinations around the world! When you are done getting caught up on all the newest “must knows” - don’t be shy; if you haven’t already, subscribe and tell a friend!
KENDALL JENNER what you don’t know
Nova Lorraine Founder and Editor
invitation only
Photographer: Pitr Serafin; Stylist: Cezary Glusniewski; Model: Caro Niemiec @ AS Management; Make Up: Karolina Rodak; Hair: Jaroslaw Peczek @ Effectownia Hair Design; Assistant: Peter Blaszczyk
Blouse: Sylwia Karin; Skirt: Siccone; Bag: Kazar; Heels: Kazar; Jewelry: Lewanowitz
Top: Siccone; Jacket: ModaPolska; Vintage Shorts: Sylwia Karim; Jewelry
Top: Sylwia Karin; Skirt: Sylwia Karin; Sunglasses: Mami; Jewelry: Lewanowitz
Dress: KasKryst; Belt: KOD; Necklace: Lewanowitz Opposite: Suit: KasKryst; Necklace: Lewanowitz
RAINE: What has been the greatest challenge that you have overcome in your career as an entrepreneur? MOUAWAD: When starting a new venture, you will always encounter skeptics. The skepticism can come from all around, be it from customers, suppliers, employees, or even partners. The key in a start-up is keeping to your vision while still being realistic. It is important to be able to make adjustments based on the reactions of the market place. It’s about finding ways to achieve tangible results, moving from uncertainty to foolproof concepts in stages. I also feel that celebrating the small wins is important in validating the venture and figuring what to do next. I learned early on that when businesses go astray it’s seldom because of the idea, it’s either because the capital funding was underestimated or the people on the team did not have the right capabilities. The right idea, with enough capital, and the right team are the core ingredients to success. RAINE: You surround yourself with exceptional talent. What qualities do you look for when adding members to your team? MOUAWAD: I look for belief in the Company vision. Is the person really passionate about their contribution and how the company is making a positive impact in the world? Are they eager to learn and grow? How eager is the person to work on self-improvement and what is their drive for continuous improvement? It is also important to look for intelligence and aptitude. Intelligent people have a higher capacity for learning, adjusting, and contributing. Expertise is also a significant quality. In certain functional areas, it’s important for the team to have deep expertise to add value, but if the expertise can be taught then we make sure to provide great training to those with aptitude. High energy is vital to get things done, and energize others on the team, as it’s contagious. Without positive energy, execution falls flat. Honesty and integrity are also factors to consider. Dishonest team members always end up causing damage. Once trust is lost, I find it extremely difficult to put my faith in a person. RAINE: How do you feel Taskworld answers the need to a problem? MOUAWAD: Taskworld answers the need for several problems that managers have to deal with on a daily basis. It helps managers organize their work so that they save time. It helps create accountability within teams as clear delegation can be established and people are held responsible for their work. Consolidation is achieved as Taskworld enables managers to keep all information pertaining to a task in one location. It improves the follow-up process as all those involved in a task are notified of any changes. Evaluation is made easy as there is an established method of gauging performance that can be used by managers to give evidencebased feedback. This is very important as timely feedback gives team members the opportunity to adjust their performance, driving continuous improvement. Taskworld also improves visibility within teams as everyone is on the same page and has the same information.
RAINE: How would you say that Taskworld is different from other time management programs that are available? MOUAWAD: The feature of Taskworld that sets it apart from other task management tools is its performance metrics capability. We allow managers the ability to provide immediate feedback upon completion of a task with a star rating system for a performance quality assessment and an on-time completion percentage that indicates the team member’s efficiency level. RAINE: You have continually succeeded at developing great products. What is the key to developing products that add value the people and businesses that will use them? MOUAWAD: It is important to have deep empathy with what the customer values so you can anticipate their requirements. To develop great products there needs to be an understanding of the problems you solve or how the company is adding value to consumers relative to its competitors. In all my portfolio companies we put customers at the center. We try to understand what the customer needs and what could delight them beyond their expectations. We also build a culture in our organizations that is very customer-centric. Whenever we plan, we keep customers in mind and give priority to the projects that add the most value to customers. RAINE: If you could only choose one experience in your life that has helped to define who you are, what would that be? MOUAWAD: I would say that the experience of growing up in a boarding school in Switzerland with 300 other students coming from 50 different countries was a big influence on me. I have been fortunate enough to live around multiple cultures, getting the value of perspective when it comes to people and understanding them. I believe this has led me to start ventures with a global scope from the outset. I don’t like to be confined and love the freedom to do business across boundaries. RAINE: Who has been the biggest inspiration to you on your journey as a creative entrepreneur? MOUAWAD: I am an avid reader and am inspired by many entrepreneurs. The traits that I admire the most are resilience and the ability to bounce back from any setback. I respect those with the courage to move forward, and the persistence to trying again with intelligence. Entrepreneurs that have failed and succeeded and continue playing the game for the love and passion of building a business from scratch inspire me. My father has clearly been a big influence in my life. I have observed him run his businesses and learned a great deal from the way he managed. RAINE: If could redo just one thing in your professional life what would it be and why? MOUAWAD: I don’t think I would change much. If I were to give myself advice, it would be, “Do fewer things and work less. There are many other hobbies and ways to get satisfaction out of life than working hard in trying to develop and grow all the companies in your portfolio.” We only have one life, and it’s a journey of continuous discovery and learning. I have clearly experimented and learned a great deal and continue doing so. I have been very fortunate for all the experiences I have gained in my life on both the academic and practical side. RAINE: What are your words of wisdom to other entrepreneurs? MOUAWAD: Stay hungry, be courageous, and make wise decisions. Staying hungry is critical. Getting complacent is easy, especially if an entrepreneur experiences success early on. Success is temporary, so it’s important to constantly push to drive continuous improvements. Courage is required for anyone trying to start a business. There are so many uncertainties, so it’s important to focus on doing and worry less about the probability of success. Trying to make wise decisions is important because as entrepreneurs our success depends on the key decisions we make throughout our journey. When you’re younger, making wise decisions requires that you seek the guidance of and listen intently to wiser people. It’s amazing how much you can learn from others by asking the right questions and listening rather than naively making decisions.
Images courtesy of Synergia One Group
Billionaire Fred Mouawad is a global citizen, portfolio entrepreneur, and fourth generation Co-Guardian of Mouawad, the family jewelry business. If being a driven entrepreneur wasn’t enough, Mouawad might best be known for his company’s involvement in creating seven diamond-studded bras for Victoria Secret, ranging in price from $7 million to $12 million. Several of his luxury undergarments grabbed Guinness World Records for being the most expensive lingerie ever made. The parent company, Synergia One Group, operates in 16 countries across several industries including gems and jewelry retailing, diamond manufacturing and wholesaling, watchmaking, food service development and franchising, food development and manufacturing, interior design, IT development and consulting, publishing and trade shows, and private equity. His new venture,Taskworld, is a task management platform that not only keeps his teams organized, but also is the first to provide accurate, metric-based performance evaluations on assignments. The platform provides managers and employees easy access to the status of assigned projects and tasks. The cloudbased platform also equips managers with evidence-based feedback, making employee reviews more accurate and non-disputable. Furthermore, Taskworld’s Android and iOS apps help business travelers manage their employees from remote locations.
Originally raised in South Africa, renowned Celebrity Stylist, Anita Patrickson has traveled extensively, gaining experience across a multitude of cultures and lifestyles, which has been vital aid to her eclectic and individual fashion aesthetic. Having had a natural ability to fashion and style, she made her home in Los Angeles. Shortly after, Condé Nast secured her as the Assistant West Coast Editor for Allure magazine. Eventually, Anita broke away to pursue a freelance career. She has dressed celebrities ranging from Emma Watson and Julianne Hough to Emmy Rossum, Rachel Bilson, Nina Dobrev, Chanel Iman, Taylor Kitsch and Chris Colfer and regularly styles the covers and editorial pages of Elle, Instyle, Vanity Fair, Esquire, Glamour and many more. Most recently, Anita has branched into television, film and commercials, working with brands and on successful campaigns along with big networks and studios like Paramount and Warner Brothers. Anita appears regularly on America’s Next Top Model, Access Hollywood, Popsugar and E!. She has hosted various design and style shows like ‘Designer Spotlight’ as well as representing big brands like Target in their popular ‘Back to School’ campaigns.
Photos by JSquared Photography
RAINE: What advice would you give another stylist that is trying to break into the fashion industry? PATRICKSON: Be resourceful and stick it out. Those people that stick out that last little bit, are those that make it in the end. Also, being a people person and saying: “yes” to things and being able to make it to happen rather than seeing the downside. RAINE: What was your big break that led you to Condé Nast? PATRICKSON I had been assisting another stylist for a year and she very graciously introduced me to the amazing folks at Condé Nast, I went in for an interview and amazingly, I got the job! RAINE: What is it about fashion that you find interesting? PATRICKSON: Every day is completely different from the next. I enjoy the challenges and working with people—top photographers, meeting young models that are on top of their game and of course the incredible designers. RAINE: What has been your most challenging situation? PATRICKSON: The most challenging situations arise when something goes wrong and you have to think on
your feet. Like a zipper breaking as a client is about to step onto the carpet… these things happen more often than one would think! RAINE: As a veteran in the industry, what misconceptions did you initially have as a stylist that you soon realized were incorrect? PATRICKSON: It’s a lot harder than I originally thought and is a bit more of a grind. Being on the inside, you realize that it is not all that glamorous, and it’s not just about putting beautiful clothes on pretty girls. It can be challenging when you are working with rising actresses, especially when designers don’t know who they are because they don’t always like to loan out clothes for new talent. Ironically it’s often the big stars that tend to be the most chilled out, while those that haven’t quite made it sometimes arrive with a chip on their shoulder. RAINE: How would you describe your own style? PATRICKSON: I like simple and clean. I love my jeans; t-shirts and I live in my motorcycle jackets. RAINE: What was the one opportunity that you had to pinch yourself for? PATRCKSON: When I first dressed Emma Watson for her final Harry Potter tour. It was funny how it all happened. The day I found out, my car had just broken down and I was waiting on the side of the road and suddenly, out of nowhere, I received the call that Emma Watson’s people called to ask if I would style her for her tour. RAINE: As a stylist, what era in time are you most influenced by? PATRICKSON: I don’t know if there is one era that I gravitate towards - I love that classic 90’s look, slightly more androgynous. RAINE: When working with clients, who are your top 3 go-to designers and why? PATRICKSON: It changes depending on the client. Three of my favorite designers are: Valentino, Balenciaga and Celine. RAINE: You have traveled extensively around the world. Would you say that your travels have helped to develop your skills as a stylist? PATRICKSON: I think that having the opportunity to travel, as a stylist has been really beneficial. It has opened my eyes to different aesthetics. Other cultures are so fascinating— the accessories they use, the colors they wear and the patterns they mix. RAINE: What advice have you been given that has helped you navigate the fashion industry? PATRICKSON: Believe in yourself and be nice to everyone. You never know who will come back to give you an opportunity. RAINE: What advice do you have for budding stylist? PATRICKSON: Embrace your individuality. That’s your greatest asset.
Long gone are the days of having to be a super fashionista or fashionisto by making attempts to attend any and every fashion show or fashion fair on the face of the Earth; in order to find the ‘next big thing.’ Wouldn’t it be great to have one source for all your fashion browsing needs? Well, look no further, My|Trnd is providing that exact service and transforming the way professional buyers and designers navigate the industry. Created by co-founders Thomas Weikop, Taus Ansvig So and Kristoffer Rosberg in 2012, their online showroom was created as a way to give fashion professionals virtual access to thousands of fashion brands whilst supporting new brands, by giving them an outlet to promote themselves and showcase their talents. This Copenhagen-based international team spans over various countries including London, Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, New York, Manilla, Morocco and Bangladesh and is taking the fashion world by storm. My|Trnd allows fashion forward minds to explore, follow and connect with new brands, keeping them up to date on the latest creations and collections of their favorite designers, allowing them to be the first to get a sneak peek. My|Trnd is the leading pioneer in the way fashion professionals do business and seek new talent. Not only is it paving the way for alternative methods to navigate the fashion industry, but it’s also creating an innovative milestone in changing the fashion industry.
RAINE: What steps did you take as an entrepreneur to successfully take My|Trnd from its initial stages as an idea to a startup? ROSBJERG: After we decided on the concept, we agreed to launch the basic version and within a few months we were hosting over 500 lookbooks. RAINE: Did you receive outside funding for your company, and what were the 3 most important elements that helped you secure funding? ROSBJERG: Yes, we did receive funding. I believe the 3 most important elements where a solid team and our vision paired with the possible market, in addition to the great progress we made in a very short time. RAINE: We have seen My|Trnd evolve over the past couple of months. Can you talk a little about your initial launch and where are you now with your re-launch? ROSBJERG: What I will tell you about is the new platform SpaceRebel. com we recently launched. We created a platform where designers of all shapes and sizes can rent in stores all over the world. We’ve seen so many great small designers struggling to get into stores. That is a shame in a world where we love diversity! We help them get into the countries and shops they want –and fast. Within a couple of days a designer can sign deals with a lot of shops for an agreed upon period of time with no effort. On the other side we help stores discover new talent, create popup events for their customers and offer a new business model for increased income—increased income. RAINE: What are your thoughts on the current state of the fashion industry? Do you think there is too much pressure on designers to continually push out collections with an overall emphasis on profit over creativity? ROSBJERG: Yes and no. I am sure there is too much pressure on
Images courtesy of My Trnd
RAINE: Describe in your own words what My|Trnd is, and how does your platform aim to add value to its fans and followers? ROSBJERG: My|Trnd is an online showroom created for fashion professionals to browse brands like never before. The main focus is to help professional buyers navigate the industry and help brands reach a global audience. We showcase the upcoming collections as you would see visiting a fashion fair, but instead of 200 brands, you can browse 2000 at My|Trnd - well a lot more actually. In a few moments a buyer can view his favorite brands upcoming collections, discover new brands or follow the upcoming trends.
most designers to constantly deliver new items and styles. I am sure there is too much pressure on most designers to constantly deliver new items and styles. Again, comfort kills creativity – we all need a little push sometimes. But fashion is too much about money, we all know this. I love the small designers who are passionate about their collections and eager to tell and share their vision. RAINE: As someone that is a veteran in the fashion industry, what business advice would you offer to budding entrepreneurs who would like to start a career in fashion? ROSBJERG: Fashion is a great industry for entrepreneurs. It’s tough and even though fashion is ever changing and innovative, the business is grounded in solid principles. If you create something new, be consistent and patient. Also, be ready to work 18 hours a day! RAINE: You surround yourself with exceptional talent. What qualities do you look for when adding members to your team? ROSBJERG: The qualities that we look for in new team members are dedication, ability to learn, skillset and vision. RAINE: If you could only choose one experience in your life that has helped to define who you are, what would that be and why? ROSBJERG: Traveling has offered me the time to discover, think and get a perspective on things. RAINE: The pursuit of happiness. What does that mean to you as an entrepreneur? ROSBJERG: Freedom, creativity and helping others.
Introducing Byron Lars an American fashion designer, who came onto the scene under his own label in 1991. As part of that season’s success, Women’s Wear Daily named him “Rookie of the Year”. Since then, Byron Lars has designed dresses for many notable names including, Michelle Obama in 2011 and Olympic gold medalists Sanya Richard-Ross, Carmelita Jeter and Allyson Felix. The label started with a small collection of sportswear focusing on what Lars refers to as “twisted American classics.” He took his inspiration from everywhere, including his grandfather’s hunting jacket, crossbreeding it with a “Dior New Look” to create a look that resembles a Dutchess of Windsor meets Field and Steam hybrid. As soon as audiences saw these innovative creations carriers including Bergdorf, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, Henri Bendel, Neimen Marcus and Anthropology snapped up his line. Lars’ designs became even more apparent on his Seventh on Sixth runway presentation where he created accessories as mere fashion show props. He attracted the attention of licensees in handbags, furs and hats. His fame and creative designs led to his designing a limited edition of designer Barbie dolls for Mattel. By the end of his licenses Lars chose to direct his energy away from the designer collection and focus on a contemporary line, crossing out the lofty prices. He took cues from his previous collections and made them more affordable. This redirection was the beginning of “Byron Lars Beauty Mark.” Lars’ label has a non-conformist aesthetic that has helped the brand stand strong. “I wanted it to be more about the clothes and less about the ‘hype’,” says Lars. Beauty mark has now enjoyed eight years of success with highly sought out chic and sexy shirts and expanding to include knits, sportswear and dresses.
RAINE: As someone that is a veteran in the fashion industry, what business advice would you offer to budding entrepreneurs who would like to start a career in fashion? LARS: The advice I can offer to any budding fashion entrepreneur is to firstly learn on someone else’s dime. Work in the business to learn as much as you can about it from an insider’s perspective before setting out on your own. RAINE: What are the foreseeable challenges facing your brand, Beauty Mark in the future, and what steps are you taking now to successfully navigate those potential obstacles? LARS: The biggest challenge for my brand is getting our message out there and letting the woman that we’re not currently dressing know what we stand for and that we are here to facilitate her access to her best self (in a fashion sense of course). Social Media is thankfully a direct line to her but, it is a world unto itself that takes an enormous amount of focus to get and keep her engaged in the eternal conversation that is designed to permeate her conscience with brand DNA. That all sounds so insidious but it can only be successful if there is some kind of pre-existing synergy to allow for it.
Meet Byron Lars an American success story. RAINE: Your design philosophy mixes contrasting elements for a fresh take on fashion. How has being a non-conformist helped your brand to succeed in the fashion industry? LARS: I think that my brand’s non-conformist aesthetic is the only reason why we’re still standing today because, once our stores introduce these clothes to their customer and she experiences for herself all the inside love that goes into every single piece, she knows that she’s found something special and understands why she’s spending that kind of money for it. RAINE: As a creative entrepreneur where do you draw your inspiration from? LARS: Quite literally anything can inspire me to create but lately, I find the most fertile ground to be in pondering the wants and needs of my customer. Questions like, “What does the day dress look like that she wants to wear so often that she’s totally bummed that she wore it the day before”, really get my creative engines revving.
Images courtesy Byron Lars Beauty Mark
RAINE: Mattell toys tapped you to design a limited edition collection of their iconic Barbie doll. How did it feel to be recognized by Mattell as being a premier American designer? LARS: Far more exciting than any ego-boost I may have gotten from the idea of Mattel seeking out li’l-ole-me to design for Barbie was the profoundly positive reaction that I got from so many women of color who expressed such gratitude of FINALLY having their brand of beauty so thoroughly represented by the iconic doll. I never in my wildest dreams would have expected anything near the kind of impact that those dolls would have on my community. RAINE: How would you say that Beauty Mark differs from your namesake label you created in 1991? LARS: The only distinction between my collection of years past and Beauty Mark now is price point really. I love the fact that so many more people have the means to access my clothes now than were able to at that time. RAINE: Since its inception, Beauty Mark has always been about the clothes. Do you have any plans in the future to refocus on the designer collection? LARS: As Beauty Mark continues to grow, there will be expansions in both price-point directions, with the addition of even more affordable options (which excites me most) as well as a peppering of higher priced luxury items that definitely have their place in the grand scheme of things. I don’t however have any plans to ever enter back into the collection business because Beauty Mark is a’s just a collection at a contemporary price-point.
As long as a direct line to her is maintained and nurtured, I believe a fashion brand can weather any storm because, she will have been there all along guiding the direction of the brand with her interests, likes and dislikes, thus keeping it relevant. RAINE: In the fashion industry, designers come and go. To what do you credit your longevity and your ability to navigate the cycle of ups and downs that the industry is known for? LARS: I’m sure that the key to our longevity has been simply sticking to what we’re really good at which is building a well made product that’s not run of the mill, in spite of market trends that have at times veered away from these goals as ideal notions. RAINE: What are three fun facts that you would like people to know about you? LARS: Three fun facts: I live for roller-coasters...but only for GOOD roller-coasters that really thrill! My musical taste is about as varied as it gets. I love everything from Adele to Bach to Cibo Matto to Loretta Lynn to St. Vincent to...well, you get where I’m going with this. I make a mean carrot cake.
Master multi-tasker and the Martha Stewart of style, Jamie Gottschall dominates the DIY lifestyle with her IndomitableStyle brand and her mission to inspire, educate, and empower those with big dreams on a budget. Sticking to the mantra of “affordable luxury” Gottschall is perfecting the art of living, with everyday style. Don’t let the stylish exterior fool you; This “Jill of All Trades” has years of industry experience with financial firms Merrill Lynch & Wasserstein Perella, that paired with training alongside the top style experts. There’s nothing she doesn’t know a little bit about.
a publicist or an agent. I had to rely on those instincts to find my way, a challenge well worth the risk. RAINE: You are considered a “Jack of all trades” by many in the industry. Would you say that being well versed with many skills has been one of the keys to your success? GOTTSCHALL: Being well versed in diverse industries has been a blessing, with training from the top experts in the genres in which I cover. Next to hard work, time and experience-- this component has provided me with credibility that has been invaluable to my personal success.
RAINE: You have a positive outlook on the amazing possibilities that life holds for each and every one of us. How did you come across this nugget of wisdom that is widely known, but seldom practiced? GOTTSCHALL: It is through both instinct and experience that allows me to possess this wisdom you are talking about. Please allow me to explain both. Instinct is when we allow our natural 5 senses to show us the way. I believe the use of our natural senses is becoming a lost art. All too often, individuals rely on the internet for answers, doctors and friends, but the truth is (in my opinion) our answers are all within each and every one of us. Example; I can taste something and recreate it without the recipe, simply by tuning into my heightened senses to recall taste, scent and texture. As for experience, there is no better schooling than the school of hard knocks. While my friends were out getting their Masters degrees, I had already long mastered my passions and crafts. I am a listener, an absorber, a person who can see something and recreate it 10x’s better and do it the first time around. As for what keeps me so positive? My craft, which is work for many, is a true labor of love. I have always seen my future, so a positive outlook is what gives me my vision to create what I have seen my entire life. If you dream it, you can live it, as long as you believe in your dreams.
RAINE: Your body of work points to the fact that you are driven to succeed. What can other entrepreneurs learn from your accomplishments? GOTTSCHALL: What other entrepreneurs can learn from my accomplishments is to take any negative energy that may pose as a roadblock, and use it as positive fuel that catapults you forward.
RAINE: Who in your life has helped to influence your decisions as a creative entrepreneur? GOTTSCHALL: My late father believed in me, he taught me to dream and dream big. He was always dreaming and creating, it’s sad he couldn’t live the dream to the fullest, but I think instead, his mission in life was to inspire me to reach what he couldn’t. He showed me the way.
RAINE: Your ultimate goal is to host a daytime television show. What will you bring to your viewers that will be unique and different from other talk show host? GOTTSCHALL: My uniqueness is what has always separated me from the rest and that comes from several beliefs; My ability to trust “instinct” when creating and empowering others. It’s an untouched perspective. I want to show my audience that to create is to trust the natural gifts we are born with, in effort to bring vision to fruition. I firmly believe in my mantra, “affordable luxury.” Demonstrating how being resourceful and sometimes thrifty doesn’t have to mean shabby. A fabulous lifestyle has nothing to do with how full your purse is, but how resourceful you are. There are many chefs and talk show hosts on television, but none that has the diverse experience that I have or can bring to the table.
RAINE: What one piece of business advice would you offer budding entrepreneurs that has helped you more than any other advice? GOTTSCHALL: If I had to offer budding entrepreneurs a piece of business advice, it would be two simple things; to believe in yourself no matter what and by that I mean, change for no one. A successful person truly believes in themselves. They believe in what they are branding or selling and they do it with absolute conviction. My second piece of advice is to build a platform so big, that no one but you can take center stage. RAINE: As an entrepreneur, what has been your biggest challenge and what steps did you take to successfully reach your goals? GOTTSCHALL: My biggest challenge as an entrepreneur was learning how to chase and find success on my own. I have never done business with
RAINE: Inevitably, we all have business and in life. How do failures? GOTTSCHALL: I view failure weakness, but our greatest stones to success.
failures in you view not as a stepping
RAINE: You have a great sense of style. What are 3 pieces of advice you can give to men and women who would like to develop their own style? GOTTSCHALL: The 3 pieces of advice I would give to any gender when interested in developing their own sense of style: Seek inspiration in what you love. I sincerely believe people find comfort in familiarity. When you have finally developed your style, wear it like you mean it. There is nothing worse than a stylish guy or gal that is not as confident as their clothing. There is nothing better than diversity in life and that includes your wardrobe. Don’t be afraid to practice mixing and matching; colors, patterns and textures. Soon enough, you will be a walking work of art.
RAINE: The pursuit of happiness. What does that mean to you as an entrepreneur? GOTTSCHALL: The pursuit of happiness as an entrepreneur for me is what I can ultimately do for others in the end. When you can give and not seek anything in return, well, there is nothing that could bring me more joy.
Photos by Jason T. Jaskot
Jamie G o t t sc hall
1. The Big Meeting Photographer: Jason T. Jaskot Stylist: Larry Underwood Hair and Make-up: Juliette Laracuenta, assistant Beverly Sanchez for AMA Model: David Rodriguez, RED NYC 3 piece suit: Howe, Mesh Shirt:,Underwood NY, Shoes:m Steve Madden 22
2 . T he Ni g ht O ut Vest and pants: Underwood NY
3 . The Week en d Cargo Jacket: Cockpit USA, Shirt: Underwood NY, Jeans: 34 Heritage
Cinch Men’s Wear is a new online clothing subscription service created just for men. Born out of the daily frustrations of putting a stylish outfit together each and every day, Cinch Men’s Wear offers a unique alternative to shopping. Cinch Men’s Wear offers a styling service to help customers select their favorite outfits. Whether they do not have the time, do not know what to buy, or simply looking for an easy method to build their wardrobe, their styling team will help customers style their clothes. Cinch Club Members enjoy the convenience of having a styling team put together outfits for them, and then the selections are emailed to them. This method puts their members in the driver seat and in control of what their stylists are choosing for them. With other clothing subscriptions already in the market, Cinch Men’s Wear distinguishes itself from the rest by offering two different membership plans. This allows them to provide a more affordable option for members. They also strive to bridge the gap between new up-and-coming labels and potential customers. “With larger and established brands having a strong hold on the clothing market, we feel that it is important for us to connect new up-and-coming labels with our customers,” said CEO Samuel Gonzalez. As a new business, they understand the challenges that newer brands face. Cinch Men’s Wear has recently developed a working relationship with BYA Sports Group to provide their service to professional football players. This is an effort to help spread the word of their service among the country’s most popular sport. So what is next on their list? Cinch Men’s Wear is currently working on an IOS app that will allow for easier communication between members and their stylists. The app will also utilize push notifications to alert members when their outfits are ready for review.
at the office with a blazer and a tie, and it can be relaxed for cocktails that same evening by removing the tie, jacket, and unbuttoning the first or second buttons. Once your foundation is built, then you can begin to take new risks with your wardrobe, for example a blazer in a different color, a vest over a button down, or even a button down shirt in a color you normally wouldn’t go with. Lastly, be open-minded. We recommend members to go slightly beyond their comfort zone when it comes to new styles and looks. RAINE: What has been a memorable experience that a client has had while working with one of your stylist? GONZALEZ: One of the most memorable experiences to date has been our work with one specific member who initially requested a subscription box. Shortly after receiving his request and sending out his clothing, he was so impressed with both the quality of the clothes and excellent customer service that he asked us to custom create outfits for additional events that he had coming up. Working with him has been a wonderful experience, and it re-affirms my belief in our mission and commitment to our members. RAINE: What brands does Cinch Menswear work with? GONZALEZ: We work with both established brands and new up-and-coming brands, including Mavi, Seven Diamond, Esposito Collecion, One90One, OPNK, Los Angeles Third and Army, Big Star, J Shoes, Suburban Riot, and many more. RAINE: As an entrepreneur, can you tell me about a time when you were unable to meet your goals and what steps did you take to turn your short
RAINE: From a cultural perspective, do American men place enough emphasis on fashion and style? GONZALEZ: American men are all over the map when it comes to fashion. Some men are comfortable in their go-to jeans and t-shirt, while other men are risk takers and try new things in regards to fashion. Whichever category a guy falls into, whether it’s the same old and new and risky, there is always room for change. Our service helps men try new styles, colors, and fits in the comfort of their own home. We strive to take the guess work out of selecting a great outfit for a great price.
Images courtesy of Cinch Menswear
RAINE: Confidence being one of many keys to a creative entrepreneur’s success. What role does Cinch Menswear play in helping its clients feel confident? GONZALEZ: One of the cornerstones Cinch Men’s Wear prides itself on is helping men look great without the fuss, hassle and headaches of traditional shopping. We do this by getting to know members on an individual basis via our styling questionnaire, open email communication, as well as our new messaging platform which allows our members to instantly communicate. RAINE: As an entrepreneur who also has a degree in psychology, would you say there is a psychology behind style? GONZALEZ: When a man looks good and knows he looks good, he exudes confidence. There is a form of psychology when it comes to style because when we introduce members to new styles, we try to help them see beyond the same clothing they are used to. It builds a psychological confidence because the way you look reflects how you feel and your confidence level. RAINE: What two pieces of advice would you offer men who are trying to build a stylish wardrobe? GONZALEZ: First and foremost- build a good foundation. One of my favorite analogies is building your wardrobe like you would a house. When you build a house what do you start with? The foundation. Just like a house, you must build a solid foundation within your wardrobe before you can branch out and try new things. A solid clothing foundation offers versatility. For example a pair of khaki chinos and a button down shirt can be dressed up for a day
comings into future opportunities? GONZALEZ: I would say the toughest part when I started my business was the first couple months. Like many other entrepreneurs you get excited about your new endeavor and expect great things from the start. Realistically, being a new online business with a brand new website our Search Engine Optimization was non-existent. It took nearly a month to get one person to sign up. It was very frustrating but we continued to work on our website, social media, and reached out to bloggers to help spread the word of our new service. In time we saw that our effort was paying off and our membership growth picked up steam. RAINE: Who has been the biggest influence on your life as an entrepreneur? GONZALEZ: My wife has been my biggest supporter. The investment in starting a business can be tiresome and worrisome. I had many restless and stressful nights. The support of my wife gave me the fuel needed to keep pushing forward. RAINE: What one piece of advice would you offer to budding entrepreneurs? GONZALEZ: No matter what the idea is, just go for it and don’t give up. You don’t’ want to live your life wondering what would have happened if you did pursue your business idea. The best way to live your life is to at least know you tried, if you never try, you will never know where your business could have been.
When featured in a magazine, most models would take to social media to post their photos. But not Justin Coale. When he first saw his feature in UK magazine, Vanity Hype, the first thing that he put on-line was a close-up shot of his pit bull Armani in sunglasses, with the caption, “He was so excited when he found out I got into the magazine!” Not one to be idle, Justin keeps busy—from his very first magazine feature in Philly fit to his likeness being used on the cover of romance novel that appeared this summer, Justin is a man on a mission. Recently, he was cast for the next season of Orange is The New Black and the Starz new drama, Flesh and Bone. If keeping up with work wasn’t enough, he also finds the time to stay in-touch with his fans and followers on social media, posting almost daily, inspirational messages and his thoughts on life. Determined to succeed and make his star rise, we talked to him about what’s happening now and what’s coming next. Questions: RAINE: On your Facebook Fan Page, you say you‘re “just a regular guy trying to make his mark on the world. My story might help you and you might help someone else after hearing it.” So what is your story? COALE: Man, I grew up with DEEP depression hating who I was. I was always the kid, “alone in a crowd.” I use that quote on my fan page with the hopes that people will read my bio about my battle with bi-polar disorder and will see hope for themselves. RAINE: You’ve never been shy about showing your body, and a Google search brings up tons of amazing body shots. Some actors, like Chris Evans, have tried to shy away from taking their shirts off in movies. What are your thoughts on showing your body? COALE: If it wasn’t for this body, there wouldn’t be the Justin Coale you are talking to today. Like I said previously, I HATED myself, and the pictures you see on Google are just a guy who loves to have his shirt off. My body is my temple. I 26
don’t see anything wrong with it, and it even helped me get this interview! Also, I have tattoo’s that tell a story so it’s a little different than Chris Evans, but I can see where he comes from. People always think that since I do body work, that’s all I must be good at. You just have to know where to draw the line and with who. When I heard RAINE wanted to shoot clothes, I was extremely happy because I know I can rock some style in cool outfits! RAINE: Speaking of tattoos, you’re covered in them! What is your favorite tattoo? COALE: My favorite would have to be the one on the left side of my chest. It covers my heart and represents so much to me. Jt is my middle name and also happens to be the first name of my grandfather. RAINE: You’ve got tens of thousands of followers across social media, and you always post uplifting messages. Can you speak a little bit about your social media success? COALE: Success on social media was one of the coolest things ever. I love waking up to new “likes” and followers; because my whole modus operandi is to help people become more confident in their everyday lives. I like to believe that my posts help people across the world become the person they want without having to be judged. RAINE: You’ve filmed for Orange Is The New Black and you’ve shot with many noted photographers. What is your dream project? COALE: I’d love to do a romantic comedy with my idol Ryan Gosling, or an action movie with Jason Stratham. Photography wise, I’d love to work with either Bruce Weber or Mario Testino. RAINE: Any other big projects or new ideas you want to share with us? COALE: Well this (interview) is pretty big, isn’t it? I mean RAINE magazine stands for so much, and I am grateful for this opportunity. Other than that, I have a couple book tour stops in the US, and I am working on a clothing line with a company from Germany.
Photos by Jason T. Jaskot
The road to designing leather handbags was a journey with many stops along the way for Lincoln Heller of fiveleft - art school, graphic design, photography and more. It was while speaking with customers at high end craft shows that creating things from leather moved from a pastime into a business he loves. Handbags in particular fascinate him. Why? “The fascination is not with the material or the styling. What really fascinates me is how they function and the objects they carry. They carry the things in our lives.” Heller grew up in a small logging/agricultural town in Washington state. His father – from humble beginnings – was the town lawyer. His mum was an artist at heart who had varied jobs including antique store owner, high school teacher. real estate agent and more. He was an enigma. The appearance was privilege, but the reality was many of his dad’s clients only could afford to trade for his services. From an early age Heller had a talent for attracting and getting along with people that made him welcome in most circles, but he was closest to those he respectfully calls the “salt of the earth.” Art was always a huge part of Heller’s life and by the end of high school he had taken every class available. Regular subjects were, however, uninteresting. Fortunately he had the kind of mind that could quickly absorb lectures and remember them weeks later at test time. His parents were supportive. “For my graduation present, they sent me to a student camp at Kansas City Art Institute. You lived on campus a week or two and then they gave out 4-5 scholarships. I did well at what I was supposed to be doing, but also created a whole extra project on top of everything else.” He was awarded one of the scholarships. After a year of studies in Kansas City and a year back in
Washington working, Heller discovered Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, British Columbia. It was here that inspiration took hold and education came alive. Photography was his main area of study, but this discipline also allowed him to take classes in other areas of interest. Time was taken off randomly to earn money by working in logging camps up north, and then it was back to school for more studies – a process that continued over 8 years. Heller had been working with leather since he was young. These creations offered a extra source of income, but were a random a mix of styles and materials. Then one day he picked up a couple hides of vegetable tanned leather and there was no turning back. Unlike traditional tanning with toxic chemicals, cured through a time-consuming, ancient process using plant extracts. The final product is stiffer to work with, but has unique qualities that offer their own magic. “Vegetable tanned leather has its own way of going forward in life when it’s new. Each individual is going to smash it and beat it in their own way.” This interaction affects how the bag ages – over time it becomes an expression of the owner’s life. The artist took the hides, pressed random bicycle parts and metal bits into them to create texture, dyed them and created cuffs which sold out in one day. In 1996, the fiveleft brand took form with the creation of the messenger bag – daygoods (the first), careercarrier and the computer bag are all still a part of the collection today. Heller didn’t own a leather sewing machine at the time which meant careful thought was put into how they would be constructed. “What is interesting is the mechanics of where the shoulder strap is. The bag is like a big origami piece. It lays flat and then, when folded up, the shoulder strap laces it together. The only stitching is the pocket.” Although the company now has several machines in use, a large part of the work is still done by hand including cutting, dying (sometimes two to three pigments on a single bag) and imprinting them with the unique textures. Each bag is signed and numbered. Heller’s vision for fiveleft has always put people first. He and his wife both chose to work part time while they had small children, alternating days to have one parent home. His staff is an integral part of the business, trusted to handle everything when he is not in the studio. Interacting with customers and creating a story line for them is an intricate part of what he offers as an artist – and he is a master story teller. Before one fashion show he pushed an ancient harness machine down the runway, stopping randomly to finish sewing a piece by hand cranking the device and then offering it to a lucky audience member. Heller’s brand is on the brink of change. Participating in runway shows has opened a second market for bags with a different style. The fiveleft collection will feature five bags in three colours that honour the line’s elemental roots – accessible, sell-able and perfect for wholesale. A separate collection under the label Lincoln Heller will offer luxurious handbags featuring unique, more complex hardware and finishing – perfect for the fashion conscious client looking for an eye-catching, statement piece. Both are sure to find a strong client base. In the end, what is it about fiveleft that brings Heller the most joy? “My favourite part is creating this little bit of a work and environment. The shop is a magical place. I really love how it’s become my life and not just as an entrepreneur. It’s an enjoyable way of working.” For more information or to shop the fiveleft online store go to
6 T h i n g s Yo u N e e d t o K n o w B E F O R E S t a r t i n g Yo u r B u s i n e s s By Tomer Dicturel
I don’t need to repeat all of the scary statistics. On second thought,
Let’s throw out a couple of big, frightening facts:
Select the appropriate insurance. Two types of insurance to keep in
maybe I do, since the numbers haven’t improved much over the years.
1. According to Bloomberg, 80% of businesses fail within the first 18 months.
mind are Key Man insurance and a Liability Insurance. Key man is
necessary if your business is built around one person. This way, if anything happens to you, you’ll be covered. Liability kicks in if you get
2. Another outlet reports that approximately 50% of businesses fail within five years.
Ok. So now that we got that out of the way, I’m here to help you avoid becoming a statistic.
Most people start a new business venture to fulfill a dream and follow
sued for any reason.
PIECE OF ADVICE #5: Put a buy/sell agreement in place. A buy/sell agreement allows you to
buy partners out or covers you if a partner dies. You also want to make sure you’re prepared if anything happens to your partner.
their passion. There’s the lure of independence, freedom to do what
that beautiful bubble. I just want to make a stronger bubble for you to
Have a lawyer draft an Operating Agreement.
you want and the hope for financial success. And I’m not here to burst
This describes the
ride all the way to retirement.
agreements between the members of an LLC. Think of it as the by-laws
Whether you’re launching an indie online accessories line, a fashion
profits and losses, the rights of each member and an overview of what
empire or an artist’s agency, there are some important things to consider and put in place in order to protect yourself.
By following these steps and making a plan, you’ll put yourself and your business in a much stronger and smarter position. Plan ahead
and think about what might go wrong. This way you can hopefully avoid some of the most common mistakes made by small business owners.
of your corporation. It will include a listing of members, distributions of happens to each members share when he or she leaves.
PIECE OF ADVICE #6: Prepare an exit plan (for best case scenario) and a bankruptcy plan (for
worst case scenario). Instances where you might need an exit plan include if your company goes public, you sell the company or merge with another company.
Here’s some of the best advice I can give small business owners:
With the proper planning, you’re giving yourself a solid foundation
to build your company on, adding layers of protection if the worst happens. By thinking and planning ahead, you’ll save time, headaches
and money.
One of the first things you’ll need to determine is which kind of
Now go out there and follow those dreams!
Corp and LLC. By making the right decision, you’ll avoid a potentially hefty tax bill and realize tax savings.
PIECE OF ADVICE #2: File your taxes on time. This one seems obvious, but it needs to said. And I’m also going to throw in here that you need to save all of your receipts.
Tomer Dicturel, Managing Partner of Advanced Wealth Professionals, works with a wide range of clients, from small business owners to some of the country’s wealthiest individuals, and largest private and publicly held companies. He has helped these individuals and companies strengthen, plan and execute well-informed financial decisions.
Image courtesy of AWPROS
corporation you’d like your company to be. Your choices are S Corp, C
BU S I N E S S | T R E N D S
Photos courtesy of: Issuu, Invest Diva, Tablelist
Invest Diva’s mission is to help you trade the right way, avoid possible scams and manage your own profitable forex trading portfolio. With this incredible new step-by-step online education program, investing pro and TV personality Kiana Danial and her team show you exactly how to understand and take advantage of foreign currency trading: • How the global currency market works • Why social, political, and cultural events shape trading • The smartest short- and long- term strategies • Best practices for navigating the economic calendar
After years of studying the principles of the foreign currency exchange market, financial expert and trading strategist, Kiana Danial gets to the bottom of today’s most curious investment phenomenon: Why are women suddenly making a fortune trading currencies? Kiana spent years studying the habits of investors and discovered that women frequently make smarter, wiser, and less-risky investment choices than their male counterparts. This is precisely why she founded InvestDiva. com and designed her award-winning education platform; a beginner’s guide to smart, safe, and profitable trading. Learn more at
With more than 20 years of tech and publishing sector experience and a proven ability to successfully lead companies from the startup, growth phase and beyond, Joe Hyrkin began working with Issuu in early 2013. As CEO, he has been instrumental in pushing Issuu into the coveted spot as one of the fastest-growing digital publishing platforms around. Readers around the globe turn to Issuu to discover new content on whatever interests them. Millions of publishers leverage the Issuu platform to make their content available for today’s cross-screen reader at a low-cost. Issuu helps publishers reach readers on tablets, desktops, laptops and smartphones, while giving them access to new business models. Publishers can upload visually rich content and gain granular insight on reader behaviors and preferences. Issuu delivers 6 billion page views across 16 million magazines to 85 million global unique visitors each month. Issuu’s base of subscribing publishers is comprised of hundreds of thousands of publishers, including major news weeklies like Huffington magazine and retail brands, like XO Group Inc.’s The Nest and The Bump, VICE, NASCAR, V Magazine and Armani, to deliver a world of content including long-form magazines, luxury catalogues, and stylish look books that cover everything from fashion and parenting, to gluten-free cooking. Issuu is headquartered in Palo Alto, California and is backed by Sunstone Capital. Learn more at
There are over 10,000 nightlife venues in the US that currently offer VIP tables or bottle service. This amounts to an $8B per year annual market. However, in spite of the opportunity of the market and the success of its inhabitants, the nightlife space has historically suffered from a host of problems that consistently lead to a poor experience for customers, as well as inefficiency and strained scalability for venues. Boston-based startup Tablelist believes all of these problems can be improved simply with the right technology. Considered the OpenTable of after dark, Tablelist provides its members with instant access to the most exclusive nightlife venues in New York, Boston, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and beyond by letting them book VIP tables and bottle service anywhere, any time, and from any device. With Tablelist, members can select their favorite venues, pick a table location, customize their bottles and
chasers, split the tab, skip the line, avoid the cover, and get straight to celebrating - all while racking up reward points towards future nights. Oh, and did we mention an on-call 24/7 personal nightlife concierge? Yeah, there’s that too. However, for Tablelist, focusing on the nightlife space is about more than just making the most of an admittedly sizable opportunity. At its core, the mission of Tablelist is to directly contribute to the happiness of those people who use nightlife as an outlet for positive fulfillment and expression. By leading the charge to democratize the nightlife industry and connecting venues directly with their consumers, Tablelist hopes to solve the problems that have historically plagued the space, providing a better, more fulfilling experience for both sides. Tablelist is available on the web, iOS, and Android.
CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES C H A N G E Y O U R L I F E George Brescia has spent the last twenty-five years working with top fashion and beauty leaders, including Ralph Lauren, Donna
Karan, Tommy Hilfiger, and the fashion directors at Bloomingdales, Bergdorf Goodman, and Lord & Taylor. As the man behind George B Style, he’s also a top-tier NYC-based stylist and image
consultant with clients ranging from A-list celebrities to everyday men and women looking to improve their appearance and gain confidence.
His newly publish book, Change Your Clothes, Change Your Life, is An eye-opening look at the secret language of clothing. More than
a style guide, this innovative book teaches a method of conscious dressing that begins with a powerful internal change. Instead of desperately grabbing for whatever’s on hand, you’ll learn to set
your goals for the day, determining how you want to be perceived and then dressing in a way that helps manifest those intentions.
“Clothing is about so much more than style. Every single thing
you wear communicates something about you to the outside world—and it also winds up having a significant impact on the way you feel. From color to style to fit to fabric, every aspect of
your clothing has the potential to either enhance or hinder your personal brilliance.
Finding the wardrobe that makes you feel confident and beautiful is such an important part of living a life you love, because how you feel impacts everything you do. ASK YOURSELF - WHAT DOES YOUR OUTFIT SAY No matter what you are wearing, your clothes will always say something about your personality, your mood and what you are trying to achieve.
Change Your Clothes, Change Your Life, reveals the true power
DRESS FOR THE LIFE YOU WANT Your clothes don't only affect the people that see you, they also affect the way that you feel about yourself.
your clothing has to affect your life, a second skin that speaks
IF IT DOESN'T FIT, DON'T WEAR IT Clothing that is Ill fitting make you appear apologetic and accidental.
important—your deepest sense of self. Translating his styling
IT MATTERS IF IT FLATTERS You will see the best results in your appearance when you work with pieces that flatter your shape. DRESS FOR THE IMPRESSION NOT THE OCCASION Dress for the experience that you want to have.
I truly believe that when you feel amazing, amazing things start to happen for you.” – George Brescia
volumes before you even open your mouth, impacting your job prospects, your romantic life, your income, and—most methods into a philosophy anyone can apply on her own, Brescia delivers tips and tricks of the trade to help convert even the most hapless dresser into a happy and educated shopper—one who
not only looks great but feels more confident, too. From major closet overhauls to a whole new philosophy on color, this is a
comprehensive manual for anyone who’s ever looked at her closet in despair.
BU S I N E S S | T R E N D S
Images courtesy of: BlueJewelz; PopShop
is designed by a woman with a woman’s needs and desires in mind. We create elegant smart jewelry that combines fashion, function and flexibility. We are unique among other emerging smart jewelry companies in several ways. Our biggest differentiator is that we built a platform for the technology that enables her to use the BlueJewelz Notif™ in any of the stunning pieces in the BlueJewelz or BlueJewelz-compatible collections. Our interchangeable technology empowers women to have choice in the accessory she wants to wear instead of making a choice to be connected or not because her technology doesn’t go with her outfit. We are focused on creating beautiful first. Our pieces are specifically designed for elegance and discretion. We use precious metals, stones and gems in our designs that can be dressed up or down, targeting premium and luxury consumers. • There are no distracting flashing lights or sounds to keep the focus on the jewelry not the technology. Lastly, we are focused on solving a problem for women. We do not create overly complicated “full of features” gadgets. As women gain more responsibility in life, the less time we have to figure out gadgets. Therefore, we’ve made BlueJewelz very simple and easy to use. Features include: • Discrete alerts though a gentle vibration The interchangeable system, allowing one BlueJewelz Notif™ notification disc to be used with any BlueJewelz-compatible jewelry, sold at or through participating jewelers and online partners. • Compatibility with Apple iOS and Android devices Ability to customize 3 separate lists of VIPs, each with a distinct vibration via the smartphone apps Lost phone warning: Users are notified if they stray too far from their phone We currently have several things in the works at BlueJewelz. The technology has been developed and tested. Now that we have the basics complete, we are tweaking the industrial aspects of the hardware and apps so that women will have the best experience while using the product. We are in talks with other designers who will be designing the Valentine’s and Mother’s Day Collections. We’re down to a short list of manufacturing partners, scheduled to launch web pre-order sales in November for Valentine’s Day shipment and planning to be in stores for Mother’s Day 2015.
P O P - I N - S H O P brings your favorite independent
designer to your favorite local boutiques. We all want to find that perfect shirt, bag or shoe. The product that speaks to us, with its unique story and style. The problem is that it’s hard to find these items. They aren’t at Target or Macy’s, where you get mass market goods, and if you find them online, you have to purchase something that you’ve never actually seen or touched in the real world. Enter PopInShop. We work behind the scenes with emerging designers, artisan producers, and up-and-coming brands. We connect these makers to amazing local boutiques across the country, and help them work together. Our goal is simple: that you, in whatever city or town you live in, can easily find your perfect product in your favorite local store. So what is PopInShop? We are an online marketplace where designers and brick & mortar boutiques can collaborate on alternative retail arrangements - things like consignment deals, pop-in shops, events, and anything that looks different than the “normal” wholesale relationship. It’s this flexibility that makes PopInShop special. Our marketplace brings together two extremely fragmented sides of the industry and our tools support the retail formats that make sense in an omni-channel world. Backed by Wharton Innovation Fund and DreamIt Ventures, we launched the PopInShop platform in summer 2014. Since then, we’ve found overwhelming demand for our marketplace. Stores and designers alike have been signing up and referring their friends. We’re now focused on growing our community and providing even better services to our target users. Looking ahead, we’re excited to help boutiques and emerging brands stay competitive this holiday season. Enabling stores to bring in the right brands at the right time and showcasing this to the right consumers will keep boutiques ahead of the curve. So if there’s a designer you’d like to see in a store near you, spread the word about PopInShop! We can’t wait to help you find your perfect product or gift this year.
An accelerator program is like a boot camp for early stage ventures. They usually last anywhere from three to six months to help accelerate their startup and most provide a small amount of seed capital. More importantly, they offer experienced entrepreneurs who help mentor the new entrepreneurs within the local community and other resources that give ventures the fuel that they need to accelerate. Many accelerator programs provide their entrepreneurs with a curriculum focused on creating a viable business model. The three resources I found most useful when participating:
One of the main goals of an accelerator program is to build successful start ups, with the hope of increasing the entrepreneurship within the local community. This is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to take advantage of potential local customers and partnerships. For example, one of the reasons we were selected to participate in Velocity was our target market, fraternity and sorority chapters. It just so happens that 4050% of national Greek chapters are headquartered in Indianapolis, which was about an hour away from our office.
One of the most valuable lessons we learned at Velocity Indiana was learning to talk to your customers. The first two weeks the program highly
encouraged us to get out of the office and speak to our future clients, something we never did during our first two iterations of Greekpull. I would drive up to University of Kentucky and Louisville knocking on sororities and fraternity doors asking questions like, “What are biggest problems you are dealing with in your chapter?”, “What are you currently using to try to solve this problem?”, “What would you like to see improve?” By understanding our customers problems we were able to build a 500-dollar MVP website, and started generating revenue.
As young entrepreneurs there are tons of questions you constantly have and don’t have an answer too. Like many entrepreneurs you learn by failing and falling on your face. The biggest foundation an accelerator program provides the entrepreneurs with is mentors to help along the way. Usually they provide experts in all fields from accounting to product development to marketing. Having such resources allows you to accelerate your start up in a shorter period of time. Eghosa (Iggy) Aihie is the Co-Founder and Head of Business for Alumnify. Their aim is to improve alumni engagement by connecting alumni with current students, and therefore also setting students up for success after graduation. Twitter - @iggyneversleeps Facebook – eghosa.aihie
Image Courtesy of Rapid Eye Photo
ENT R E P R E N E U R As the lazy days of summer are replaced by the bustle of fall, reminders that the Holiday season is imminent fill my inbox. My usual reaction is panic. But this year, despite being both the cofounder of Silicon Valley-based startup Wonder Technologies and CEO of my family of five, I am
C O O & Co fo u n de r, Wo n de r Te ch n ol ogi e s , I n c .
calm and cool. I’m going to enjoy this season of giving and impress loved ones with thoughtful gifts. How? The simple answer is the Wonder eGift Card, a truly modern way to gift. Users only need a smartphone and a credit card to instantly send Wonder Gift Cards to two million local and national merchants anywhere in the U.S. Instead of sending my sister in San Diego a generic gift card, with Wonder I can treat her to a gift she’ll love to her favorite local spa without the hassle and waste of a plastic gift card. Here’s how it works. Once the gift recipient accepts the Wonder card via their smartphone or the web, they link their Visa, MasterCard or American Express. To redeem, they pay as usual with their linked card and the gift amount is automatically credited. The Wonder card never expires, and can’t get lost or forgotten in a drawer like inconvenient plastic gift cards. Simply, your credit card becomes your gift card. I co-developed the free Wonder app because a digital gifting marketplace where consumers could enjoy ultimate choice, and merchants of all sizes could be included, didn’t
Wonder is disrupting th e $140b gif t ca rd ma rket whose payment in frastructure a nd redemption processing systems have cha nged little in 20 yea rs. While the holidays are obvious, I invite you to express gratitude throughout the year to friends, colleagues and teachers. Wonder gives back to your favorite cause through our Gift for Good program. With the Wonder app I’ve saved time, given great gifts, now if only I could get the gift of sleep! Find out more at
Images courtesy of Wonder Technologies
Images courtesy of Intellipaper and YesMan Watches
YesMan Watches Most people consider a watch just a sleek way to tell time. Time is invaluable and everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, yet so few actually consider how they spend their day. This is more than just a watch; it is a way to consider your use of time. Right now all watches with leather straps have holes in them. This damages the leather and restricts the wearer to a certain number of sizing options. We’ve developed a new patent-pending buckle that allows for twice as many sizing options and a sleeker fit while keeping the leather on your watch strap fresh. Stop rocking worn out watch straps! After looking at thousands of watches to design our very own and dialing in our supply chain, we needed to find a way to fund our first production run. We turned to Kickstarter, launching in January and reaching our initial $15000 goal in our first three days. By the end of our 32 day campaign, we had raised over 200% of our initial goal, totaling over $32000. We continued to sell pre-orders as we fulfilled production. Our first production run has now been completed and all pre-orders have been shipped. Revenues to date total over $40000 and over 300 units. We currently have about 300 watches in inventory. We are primarily based online, besides a few pop-up shops. We drive traffic and sales through our social media pages and media outlets. We’ve been in Entrepreneur, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, and Bro Bible, to name a few. We are going to continue to push sales online until we have the cash on-had to expand to retail. We’re expanding our watch line and adding on new products. Licensing is also an option for us. Our patent-pending buckle is a major innovation in the watch market and we’ve already been approached by some major brands in regards to licensing. We have yet to finalize contracts because we see Yes Man Watches as a way to validate the assumption that people are looking for this buckle apparatus. The more we grow Yes Man Watches, the more valuable our buckle becomes.
T EC H N O L O G Y | T R E N D S
Raine: What is HeadFunder? LABONTY & THOMPSON: HeadFunder is a social crowdfunding platform where we focus on giving back to the world in a positive way. We have combined social media features with our crowdfunding platform to help campaigns get more exposure online which can result in more funding. Raine: How is the concept of HeadFunder similar and different than other crowd funders? LABONTY & THOMPSON: HeadFunder is similar to crowdfunding platforms: We have the choice of fixed or flexible funding for campaign creators. Fixed funding is where the campaign creators only get the funds if the goal is reached before the end date. Flexible funding is where the campaign creators get the funds whether they hit their goal or not. The funds are only pre approved and your card is never charged until the end date of a successful fixed campaign or a flexible campaign. HeadFunder is different to crowdfunding platforms: Our fees are the lowest in the industry! We charge only 2% for fixed campaigns and 4% for flexible campaigns. There is no upfront cost to create a campaign when using HeadFunder. While on HeadFunder, you can be social like never before on a crowdfunding platform. Users can send direct messages to each other. They can also follow each other and view a live activity stream. Users can also earn badges for their involvement with HeadFunder so they can show them off to new visitors to the site. You can also create a custom HeadFunder to have as your profile picture which keeps our site fun and entertaining. The Magic Box is a feature we added to our site to allow HeadFunders to help us decide who we should give 10% of our earnings to each month. We select a few campaigns that are impacting the world in a positive way to be featured in the Magic Box. Users then vote on which campaign should receive the funds. We know as we grow the Magic Box will be at amounts that can change people’s lives. On HeadFunder, we have more categories that you can raise funds for. You can raise funds for your business ides for profit, a cause for a verified non-profit, or your personal needs such as a loved one’s medical bills or a party bus for you and your friends to your next event you go to. We want crowdfunding to be for everyone so we made a platform for everyone. RAINE: What inspired you to start HeadFunder? LABONTY & THOMPSON: We got inspired to start HeadFunder after seeing all the amazing campaigns being funded by people all over the world. We were so happy to see that everyone was working together to help others achieve their dreams. We felt that crowdfunding was a positive industry to be involved with so we figured out how we could help benefit the industry and jumped in. 38
RAINE: Why did you choose to develop the system of HeadFunder? LABONTY & THOMPSON: We love the crowdfunding industry! Everyone here is so supportive of one another and the people really focus on positivity. We chose to create a social crowdfunding platform because we felt that the other platforms were not supportive of their users. So many users were reaching out to them on social media, but were not getting any response. We try to respond to every HeadFunder whether through the site or through social media. We felt that if there was a social platform dedicated to crowdfunding, that more like-minded people in the crowdfunding industry could interact and share ideas easier. RAINE: How will this system change the way people manage their business, their lives?LABONTY & THOMPSON: We feel that HeadFunder will change how crowdfunding platforms function. With all of these new social tools, users can be entertained while on HeadFunder. This will make crowdfunding more fun for the people visiting our site. RAINE: Who are the people that will benefit most from HeadFunder? LABONTY & THOMPSON: We believe that everyone will benefit from using our site. Campaign creators can benefit by gaining funds contributed by other users on the site and if their campaign is positive, it can potentially win the Magic Box. Campaign contributors will benefit from the good
feeling they get when they back a campaign and if the campaign gives out rewards, then they will receive something from a campaign creator on HeadFunder. Who doesn’t love to get a gift in the mail? Even the users who just come to vote on the Magic Box will leave the site knowing that they just helped someone get closer to winning the Magic Box for that month.
Images courtesy of HeadFunder
Two Millennials exemplify their generation by taking in the “now” and getting creative. Nolan Thompson and Chris LaBonty, founders of Headfunder, realize that a dream does not have to wait until tomorrow, but a dream can manifest as quick as the body reacts to thought. At 21 years old, both young men are making a new win-win platform for people to engage in and uplift society. Coming from a household of hardworking parents, Nolan started working as a cashier at McDonalds at the age of 16, while Chris lived engulfed in the internet world learning everything he needed to know. When business-minded Nolan envisioned having his own company, he teamed up with techie Chris, who had a novice idea, and together they birthed Headfunder as their effort to make a difference in the world.
RAINE: When did you decide the time was right to invest yourself into this venture? LABONTY & THOMPSON: The thought of making that first step towards being an entrepreneur is always the hardest step to take, but in the end it is the most rewarding. We both were working jobs and wanted to start working on our own dreams. We were looking at all of the companies in our world and wondering how they did it. Then we realized that they just went for it! They stopped talking about doing something and took action to make it happen. We realized that there was no right time to start investing in you, so we just had to go for it. Now here we are with HeadFunder making positive things happen in the crowdfunding community.
Tech Toys T H E CO LLAR P E R F E C T Have a busy life? Travel often without room to carry an iron? Well then life on the go is about to get a lot better for you with… Collar perfect! With very little setup time the Collar Perfect will not only iron out the wrinkles that a traditional iron would but it is also built to reach the places a traditional had difficulty with. It’s flexible design will now you can easily straighten your collar. The streamlined contour will also let you reach around buttons, lift the wrinkles out of dress or skirt hem line, and even straighten out pocket while wearing it. There is also a 90-degree tip that opens up to cover more surface area for broader ironing. This light weight patent pending travel buddy will fits right into the palm of your hand and will be a must for any would be travlers. Website: Price: $29.95
THE CO NTOUR ROA M Whenever on vacation or just on the go, say during a bike ride, we have all had those moments where had thought, “Man, I wish I caught that on camera!” Well now you will have a much better chance to catch those moments with the Contour Roam. This slim lightweight camera can be strapped onto a helmet, your bike, your body, and even a surfboard to catch the once in a life time moments. It has a 270-degree rotatable lens along with a 170-degree field of view. The +2 model has built in GPS Video Mapping, an external microphone jack and not to mention live streaming capabilities. The Roam 3 model can go underwater up to 30 feet (9meters). Both models include the laser alignment feature for aiming the camera lens and the instant-on record switch that allows the camera to start recording when you toggle the power button. All your featured footage can be stored onto internal storage as well as an external SD card up to 32GB. The Contour Roam give you options and now you all you have to do is choose which is best for your life style. Website: Price: Roam +2 $300; Roam 3 $200
THE TYPO 2 This fall… brings along new fashion, the changing of the leaves, and… the iPhoneberry Keyboard. Well, it’s not officially called the iPhoneberry Keyboard. However, it does bring together the functionality of a Blackberry’s physical keyboard on an iPhone. So now all those who are still clinging onto a Blackberry, can release it and type to their hearts content on their iPhone. Officially called the TYPO 2, this device is a iPhone case with a built in keyboard that connects to your iPhone via Bluetooth. The TYPO 2 comes with it’s own rechargeable battery, a lock button, a home button, and also is backlit. So if your still attached to your crackberry, now is your chance to migrate to the iPhoneberry case… I mean the Typo 2. Website: (available now for iPhone 5(5s) or Preorder iPhone 6 series) Price $99
T H E LO G IT E C H K 4 8 0 These days many of us have more then one mobile device. While on the go we have our choice of using a laptop, a smart phone, a tablet and even smart watches. Now if only there was a way type on one keyboard but reach multiple devices. Oh but there is a way. Now presenting the Logitech k480 Bluetooth Keyboard. Buy using, you guessed it, Bluetooth, this one keyboard can connect to multiple devices. By not being limited to the operating system platform of the device, the k480 can allow you send a message on your Windows Smartphone, while continuing to work on the iPad, and/or Apple computer. There is a dial on the keyboard that allows you to switch between devices and it also comes with a built in cradle to hold your smartphone and tablet simultaneously. Website” news_k480 Price: $49.99
THE LIVESCR I B E 3 SM A RT PE N These days we live in a world driven by technology. A world in which we have… smart cars, smartphones, smart watches and even smart pens. Yep, your eyes do not deceive you for indeed I did say smart pens. Now I bet you didn’t see that one coming. This smart devices caters to those particularly who like to take notes by hand but wish that somehow there was a way to translate it into a digital format in which it could be saved. This evolutionary smart pen uses an app that can be downloaded into your tablet and/or smartphone to not only save what you have transcribed but also record live audio into your paired device as well. This way you won’t miss any important details while you are taking notes. After your notes have been recorded in the app it can be saved into a text document, save as a photo, and saved into third party applications while also converting annotations into calendar dates and events. The Livescribe 3 will last up to 14 hours of endless writing between charges and even has a built in stylus tip as well. The Livescribe 3 can save you countless hours while giving you a piece of mind that important notes are being lost in… translation. Website: Price: $149.95 (pro edition $199.95)
T EC H N O L O G Y Audio LLC (, a premier audio headphone and accessories brand from Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson, together with Intel Corporation announced a collaboration to develop the first heartpounding personal audio system converging lifestyle and technology innovation for an exceptional fitness experience. The SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones powered by Intel will bring smart exercise capabilities to athletes of all levels later this year. Intel and SMS Audio are merging lifestyle requirements with technology innovation to enhance the fitness experience. The SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones powered by Intel will extend the recently launched SMS Audio Sport Collection and harness advanced technology features to deliver high-quality audio while gathering actionable data on fitness progress. A global audio headphone and accessories brand, SMS Audio is dedicated to improving the way people around the world experience music by combining technology, function and style to bring a high-quality sound, comfort and fashion to every product. Intel and SMS Audio have partnered to fuse fitness with technology by combining the latest in fitness-monitoring biometric technology with high-quality audio and style. “The wearable technology collaboration between SMS Audio and Intel elevates our capability to bring smart exercise to consumers,” said Brian M. Nohe, president of SMS Audio. “With the introduction of the SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones powered by Intel, we’re now the first to provide this level of integrated, seamless and helpful biometric information to inspire customers to advance their fitness experiences.” SM S A U D I O B I O SPO RT I N - E A R H E A D P H ON ES P R OD U C T H I GH LI GH TS: The SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones powered by Intel will deliver an exceptional experience while working out without sacrificing audio quality for those who demand more from life and more from music. The headphones will integrate biometric sensors in a custom heart rate monitor in-ear headphone to empower athletes to collect fitness data and achieve peak physical performance. A patented earhook design ensures a comfortable fit while an energy-harvesting audio jack removes the need for extra batteries or chargers. FU SI N G FI T N E SS W I T H T E C H N O LO G Y: A built-in optical sensor that continuously measures heart rate during intense exercise, states of relaxation and every moment in between - while dynamically removing noise signals caused by body motion and ambient light. O N E - D E VI C E W O R K O U T A C C E SSORY F O R U LT IMAT E C O M FO RT: A jointly developed heart rate monitor in-ear headphone will put an end to the less convenient, less comfortable chest strap-style monitor while delivering reliable and consistent heart rate monitoring to enable peak performance and progress tracking. TU N E D - I N FI T N E SS: Listen to music as a way to stay motivated and reach optimal levels of fitness while gathering useful data about the user’s health. N O B AT T E R I E S O R C H A R GI N G R E Q UIR ED : Eliminate the need to charge the headphones with a 3.5 mm gold-plated audio jack that powers the biometric monitoring capabilities so users have the freedom of on-the-go power.
SYN C W I TH R U N K E E P E R : To help track your heart rate, pace, distance, elevation and calorie burn, the SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones will be compatible with popular mainstream fitness app RunKeeper, with additional application support planned in the future. RunKeeper support will enable users to plan fitness routines and track progress – pushing enthusiasts to reach peak performance.
BIOMETRIC HEADPHONES Will Optimize Workouts for Ultra-marathoners, Aspirational Exercisers and Everyone in Between
A C C E SSO R I E S: The headphones will come with a tangle-free cord with an in-line microphone, neoprene carrying case, and three sizes of ear gels and hooks. Availability The SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones will be available at in Q4 2014. Specific pricing will be announced later this year.
Images courtesy of Audio LLC
SW E AT A N D WATE R R E SI STA N T: No need to worry about working out too hard or in the rain – the SMS Audio BioSport In-Ear Headphones are IPX4 rated for protection against sweat and resistance to water.
Image Courtesy of Beacon & Lively
BEACON & LIVELY The idea for Beacon & Lively was born in a bar. But I guess that’s not very unique. It was 7:30 on a Thursday night when my wife and 6 of our friends gathered at a local bar before heading to a concert. We quickly realized that our phones had better seats than us. All the phones were out on the table. The problem is simple, a phone on the table is bad manners, but staying connected shouldn’t have to be disruptive. For women, who don’t always have pockets, phones end up in purses, which means missed calls. We talked about the solution…”wearable technology could send you an alert!” But we all felt that wearable tech wasn’t, well… wearable. What is something that people wear for the sake of being wearable? Jewelry. The next day we started forming a team which would define our character and make us unique. Our first team members were focused on the design of the jewelry, not the technology. Our design team has experience with fine jewelry and integrated product design. A couple months later we had actual castings of the Beacon that we were wearing around town… without any technology in them. We wanted to create something that people would want to wear, even if it didn’t have notification functionality. Today we have several functional prototypes (app, bracelet, circuit all working together) and we’re just a few months from releasing the Beacon. What makes Beacon & Lively unique? It’s been our fashion first approach. We’ve been able to keep things stylish and simple.When we’ve added features, we’ve made them part of the design. Our bracelet notifies you of calls and texts through illuminations that vary in color, pattern and intensity. Be as bold or as subtle as you like. You won’t miss a call and you’ll look great at the same time.
In the early stages of their partnership, OMsignal cofounders Stephane Marceau and Frederic Chanay were tuned into the interconnectivity of wearables and mobile health. While their initial concept of a bracelet with an accelerometer and skin conductance sensor did not come to fruition, in the process creating that design they discovered that there was a better platform with which to build their product. This was the first step toward launching OMsignal. Now in its third year, OMsignal, comprised of a team of neuroscientists, software engineers and fashion designers, launched their first line of biometric smartwear for men that can track your breathing, heart rate, calories burned, respiration, and movement, relaying that information in real-time to your smartphone. After all, clothing is the only wearable that we’ve all been using our entire lives. By developing smart apparel, the sensors are closer to the source for continuous reading, providing stronger and more accurate data. That data is then transmitted to your smartphone to provide actionable insights to help you make more informed decisions to improve your daily health and wellness. Less than six months after their launch, OMsignal announced a partnership with acclaimed American designer Ralph Lauren in an effort to take wearables mainstream. OMsignal provided the technology behind the Polo Tech Shirt, which was worn and tested at the US Open by ball boys during matches and tennis pro Marcos Giron during his practices. This marks the first item of tech apparel to be introduced by a prominent fashion label. OMsignal’s men’s apparel is available now at their website for pre-order and will begin shipping by Thanksgiving. Ralph Lauren’s Polo Tech Shirt will be available to consumers next year.
Images Courtesy of OMsignal.
APPS AS EASY AS 1,2,3 provides consumers and businesses the ability to quickly and cost effectively create and run full featured mobile and web apps, because it is entirely graphic and complimentary via the ad-supported offering. CorporateCentral. com requires no code and generates no code to produce an app, so the app designer does not need programming experience to use it’s ad-supported version provides individuals and organizations, enterprise capabilities that previously have been unaffordable. Additionally, technical complexities for producing and delivering advanced apps are taken care of behind a visual, user friendly interface. Relationship management, user management, and delivery modules all combine with the visual application development module to empower individuals to deploy advanced online systems. “Billions of people out there love technology and have amazing ideas for apps, but they are unable to bring their ideas to fruition because there are large and growing barriers to programming and running commercial grade apps on a variety of mobile and desktop environments. WAG(tm) solves this issue,” Nisim Heletz, president, said in a statement.
Credit Images courtery of Corporate Central
RAINE: What makes your brand innovative? HELETZ: The Corporate Central brand is changing the way people create apps. We call this Democratizing App Development. We introduced multiple disruptions to the app development eco system which still requires many months of programming to create a single app for a single device. The Corporate Central platform on the other hand allows everyone from corporate IT managers all the way to school children - to create advanced high-end apps visually without programming and to scale these apps for any size audience. also enables professional programmers to create the same apps within days instead of months or years. RAINE: What inspired you to create Corporate Central? HELETZ: Corporate Central’s founder Nisim Heletz was inspired to create the Corporate Central rapid visual app creation platform after witnessing the escalating time and costs of creating cross platform apps. Nisim’s vision came in 2007 with the advent of multiple mobile device platforms. He realized that users and app creators would soon want their apps to work on all major mobile devices as well is on their desktop browsers. This was before Facebook had a mobile app and Android was just getting started. Today, many apps are available across mobile platforms but it takes an enormous amount of time and money to create and maintain these apps running on iOS, Android, Windows Phone and web browsers, and wearable devices are coming soon to a store near you. This early vision has
proven to be vital as thousands of organizations and people in recent years have flocked to for rapid visual app creation within hours instead of months and years. RAINE: What has been the greatest challenge your company has had to overcome? HELETZ: The largest challenge has been marketing the platform to this huge audience and creating an onboarding process with which a user has an overwhelmingly empowering experience when they first experience the platform as they create their first app visually and try it on their mobile devices. We learned a lot about effective online marketing. Our onboarding process now walks users who clicked our ads through a 5 minute ‘holy smokes’ experience that keeps them coming back for creating more apps.
RAINE: What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs? HELETZ: Choose your team carefully and selectively. Work with people whom you can trust and that will stick with you in good times and bad. Communicate your vision to them and make sure they are genuinely interested in it. These are hard qualities to find. We had to look far and wide to solidify a team of people who are top notch and committed to the project. As the snowball gets rolling you’ll see many people jump on board. Remember the ones that started it all and reward them for it. Don’t be afraid to let people go if they don’t fit the team and the spirit.
In today’s modern world, a woman in power, strong willed and driven is the norm, but it was not too long ago where this ideology was frowned upon. In the early days of the women’s movement for workplace equality, Rose Smith stood at the forefront of American society, poised to break through the glass ceiling. Coming from humble beginnings, she came to New York City with a dream and $200 dollars in her pocket, and with an unrelenting determination, she rose to the top to become an international business woman.
Her accomplishments in the high stakes arena of business are numerous; from being elected President and later CEO of Innova Pure Water Inc.; Editor-in-Chief at Worldstyle Magazine; honoree at The Women of Distinction Luncheon and working with Newsweek International in Europe, Smith has created a path of her own all while taking charge in a field she has dominated in. Before President and CEO of Innova Pure Water Inc., Rose Smith did an incredible job balancing business and creativity. She successfully navigated a career in the film and TV industry as a stylist and producer working with some of the most famous directors and photographers in the world such as Avedon, Hiro, Franceso Scavullo, Gina Lollobrigida, Henry Wolf and Bob Giraldi. Smith has also work with many famous movie stars and athletes such as Frank Sinatra, Meryl Streep, Jack Scalia, Brooke Shields, Kim Basinger, Bob Hope, Joe Namath, Franco Harris and Joe DiMaggio to name a few. Following her quick rise in film and television, Smith held the role of President of International, Military and Food Service for The Healthy Beverage Company (Steaz) for many years and is still an investor. She is currently VP of Sales for Seychelle Enviromental Technologies, a public company in water filtration as well as President of International Affairs for Glam Screen LLC, a mobile accessories company Co-Founded by Jonathan Cheban - the TV personality from “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”. Thinking most would stop there; not Mrs. Smith. She is on the advisory board for Bideawee, the leading pet welfare organization in metropolitan New York and Long Island. Smith is also Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors of IHOOT (In Honor Of Our Troops), a military foundation founded by Phil Strambler, who she did work with at the Walter Reed Medical Center. It wasn’t all about business for Smith; she also gave back to organizations such as, “The Foundation for Developmentally Disabled Children in Israel.” At a banquet hosted by the late Joan Rivers and The Trump family, Smith was honored for her selflessness and great efforts towards those in need; “because of your caring and your love and because of your untiring efforts, support and compassion the “children” can grow and live a life of love.”- The Trump Family Smith continued to stay both business savvy and proactive, while maintaining her humility throughout her career, also giving back to the Diabetes Research Institute, as well as an active committee member alongside Sophia Loren for the Community Alliance Against AIDS, of which Julio Iglesias was the honorary Chairman. Smith had become a commodity and everyone wanted her on board to drive his or her business or organization in the right direction. In the 1990’s Smith became heavily involved in the Summit of the Americas 1994, hosted by President Clinton.
Rose Smith is the true definition of a selfstarter, self-motivator, and innovator. It’s one thing to take on the world of business, but to become a success story and translate your marvelous efforts onto others is the true success of it all.
Images courtesy of Rose Smith
Fli rt i n g wi t h f a l l Photographer: Anna Tabakova; Model:Heather Seefeldt@ Maggie Inc; Designer: Tabbytha Ferguson; Make up: Nadya Rutman; All the clothes designed by Tabbytha Ferguson; Headwraps: Goodwill; Bracelets and necklace: So Good; Shoes:Forever 21
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W O R L D ’ S
Photographer –Lisa Ramsay; Wardrobe stylist – Angelina Scantlebury; Hair stylist- Alyn Martin; Makeup stylist – Juliette Laracuente Dress by Rebecca Taylor; Shoes by Zack Lo; Earrings by Melinda Maria; Necklace by Charles Klein
Meet America’s sweet heart with a twist, this model and entertainment host can charm you with the twinkling of an eye, but don’t let that fool you; she is one piping hot commodity. Melanie Iglesias, the Brooklyn born-native is known to keep it real sharing what’s really on her mind, staring in her own YouTube channel, “What Girls Really Do” featuring best friend and fellow model, Lisa Ramos. In the beginning of her acting career, Iglesias appeared in several episodes of the World’s Poker Tour, as a Royal Flush Girl. Iglesias has also appeared in MTV’s Guy Code and Girl Code in a no holds barge of what the opposite sex thinks of one another. Other related series include, Guy Court, where she portrays a bailiff; these reality comedies reveal a particular “code of conduct” that stands between men and women. Iglesias had her sights set for something a little out of her comfort zone of reality comedies, her next big break would be within the modeling industry. In 2010 she was voted Maxim’s Hometown Hotties winner, and was later elevated to one of the world’s most beautiful women on the “Maxim Hot 100” list. It was only up from here, Iglesias was also featured in Esquire and Vibe Magazine’s “World’s Most Beautiful” issues. In 2012, Iglesias launched the Official Melanie Iglesias Store, including various merchandise such as, posters and other signed products for her fans. Iglesias quickly became a household name; since her brush with instant stardom Iglesias has signed to Red Models Inc., where she continues to make her way to the top. Raine: Who was responsible for your first big break? Iglesias: I’m not really sure! People always assume Maxim was, since I won their annual “Hometown Hotties” contest in 2010, but they’ve had winners since then, who have not had the same success in entertainment/modeling. For me, I believe it was different; I had a few tricks up my sleeve. I didn’t let a competition become my only platform, but rather let it lead me in the right direction. From there, I released my own viral video series that drew in millions of views in a very short amount of time. This resulted in me landing a show that aired on MTV, not too long after I had won. I’d say, I owe my success to multiple people, including Darin Byrne from MTV2, who reached out to me about the pilot for Guy Code, which then turned into having four shows on MTV. Raine: What has been your biggest challenge? Iglesias: My biggest challenge is probably saying “no” to different job opportunities. Obviously, nothing is ever guaranteed in the entertainment industry, and you always want to make sure you’re working as much as you can, but not every job is the right thing to do. You always want to make sure you’re growing within the business, becoming bigger and better after each job you take. You don’t want to go backwards! The golden rule is being able to know when to pass on projects, and when to move on. Being stagnant in doing the same thing over and over is never an option, people become bored and wonder, “is that all she can bring to the table.” Elevation in the entertainment industry is always the answer, it keeps viewers wanting more.
Top by Byron Lars Beauty Mark; Pants by Byron Lars Beauty Mark; Shoes by Zack Lo; Earrings by Charles Klein
Raine: What has been the most exciting venture in your career? Iglesias: So far, the most exciting venture in my career was working on the MTV2 show, “Off the Bat,” from the Major League Baseball (MLB) Fan Cave. I grew up watching a lot of baseball and couldn’t wait to be a part of this project. When I participated in the MLB Celebrity Softball game, I had the pleasure of playing on the same team as MLB legends, which was extremely humbling. Not to mention, I’ve been able to develop an RAINE MAGAZINE - VOLUME 21
extremely versatile hosting reel, which has opened up so many doors for me. Raine: Who has been your biggest inspiration? Iglesias: I have so many inspirations in the entertainment industry. I really loved the late and great Aaliyah growing up, because I always felt she portrayed herself well. She was not willing to conform to the industry, or put up a front for anyone. In the entertainment industry today we’re in a world where everyone is doing outrageous and outlandish things for attention. It’s more about competing and outdoing each other for shameless promotion, but Aaliyah was never that type of celebrity; something I’ve always admired. On the other-hand, and I know this is going to sound a bit weird, but I also really look up to Judge Judith Sheindlin (Judge Judy, lol). I simply love her. Raine: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Iglesias: In five years I’ll probably still be on TV, hosting and hopefully even writing and producing my own show. I have great plans and I intend on both pursuing and executing them on a major network. Raine: Was it more fun for you working on Guy Code or Girl Code? Iglesias: Both of the shows were equally great to work on, but I feel like I had more fun on Guy Code because they allowed me to be more of myself. Raine: What do you enjoy doing outside of TV and modeling? Iglesias: I love anything that involves creativity. That would include writing and creating music for fun. I sometimes design and create my own unique swimwear just for me… No one else knows that, but I guess they do now. Other times, I like to hit up craft stores and make oneof –a-kind decorative items for my apartment; basically anything that can become a creative outlet for me. Raine: Do you have any hidden talents? Iglesias: I’ve recently discovered I’m pretty good in the kitchen. Also, my boyfriend thinks I’m a great singer, but I’m pretty sure he’s pulling my leg. Raine: What advice do you have for aspiring models and actors? Iglesias: I have never considered myself much of a model, because my modeling career was cut short due to my love for hosting much more. It just came more naturally to me. Modeling is extremely competitive these days, a lot of people want to pursue modeling, but the “catch22” is modeling jobs don’t pay as much as they’re portrayed. You’ll work your butt off for a long time and hopefully you book something that pays well. Don’t be fooled by Instagram. People think models are rich, but aside from a select lucky few, not many see much financial success without some sort of backup plan. It’s cool if you’re just looking for some exposure to lead to something else, but be sure you want to go through the grueling struggle of competition for very little financial stability in the end. Raine: What are 3 fun facts fans don’t know about you? Iglesias: I eat more than the men in my family. I hate putting on makeup and shopping. I don’t post much on the internet anymore, because I really value the idea of having actual privacy and enjoying life by living in the moment.
Mississippi’s southern belle, Katherine “Kat” Bailess is quite the triple threat. Since childhood, she has been pushing her talents as an actress, singer and dancer. So it came as no surprise when “Kat” decided to pursue musical theatre and dance at Marymount Manhattan College. To date, Bailess has starred in several films, including: From Justin to Kelly, Bring It on Again and Elle: A Modern Cinderella Tale, to name a few. She has also been featured in several popular TV series such as Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill and NCIS. Kat currently plays a role in VH1 TV series Hit the Floor as Kyle Hart. The series follows Ahsha Hayes played by Taylour Paige, a girl who joins the NBA Cheerleading team the Los Angeles Devil Girls, oblivious to the deceitful and irresistible life that comes with it. When she is not busy with her work she spends her leisurely time with Pilates, guitar playing, dancing, keeping up on the latest books, nature hiking and playing her part in her community. RAINE: What would you say was the jump start to your career? BAILESS: I’d have to say the feature film, From Justin to Kelly. I had just moved to Los Angeles from New York City and booked the lead. That definitely gave my career a big boost! RAINE: Who inspires you? BAILESS: The people that inspire me most are those people that have a dream, a focus and a goal. I can’t stand lazy people. The world is ours to take advantage of and there are no limits as to what we can accomplish. The one person that has continually inspired me is my Dad. I’ve never met anyone with his work ethic. Growing up I had a lot to look up to. RAINE: What do you enjoy doing outside of acting? BAILESS: I love staying active and when I’m not dancing for the show, I love to hike with friends, take hot yoga, Pilates, play my guitar, write songs and anything that makes me happy. But most of all I like to spend time with my friends and family—especially my little nephews. RAINE: How would you say that you have grown over the years from being in front of the camera? BAILESS: Over the last couple of years, I have grown as a human being for sure, which in turn, makes me a better actress. Also, my level of confidence and the ability to allow myself to be vulnerable have helped to further my success. Watching myself on camera is never easy, but I’m the type of person that can laugh at myself and I try not to be too critical. RAINE: What has been the benchmark of your success? BAILESS: The benchmark of my success has got to be my role as Kyle on Vh1’s Hit the Floor. I say that because, I have an opportunity to show not one, but a few of my talents. It’s not every day that I get to act, dance, be southern, sexy and funny in every episode. Now all the writers have to do is have me sing and I’ll be set!
Photographer – Lisa Ramsay; Wardrobe stylist – Angelina Scantlebury; Hair stylist- Alyn Martin; Makeup stylist – Juliette Laracuente Jumpsuit by Catherine Malandrino; Earrings by CZ by Kenneth Jay Lane; Bracelet by Charles Klein; Ring by CZ by Kenneth Jay Lane; Shoes by Sigerson Morrison
Dress by Byron Lars Beauty Mark; Earrings by CZ by Kenneth Jay Lane; Handcuff by Collette Malouf; Hand Jewelry by Collette Malouf; Booties by Shop Priceless
RAINE: What has been the greatest challenge for you in the industry? BIALESS: The hardest thing has been rejection for sure. When you are on a show, life is grand, but the time in between jobs is the hardest. I can speak for a lot of entertainers out there, we hear ‘no,’ way more than “yes.” The only way I’ve held for this long, is the support from my family, friends and manager. RANE: What advice would you give other aspiring actors/singers? BAILESS: I always tell anyone getting into the business to be themselves. Also, Follow your dream, know what you have to offer, stick to your instincts and never be afraid to ask for help. The key to success is confidence, focus and hard work. Once you have those down, success will come to you. RIANE: Where do you see you’re self-heading in the next 3 years? BAILESS: I see a number of things. I see my show Hit the Floor continuing for a few more seasons. Also, I would love to get my hands into producing and movies for sure! I hope to be married in the next 3 years, or I think my southern Mom will kill me! RAINE: How is Hit the Floor different from other productions you have been in? BAILESS: For one, Hit the Floor is the first TV show that I have been a part of from the beginning. The writers created my character off of my southern comedic craziness. Trust me, it’s definitely a compliment. RAINE: How have your southern roots helped your roles on TV? BAILESS: Land jobs basically! I have always had a strong Southern accent and my Dad paid a lot of money in NYC for me to lose it with the help of a dialect coach. But the minute I moved to LA at my first big audition, they asked me if I could do the scene with a southern accent. Enthusiastically, I said, “Yes! Of course!” The same thing goes for my role as Kelly Clarkson’s best friend in, From Justin to Kelly. My accent has helped to land me a few other acting jobs, but the biggest one to date is Hit the Floor. My character Kyle was not southern until they heard a slight twang in the audition and asked me to perform her southern. And that was the end of that— Kyle, the sassy southern stripper, turned Devil Girl was born! RAINE: Does your true passion lie with singing, dancing or acting for TV? BAILESS: I love them all, which is why I am able to do any of them on the drop of a hat. When you are a performer and a triple threat, it’s hard not to love all three. Performing is performing, no matter if it’s acting, singing or dancing! In the end, I would definitely say that having more than one talent has landed me some dream roles.
 Photographer - Joseph DeAngelis; Hair Stylist - Ozzy Delgado; Makeup Artist - Anton Khachaturian; Wardrobe Stylist - Ali Levine; Assistant Wardrobe Stylist - Rachel Lutsky Top by Blaque Label; Skirt by Lumier by Bariano; Rings by Vitrine Designs, AV Max & Elizabeth Knight Jewelry; Earrings by Jared Jamin; Shoes by Privileged Shoes
Dress by Creative PR; Jacket by Ted Baker; Rings by DipinLA
The young and beautiful American actress, Jillian Rose Reed, is best known for her rise to fame on the hit television dramedy, MTV’s Awkward, where Reed plays the role of Tamara Kaplan. Awkward is a teen comedy about high school best friends, Jenna Hamilton played by Ashley Rickards and Tamara Kaplan played by Jillian Rose Reed, as they tackle the ups-and-downs of young adulthood. The series centers around, Hamilton’s high school misfortunes and the everyday social pressures that many teens are faced with and provides some surprising revelations along the way. Early on in life, Reed had a desire to be on stage. So it was natural for her to pursue her dreams by taking part in children’s theater, plays, and musicals. Not one to stop pushing for her goals, she realized that in order to reach the top, she would need to focus her attention on the entertainment capital of the world; Hollywood. Among some of the first roles she landed, was a guest appearances on Nickelodeon’s Supah Ninjas. Reed also had guest roles on Disney Channel’s Jessie and Disney XD’s Pair of Kings, and in 2012 she was nominated for the Young Artist Award for “Best Performance in a TV series – Leading Young Actress.” Aside from her kid/teen friendly appearances, she has proven herself to be a well-rounded actress in her portrayal of a dark, edgy character in the PrimetimeEmmy award winning TV series Weeds and preppy mean girl in NBC’s “Community.” Follow along as we get a glimpse into the life of one of Hollywood’s rising stars, making waves, proving that hard work and dedication are forces to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. RAINE: Who has been your biggest inspiration? REED: First and foremost, my mom and grandma. I have been very lucky throughout my career and they have always been there to support me and keep me going. I am also inspired by the work of Sandra Bullock. I think that she hilarious!
everything that I had learned up to that point she had done in one line. In that instant everything made sense to me. RAINE: What is your favorite show on television? REED: Right now, I am a big fan of Modern Family RAINE: Do you see yourself producing movies in the future? REED: It is funny that you should ask that, because I recently started to get into production. I, along with a family friend, have developed a script for a new movie, based on a psychiatrist that specializes in helping patients with eating disorders. As well as playing one of the characters, I am also the producer for the show. RAINE: What advice would you give to aspiring actors? REED: The one piece of advice that I would give to aspiring actors, is that if you don’t love it with your whole body and being –don’t do it. I would also say, don’t give up. RAINE: What is the biggest challenge you have had to overcome in your career? REED: A challenge that I have had to overcome is learning to deal with the disappointment of being turned down at auditions. Over time, I have learned that those moments help to build my confidence and push me to hone my craft. RAINE: What do you enjoy doing outside of filming? REED: I love to work out and stay active; I especially love to hike. Also, I would say that I am definitely a foodie. My mom and I enjoy going to different restaurants and experimenting with new and different cuisine.
also like to start a family.
RAINE: Can you talk about why you love acting? REED: Honestly, I feel like this was something that I was born to do—it is the only thing that fulfills me creatively and emotionally. RAINE: What has been the benchmark of your career? REED: Working with Casting Director Kari Kurto, for the Showtime Television series Weeds. I auditioned for her and afterwards she really fought for me to be on the show, which turned into a recurring role for two seasons; it was my first big role on TV. I can still remember reading for the role of Simone, with Actress Mary-Louise Parker. She started reading her lines and locked eyes with me and at that very moment
RAINE: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? REED: In the next 10 years, I hope to be on a long lasting sitcom. I would
RAINE: What are three fun facts that you would like your fans to know about you? REED: Three things that my fans may not know about me are: I hate cotton balls. I compare them to the screeching sound of nails being dragged against a chalkboard. Recently, for my last birthday, my mom bought me a bike. When I am back home in Michigan, I like to ride my bike everyday around the neighborhood. When it comes to shoes, I am definitely a Steve Madden girl.
ENT ERTAI N M E N T RAINE: There is not a lot of substance in the music industry as compared to times past. What are your thoughts on the state of the industry? How do you challenge yourself to stay on message and create songs that add value to listeners? MAE: Oh my, it’s so hard to comment on the state of the industry because it can come out sounding like a sub-tweet these days. Everybody thinks it’s about them. I think self-worth is at an all-time low, and thirst and disrespect is at an all-time high. I’m all about making music that everyone can feel and relate to. RAINE: Would you say music is your passion? MAE: Yes, definitely!
She is, Lauriana Mae. RAINE: You have said some of your inspiration comes from the likes of artist like, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and Etta James. Those artists were heavy hitters in their choice of subject matter as well as the uniqueness of their voices. How would you compare yourself to those musical greats? MAE: I’m inspired by so many different artists. But these women really had such a special tone in their voices. I look up to them, and it’s an honor every time I get compared to any one of them. As far as subject matter goes, I have my own perspective. Over the course of creating this album I’ve become much more comfortable owning that perspective. I’ve created something true to myself and my real life experiences. That’s what makes it for everyone. People can feel sincerity, in vocals and in lyrics.
RAINE: What has been an embarrassing moment on stage? How did you recover? MAE: Well all in one show I had to walk off stage because my top ripped open when I opened my arms. During that same show I lost my voice because I had been fighting a cold. My band “The Pains,” really had to hold me down and improvise that night. RAINE: If you could not be a singer what else would you do with your life? MAIE: I will always be a singer. Honestly, I can’t see myself doing anything else because I’ve never given up on Plan A. RAINE: Do you have a ritual that you perform before a big performance to get psyched up for being on stage? MAE: I get in a circle with my band and we pray. We give thanks to God and ask that he successfully get us through another show. RAINE: What advice can you share with aspiring singers either from a business or personal standpoint that has helped you navigate the pitfalls of the music industry? MAE: I received all my experience being told “no,” and “not good enough.” Also, you have to maintain a sense of humility and confidence. Of course, it goes without saying that you can never give up.
RAINE: Your EP, Love Mae has various influences from other musical eras mixed with modern elements. What inspired you to pull your sound from past influences rather than doing current pop music? MAE: I did the Love Mae EP with the amazing Kwame 3+ years ago. These were among some of the first songs we ever recorded together. Neither of us have ever been a “do what everyone’s doing” type of artist. I inspired him to make the music and he inspired me to write and sing on it. “Pop” music is just whatever the masses love and decide on. So I just have to give the best of me every time. RAINE: In your song titled Love, you chose to have a reflective conversation with love as opposed to singing about it, can you share your reasons why decided to take that direction? There is a certain amount of passion that comes through in this song. Did you sing from your own experience regarding your dealings with love? MAE: Love is a song that I never get tired of performing. I feel it in my soul every single time. Love has ripped right through me without apology. And I have had to find it in myself to forgive it and keep believing it had its reasons. 58
Image courtesy of Matthew Salacuse
The singer/songwriter and blonde bombshell, Lauriana Mae, is taking the music world by storm and embodies the ability to grab you with her soulfully pop voice, catchy tunes and takes you back to a time when music made you want to dance like no one was watching. Her vast influences stem from the likes of Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, The Notorious B.I.G., Jay Z, Kanye West, & Beyonce. Lauriana melds jazz vocals with contemporary pop, R&B and hip hop music reinventing the essence of great music from the past and present. Growing up perfecting her talents in her church choir, local talent shows and various singing gigs, Lauriana was able to gain the confidence to get into the recording studio and create a sound all her own. She’s been fortunate enough to rub elbows with the likes of top recording artist producer Kwame, hip hop/rap mogul Ludacris, and lyrist B.O.B. Her 3 song Love Mae EP, featuring songs “Like a Drum (Beat it)”, “Love”, and “Money Mae” will take you from dancing in your seat, tugging at your heart strings to knowing the words of the song before it’s even over. This solo artist is gearing up to break the mold of popular music. Captivating both mature and young audiences alike with her voice and her beauty, this songstress is on her way to creating something legendary.
RAINE: Confidence being one of many keys to a creative entrepreneur’s success. Can you share with us how singing in a choir at an early age helped you to mature into a more confident singer? MAE: Singing in a choir teaches you harmony and how to work with a team to create something beautiful. The right choir/team will encourage you and bring out the best in you, but also humbles you. Singing in a choir also teaches you that you have to listen to others and not overpower them to get the best sound.
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FRE SH FAC E S | FA S H ION Photographer: Filip Konikowski; Make Up & Hair: Ana Makridis; Stylist: Candice Lewin; Model: Ivana (Chadwick Models)
MODEL: IVANA HOMETOWN - Melbourne, Australia AGENCY - Chadwick HEIGHT – 5FT 9IN
FUN FACTS: 1. Two of my favorite books are Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, and Perfume by Patrick Suskind.
am also a brand consultant for shoe label Alias Mae, and I have a blog that I use as a creative platform to release and show my work. Check it out at
2. Aside from modeling, I have been quietly styling for four years. My work has been published in the likes of Oyster, Contributor, Culture, Polanski, Pages Digital, Fashion Gone Rogue, Fault and S Magazine. I
3. My new hobby is photography, and I hope that I can take that further within Australia and around the world—I will never stop traveling. Work or pleasure, it is my freedom, my inspiration, and it gives me life.
Photographer - Martha Jagodzinski; Model - Lukas Ziegele a
MOdel: LUKAS HOMETOWN – STUTTGART, GERMANY AGENCY – VIVA MODELS BERLIN HEIGHT – 6FT 1IN FUN FACTS: 1. I am a vegeterian 2. In addition to modeling, I am a talented violinist 3. I am a ballet dancer
B E AU T Y & F I T N E S S
M A I K : H O W T O S T A Y I N S H A P E D U R I N G T H E W I N T E R M O N T H S
Yes, it is a sad fact: summer is over (unless you own a house in fabulous in St. Barths) and for most of us that means we are putting on more and more layers of clothing, pushing our physique awareness into the oblivious. Then the unavoidable happens: the weight creeps on during the holiday season and come March we are in a frantic race to get beach ready. STOP! Let’s not do that again. How can one stay in reasonable good shape during fall without spending a whole day in the gym? We tend to move less as it gets colder, buses taxis and subways are more appealing in November than in June where we often walk a few blocks without even thinking about it. To make matters worse, most jobs are a lot busier in September/October than during the summer months, so we have less time to train. So it seems like the perfect storm to get of shape quickly, just in time to gorge on Christmas cookies and Thanksgiving pie, right? I will admit, it is a slippery slope but one that is not impossible to counter if one spends a bit of time and energy to plan properly. Let’s address the issues one at a time: 1. Less time. That means you have to workout smarter and do exercises that will do the most for your physique, and nothing touches weight training. When it comes to shaping or toning your body, you simply must do some sort of resistance training, this could be free weights, machines or exercise bands. Body weight training will not suffice since the resistance there cannot be changed. Think two whole body workouts a week as an absolute must. You should be in and out the gym within 45-50 minutes. Cardio would be a second for about 90 minutes per week, if you have more time to spare, you can add yoga, Pilates and any other active recovery methods. 2. Caloric needs. Yes, you will most likely use up less energy than you have during summer, which means you have to watch your portions. Try to stick to light summer cooking as long as possible; do not go for the heavy sauces. Another option would be to forgo starches for two straight days and add them in on the third day. 3. Motivation. As the sun light fades, so does willpower. The antidote here is to get a training partner or join a workout group to create accountability.
Author and world renowned fitness expert, Maik Wiedenbach is changing bodies with over 10 years of award winning experience. He is breaking barriers and showing people the secret to getting in shape the correct way. His recent book 101 Fitness Myths tackles some of the common fitness myths that hold people back from getting the body they want and deserve. In the book, Maik gives you everything you need to know to turbocharge your workouts to get leaner and stronger— faster!
4. Keep it light. Being in shape is important but there is a whole big world out there that needs to be explored (with an awesome physique, of course).
Photographer: Nicole Marcelli; Model: Lauren Hogue @ Donna Baldwin Agency; Makeup & Hair: Jessica Rowell; Fashion Designer: J-Chan's Designs; Wardrobe Stylist: J-Chan's Designs; Jewelry Designer: Basteroid (Canadian Private Label); Location: Paint Mines Interpretive Park (Calhan, Colorado)
Cerulean Peacock Halter & Sheer Skirt: J-Chan's Designs; Seeing Double Necklace set in Silver worn as Headpiece: Bstrd; Silkwrap Bracelets with Antique Silver in Brown, Sea, Burnt Purple & Blue: Bstrd; Silver-plated Necklace worn as bracelt: Bstrd
Fall Blossoms
Multi-Color Cropped Body-con: J-Chan's Designs Silk-wrap Bracelet in Burnt Purple: Bstrd Prayer Hand-chain: Bstrd
RIGHT: Gold Rose dress: J-Chan's Designs Swarvoski Fringe Necklace in Silver worn as Face-chain: Bstrd Silk-wrap Bracelet in Brown: Bstrd Rose Gold Hand-chain: Bstrd
Gold Rose dress: J-Chan's Designs; Swarvoski Fringe Necklace in Silver worn as Face-chain: Bstrd; Silk-wrap Bracelet in Brown: Bstrd; Rose Gold Hand-chain: Bstrd
EVO LU TIO N M AN “RESUR FACING CLAY M ASK” It’s no secret that good skin takes a lot of tender
love and care, and men; there is no exception to that rule for you either. Evolution Man
unveils the newest advancement in skincare with the “Resurfacing Clay Mask”. This is a
new product sending shock waves through the men’s skin care industry. Noted as, “an
innovative new product loaded with naturallysourced, beneficial ingredients, delivering fast
and dramatic results”. Skin care no longer has to be subjected to women, men you too can
transform your complexion from the inside
out. Evolution Man has created somewhat
P I E RMARIN I BE AUTY From the golden bombshell, to a product of great naturalizing proportion that can
turn back the hands of time, while leaving
you looking young forever. John Piermarini of Piermarini Beauty introduces a line
of cosmetic and skincare products that idolize the use of natural ingredients, which
hydrate the skin as well as prevent, reduce,
and reverse aging. So, you may be thinking what makes this the next best thing, well for
starters, key ingredients include: Water Lily Extract, Avocado Oil, Aloe, Jojoba, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. All ingredients are organic, natural, and extremely healthy for your skin.
What makes this product that much more impactful is that all these ingredients are
simply things you can probably find in your kitchen or a health food store. Piermarni applies to the masses, while following a
simple, yet sophisticated aesthetic. The
curated collection of products allows for diversity in skin tones and types. Whether
you are a light, moderate, or darker tone;
to dry, oily, or combination skin there is a product for you in this collection. This
product is efficient and effective for your skin, not only now, but in the future as well.
As the saying goes, “let us stay young, and
let us live forever” and with a few choice products you can do just that.
of a “magical potion” for the everyday man,
this powerful blend ensures: skin clearing,
tightening pores, brighten, rejuvenate, and
Your beauty is simply radiant; it shines
Beauty and gold, although sounds like a
smooth out the texture of your skin.
like that of a thousand golden suns.
infusing vitamins, minerals and anti-aging
rather odd combination works wonders
placed on your face right from the comfort
who doesn’t want their skin to exude
brought to you…. ahhh, a sigh of peace and
like its golden! Throughout history, gold
it gets better; of course the real power comes
beautifying properties. From the ancient
penetrate your skin: Gycolic acid, Salicylic
Romans, gold has been the secret agent
grass extract to name a few. The “Resurfacing
thank you later.
restores the youthful appearance of your
Working on the skin’s deepest layers
exfoliates. Pretty much seems like heaven
when infused together.
Let’s be honest
of your own home. Think of a spa being
24k gold. Can you say…Living your life
tranquility after a long day of hard work. But,
has been recognized for its luxurious and
from the innovation of the various acids that
Egyptians, to the Ancient Chinese and
Acid, Kaolin Clay, Witch Hazel, and Lemon
for a more youthful, beautiful and glowing
Clay Mask” is enrichment to your skin that will
luxury, anti-aging cosmetics line helps to
OROGOLD Cosmetics – a
skin by including 24K gold in their luxurious formula. In hindsight, you’re improving fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and age
spots; all while moisturizing and ensuring healthy
OROGOLD Cosmetics, you’re preventing
future skin damage, with an innovative, yet life changing investment. With the
help of their luxurious and affordable
products including: 24K 2-Step Cleansing Kit, 24K Gold Milk Cleanser, 24K Gold
Purifying Facial Toner, 24K Multi-Vitamin
Day Moisturizer, 24K Multi-Vitamin Night
Nourishment and the 24K Deep Peeling you simply can’t go wrong!
Photography: Luis Guillen Instagram @luisguillenphoto Model: Stephanie Auguste Makeup Artist: Ashley Rike @ Agency Gerard using MAC Cosmetics Fashion Stylist: Liz Teich @ Agency Gerard. Styling Assistant: Courtney McComb
Touch of Couture Jewelry by Depuis 1924 Vintage Chanel Logo Cutout Quilted Bangle Head wrap by Hipknoties
Jewelry by Depuis 1924; Vintage Gianni Versace Silver; Chain Belt/Necklace with Safe Pins; Head wrap by Hipknoties
Jewelry by Depuis 1924 Vintage Chanel Marge Red/Gold Leather Bangle Head wrap by Hipknoties
Ni c k y H i lto n
Eff ortl e s s st y le:
Photographer – Luis Guillen; Photographer’s Assistant Gabriel Brandt; Hair Stylist – Takayoshi Tsukusawa; Makeup Artist – Griselle Rosario using Artis Makeup Tools, Chanel Skincare & Tarte Makeup; Manicurist – Angel Williams; Stylist – Liz Teich; Stylist Assistant – Nick Adedokun & Sydney Lawson; Georgine dress, L.A.M.B shoes, E. Kammeyer Bracelet, Parulina Ring, Nicky’s engagement ring (worn throughout) and custom bag by Sara Battaglia *Prices Available Upon Request*
Kevin Johnn top and pants, Rita Vinieris belt, Christian Louboutin shoes, E. Kammeyer Earrings, Pico Jewelry; Diamond Cocktail Ring in 18K White Gold *Prices Available Upon Request* RAINE MAGAZINE - VOLUME 21
Rea c hing far b ey o n d t he Hi l t o n na m e , Nicky Hilton has made her mark not only in the fashion industry, but also in the business world. This glamorous socialite wears many hats as a businesswoman, model and fashion designer. Once upon a time, the last name ‘Hilton’ was simply associated with luxury hotels, but much of Nicky’s success contributes to the name seamlessly crossing over and creating a home amongst top high fashion brands.
NYC native and bicoastal brunette turned blonde, Nicky Hilton, was always known by association with older celebutante sister, Paris Hilton, but began shattering that “little sister” persona and generated much success after launching her first fashion line, Chick by Nicky Hilton, and designing handbags for Japanese company Samantha Thavasa. The fashion aficionada burst onto the scene in 2007 and debuted at New York City’s Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week with her second clothing line, Nicholai. This fashion forward icon and entrepreneur is now adding to her author to her already impressive resume. Nicky shares her personal stories, style successes and fashion mishaps in her ultimate guidebook to fashion, 365 Style. Her name is more than just a name, it’s an internationally recognized brand that is flourishing faster than anyone could have imagined and by the looks of it, there are no plans of that slowing down anytime soon. RAINE: Can you talk about your new book 365 Style? What would you like for the takeaway to be for readers? HILTON: I love fashion so I wrote this book for people who love fashion or are interested in it. I cover all sorts of different things from style advice to quick fixes and tips. I’ve dedicate a whole chapter to travel: what to pack and what to wear as well as educate the reader on what to save on and what to spend on. RAINE: What was the “Ah Ha” moment? HILTON: A few years ago I became active on my social media and people starting writing in to me and starting asking style advice. I then thought it would be fun putting all of what I learned into a book. It balances all sides of the spectrum from behind the scenes, a spectator to designer. I had this front education in style and I wanted to share what I’ve learned. Fashion is supposed to be fun. Don’t take it too seriously -- it is a really fun thing for people to dress up and present themselves. RAINE: If you could offer one tip to style conscious men and women, what would it be and why? HILTON: Wear what makes you feel good. Don’t be a slave to trends - that is the fastest way to burn through money. And really ask yourself—“ is it me, is it flattering, does it fit?: And..., be unique! So don’t copy your favorite celebrities’ style head to toe. That is so boring. Also, create a mood board to help you find yourself. This is a collage. It can be anything, flowers, colors, architecture, clothes, etc. RAINE: How would you describe your own sense of style? HILTON: I would say - it is pretty reflective of my lifestyle in NYC sophisticated with an edge. RAINE: Do you have a signature go to piece? HILTON: I love blazers—in many variations. That is sort of my staple. They look good and I feel good in them. Also, ballet flats - love them! They are chic, simple and comfortable—which is a bonus. RAINE: In your own words, why should be people take an interest in their own personal sense of style? HILTON: I think when you look good, you feel good. I read this book the Happiness Project - one of its mantras—“act how you want to feel.” My Mantra—“dress how you want to feel.” RAINE: At the age of 17 you were already a budding entrepreneur and designing hand bags for Samantha Thavasa. Would you say that starting early prepared you for your future endeavors as a business woman?
HILTON: I am glad my father instilled that work ethic in us - me and my siblings. At every step of the way I found myself waning to out-do myself and be better than I was. When we started making all this money from our own endeavors—it was very fulfilling. We have worked for everything we have. We bought our first cars and home with the money we made from working. We’ve made some mistakes along the way. We were young and thought we knew it all, but at the end of the day—your parents know best. RAINE: Will you tell us about your forthcoming capsule collection, Eluxe? HILTON: Eluxe is a Canadian retailer that carries some of the coolest brands, and they came to me with the idea and I loved it. As a bonus they agreed to give me complete creative control. RAINE: Can you talk about your design inspiration for Eluxe? HILTON: I divided up this collection into three women: California transplant - The bohemian girl with some cover ups and dresses. Uptown NY – A preppy uptown girl. Downtown NY - The sexy downtown girls with lace tops and dresses. I love lingerie inspired pieces. They are effortlessly sexy RAINE: Where can readers find the collection? HILTON: It will be available on the Eluxe site by the end of September. RAINE: Has being a Hilton allowed you more access as an entrepreneur or business opportunities of which have helped to build your brand? HILTON: I would be lying if I said that my last name didn’t open doors for me. At the same time it has closed doors. I have always felt the need to prove them wrong. At the end of the day - the product will speak for itself. RAINE: What’s one piece of business advice would you offer budding entrepreneurs that has helped you more than any other advice? HILTON: Be humble. My first job, I was taking out the trash and taking lunch orders. It didn’t discourage me because everyone starts from somewhere— don’t think you are too good for menial tasks. RAINE: As entrepreneur, what has been your biggest challenge and what steps did you take to successfully reach your goals? HILTON: I would say when I was younger, I had some people in business that mistook my shyness and tried to take advantage of me because I was young. I was baffled—why would people want to do this to me? Ultimately, I worked hard to prove them wrong. At the end of the day, I love fashion and I love dressing up. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. I feel grateful that I found my calling at a very young age - I ALWAYS knew what I wanted to be in fashion. RAINE: What is your ultimate goal in fashion? HILTON: I don’t look at it as a race, but I know I will definitely plan on expanding my brand. I love accessories: eyewear and footwear. Something that has always interested me is home decor. I love picking up things for my home. RAINE: Who has been the biggest influence on your life as an entrepreneur and why? HILTON: My sister, because she is a business woman. She has over 20 brands and really has a vision, and it’s very reflective of her--even the logo with the tiara is very her. It wasn’t an overnight thing. She was very strategic about it. She was also one of the pioneers of reality television—getting paid to show up somewhere. Once she conquered that, she evolved the brand and started DJ’ing—now getting paid to entertain the party. RAINE: What are some of your other passions? HILTONI love to cook, especially Italian. I love reading, especially now, since having written my own book. These days I am burning through a book a week. RAINE: The pursuit of happiness. What does that mean to you? HILTON: Balance, in your personal and professional life. If you can achieve both of those, and not let one take priority over the other... you are in good shape. RAINE: What words of wisdom would you like to share with other entrepreneurs? HILTON: Write your ideas down, or type them in your cellphone. The best ideas come when you least expect it.
ELUXE by Nicky Hilton dress, L.A.M.B. shoes, Parulina Earrings and Cuff, both rings by Larucci *Prices Available Upon Request*
Kevin Johnn top, belt and skirt, ELUXE by Nicky Hilton camisole (worn underneath), L.A.M.B shoes, Pico Jewelry Diamond Earrings in 18K Gold, Diamond Cocktail Ring in 18K White Gold and Diamond Necklace in 18K White Gold *Prices Available Upon Request*
O N E T H E W O R L D ' S M O S T I N S P I R I N G D E S T I N AT I O N S
Images courtesy of Jade Mountain Resort
Awaken to enjoy the chirping of sweet birds as a cool breeze grazes your cheeks. Listen even more carefully and you’ll notice the soft sound of ocean waves in the distance. This is how each morning begins in beautiful St. Lucia at the magnificent Jade Mountain Resort. How could one not want to unplug - even if it’s just for a few days. Approaching the Award Winning Jade Mountain resort can be a little daunting as you make your way up the very windy and rocky road. The bumpy drive makes you very grateful that you never have to make that particular trek in ice or snow. Once at the top - you are greeted by warm staff members bearing gifts of cool minty hand towels followed by a refreshing melon flavored drink. You are then led to your impressive abode which is set at the end of a long walkway of which gives you a bird’s eye view of the mind blowing architecture that surrounds you. The only word that could describe the view as you enter your suite for the first time is - breathtaking! The sun was just on the horizon as I remember it, with a glistening shimmer bouncing off the Carribbean sea in the distance as well as the blue water of the incredible edgeless pool that is situated at the opposite side of your room. Yes that’s right, an edgeless pool inside your room. Once you recover from the completely open room which gives you the feeling of being in the most luxurious setting atop the highest tree - only furniture and a few cables separate you from nature itself. When you think it doesn’t get better, your personal butler shares with you the amenities that await you after allowing you to sample some of the most delicious home grown chocolate you’ll taste. These special treats are right from their chocolate factory that is located on this beautifully landscaped property. To top it off, you are entertained daily with 5 star service, delicious and creatively presented meals as well as activities from snorkeling, sailing, yoga or just plain relaxing. It is important to find your own Jade Mountain to reinvigorate and allow yourself the rewards of living creatively. This is what every day should be like: rejuvenating and inspiring. If you need to get away to brainstorm your next million dollar idea or to come up with your first...this is the place to dream.
For Wo r k or Play
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Fo r S un o r Sha de
ST Lucia B 1.
For avid hikers, test out the Gros Piton, which towers 2,619 feet above sea level. Hikes typically take
anywhere from four to six hours (six hours start to finish. For people that are looking for something a little more mild,) the Tet Paul Nature Trail boasts some of the most spectacular views in Saint Lucia including Jalousie Bay and the Pitons as well as stops at the Cassava House and Organic Farm. The 45 minute trek is rated easy to moderate and led by a well-trained guide. Other hiking tour locations include Barre De L’isle, Des Cartiers Rainforest, Edmund Forest Reserve or Enbas Saut. For more information visit 2. Views of Saint Lucia are just as amazing below sea level. Divers can indulge in colorful coral reefs and abundant marine life at popular spots like the Key Hole Pinnacles. Or get carried away by the currents at Superman’s Flight, the drift dive named after the movie, located at the base of the Petit Piton. A total of 23 diving locations can be found just off the shoreline island wide. For a less extreme alternative, SNUBA excursions ease divers into the water and descend no more than 20 feet. 3. Zip-lining serves up a healthy dose of adrenaline. Utilizing zip cables extended as high as 150 feet above ground, visitors are transported through lush foliage for panoramic views of the rainforest, the city of Soufriere, or the Pitons at one of three zip-line locations on-island. 4. Jungle Biking is not for the faint of heart. Visitors interested in kicking cardio into high-gear can head to Bike Saint Lucia at the Anse Mamin Plantation on the Anse Chasanet Resort. Custom trails accommodate both rookie and seasoned riders using specially designed Cannondale suspension bikes. A skill course training area is available for those new on the scene or seeking a quick refresher. 5. Spices Cooking School, a relaxed cooking class located in Cap Estate at the northern end of the island of Saint Lucia. Cooking classes are held in a specially designed professional home-style kitchen which accommodates small groups of 4-10 persons. The cooking class endS with ‘Grande Mange,” where students eat the feast they’ve created, complemented by rum punch, Spices special non-alcoholic iced brew or seasonal juices.
6. Sulphur Springs ”Drive-in” Volcano are considered the hottest and most active geothermal area in the Lesser Antilles. The park is approximately 45 hectares and is billed as the Caribbean’s only drive-in volcano. 7. Gros Islet Street Party, the island’s largest street party is a Friday-night ritual for locals and visitors alike. Huge speakers set up on the street in this little fishing village blast Caribbean music all night long. Sometimes there are live bands. When you take a break from dancing, you can buy barbecued fish or chicken, rotis, beer, and soda from villagers who set up grills right along the roadside. It’s the ultimate “lime” experience. 8. Castries Market, Rated #3 food market in the world by National Geographic, Castries Market and Vendor’s Arcade is the largest open-air market in Saint Lucia. It is located in the middle of the capital and has over 300 regular vendors and a hundred or more local sellers on market days. 9. Kite Boarding takes surfing to new heights with the constant tradewinds. A common spot for this popular activity is the Vieux Fort area at The Reef Kite + Surf. Clinics, seminars and workshops are available for those willing and ready to take on the challenge. Windsurfing is also available. 10. Deep Sea Fishing offers a chance to explore the great Caribbean Sea through a number of different charters. Guests can choose between whole or half-day fishing excursions. Depending on the time of year, the Catch of the Day may include mackerel, king mackerel, white marlin, barracuda, kingfish or sailfish.
(ATV) along peaceful forest roads en route to the beach. Located at Davie Estate Ltd. riders can sample fresh fruit right from the tree and see first hand how it is cultivated. Paradise ATV tours are located in Micoud towards the south eastern portion of Saint Lucia. 12. Sailing and yachting give sea lovers a 360 view of the island with the freedom to travel beyond the Saint Lucian waters. There are plenty of opportunities to experience a heart thumping good time out on St. Lucia’s waters, with annual events such as the bill fishing tournament in September and the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) in December.
Images courtesy of St. Lucia Tourism Board
11. Become fully immersed in Saint Lucia by cruising with an all-terrain-vehicle
VOL 21
W O R L D ’ S
They say that the best wines can take hundreds of years to come into perfection – fine wine takes time. However, it has taken owner of Vinus & Marc, Frank Locker, much less time. With over twenty years of restaurant and bar experience in fine dining, Locker opened the doors to Vinus & Marc, an old world Paris and New York nightlife restaurant in 2013 and it’s already making its mark in the New York food industry. With an extensive menu inspired by a Latin French fusion and an atmosphere appropriate for any occasion, this “sultry yet sophisticated” restaurant is a welcomed addition to the Upper East Side. Locker, known globally for his exquisite wine palate and ability to create lush, cozy lounging environments includes that and more in a dining experience at Vinus & Marc. A well learned businessman and wine connoisseur is nothing without a right hand man, and for Locker that would be culinary artist, Chef J. Luis Dominguez. Dominguez is the man responsible for the fusion of mouthwatering and savory cuisine spicing up every plate making its way from the Vinus & Marc (V&M) kitchen to your taste buds. Dominguez, not straying from his Mexican cooking roots, has made his rounds in New York and expanded on his skills before teaming up with Locker to create something beyond their wildest dreams and now they’re on their way to taking New York by storm one dish and bottle of wine at a time. Raine sits down for a chat with Frank Locker, Owner and Manager and Chef Luis Dominguez. RAINE: What is the premise of Vinus & Marc and how did you come up with the name? LOCKER: This is Latin for “wines and spirits”. Vinus is Latin for liquids from the vines and Marc is a term used for grappa and brandies. It was fitting for our place - where we were serving many wines by the glass and spirits and cocktails. The 1920’s and 1930’s were a time that V&M was created after – combining the look with a European flare. We wanted to bring a little bit of downtown uptown. RAINE: Luis, how did you enter this business and where did the two of you connect along the journey? DOMINGUEZ: I started cooking in Mexico at a very young age and then came to NY and worked for some big chefs learning the trade. Frank hired me at Duane Park Café down in Tribeca and I worked in the kitchen under the Chef there. LOCKER: I saw something special in Luis and when creating V&M asked him to join me here. DOMINGUEZ: I’m excited to run my own kitchen and work with Frank in this exciting venue where I can highlight my dishes RAINE: Frank, you surround yourself with exceptional talent. What qualities do you look for when adding members to your team? LOCKER: I create a “family” and a “community” whether for the staff or for the customers. Everyone works together on a common goal and is highly customer centric with high customer touch creating an exceptional customer experience. It is not only about the staff but the atmosphere, the music and lighting that bring it all together so that you do not hear other’s conversations, have intimacy if you want it and conversation if you want it.
RAINE: How do you decide on the cocktails and the food to serve? LOCKER: We work closely together to decide on new items based on our customer’s preferences and what they like as well as seasonal ingredients and how to highlight them. We continue to expand our menu to serve our customers and are focused on the main entrees, bar items and brunch, which is very popular on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Our cocktails were all created by Aziza Omar and have an influence and story from the Pre-Prohibition era. Our syrups are house made and we do all our own infused liquors for our house made cocktails. These also change based on the seasons and ingredients. RAINE: What does success mean to you and the V&M team? LOCKER: Success is customers continuing to come back and a community that enjoys being in the space created. It’s understanding the customer and delivering what they want to enjoy while being there. It is serving the best quality food, cocktails, wine and service that we can. RAINE: Your restaurant, Vinus & Marc, draws inspiration from a chaotic time in American history. What is it about the 1930’s that fascinated you enough as an entrepreneur to recreate that period within Vinus & Marc? LOCKER: The 1920s and 1930s were chaotic but also a time that people enjoyed each other– writers and artists spent hours together eating and drinking and having great discussions– not in a rush– not constantly connected with phones and media and not watching TV but enjoying music, atmosphere and each other. That is what V&M is all about. Yes, we have TVs for special events and sports – those shows that bring people together to enjoy an event as a group – festive and fun. RAINE: Luis, what is your favorite item to cook at Vinus & Marc and why? DOMINGUEZ: I love everything on the menu. We change it by the seasons and create great entrees and bar snacks for everyone. My signature dishes are popular with our customers and that makes me happy – My Beet Salad, Tuna Tartar and our Chicken Entrée and Shrimp and Grits are all favorites and mine as well. RAINE: What about New York City inspires you? LOCKER & DOMINGUEZ: The energy, the people, the family life combined with creative and the ethnic mix of people living together. It is like no other city in the world!
From Elizabeth Arden to Tiffany and Company, Sue Phillips has tackled roles at world renowned brands with fervor. Proving that she is the Queen of her craft, she created the 150th anniversary “Tiffany,”“Tiffany for Men”, “Society by Burberry,” and “Burberry for Men” fragrances. After climbing the corporate ladder for many years, Sue decided to begin her own entrepreneurial venture and became Founder and CEO of Scenterprises- a Global Consultancy in the area of product development, creative marketing, strategic brand building and custom perfume events. Scenterprises has worked with many reputable brands like Chanel, Elizabeth Arden, and Saks Fifth Avenue. Under the Scenterprises umbrella, Sue opened New York’s newest perfumery The Scentarium in February of 2014. Here she holds seminars and workshops for fragrance lovers wishing to create their own personalized fragrance. These workshops take participants off the busy streets of New York City and into an oasis of relaxing scents, where they participate in scent personality tests and learn all about the intricacies of smell. Bringing Sue’s zeal for the fragrance industry, The Scentarium asks consumers, “why wear what everyone else wears when you can create your own unique signature scent?”. Growing up, Sue always wanted to be a singer or an actor- starting her journey in America in the theater. Now, a global star in the personal care industry, Phillips leaves one piece of advice: “never give up.”
am passionate about what I do, I don’t feel it’s work! RAINE: What are some of your favorite ingredients that you like to work with when creating custom fragrances? PHILLIPS: I have categorized my different perfume blends into 4 main ‘fragrance families’– Fresh, Floral, Woodsy, Oriental. My particular favorites are the Floral Oriental families and the combination of exotic rose with jasmine, ylang ylang and gardenia mixed with the sultry amber, sweet vanilla and sensual spicy accords. This is a sophisticated sensual combination and an extraordinary perfume. RAINE: What has been the most memorable experience that you have witnessed while working with a client? PHILLIPS: The look of absolute joy in their eyes when they finally select the blends they like and try their unique formula for the first time. In every case, there is uncertainty at the beginning of the process, and they don’t really know the outcome of their creation. But when they finally try it and name it, the happiness they experience is palpable. I just LOVE seeing the process unfold, and the happiness that people experience with their own unique creations. RAINE: Your mother, and renowned South African artist, Grace Phillips left you a legacy that endures today. What is your legacy to the various industries you have served in fragrance & perfume, cosmetics, and personal care? PHILLIPS: Yes! It’s because of her that I have an appreciation and love for art and music. My legacy to this industry is that I always put the brand message and ‘ethos’ at the forefront of the positioning.
RAINE: What is a memorable experience that has helped to shape your career? PHILLIPS: It was a confluence of all ‘sensory’ experiences! Growing up with an artistic mother who instilled in me an appreciation of Art, Music, Dance, Flowers, Presentation, Home Decor ...- and all these aesthetics made me aware of the “Senses”, and how important the ‘senses’ are in branding.
Images courtesy of Scentarium
RAINE: You have partnered with many iconic brands in the perfume industry, which client did you enjoy most working with and why? PHILLIPS: Developing the fragrance and launching one of America’s most iconic brands—TIFFANY for Tiffany’s 150th anniversary was exciting, and an honor! Little did I ever imagine, when growing up in South Africa, that I would become VP Fragrance for this seminal company. I always believe that it is important to be relevant and authentic to the brand ‘ethos’ and to put one’s subjective opinions to the side when creating fragrances for brands. RAINE: At the onset of creating Scenterprises, was there ever a time when you thought that running your own business was not for you? How were you able to get past that moment in your career as an entrepreneur? PHILLIPS: After I left Tiffany & Co to have my daughter and to start my own consulting company, I never looked back! I love being an entrepreneur as well as the opportunity to work and consult with so many different companies AND to have my own fragrance initiative with our new perfumery in downtown Tribeca - The Scentarium, which has been called an ‘oasis’ for the senses! Every day brings a new adventure and opportunity. Of course there are always challenges when one is an entrepreneur. However, the rewards are so great and as long as I
RAINE: If there was only one word that you could use to describe who you are, what would it be? PHILLIPS: Authentic. RAINE: Other than your own custom fragrances, what other brand of perfume do you like to wear and why? PHILLIPS: I love JAR fragrance Golconda – it is my special indulgence and is a beautiful rose accord. RAINE: What words of wisdom can you share with entrepreneurs who look to you as the model for their success? PHILLIPS: Have faith in yourself and believe in the wonderful person you are! I truly believe that gratitude and prayer are also very compelling factors for success – and one of my most important beliefs is....“Never give up!” RAINE: If you could redo just one thing in your professional life what would it be and why? PHILLIPS: I don’t like to think of ‘re-doing’ because it doesn’t accomplish anything. The well-known author Eckart Tolle wrote in “The Power of Now” not to dwell in the past, not to focus too much on the future, but to concentrate on the ‘present’ and quoted Buddha: “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha.
J O H N S O LO - B A L A N C I N G F I L M A N D B U S I N E S S
RAINE: How did you get your start and what steps did you take to get from A to B? SOLO: I graduated from NYU and like most; I had a corporate 9 to 5 job. I realized soon into it that I did not “Feel” right in that environment. I started bar-tending, took my first few acting classes and saved my money as aggressively as I could, knowing that I will eventually have an opportunity to invest somewhere. RAINE: You have over 21 credits to your name. What has been your most challenging roll as an actor? SOLO: My most challenging role as an actor was Stan from “Love Magical”. He is illogical, passionate to a flaw and very nervous. It was at my most vulnerable point by unveiling that side of me truthfully and also finding the humor in his tragedy was a balance. Also, on the other side is New York Legendary Director Edward Burns film “Newlyweds” where I basically played “myself,” organically. That’s always the biggest challenge for most actors and it felt so good that I was able to achieve that! Eddie as a Director, his crew and the actors on this film made it the perfect environment to make me feel comfortable to find that. RAINE: What is the creative process you undergo to help you develop your characters? SOLO: My creative process is pretty simple. I try to “live” with the characters, problems and issues. I try to find my association and my compassion for the characters dilemma. I get to know their world, by reading any books or novels that help the feelings that might be similar that I have gone through-lots of “walking and talking” to myself for the preparation of these roles.
for me because I prioritize well RAINE: What skills did you bring from acting that you were able to apply to running several well-known restaurants? SOLO: My main skill is “feeling” the culture of a place, understanding its aesthetic and maintaining positive interactions with our customer base. Part of my job as an actor is selecting my temperament at will. So no matter what is happening in my pedestrian life, I try to maintain a positive, hospitable attitude with my customers. Sometimes I do lose my “moment,” but that’s rare. RAINE: Which of your restaurants best expresses your personality and why? SOLO: My personality changes with time, so all of them have a part of me. Currently, “Ginger Organic,” is my baby! It represents my belief and philosophy that through a positive and healthy lifestyle, everything is achievable. Ginger is the warmest, prettiest and the most comfortable Juice bar in the whole Universe and I am so proud of “her”. She represents everything my Mother taught me of what an ideal person should be!! RAINE: One of your newest ventures is Ginger; a juice bar. If people could only incorporate one of your juices into their diet which would you recommend over all others? SOLO: The one Juice I would recommend would be the “Super Greens” every morning. There is not a better way to start your day. It’s power for the rest of your day! RAINE: In your own experience, what defines your idea of success? Aside from giving up, why do you think people fail at being successful? SOLO: Success only comes from loving what you do. The pursuit! Pursuing something that “never ends” because you love waking up every single morning and getting better. I am excited about becoming a better actor. A better person. A more consciences person. If you just want the RESULTS then you will never achieve. You have to be obsessed with your daily rituals. One of my favorite quotes from Khalil Gibran “But if in your fear of Love you would seek only Love’s peace and love’s pleasure. It is better that you walk out Love’s threshing floor, into the seasonless world where you should laugh only half your laughter and cry only half your tears” RAINE: What else could you see yourself doing if you were not an actor and business owner? SOLO: Psychiatry is the only other thing that interests me....I love people. Especially people who want to always GROW! We all have issues to work on. I am compassionate for people who unveil their issues. I do not like people who keep their emotions tight like they are playing poker. I love open people.
RAINE: As the producer of your recent film Love Magical. What words of wisdom can you share with aspiring producers? SOLO: Find people you “Love” to work with. Find people who have as much “Passion” as you, if not more. Find people you like to hang out with! Making Independent film is HARD! It’s a battle and you need to make sure you surround yourself with people that care for the project as well as for you. RAINE: You own 5 restaurants. How did you decide to make the leap from acting to restaurateur? What were some of your initial challenges and how did you overcome them? SOLO: I invested in restaurants, because I met amazing partners who respected and appreciated my work as an actor. They understood the freedom and flexibility I needed in my schedule. When I am not auditioning, or working as an actor, I make sure to spend quality time at the restaurants and bar. The challenge is the balance and the juggling act—that is simple 90
Images courtesy of John Solo
With a political science degree from New York University, John Solo transitioned from student to business professional. Working right out of college with a 9 to 5 job, John soon realized he craved something different. He began investing in a few acting classes, and after many years of toil, now has over 21 credits attributed to his name. John Solo is an actor, producer, and entrepreneur from New York, known for Man on a Ledge (2012), Newlyweds (2011) and Love Magical (2014). Following his passion, John later took his first steps as a restaurateur. John now owns 5 restaurants, including a new juice bar, Ginger, which serves 100 percent organic cold press juices to health conscious New Yorkers . Also, taking a giant entrepreneurial leap of faith and opened Republic Astoria with partner ‘s Stu Chase and Nick Chase and hit maker DJ Jus Jack; the coolest brick oven pizza lounge to host the hottest DJ’s and screen the freshest new filmmaker’s in the Art and Film world. This includes his new feature film production, “Love Magical” directed by Justin Foran that premier’s this fall at the BET Urban Film festival. With the challenge of balancing all of his responsibilities, John makes a point to prioritize his daily schedule. It is clear that this is one man who knows what he wants is not afraid to work hard to achieve his goals of being a better actor and person. So, what do you get when you cross a highly accredited college degree, entrepreneurship, multiple movie debuts, and lots of passion? John Solo.
Photographer – Jason Jaskot; Hair Stylist – Magda Bonheur; Makeup Artist; Juliette Laracuente; Stylist – Darryl Glover; Eyelash Artist - Nadia Afanaseva 18K White Gold Round Cut Diamond Tennis Bracelet; 18K Two Tone Diamond Cocktail Ring; 18K Two Tone; Hanging Diamond Earrings; 18K White Gold Double Halo Diamond & Yellow Sapphire Ring; All jewelry is credited to Pico Jewelry *Prices Available Upon Request*
A F l aw l e s s to u c h to E n t e r ta i n m e n t
RAINE: At What age did you have your first entrepreneurial experience? FRASER: My first entrepreneurial experience was at about age 13. I would wash cars around my neighborhood - I always had to work growing up. From a young age, my parents instilled in me an entrepreneurial spirit. RAINE: What inspires you as an entrepreneur? FRASER: As an entrepreneur, I am inspired by the prospect of living a prosperous life. So many people live unhappy lives, unfulfilled with that they are doing, because they are not living up to their true potential. I, however, want to leave a legacy for the world to see. I love having a vision and bringing it to fruition. RAINE: You have a reality TV show in the works, can you talk about that? FRASER: It’s a reality TV show about a successful career oriented woman that lives in New York City. I have been cast as one of the main 92
members and it follows my life, the ups and downs of living in NYC and the daily hustle of the working girl lifestyle. It should be fun! RAINE: How would you describe your company Flawless NYC? FRASER: Flawless NYC is a luxury promotional talent and entertainment booking company, established to elevate your brand and image, by connecting individuals and companies to their audience through exceptional entertainment, brand ambassadorship, music, and creativity. There are five divisions to my company, Flawless NYC: DJ, Entertainment, Burlesque, Contortionist, Belly Dancers. Our clients have exceptional creative visions and we help bring those visions to life. Our main division is the modeling division, which gives brands a real and human way of connecting to their customers. RAINE: What is the most significant piece of advice you have been given in your career? FRASER: The best piece of advice that I have been given, is always say “yes”. It sounds very basic, but my ability to always say “yes” allows me to grow to levels I thought I would never reach. I never let barriers get in my way. I don’t need to know the whole journey, I just need to know the next step, which opens up new opportunities as well. RAINE: What is the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome? FRASER: At one point in my career I lost a really big client. It just happened to be, that they were one of my main sources of income. As a result, I had to learn how to adjust to change. At first, I was really resistant, and I would ask myself, “why is this happening to me?” Once I was able to embrace change, I realized I had to keep it moving. With the change in how I decided to view my new situation, I was able to grow from it. When you are a business person, you have to always anticipate change and embrace it. If you can learn to do that as an entrepreneur, you can stay the course. RAINE: What three words of wisdom do you have for other entrepreneurs? FRASER: I would tell other entrepreneurs, always have an attitude of gratitude. If you can keep that in mind, you will attract more to you. As entrepreneurs, we have to realize that you attract to you, those things that you focus most on. Also, I would say read, The Purpose of the Conscious Mind and Think and Grow Rich at age 13!
18K White Gold Round Cut Diamond Tennis Necklace; 18K White Gold Emerald Cut Sapphire & Diamond Ring; 18K White Gold Round Cut Diamond Tennis Bracelet; 18K White Gold Round Cut Diamond Pave Eternity Ring; 18K White Gold Diamond Earrings *Prices Available Upon Request*
Who says you can’t have the best of both worlds? The epitome of beauty and brains lies in the essence of Chantelle Fraser. If you haven’t noticed, be prepared to witness her having her cake and eating it too. Meshing her knowledge of management and her experience in the modeling industry, Fraser has created one of the most sought after promotional talent and booking agencies in New York city; Flawless NYC. Established in 2006, Flawless NYC humanizes luxury, fashion, corporate brands and private clients at prestigious events by bringing glamour and beauty to brand marketing, while transforming a static message into one with dynamic, beautiful drama. The British native began her career as a booker for Elite Model Management in Los Angeles and has since launched her own enterprise, branched out and worked with the some of the industry’s top luxury leaders including Ted Baker, Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) and BMW. But don’t take this bombshell at face value, or deflect attention from her sharp business mind, eye for beauty, talent and professionalism, because she knows exactly how to leave a lasting impression. At the helm of Flawless NYC, Fraser’s mission is to offer an unparalleled guest experience and increase product sales for her clients. Flawless NYC capitalize on the fact that there is no need to skimp on any aspect of business and it’s all about being a chameleon in an industry that’s ever-changing and demands their clients to stand out; Fraser is providing just that with style, beauty and grace.
Top: Model: Molly Randall; Agency: Charm Model Management; Photographer: Al Rodriguez; Left: Model: Anastasia Matveeva; Agency: Charm Model Management; Photographer: Fiona Melder
Mary DePetris founder of Charm Model management was born in Brooklyn, New York where she got an early start in the modeling world when a fashion designer & family friend put Mary in her fashion shows around the age of 5 which ignited the love of the business. In her teens she attended Barbizon modeling school which were popular in the 1970Ęźs. Mary taught part-time after graduation. While raising a family she would take her daughters on auditions when the opportunity to work on the other side of the business as an agent came along. She worked for Classic Model & Talent which was a large commercial agency in NJ & NY at the time. In early 2011 Charm Model Management became a reality. Mary heads Charm Models with a down to earth approach. She believes you must have innate sense along with honesty, dedication and strong work ethic to compete in this market. Charm Models represent fashion and commercial models for runway, showroom, trade shows, print, television and high-end events. Mary is currently involved on a project for television which she cannot divulge on, but stay tuned. For business inquires and model submissions please contact us at:
Photo and MUA by Helene Jaspers; Shoes the “The CiRCLE” by Peter Popps; Model+Outfit both Yusura Entertainer
Photo and MUA by Helene Jaspers; Shoes the “The BOW” by Peter Popps; Model+Outfit both Yusura Entertainer
At the age of 18, Peter Popps started out as one of many sales people, before he became an assistent and then soon after a store manager for a fashionable shoeshop. He did this all while studying architecture before really breaking into the shoe industry where he found his love for avant-garde and young fashion. With 24 years of experience as a professional shoe designer, Peter Popps created his namesake label of innovative shoes after being tapped for many years, helping to shape the brands of other well-known shoe designers. “I have never felt a strong urge,” states Popps; to design opposed to the mainstream cultural values as they are forced on us today. In 2003 he started his own freelance design studio by approaching companies that he had connections with throughout his career. Immediately his creations were a success and more work came to him from shoe brands that wanted exclusive collections based on his unconventional vision. His method of design has always been to make something unique and different as compared to the everyday mundane. Popp’s love for the creative process lies somewhere between fantasy and reality - a place without boundaries. Popps’ current works are inspired by a fascination for creative freedom and architectural sensibility intertwined with a sense of novelty, innovation and revolution. His creative genius has always gravitated towards the development that comes from rebellion, liberty and to show that world that anything is possible when you believe in your own ideas. Peter Popps takes a moment to share his viewpoint with Raine Magazine. POPPS: I was done with what the market offers to the customers. Its all looks pretty much the same. A copy from a copy from a copy and an outrageous price compared to the quality. People are always ready for novelty and innovation. There is this quote by Diane Vreeland, in which she said:
….“Give ‘em what they never knew they wanted.”
That has always been my method of designing, even back when I started working for the 1st company in the 80’s. You feel that people around you desire certain things, and there are also certain things that you desire yourself, and from those desires you create and search for something new which is an answer to those feelings. I love to create for the woman who knows how and when to wear my designs. I adore the feminine power that comes from a woman who is in charge of her vulnerability in a different way than most people know or who’s confident in beautiful heels when she uses the street as her daily catwalk. Popps’ artistic creations are influenced by avantgarde, 60’s space-age, comics and Sci-Fi. They are wearable mostly un-walkable pieces that look deeply into the life of the emancipated woman. His work closely identifies with the struggle, freedom and revolution and begs to answer the question, “What could we possibly wear in the future?” The answer he found in this quote by Barbarella, in which she said: .
..” Just a moment I’ll slip something on”...
B AGS TH AT J UM P F RO M PA P E R At Jump From Paper, we believe that creativity is the new form of rebellion, and we love to push ourselves and make people think outside of the box, this is what
makes Jump From Paper innovative. As a stylish accessory brand, designing 2D bags, we walk in to the fashion world with a bold and playful attitude.
Fashion for some people is quite serious; it’s about fame and money. For
us, we don’t like to take things too seriously. The team behind Jump From Paper
stands for the passion to make our customers laugh! We encourage people to let their imaginations run wild. We believe that being different, means being who you are, and that is a part of the appeal of Jump From Paper.
The design team combines 2D graphics and a mix of 3D illusion to
create a truly distinct line of bags. Jump From Paper not only serves as a perfect
expression of individualism and uniqueness for a new generation, but it also speaks the philosophy of Jump From Paper, “I Give Myself Permission to be me.”
We are addicted to collecting funny and weird pictures and quotes, and
take inspiration from everything in our daily lives. We love to confuse people with
our bags, because they don’t always know what to make of us. It is interesting to watch them burst into laughter when they realize that these are functioning real
bags, meant for everyday wear. Jump From Paper is all about having fun—that’s
Images courtesy of Jump From Paper
the spirit!
N E W Y O R K FA S H I O N W E E K ’ S S P R I N G P R E V I E W
Michael Costello – Michael Costello presented his highly anticipated S/S 2015 collection to a packed house of fashion aficionados. This season Costello proved to be no less than a superstar in the making, as he used structured silhouettes defined by the kind of unapologetic sexiness that modern women crave for. Staying true to his nature, the collection featured stunning gowns, highlighting plunging necklines, beading and lace, in beautiful aqua, navy and black.
Malan Breton – Known for his signature prints and details, Malan Breton’s S/S 2015 collection incorporated many elements of traditional Taiwanese tailoring coupled with modern forms. His bold use of color and the ability to expertly mix textures spoke to the heart of his namesake label. For men, tailored three -quarter and full length trousers in bright iridescent colors with patterns filled the collection. For women, there was much of the same, with strong use of traditional tailoring and colorful fabrics that made for a celebration of beauty and culture.
Mister Triple X – Entitled “RessureXion ColleXion,” for S/S 2015 Mister Triple X focused on a spiritual revival highlighting their use of bright prints and tropical flowers intermixed for a refreshing take on spring. The collection also featured leather to play up a bold interpretation for the season while asking us to embrace our inner rock star. RAINE MAGAZINE - VOLUME 21
Alessandra Meskita – Not to be outdone by last season’s success, Brazilian born designer Alessandra Meskita’s collection was bold and beautiful, making phenomenal use of pleats to execute perfect movement in the garments. It goes without saying that the collection was largely influenced by Egyptian culture with a modern twist. That being said, there was a certain opulence built into each piece, with gold featured throughout. The clothes were sexy and daring with silks and chiffons coupled with leather and neoprene - mixing in perfect harmony.
Venexiana – Designer Kati Stern captivated Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week attendees with gorgeous evening gowns, mixing silk, chiffon, lace
photos by Jason T. Jaskot
and sequin embellishments. The use of rich fabrics in feminine pastels in yellow, aqua, and turquoise matched perfectly with the elaborate crystal details seen throughout the collection.
Zang Toi – Marked as Zang Toi’s 25th year as a designer in the fashion industry. His presentation, appropriately enough, was titled “A Privileged Life: The American Dream.” The collection showcased glamorous looks from beginning to end, featuring tailored suits, colored-blocked knits and gowns for every occasion, including an ornate gown covered in hand-beaded purple orchids.