28 de septiembre de 2015
Indice Open Office “Writter” ........................................................................................................................5 <<File>> ..........................................................................................................................................6 <<Edit>> .........................................................................................................................................6 <<View>>........................................................................................................................................6 <<INSERT>> ....................................................................................................................................7 <<FORMAT>> .................................................................................................................................7 <<Chart>> .....................................................................................................................................8 <<Tools>> .......................................................................................................................................8 <<Tool Macro>> .............................................................................................................................9 <<Dialogues>> ..............................................................................................................................12 <<Módules>> ...............................................................................................................................12 <<Library>> ..................................................................................................................................13 <<Window>> ................................................................................................................................13 <<Help>> ......................................................................................................................................13 Libre Office .......................................................................................................................................15 <<Archive>> .................................................................................................................................15 <<Edit>> .......................................................................................................................................16 << See>> .......................................................................................................................................16 <<Insert>> ....................................................................................................................................17 <<Format>> ..................................................................................................................................17 <<Table>> .....................................................................................................................................18 <<Tool>> ......................................................................................................................................18 <<Window>> ................................................................................................................................19 <<Help>> ......................................................................................................................................19 <<File>> ........................................................................................................................................25 <<Start>> ......................................................................................................................................26 <<Insert>> ....................................................................................................................................26 <<Design of Page>> ......................................................................................................................26 <<References>> ............................................................................................................................27 <<Check>> ....................................................................................................................................28 <<IDIOMA>> .................................................................................................................................29 <<Sight>> .....................................................................................................................................30
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Window>> ................................................................................................................................30 <<Macros>>..................................................................................................................................31 <<Programmer>> .........................................................................................................................31 <<To display the Developer tab>> ................................................................................................32 <<Code>> .....................................................................................................................................33 Image Tools....................................................................................................................................33 <<FORMAT>> ...............................................................................................................................34 Adjust group ...................................................................................................................................34 You will find all the options that allow you to improve the image quality. You can change the color, correct the brightness or sharpness, add effects that will make it much more professional image and remove the background. .....................................................................34 In addition, you can optimize the weight of the image, without losing quality, to email it, for example. You do this with the tool which is indicated in the red box. .....................................34 Picture Styles group ......................................................................................................................34 You can find different tools that allow you to customize the look. ..........................................34 Arrange group ................................................................................................................................34 You'll find all the tools that allow you to place the image into a Word document. You can put it in the middle, on the left or top of the page. If you have other elements within the document, such as graphics or text, you can put the image in front of those elements or send it to the background. ............................................................................................................34
28 de septiembre de 2015
28 de septiembre de 2015
Open Office “Writter” Open Office’s initial screen: Open Office’s initial screen will show a menu for you to choose the type of file you’re going to create; which includes “text document”, “spreadsheet”, “presentations”, “drawings”, “database”, and “template”.
Menu bar
Standard bar Formatting toolbar
Status bar
28 de septiembre de 2015
Menu bar: <<File>> Here are the general options to open, save, print or create documents. We also find here the options for exporting to other formats (PDF, MSOffice formats, HTML), digitally sign documents, manage templates, preview, attendees to generate content. As well as options to configure your printer and print.
<<Edit>> Here are the general basic editing functions such as copy, cut and paste; find and replace an specific text in the active document (with which you are working). In a few words, here you can find basic functions so you can edit the text you are working at.
<<View>> Here you can find the different views in which you can see your file, such as web design or printing. You can show or hide basic tools so you can find different view formats with which will be presented the document to the user, as well as helping tools to provide more quality to your document, such as text limits, unprintable characters, lateral bar, state bar, or even work in fullscreen.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<INSERT>> This includes some general options for inserting changes in your document. You can add tables, images, hyperlinks, symbols, references, frame, videos or sounds to your document, where some of those options will deploy a menu to see its various functions.
<<FORMAT>> Aquí en esta opción encontraremos la parte del formato de la página, donde te mostrara varias opciones generales para mejorar del formato del documento como por ejemplo tenemos la opción de página, bullets and numbering, style and formatting, AutoCorrect among many options that will be useful for your document. In this option you will find the page format, which will show you various general options to improve the file format such as bullets and numbering, style and formatting, AutoCorrect among many options that will be useful for your document.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Chart>> This has all the general functions from the table menu in which you can modify it to your liking. It shows you the options to insert, delete, select, tuning, among other options that will be very useful for your document.
<<Tools>> The Tools menu has many options that generally offers much help, such as language, gallery, media playback, satos bibliographic base, configuration options, the macros option will show the general menu that will give you the tools needed to create it.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Tool Macro>> This option lets you find how the macro is performed, to record a macro click the “RECORD MACRO OPTION”.
In the “record macro” tab you can loosely design your macro, you can insert images to fix the format your liking, modify the font type and color. To finish the macro, you must click “FINISH RECORDING”.
Where you will find a tab that lets you save your macro. To run your macro you should open a new file >>Tools >>Macro >>Execute macro
28 de septiembre de 2015
The moment you click “run macro” there will be shown a tab with a small menu.
Where we will click the “MY MACROS” option to show a searching menu.
We will search the name of the macro, and in this case, the macro will be named “Main1”. We will select it and click “run” and it will show the macro you created.
28 de septiembre de 2015
The option â&#x20AC;&#x153;organize macrosâ&#x20AC;? Will show a menu with plenty of options for the setup of Open Office
This will show you all the macros you have in Open Office.
28 de septiembre de 2015
In the option to organize dialogues.
Here will appear a menu of how your macros are organized, which will show three different tabs “DIALOGUES”, “MODULES”, and “LIBRARIES”.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Window>> This option lets you view your file in a different window, if you want to close your window and check what window contains your document.
<<Help>> This shows various general options of the help offered by Open Office, including “assistance”, “check for update” and also contains a brief introduction named “about Open Office”.
28 de septiembre de 2015
28 de septiembre de 2015
Libre Office Editar
<<Archive>> In this options the user will find some of the uses of “libreoffice”, like saving your progress, take an archive from another work with the button of export and export to PDF, also close the work done and open another archive that you have been using before and the user saves, one of the options that “libreoffice” offer to the user is to send tha document to an e-mail and also print the document. Another use is the Asistentance that helps you to use “libreoffice” in a better way.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Edit>> In this option that “libreoffice” have, the user will make a selection between paste, special paste, select all, search, search and replace, and another options like autotext , and Follow up, this option as the name says, is to edit your progress in a document to correct mistakes and another issues in the document.
<< See>> In the next eyelash we have more aplications for the correct use of “libreoffice” for example we can hide images , select the laws or limits of text , marks and limits of table.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Insert>> This eyelash its one of the most important here you can insert different things that you will use in the document, like special characters, a hyperlink, a mark of text, commentaries, images, all of this ones to help your document to be more full and complete.
<<Format>> Its funtions is to format the document, its structure, text and images. Clean direct formate: Its function is that when a text is selected every change to the fountain of the first word and all text will be assigned the same size. Character: By clicking a menu with various options to format the text, which includes tabs: Tipo de letra a) Font style and font size is changed. Efectos tipográficos a) The font color, effects, relief, underlined, strikeout and underline changes. Posición a) It is the position of the text is selected. Hiperenlace a) You add urls. Resalte a) Add a background color to the text. Bordes a) Borders around the text are added.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Table>> Is the tab that gives us to the tools for creation and editing tables. It also gives us the option to add formulas to transform it into a spreadsheet as you would in Excel.
<<Tool>> In this tab you are given various tools for editing text and correction. There are two options for spelling, first we open manually replace a menu for each misspelled word and the second does it automatically. In several languages dictionaries they are.
And also it gives us various tools to know our document data such as number of words, lines or chapters.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Window>> This tab gives options open in new window some file that we open and gives us another option to close ma same way.
<<Help>> This tab is dedicated to providing user support through various tools. Some require internet access. It serves for people just starting to get familiar with this program.
28 de septiembre de 2015
28 de septiembre de 2015
“ ” In the version of Microsoft Word 2010 it has a control center that brings together the essentials in a very visual way buttons are visible all the time as shown in the following image. FUNCTION OF EACH ELEMENT:
Bar Scroll Work Area
28 de septiembre de 2015
Bar of Title: Displays the name of the document followed by the name of the program.
Bar Options: With their different flanges contains the Word tools formed in groups with command of shortcut buttons.
Flanges: They are designed to be oriented to the tasks in the dicument. Groups: Included in each flange, divide the tasks into subtasks. Commands Buttons: It found in each group and running a command or display a menu of commands.
Control Box: Located in the upper left corner of the Word window and contains the commands for control of the window for example: Restore, Minimize, Close, etc.
Quick Access Toolbar: Located by default at the flange top of the Word window and provides quick access to tools that are used frequently, It is possible to customize the adding quick access toolbar commands.
28 de septiembre de 2015
Rule: Used to tabulator stop.
define images, bend and
Iniciators Picture of Dialogue: They are small icons that appear in some groups. When you do click in a display of pictures of dialogue, it opens a box of dialogue or a task panel that provides more options related to that group.
Bar of status: Shows the current page, the language and buttons from the document display, as well as a scroll bar that allows you to Zoom to page, to magnify or move away the image.
Document Views Buttons: Change the layout of the document view to design view for printing, screen reading complete, view Web design, view scgema or view draft.
28 de septiembre de 2015
Vertical and Horizontal Bars Scrolls: Allow you to select the lenght and width of the document using the mouse to scroll.
Help: It provides quick access to help, with properly orientation of topics, clearing doubts you may have regarding the operation of the programs contained in the Office Package. Help
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<File>> It contains the commands neededs for the, management of files, such as: save, save as, open, close, print, options, etc. In where in options it lets you change the user interface, change the mode in which the document is shown editing and applying the format to the text on the screen and to print it, configurations to save the document according to your neede and enable or disable Word complements, headers, foot of page , converter of measures, they are characteristics that are predefined in the program.
28 de septiembre de 2015
It assigns the primary functions in the management of the text that help modify the appearance of the document, such as: color, font, alignment, borders and everything that ,makes a word processor so useful.
Allows you to insert letters or words between the already written text, tables, images even from any of Web pages, make screenshots, add shapes, graphics or hyperlinks.
<<Design of Page>>
In this you can modify page, change size, orientation, you can change the thme, color scheme, the number of columns in the document, used bend, the space between each line and you margins, helping to improve the presentation of the document.
28 de septiembre de 2015
As its name suggests is to insert references to the text of an edit citation, such as: tables of content, bibliographics token, notes at the foot and at the end, this menu is used for formal such as thesis, scientists articles, books, etc. Providing articles documents a wide range of options for the type of document you are preparing, ordering clearly used references.
Correspondence In this tab all meetings functions for creating and printing envelopes and labels. Starts a mail merge to create a form letter to be printed or sent via email several times, sending each copy to a target and allows you to edit and select the recipient list
Section create Create and print envelopes and labels using the dialog box on and labels
START CORRESPONCIA COMBINATION: Start a mail merge to create a letter should be sent to multiple recipients. Create and modify a
28 de septiembre de 2015
Write and insert fields:
Insert and manage mail-merge fields that Word replaced by information from a database or contact list. PREVIEW OF RESULTS: It will show the result of the merge with information on each of the recipients and makes sure that Word finds no errors in the results.
TO FINALIZE Complete the merge and create separate documents for each recipient. A combined time can print documents or email them.
<<Check>> This option allows us to correct the spelling of the document
Reference ", this reference seeks selected in the internal dictionary Word letter. "Synonyms" seek synonyms and antonyms of selected words.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<IDIOMA>> "Translate" translate selected words in the internal dictionary of Word, change language, change the language for writing the language that the user wishes. COMMENTS: You can insert comments (comment: note or annotation that an author or reviewer adds to a document Microsoft Word displays the comment in a balloon in the margin of the document or in the Reviewing Pane.
FOLLOW UP: Display the track revisions and actions taken during the preparation of the document.
"Track Changes" controls all changes made to the document, including insertions, deletions and formatting changes. COMPARE: This option allows you to put two documents at once and compared in parallel. PROTECT: This option protects the document by adding a password. COMPARE: This option allows you to put two documents at once and compared in parallel. PROTECT: This option protects the document by adding a password.
28 de septiembre de 2015
This option allows us to see the document different views which are standard: this is the option for the sale of Word normally that is wider, Web design: this is an option to put the sale in Web view, design Print: the option to look in the window will look like before printing the document. Show or hide: This option as the name indicates is to show or hide ruler, grid lines, the message bar, the document map, and thumbnail. ZOOM: This option serves to increase the size of the page, allows us to see on one page or put all at once
<<Window>> New window: creates a new document but still with the same number, but it continues to point and in numerical order, compare with ... parallel. This option automatically enables us to locate two windows Word as parallel, and if you have more documents Word he will open an assistant to choose what you want to do the comparison sales, divide: this option indicates his name serves to divide the document into which the text being developed and split into two, number of documents: this option allows us to see how many windows you have open and the user name of each.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Macros>> Using Word often arise daily repetitive tasks that could be performed automatically using the properties of macros. A macro is simply a series of instructions that are executed in a certain order by the user, acting as a single statement and can be assigned to a button. Macros are often used for the following functions: - Automate a series of steps. - Create menu commands or custom dialog boxes. - Insert text or graphics that we use frequently. For example, the slogan of the company, if you have a macro we write only once and then insert it by running the macro button.
<<Programmer>> All options for recording, editing and running macros and add-ins management and creating forms and other more advanced programming options, are now grouped in a tab of its own work called the Developer tab, aimed at users more advanced who want to work at the programming level with Office 2010 applications. Therefore, the Developer tab, grouped into different sets of options related commands to work with macros, with complementary forms and Office applications.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<To display the Developer tab>> 1. Start any of the Office applications compatible with this topic See footnote applies to. Earlier in this topic. 2. In the eyelash 単 a file, select the button or No options. The following figure shows the File tab and theOptions button in Office 2010 is shown. 3. In the box I say unto logo Options, click the Customize button n or ribbon.
The following figure shows the Options dialog box is displayed and the button Customize the ribbon in Excel 2010. The location of this button is similar in the rest of the applications listed in the "Applies to" close top of this issue.
1. In the box I say unto logo Options, click the Customize button n or ribbon. The following figure shows the Options dialog box is displayed and the button Customize the ribbon in Excel 2010. The location of this button is similar in the rest of the applications listed in the "Applies to" close top of this issue. 2. In the list of principal 単 eyelashes as select box or n VERIFICATION Programmer. The following figure shows the Scheduler check box is displayed in Word 2010 and Word 2013. The location of this check box is similar in the rest of the applications listed in the "Applies to" near the top of this matter.
28 de septiembre de 2015
<<Code>> Use the macro recorder 1. In group C or tell the Developer tab, click RecordMacro. 2. In the Macro Name box, type the corresponding name. If you assign a new macro the same name as an existing macro integrated in Office Word 2007, the shares of the first replace the integrated macro. For a list of macros integrated on the Developer tab, in the Code group, click Macros. In the Macros in list, click Word Commands. 3. In the Store macro in box, click the template or document in which to save the macro. 4. DESCRIPTION In the box, type a descriptive text of the macro. | 5. Perform the actions you want to include in the macro. 6. , Click Stop recording or n in the group C or say. Using Visual Basic for Applications 1. In group C or I tell the Developer tab, click Macros. 2. In the Macro Name box, type the corresponding name. If you assign a new macro the same name as an existing macro integrated in Office Word 2007, the shares of the first replace the integrated macro. For a list of built macros, clickWord Commands in the Macros in list. 3. In the Macros in list, click the template or document where you want to save the macro. 4. Click Create to open the Visual Basic Editor.
Image Tools
28 de septiembre de 2015
Adjust group You will find all the options that allow you to improve the image quality. You can change the color, correct the brightness or sharpness, add effects that will make it much more professional image and remove the background. In addition, you can optimize the weight of the image, without losing quality, to email it, for example. You do this with the tool which is indicated in the red box.
Picture Styles group You can find different tools that allow you to customize the look.
Arrange group You'll find all the tools that allow you to place the image into a Word document. You can put it in the middle, on the left or top of the page. If you have
document, such as graphics or text, you can put the image in front of those elements or send it to the background.
28 de septiembre de 2015