3. PPT Settachai_Ratchapuk

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Interactive E-Book for Packaging Technology



The purposes of this research were to develop the Interactive E-Book for Packaging Technology based on Participatory Integrated Design Process (PIDP) To study the satisfaction of students on the Interactive E-Book for Packaging Technology.

ď‚ž The sample group of this study was 30

undergraduate students from the department of Packaging Technology, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi.

Packaging technology is an important part of marketing a product.

It catches the customers' attention and it also provides information about the product to the customers; then again,

it protects the product (e.g. shock-proof, water-proof, dust and dirt).

Packaging design as a trade dress is a subtle form of marketplace communication that delivers a powerful marketing tool for promoting sales and brand loyalty.

It also may lead to the right to exclude competitors from similar designs.

Many researchers rethink the way to develop innovation for learners.  Interactive E-Book is a one thing for creates a variety of ways to deliver and provide electronic resources for learners.  Some methods such as system to deliver text, vdo and animation to learner.  Thus, Interactive E-Book is professional cite benefits to learner. The learner benefits from the opportunity to prepare themselfs for greater ability increase their competitive in a globalization. 

This paper presents the system of innovative instructional media for packaging technology. ď‚ž It was developed based on the Participatory Integrated Design Process (PIDP) (Settachai Chaisanit, 2011) ď‚ž

Consists of four design phases:

needs analysis

conceptual design


formative evaluation


The Needs analysis was concerned with gathering, analysing, and summarizing information necessary to build the learning environment prototype.

The Interactive E-book concept was collected and prepared at details level consists of four main parts: course description,

how to use,

course’s content

knowledge resource.

We used the technique of dynamic computer graphics to establish an animation display system.  The system can display the relation among the basic elements of the packaging technology.  These make sure that the subject with students can catch the technique.  This system was developed based on the Participatory Integrated Design Process (PIDP) model 


The data were analyzed using basic statistic, frequency, mean (X), and standard deviation (SD). The levels of agreement from survey were on a 5-point Likert- scale


The results show that on average, the sample group believed that the Interactive E-Book suitable for learn and they would like to use the Interactive E-Book (4.34).


The second part of the survey assessed the target group’ beliefs about the Interactive E-Book technology. Sample group reported a moderate level of sense and for suggesting that the system was life like (4.12).


However, they found the most value in the fact that Interactive E-Book help for packaging education (4.28) and students wanted to use this Interactive E-Book for study (4.30).

The Interactive E-Book for Packaging Technology has been widely adopted for students.  Pedagogically highly valued products are on the market and have a proven success in the improvement of learning as well as in students’s acceptance. Recently, 


The researchers have to exceptional thanks to King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi and Sripatum University Chonburi Campus.

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