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The Carefoot’s 5 Pieces of Advice About Fostering

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Fostering to Adopt

Fostering to Adopt

• Remember about reunification. “Have it in the forefront of your mind that the first goal of fostering is to reunite the child back with their biological family.”

• Go into it with the best of intentions for the child. “The whole purpose of fostering is to love on a child that needs safety and comfort for however long it’s supposed to be.”


• Do your research on an agency. “There are lots of agencies to choose from—some are based on faith and some agencies aren’t. Talk to people in your area. You want an agency that’s going to have your back and a team that’s going to help and fight with you for that.”

• Be patient. “Know that the whole process takes a long time.”

• Find a group of people to support you. “Having friends who have been through it is really important. It’s easier to go through when you have a support system. If you don’t know anyone who’s been through it, you can meet people in your classes.” to a healthy baby girl, Marleigh.

Now, Nicole said 3-year-old Clayton and 1-and-a-half-year-old Marliegh are the best of friends.

While the journey to growing their family wasn’t easy, the Carefoots can look back and see the how far they’ve come.

“Clay was a wrinkly baby failing to thrive and to see where he is now, how much he’s grown, and how loving he is, it’s the most rewarding part.”

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