1 minute read
from Work Samples 2023
by Raj Gajjar
amravati, andHra PradeSH, india inStitUtional | aCademiC ProjeCt
The conjuncture of partition of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and the emergence of Amravati as the former’s capital, demanded to be designed, a legislative assembly. The site ideally sits on the dorsal end of the city, with river Krishna to its north.
The need and purpose of the built unresistantly allowed its association with the open scape, here the democratic essence of respecting “public needs”, plays its role in the backdrop.
- Stage 1:
Intergration of the built depicting rigidity & linearity.
- Stage 2:
Mass upliftment, allowing visual & spatial free flow on ground.
- Stage 3:
Lightening the overall structure, with a open piazza in the center housing the core functions.
- Stage 4:
Slab modulation resulting in the formation of open terraces.
- Stage 5:
Treating the external facade to bring out a visually appealing structure.

A controlled procurement of light , also an element adding to the aesthetic appeal.
Overhanging pergolas help in cutting off the direct light coming through.

The perforations act as a physical barrier, allowing visual connectivity.

SUrat, gUjarat, india HoUSing | ComPetition entry (HUdCo)
A country’s housing situation is the by-product of household, socio-economic conditions and government habitat policies and programmes. Housing projects planned by the government are radical but lacking some form of requirements for the residents.
Housing is no longer restricted to soulless masses of concrete. It’s intention is to offer low-cost housing to those who need it. When people from various occupations live together the place becomes lively with hustle-bustle and making the housing dynamic. With amalgamation of people from different occupational and economic credential a vehement space can be designed.
Stacking of units , creating various terraces at different levels, creating an effect of being on ground floor with enough working space on all levels.

Creating a vertical knitted fabric of communities on basis of occupation and economical status eigHtH floor Plan tyPe - mig area - 160 Sq mt
Creating a buffer space at 6+4 level which acts as a community gathering space for holding vocational programs, play area, recreational space, walking zone etc.

SeventH floor Plan tyPe - mig area - 160 Sq mt
SixtH floor Plan tyPe - eWS area - 50 Sq mt fiftH floor Plan tyPe - eWS area - 35 Sq mt foUtH floor Plan tyPe - BUffer floor area - 540 Sq mt tHird floor Plan tyPe - lig area - 95 Sq mt
SeCond floor Plan tyPe - lig area - 75 Sq mt firSt floor Plan tyPe - lig area - 100 Sq mt groUnd floor Plan tyPe - lig area - 100 Sq mt