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Ultimo Italian Restaurant

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Circle K Indonesia

Circle K Indonesia


Instagram Reels


Very segmented market; SES A foreigner (especially Italian) that lives or comes in the holiday season to Bali.


Authentic Italian dishes and human interest is the key, we created different stories on each video to create an emotional attachment between the restaurant and customers. An excellent visuals, angles, and back sound would attract the guest to visit the restaurant.

Swisse Indonesia


Gain Indonesian awareness market of a newly comer beauty and health brand from Australia in the middle of fast-growing local beauty industries.


Mainly focus on the products' USP (Unique Selling Proposition) to prospective buyers to help them consider; what makes it different from other brands and what makes it worth it.

Created #DiscoverABetterYou campaign collaboration with health and beauty KOL to make a promo code

Swisse Indonesia Instagram Reels


Lacks of content production capability (technically)


Created instagram reels with graphic motions containing health and beauty information and usp of the products using trending sounds on instagram reels.

OOPS Crackers Instagram Reels


Clients want to change the audience to Gen-Z teenagers and gain more reach and followers with a help of the Instagram reels algorithm.


We provide informative and educational content, delivered with fun visual, and interactive copywriting to engage whether with current or new audiences

OOPS Crackers


One of the legendary snacks in Indonesia that have been on a market for over a decade, now their old customers are grownups millennial. They want to change the target audience to Gen-Z teenagers and convert them into buyers.


Mainly posted daily and relatable things to Gen-Z audiences, such as about school, love life, pop culture, and current trends. Use friendly, cheerful, and playful tone of voice in the contents to make them feel close to the brands.

ACHIEVEMENT: growth average of 20% organic reach growth average of 22% organic followers

*Period: Monthly (January 2021 - May 2022)

OOPS Crackers

Brand Activation

#OopsGombal Challenge


Engagement, reach, and followers (organic)


In order to celebrate Valentine's day with the loved ones, we decided to made #OopsGombal challenge because it was a trend to created a "pick up line" amongst gen-Z teenager.


150+ total participants

Growth of 15% organic reach

Growth of 20% organic followers

*Activity period: 7 - 13 February 2022

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