3 minute read


By: SherVonne Grosse

Family has always been important to me. You see, I come from a large family of eight full siblings, and each sibling has his or her own family. As you probably imagine, our family gatherings are quite large with just us and our individual families. My family is a close-knit family, and we celebrate almost every holiday together. We take vacations. We have family Bible study. We gather after church on Sundays at our parents’ home for conversation, fun times, and good food. Family is the best! I love all things family. I am confident in saying that I am a well-rounded, family-oriented person. One thing I know for sure is family!

The other thing I know is mental health, and I know it for sure too! By profession, I am a Marriage and Family Therapist. I advocate for mental health. My advocacy for mental health developed as a result of personal encounters with mental health. Those personal encounters were shaped by my experiences in the workplace and my own personal bout with mental illness. Many people who know me probably cringe when I talk about my challenges with mental health. I can hear them asking, “Why does she keep telling her business?” To clarify, mental health is my business. It is what I do. People don’t know about my business if I don’t tell them. It makes sense to tell my business. Besides, people need to know that mental health is not a secret. Keeping it a secret does not heal you.

Mental health problems will silence you, but only if you give it the power to do so. If telling my mental health business will help free and promote healing for someone else, I will be forever telling my business. I stayed silent for too long. Just like Stella got her groove back, I got my voice back. I refuse to be quiet. I refuse to stay silent. Somebody needs to hear my voice. Somebody needs to know my business.

You see, I know two things for sure: (1) Family and (2) Mental Health. Whether you know it or not, there is a strong correlation between the two subject matters mentioned above. Genetics play a part in determining the likelihood of developing certain mental health conditions. The disclaimer is that I do not profess to be an expert on genetics. While genetics might not be my cup of tea, I wholeheartedly believe that family is. After all, working clinically with families is a specialty for me. I may not know it all, but I know a substantial amount. I know how to use what I know to help families grow better and stronger. Here is what I know for certain, and I want you to know it too. Family support is paramount when it comes to mental health treatment. Family support is one of the biggest predictors of successful mental health outcomes for clients seeking treatment.

This brings me back to my experience with mental health. It was different and difficult for me, but I was never alone in fighting the battle. Listen, God never leaves or forsakes us. God is very intentional. God being God, He had already equipped me with the support I needed for the very thing (depression) I thought would choke the life out of me. God had other plans for my life. He allowed me to be born into the right family, as the support and prayers I needed to battle and win the fight against depression came from my family. My support system was so valuable. I don't think that my treatment would have been nearly as effective had it not been for the level of support received from family.

The value of family support when treating a client’s mental health cannot be stressed enough. It is important for the family to be part of the treatment, as this allows for education about the diagnoses as well as treatment options. It also promotes buy-in and helps keep clients engaged in treatment. Family support and mental health go hand in hand. Don’t underestimate the power of family when it comes to mental health treatment.


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