2 minute read
same significant of fertilization treatment [SMF75%](T6)
by Rajiali
The treatment [Mineral F](T3) gives significant difference in the value of EC (4.2) Dsm-1 and PH (7.5) of the soil Compared to other treatments in the experiment .
Conclusions & Recommendations : We can be concluded from blending organic fertilizer with mineral fertilizer to obtain good quality, growth and high productivity of maize and soil fertility and to reduce the amount of mineral fertilizer. Then we recommend that it can be applied by farmers by using other varieties of maize and in other locations to confirm the results.
Keywords: Mineral , Fertilizers , N.P.K , Organic , Mixing , Maize , Significant
Chapter 1
Increasing maize production is one of the most important goals for the Iraqi agricultural policy to face the human and animal demands.
The mixing maize with wheat for bread making has also increased the demand of maize in Iraq [1]
The rate of maize production in Iraq is still low, which requires an increase in the productivity of this crop through chemical fertilizers, which are the limiting factor for growth and production.
It is known that the Iraqi soil is low in nutrients that the plant needs in large quantities to increase the vegetative total, strengthen the root system and increase the dry matter, but the use Mineral Fertilizers every year it has effects on the environment, human health and beneficial organisms in the soil [2]
The multiple use of mineral fertilizers in ill-advised ways has reduced soil fertility and pollution, which calls for the use of organic fertilizers that restore soil fertility and protect it from pollution. as for organic fertilizer which improves the soil structure, creating more air space and water retention within the soil and enhances soil nitrogen content, and Protect the soil against rain and wind erosion and Organic fertilizer enhances soil biological activity .
Organic fertilizer increase root growth , enhances cation exchange capacity Organic fer- tilizer acts as a buffering against undesirable soil pH fluctuations [3] the combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers can increase the activities of soil organisms and available nutrient content, furthermore, the application of organic manure mixed up with chemical fertilizer can prove to be an excellent procedure in maintaining and improving the soil fertility, and increasing fertilizer use efficiency [4]
But organic fertilizer cannot be used alone because it takes a long time to decompose and the nutrients in it that the plant need are few.
Therefore, the tendency to use organic fertilizers while reducing the amount of chemical fertilizers began to reach the best mixture between the two fertilizers, which gives better growth and production, less cost, and improves soil properties and increases its fertility.
The experimental results confirmed that the combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers could increase plant growth, yield, quality and soil fertility. It also confirmed that composted organic wastes can be used to substitute for around 25% of chemical nitrogen fertilizers [5]
It could be concluded that the integration of organic and inorganic fertilizers was better than using organic or inorganic fertilizer separately [1]