3 minute read
I Am Worth
By: Talona Y. Smith
Have you ever looked at yourself in a dirty mirror and tried to figure out if something was wrong with you? But you can’t see a clear image because of the film stuck to the mirror. There is no way for you to really see how you look. You can’t see whether or not you have any flaws. Your reflection is imperfect. The wet paper towel you used to clean the mirror only left smears and smudges that distort your image even more. You got frustrated, agitated, and cried. You even got worked up over the fact that you truly can’t see yourself. Then why would you judge yourself from the opinion of a negative person? How they see you but not know you?
A negative person may not like you just because you are happy…or found happiness. That kind of person wants you to be miserable so they can encourage you while someone else is looking on. Some may not like your honesty or generosity, because you have been blessed to give; and when you do give, you give from the heart. Others may not like how bright your spirit shines despite of your brokenness from past hurt, because you are a fighter…more than a conqueror. They want to feel strong and mighty when you are broken and brittle. That type of person loves to encourage you when you are at your lowest point, because in their mind you are
inferior to them. Wanting you to be so low in misery to feel better about themselves. Either way, a pessimistic person will pick and prod until they find the slightest blemish to use against you to break you down. Are those the kind of people whose opinion you should value?
Work on not letting criticism, depression, or self-doubt take over your uniqueness. Try not to carry in your heart the wrong people have done to you. Don’t focus on their hate. They are merely confused about what they don’t know about you. Don’t waste tears on people who need prayer. The love that is within you agitates the hate or hurt that is within them. Continue to be pure in who you are.
Keep in mind, there may be some validity in another person’s opinion of you when it is given as constructive criticism or out of concern…not insult. Listen to what is being said with good intentions. Do not get offensive or take it personal. Someone who genuinely cares about you and want you to succeed may point out your flaws but will also show you how to improve yourself. To see your beauty. Your worth.
You may never get an apology from someone who has hurt you. You may never hear anything nice from someone who talks bad about you. But they see your worth. They see the love that sustains you daily. They see how your blessings are customized by your obedience. They just won’t admit it, especially to you. Your purpose is not to convict a person of their faults but to help heal their minds and hearts. Their living does that on its own. Your purpose is to live in abundance, love in pureness, and laugh hysterically. There are people who love you. You won’t be able to see them if your focus is always on the negativity you encounter in life. Instead, take the high road. Be the one who apologizes even if you do not get an apology in return. When you do apologize, make sure you do it with style and grace.
I am sorry if my background does not fit into your lifestyle. I am sorry if my education is not parallel to your thinking. I am sorry if my finances do not compare to your portfolio. I am sorry if the way I talk is a tad bit off than yours. I am sorry if I do not look the way you strive to. I am sorry if your mirror does not reflect how you feel. I am sorry if you bury yourself in other people’s glory. I am sorry if you cannot see you for who you are. But most importantly…I am sorry you lost out on the best friendship I could offer you, Because I would not change me to be who you are not. Improve. Reinvent. Strengthen.