Studio presentation

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Studio Book binding,datavisualization & more...

Raj Palan

Data visualization For the data visualization assignment i chose to find out how the number of people taking the various modes of transport changes during the various days of the week.This led to the finding that the rickshaw use increases drastically on mondays. This assignment exposed me to the beauty of data visualization and also made me explore an area which i would not have looked into otherwise.

Book binding The book binding course for me wasn’t that interesting as we were taught only basic book binding techniques.I would have liked it if the duration of the was at least a full day. I was expecting to learn something more than what was taught.

Text + Image The iterations were pretty fun to do and i enjoyed this exercise.

The reason why i have chosen this image is that i really like how the character(Homer) is lifting the donut which is a part of the text.The donut has left stains on the original text which is a beautiful detail.

The reason why i have chosen this image is that the combination of the image and text in this photograph produces a very dramatic effect and coveys the message in a very powerful manner.

The reason why i have chosen this image is that i like the fact that the combination of text and image in this photograph produces a completely different image which is that of a switch.

Typographic sculpture Plug It In For this project we pasted incomplete letters below various sockets in srishti. When a charger is plugged into the socket the letters are completed which when put together form the sentence "PLUG IT IN".

Book Cover For the book cover i played with the concept that culture jammers usually modify existing billboards and logos and to convey a message. Similarly on the book cover i have pasted the title on already existing text.

Lo adirem ip Pr pisc sum digaesening el dolo du nissi t pu it. Vi r sit comi tort m. Qulvinarvamu amet du mo or. Et isqu era s a l , con me i risusdo, qu iam c e a mt at nacinia secte ero tus i ege am onv atti ibh a ma tur sed s et aculis stas lacus allis, os leo. dipisuris. jus sem temp orc urna hen dio Nun cing iac to nu per i us soi conv . Maedrerit a ma c at Nul ulis vella. Cupsum dales allis a cena est, i ttis n s la a lit , m u r nte dap abitu aurismi m ctor. scele lacini dol ibus r pe ege assa Cras risqu a or, l imp et. M lente t lect semp tristi e erd orb sque us. er n que , V iet i eg e sed et variu ivamu que, lob vive sest, s in r ort is a ra eroet c q s. uam .

“A mu st r ead �-T he

Lor em ipsu elit. md con Maec olo e v r cor allis r nas in sit am isus per n e . auc auc Nul isl ero t, con to t s s l ma r hen or con a vel s . Ut se ectetu u d id v ris jus rerit, sectet uscipit d sap r adip ie s e i u t con hicula o at s em an r. Don ipsum n turp scing . a e sec t i a E s e c p t , ien ipsu tet rcu f . D vehic biben iam u ac a u cub m prim r place cilisis uis se ula qu dum, llam u m d il a i r t vel ia Cura s in fa at id e . Morb per al m, eu ui in u i fer suscip e; Sus cibus u libe i in od quam posue ro m it r i p o ma gna e con entum orci t endis rci luc . Vest o non d se i rist i sec t , b u u n u i s u lu i a cur t sus etur a lla sem que. Q culis l et ultr m an te ib i u feli d s. F ipisci per qu isque ero id ces po usc ng s a i i s uer p u . s e c e fa L u t ucib lit. Sed orem i or au m feu e cto psu us e vel r e giat m n st t urp eque t dolor st, ut is, n s o ec t rtor, s it ame it a t, inci dun met tm etu s.

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a tactic used by many consumer social movements Ac om me n pla tary o ys a n role how s o in t ran cial ja m sfo rmi ming ng the me dia

Ron English

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