Rain Chan Design Portfolio

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Design Portfolio Rain Chan Cooper Union Irwin. S. Chanin School of Architecture





La Muralla Roja


Beinecke Library


Architectonics- a Study of Form


Archive of Wall Street






Descriptive Geometry


Internship Design Work


Bronx Community College Dormitories


Rebuilding Nakagin Capsule Tower


Contacts Yu Kiu Rain Chan chan14@cooper.edu rainykchan1994@gmail.com +16469121221

WORK EXPERIENCES Summer Internship at CL3 Architects Hong Kong (2012) Summer Internship at James Law Cybertecture(2015) EXHIBITIONS Works displayed at Rites of Spring Hometest Exhibition (2013) Works Published in Cooper Union Student Work Collection (2014) Works Displayed at NYC X Design Exhibition (2014) Works Displayed at Cooper Union End of Year Show (2014-15) Work displayed at Hong Kong Architecture Biennale (2015) SCHOLARSHIPS Full Tuition Scholarship at the Cooper Union (2013-2018) EXTRA-CURRICULAR Workshop at OMI Architecture (2015) Co-Founder of Poverty Alleviation Youth Association (2010) Member of Oxfam Education Department (2010) Member of Lions Club Queensway (2011) SKILLED PROGRAMS AutoCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper, Maya, Sketchup Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign LANGUAGES English, Mandarin, Cantonese

La Muralla Roja Fall 2015 Studio Professor Stephen Rustow Tamar Zinguer

La Muralla Roja(1968), Alicante, Spain, Ricardo Bofill. 50 housing units, Ground Plan.

Detail of two unit types: Dark grey notataes circulation of light, air and bodies.Doors and windows form a double cross axis in the volume, creating a striation of circulation and program, maximizing efficiency.

Primary and secondary structure.

Exploded axon showing relationship between externalized structure and slab construction.

Exploded axon of entire complex, accounting for terrain, load bearing walls and floor slabs.

Interior and view study.

Sunshade study of the relationships between courtyards and apartments.

Program diagram: light to dark shade notates publicity to privicy. This diagram simultaniously displays how different programs interconnect and situate in vertical space. Roofs interconnect to form a new communal space, one complimentary to that of the ground. The duality of public space is now concluded in two complimentary forms: a fabric of public space with cutouts of the building, notating the inaccesible space; the other being the cutout themselves, elevated in space, interconnecting, claiming it’s identity as the new ground.


Typology of space is arranged in the vertical domain while topology is registered in the horizontal. sequentially down are the courtyard, staircase, apartment unit, service tower and roof terrace; sequentially across are series of horizontal section cuts at 3m vertical intervals.

The freedom of movable volumes as combinations of rooms and living cores generate a complexity of arrangements.

In this model the building could be seen as apartments of different configurations stacked on top of each other.

The final model conveys the modular system that has been applied to the project and the dual public spaces in terms of horizontal planes. The model acknowledges the original project’s use of facades as deliberate devices of opacity, then by only showing horizontal planes convey the highest possible transparency of architerctual language, thus convey clarity.

Beinecke Library Fall 2014 Professor Diana Agrest Lis Cena

Ink on mylar drawings: Plan and section

Facade structure analysis: steel, marble, concrete

Phenominal analysis: sequence

Heirarchy: public, scholars,librarians

Structure: Roof supported by core stack

Site: Box on platform

Narrative: a sanctuary for books

Narrative: a fortress for books

Architectonics- a study of form Spring 2014 Studio Professor Mershiha Veladar

STUDYING ELEMENTS Being inspired by the works of Paul Rudolph, I am deeply fascinated by the notion of modular space. By a simple operation of changing orientation, the spatial qualities of the mass changes accordingly, revealing different kinds of voids in every variation. The aperture in my modular system allows passage of light, air and bodies in different directions, creating a complex space .

As the prototype study model, the solid modular system explores the spatial quality of cubic organization. By cutting into three adjacent edges of a cube, I created a basic module which is different in on all six faces. When twenty seven modules join to form a 9 square grid, the cube constantly exhibit asymmetry on all faces, whereas a four module system always exhibit symmetry.

As the concept of the modue relies on the notation of rotation, I explored the qualities of rotation through creating a cube with perpendicular openings on it’s end, connected by void. Applying the same operation on all 3 faces of the cube, an intersection of three rotations on the X, Y and Z axis is achieved, the space exhibits a combined vector of compression.

Archive of Wall Street Fall 2014 Professor Diana Agrest Liz Cena

section of archival shelves and circulation

Horizontal sections

I am particularly interested in how commodities are transformed into values, how the credit system undermines material value and the opacity of wall street operations. This archive monitors 28 commodities traded on wall street, these commodities are archived physically by the shelves on the ground level, whereas the financial information is kept underground in the form of supercomputer drives.

Final Model

Final Plan

Danteum Spring 2015 Professor Tamar Zinguer

Danteum, designed by Giuseppe Terragni is a proposal pavillion buillt upon Dante’s Divine Comedy. Built upon a grid of the golden spiral as signification of infinity, the building leads one through three spaces themed Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise respectively.

Study model of the volumes within the rooms.

Model detail showing the crystallization of the golden spiral.

Multi Dimensionality Spring 2016 Professor

Mathamatical curves are used to manufacture a three dimensional surface, combining the qualities of all three existing dimensionalities. The transformation of topology exhibits the quality of a point trnsforming into lines and finally a surface, where the surface is at the same time a series of columns, walls and volumes.

Descriptive Geometry Fall 2013 Professor James Lowder

Notre Dame du Haut analysis: through drawing plans, sections, exploded axonometric, shadow study and perspectival study, a new vantage point could be gained in understanding the formal manipulations and processes laid by Le Corbusier.

Above: Formal analysis of a ginger, exploring abilities of compound curvature. Below: Vector field drawing, exploring the manipulation of forms in a field.


Internship Design Work Summer 2016 James Law Cybertecture

This project aims to design a mobile home fitting inside a cargo container (20’x8’x8’) for transportation and delivery. Above shows a design for a transformative unit providing a freedom of relationships between bathroom, bedroom and living. Across the page shows the final design fitting the client’s budget and structural needs.

Construction of steel framework in the house.

Final built unit, exhibiting in Kowloon Park, Hong Kong.

Detail design: pedestrian gateway towards school. Utilizing the form of the existing bamboo gate, this design encapsulates a moment when a wall condition transforms into a gateway.

Bronx Community College Dormitories Work in progress Spring 2016 Professor Michael Young Thomas Phifer

As a proposal to construct a new dormitories for Bronx Community College, I first looked at the campus site as a figure ground, where the buildings and the campus form a stark relationship of interior/exterior, private/communal, contained/open-sourced. Then, I collaged a building proposal as an extension to the existing campus, with programs sharing a similar figure ground relationship to the building itself.

Rebuilding Nakagin Capsule Tower Fall 2015 Professor Samuel Anderson

After watching a documentary of the Nakagin Capsule Tower, and knowing the decision of it being torn down, I worked on producing a full scale window and wall detail of the Nagakin Capsule in hopes to preserve it’s architectual value. A series of weilding and woodwork skills were utilized for the production of the

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