October 31, 2015 • Vol. 136 No. 41
514 S. Kalamazoo Ave. in Marshall, MI · Phone 269-781-5444 and FAX 269-781-7766 · www.advisor-chronicle.com
In The News:
MPS Board approves talks with Albion over annexation; Albion Board looks to weigh other options first On Oct. 26, the Marshall Public Schools Board of Education authorized Superintendent Randy Davis to enter into discussion with Albion Public Schools related to possible annexation or consolidation with MPS amid Albion’s budget crisis. Twenty four hours later, the Albion Board of Education made the decision to explore talks with any school district in the area willing to listen, not specifically Marshall. “The options are annexation, consolidation or dissolution,” MPS Board President Richard Lindsey said. “The state has said that there hasn’t been a school that has come out (of a crisis) after an emergency manager. It’s been the step just before dissolution. If you’re going to do that, then just dissolve, but don’t think you’re putting off the decision or going to come up with something that is going to save the day. There is no saving the day.” As a result, MPS is now waiting to see what Albion’s next move will be before Davis proceeds. See story on page 11 Jeff Troyer named Michigan’s 911 Director of the Year On Oct. 22, Calhoun County 911 Consolidated Dispatch Authority Executive Director Jeff Troyer was named Michigan’s 911 Director of the Year during the Michigan Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials Organizational Meeting and Annual Awards Banquet. “I am truly honored to be the recipient of this award; especially from an admirable 911 and public safety organization like APCO,” Troyer said. “I think this award speaks volumes as to what we (at the CCCDA) have accomplished as an organization in the first five and a half years of operation. When you surround yourself with great people (my staff), impressive things can happen and I am very fortunate to have that here in Calhoun.” See story on page 26 Walk A Mile raises $25,000 for victims of domestic violence More than 130 walkers and runners came out to Lakeview Square Mall on Oct. 24 to support SAFE Place’s Run for Shelter/Walk A Mile event, raising more than $25,000 for the fight against domestic violence. “Domestic violence is sobering,” said SAFE Place Executive Director Jennifer Fopma. “But it’s not just a women’s issue. Everybody suffers when there is domestic violence.” During the event, a “Male Ally Award” was presented in memory of Jack Schoder of Battle Creek, a retired deputy from the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department, who passed away on July 14. See story on page 12 Spend A Night at the Magic Museum The late Robin Williams once said, “Magic never dies.” Find out just how right he was on Friday, Nov. 13, as the American Museum of Magic hosts A Night at the Magic Museum. This inaugural fundraiser begins at 6:45 p.m., with doors opening at 6:15 p.m. Money raised will be used for programming. See story on page 6 Marshall football hosts first playoff game since 2012 The Marshall High School football team will host Vicksburg in a first-round playoff game, Oct. 31 at 1 p.m. See sports section on pages 37-39
lthough today is Halloween, a lot is happening to make area residents feel that Christmas is in the air. From one end of town to another, gestures of goodwill abound. Kris Kringle (John Marsh) listens to the wishes of young Anna Vincent as the pair helps bring dreams to the stage as part of the Marshall Civic Players’ production of Miracle on 34th Street. In a gesture of ‘Neighbor Helping Neighbor,’ Marshall Middle School seventh grader Andrew Westphal and Walters Elementary School fifth grade teacher Pat Murray volunteer to raise money for United Way and young Hayden Dale gets organized for the upcoming MACS Holiday Drive. These organizations, along with area businesses and individual sharing, all contribute to Marshall’s miracles on Main Street. See stories on page 2, 31 and 49
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514 S. Kalamazoo Avenue Marshall 269-781-5444
UPCOMING CHAMBER EVENTS What’s Brewing? Thursday, November 12, 2015 | 7:30 am to 9:00 am Hosted by Marshall United Methodist Church RSVP to Ashley at 269.781.5163 http://bit.ly/1R9d2nu
Oaklawn Hospital WELLNESS at Work Clinic Thursday, November 12, 2015 | 11:30 am to 2:15 pm Marshall Welcome Center Training Room | Free to the public Heart rate, body mass index and blood pressure screenings http://bit.ly/1LAmLSD
2015 Marshall Christmas Parade Submit registration by Friday, November 20, 2015 at 5:00 pm For more information and a registration form visit: http://bit.ly/1jmgbWG
Neighborhood Trick-or-Treating Saturday, October 31, 2015 Suggested times | 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
For more details and a full Community Calendar visit: www.thechambermarshall.com
Columns News and updates from Calhoun County Government By KELLI SCOTT, Calhoun County Administrator-Controller
Bi-monthly updates regarding Calhoun County business for October and November. 2016 budget process continues: The county held budget hearings on Oct. 16 and Oct. 23. The Board of Commissioners Budget Committee, chaired by Commissioner Derek King and including Commissioners Steve Frisbie and Jim Haadsma, provide input to me and my executive team throughout the year and meet with county-wide elected officials and department heads as part of the county’s inclusive and collaborative budgeting process. The full Board of Commissioners will hear my budget recommendation at its regularly scheduled meeting on Nov. 19, and is expected to adopt a balanced budget on Dec. 3 for the fiscal year beginning Jan. 1. The county’s budget forecast for 2016 was a $3.7 million deficit assuming a status quo level of expenditures, mainly due to an expiring liquor tax revenue, along with reduced trends in various other revenues including departmental fees for services and court costs and fines. Departments were asked to meet budget targets that will most likely require the more than 30 vacant unfunded positions to remain unfilled, leaving nearly $1 million in additional cuts still to be identified. The county is also currently seeking a new finance director to fill a position that has remained vacant since 2010. This recruitment effort is part of a succession plan with anticipation of upcoming staff retirements within the county’s Finance Department and the desire to strengthen our capacity to provide county-wide analysis and oversight with a long-term perspective on financial strength. Interested applicants can apply online at http://www.calhouncountymi.g ov/employment/job_postings/ . Calhoun Visitors Bureau Board meeting at Albion College: The Calhoun Visitors Bureau Board met on Oct. 13 at Albion College for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The board has begun holding meetings at different locations throughout the county to give members more familiarity with the organizations represented by board members. County Commissioner Kathy-Sue Dunn is the chair of the CVB Board and I serve on behalf of the county and I am the current board treasurer. At the meeting CEO Linda Freybler introduced a new strengths assessment tool designed for us to ensure the board has a diversity of experiences, perspectives, informa-
tion, connections and skills to carry out its governing functions. They also adopted the 2016 CVB operating budget of $965,000, which includes a 2 percent expected increase in hotel accommodations tax collected through the county’s ordinance and managed by the CVB to promote tourism and recreation in Battle Creek and throughout Calhoun County. SAFE Place tour: SAFE Place Program Director Georgia Mason took me for a tour of their Battle Creek shelter for victims of domestic violence on Oct. 14. According to their annual report, SAFE Place served 1,864 victims during 2014, providing over 11,000 nights of shelter for both adults and children, and additional services including legal advocacy, all at no cost to the victims and their families. The 56-bed shelter recently created a new strategic plan, through the leadership of their Executive Director Jennifer Fopma and their Board, led by Scott McDonald as President. County employees Jim McDonagh, Dan Buscher and Tina Yost also serve on the SAFE Place Board. The shelter is engaging in widespread community outreach and education to explain their mission and philosophy, as well as their budget and funding needs. Although Calhoun County does not directly fund SAFE Place, some counties do own and operate domestic violence shelters because services that increase safety are always a top priority within communities. I have agreed to participate with a group beginning to explore ways to increase ongoing funding sources for SAFE Place and address their significant facility needs. Road Department union negotiations: Bargaining continues with the local Teamsters Union to renew their Collective Bargaining Agreement expiring Oct. 31. The current agreement was the first threeyear agreement put in place with the road workers since the County Board of Commissioners dissolved the Road Commission in 2012. On behalf of the county, the management team is being led by HR/Labor Relations Director Kim Archambault and includes myself, Road Department Managing Director Christopher Bolt and Director of Operations Doug Steffen. The team is optimistic that an agreement can be presented to the Board of Commissioners for ratification in November. The county has 10 represented employee groups, seven of which have contracts that will need to be renegotiated before the end of December. Kellogg Foundation Funders Breakfast: On Oct. 14, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation hosted a conversation with area funders in conjunction with a Battle Creek site visit by the WKKF Trustees. I was invited to attend on behalf of the county, along with officials from Battle Creek and the state, to bring a broader per-
spective to ongoing regular meetings of local philanthropic partners. The conversation centered broadly around ways to work differently going forward to achieve greater impact in Calhoun County. The meeting was hosted at the Battle Creek Community Foundation and included representatives from the Kellogg Company along with the funders’ representatives. I was very thankful for the opportunity to participate in this conversation and looks forward to the outcomes it may create. TCC Substance Abuse Workgroup focused on meth labs: I attended The Coordinating Council’s Substance Abuse Workgroup meeting on Oct. 14, which was focused on a presentation from Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department Det. Brian Gandy on the current status of meth usage in Calhoun County. Gandy emphasized the drastic negative impacts on health and safety meth has on users as well as the community as the whole. He indicated the problem is growing, despite multi-agency efforts to curb meth usage in Calhoun County. BC CAL KAL updates: The BC CAL KAL Inland Port Development Corporation Board of Directors met on Oct. 14 and heard updates from Executive Director Jan Frantz regarding activities and prospects for our local Battle Creek Port Authority- Foreign Trade Zone 43. The board includes representatives from Calhoun and Kalamazoo County businesses, nonprofits and governments and supports economic development by providing services relating to international trade. I serve as a director on behalf of Calhoun County Government. Pollis Robertson is the current chair of the BC CAL KAL Board of Directors. Veterans Affairs Committee continues to implement strategic plan: The Calhoun County Veterans Affairs Committee met on Oct. 14 for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The Committee, chaired by Rodger Seidel, approved applications for emergency financial relief sought by local veterans needing one-time assistance due to demonstrated hardships. This relief is made possible through funding from the County-wide 0.10 mill tax approved by voters in 2012 and 100 percent dedicated to operations of and services provided by the County’s Veterans Affairs Office. The meeting agenda also included administrative updates by Director Aaron Edlefson, who has led the department through much positive change since he started this past spring. The County’s VA Office continues to increase outreach efforts and partnerships with community organizations under its updated strategic plan. The next VA Committee meeting is scheduled for Nov. 12 at 2:30 p.m. in the Toeller Building in Battle Creek. This
meeting varies from the normal Wednesday schedule due to the County’s Veterans Day observance on Nov. 11. MAEDA Finance Committee looks ahead: The Marshall Area Economic Development Alliance finance/audit committee met on Oct. 15 to discuss the status of the yearend close-out for June 30, as well as the current year’s budget status and preliminary assumptions for the next fiscal year. With the recent member vote to dissolve the Marshall Area Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber has applied for a license to continue to do business as the Chamber under MAEDA’s governance. MAEDA also is within the last of a two-year agreement with Southwest Michigan First, which manages and staffs the Marshall Visitor Center, and carries out Economic Development functions and Chamber Services on behalf of MAEDA. A key goal of the contract was to provide capacity-building services to the MAEDA Board in addition to providing direct services to the community, so that MAEDA is positioned to better serve the community in a way that meets its mission: “MAEDA believes that facilitating job growth, while leveraging our unique assets, makes our community the place to live and visit.” Sue Damron of Schuler’s Restaurant is the current MAEDA Chair. I serve on behalf of the county and is the current board treasurer and Richard Lindsey, Corporation Council, also represents the county on the Board. MAEDA’s current budget
of $560,000 is funded by contributions from Marshall, its Downtown Development Authority and Local Development Finance Authority, along with Chamber membership dues and Marshall’s designate portion of the county’s hotel accommodations tax revenues. Calhoun Public Safety Information Alliance Board: The County-wide Public Safety Information Alliance met on Oct. 16 for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The board is charged with overseeing a recently implemented inter-agency law enforcement records management system powered by Sungard. The system was purchased jointly by Battle Creek and Calhoun County, and includes the Calhoun County Consolidated 911 Dispatch Authority as well as the courts and Prosecutor’s Office within County Government. Emmett Twp. joined the alliance this year and discussions are ongoing with other local governments with the goal of having all public safety agencies within the county connected through this system. Newly added modules include Internal Affairs and Fleet Management and work continues to fully implement e-citations and interfaces with other software applications used to manage crime records. Battle Creek Police Department’s Special Projects and Grant Administrator Kathy Schley is the current chair of the Alliance Board. Also serving are Sheriff Matt Saxton, Chief Deputy Sheriff James McDonagh and Scott representing the county, Battle
Creek Police Chief Jim Blocker and Chief Information Officer Dan Ryan representing Battle Creek City and Public Safety Chief Mike Olson representing Emmett Twp. Public Health Board considers dental services: The Calhoun County Board of Health met on Oct. 19 for its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The group heard an overview of Michigan Community Dental Clinics, a private nonprofit 501c(3) founded in 2006 to operate public dental clinics on behalf of county health departments. Their mission is to increase access to dental care for underserved populations within communities, offering patient-centered quality care through a sustainable financial model that leverages Medicaid and federal funding to offset operating and capital start-up costs. According to the Michigan Department of Community Health, Calhoun County is in a dental professional shortage area and the option of a Michigan Community Dental Clinic might be an option to explore locally if supported by the County Health Board and County Board of Commissioners. Dr. Mahesh Karamchandani Chairs the Public Health Board and Nancy Mullett is the current vice-chair. Health Officer Jim Rutherford oversees the County Department and continues to look for ways to address public health needs in our community. The next Board of Health meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Nov. 16 at the Toeller Building in Battle Creek.
Letters Ostrum stepped up to better Marshall To the Editor: Many, many deserved thanks to Janet Ostrum for her efforts and time in helping to make our beautiful town of Marshall even more beautiful. Thanks to her efforts and time in obtaining a grant for paint, supplies, etc. and also bringing volunteers in to work to paint downtown Marshall local businesses, not only did she take the time to set this program up, but she was also on the scene working right along with the volunteers, often the first to arrive and the last to
leave. Oftentimes, things like this go unnoticed and unappreciated, but it takes people like Janet to step up and to take charge for something like this to be successful. Thanks to you Janet and all your workers for a job well done. It’s people like you who really make a difference in our town and our community. Larry G. Bennett, Town and Country Antiques
Keep Calhoun County Smiling a success To the Editor: Thank you to everyone who helped make “Keep Calhoun County Smiling” such a fun and successful event. We were able to raise over $4,500 for dental services for low income, uninsured folks in our community. Our dentists, Dr. Dave Heidenreich, Dr. Charlie Palumbo and Dr. Tom Goodsell did a great job of grilling. The cider donated by Old MacDonald’s
Farm and the desserts donated by Duane Dupee were perfect for a beautiful fall afternoon as well as the pumpkins and gourds donated by Oerther’s. We also want to thank the following that donated items to our silent auction: John Gehrig, Gerrie Kane, Richard and Mary Brown, Casey Nager, Community Healthcare Connections, Lisa Wooden, Maria Miller, Ellen Thornton, Marijke Guerin and
What a DoTheatre. The music provided by Paul Rauth created a perfect background for our diners. And finally, a special thank you to John and Mary Gehrig who hosted this wonderful event at their beautiful Olde Farmhouse. Mary Jo Byrne, Director, Fountain Clinic RaeAnn Garber, Community Healthcare Connections
MHA Tenants Association gives thanks To the Editor: From Marshall House Apartments Tenants Association: We like to give a great big thank you to all and everyone who gave to our auctions. We
cannot give enough thanks to all that helped. Thank you greatly. Samuel Baldino, Marshall
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BEAUTIFUL QUAD-LEVEL in a great neighborhood!! Need extra living space? You will get plenty in this large, quad-level home. Enjoy your sun room or family room with gas log fireplace. Nice large living room with gas log fireplace. Many updates including ceramic tile, flooring, & paint throughout; replacement windows & roof. Plus, a heated, attached 2 car garage. Walking distance to the park and to the college. Price just reduced! Stop by Sunday for your personal tour.
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OPEN HOUSE 12:30-2:00PM
Linda Waito 517-795-6519
Lori Sturdevant 269-579-6519
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HARD TO FIND BRICK RANCH! Superbly located, this spacious brick ranch is comfortable, convenient and offers a back yard paradise! Features include; beautiful hardwood floors throughout much of the main level, generous kitchen w/eating area, living room w/lots of windows for natural light and gas log fireplace, dining room, master suite w/walk-in closet, replacement windows, huge and sunny 3 seasons room, lower lever rec room w/bead board ceiling, pool table area and bar, newer furnace w/central air, 2 car attached garage, front porch, concrete driveway, back porch patio leading to deep and fun back yard that includes tucked away fire pit and seating area, and more. Stop by Sunday for your personal tour.
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Kesselwood Estates Move in ready. 1.6 acre lot, open concept, lots of natural light, main floor master.
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17963 20 Mile 12:30-2:00 5 BEDS, 2.5 BATHS $214,900 MLS# 15043460
Family Size Home 9yr old 2006 SqFt 5Bd 2.5BA on 3 Ac Open Design walk-out Bsmt 2St gar private setting
Hosted by: MARY CROSBY (269) 967-8296
611 N Linden 1:00-2:30 3 BEDS, 2.5 BATHS $169,900 MLS# 15052845 Marshall Schools
Great family home great kitchen great location 2 driveways 3BD 2.5 BA wood floors
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District champs lose in regional semi final Following 1-0 win over BCC in district final, Marshall falls to Plainwell 2-0 at regional
The Marshall High School boys soccer team celebrates with the district championship trophy following a 1-0 over Battle Creek Central in the district final on Oct. 24. The game’s lone goal was scored with 5:45 remaining by Matt Terry, No. 6, with assists going to Andrew Shippell, No.7, and Cody Quick. No. 21. Goalkeeper Kurt Kraushaar, holding the trophy, recorded his 14th shutout of the season. On Oct. 27, Marshall fell to Plainwell in the regional semi final 2-0. The Redhawks ended the season with a 15-4-5 record. (Photo by John Hendler)
Marshall coach Hans Morgan hands the district championship trophy to Joe Rockwell, No. 14, and Alec Kraushaar, No. 11. (Photo by John Hendler)
Marshall’s Noah Coppo leaps to avoid colliding with Battle Creek Central goalkeeper Brett Keagle during a chance early in the first half. (Photo by John Hendler)
Matt Terry fires the shot that would be the game winner with 5:45 remaining in the game in the district final. (Photo by John Hendler)
Marshall players are all smiles following the school’s first district title since 2012. (Photo by John Hendler)
Marshall hosts Vicksburg in playoff action Saturday at 1 p.m. Olivet and Homer are other local teams to qualify The Marshall High School football team will host Vicksburg in the first round of the Div. 3 playoffs on Saturday, Oct. 30 at 1 p.m. Both teams enter the contest with records of 7-2, although Marshall had the higher rating 80 to 71.667. The winner of the game will face the winner of the We s t e r n - C o l d w a t e r matchup. “We have to keep playing great defense, and establish the running game on offense,” said Marshall coach Jason Stealy on the keys to beating Vicksburg. “We had a good week of practice and the guys are focused. Everything steps up a notch because it's playoff week. it’s win or go home.” Other area teams to qualify for the post season are Homer and Olivet. Homer, at 7-2 hosted 5-4 Springport Friday night and Olivet, which qualified for the playoffs following a 4926 win at Pennfield, played at 8-1 Berrien Springs Friday night.
Marshall coach Jason Stealy, in red, during practice Oct. 28, said his team had a good week of practice and the players are focused for Saturday’s game. (Photo by John Hendler)
Olivet running back Chase Martin heads to the end zone during a run in the second quarter at Pennfield Oct. 23. Olivet qualified for the playoffs with a 49-26 victory. (Photo by John Hendler)
Olivet’s Miguel Kulikowski gets set to bring down Pennfield quarterback Parris Bolden. (Photo by John Hendler)
Marshall’s Bill Welke behind plate for memorable Game 1 of World Series By JOHN HENDLER Editor Marshall’s Bill Welke, a Major League Baseball umpire for nearly two decades, is working his first World Series and was the home plate umpire for game one Oct. 27 in Kansas City when the New York Mets played the Kansas City Royals. Welke says he was excited to work the series and that the stadium “was rocking” for that first game. “This is the pinnacle of our
sport and so when I went out on the field, I tried to keep things in perspective; that this was just another game and to slow things down and take my time,” said Welke. “Kansas City has a great ballpark and terrific fans. It was quite loud out there.” The game instantly became a classic, featuring a Kansas City inside the park home run on the Mets’ first pitch, a game-tying home run in the bottom of the ninth and a sacrifice fly to win it for the Royals in the 14th inning. The game was also mem-
orable for Fox losing its broadcasting feed. “Mets manager Terry Collins approached me in the bottom of the fourth and said his replay monitor was out,” said Welke. “That does happen once in a while. I told him that there were protocols in place and there were back up systems. Then we realized it wasn’t just the Mets but also the Royals. We still didn’t realize that Fox was having problems...I went to the headset and New York said they were down
as well and that really surprised me. When (MLB’s Chief Baseball Officer) Joe Torre came down to the field, that’s when we realized it was the broadcast.” After a brief delay on the field, play was resumed and viewers were able to watch the game on MLB’s international feed until Fox was back up. Bill Welke talks with Mets manager Terry Collins after Fox’s broadcast feed went down. (newsday.com)
Harper Creek beats Marshall for Interstate 8 title
Left: Marshall’s Kaylie Bates. Center: Audrey Myers. Right:Josie Herman, No. 9, and Chloe Webber celebrating a Marshall point during the second set versus Harper Creek on Oct. 28. The Beavers claimed the Interstate 8 conference title after beating Marshall in four sets by scores of 25-14, 23-25, 25-16 and 25-17. Both teams had entered the match with identical 6-0 conference records. Marshall will host next week’s district tournament. Marshall will play either Comstock or Pennfield at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 4 in one semi final. The other semi final, at 6 p.m. will pit Harper Creek against Parchment at 6 p.m. The winners of the semi final matches will meet in the district final on Nov. 6 tentatively scheduled for 7 p.m. (Photos by John Hendler)
Cross-country teams run at regional today in Portage Both the Marshall High School boys and girls crosscountry teams will be competing for a state berth at today’s (Oct. 31) regional meet at Portage West Middle School. The girls race is at 11 a.m., followed by the boys race at noon. The top three teams at the regional advance to the state meet Nov. 7 at Michigan International Speedway. Led by Abbey Ufkes and Rachel Schoepke, Marshall's girls placed second to 7th ranked Lumen Christi at the I8 Championships on Oct. 24. In addition to Ufkes and Schoepke, also making the 14 person All League Team were senior Hilly Televik and freshmen Abby St. John and Ava Klein. Marshall had more all league runners than any other school. “I was really proud of the girls,” said coach Steve Wissink. “Five of our seven top runners set all time personal records and that was on a course that wasn't running very fast. We had nine runners in the top 25, and four of them are freshmen, so the future looks bright. Our fitness level is excellent right now, and we're confident we will peek at the regional meet And if we do, we should be headed back to the state meet for the sixth time in the last 11 years. Top Marshall girls times: Abbey Ufkes, 19:50; Rachel Schoepke, 20:30; Abby St. John, 20:40; Ava Klein , 20:47; Hilly Televik, 20:48 ; Asha Ritchie, 21:20; Meagan Schoepke, 21:29; Hannah Koch, 21:33; and Olaide Olapade , 21:39 .
Marshall runners, from left, Chris Bell, Jontaj Wallace, Calvin Smith, Christian Kalisz and Micah Deitrich at the start of the Interstate 8 league race Oct. 24. The boys team placed third, while the Marshall girls team placed second. (Photo by John Hendler)
Elijah Balli-Solis had Marshall’s best time at the league meet, 17:22, to finish 15th overall. (Photo by John Hendler)
Abbey Ufkes, No. 171, placed first among the Marshall runners at the conference championship Oct. 24, posting a time of 19:50, which was second overall. (Photo by John Hendler)
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