1 minute read

Finalising Ideas

Developed Idea 1

Using the following model/ designs I have combined and adapted them both into a simplified form that consists ofsmoother edges and feels more suited to a playground environment


The highlighted area is where I would like to implement this specific idea/design. The rectangle shaped base is just a general idea of where it would go however, I plan to have a very complex shape as its base template. This is to further link my theme of simple and complex as well as my overlying theme of organic shapes and patterns.

To the left shows my process in developing this model on SketchUp. I plan to add the main pavilion in this area. The railings that attach to the pavilion’s walls help connectthe entire space with each other, as well as just adding another element of nature as the railings have a similar formation to tree branches. I primarily used curved lines for most aspects of this model to keep it consistent.

As shownbelow, the model has become rather complex, and I think serves as a good template ofa space inmy final model. Itcould also serve as its ownsector in the final park designas Icould easilyadd onto it.

Adding the glass roof to the pavilion helped provide a more modern aspect to the pavilion. It not only produced an area of shelter for the park but makes the design a lot more interesting and sleeker.

Overall, I think this SketchUp model has helped me create more developed and connected ideas as well as helping me understand the general directionIwould like to go with mypublic park space. The use of greenery is also great as it does not overwhelm the park space completely. I do, however, feel that the colour palette and materials used below for my space could be slightly reworked in making a more interesting park design that is not as basic.

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