Johnston County Home Tour Volume 10 Issue 3

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Your Dreams!


Volume 10 Issue 3

For Additional Information on The Maggie Ranch Parade Home and Subdivision, Please see Page 3

3/6/19 8:03 PM


Meet The Team 002-Agents.indd 1

Tina Barletta began her professional career serving her

Tina Barletta Realtor®, Broker


country in the Army for over 10 years as a Military Intelligence Officer. After the military, she spent 11 years in the corporate world in a variety of sales and marketing positions culminating as a VP of Sales & Marketing for a major biotech corporation. She became a REALTOR® and Broker over 14 years ago and credits her success to her disciplined military training, leadership skills and years of successful sales and marketing experience. She is very fortunate to have the following members of the Team excited to help you...

“Address Your Dreams! ®”

Kelly Broome

Carolyn Stottlemyer

Bridgette Pittman

Christine Gockerell

Jean Hill

Realtor®, Broker

Realtor®, Marketing Specialist

Realtor®, Broker

Realtor®, Broker

Realtor®, Broker

Cindy Hale

Carrie Metzger

Meaghan Stavrianakis





919.796.5510 919.631.2291 919.345.3216 919.527.5747

Lisa Hovey

Lester Mir

Realtor®, Broker





845.206.3225 919.519.2829

The Tina Barletta Team is committed to “Addressing Your Dreams!®” Whether you are looking to BUY a home or SELL a home or BOTH, our Team is ready to assist! We strongly believe in providing the best possible service to YOU, our Client! We feel that buying or selling real estate should be an enjoyable experience. The Tina Barletta Team will partner with you to provide the right expertise to ensure your real estate transaction is as easy and smooth as possible! Call us today to schedule an appointment so we can help you make your next move!

3/6/19 8:06 PM


Featured Home


MAGGIE RANCH PARADE HOME! 1063 Maggie Way, Wendell ~ $495,000 RISING KIRKWOOD BUILDERS PARADE HOME in exclusive Maggie Ranch! Situated on 3.4 acres, this 4 BDR/3 BA Ranch w/Bonus & 3023sf will impress! Built with the Kirkwood Builders flair you love, this flexible Ranch plan features a Gourmet Kitchen; Double sided Fireplace between Dining Area & Family Room; Master Retreat has Spa Bath; 3 additional BDRs on Main; big Bonus & Storage up. Covered Porch for enjoying the simple, country life that Maggie Ranch offers. Easy access to Raleigh, 10 minutes to Flowers Crossroads. Call Tina.

Come visit us during the Johnston County Parade of Homes! Bring this magazine to receive your


Weekends 12-5pm April 13/14 April 20/21 April 27/28

919.868.9222 003-Featured.indd 1

3/6/19 7:48 PM

8 WaysADDRESSING to Make Your YOUR DREAMS! Backyard a Summer Paradise 8 Ways to Make Your 8 Ways to8 Make Your 8 Ways to Make YourYour Ways to Make Backyard a Make Summer o Make Make Yourto o Your 8 Ways Your 8 Ways to Make Your Backyard a Summer Make Your Backyard a Summer s to Make Your Backyard a Summer Paradise d aa Summer Summer dard a Backyard a Summer Summer Paradise Summer Paradise aBackyard Summer Paradise Paradise se Paradise S Your S S o Make SS d a Summer ®

We Thought You Should Know By Sage Singleton

By Sage Singleton

By Sage Singleton By Sage Singleton By Sage Singleton

BySage Sage Singleton By Singleton By Singleton BySage Sage Singleton ummer is the seasonummer to be outdoors. is the ummer seasonPurchase tothe be outdoors. Patio Furniture & Essentials is season to be outdoors. Purchase Patio Furniture & Essentials Purchase Patio Furniture & Essentials By Sage Singleton It's the perfect time for backyard barBy Sage Singleton It's the perfect time backyard barOnce you have designated ora deck It's thefor perfect time forabackyard Once baryoupatio have designated or deck patio or deck Once you have patio a designated

becues, neighborhood socials, and becues, neighborhood socials, and socials, you'll want to add some patio furniture becues,space, neighborhood and utdoors. space, you'll want to add some patio furniture space, you'll to add some patio furniture Purchase Patioisis Furniture &toto Essentials ummer the be ummer theseason season beoutdoors. outdoors. lightswant against a royal-blue evening sky. Add your landscap Patio Furniture && Essentials Purchase Patio Furniture Essentials evenings on the patio. You don't late-night evenings on Purchase the patio. don't so you You can sit down, with friends and late-night evenings on the patio. mingle You don't yard barso you can sit down, mingle with friends and so you can sit down, mingle with friends and lights Once late-night youIt's have a designated patio or deck It'sthe theperfect perfecttime timefor forbackyard backyardbarbarstrands of tea lights or other innovative adise. You don Once you have a designated patio or deck Once you have a designated patio or deck to travel to asome luxurious exotic lo- travel toPurchase be outdoors. need to and travel to a luxurious and exotic lo- and Pationeed Furniture &Patio Essentials family, and relax. Consider purchasing weathneed to to a luxurious exotic lo- relax. Purchase Furniture & Essentials als, and family, and Consider purchasing weathfamily, and relax. Consider purchasing weathspace, you'll want to add patio furniture becues, neighborhood socials, and your landscaping to create an outdoor parlights against a royal-blue evening sky. Add a fairytale becues, neighborhood socials, and to create effect in your backyard. trees to mak space, you'll want to add some patio furniture space, you'll want to add some patio furniture cation enjoy spending time outdoors. for backyard cation to enjoy spending time outdoors. have a can designated patio deckfriends erproof patio furniture that is both Once you have aor designated patio or deck cation to enjoy spending time outdoors. Youis don't need extravagant plants or strands of teacomfortable lights or other innovative lights ouOnce don't you barerproof patio furniture that isfurniture both comfortable erproof patio that both comfortable so you sitto down, mingle with and late-night evenings on the patio. don't late-night evenings on the patio.You You don't In addition toadise. the decorative lighting, you'll some time to sosoyou friends and youcan cansitsitdown, down,mingle minglewith with friends and trees to make your backyard grand. Take to create a fairytale effect in your backyard. Make your own backyard a summer paraod socials, and Make yourweathown backyard a summer space, want tospace, add some patio furniture and durable.paraPatio furniture can tobethe exposed you'll want to add and some patio furniture Make own backyard a summer exotic lo- you'llfamily, andInparadurable. Patio furniture canconsider be exposed and durable. furniture can exposed and relax. Consider purchasing some time to cut be back unruly trees and addition weathdecorative lighting, Patio you'll need to travel toto a aluxurious loneed to travel luxurious andexotic exotic lo- your want to adding sensor or smart bushes, pull th family, and relax. Consider purchasing family, and relax. Consider purchasing weathdise with these eight simple suggestions. patio. Youcan don't bushes, pull the water and trim the wantso to consider adding sensor or smart with these eight simple suggestions. so you sit cation down, with friends and to harsh, seasonal weather, you'll to somingle you can sit down, mingle with friends and dise with these eightfurniture simple suggestions. utdoors. to both harsh, seasonal weather, so your you'll want to weeds, towant harsh, seasonal weather, so you'll want security. toyard. erproof patio that isdise both comfortable to enjoy spending time outdoors. cation tofurniture enjoy spending time outdoors. lights to backyard for added lawn, and pla erproof comfortable erproofpatio patio furniturethat thatisisboth comfortable lawn, and plant flowers around the lights to your backyard for added security. us family, and exotic lo-Make and and relax. Consider purchasing weathmake sure it lasts for years. family, and relax. Consider purchasing weathmer paramake sure itarelasts forway years. updates will to make a world ofthe Smart lights amake great to ensure the forThese sure it lasts years. durable. Patio furniture can be exposed your own backyard a asummer paraMake your own backyard summer paraSmart lights are asimple great way ensure These simple and can be exposed anddurable. durable.Patio Patiofurniture furniture can be exposed difference. You'll have your own secret garbackyard is lit—you can even control smart Inspect Update Wooden time outdoors. Inspect &Decks Update Wooden Decks erproof patio thatthese is& both comfortable Inspect & Update Wooden Decks erproof patio furniture that is both comfortable estions. dise eight simple suggestions. tofurniture harsh, seasonal weather, so you'll want to disewith with these eight simple suggestions. can even control smart difference. You to weather, soso you'll totophone.backyard is lit—you toharsh, harsh,seasonal seasonal weather, you'll want den in no time! lights withwant your smart To make your backyard a summer haven, a summer paraTo make yourbe a Get summer haven, and durable. Patio furniture can be exposed the basics, including lounge Tobackyard make make your backyard afor summer and durable. Patio furniture can exposed By Sage Gethaven, thesome basics, including some lounge Get the basics, including some lounge make sure it lasts forSingleton years. lights with your smart phone. den in no time sure ititlasts years. make sure lasts for years. Make the Backyard Private Secure Outdoor Belongings take time to Wooden inspect and update your le to suggestions. taketosome time to inspect andtoupdate your harsh, seasonal weather, so you'll want chairs, an umbrella, a chairs, hammock, andchairs, anneighbors, outtake some inspect and update your to some harsh, seasonal weather, so you'll want to time ecks an umbrella, a an hammock, an out-createdand Inspect &&Update Decks umbrella, a hammock, an outInspect Update Wooden Decks You may love your but that and Once you've a magical backyard deck. Wooden patios decks can be doesn't want themenjoy always peekspace, you'll want to take the necessary Wooden patios and decks can be make sure itGet lasts for years. table so candoor enjoy meals or games deck. Wooden patios andyou decks can bemean make sure itincluding lasts fordeck. r haven, table soyou you can meals orenjoy games ToTo make your ayears. summer haven, make yourbackyard backyard aand summer haven, Make thecan Backyard Private Secure Ou door table so you meals or games the basics, some lounge Get the basics, including some lounge Getdoor the basics, including some ing into yourlounge backyard. Be creative when precautions to safeguard your belongings. warped by cold weather, so you'll want toby oden Decks chairs, warped by weather, so you'll want outside. In addition to patio furniture, you warped cold weather, soto want toof take some time to inspect and update your date your outside. Inan addition to you take some time inspect and update your You mayfurniture, love but that Once you've thinking ways to ensure better backyard Make sure yourneighbors, garden tools and supplies outside. Inpatio addition to your patio furniture, you chairs, an a ayou'll hammock, and outan umbrella, atohammock, and ancold outchairs, anumbrella, umbrella, hammock, and an outprivacy. One easy way create a private, are in a locked shed—away from kids, pets, replace loose or missing slats as needed. summer replace loose orbe missing slats as needed. Getbethehaven, basics, including some lounge may want to buy orenjoy build an outdoor fire pit. deck. Wooden patios and decks can replace loose or missing slats as needed. Get the basics, including some lounge deck. Wooden patios and decks can be can may want togames buy ortowant build an outdoor firean pit. space, you'll doesn't mean you want them always peekdoor table soso you can meals oror games may buy build outdoor fire pit. door table you canenjoy meals door table so you can enjoy meals or games secluded backyard paradise is toto install a or and burglars. Take time to assess the backSand, stain, and seal your deck once you've and update Sand, stain, and seal your deck you've chairs, umbrella, aInhammock, and an outwarped by weather, you'll want to It's seal aonce simple feature that adds so you much to fence. Not only does privacy, butyour for anyadds security breaches. This will Sand, and your deck you've chairs, an umbrella, aso hammock, and anstain, outwarped bycold cold weather, so you'll want to precautions to ing into backyard. creative when want to an your It's afurniture, simple feature that adds soyardmuch to Be outside. InIn addition totoonce patio furniture, It's simple feature that so much tokeep outside. addition patio youit aensure outside. addition to patio furniture, you it is an essential safety measure. Install a your family safe and protect your backyard, made sure it's structurally sound. If you dneeded. decks can so beyou made sure it's structurally sound. If you have replace loose orso missing slats asas needed. door table can enjoy meals oran games replace loose orbuild missing slats needed. your backyard. around the fire and socialMake sure yo thinking of around ways to ensure better backyard made sure it's structurally sound. Ifan you have door table you can enjoy meals or have games your backyard. Sit the fire and socialmay want toto buy or build outdoor fire pit. lights against abuy royal-blue evening sky. Add your landscaping tothe create an outdoor parmay want orSit build an outdoor fire pit. your backyard. Sit firemajor and socialmay want to buy or outdoor fire pit. strong, secure fence to around create a private and patio, and deck from damage. asimple stone patio, check for missing pieces and safe backyard. so you'll want toSand, stain, and seal your once you've a deck stone patio, for missing pieces and outside. InIt's addition to patio you stain, and seal your deck once you've are in a locked privacy. One easy way tocook create aplants private, roast marshmallows or even cook dinner acheck patio, missing pieces and outside. In furniture, addition to patio furniture, you It's aize, simple feature adds so toto strands of teafor lights orthat other innovative lights adise. You don't need extravagant or e you've ize, roast marshmallows or even cook dinner It's acheck simple feature that adds somuch much ize, roast marshmallows or even dinner aSand, feature that adds so much tostone Summer is a wonderful time to relax and update as needed. Once this is complete, made sure it's structurally sound. If you have slats aswant needed. made sure it's structurally sound. If you have and burglars. T secluded backyard paradise is to install a update as needed. Once this is complete, to buy or build an outdoor fire pit. on your own backyard fireplace. your backyard. Sit around the fire and socialupdate as needed. Once this is complete, may want to buy or build an outdoor fire pit. to create a fairytale effect in your backyard. trees to make your backyard grand. Take your backyard. Sit around the fire and socialyoumay have on your own backyard fireplace. Update Your Landscaping enjoy being outdoors. Update your own on your own backyard fireplace. your backyard. Sit around the fire and socialLandscaping can make or break your backbackyard and you'll have access to a privatebut aroast patio, for missing pieces and you'll have acheck shiny and appealing deck you deck you've astone stone check for missing pieces and yard for any se fence. Not only does it ensure privacy, you'll have a so shiny and appealing deck you It'sonce a simple that adds so much tocook ize, roast orordeck even cook dinner In to the decorative lighting, you'll some time to cut back unruly trees and ize, roastmarshmallows marshmallows even cook dinner you'll have aaddition shiny and appealing you It's apatio, simple feature that adds much to eces and ize,feature marshmallows or even dinner yard. It's essential to take time to update paradise any time you want. update as needed. Once this is complete, update as needed. Once this is complete, your family sa it is an essential safety measure. Install a can decorate with patio furniture—creating a ound. If you have can decorate with patio furniture—creating a on your own backyard fireplace. want to consider adding sensor or smart bushes, pull the weeds, water and trim the your backyard. Sit around the fire and socialon your own backyard fireplace. Add Colorful Cushions and Pillows a your backyard backyard.fireplace. Sit around the fire can anddecorate social- with patio furniture—creating Add Colorful Cushions Pillowsand Pillows omplete, Add Colorfuland Cushions on your own have a aeven shiny and appealing deck you you'll have shiny and appealing deck youdinner patio, and dec strong, secure fence to create a private and relaxing sitting area for summertime. ssing pieces andyou'll lightsYou'll to your backyard added lawn,toand plant flowers around the yard. relaxing sitting area forsitting summertime. ize,you roast marshmallows or cook dinner want to add afor splash ofsecurity. color to your relaxing area for summertime. ize, roast marshmallows or even cook You'll want to You'll add awant splash of color to your deck add a splash of color to your 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 3 8:27 AM can with aa candecorate decorate withpatio patiofurniture—creating furniture—creating backyard. Add Colorful and Pillows Smart lights aeye-catching great way to ensure the These simple make a 7/19/17 world of hisonisyour complete, Add Colorful Cushions and Pillows backyard fireplace. patio so are it's Cushions and sings of sumon your own backyard fireplace. patio so it's eye-catching singsupdates of sumreating a own patio sosafe it'sand eye-catching and will sings of sumAdd Colorful Cushions and Pillows Editor'ssitting Note: area This originally published on originally relaxing for Editor's Note: This was published on some relaxing sitting areawas forsummertime. summertime. Summer is a Editor's Note: This was originally published on You'll want add a acan splash ofofcontrol color toto your backyard is to lit—you even smart difference. You'll have your own secret garYou'll want toBuy add splash colorBuy your pealing deck you mertime. bright-colored, comfortmertime. some bright-colored, comforte. mertime. Buy some bright-colored, comfortYou'll RISMedia' want to sadd splashRISMedia's of See color to your blog,a Housecall. what else is blog, Housecall. See what else issmart RISMedia's blog, Housecall. See what else is Update Your Landscaping enjoy being patio so it's eye-catching and sings ofof sumlights with your phone. den in no time! patio so it's eye-catching and sings sumniture—creating a Add Colorful Cushions and Pillows able throw pillows and cushions to spice up Add Colorful Cushions and Pillows able throw pillows and cushions to spice up able throw pillows and cushions to spice up patio so sit's eye-catching and sings ofatsumEditor' This was published on cookin' now at Editor' sNote: Note: This wasoriginally originally published on cookin' now cookin' now at Landscaping can make or break your backbackyard and mertime. Buy some bright-colored, comfortmertime. Buy some bright-colored, comforthed on mertime. You'll wantmertime. to RISMedia' add a Buy splash of color your andThe fun furniture. pat- colors You'll want to addtoSee aSee splash of color the colors furniture. bright funcolors pat- and fun patthe The and bright some bright-colored, comforts sblog, Housecall. what else isis to your the furniture. The bright RISMedia' blog, Housecall. what else yard. It's essential to take time to update paradise any t able throw pillows and cushions to spice up Make the Backyard Private Secure Outdoor Belongings se patio is able throw pillows and cushions to spice up so it'sable eye-catching and sings of sumto will sit down, relax, patio so it's eye-catching sings terns entice people to sit down, cookin' now terns will entice people relax, to sit down, relax, cookin' now throw pillows and cushions toand spice up of sum- terns will entice people lights against aThe royal-blue evening sky. your landscaping to create an outdoor parly published the The bright colors and fun patYou may love your neighbors, but that Once you've created a magical backyard thefurniture. furniture. bright colors and funAdd patmertime.on Buy some bright-colored, comfortand enjoy your backyard paradise. mertime. Buy some bright-colored, comfortand enjoy your backyard paradise. and enjoy your backyard paradise. e what else is the furniture. The bright colors and fun patstrands of tea lights or other lights adise. You don't need plants or terns entice totoinnovative sitsitalways down, relax, doesn't mean youpeople want them space, you'll want to extravagant take the necessary ternswill will entice people down,peekrelax, able throw terns pillows and cushions to spice able throw pillows cushions to spice up will entice people toand sit up down, relax, om to create a fairytale effect in your backyard. trees to make your backyard grand. Take and enjoy your backyard paradise. ing into your backyard. Be creative when precautions to safeguard your belongings. and enjoy your backyard paradise. the furniture. bright colors and fun pat-colors and fun pat- Get a Rug for the Get Patio the furniture. Theparadise. bright 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 3 a Rugyou'll for Patiofor Getthe a Rug andThe enjoy your backyard In addition to thetodecorative lighting, some timethe to Patio cut back tools unruly trees and thinking of ways ensure better backyard Make sure your garden and supplies terns will entice people to sitentice down, relax, to sit down, relax, Consider adding a rug to the patio or adeck terns will people Consider adding rug to the patio ortodeck Consider adding a rug the patio orand deck want to consider adding smart bushes, pull theshed—away weeds, water trimpets, the Get a Rug for the Patio privacy. One easy way to sensor create aorprivate, are in a locked from kids, Get a Rug for the Patio and enjoy your paradise. area to make the space feel Outdoor and enjoy yourPatio backyard paradise. area to cozier. make the space feeland cozier. Outdoor area make the space cozier. Outdoor Getbackyard a Rug for the lights to your backyard added lawn, plant flowers the backyard. Consider adding a arug orordeck secluded backyard paradise ispatio to security. install a to and burglars. Takefeel time to around assess Consider adding rugtofor tothe the patio deck rugs varyare in material, size, shape andvary are rugstoand vary in material, size, and shapesize, andand arewill rugs in material, shape and Consider adding a rug to the patio or deck Smart lights aspace great way ensure the These updates make world of area make the Outdoor fence. Not only does it feel ensure privacy, but yard forsimple any security breaches. Thisa are will keep areatoto make the space feelcozier. cozier. Outdoor Get a Rug fortothe Patio generally made can to last in control all types ofgenerally weathGet athe Rug forfeel thecozier. PatioOutdoor generally made to last in all types of weathmade to last in all types of weatharea make space backyard is lit—you even smart difference. You'll have your own secret garrugs vary in material, size, and shape and are itrugs is an essential safety measure. Install a your family safe and protect your backyard, vary in material, size, and shape and are Consider adding a Consider rug to theadding patio deck er.with They make a great addition toweathyour space, rug to the patio They make a great addition totime! your space, er. Theypatio, make a great addition to your space, rugs vary in material, size,aor and shape and are or deck lights your smart phone. den inand no generally made totolast increate of strong, secure fence to a private and deck from major damage. generally made last inaller. alltypes types of weatharea to make the space feel and can also protect your deck. area to make space feel and can also protect your deck. and can also protect your deck. generally made tocozier. lastthe in Outdoor all types of cozier. weath-Outdoor er. make safe backyard. er.They They makea agreat greataddition additiontotoyour yourspace, space, rugs vary iner. material, size, andsize, are rugs vary inshape material, andspace, shape and are They make aand great addition to your Make the Backyard Private Secure Belongings and also protect deck. Summer isOutdoor a wonderful time to relax and andcan can also protectyour your deck. generally made to last in all types of weathOutdoor Lighting generally made to last Install Outdoor Lighting Install Outdoor You Install may Your love your neighbors, but that Once you've created a Update magicalyour backyard and can also protect your deck. in all types of weathUpdate Landscaping enjoy being Lighting outdoors. own er. They make a great to your space, Nothing isyoumore magical than twinkling er. addition They make a great addition to your space, Nothing is peekmore magical than twinkling Nothing is more twinkling doesn't mean want them always space, you'll want have tothan take the tonecessary Install Outdoor Lighting Landscaping can make or break your backbackyard andmagical you'll access a private Install Outdoor Lighting and can also protectand your candeck. alsoLighting protect your deck. ing into backyard. Be time creative when precautions safeguard Nothing isessential magical than Install Outdoor yard. It's your tomagical take update paradise any to time you want.your belongings. Nothing is more more thantotwinkling twinkling thinking of ways to ensure better backyard Make sure your garden tools and supplies Nothing is more magical than twinkling Install Outdoor Install Lighting Outdoor Lighting privacy. One easy way to create a private, are in a locked shed—away from kids, pets, 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 2 8:27 AM 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 2 7/19/17 8:27 AM 7/19/17 8:27 AM 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 2 Nothing is more magical is than twinkling secluded backyard paradise is to install7/19/17 a and burglars. Take time to assess the backNothing more magical than twinkling 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 3 7/19/17 8:27 AM 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 7/19/17 8:27 AM 17M224_TREB_Issue29_Digest.indd 2 2 7/19/17 8:27 AMyard for any security breaches. This will fence. Not only does it ensure privacy, but keep 7/19/17 8:27 AM it is an essential safety measure. Install a your family safe and protect your backyard, strong, secure fence to create a private and patio, and deck from major damage. 7/19/17 8:27 AM 7/19/17 8:27 safeAMbackyard. Summer is a wonderful time to relax and Update Your Landscaping enjoy being outdoors. Update your own Landscaping can make or break your backbackyard and you'll have access to a private 004-WeThought.indd 1 3/6/19 8:06 PM yard. It's essential to take time to update paradise any time you want.



Our Luxury Homes

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

TUSCANY NEIGHBORHOOD! Located in East Clayton, The Enclave at Tuscany is an 11 lot wooded neighborhood available for sale! Gorgeous wooded Lots, some Basement Lots, from .49 to .99 acres. County Water/Sewer onsite. Clayton ~ $715,000.

SCINTILLATING! Luxurious 4 BDR/3.5 BA on .87 acres. Chef’s Kitchen; Lavish Master & SpaBath; Home Theater; 3 Season Rm; Wooded w/water feature & firepit; Detached Garage. Clayton ~ $550,000. Tour this home at

GRAND & GLORIOUS! 4 BDR/4.5 BA w/4656sf home has Elegant Rooms; Built-ins; Spectacular Chef’s Kitchen; Master Retreat on Main w/Ceasar’s Palace Bath; Huge Deck! Clayton ~ $699,000. Tour this home at

VINTAGE FARMHOUSE ON 7.66 ACRES! 5 BDRs/2.5 BA w/3537sf & fenced pasture! Parlor; Formal Dining; Den; Remodeled Kitchen; Master down; 8 Fireplaces. NO HOA or CITY TAXES! Wendell ~ $535,000. Tour this home at

919.868.9222 005-LuxuryHomes.indd 1

3/6/19 8:06 PM


Distinctive Properties

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

PURE ELEGANCE! Amazing details in this 4 BDR/2.5 BA w/3318sf. Elegant Dining; Vaulted Family; Chef’s Kitchen; Keeping Room; Master Retreat w/Ceaser’s Palace Bath; Bonus. Clayton ~ $510,000. Tour this home at

CHADBOURNE’S HOMESTEAD on 2.31 ACRES! Traditional 3 BDR/3 BA home w/2539sf has Gorgeous Formals; Family Room w/brick fireplace; Stunning granite in Kitchen; Huge Master up! Garner ~ $375,000. Tour this home at

MESMERIZING! Custom 4 BDR/3 BA RANCH with 2495sf has Bonus & 4th BDR/BA up! Grand Front Porch; Formal Dining; Vaulted Family; Big Bonus & Guest Suite up. Screen Porch! Clayton ~ 331,500. Tour this home at

STYLISH GRANDEUR! 4 BDR/4.5BA w/3373sf has Grand Staircase; Open Floorplan; Amazing Kitchen w/Island & Double Ovens; Formal Dining; Flex Room down; Master up w/Balcony; Bonus. Clayton ~ $365,000. Tour this home at

WELCOME HOME! Stunning 3 story, 4 BDR/2.5 BA home on fenced corner lot. Open floorplan; Family w/hardwoods; Kitchen has Island; huge Master Suite; Office & Bonus; Unf 3rd Floor. Screen Porch & Patio! Clayton ~$312,500. Tour this home at

SIMPLY STUNNING! 3 BDR/2.5 BA w/2355sf has Grand Foyer; Formal Dining; Vaulted Family; Upscale Kitchen; Master on Main w/HUGE Closet; Big Bonus up! Screen Porch & Deck! Clayton ~ $288,000. Tour this home at



More Extraordinary Properties


PERFECT! Better than new 2 BDR/2 BA home w/1721sf. Open floorplan & grand living spaces. Kitchen has Island w/eat-at bar; Master w/Spa Bath; Loft; Storage; Screen Porch! Clayton ~ $250,000. Tour this home at

AMAZING SPACE! 4 BDR/2.5 BA w/2983sf on .57 acres! Updated Kitchen & Baths; Formal Dining & Living w/ built-ins; 2 BDRs down & 2 up; Bonus, Screen Porch & fenced yard! Smithfield ~ $250,000. Tour this home at


24.8 ACRES WITH NO RESTRICTIONS! Approximately 4.8 acres cleared; 20 acres wooded w/beautiful natural stream running around property line. County water & electricity on site. Ideal for farmland or subdivision! Clayton ~ $248,000.

1928 FARMHOUSE! 3 BDR/1.5 BA w/1603sf on .89 acres. Amazing Wrap Front Porch; Formal Dining; Kitchen w/ vintage sink & cabinets; Family & Master w/fireplaces. 4 Outbuildings. Clayton ~ $199,000. Tour this home at

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME on a 2.02 acre River Lot in Prestigious Portofino, Clayton’s Premier Equestrian Community! Wooded, 2 acre lot borders the Neuse River! Miles of walking/riding trails! Clubhouse w/zero-entry pool! Clayton ~ $140,000.

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME ON 4.5 ACRES! Ideally located near Flowers Crossroads, but not in a subdivision! Incredibly gorgeous, wooded land near everything! No HOA FEES or COVENANTS! Bring your own Builder! Great Schools! Clayton ~ $115,000.

919.868.9222 007-MostExtraordinary.indd 1

3/6/19 11:16 PM


What’s New?

008-NewCommunities.indd 1

3/6/19 8:12 PM


Sensational Communities

• Gracious Country Living with an Executive Lifestyle • Elegant Clubhouse, Pool & 7 miles of Trails • Custom Homes from the $400’s • Bring your Plan or we’ll help you create your Dream Home • New Estate Lots just Released!



009-NinePortofino.indd 1

3/6/19 8:07 PM


Available Lots to Build Your Dream

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★





The Enclave at Tuscany

East Clayton

Bucchero Lane

11 Lots



254 Homestead Lane

Olde Waverly

Fuquay Varina




7.5 Acres



24.8 Acres


3804 Barberry Lake

Lot 65

1.96 Acres


East Clayton

592 Vercelli Drive

Lot 103

2.02 Acres



East Clayton

00 Motorcyle Road


4.5 Acres


The 9

East Clayton

93 Bella Casa Way

Lot 8

.649 Acres


South Quarter

East Clayton

14 Tybee Creek Cove

Lot 14

.55 Acres


Neuse Colony

East Clayton

3513 Queen Ann Drive

Lot 6

.71 Acres


The Gardens

East Clayton

128 Waterleaf Place

Lot 70

.29 Acres


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3/6/19 8:07 PM


New Construction Homes

★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Portofino (New Lots Just Released!)

This one is Sold, but we can build you one!

• Built by Kirkwood Builders, Inc • Luxurious Executive Ranch in Prestigious Portofino • Flowing Ranch w/4131sf has Study on Main, 4th BDR/BA & Bonus Up • Chef’s Kitchen with every Upgrade Including 7’ Grand Island • Stunning Master Retreat has Sitting Area & Luxe Master Bath • Gorgeous 1.23 acre Wooded Lot • $729,000

The 9 (Only 1 Opportunity Remains!)

This one is Sold, but we can build you one!

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South Quarter

This one is Sold, but we can build you one!

• Build your Elegant Custom Home with Plantation Homes • Enchanting Southern Living in South Quarter • Classic Styling with High End Finishes • Bring your Own Plan or We’ll Help Design One For You • Gorgeous Wooded Lots Still Available • Community Amenities include Spa, Fitness Center & Pools • Starting at $425,000

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3/6/19 7:58 PM

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3/6/19 8:09 PM


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3/6/19 11:17 PM


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3/6/19 8:08 PM

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