Livingston Parent Journal

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2 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 •

Features... An independent local publication.

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of Livingston Parent Journal is to share worthwhile information with area parents by listing family-oriented events, educational opportunities for parents, and by providing feature articles and tips on topics relevant to raising children of all ages.


Kids and Conflict

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— EDITOR/ PUBLISHER — Rick & Terri McGarry —WRITERS— Laura Bickel, MBA Kim Menzel, LMSW Bob Sornson, Ph.D. Dave and Andrea Reiser — GRAPHIC DESIGN/LAYOUT — Jacqueline Hill

Jacqueline’s Blog

Parenting and Pinocchio


The Livingston Parent Journal does not necessarily endorse the views of the authors or the products of the advertisers. Medical and health advice is not intended to replace the care of a physician. Member of

PO Box 1162 • Fowlerville, MI 48836


Why Grandma Forgets

Meaningful and Memorable


Early Learning Success

In every issue... Things To Do in Livingston County .................................. 12-13 Off The Wall .............................................................................. 17 Ongoing Resources .............................................................. 18-19

© November 2012 All rights reserved.

Classifieds .................................................................................. 22 • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 3

From Our Family

The Chaos of Our Lives

Vase Painting Kit by Family Games America • Four porcelain vases • Paint, brush, and stencil sheet. • Just paint and pop in the oven. • Tea sets and bowls also available.

Families are complicated. For many of us, we are coming up on a time of year when we see family that we don’t visit with that often, or in some cases, family that we manage to successfully avoid during the rest of the year. This is also a time when it is sometimes very painful to be separated from family if circumstances do not allow us to be together. It can also be a time when we sometimes really miss family members that have passed away. Once my nieces were involved in a dispute with each other about some friends at school. Their father told them, “Ask me where my friends from school are, and I will tell you that I have no idea. I haven’t seen any of them in many years. But I can tell you where my brother and my sister are, because I still have to see them on a regular basis.” In normal families, family relationships form the permanent backdrop against which the chaos of our lives erupts.

*28.95 at We have 5 to give away. Email

Once at a funeral dinner someone asked me what it was like to have family upon which you can depend. I laughed loudly and inappropriately, and remarked, “How the heck would I know?” But of course I do know. Because family relationships usually endure long enough that you discover all the ways you can depend on each other, as well as having a pretty good idea of each other’s weaknesses. Our wish for you over Thanksgiving and Christmas this year is that you will enjoy your family in every possible way while learning to gracefully come to terms with their inadequacies. We also hope that your wisdom and example will guide your children as they develop the kinds of solid long term family relationships that we all find so indispensable in difficult times.

November Birthdays! 2

Bella Rae Hammack Vasyli Freeman


Nicholas Gabriel Corbett. Kaitlyn Orr


Haley Hebel

8 Kamdyn Wells

17 Owen Yuan Lee

9 Natalie Holmberg

Lena Mae Feig 10 Liliana Ruiz


Logan Sweet

11 Landon Boling


Robert 'Dean" Compton Madalynne Mills

12 Katie Davie

25 Holly Heckel

Kylee Brown Caleb DiMassa

Colton Cullers Nicholas Wayne Porter 20 Madison Bella McKenzie Seigle

26 Aaliyah Loren Sciberras

21 Brendan Osolind

27 Garrett Schultz

Gillian Schultz Erin Rose Brown

22 Jeremy Buchan Stella Pantelas

16 Jasmine Kiser

Adeline Schutz 28 Liliana Borsodi

Emelia Edwards 29 Matthew Garza

Zachary deBeauclair

Elin Jolene Feig Chloe Kiser

We are always looking for more sponsors for the Birthday Club. Email or call 866.806.1680 for details.

Kids! Join our Birthday Club and we’ll send you a special treat and let everyone know it’s your special day! Send your child’s date of birth to

Homemade Chocolate 129 E. Grand River Fowlerville 517.223.1322

10006 Highland Rd, Hartland 810.632.6932

HOWELL BIG BOY 2222 E. Grand River, Howell 517.548.1800

4 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 •

Dec. 8 & 9 at 2:00 p.m. Jane Tasch Performing Arts Theatre 2130 E. M-36 Pinckney, Mi

The Original Nutcracker in Livingston County. Featuring Local and Professional Dancers.

$20Adult $18 Child/Teen/Sr. Reserved Seating CASH OR CHECK ONLY

Sold at: Beverly Rae’s 306 W. Main. Dwtn. Brighton • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 5

Managing Conflict The Unavoidable Visitor in Parenting “Mom, tell her to stop looking at me!” “Get out of my room! I wish you weren’t my sister!” Wise Mom sits on one of my shoulders, patient and calm, with a keen eye for each magic learning moment, and the wherewithal to take advantage of it. Frustrated, Tired Mom sits on the other shoulder, desperately wanting to step in and stop the bickering because even if we miss this teachable moment at least we won’t be late for school. As a family therapist and mother to Julia and Bella, ages 15 and 12, I often feel frustrated and annoyed when my children argue. I am well-trained in what I should do, but sometimes I still don’t do it. Wise Mom insists that I need to turn the problem back to my daughters so they can learn to settle conflicts themselves and become responsible adults who can compromise and negotiate effectively.

each take a turn using the truck, you could put the truck away and no one would use it, or you could put away the trucks and go outside and play. Which sounds like a good idea?” These same skills work with parent-child conflict. The goal of conflict resolution is the same: stay cool and do not act from emotion, describe the problem not the person, express the feeling calmly, actively listen to each other, brainstorm solutions, decide on the resolution.

“Our job as parents is to help our children through the process of identifying the problem, expressing their position clearly, and problem solving to find a solution.”

Our job as parents is to help our children through the process of identifying the problem, expressing their position clearly, and problem solving to find a solution. Here are some quick and easy strategies to help coach your children toward a win-win resolution: • Ask kids to focus on the problem, not the person. Stop blaming, and step back from the situation. Instead of “Bella, give me back my doll!” ask the child to find the words to express what they want, “Bella, don’t touch my doll.” Focusing on the problem not the person moves people from blame to solutions. • Ask each child to put words to what he/she is feeling. Emphasize that we can feel the feeling, but not act on it. Teach kids to name their feeling, express it, and not act on it: “I feel X (mad) when you Y (ride my bike without asking).” “It’s never too early to begin We’re coaching that it’s managing conflict appropriately, okay to be mad and to express your feeling, but you and it’s never too late to start.” can’t hit or yell. So, when Julia says, “Bella stop yelling at me just because I made us late to leave the house.” Bella could stop and step back for a minute, and then express her feeling calmly, “I’m mad that when we leave late I don’t get to see my friends before school.” This shows that it’s okay to feel mad, but still stay in control and communicate about the feeling and the problem. • Walk your child through a series of questions, encouraging them to come up with answers in their own words. “What is the problem?” “How are you feeling right now?” “Why do you think Bella is upset?” “How have the two of you tried to solve the problem?” “How did that work?” “Is there something else you can try?” • Help them to brainstorm many possible solutions until they can agree on one, directing them back to the problem if they get sidetracked or frustrated. When talking to preschoolers, naming options will model for them that there are many ways to solve a problem so it is win-win for everyone. “You could

It’s easier to stay cool and calm if you first pause and take a moment to breathe. Listen to the story you might be telling yourself. It is likely that your own internal dialogue is fueling your emotions and preventing you from seeing possible solutions. During a recent situation with my 15-year-old, this was the story I told myself, “Julia always starts a fight with me when she’s worried about something else. I’m so tired of telling her over and over that she can’t do that. She never listens to me.” This internal dialogue poured gas on my emotional fire, and definitely prevented me from active listening and effective problem solving. My story was fueled by all-or-nothing words (always, never, every), which left me feeling angry and hopeless about resolving the problem. Until I took a breath and stepped out of the situation, I couldn’t separate my feelings from the issue.

Eventually, I was able to tell my daughter “Julia, I feel really frustrated and hurt when you yell at me when you’re tired and stressed. I’ll talk to you when you’re calm.” My goal was to help her see that her actions affect other people, and to show that there are other ways to deal with stress. After brainstorming, she agreed to practice asking herself what she is thinking when she feels overwhelmed (am I tired, hungry, worried, frustrated, scared?). Because we were able to come back to talking and hearing each other, I was able to find the teachable moment in the “big” feelings and we talked about how self-awareness helps prevent “overwhelm and explode.” I also agreed to give her space when she asked for it calmly. It’s never too early to begin managing conflict appropriately, and it’s never too late to start. Children benefit from watching people deal with big feelings and settle problems. Parents can serve as coaches to teach kids how to work through the process with each other. When parents use the same skills to interact with our kids, we are more effective at conveying the message we want our kids to hear, we are modeling the behavior we want them to adopt, and we can come to a resolution. Staying on topic, listening without blaming or attacking, and brainstorming solutions will lead to less frustrated parents and more skillful, successful kids. Kim Menzel, LMSW has been a licensed therapist for 20 years, practicing mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with adults, adolescents, couples, and families. Kim is a native of Brighton, mom of two teenage daughters, and owner of Menzel Mediation and Counseling Center, as well as a member of LIPA, serving Livingston County families with alternatives to conflict resolution in family law matters.

Read Kim’s article “Conflict Avoidance Equals Intimacy Avoidance” at

6 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 •

Can You Find Your Child in this Checklist? Rita, age 11, used to be confident...ready to take on the world. But after starting middle school, she seems like a different person: hesitant and unsure of herself. Ryanʼs mom, Becky, worries because Ryan is so easily wounded. Things said to him by the other kids at school hurt his feelings so easily. Ryanʼs hyper-sensitivity is a constant source of stress for Becky. The peace of the household is frequently disturbed. Everything is a battle: getting ready for school; dinnertime; homework; even things that used to be enjoyable family activities are now potential battles. Screaming matches occur on a regular basis. Paula is so concerned about being popular. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, worry that this will make her an easy target for negative peer pressure. Tyler, age 4, does great when he gets it right the first time when learning something new. When he doesnʼt get it on the first try, though, he becomes totally frustrated and says, “Iʼll never be able to do it!” Mr. and Mrs. Hall are frustrated at the level of disrespect demonstrated by their children. The kids never used to talk like this before! The Halls think, “If I had talked like that when I was a kid — I would have gotten clobbered!” Suzanne is constantly down on herself, often saying, “Iʼm not as pretty as Elizabeth,” or “Iʼll never be popular like Marta.” Scott used to be a nice, kind child. Lately, though, he has become increasingly aggressive. His parents, Vern and Becky, are concerned...and theyʼve already had two calls from the school about Scottʼs bullying of younger children. The teachers say that Charlie canʼt focus in school, and might need to be medicated. Nicole and Bryan, his parents, hate that idea. They feel that Charlie just needs to learn listening and focus skills. They are can they build the skills Charlie really needs? If youʼve “found” your child on the checklist (and most people do!) on... You Just Might Find the Big BREAKTHROUGH Youʼve Been Seeking for Your Child!”

Dear Fellow Parents, You are probably thinking, “come on can punching and kicking improve my child’s self confidence, focus and self control?” Well, I’m here to tell you, in many more ways than you can begin to imagine. I am Sam Larioza, a resident of Fowlerville and father of two wonderful teenagers. I’ve spent much of my life teaching and mentoring young people. I’ve worked with thousands of kids (just like yours!) over the last 25 years. So back to the question, “How can karate do all this?!” Look at it this way. Your child’s first and biggest challenge comes not from “fighting for his rights on the street,” or “beating up the neighborhood bully.” It comes, instead, from battling more sinister forces. Your child’s own fears and self doubts! “I’m not as smart as John.” “I’m just not good at math.” “I wish I was as (strong, pretty, popular) as Sally.” “Why does Jim keep picking on me?” Well here is the secret: Karate is less about your child learning to fight others, and more about fighting ... himself. His innermost fears and self doubts. Conquer them, and your child unleashes within himself a powerful, unstoppable force. A force that gives him the strength to kick down the doors of his own self doubts, a force that opens your child to the exalting power of values and the ability to reach his full potential. To find out more go to our website or just call me at (517) 586-1001.

Yours for Rock Solid Kids,

Sam Larioza Sam Larioza

“P.S. – Beginner classes starting this month P.P.S.- Free official karate uniform to the first 25 callers. • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 7

Why Grandma Forgets Elaine Pereira wrote the book about her mother’s battle with Alheimer’s disease to help other people cope with the challenges we face when someone we love suffers from dementia.

When your mother was suffering from Alzheimer’s, what caught you most by surprise? Living two hours away from my mom, I didn't experience the day-to-day issues. She demonstrated a remarkable ability to mask her dementia with misleading information and evasive responses. When she told me she still drove to church every Sunday, I believed her. I did not suspect that she didn't always know what day of the week it actually was, sometimes got lost going there or coming home, and sometimes forgot to go. It wasn't until I actually saw dried chocolate residue sloughing off her sweater and coffee stains on her blouse and pants that I realized she wasn't capable of doing her laundry any more, regardless of what she said. Then one day I actually saw her bank account statement and I became aware she had written nine checks for her car insurance! The information I gleaned from asking Mom a “Yes or No” question was completely unreliable. When I asked for more specific information and listened carefully, I became aware that her answers rambled, provided little substantive information and indicated dementia.

How did your children react to your mother’s illness? Because dementia comes on gradually, unlike a sudden illness or death, they had time to adapt and prepare. Still it is extremely difficult to watch your once brilliant, talented, articulate mother or grandmother, ramble, not be able to retrieve your name, and finally writhe in anguish as her dementia took a stronger hold, crushing her persona to dust.

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As far as relating to me during that time, my girls were unconditionally supportive.

What was the most helpful thing you learned while your mother was ill? What a genuine privilege and honor it was for me to be able to give back to the woman who gave so much and so selflessly to me. I also was very impressed with the staff at the facility where she stayed. They interacted with her daily, patiently redirected her refusals to dress, nodded their heads in non-confrontational agreement when she ranted about something, bathed her and cleaned up after her, always respectfully.

What were some of the most supportive things other people did for you? My friends listened to me, endlessly sometimes, and asked with genuine interest about me and my mom. My husband stepped up for my mom in a big way when I was overseas in Germany. She wandered from the facility one night, fell and was found several hours later by a paper delivery person. Mom was badly bruised and hospitalized for a few days, and when she was discharged she had to be relocated to a more secure wing. My husband packed and moved all of her stuff and arranged for movers to handle the big furniture items. He did this without complaint and without my help so that I could stay and enjoy my grandkids and family.

8 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 •

How should parents explain dementia to their children? I would explain dementia by saying that someone is having difficulty remembering things and that they might even say or do something odd or strange, but not to be alarmed. When I was about 8 years old, my mother prepared me for my grandfather's impending visit by warning me that grandpa might “refer to the past.” She assured me that he was okay but having a lot of difficulty remembering things and not to be alarmed by anything odd. It was very helpful and I still remember her preparing me for what could have been a disturbing experience. With teens I think you can be more specifics about what dementia is and how is affects someone's memory or personality. Even a young adult witnessing uncharacteristic hostile behaviors in someone who is usually kind and patient can be very disconcerting. Address the issue before the visit by saying something like this: “Dementia impairs grandpa's personality and his ability to remember things. He might ask you the same question over and over; just answer him again patiently. He might even seem irritable, grumpy or short tempered because of the disease and have difficulty controlling his attitude.”

How can I help my child connect with older relatives who have dementia? Even dementia patients like certain things and events, especially from the past. For example, homemade cookies might be a common denominator that helps the young child connect with their older relative. Sometimes pictures of familiar people, music or crafts, can allow a child to interact with a compromised adult in a meaningful way and in a pleasant atmosphere. I also recommend simple but honest explanations to a child before their visit/interaction about what to expect, what this person might look or act like. Explain the facility they are living in if it is different from their home. Encourage them ahead of time to remember what they liked about this person in the past. For example: “Aunt Shirley used to wink at me and it was funny.” You might suggest in response, “Aunt Shirley might not remember winking at you and she might not wink at you now, but maybe you can try to see what happens if you wink at her, or draw a picture of her winking at you”.

My friend’s parent suffers from dementia. How can I help my friend? 1. My very first suggestion is to validate what your friend is going through if you haven't already. I recall more than a few friends saying something heartfelt and helpful things like: “I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I remember her yummy homemade pie. How can I help?” 2. Offer physical assistance, such as help with transportation to appointments, or running errands for them to the pharmacy, grocery, or post office; especially if you're going anyway. Offer to sit with their parent so they can have a break.

What is the biggest misunderstanding people have about Alzheimer’s? From my perspective, it is forgetting that the drooling, rambling, disheveled, and/or hostile person that you see with Alzheimer's used to teach high school calculus (like my mom ), earned an advanced degree, was the best bakery chef in the state, or took care of six kids and an ill parent themselves. The demented person once had integrity, modesty, values, and opinions. If they act aggressive or hostile, it’s not really them, it’s the disease. It is very hard to witness someone's mind being slowly chipped and chiseled away one brain cell at a time, but my mom and all the others, deserve to have someone there for them.

Elaine Pereira’s candid story of her mother’s struggle highlights the sad and also the comical side of dealing with Alzheimer’s.

3. Home safety is sometimes one of the biggest issues for someone with dementia. Their judgment, logic or planning skills are often impaired, putting them at risk for falls, leaving the stove on, and especially wandering. If your friend's parent is living alone or is left alone for part of the day, then your friend should be encouraged to contact The Alzheimer's Association for their expertise and management recommendations. 4. Offer to accompany your friend if they are looking for an assisted living or an Alzheimer's care facility. A second pair of eyes, ears and nose can be very helpful. Your friend also needs moral support throughout this process. Even knowing my mother's unequivocal wishes, I still was humbled by the weight of making life-changing decisions on her behalf without being able to discuss them with her in a meaningful way. • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 9

Gifting Your Children with Meaningful Experiences Instead of breaking the bank to shower your kids with material things this holiday season, how about giving them the gift of at least one meaningful experience instead? Time spent together, not a new video game system or wardrobe, will truly stick with them and shape their character.

Choose an event to attend together. Get a schedule of local holiday-themed concerts, plays, parades, shows, and other events, and choose a few together to attend as a family. Your kids will enjoy counting down to these outings, and you'll have an even better time attending them. Plus, everyone will remember the live performance of White Christmas or the holiday-themed magic show much longer than they will a bevy of action figures under the tree. The calendar of events always includes some that are inexpensive or even free. You don’t have to spend a mint to make memories over the holidays. There really is no place like home for the holidays.

Making special holiday

memories doesn't always have to mean going somewhere. In fact, some of your most treasured experiences can be created inside the four walls of your house, and they don't have to cost a lot of money or cause a lot of stress to be perfect! Take a regular weeknight dinner and turn it into a magical holiday meal by dimming the lights, lighting candles on the table, and playing soft holiday music in the background. Serve sparkling juice or cider in special glasses and pull out the fancy china for once. It's a special night you and your family won't soon forget!

Set your family up for success. On even the best of days, kids will be kids, and their propensity for energy, misbehavior, and hijinks grows exponentially when they're excited. Whenever your family is preparing for any sort of event this season, don't assume that the usual rules are at the forefront of young minds. Go over your expectations and potential consequences beforehand so that you don't spend the whole time scolding and correcting. And as a parent, take the time to remind yourself that children are often overstimulated, overexcited, and saturated with sugar this time of year. If you don't think your brood can handle sitting still for a one hour concert, then make the choice not to go. You'll save yourself a lot of stress, anger, and disappointment in the long run.

Make meaningful conversation. Conversation is the foundation upon which any memorable event is built. So to make the most of outings and experiences this holiday season, have a few meaningful topics up your sleeve to engage your family. Otherwise, you'll find yourself griping about chore lists, homework, and soccer schedules during your special outing, instead of the things you really wanted to share. For example, as you drive around your neighborhood looking at Christmas lights, you may want to ask your kids about their favorite Christmas memories. Or, before attending a church service or local event, sit down and talk about what Christmas truly means to each member of your family. You may be surprised at the answers, and it will make each event and activity that much more meaningful.

Make something out of nothing. A meaningful experience doesn't have to

event. In fact, your family can make routine holiday tasks into beloved traditions. For example, get everyone together to wrap gifts for friends and family, and share hot chocolate and cookies while you're curling ribbon and cutting paper. Or let everyone climb into special holiday pajamas, then pile in the car and look at all of the beautiful holiday lights in your town.

Give thanks. This is a time to be grateful and to count blessings. Whenever your family visits a friend or attends a special event, make sure to point out to your children how fortunate they are to have such individuals and opportunities in their lives, and occasionally mention that not every child around the world is so privileged.

Give back. If your family is counting its blessings, the natural next step is to reach out to those whose holiday seasons might not be filled with much cheer. Consider donating to a charity instead of giving so many gifts, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or caroling at a nursing home. This is the perfect time of year to teach children that it truly is better to give than to receive, and it can actually feel really good, too. These experiences will instill values in your children and broaden their perspective on holiday privileges.

Live in the moment. It's easy to get caught up in the hoopla of the holidays, and not living in the moment is a downright joy robber. If you're constantly setting your sights on the next holiday party or dance recital on your calendar, you won't be fully enjoying the activity you're currently doing. Reveling in the now and accepting the (minor) flaws that might come along allows you to truly experience the benefits of living in the present. Those moments with family and friends will be that much sweeter. David Reiser is a senior vice president-wealth management at MorganStanley SmithBarney. He enjoys fine dining, Broadway theatre, and bodysurfing with his four sons at the beach in Amagansett, New York. Andrea Reiser is a graduate of Boston University College of Communication. Her interests include cooking, live music, fine dining, interior decorating, nonfiction reading, digital photography, blogging, musical theater, and the Boston Red Sox. They are coauthors of Wealthbuilding: Investment Strategies for Retirement and Estate Planning (Wiley, 2002), and Letters From Home: A Wake-up Call for Success & Wealth (Wiley, 2010) Look for Dave and Andrea’s article “A Meaningful Little Christmas” at

cost a massive amount of money, and it doesn't have to be a once-in-a-lifetime

10 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 • • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 11

{ Things To Do In Livingston County { November List your event for free at

Honor Flight Michigan This film honors the legacy of Michigan’s World War II Heroes and Honor Flight Michigan who provided their trip of a lifetime. Question and answer session with local veterans will follow. Cromaine Library 10am FREE 810.632.5200 How to Get Unlost How to find your way out of a sticky situation with or without a compass but bring a compass if you have one. For ages 10 and older. Kensington 1pm $3 800-47-PARKS

Family Tae Kwon Do Tuesdays and Thursdays through 11/29 Kil’s Tae Kwon Do 6:30-7:30 or 7:30-8:30 $52 517.546.0693

Sunday 4

Shelter Building Discover the basics of building a good shelter for unexpected overnight stays in the wilderness. For ages 10 and older. Kensington 1pm $3 800-47PARKS

Mom to Mom Sale Brighton Montessori 9am-2pm 810.229.8660

Sat & sun 3 & 4

Turkey Shoot Bring your own shotgun, ammunition will be supplied. Livingston County Wildlife and Conservation Club. Doors open at noon, shooting starts at 1pm. 810.231.1811

Climbing Tower and Zip Line Tallest outdoor climbing tower in Michigan. 500foot Zip Line over a pond. Paid reservations required. Howell Nature Center $15 517.546.0249

Saturday 3 Turkey Napkin Holder Hands-on workshops for children ages 5-12. Free workshop apron, commemorative pin and certificate of achievement. Home Depot 9am-Noon 517.548.3742 White Steeple Stage presents old country and blue grass performers Bill Bynum & Co. at Community Congregational United Church of Christ in Gregory 7:30pm $10 Bird Hike Bring your binoculars and a field guide to observe and record dates, locations, and trends from year to year. Hudson Mills Metropark 8am $3 734.426.8211

The Livingston Lamplighters Barbershop Chorus ‘Sentimental Journey- Our Way’ Hartland Ed Community Center 4pm $10. Visit the website for details.

Friday 2

My Son Pinocchio Geppetto journeys beyond his village toy shop to discover what makes an ideal child, and what it means to truly be a parent. Presented by the Community Theatre of Howell. Howell Freshman Campus Fri & Sat 7:30pm Sat & Sun 2pm $16 517.545.1290

Bone Chiller A comedic mystery thriller presented by Hartland High School Thespian Troupe #4213 Fri & Sat 7:30pm Sun 2:30pm $13

Kayaking for Cranes Join the Crossroads Group of the Sierra Club to watch the Sandhill Cranes on Bennett Lake up close from kayaks. Bring PFDs and a bag of dry clothes. Deerfield Hills Nature Area 2pm FREE

Thursday 1

Fri-Sun 9-11

Monday 5 Intro To Karate for Kids Mondays and Wednesdays through November 28 Ohana Karate 4:30-5:00pm $150 517.546.0693

Friday 9 Flick n’ Float Float on an inner tube while watching a movie. Children under 48” or younger than 3 must have an adult in the water. Children under 14 must have an adult in the building. Howell Pool 7:008:30 pm $4 517.546.0693 Bully Buster Verbal and non-physical techniques will be covered along with physical protection skills. Ages 6-14 Ohana Karate 6:00-7:30pm $90 517.546.0693 x0

Open Mic Live musicians, poets, actors, artists, comedians, singers, and dancers. Bennett Recreation Center 6:30pm $2 (no charge for performers) 517.546.0693 x0

What's Your Story? A family musical exploration of building community through civility and compassion presented by Music Doing Good. Howell Opera House 7:00-9:10pm $25 517.540.0065

Sat & Sun 10 & 11

Bye Bye Birdie Presented by the Pinckney Players. Jane Tasch Theatre Sat 7:30pm Sun 2pm $14

Saturday 10 Mom to Mom Sale Slighty used infant, toddler, and children’s clothing, toys. No strollers please. Brighton Montessori 10am-2pm $1 9am admission, $2 810.229.8660

Babysitting Skills and Fun covers etiquette, entertainment and includes sharing real experiences. Teens and tweens grades 5 and up. Cromaine Library 1-3pm FREE 810.632.5200 Native American Pottery Learn the ways of the Eastern Woodland Indians and make your own pot to take home with you. For ages 6 and older. Kensington 1pm $5 800-47-PARKS Day of Hope Services for those in need. Free haircuts, basic medical evaluations, children's safety fingerprinting, tire pressure and fluid check and childcare during the event. Lunch will be provided for all visitors and the first 150 visitors/families will receive a free box of groceries (one per household). Community Bible Church 9am-3pm 810.227.2255 Mom to Mom Sale 75 sellers of gently used baby & kids clothing, toys, baby furniture & equipment and maternity items.

Sunday 11 Critter Holiday Make edible treats for birds and squirrels. The program includes an optional walk to leave the treats in the woods, or families can take their treats home. Harris Nature Center 3pm $7/family 517.349.3866

12 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680


Car Entry Fee

Reservations Required - please call ahead

{ Things To Do In Livingston County { Fri-Sun 16-18 Bye Bye Birdie see November 10 & 11 Fri & Sat 7:30pm Sun 2pm

Fri & Sat 16 & 17 Make a Gingerbread House A family activity. Kit and all supplies provided. One kit per family. Cromaine Library Fri 12:30pm &4:00pm Sat 9:00am, 11:00am & 1:30pm $5/family 810.632.5200

Veterans Day Ceremony Speakers and salute by the Marine Corps. Livingston County Courthouse 11am.

Friday 16

Tuesday 13

Native American Dance Nokomis from Okemos shares dances of the Great Lakes. Audience participation encouraged. Old Hartland High School 2pm FREE 810.632.5200

Sanchin Ryu Karate for Families Physical techniques, drills, and exercises. Tuesdays through January 15 Ages 5 & up Barnard Community Center 7-8pm $104/family 517.546.0693

Winter Window Painting Come dressed for the mess, materials supplied. 4th grade and up. Hartland Crossroads Library FREE 810.632.5200

Wednesday 14

Saturday 17 White Steeple Stage presents country and blue grass performers Company of Strangers Community Congregational United Church of Christ in Gregory 7:30pm $10

Deer Survival Strategies Between cars, hunters and natural predators, deer have a tough time of it. Discover special adaptations that deer possess for survival. For ages 6 and older. Kensington 2pm $3 80047-PARKS

Saturday 24

Winter Duck Migration Watch waterfowl as they stop on Kent Lake. Binoculars, bird books, warm clothing and rain gear are recommended. Kensington 1pm 734.954.0429

Sunday 25

Fri-Sun 23-25 Fantasy of Art Start your holiday shopping with fine art and holiday items. The Opera House Fri 3-10pm Sat 6pm-Midnight Sun 11am-4pm 517.294.7562

Friday 23 Legos Alive Bring your 2-gallon-sized ziplock bags of any kind of Lego building blocks. Lego Robotronix in limited quantity will be supplied to add to your creation. Ages 5-12. Cromaine Library 11am FREE 810.632.5200

A young Nature Discovery student enjoys donning a live tiara composed of all three species of Michigan garter snakes. Photography by Dr. Roy Schwarz

Michigan Snakes Alive Jim McGrath from Nature Discovery will bring several live snakes for you to handle, and discuss their specific identification, behavior and habitat requirements. Brighton Library 7pm FREE 517.545.9362

North’s Sleigh Lowe’s Build and Grow Clinic Saturday 10am FREE 517.548.3475

Thur-Sun 15-18 My Son Pinocchio see November 9-11 Thur 7:30pm

Thursday 15 Sanchin Ryu Karate for Families Physical techniques, drills, and exercises. Thursdays through January 17 Ages 5 & up Barnard Community Center 7-8pm $104/family 517.546.0693 howellrecreation.


Car Entry Fee

Sunday 18 Black and Blue A special screening of the film, "Black and Blue: The Story of Gerald Ford, Willis Ward, And the 1934 Michigan-Georgia Tech Football Game" will be followed by a discussion with Brian Kruger and Buddy Moorehouse. Brighton Library 2-4pm FREE 810.229.6571 x227

Thursday 29 Bring your own tools and tech Tear things apart. Put them back together. Build simple robots. Cromaine Library 6:30pm FREE 810.632.5200

Friday 30 Holiday in the Park Opening Festivities The half-mile rustic drive will be lined with a hundred decorated trees. Santa Claus, sky lanterns, hot chocolate and cookies. The trees will remain on display until Christmas. Howell City Park 6-8pm $5/car 517.546.0693 x0

November 30 – December 2

Brighton’s Holiday Glow Holiday music, dance performances from local companies, hay rides, train rides, a nativity petting farm, a station to write letters to Santa, tasty holiday treat. Santa and Mrs. Claus magically light the trees to orchestrated synchronized music.

Reptiles in the Lobby Meet some of the critters that make Kensington their home. Kensington 2-4pm 800-47-PARKS


Animal Tracks on T-Shirts Bring a Tshirt or sweatshirt and track it up, while learning about the animals that left the tracks behind. For ages 6 and older. Kensington 1pm $4 800-47-PARKS

Turkey Stroll Two miles of walking and strolling. Howell City Park 10am. FREE 517.546.0693 x0

Chickadee Chow-Down In winter, a variety of song birds will actually take sunflower seeds from your hands. Bird seed provided. Kensington 1pm $3 800-47PARKS

Fantasy of Lights Dozens of illuminated floats, marching bands, 50 other entries, and Santa Claus. Downtown Howell 7pm

Sat & Sun 24 & 25 Child of the Promise is a musical that brings to life the complete story of the birth of Jesus Christ beginning with the prophecy of the Old Testament. Brighton Center for the Performing Arts Sat 7pm Sun 4pm $15

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is an Encore Youth Theater production about struggling to put on a pageant while faced with casting the Herdman kids, probably the most inventively awful kids in history. Hartland Music Hall Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2 & 6pm $6 248.231.0184

December 1 Holiday Ornaments Children ages 7 and up will learn to paint 2 ornaments. Children under 7 may attend with an adult. 10:30am-Noon $45 517.546.0693 x0

Christmas in the Ville Parade, 1-mile and 5K races, reindeer, carriage rides, and hot air balloons. Downtown Fowlerville.

The Budweiser Clydesdales will be in the Fantasy of Lights Parade. More event information at

Reservations Required - please call ahead

(866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 13

14 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 •

Everything I Needed to Know about Parenting I learned from Pinocchio Austin with Drew Barrymore

My son, Austin has been a performer in movies, plays and commercials since he was six, has been a Screen Actor’s Guild member for two years, and has been modeling since age three. In the movie Whip It, when Ellen Page expresses frustration about her mother forcing her personal agenda on Bliss, and Kristen Wiig responds “You’re lucky that you even have a mom who cares,” that’s Austin in the back seat giggling. I think it is really cool when he gets to work on a production that has a valuable life lesson, and he gets to be in the scene that presents that lesson. Disney’s “My Son Pinocchio,” which is being presented this month by the Community Theatre of Howell, has valuable life lessons for children and parents, along with lots of humor, entertainment, great songs, emotion and a talented cast of characters. Austin plays Pinocchio and his father Brian plays Geppetto. This retelling of the classic tale shows us that you must be careful what you wish for, and “just because it’s magic doesn’t mean it’s easy”. As Geppetto journeys beyond his village toyshop to discover what makes an ideal child and what it means to truly be a parent, the production explores important themes like individuality, self-esteem and the relationship between parents and children. “My Son Pinocchio – Geppetto’s Musical Tale” is also full of unexpected laughs and adventures. Grammy Award winner Stephen Schwartz, known for scores like Wicked, God-spell and Children of

Ellen Page, Kristen Wiig, and Austin.

Eden, adds a charming and compelling score of original songs to the beloved classics like“When You Wish Upon a Star” and “I’ve Got No Strings.” Pinocchio is showing at the Howell FreshBeing a parent of a young man Campus November 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 professional actor is challengat 7:30 and November 10, 11, 17, and 18 ing. It’s not always easy to supat 2:00. port their interests while making 517-545-1290. sure their life is well rounded. Sometimes people forget that Austin is not that different from other kids just because he is a professional performer. I have learned sometimes to keep some of his accomplishments to myself. Pinnochio reminds me to make sure Austin knows that I am proud of him, not for what he does but for who he is.

Laura Bickel, MBA Prior to becoming a performer's mom, Laura was an investment advisor in Tennessee and loved it. She gave up her career to be a stay-at-home mom. Laura is an active volunteer, especially in the theatrical world. More information about My Son Pinocchio at • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 15

BrightonPerforming Arts. com 810-299-4130, ext. 0



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The Verve Pipe Kids show! Saturday, 1.26.13, 2PM

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810-229-8660 16 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 •

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Jennya Hammack For those of you that keep up with The Chronicles of Vaeh’s Sleepless Life, on the way home tonight she was nodding off until she realized she was nodding off. So to keep herself awake, she held her eye open with one hand and poked her eyeball with the other hand. No joke.

Nicole Beauregard Smith I cannot find the off switch for the 'seek and destroy' on my children!

Jessica Kroft DeBoard Watched my 8 year old nephews football game today and they were down one point with 2 minutes left on the clock and the team scored a touchdown and held off Hartland after a turnover at their end zone to win! It was the most exciting football game I've ever watched! I didn't really understand what was happening because I've only maybe watched 5 games ever but it was a real nail biter! Go Lakeland Broncos!

Jessica Cardoni Andrew is reading a library book to Belle. She has to pee so she says "Ok dad, pause it."

Lori Burkart Having difficulty getting your child to nap? Just give them a copy of the LPJ! ;)

Leah Greanya wrote on Nanette Edwards's timeline. HELP! Gracee and I are at Walmart and she locked my keys, phone etc in the Jeep. So - I don't have any phone numbers! Please come up...

Laura Cronenwett Webber "Uh, Mama- I need to take my pants off because my knees and legs need to get some fresh air!" #FourYearOldBoyWisdom

Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran School Our students give our school a lot of credit! This morning a kindergartener's grandma reminded her that it was Friday which means pizza at lunch and a weekend following the school day. The kindergartener responded, "You mean we get a weekend EVERY Friday?! I LOVE this school!"

Brian Edwards Elijah asked me tonight what my favorite part of God's creation was. I answered Miguel Cabrera. I was right.

Nanette Edwards My boys are at the last Tiger home game! We did not tell Eli until he was going out the door for school! • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 17

The Resource Center The


Your spot for ongoing parental assets, clubs, and classes.

Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Multiples Mother Baby Group is a free drop-in group for mothers of twins or more. Support staff available. 3rd Wed, 1-3pm. Sponsored by The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor 734.975.6534. The Breastfeeding Café is a free drop-in group for breastfeeding mothers and their babies, hosted by lactation consultant Barbara Robertson. Fridays 10-11:30am The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor. 734.975.6534. Saint Joseph Mercy Breastfeeding Clinic is designed to support breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Appointments with lactation consultants available. 734.712.6357 Breastfeeding Club is a free, drop-in group facilitated by a board-certified Lactation Consultant to answer questions and empower moms to reach their breastfeeding goals. For pregnant and breastfeeding moms and babies (as well as older siblings). 2nd Mon, 1-3pm (no meetings July or December). Ellen Thompson Women’s Health Center 734.712.6357 Breastfeeding Class ~ Learn breastfeeding techniques that work. Partners are encouraged to attend. 800.231.2211. Register online: Working & Breastfeeding Mother Baby Group is a free drop-in group for mothers who have returned to work and are continuing to breastfeed. 2nd Sat, 1-3pm. The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor 734.663.1523 La Leche League is a support group for breastfeeding mothers. 1st Thur, 10am-Noon. Center for the Childbearing Year. 734.663.1523.

Health Dawn Farm Education Series is a free annual workshop series providing helpful, hopeful, practical information about chemical dependency, recovery, family concerns and related issues. Programs are presented on the last 2 or 3 Tuesdays, September through June. St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education. 734.485.8725. or Free Eye Exams ~Dr. Muir of Vision Source is offering free eye exams for children up to 36 months with little or no vision insurance. 517.545.2020 Provided through InfantSEE. Contact the American Optometric Association. Livingston County Catholic Charities provides outpatient mental health & substance abuse counseling for children, teens, adults & families. Insurances accepted & sliding-fee scale. 517.545.5944

Livingston County Dept of Public Health offers immunizations, TB skin tests, assistance to gain access to medical care, hearing and vision screening, HIV tests, Children Special Health Care Services, Nurses Welcome Newborns (newborn home visits) and WIC. 517.546.9850 or visit Livingston Family Center provides outpatient therapy services to youth and families with runaway services, supervised visits, support and substance abuse prevention. Many programs are free. 810.231.9591. Understanding Food Allergies is a seasonal workshop that explores the different types of allergies and testing. Topics include the use of digestive enzymes, elimination diets, restoring the immune system, and using supplements to heal the digestive tract. 810.299.4130 Teens Using Drugs: What to Know and What to Do is for parents and other family members, teens, and people who work with teens. Free literature about alcohol/other drugs and teens is provided. St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center 7:30-9:00pm Oct.-June except Dec. 734.973.7892

Mom Groups Great Parents, Great Start Playgroups are parentchild playgroups that focus on developmental needs of infants and toddlers. 517.540.6829 robinsschutz@ Livingston Area Parents of Multiples provides parents/guardians of multiple birth children with encouragement, resources and information. 3rd Thur. 7pm, Saint Joseph’s Church in Howell. 734.377.6816 Moms and Tots of Brighton ~Playgroups and playdates, field trips and outings, special interest groups, evenings out for moms and family events. 734.891.4386 Moms In Touch meets one hour a week to pray for students & their schools. 517.545.9920 Moms Social Group provides a fun outlet for Moms of school age children to connect with other Moms. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Brighton, 2nd & 4th Tues. 810.227.9411. Our Savior Lutheran Church, Hartland 248.887.4300. Fine Arts Academy, Whitmore Lake 734.646.1429 Interested in starting a group? Contact: Munchkin Moms Playgroup provides playtime in the gym, playdates at members’ homes, fun in the parks & field trips. 517.294.7040 Parent-to-Parent Support is a free, informal drop-in group for moms, dads, partners, and babies. Toddlers welcome. Every Wednesday, 10-11:30am, Center for the Childbearing Year, 722 Brooks St., Ann Arbor. 734-663-1523.

Pregnancy/Childbirth Bradley Natural Childbirth Classes ~ Relaxation, nutrition, pregnancy exercises, labor stages, pain reduction, breastfeeding, coaching, newborn care, and benefits/drawbacks of typical procedures. 12 weeks. Brighton area. $275. 810.227.0513

Boot Camp for New Dads is a three-hour workshop for first-time fathers (who may bring their baby). Taught by Boot Camp veterans under the direction of a trained coach, this program enables new fathers to step up to the challenge of being a dad and feel more confident bringing the new baby home. 800.231.2211 Register online: Center for the Childbearing Year offers the following classes for expectant parents: Childbirth Preparation– Everything You Need to Know; Childbirth Preparation Condensed Series–Focus on Labor & Birth; a one-day Holistic Birth Preparation Retreat; Caring for Your Newborn; and Breastfeeding Basics; as well as comprehensive multi-media Online Childbirth Preparation programs for busy couples. Large modern lending library. 734.663.1523. Childbirth Education Classes prepare you and your labor support coach for labor and delivery. Information regarding natural childbirth techniques, relaxation exercises, medical intervention and cesarean births is included. Classes are offered at Ann Arbor, Brighton, Livonia and Chelsea hospitals. 800.231.2211. Register online: Childbirth Prep & Refresher Courses Learn relaxation techniques, breathing patterns, pain management, coaching skills for labor and birth, Cesarean childbirth, breast-feeding, and newborn care. 810.231.2820 Dad’s Baby Care Boot Camp ~ It is time to lose your dread of the diaper and conquer your fear of the cry. 2nd and 4th Tues of every other month. 810.494.5433 Dad’s Team is for expectant dads and dads of toddlers. Meet with male mentors every other week and progress through a parenting and life skills curriculum. Earn “baby bucks” to purchase food, formula, clothing, diapers, equipment and virtually anything an infant needs. 810.494.5433 Doulas Care Program is a volunteer program that matches low-income mothers-to-be with a doula that provides physical, emotional and educational support. 3 prenatal home visits, attendance at your birth, and 3 post-partum home visits at no charge. 734.332.8070. Earn While You Learn~Basic needs & parenting support for parents of infants. Meet with a mentor every other week and progress through a parenting and life skills curriculum. Earn “baby bucks” to purchase food, formula, clothing, diapers, equipment and virtually anything an infant needs. 810.494.5433 Family Birth Center Tour is now available on-line at To tour the Family Birth Center in person call 800.231.2211 or register online: Family Birth Center Sibling Class + Tour is a new class for 3-7 year olds who are preparing to become big brothers and big sisters, and their mother is delivering at St Joseph Mercy Hospital-Ann Arbor. 800.231.2211 Register online: Family and Friends CPR~Infant and child CPR classes are available at Saint Joseph Mercy Health System. 800.231.2211 Register online: Free Pregnancy Testing, Nurse Consultation, & Ultrasound ~After a nurse assessment, a client may be offered a free ultrasound. Pregnancy Help Clinic 810.494.5433

18 ÝÛLivingston Parent JournalÛÝÛ¨ ©Û ¤~ ÛÛÝÛooo Canaf_klgfGYj]flAgmjfYd [geÛÛ

Pregnancy/Childbirth cont. Infant Care is a class about normal newborn care, both in the hospital and at home, including demonstrations on how to bathe and diaper your baby and discussion of infant safety. 800.231.2211. Register online: Livingston Postpartum Support Group provides a place to talk about your birth or early parenting experiences. Babies and older siblings welcome. 1st Wed. 10am First United Methodist Church in Brighton 517.214.7272. Meet the Doctor & Nurse Practitioner ~ For parents expecting their first child or looking for a pediatrician. 2nd Tues at IHA Livingston Pediatrics 5:30-6:30 pm 810.494.6820 Michigan Doula Connection is a nonprofit organization offering free birth and postpartum doula care for low-income families. Mommy and Me is a free drop-in meeting for new mom and her baby. Informal discussion with other new mothers, sharing ideas, and learning more about caring for yourself and your newborn.1st Wed 10-11:30am except Jan. & Jul. Ellen Thompson Women’s Health Center. Pet Preparation before Baby Arrives ~ This class will educate dog and cat owners about common behavior problems that occur and strategies to prevent these issues. 800.231.2211 Register online: Postpartum Depression Support Group 1st & 3rd Tues 10:30am-Noon Catholic Social Services, Ann Arbor. Free for women and their partners, children, or family 734.302.0033. Prenatal Yoga is a time for mom and unborn child to stretch and strengthen the spine, release and relax into the pelvic floor, and learn breathing techniques for more comfort. Bring a mat or rent one. 810.299.4130 Prenatal or Postnatal Yoga ~ Expectant mothers learnstretching and strengthening poses, along with helpful breathing exercises. 6-8 weeks following delivery you can bring your baby with you as you regain strength, flexibility and energy as well as finding balance and restoration. 800.231.2211. Register online: Prenatal/Post-partum Aqua Aerobics is specifically designed for expectant and post-partum women to provide support for physiological and anatomical changes during and after pregnancy. A permission slip from your obstetrician is required to attend. Tues & Thurs 6:307:30pm 517.540.8355. Survival Skills for New Moms is a prenatal class for women expecting their first baby. You will learn practical information on surviving those first few weeks at home with baby, caring for yourself, juggling visitors, and managing fatigue. 800.231.2211. Register online:

Special Needs Ashley’s Friends is a group for children and youth 5-18 years of age who have experienced the death of a loved one, and the adults who care for them. This free group meets at the Kennedy Center in Howell on Monday evenings. 517.546.4440 Creating Lasting Family Connections provides support and education for parents raising teenagers. Focus on substance abuse prevention. Free. Classes in Jan., Apr., & Jul. 7 weeks. Call to register 517.548.1350

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Support Group for parents of children with FASD. First Thurs. of each month. Free. St. Joseph Mercy Livingston Hospital Cafeteria Conference Room 810.599.9399 National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Livingston County is offering a free support group for parents and other primary caregivers who have a child or adolescent who has been diagnosed with a mental illness. 2nd Thurs. 7-9 pm. First United Methodist Church, Brighton 517.546.7449 Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is a group of parents of children with disabilities who share their knowledge & resources with other parents and help them to find their way through the special education “maze”. 2nd Mon. 9:30am-Noon. LESA Bldg. 517.540.6804. Parents of Hope is a new grief support group for parents who have lost children of any age. 7pm 1st & 3rd Tues. Cornerstone Church 810.494.4013 The Family Support Network (FSN) of Michigan offers emotional support for families of children with special health needs. Practical suggestions for day-to-day living, parent support groups, one-on-one support and training programs for parents. 800.359.3722 LACASA provides 24-hour emergency support and oncall response for victims of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. They offer critical resources, shelter, counseling and legal advocacy for individuals and families impacted by abuse and senseless violence. Ongoing support groups held weekly. 866.522.2725.


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Big Brothers Big Sisters~Does your child need an adult mentor? Ages 5-16 can get one-to-one emotional support.517.546.1140 Family Story Time ~ Stories, songs and crafts for all ages. Pinckney Library. Tues 11am Wed 1pm FREE 734.878.3888 Families and Providers for the Success of Children offers support for parents and child care providers meeting the social-emotional needs of children aged 3-5, particularly those at risk for expulsion. Lending library, articles and newsletters, phone support. 517.548.9112 Free Children’s Clothing ~ Toys, fresh baked bread, household goods, appliances, adult clothing. Tues 3pm Brighton Church of Christ 810.229.7051 Howell Teen Center is a place that is teen friendly and teen driven where teens gather with friends, interact with adults, gain recognition, and make choices. about what they will do and how they will do it, all in a place that is teen friendly and teen driven. Video games, movies, study area, live bands, play ping pong or pool. 517.546.0693 Nurturing Parenting Classes ~ award-winning, nationally recognized program for parents of young children newborn to 11 years. For parents and their children. 10-week sessions beginning in January and April. 517.548.1350 Parent/Tot Play & Make Music Classes help children ages 10 months - 4 years develop learning skills through music and motor activities and use cooperation and social skills to make new friends. Brighton’s largest indoor playground. Miller Intergenerational Center 810.299.4130 Fathers Only Parenting Class is an 8-week learning experience for fathers, stepfathers, and other male caregivers that starts in January and September. 517.548.1350

ooo Canaf_klgfGYj]flAgmjfYd [geÛÝÛ¨ ©Û ¤~ ÛÝÛLivingston Parent JournalÛÝÛ19

20 • Livingston Parent Journal • (866) 806-1680 •

A Quiet Tragedy “Be home before the streetlights come on,” was the phrase we often heard as we raced out of the house in our Detroit neighborhood. We rode bikes, climbed trees, organized our own ball games at Pitcher Field, and usually made it home by dusk. We played like wild dogs, solved our own conflicts, and came home tired. Our family did not have money to spend on going out to dinner, so we worked together to prepare the meal, then sat together and talked, and then cleaned up. Social skills and language skills were developed during this time. Play occurred mostly outdoors, regardless of the weather. We built hockey rinks in the backyard, and practiced balancing on the fence. We cut lawns with a push mower and worked in the garden under Grandma’s careful supervision. There were no DVDs or Playstations to distract us from the business of motor skill development. Modern parents and educators can no longer assume that experiences which support brain growth and development are part of typical family life. Today it takes effort for parents to limit video entertainment time and engage kids in conversations that develop language. Today it takes a determined parent to find activities to get kids moving. Today it takes a wise parent to establish family routines like eating together as a family and helping with chores that develop values and social skills. The culture in which we live makes it easy to drift away from activities and routines that optimize brain growth and the development of important skills which are the foundation of early learning success. Parents are sometimes not aware of how important it is for children to experience early learning success. Without the language, motor, and social skills necessary for success at school, children begin quickly to fall behind, since teachers present content and learning skills at an astonishing pace. Children who struggle to keep up begin to question their ability to ever be good at reading or math. Lack of language skills and vocabulary limits the ability of children to develop reading and writing skills. Lack of balance and bilateral motor skills affects the development of listening and self-regulation. Lack of visual-motor skills affects a child’s ability to draw and print. Lack of basic behavior and social skills limits a child’s ability to make friends and develop circles of support. Across America a quiet tragedy is occurring. More children are coming to school not prepared to be successful. More children are coming to school with significant gaps or delays in development. And standard school practices are not sufficiently helping these children get them back on the success track. By the beginning of fourth grade it is important for students to have achieved a solid foundation of early learning skills. Proficiency at this age is an alarmingly accurate predictor of learning success throughout school and life. And yet, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 67% of American children are scoring below proficient reading levels at the beginning of 4th grade. Of these, 34% read at the basic level and 33% read below the basic level. The news is even worse for economically disadvantaged children. 83% of children from low-income families have reading skills below the proficient level. These children have a far greater chance of dropping out of school. They are consigned

Help your child experience learning success: • Take time for conversation, during play, at the dinner table, and in the car. Your child's speaking, listening and vocabulary skills are the foundation of readiness for reading. • Encourage your child to exercise, play and move. Help your child develop the balance, body awareness, and bilateral motor skills which help young brains organize and develop. • Encourage your child to spend many hours coloring, drawing and building with blocks and Legos, using hands and eyes for sustained play activities. • Establish regular routines for bedtime, mealtime, morning and chores for the family. These routines help your child learn the self-regulation skills that predict school success. • Be a calm assertive parent who sets limits in a firm but loving way. • Visit for more information on skills your child must develop to predict long-term learning success.

to live without the learning skills that open the doors to opportunity and success. They are likely to be disengaged learners and low wage earners. There has never been a time in our history in which it is more important to help our children become skilled learners. In the information age our kids will be expected to develop new skills and gather information throughout their lives to keep up with the demands of the workplace. The thoughtful parent understands the importance of these early childhood years, during which the basic trajectory of learning is set for life. The determined parent carefully ensures that basic skills are developed in the home and preschool, and then works with local schools to improve instructional practices for all children. The wise parent understands that the economic and social future of our country depends on our ability to help our children become joyful and successful learners for life. Bob Sornson, Ph.D. was a classroom teacher and school administrator for over 30 years, and is the founder of the Early Learning Foundation. He is the author of Fanatically Formative During the Crucial K-3 Years, The Juice Box Bully, and many other books on parenting and early learning success. Contact Bob at

Read an excerpt from Bob’s book Fanatically Formative at • (866) 806-1680 • Livingston Parent Journal • 21


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