Unity: The Frequency of Universal Love by Lisa Renee

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Humankind now has an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a quantum leap of consciousness. The choices we make in the next few years will determine the evolutionary direction of our species. We have entered a new chapter of human evolution and are expanding into a new energetic reality. This New Energetic Reality is the Frequency of Universal Love or Unity consciousness. As of this year, 2008, we are shifting into a New Age. We are experiencing the Galactic Consciousness Cycle, a cycle that will begin to reveal to humanity the energetic reality of love as a force, instead of an experience of love as a mental or emotional concept imposed by a belief structure. Until now, humanity has evolved its consciousness through the Realm of the Ego, also known as the Third Dimensional Reality Structure. This has been one specific phase of human soul development in the Ascension Cycle of Consciousness Evolution. As humans, we perceive a 3D reality system set up very much like a computer program or a video game. Most humans only perceive themselves, and operate within their personality program of ego, as well as instinctual and subconscious intelligences. This is one level of expanded spiritual anatomy. The personality program includes three layers of intelligence

that have a physical experience in the polarity video game called, “The Earth Experiment.” Most people have no idea that their ego’s personality program is temporary and extremely limited to their own views of who they think they are. They get stuck inside the 3D Ego game without using their Soul joystick to navigate. They commonly become paralyzed between two opposing forces of polarity (Do I go left or right? Up or down? Choose love or fear?). While in this state of confusion, they become inert. The inertia slows down the soul’s evolutionary process, and they circle around in the game over and over unable to move beyond old negative ego patterns. They do not know how they got here and who is running the ego game. They do not know how to open themselves to learn the skills (soul lessons) that will elevate them from of the game (ego classroom). There is a way to understand the

Way of the Heart

human souls’ reincarnation plan in the polarity game of the current Earth Experiment. If a consciousness has not figured out how to master and transform the Realm of the Ego into the Frequency of Love, they return to the same ego game over and over in the attempt to complete it. No matter how painful or traumatizing the life pattern, as directed by the ego, they are destined to repeat it until they learn to transcend the pattern. This could mean hundreds or thousands of lifetime experiences for that soul continuing with the same ego. This is because the soul has forgotten it is a Divine Soul and is still operating as if it were just ego intelligence. During the Earth Experiment, many rigid belief structures have created the conditioning – the game of our social programming – since we have been small children. Additionally, our Family of Origin (our parents) has been extremely influential in the ways we developed so we would conform and


The lens of perception created from deeply ingrained ego programming has made it very challenging for most human beings to experience a love-based energetic reality. function in this 3D system. Through these imposed belief systems we have learned to experience the nature of our perceived reality from our personality program, the ego. Additionally, these are the main factors of how we have experienced our framework or feeling of what Love actually is. This means that we have been primarily trained to interpret life and love from the ego’s perspective and not from the experiential level of the soul.

The lens of perception created from deeply ingrained ego programming has made it very challenging for most human beings to experience a lovebased energetic reality. We have been raised since childhood to conform, to fit an adult model as a successfully contributing member of an ego based society. Our social values from a third dimensional consciousness have been values generated largely from a negative ego mass consciousness. Exerting control and extracting power from others, along with hierarchal global systems divided between the haves and the have not’s, has been par for the course at this phase of the game of human evolution. The 3D negative ego values are generally anti-life force values, those of power, material greed, and lower desire impulses. 24

When these anti-life values are continually expressed over many cycles, it ultimately creates suffering and destruction to the soul consciousness. The Living Light Expression of the Soul’s Love cannot easily coexist with consistently expressed anti-life

energy. Since the physical body is created from a finite amount of 3D material, it needs the Soul to express within it in order to experience the Eternal Living Light of One Source. When the consciousness is able to direct the qualities of Soul Love into the physical body, thereby infusing itself into the body, a 3D being can experience biological ascension – the resurrection of the physical body into its expressed Divinity in form. This is the potential of humanity’s evolution during this particular phase in human consciousness expansion. As we move from the Realm of the Ego into the Realm of the Soul during this current cycle, humankind will have the opportunity to experience the realization that all love begins with the Divinity existing within the Self. Our ability to recognize the Energetic Reality of Love is directly proportionate to our ability to hold the Frequency of Love within the Self. This Frequency of Love is Soul Love, as it is all encompassing as in Universal Love or Unity Consciousness. If one is unable to recognize the Divinity within and the inherent value of all life, the consciousness will continually seek validation from external sources or material based ego values. This need for externally based approval to substitute for Self/Soul Love will always be projected upon our interactions and relationships with others. If the external standards of validation are not met, personal beliefs of self worthiness or the ability to receive love will be greatly compromised. This is why so many people are filled with such negative feelings, low self worth, and a lack of inner peace. They are unable to recognize themselves as Divine Soul and therefore are unable to see the Divinity that exists within all of life. This creates distorted values, polarized thinking and judgmental belief systems.

Negatively polarized ego thinking such as belief-based judgments, directly stops the flow of Soul Love as an energetic force. The frequency of judgment and the frequency of love cannot simultaneously coexist within the human energy body. This means when one is holding the energy of judgment that the Frequency of Love cannot be experienced or transmitted to others. As the energetic vibrations on the planet accelerate, more of humanity will be awakened to realize that Love is the only energetic reality and constant. As we experience the powerful transformational forces of Soul Love, we will begin to recognize the divinity existing within the self. It is then we will begin to have the knowingness that all beings possess an intrinsic worth and value as a living part of the Divine. Through this realization of the Soul, humankind will evolve to understand Unity, and that we are one with ALL things. Unified as one, we can be fully engaged with the Frequency of Love or the love vibration. Unity consciousness expressed in human form is Christ Consciousness and is the state of oneness or Unity with everything that exists. It is transcendent love that is at one with everything and is attached to no-thing at the same time. From this state of being, everything in existence is known to be the simultaneous expression of the Divine Source, the One Self that is the God Source.

This Frequency of Love, Unity, is the fulfillment of the Christ principle and is the divine plan for humanity in the Earth Experiment.

May we utilize the spiritual technologies of our own consciousness to transform our planet and human consciousness into the Golden Age for all Sentient Beings!

As we strive to be expressions of the Frequency of Love we assist our soul identity to initiate the transformation process for our physical body to ascend. This process is cultivated by our intention and applying our will to be in harmony with the Living Light Expressions of the One Source. Living in harmony with all life is energetic integrity and congruence of Soul.

As we live in harmony with our soul we are living in the Energetic Reality of Unity consciousness. Through this presence all moments are recognized as divine and sacred as well that all beings are blessed. The new energy of Unity, the Frequency of Love, is a frequency of truth vibration as

directed by Source energy. No words are needed to express it, as this is simply an embodiment of truth presence. This level of love frequency can only be directed through a physical vehicle that has been largely freed (purified) of ego constraints and desires. The process of inner alchemy through polarity integration is required to sufficiently purify the physical vehicle so that in can embody the template of Christ Consciousness. The physical vehicle can now be utilized as a channel of unified source energy, and the template (including its nervous system) fully able to direct this Frequency of Love. Those that are now remembering to embody this love vibration are being asked to step up and hold the new energy as they watch the old ego system around them self destruct. As you become aware of the intentional field of Unity coming through your body in service to the Divine,

the channel of your being is flowing in congruence to the Energetic Reality of Love.

The power of this energetic principle in action is more profoundly transformative for our planet than anything else we could ever fabricate. May we utilize the spiritual technologies of our own consciousness to transform our planet and human consciousness into the Golden Age for all Sentient Beings! Unity! The Frequency of Universal Love. Until next we meet, stay in the luminosity of your Heart and Soul Path! We are here as One! b


Lisa Renee’s mission, along with Guardian Groups, is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness, and discussions about the impact of energy shifts on the planet, human beings, and human consciousness. She is an Intuitive, a Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Quantum Therapist, and Etheric Surgeon working in Santa Monica, California. She writes a monthly column at www.energeticsynthesis.com and at www.planetlightworker.com. Š 2008, Lisa Renee

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