Destination Colouring Iceland

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Vík – The church in Vík. #DCvik

Skogafoss - A waterfall situated at the cliffs of the former coastline. #DCskogafoss

Tjörnin – The down town lake Reykjavik. #DCtjornin

Skálholt – Church #DCskalholt

Thingvellir – A site of historical, cultural, and geological importance. World Heritage Site. #DCthingvellir

Seljalandsfoss – Waterfall with water from the volcano glacier Eyjafjallajokull #DCseljalandsfoss

Strokkur – A fountain geyser located in a geothermal area. #DCstrokkur

Reynisfjara – Black sand beach #DCreynisfjara





ISBN 9788293487012

9 788293 487012

Welcome to this book of your dream destination. Whether you have just been visiting, or you dream of going there, your travel also exists here. Between the pages of this book – and your amazing brain. Whether you are traveling fast or slow, are in a coffee shop or in a plane – this book and your colouring-in skills will test your concentration and take you to that delightful level of imagination and dreaming. This is your precious time. Travel. Enjoy. There is no right or wrong. If you want, you can colour-in by your memory, or make the pictures just as crazy as you desire, or you can check out our webpage for the original photos and make your projects as realistic as possible. But you don’t even have to stay within the lines. Just saying.

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Publishing

We hope you enjoy our book and also share your experiences, comments and your own work online, at our sites listed on this page. We will continuously be making more Destination Colouring books from around the world, so follow us to see when your other dream destinations will be available. Also, share your pictures, and see others, by using hashtags with the letters DC before the name of the picture. Example: #DCharpan. Check out our web site to see the original pictures we used for our illustrations, buy online illustrations or order our books. If you are a reseller such as book stores, souvenir shops, etc., you will be able to order for resale through our website. The books will, when possible, be delivered through a printer in your country. All of our books are printed on environmentally friendly, recycled paper.

Miljømerket trykksak 2041 0960 | Molvik Grafisk

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Copyright © 2016 Kolbrun Retorikk AS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner and the publishers. Project idea and design: Elisabet Kolbrún and Ralph von Minden -because we love Iceland and hope you will too! Published: 2016 Edition: 1 Thanks to our amazing team of illustrators/graphic designers: Elisabet, Magritte, Shoaib, Extremeani, Bishwajeet, and Nasir Special thanks to Hrönn Traustadóttir, for good advice and being so colourful. Picture credits:, Font credit: Nexa Rust by fontfabric and Helvetica Printed on Cocoon offset, a 100 % recycled, FSC certified, EU Ecolabel, process chlorine free, paper.

Perlan – Landmark building in Reykjavik #DCperlan

Hallgrimskirkja – church of Hallgrímur in Reykjavik #DChallgrimskirkja

Kerid – A volcanic crater lake #DCkerid

Gullfoss – Golden waterfall #DCgullfoss

Icelandic horses – A breed of horses developed in Iceland #DCicehorses

Harpan – The concert hall #DCharpan

The blue lagoon – Geothermal spa #DCbluelagoon

Kirkjufell – The church mountain in northern light #DCkirkjufell

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