A Legal Passage to Free Farmers from Land Acquisition Policy Farmers of any country are the backbone of that nation, they should be appraised and rewarded for their hardwork and all the efforts they put in to provide our basic necessity for living, i.e food. But in India farmers are always neglected by both government and common people.
The plight of the farmers in our country is so worse ,that even the news of a farmer's suicide is so common now a days, that they have now just become few words to fill in those blank spaces in newspapers. Due to this negligence by government day by day we are losing the gemstones of our country, which is a more severe loss for our nation. They do ’t eve get that desired profit fro their agri ulture that they e o e helpless in providing their families basic needs of life. Those people supplying food to whole of the country starve for that food, and no one even cares about this. The Land Pooling Policy was proposed by DDA to fulfil the housing needs of people and to give farmers justice against the long practiced Land Acquisition Policy, wherein the land of farmers were taken away at low rates. The Land Pooling Policy is basically a process where farmers with small chunks of land can come together and pool it. The pooled land will then be developed by private developers. Once the development is completed 48-60% of the land is returned to the land owners. LPP has the power to produce 20, 000-25,000 hectares of land. LPP if implemented will propel the mission of Master Plan Delhi 2021, which aims to provide housing to all by the year 2022.