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P. G. DEPARTMENT OF HOME SCIENCE PATNA WOMEN'S COLLEGE PATNA UNIVERSITY 3rd cycle NAAC Accredited at “A” Grade with GGPA 3.58/4 ‘college with potential Excellence’ (CPE) status accorded by UGC


Submitted by:-

Dr. Sunita kumari

Kriti kumari

Assistant professor

M.A 4thsemester

P.G Department of home science

Session – 2019 -21

Dr. Sunita kumari Assistant Professor PG. Department of Home Science Patna Women’s College ( Autonomous) Patna University

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the study conducted by Ms. Kriti Kumari P.G. Sem 4th, P.G. Department of Home Science during session-2019-2021 have successfully completed the present research Project entitled “EFFECT OF FAST FOOD CONSUMPTION ON THE HEALTH OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN ( 6-12YEARS) IN PATNA CITY ” under my guidance and supervision . The result reported by the genuine

and script of the research project has been written by the candidates themselves. I recommend the submitted report for evaluation.

Dr. Sunita Kumari Research Supervisor


(I pray with our folded hands. It can be accomplished with your blessings only.) I would like to start with almighty whose blessings bestowed us with power and courage to surpass the difficulties met at any part of this journey. First and foremost, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our Principal, Dr. Sister M. Rashmi A.C. for her constant encouragement, support and proper guidance for the completion of this research work. I would like to extend sincere gratefulness to our Head of the Department , Dr . Sister M. Tanisha A.C. without whose guidance, comments and immense help this research would not have been possible and would not have taken shape. I take the opportunity to mention and present our special gratitude to our worthy supervisor Dr. Sunita Kumari, for her able guidance, constant motivation, untiring efforts, and commitment all through this journey. She has provided us impeccable support whenever it was required. I consider it as a great opportunity to do this project under her guidance. She inspired me to grow not only as a keen researcher but also as an instructor and an independent thinker. She encouraged me to think out of box and get effective results that helped us a lot throughout the research work. The next mention is for all the faculty members of the department, Sujata mam, Suniti mam, Rosy mam , Shazia maam and Nisha mam whose concern and suggestions based on their experiences provided me with the unique opportunity to gain a wider breadth of experience and encouragement to effectively conduct the research work.

I would also like to thank all our senior and colleagues and also the staff members of Patna Women’s College who directly or indirectly helped us during the study period. Of course, this project would not have been possible without the participation of the Parents. I would like to show my gratitude to the respondents who participated in the study with full zeal and keenness. Last but not the least, I take the opportunity to thank all the people who have been a part of my journey and whose names are not mentioned in this acknowledgement separately.

Kriti kumari , roll no- 09, (M.A. sem 4th )

CONTENT chapter

1 2 3 4 5

Particulars List of Tables List of Figures Introduction Review of literature Materials and methods Results and Discussion Summary and conclusion References Appendix

Page no.

1-4 5-10 11 12-16 17 18

LIST OF TABLES Table No. Particulars 1. Background information of the respondents 2. Effect of eating fast food on children’s health. 3. Awareness of parents regarding their children’s health

Page No. 12 13 15

LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Particulars 1. Learn about fast food

Page No. 16

INTRODUCTION Junk food refers to fast food, which are easy to make and easy to consume. They are low in nutritional value and have only lying fat in it causing ill effect on the health of consumer. The term ‘Junk food’ was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of Center for Science in 1972 in the public interest who wanted to raise public attention about the issue of foods with a high caloric value and a low nutritional value. Junk food contains high level of refined sugar, white flour, trans fat, polyunsaturated fat salt and numerous food additive such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) and tartrazine, and lacking in protein, vitamin and fiber. Junk food is popular because of their simplicity of manufacture, consumes, their taste and has a long shelf life which may not require refrigeration. In the united kingdom the food standards agency do not use the term ‘junk food ‘and describe food ‘HFSS’ (high fat, sugar or salt). They state that has foods can form part of a balanced diet, but research show that children diet contain too much fat (especially trans fat) salt and sugar. Types of fast food :- hamburger, cheeseburger, sandwich, muffin, burrito, taco, pizza etc. Reason for taking fast food:-Fast food culture is an emerging trend among the younger generation. The ready availability, taste, low cost, marketing strategies and peer pressure make them popular with children. Fast food restaurants are primed to maximize the speed, efficiency and conformity. The menu is kept limited and standardized essentially to minimize the waiting time so that the customers eat quickly and leave. This perspective delineates the emerging fast food culture in India, its impact on children and strategies to counter it. Fast foods are widely available in schools through variety of outlets. Cafeterias at the schools offer sodas, cold drinks, chips and many other foods of low nutritional value. Sale of junk foods in school cafeteria often competes with more nutritious school lunch schemes. Fast food companies are targeting kids and youngster through great promotion strategies, delicious recipes and attractive advertisement.


Harmful effects of fast food :-There are much greater side effects of fast food and people are unaware of its ill consequences. Chubbiness, increase in cholesterol levels, dietary deficiencies, cardiac disorders, loss of muscle mass, depression, sexual dysfunction, asthma, strokes, type 2 diabetes, cancer (kidney / uterine / colon / breast / esophagus), liver disease, cancer and cardiovascular diseases can all be caused by eating fast food on a regular basis. Fast foods have high level of fat and sugars that are not only unhealthy but addictive and that creates a vicious cycle making it hard for children to choose healthy food. High content of trans fat in commercially available fast foods predispose. When it comes to the psychology of eating, food has to look good if it's going to taste good. That's why fast foods contain color additives -- to prevent the loss of a food's inherent color, to enhance color or to add color when it doesn't exist naturally. Hardly a single fast-food menu item doesn't have at least one artificial color buried somewhere in its ingredient list. Fast food is any food that is prepared and served quickly for immediate consumption. Some of the key elements of fast food are: It’s readily available on the go. It’s typically less expensive than eating in a traditional sit-down restaurant. It often includes food that is fried or prepared from frozen (not fresh) ingredients. Fast food is part of an enormous industry that produces millions of pounds of food every day. Because fast food is meant to be easy to make, affordable, and consumed quickly, much of the food production happens at large factories and farms. These factories then ship the products to the fast food restaurants, who assemble them into made-to-order meals. When it comes time to order, most fast food meals are prepared from frozen, canned, or dehydrated products and are simply reheated before serving. Most fast food items themselves are made of fats and simple carbohydrates that are full of sugar. These foods are high in calories but low on nutrition, which means they’ll leave you feeling hungry and could cause you to binge eat. Some of the common additive found in fast food: Propylene glycol, an additive that stabilizes moisture to prevent ingredients from sticking together or drying out, is toxic in high doses. Sodium nitrite, a preservative to keep meat products like bacon, ham, or beef fresh for longer while enhancing their color, has been linked to certain types of cancer. Synthetic food dyes, which are used to make foods look more appealing, can cause allergic reactions and have been linked to different types of cancer. Ammonium sulfate, which is added to bread products as a dough enhancer, is also used in commercial fertilizers. Fillers such as cellulose, olestra, and potassium bromate are added to thicken products like meat and bread, can interfere with the body’s natural nutrient absorption systems. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is a common food additive used to intensify and enhance the flavor of savory dishes. It’s found in a variety of processed foods 2

like frozen dinners, salty snacks and canned soups. It’s also often added to foods at restaurants and fast food places. MSG is used to enhance the flavor of many processed foods. Some people may have a sensitivity to MSG, but it’s safe for most people when used in moderation. Artificial food coloring is used to brighten and improve the appearance of everything from candies to condiments.

Problem of the study Junk foods such as hamburgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips usually loads of saturated fats, too much saturated fat in diet will cause people to put on weight and obese being over weight is a risk to the health of heart and causes other disease. Junk often have too much salt there is a lot of salt already in food such as bread, breakfast cereals and biscuits. So people are getting more salt than they need when they eat junk food too much salt is unhealthy for health. Biscuits, cakes have loads of sugar that’s what makes them taste too good but too much sugar makes people fatty and may cause other disease. So people should ignore fast food and try to feed their children healthy food.

Purpose of the study:What you eat and drink each day effects your health and wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Good nutrition, along with regular exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight, while reducing your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease. However, consuming regular amounts of fast and junk food will impact your quality of health, and will have negative effects on your body. Eating a lot of fast food in childhood makes it hard to eat healthy in later life, even if related medical problems are already evident, because childhood food habits solidify by adulthood. The purpose of this study is that parents should be fully aware of how harmful fast food is to health. Due to lack of time , parents give food to children from all over, which is harmful to their health.


OBJECTIVES 1. To find out the effect of eating fast food on children’s health.

2. To find out the awareness of parents regarding their children’s health.


REVIEW OF LITERATURE A comprehensive review of literature is must in any research. It gives an overview of literature reviewed by the investigator to tie theoretical and empirical aspects of the study more securely. The most important task of a researcher is to review the previous work done in the own and related field of the study. In this chapter, relevant literature having direct or indirect bearing on the present research has been reviewed.

Geeta Arya (2013) Usually they take food from residential hall or canteen in which food value is very low [11,12]. Moreover intake of junk food (foods which are rich in calories, salt and fats but has low nutritive value) also make them amenable to overweight and obese [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Again obesity along with unhealthy life style like smoking and physical inactivity may enhance the risk of chronic diseases. ... ... This study also reveals that, alcohol consumption and smoking were not common in female students but the male students were familiar with this habit in a percentage of 16%. Another study conducted on cigarette and nargileh smoking in Lebanon [20,21] among 2443 students from 13 public and private schools reported that the prevalence rate of cigarette smoking was 2.5%. ...

Singh et al. (2014) The objective of this study to know about the effect of fast food consumption on the health of school going children (9-13year). Total of 100 school going student were selected from five different schools of Lucknow District. The study was carried out by using the following tools to analyze the effect of fast food consumption health of respondents. Self designed & pre tested questionnaire was used in the study. SPSS version 20 was used to draw meaningful inferences from the collected raw data. The result found that among 9 year 100% respondents were found obese level 1. Among 10 year 42.8% of respondents were found obese level 3. Among 11 year 8.6% of respondents were found obese level 3. Among 12 year 36.3% respondents were found obese level 2. Among 13 year 8.3% respondents were found obese level 3.


Yahya et al. (2013) This paper focused on intensity of fast food trend and its effect on Pakistani society. Previous studied had reviewed to rationalize the results. Questionnaire had utilized as a data collection instrument. Microsoft Excel had used for tabulation and graphs while SPSS for descriptive and inferential analysis. Results showed that youngsters spend more money on junk food. Nuclear and Joint both family systems like fast food due to its taste. People like to eat fast food, outside their homes. Hunger can be satisfied with fast food. Moreover, fast food is not a cost effective mean. Fast food also used for the sake of enjoyment and fun. It is also evaluated that prolonged use of fast food is also a cause of health problems, obesity, indigestion problem and high cholesterol. Due to good taste and fluent availability people prefer fast food over home cooked food. Fast food is also a major cause of avoiding proper nutrition. People prefer fast food at their workplace due to their busy schedules. Age and Education have negative correlation with the likeness, consumption and spending money on fast food. However, with the increase in income there will be more likeness toward fast food.

Jagadish c das (2015) Many of our children are fond of such readymade food. Sponsorship of sports or cultural competitions with attractive gifts is the main way of promotion of first food sale. Nuclear families, working mother, socioeconomic status, close proximity of fast food shop, food test and quick service in the shop are important contributing factors of fast food consumption. This kind of food is responsible for obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart disease and diabetes. Easy availability of healthy food with reasonable prices along with its campaign, school midday-food programme and health education can improve dietary habits of children. Implementation of laws for regulation of marketing and selling of fast food may be another step in controlling consumption of such food by our children. Keywords: Fast foods, Junk foods, Children, Review. Medical and Clinical Reviews 2015;1(1):1-4.

A Bowman et al. (2004) Many of our children are fond of such readymade food. Sponsorship of sports or cultural competitions with attractive gifts is the main way of promotion of first food sale. Nuclear families, working mother, socioeconomic status, close proximity of fast food shop, food test and quick service in the shop are important contributing factors of fast food consumption. This kind of food is responsible for obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart 6

disease and diabetes. Easy availability of healthy food with reasonable prices along with its campaign, school midday-food programme and health education can improve dietary habits of children. Implementation of laws for regulation of marketing and selling of fast food may be another step in controlling consumption of such food by our children. Keywords: Fast foods, Junk foods, Children, Review. Medical and Clinical Reviews 2015;1(1):1-4. This study included 6212 children and adolescents 4 to 19 years old in the United States participating in the nationally representative Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals conducted from 1994 to 1996 and the Supplemental Children's Survey conducted in 1998. We examined the associations between fast-food consumption and measures of dietary quality using between-subject comparisons involving the whole cohort and within-subject comparisons involving 2080 individuals who ate fast food on one but not both survey days. On a typical day, 30.3% of the total sample reported consuming fast food. Fast-food consumption was highly prevalent in both genders, all racial/ethnic groups, and all regions of the country. Controlling for socioeconomic and demographic variables, increased fast-food consumption was independently associated with male gender, older age, higher household incomes, non-Hispanic black race/ethnicity, and residing in the South. Children who ate fast food, compared with those who did not, consumed more total energy (187 kcal; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 109-265), more energy per gram of food (0.29 kcal/g; 95% CI: 0.25-0.33), more total fat (9 g; 95% CI: 5.013.0), more total carbohydrate (24 g; 95% CI: 12.6-35.4), more added sugars (26 g; 95% CI: 18.2-34.6), more sugar-sweetened beverages (228 g; 95% CI: 184272), less fiber (-1.1 g; 95% CI: -1.8 to -0.4), less milk (-65 g; 95% CI: -95 to 30), and fewer fruits and nonstarchy vegetables (-45 g; 95% CI: -58.6 to -31.4). Very similar results were observed by using within-subject analyses in which subjects served as their own controls: that is, children ate more total energy and had poorer diet quality on days with, compared with without, fast food. Consumption of fast food among children in the United States seems to have an adverse effect on dietary quality in ways that plausibly could increase risk for obesity. Tabassum et al. (2015) The present study is an attempt to find out the differences in consumers' attitude towards selective fast food restaurants in Bangladesh. To fulfill this objective, the study explores the most frequent salient beliefs of consumers regarding the fast food restaurants in Bangladesh, which are quality, price, quick service, and environment of the restaurants. Based on the salient beliefs, multiattribute attitude model has been developed and tested in four restaurants; these are Pizza Hut, KFC, Helvetia, and Western Grill, which are 7

found as most visited fast food restaurants according to the consumers. For this study Fishbein multiattribute attitude model is used. Structured questionnaire survey is conducted on 100 consumers to obtain consumer opinion regarding the strengths and evaluation of salient beliefs. The result explores that consumers have the most favorable attitude towards Pizza Hut and the least favorable attitude towards Helvetia. Significant differences are found among these four restaurants in terms of belief evaluations about quality, price, quick service, and environment. It is also found that consumers have most favorable evaluation about Pizza Hut's food quality and environment, and KFC's food price and prompt services. At the end of the paper, some recommendations are made based on the study results.

Poti et al. (2013) This cross-sectional analysis studied 4466 US children aged 218 y from NHANES 2007-2010. Cluster analysis identified 2 dietary patterns for the non-fast food remainder of intake: Western (50.3%) and Prudent. Multivariable-adjusted linear and logistic regression models examined the association between fast food consumption and dietary pattern for the remainder of intake and estimated their independent associations with overweight/obesity and dietary outcomes. Half of US children consumed fast food: 39.5% lowconsumers (≤30% of energy from fast food) and 10.5% high-consumers (>30% of energy). Consuming a Western dietary pattern for the remainder of intake was more likely among fast food low-consumers (OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 1.24, 1.85) and high-consumers (OR: 2.21; 95% CI: 1.60, 3.05) than among nonconsumers. The remainder of diet was independently associated with overweight/obesity (β: 5.9; 95% CI: 1.3, 10.5), whereas fast food consumption was not, and the remainder of diet had stronger associations with poor total intake than did fast food consumption. Outside the fast food restaurant, fast food consumers ate Western diets, which might have stronger associations with overweight/obesity and poor dietary outcomes than fast food consumption itself. Our findings support the need for prospective studies and randomized trials to confirm these hypotheses.

D Tambalis et al. (2018) Objective To examine the prevalence of fast-food consumption and the association between fast food and lifestyle factors in a representative sample of children and adolescents. Design Cross-sectional, observational study. Fast-food consumption and dietary habits were evaluated using questionnaires (KIDMED index). Anthropometric and physical fitness 8

measurements were obtained by trained investigators. Physical activity (PA) status, sedentary activities and sleeping habits were assessed through selfcompleted questionnaires. Setting Greece. Subjects Population data derived from a school-based health survey (EYZHN programme) carried out in 2015 on 177 091 (51 % boys) children aged 8–17 years. Results A greater proportion of boys v . girls (23·3 v . 15·7 %, P <0·001) and of adolescents v . children (26·9 v . 17·1 %, P <0·001) reported they consume fast foods >1 time/week. Frequent fast-food consumption was strongly correlated with unhealthy dietary habits such as skipping breakfast and consuming sweets/candy regularly. Adjusting for several covariates, insufficient dietary habits, insufficient (<8–9 h/d) sleep, inadequate PA levels and increased screen time increased the odds (95 % CI) of being a frequent fast-food consumer by 77 % (0·218, 0·234), 30 % (1·270, 1·338), 94 % (1·887, 1·995) and 32 % (1·287, 1·357), respectively. Being overweight/obese or centrally obese did not correlate with frequency of fast-food consumption. Conclusions Frequent fast-food consumption was associated with an unhealthy lifestyle profile among children and adolescents. The findings support the development of interventions to help children adopt healthier dietary habits.

Zhao and wang et al. (2017) Western- and Chinese fast food consumption and their associations with health outcomes in Chinese children, and examined how maternal factors were associated with child health outcomes. Methods: Data of 1626 students aged 7-16 (11.6 ± 2.0) years and their parents in four mega-cities across China (Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Xi'an) were collected in the 2015 baseline survey of the Childhood Obesity Study in China Mega-cities. Weight, height, waist circumference, and blood pressure were measured. Food intake was assessed using questionnaire. Mixed models were used to examine the associations. Results: Among the children, 11.1% were obese, 19.7% were centrally obese, and 9.0% had hypertension. Obesity prevalence was much higher in boys than in girls (15.2% vs. 6.9% and 27.4% vs. 11.7%, respectively, both P < 0.001). About half (51.9% and 43.6%) of children consumed Western and Chinese fast food, respectively, over the past 3 months. Compared to those with college or above maternal education level, those with elementary school or below maternal education level were 49% more likely to consume Western fast food (odds ratio [OR] and 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.49 [1.10-2.03]). Chinese fast food consumption rate increased by 12% with each year of increase in child's age (OR and 95% CI: 1.12 [1.02-1.23]). No significant associations between fast food consumption and health outcomes were detected. Adjusting for Western fast food consumption, children with lower maternal education were 71% and 43% more likely to have obesity and central obesity (ORs and 95% CIs: 1.71 [1.129

2.61] and 1.43 [1.00-2.03], respectively), and maternal body mass index was positively associated with child obesity, central obesity, and hypertension (ORs and 95% CIs: 1.11 [1.06-1.17], 1.12 [1.07-1.17], and 1.09 [1.03-1.15], respectively). Results were similar when Chinese fast food consumption was adjusted for. Conclusions: The prevalence of fast food consumption, obesity and hypertension is high among children in major cities in China. Maternal factors affect child outcomes.

j.Duffey and Gordon-larsen et al. (2007) The aim was to compare the associations of restaurant food and fast food consumption with current and 3-y changes in BMI. Multivariate linear regression models, with control for demographic and lifestyle factors, were used to examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of away-from-home eating with BMI by using data from subjects of the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study (n = 3394) obtained at exam years 7 (1992-1993) and 10 (1995-1996). Forty percent of the sample increased their weekly consumption of restaurant or fast food, though mean (+/-SD) changes were -0.16 +/- 2.39 times/wk (P = 0.0001) and 0.56 +/- 3.04 times/wk (P < 0.0001), respectively. Cross-sectionally, fast food, but not restaurant food, consumption was positively associated with BMI. Similarly, higher consumption of fast food at year 7 was associated with a 0.16unit higher BMI at year 10. After adjustment for baseline away-from-home eating, increased consumption of fast food only (beta: 0.20; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.39) and of both restaurant food and fast food (beta: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.51) were positively associated with BMI change, though the estimates were not significantly different (P = 0.47). Increased consumption of restaurant food only was unrelated to BMI change (beta: -0.01; 95% CI: -0.21, 0.19), which differed significantly (P = 0.014) from the estimate for an increase in both restaurant food and fast food intake. We found differential effects of restaurant food and fast food intakes on BMI, although the observed differences were not always statistically significant. More research is needed to determine whether the differential effects are related to consumer characteristics or the food itself.


Materials and methods Research design :- This was a community based cross-sectional study. Area of the study:- Respondents were taken for study from the following areas of Patna city: • Sonar Toli Gali • Sardar Gali Sample size:- 50 Respondents whose children were between 6 to 12 years old. Selection of research method:- Survey cum interview methods was used for the study. Research tools:- A questionnaire was developed related to the objectives of the study. It includes socio demographic profile , knowledge regarding awareness of use of fast food , harmful effect of fast food in children health . Data analysis technique:- The data collected were coded and tabulated. Statistical analysis:- Percentage was use for analysing data.



Table 1:- Background information of the respondents (n=50) Particulars

Percentage (%)

Type of family

22 78

Joint Nuclear

Monthly family income in (Rs.) Up to 15,000 15,001 to 30,000 30,001 and above

0 20 80

Regarding the type of family , it can be inferred from the table 1 that 22 percent respondents belonged to joint family and 78 percent respondents were from nuclear family. When classified on the basis of their total family income per month, 80 percent respondents family had their income up to above Rs. 30,000 per month. 20 percent had earnings in the range of Rs. 15,001-30,000 per month.


Table no 2:- Effect of eating fast food on children’s health.



Do you know what is fast food. Yes




Sources of fast food. Pizza


Burger , French fries Chicken fry

14 8

Chinese food


Where do children’s like to be most. Pizza hut






Any restaurant


What kind of fast food do your children like most. Pizza


Burger , French fries


Chicken fry


Samosa , chat , Chinese food etc.


Do fast foods affect the children’s health. Yes




Common health effect in children is due to eating fast food. Over weight





Root , teeth effect


Body pain


Specified health effect in children’s. Obesity


Chronic diseases


Liver disease


Digestive issues


Reason for taking fast food. Lack of time


Easy to consume


Easily available


Result so that 94 per cent respondents know about fast food and 6 per cent are not. sources of fast food are pizza (28%), burger, French fries (14%), chicken fry (8%) and Chinese food (50%). Children’s are like to be most pizza hut (18%), McDonald’s (20%) , KFC (2%) and any Restaurant (60%). Children’s are also like these kind of fast food – pizza (40%), burger, French fries (15%), chicken fry (10%) and samosa , chat , Chinese food (35%). 92 per cent parents believe that fast food effects the children’s health and 8 per cent are not. There are some common health effect in children’s due to eating fast food . Over weight (55%), Stomachache (20%), root , teeth effect (10%) and body pain (15%). Specified health effects are obesity (60%), chronic diseases (5%), liver disease (10%) and Digestive issues (25%). Reason for taking fast food is lack of time (45%), Easy to consume (15%) and Easily available (40%).


Table no 3 :- Awareness of parents regarding their children’s health.

Questions Do you know fast food contain any nutrients . Yes No Still gives your child’s stubbornness. Yes No Do you make your children’s favourite foods at home . Yes No When do your children’s take fast food. Daily Weekly Monthly How do you convince your children not to eat fast food. Make food of their choice at home Explain the disadvantages of fast food Do you get your children health check up. weakly monthly yearly Never

Percentage(%) 8 92 65 35

95 5 30 50 20

60 40 50 30 15 5

92 per cent respondents are know that fast food does not contain any nutrients and 8 per cent are not. They are also gives their children’s (65%) stubbornness. 95 per cent parents make their children’s favourite foods at home and 5 per cent are not. Children’s are take fast food in daily (30%) , weekly (50%) and monthly (20%). 60 per cent parents make food their choice at home and explain the disadvantages of fast food (40%) to convince their children’s. 50 per cent parents get their children’s health check up in weakly, 30 per cent monthly , 15 per cent yearly and 5 per cent parents are never. 15

Through which medium do you know the effects of fast food. Family Friends groups Electronic media

65 15 20

Figure no 1 :- Learn about fast food.



60 50 40 30

20 15

20 10 0 Family

Friends groups

Electronic media

Figure number 1 show that 65 per cent respondents know the effects of fast food through their family , friends groups (15%) and electronic media (20%).



The study entitled “Effect of fast food consumption on the health of school going children” was carried out in Patna. The present study was undertaken to find out the effect of eating fast food on children’s health and awareness of parents regarding their children’s health. This was a community based cross-sectional study on 50 parents residing in Patna City. For the same purpose , a survey schedule was developed consisting of background information , knowledge regarding awareness of parents regarding their children’s health. Results of the study revealed that 78 per cent belongs to nuclear family and maximum (80%) were from the families with income above Rs. 30,000 per month. Maximum parents (94%) know about fast food and believes that fast food effects the children’s health (92%). Awareness of parents regarding children’s health revealed that maximum (92%) parents know that fast food does not contain any nutrients. 95 per cent parents are make their children’s favourite foods at home. Mostly children’s are taking fast food in weekly (50%) and maximum parents are know the effects of fast food through their family (65).


1. Fast food consumption is definitely harmful to children’s health so parents should keep full knowledge of their children’s diet. 2. If possible, try to make your children’s favourite food at home.


References 1.Arya G., Mishra S. (2013) “Effect of junk food & beverages on Adolescent's health” IOSR Journal of nursing and health science, vol.1. pp.26-32. 2.Cuma Akbay(2002) “Consumer characteristics influencing fast food consumption in Turkey” Journal of Food Distribution Research.vol. 7.pp.903-913 3.Jennifer Poti M.,(2013) “The association of fast food consumption with poor dietary outcomes and obesity among children” Am J Clin Nutr, vol.99,pp.162–71. 4.Rosenheck R. (2008) “Fast Food Consumption And Increased Caloric Intake” The International Association for the Study of Obesity, vol.21, pp.245–253. 5.Shanthy A. (2000) “ Effects of Fast-Food Consumption on Energy Intake and Diet Quality Among Children in a National Household Survey US” Department of Agriculture, pp- 27–34. 6.Sahasporn Paeratakul (2003) “Fast-Food Consumption Among US Adults And Children” Journal Of The American Dietetic Association. Volume 10. Pp. 13-37. 7.Yahya Farjana (2013) “Trend of Fast Food Consumption and its Effect on Pakistani”, Journal of Society Food Science and Quality Management Vol.11,pp-77-85 8.www .medind.nic.in/ibv/t11/i2/ibvt11i2p97



1. Name :


2. Type of family :

Joint / Nuclear

3. Monthly family income in (Rs.): Up to 15,000 / 15,001 to 30,000 / 30,001 and above 4. Do you know what is fast food. Yes No 5. Sources of fast food. Pizza Burger, French fries Chicken fry Chinese food 6. Where do children’s like most. Pizza hut Mc Donald’s KFC Any restaurant 7. What kind of fast food do your children like most. Pizza Burger , French fries Chicken fry Samosa , chat Chinese food etc. 8. Do fast food affect the children’s health. Yes No 9. Common health effect in children’s is due to eating fast food. Over weight Stomachache Root , teeth effect Body pain 10.Specified health effect in children’s. Obesity Chronic diseases Liver diseases 19

Digestive issues 11.Reason for taking fast food. Lack of time Easy to consume Easily available 12. Do you know fast food contain any nutrients. Yes No 13.Still gives your child’s stubbornness. Yes No 14.Do you make your children’s favourite things at home. Yes No 15.When do your children’s take fast food. Daily Weekly Monthly 16.How do you convince your children not to eat fast food. Make food of their choice at home Explain the disadvantages of fast food. 17.Do you get your children health check up. Weakly Monthly Yearly Never 18.Through which medium do you know the effects of fast food. Family Friends groups Electronic media


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