Professional and Undergraduate worksamples

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Rakan W. Ayyoub U n d e r g r a d u a t e & P r o f e s s i o n a l



3rd year



Project Conceptualization

Located in a very distinct district in The Jordanian Capital, Jabal Al Waibdeh “Mount Waibdeh” is one of the oldest inhibited areas in the history of Amman, the Coffee place was chosen to have a very deconstructionist and provocative look in order to make it stand out from the crowed of traditional Jordanian architecture present in the area

The narrow voids linking between buildings are interlocking at different points, these points allow activity to transform and change so it is reflecting the motion of cars and pedestrians within that area. The buildings evolved over time in an arithmetic way in a series of 1 to 2 levels, the regulations changed to allow 3, or more. This growth in length is equal to the change in time, and the continuity and flawlessness of time induces us to think of 1 continuous structure such as a folded structure. When observing the area's skyline of the nearby buildings, each level of the surroundings, can be combined and compressed into a multilevel structure, thus creating a folded sectional grid, jumping in and about 6 levels, each level represents a change in functionality. The ability to store more books on an inclined bended slab is of vital importance to the projects economical survival, angular walls allow for easy leveling, thus a ramp was created that crosses one level of bookshelves right onto another level, and up towards another ramp that leads to the outside terraces. The section shows the sequential jump of levels from number 1 “ The entrance” to number 6 “ The gallery” Notice the ramp leading towards the reading areas which in turn shifts level to the inclined book shelves which is on the same level then shifts levels by ramps towards the terrace. Notice how the exhibition space is created by the void and the hanging artwork that can be seen from all around the building.

The Book place Cafe 4



9 7


1. Main Entrance, 2. Inclining Ramp ,3. Prep. Area ,4. Ordering Counter, 5. W.C ,6. Setting and Reading., 7. Void Open To Below , 8. Inclining Book Shelves , 9. Setting and Reading

This plan shows the small entrance area, it was designed in this manner to allow for security measures, a ramp follows to take the users to another level hence a change of functionality towards an ordering counter and a setting area, the area views a gallery below from the void and a view towards the outside, the right part of the plan shows another setting area that leads to inclined book shelves. The Back elevation faces a northen area were there is no direct lightning, northen areas may reduce favorable ambient conditions. This is the elevation used for the book shelves, it is mainly used as a folded slab that holds most of the building together.

Section A-A




Plan Ground Floor

A t h i r d y e a r p r o j e c t

F I G U R E 1 . A Voids and the surrounding buildings.

F I G U R E 1 . B Change in building height = change in time

2 3


5.... 4

F I G U R E 1 . C Hence a 6 leveled folded structure with 6 changes in activity

F I G U R E 1 . D Time Represents continuity , a folded structure

The Inclining Book Shelf



4 Reading Area

2 Entrance Transformation Gallery



6 Section A-A

The Bookplace Cafe A t h i r d y e a r p r o j e c t


3rd year



Located in one of Jordan’s most visited areas, Jabal Amman “Mount Amman” the area is a very rich cultural and urban space. The Computer History Museum was established as a non-profit organization in 1999 in the united states. The Museum is dedicated to the preservation and celebration of computing history. It is home to one of the largest international collections of computing artefacts in the world, encompassing computer hardware, ephemera, photographs, moving images, documents and software.

Project Conceptualization

Project Conceptualization

To conceptualize the design; since the functional requirements of a museum are quite limited, it was easy to symbolize the conception to include chips each comprising an architectural program, thus being analogous to the machine language of a computer, with interconnecting paths forming an analogous circulation pattern, which introduces a sequential programming of the visitor as he passes through the so called units. The Sketches show the primary formation of the spaces in elevation form , it is clear how the auditorium space is buried underneath and the rest of the museum is composed of interconnected spaces that overlap each other and are connected.

Computer History Museum A t h i r d y e a r p r o j e c t Exhibition Space Program

F I G U R E 2 . E Computer history Timeline Exhibition

Exhibition Space Program Interconnection path

Exhibition Unit

Exhibition Space Program

Exhibition Space Program

Exhibition Unit

Exhibition Unit

Interconnection path Exhibition Space Program

The Formation of a logical schemata


F I G U R E 2 . A Concept initiation


F I G U R E 2 . B Labyrinthine Movements



F I G U R E 2 . C Geometrical Formations

F I G U R E 2 . D O v e r a l l L a y e r i n g F I G U R E 2 . F Semi-Conductor Exhibition

Section A-A

1. Computer Time line Exhibition, 2. Entrance ,3. Entrance ,4. Visible Storage Exhibition.

1. Computer Time Line Exhibition , 2. Computer Advertisement History Exhibition ,3. Visible Storage Exhibition

1. Semiconductor Exhibition, A




1 1



Computer History Museum A t h i r d y e a r p r o j e c t


4th year



Project Concept

Chosen in the city of Zarka, the functional requirements of the program were quite brutal and a lot of the concentration was on functional and structural accuracy and on healthcare conceptual design for eye centers in general.

A Healing Theater Facilitation of way finding

The project deals with many design aspects, focusing primarily on the subject of evidence based design EBD, the project included a variety of healthcare design ideas incorporated and integrated into this building to produce a fully functional, patient rewarding and visitor friendly experience. In its essence the placebo pill effect and the interaction between the body and the mind was of major importance, hence this evidence based healing environment.

F I G U R E 3 . A Curvilinear formation to facilitate way finding

F I G U R E 3 . B A healing theater experience Healing and Positive Working experience

Cataract Surgery Center a f o u r t h y e a r p r o j e c t Celebration of sight

most of us do not go around touching buildings, yet without thinking about it we touch them all the time, celebration of eye sight is of vital importance in hospital design and construction, the idea of walking form darkness to light has been celebrated in all cultures, " All colors will agree in the dark ", The Placebo Effect The site has no challenging views to promote the placebo pill effect, creation of this placebo pill effect using architectural + environmental challenging aspects may contribute to produce an architectural concept.

The diagram Shows the zoning of various departments within the building the main, ia central circulation space and void can be seen clearly here, surrounded by 2 main cores, that distribute circulation and functional flow from one place to another seamlessly,

This healing environment must reflect a positive working environment for the doctors also, hence the creation of this experience based economy overruns the service based economy. This kind of economy (experienced based is now leading the market e.g branding), for that the creation of a memorable experience makes people place a higher value on it (this is known as scripting the experience), for an experience is basically the knowledge, occurrence and the feelings that takes place, and so making this project as a healing stage was the major concept.

All Patients on east side to emphasis circadian rhythms.

Healing Environment to be created here (Stage)

The Curvilinear Shape enables patients to be spectators

F I G U R E 3 . C Functional layering

Main Visitor Circulation and void

Inpatient Bedrooms Cataract Surgery Suite

Outpatient Clinics Engineering Workshops Main Labs Emergency Department Morgue Cataract Radiology ICU Central Warhouses Laundry Department

Cataract SurgeryCafe Center The Bookplace A t h i ar df oy ue r at rh py r eoaj re cp tr o j e c t



Project Conceptualization

8th Cycle

The shmesani area is filled with voids between buildings, these voids can be used at a lower level in order to maintain some sort of visual continuity. When looking at the area’s surroundings a lot of features can be noticed: The external visual framing continuity EVFC aspect will impact the users, and clients ability to interact with the outside, passers by and cars will be able to view the building from the outside, giving them a transparent and honest visual experience of what is going on inside the building. The external visual framing continuity EVFC , will also insure a pleasant working environment for the staff of the building, bringing in plenty of natural lightning. The internal visual framing continuity IVFC , is a concept based on the honesty of the interactions between the bank departments and other mixed used stories. For the purpose of delivering an efficient IVFC the building was first split into 2 main sections. Then in order to provide a more honest view instead of a building being composed of 1 floor slab, the floor slabs were to be shifted along the Z axis in order for the viewer to grasp a wider viewing frame of 2 stories instead of 1.


6 . A

The building is composed of low e-glazing curtain walls, on a spider based mullion system, the system is supported by the aluminum panels at the front of the building, the panels are in turn supported by the masts on each side.

F I G U R E 2 . E Computer history Timeline Exhibition

Viewing two stories at once enables a more confident way finding ability, plus that it enables the client or building users to experience more of the building, thus that they are exposed more to the nature of the banking departments, and more to other retail stores and so on. Split levels were used in order to make a diversity in building uses also, a change in function from one department to another may enhance the users’ psychological state of mind. F I G U R E 4 . B Interior Branding for the client’s waiting area


IVFC middle area

Internal visual framing continuity Left Building plan

Right Building plan



Geometrical F o r m a t i o n s

Building Transparency enhances honest client-dealer interaction and may promote a feeling of well being


View View

EVFC External visual framing continuity





Left Building section


Right Building section

Project Conceptualization

F I G U R E 2 . F Semi-Conductor Exhibition

The building is composed of low eglazing curtain walls, on a spider based mullion system, the system is supported by the aluminum panels at the front of the building, the panels are in turn supported by the masts on each side, this specific design is to encourage a visual movement as cars and pedestrians move by.

Shading Device

F I G U R E 4 . C Interior Branding for the client’s waiting area.

4 1


2 5

Horizontal Panel


Supporting Mast

6 7

Low e Curtain Wall Vertical Bracing


1. Entrance Lobby, 2. Coffee Place, 3. W.C. , 4. Credit Manager , 5. Credit and Auditing Dept. 6. Daily safe, 7. Security Pass, 8. Dealers’ Hall


Located in one of Jordan’s most visited areas, Jabal Amman “Mount Amman” the area project is a very was rich cultural and The Computer Historymid-rise Museum A bank intended to urban teachspace. students the ways in which was established as a non-profit organization in 1999 in the united states. The buildings are built and designed, the project is located in an area stacked Museum is dedicated toand the preservation celebration computing history. with mid-rise buildings, is a very vitaland commercial andofbusiness district in Itthe is home to one of the largest international collections of computing artefacts Jordanian Capital. in the world, encompassing computer hardware, ephemera, photographs, moving images, documents and software.

National Commercial Bank A t h i r d y e a r p r o j e c t 20+10+X World Architecture Community Awards




Sha ana v i s i o n a r y


5th year




Village Intervention

Conceptual Approach

working on the aesthetic embodied response to architectural spaces, of both interiors and exteriors, and not just the visual pleasures of the surface(glass geometric regularity), but the tactile, auditory and olfactory pleasures that the body responds to a whole, such as textured materials, hollowed acoustic spaces, coding smells to building areas etc and etc..

In the village area , as someone approaches its entrance a minor plot with old destroyed houses was chooses in order to construct a traditional hotel, the hotel was designed in a manner to contradict the villages architectural element. The Juxtapositioning of the extremely high tech building materials and the very old stones, redefines the sites religious - and architectural elements and exposes them in a eccentric way, the allows the visitors that approach the site to start feeling and wondering about the place.

Courtyards bring enough intimacy with nature, forming a reasonable spirit of place feeling.

Guest Room

The middle corridor is completely interactive with the natural features of the site, the platform which it constitutes allows interaction with the sand below. Middle Corridor

Rooms are separated from the main old building by means of a high tech glass box, although the box is not completely open to the outside the above skylight can bring enough light at all times of day Guest Room

Kitchen services are close to the restaurant areas and the rooms for optimum service.

Kitchen Services

There is more to a place than its physical dimensions the understanding of place, sensibility, due respect to it’s nature and the courage to design something new is probably an approach to generate new meaningful places. Places are complex systems and we are still very weak in understanding and dealing with complex systems and thier phenomena. Traces that represent the search of the traveler towards a place remind us that earth is not only a surface, but beneath it and beneath our feet the earth continues downwards. We feel the movement of the planet as we feel gravity . “elements” – the project articulates on these motifs Architecture confronts tradition and can reformulate memory in a way that points to the future. The goal is to bring traditional aesthetic qualities in a entirely novel and previously unforeseen way that discloses the philosophy of time and place, and world existence. the building is not only an object to be viewed. It is formed merely by its relationship to everything that surrounds it both from a very physical and environmentally significant way. This relationship creates a spiritual connection both with its place and with the people who enter that realm. It's the movement within spaces which anticipates the form of the building. “ the sites energy creates a certain movement and rhythm” – 3 dimensional movement, underground. Sky direction and the movement horizontally.

F I G U R E 4 . C Introducing an exhibition inside an old house.

F I G U R E 4 . A Incorporating the building with natural stone formations.


4 . B

Sketching destroyed limestone village buildings.

Ground Floor Plan









5th year



1. Entrance 2. Foyer 3. Library: Reading , Exploration 4. Artificial lightning exhibition 5. Penetration of Nature exhibition 6. Contemporary Meets Past Gallery 7. Amphitheater - the social reunion 8. Restaurant 9. Transitional Tunnel 10. Plaza - play with nature 11. Audiovisuals exhibition

First Floor Plan



1. Entrance 2. Foyer 3. Library: Reading , Exploration 4. Artificial lightning exhibition 5. Penetration of Nature exhibition 6. Contemporary Meets Past Gallery 7. Amphitheater - the social reunion 8. Restaurant 9. Transitional Tunnel 10. Plaza - play with nature 11. Audiovisuals exhibition F I G U R E 2 . E Computer history Timeline Exhibition






Section A-A

5 6

Section A-A


F I G U R E 2 . F Semi-Conductor Exhibition

Computer History Museum A t h i r d y e a r p r o j e c t

I n. sDt ri ruecct toor rs : P



Project Description

Producing the fundamental Design, Final Design and tender documents for the $ 20 Billion, Shamia Expansion and Service Building for the Holly Masque in Mecca, ( Al Haram ) expansion project.

Al-Haram Expansion Work Responsabilities

p r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e 2011

Participated in the conceptual design and provided full technical support throughout the entire project.  Applied diverse knowledge of Islamic architectural principles and practices in a broad array of assignments and related fields.  Was responsible for the production and oversight of construction documents that conform to Saudi standards and client standards, including drawings and specifications.  Participated in coordination works with other Dar departments and other consultants  Was responsible for working directly with the project designer and client (Saudi Government Representative) to realize the project vision.  Development of detailed solutions to exclusive conditions.  Served as a resource and provided technical guidance to less experienced architects.

FIGURE 5.C left Terrace areas with prayer lines directed perpendicularly towards Kabba

FIGURE 5.D middle Transition Area between Shamia Building and service area.

FIGURE 5.E right Bird’s eye view zone 15

Detailed design and tender documents for an extension to the Makah Holy Haram to accommodate additional 800,000 worshipers, comprising a new building of 4 praying levels with a capacity of 300,000 worshipers, connected at its ground, first and roof floors to the First Saudi Extension of Makah Haram, and includes a basement level for electro-mechanical services; state-of-the-art technology in natural and artificial climate and lighting controls; security, crowd management, and sound distribution and control systems; structural health monitoring sensors; cleaning equipment; interactive signage; and high end interior finishing works. The project provides internal courtyards covered with 12 operable skylights, 6 fixed ones, 4 fixed domes of 18 m diameter each, and one 36 m diameter sliding dome above the 24 m wide/26 m high ceremonial spine connecting the north and south piazzas through a 59 m wide main gate at the north end flanked by 2 new minarets (135 m high each) on its left and right sides and a 30 m wide gate at the south end. The project also comprises 194,000 m² external praying piazzas accommodating 314,000 worshipers with 2,500 toilet cubicles and 850 ablution points beneath them; a service building of 6 overlapped radial steps accommodating 11,000 toilets, 5,370 ablution points, 2 helipads, service and solid waste management facilities, authorities' offices and a 110,000 m² praying area at its roof level for 165,000 worshipers; several bridges (total of 42,750 m²) linking the new building to the service building and to the existing Holy Haram; a service road below the external piazzas and dedicated service culverts carrying all infrastructure utility networks; and a temporary steel bridge for access of trucks during construction.

F I G U R E 5 . A Walkways under terrace areas, comprising ablutions


5 . B

Construction site of Shamia expansion

P. Director:



Project Description

Conceptual design, Design Development, and Tender Documents for Abraj Kudai Towers Complex, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, a 12 mega skyscrapers complex joined by a podium.

Locating a sophisticated multi-functional development in such a prestigious site in the vicinity of the Holy Haram, imposed certain character and determinants. Due to its huge unparalleled size, height, distinguished location and exposure, the building forces itself as a landmark that should relate to both the Saudi Locality as well as the Islamic Universality of its expected users, over and above to illustrate its modern multi-functional identity.

F I G U R E 6 . A Main Building Entrance Gate

The project is a “Residential, Commercial Complex” at Manafia area, in Makkah Central Zone, 2.2Km. south of the Holy “Haram” and 1.7 Km through tunnel .

Abraj Kudai

Work Responsabilities

p r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e  Basic configuration of massing, and site layout, production of sun and wind studies  Major contributions to the design of elevation openings, including arches, gates, windows and other various design elements       

including cornices, corbeling design. The design of such elements required deep analysis of Mecca's architecture and a vast study of various Islamic architectural elements. Leading the 3D BIM modeling of the various design components using Sketchup with a team including 6 architects. Contributing to the 2D detailing of all design components to produce references for the assembly of major true length design elevations and sections. Leading 3D BIM assembly and design of each tower using Sketchup by creating assemblies of components , the design process thrived to produce a highly detailed 3D model of the 12 towers to produce finalized 2D parallel CAD elevations under the supervision of a Senior Architect. Production of High Quality Design Renders using 3D studio max, and V-Ray Participated in Final Design and Tender Documents Producing Detailed building enclosure drawings, sectional details, material treatments using Revit Architecture Software. Reconstructing a detailed Revit based 3D BIM model, the process required redrawing of floor plans, sections, producing room schedules, and other drawings according to the List of Deliverables.

FIGURE 6.D right Site plan showing a flower dome arrangement.

FIGURE 6.E middle Void areas between towers.

FIGURE 6.F right Elevation

The total site area is approx. 60,000 m², Ajyad road from the east, Kudai & Birka tunnels from the west and Prince Meteb land from north the site is accessible from two main roads from east & west as well as a private road from north, surrounded by private buildings and properties from the East . However, many advantages were carefully considered and used to achieve the best solution and the maximum benefit of the allocated site as listed hereafter:

F I G U R E 6 . B Tower 6, with artificial light to simulate natural sunlight.

F I G U R E 2 . E Computer history Timeline Exhibition

 The site outstanding location and being nearby the

Holy “Haram” with a direct access to Haram piazza for both pedestrian and vehicular circulation.  The complete separation between pedestrian routes and vehicular circulation due to the presence of the Kudai station , Rail way (APM) and Kudai & Birka tunnels.

F I G U R E 6 . C Excavation works in site area under construction.

F I G U R E 2 . F Semi-Conductor Exhibition

PI .nM s tar uncatgoer sr :



Project Conceptual Approach

Schematic and Conceptual Design for Le - Meridian Hotel Extension in Amman Jordan, this included proposals for various options with schematic plans, elevations,3d models and rendered images.

Le Meridian Expansion

Work Responsabilities

p r o f e s s i o n a l

E x p e r i e n c e

 Lead Direct meetings with the clients to determine project needs and objectives.  Lead the entire concept design with a team of interns.  Was responsible for coordinating and monitoring Revit modeling between interns, junior architects and other Dar engineering    

trades. Lead coordination meetings with other trades. Produced high quality renderings and presentation graphics for the proposal. Lead the production of the design presentation proposal package for the client. Participated in meetings and project presentation to the client.

The concept was developed as a direct relationship between the site analysis results and the client's needs. The project emerged as a transparent building allowing for the maximum use of daylight and the stunning views of the site. The exterior façades represent a dynamic transition between the surrounding buildings to a building that suites its location as a high-tech landmark for the 21st century. Influenced by the Fiberglass reinforced concrete cladding style of the 1960s Iskan's commercial building, the bands of GRC sequentially open up in dynamic steps to reveal more daylight and views. This corresponds to the clients' needs of more ample daylight and views that were not present in the nearby Meridian and the Iskan building. The location of the GRC used in the building is located in the northern elevation of the building that is by nature lacking in natural daylight and is facing the old buildings, facades thus blocking any views. These GRC steps open up slowly towards the north, thus providing necessary shading during summer daylight when the sun is almost perpendicular to the building and is strongest in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the sky during the morning and evening. The GRC panels lose their influence towards the south elevation to allow for natural daylight to enter during winter times when the sun is lowest in the sky and tends to be present more in the south. The southern elevation is however treated with high tech shading devices that can block the sun completely in the summer when needed.

F I G U R E 7 . A Back Elevation of the tower and part of the surrounding complex

F I G U R E 7 . A View from the Abdali complex towards the Iskan area.

The glass in the building was designed to be of transparent LOW e glazing with low reflectance, this reduces glare to the surrounding Shmesani residential area and maintains a beautiful exterior connectivity from inside to outside providing a more welcoming experience. The building uses floor landscaping in various areas, unlike the landscaping treatment in the ISKAN commercial building that represented a fungi problem in the flooring treatment. The landscaping in this building is based upon HYDROPONICS where soil is not present and the rate of growth of greenery is multiplied. The trees represent shading, increase the real estate value of the building and allow for noise reduction and cancellation from the surrounding highway streets. The mixture of glass, greenery and WOODPLASTIC composites in the elevations allows for a theme rarely present in the country and is suitable to be represented as a new Icon as the Iskan commercial building was in the past.

P. Director:



Project Description

Conceptual design, of the Mecca Hotel and Commercial Complex, a twin tower hotel, joined by a podium, situated within a commercial complex containing a health club, a club house, residential villas, a mega mall and various exhibition halls.

Makah Hotel & Complex Work Responsabilities

p r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e

Basic configuration of massing, and site layout, production of sun and wind studies Major contributions to the design of building enclosure. Leading the 3D modeling of the various design components using Sketchup with a team including 6 architects. Contributing to the 2D detailing of all design components to produce references for the assembly of major true length design elevations and sections.  Production of High Quality Design Renders using 3D studio max, and V-Ray    

Yet another multi-functional development in the vicinity of the Holy Haram, the development includes various functional units in a mini scale urban complex of total site area of 117665 m2. The project included 3 main entrances including a service entrance. The functions were comprised of a Mega-mall of total area: 50826 m2, various types of residential villas with total area of: 19234 m2, a multipurpose hall total area of: 15945 m2 , a health club with total area of: 7566 m2, employee housing areas with total area of: 7200 m2, exhibition hall with total area of: 11330 m2, a small mosque with total area of 480 m2 and a twin tower hotel with a built up area of 83150 m2, yielding a total built up area of 287850 m2.

F I G U R E Mega mall

8 . A

F I G U R E 8 . B Private Villa Areas

F I G U R E 2 . E Computer history Timeline Exhibition

The project was designed on a crescent geometry basis in the site plan, and the architectural language spoke of Makkah local architecture rather than the typical islamic architectural elements located near the holly haram.

F I G U R E 8 . C Modified Pointed arch, a variation from the original

F I G U R E Mega Mall entrance

8 . D

F I G U R E 2 . F Semi-Conductor Exhibition

F I G U R E 8 . E Multipurpose hall Elevation.

Typical floor plan showing various spaces.

I n. sDt ri ruecct toor rs : P



Project Conceptual Approach

Building Information Modeling (BIM) and architectural design, including coordination with other engineering disciplines, and preparation of specifications and other technical design documents, for Al Madina Convention Center, Al Madina Al Munawa, Saudi Arabia,

Madina Convention Center

Work Responsabilities

p r o f e s s i o n a l

E x p e r i e n c e

Participated in design conception, and design development for the entire project Detailed configuration of massing, and site layout, production of sun and wind studies Managing a team of junior architects and playing a major role in the planning of site layout, site planning and parking. Leading Revit BIM modeling of the project site using eagle point site works. Leading the team for BIM detailing of all design components. Direct and continuous coordination with other engineering trades to realize project accuracy and to produce a warning free Revit BIM model.  Leading the production of the tender package for construction purposes.      

Detailed design and supervision of construction for a 4-storey convention center (including a basement level) on a site area of 91,000 m². The project consists of a main convention theater for 2,500 persons, 2 large exhibition halls, 3 multipurpose halls, meeting rooms, business center, economic and media center, service and landscaped areas. Parking spaces for 2,100 cars are provided at both the basement and ground levels. Total built-up area: 40,405 m². Upon Request of the Saudi government the design language was reminiscent of that used in Makah, it is evident how governmental buildings use this architectural language to represent themselfs. A new introduction of roof screens and Kufi font writing on were introduced to the language, the Kufi font is illuminated with LED light during night time. The design passed through a long proposal phase before getting into the final image, many sub-consultants participated in the design process including interior designers and acoustic design for the convention halls. This project was the first project to be completely designed using building information modeling in Dar Group. everything was modeled using Autodesk Revit.


9 . C

BIM Revit model showing Architectural and structural elements

F I G U R E 9 . A Entrance hall showing escalators and elevators

F I G U R E 9 . B Conference Hall with acoustical treatments and Dome area

P. Director:



Project Description

The design included site analysis, study works, planning, and producing various skin treatments for hotel and residential towers to be used as the bases for the urban planners to build upon.

Urban design proposal of a complex of 135 residential and commercial towers to allow room for pilgrims in Makah during pilgrimage season. The design included the design of 9 tower types with variations, with various podium designs to incorporate streets and parking, and other vital facilitates, podium floor areas where between 2000 to 3000 m², tower floor areas ranged from 1000 m² to 3000 m² with 15 to 25 floors per tower, giving a total built up area of around 5.3 million m². The urban design took the views towards the Kabah in consideration, this how many towers were massed for maximum exposure towards the Haram.

Work Responsabilities


FIGURE 10.A Main spine area with water features, ground LED lights and sprinkler cooled environment.

F I G U R E 1 0 . B Approaching zone 1, podium spanning a 70 m high cliff.

The client this time was more open minded to use a modernized Islamic architecture but with a hint of Maka’s Local architecture.

 Coordination with the Urban Planning department to realize project objectives  Configuration of massing, and site layout, production of sun and wind studies  Deep study, research and analysis of Mecca's historical architecture and a vast study of various Islamic architectural elements,

to combine with modern green sustainable techniques to produce a LEED complying city.  Leading the 3D modeling of the various design components using Sketchup.  Contributing to the detailed planning and configuration of all tower layouts and podiums.  Production of High Quality Design Renders using Lumion and Photoshop

The Building openings and plans followed a 3.8 m by 3.8 grid, this grid was reflected on everything from tower proportions, floor heights, windows, columns and other typical units.

F I G U R E 2 . E Computer history Timeline Exhibition

FIGURE 10.C-D Voids and the surrounding buildings.

Islamic patterned screens and abstract Islamic arabesque were used to promote the modern architectural feel of the project. The wooden Mashrabiah theme of Makah and the local yellow stone in Mount Khandama natural formations were strong elements in the definition of the theme. FIGURE 10.D Left Entire Project site plan showing the Haram service building below

F I G U R E 2 . F Semi-Conductor Exhibition

F I G U R E 1 . A Voids and the surrounding buildings.

FIGURE 10.E Left L shaped tower showing podium below and spine area.

Rakan Ayyoub p











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