Ramonahomejournalsept 8 16

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September 8, 2016 • Volume 19 • Number 11

Ramona Home



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Chasing the Future ~ 8 Lake Ready For Angler Onslaught ~ 2 Water Board Defers Easement Request from SDGE ~ 3 Film Crews Savor Local Hops Farm ~ 4 Bring on the Talent ~ 5 Highlights of the Ramona Country Fair ~ 6 Award-Winning ~ Direct-Mailed Every Other Thursday ~ LOcally Owned

September 8, 2016

Ramona Home JournaL 1

By Johnny McDonald ~ the journal


reshwater fishermen will finally have a chance to go after what should be record-size bass, trout and catfish. After eight years, the City of San Diego is reopening San Vicente Reservoir on Sept. 22. Fishing and boating permits have gone on sale via Ticketmaster online and by phone. Reservations will be sold initially for Sept. 22 to 26. The lake will be open Thursday to Monday each week for fishing and general boating. Water skiing and recreational boating will be permitted Thursday through Sunday. Mondays will be for fishing only. The San Diego County Water Authority has completed its commitments, which included increasing the size of the dam and improving recreational facilities. It has been a major eightyear project, costing more than $1 billion to complete the dam structure, which is expected to bring the region greater water supply

Lake Ready For Angler Onslaught San Vicente Reservoir Ramona Home Journal File Photo

reliability for emergency use. The dam has been owned and operated by the City of San Diego since it was built

in 1943, holding 90,000 acre-feet of water for city customers. “Improvements include

an increase from one to two docks,” reports James Palen, public affairs representative, media relations. “One 440STATE



foot dock will provide space for 40 rental boats and double as a courtesy dock along a portion of one side, while a second 360-foot dock is a dedicated courtesy dock. “Combined, the two docks will provide space for the rental boats and courtesy space for 55 additional boats. The Water Authority has constructed a new marina that will reduce boat launching wait times, provide picnic and shade areas, increase the parking spaces and areas for boat preparation.” San Vicente is one of the largest lakes in the county, at nearly 1,100 acres and 14 miles of shoreline. It is a deep, steep-sided impounding reservoir on San Vicente Creek. The water depth will reach 306 feet when full. “The reservoir will be able to store an additional 152,000 acre-feet of water supply,” said Palen. “It will create new emergency water storage and pipeline connections to deliver water throughout the region if our See San Vicente Reservoir continued on page 18



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September 8, 2016

Water Board Defers Easement Request from SDG&E By Ruth Lepper ~ the journal


amona Municipal Water District Board of Directors deferred a request from San Diego Gas & Electric for an easement the utility company wants to use for accessing power poles located on RMWD property. SDG&E will use the access for its pole replacement project. It is requesting a 15-foot-wide easement in the areas where overhead electric lines, power poles, cross arms and guy wires are located. “These poles have been in this location for a while,” General Manager David Barnum told the board. The nine poles in question are made from wood, and the project calls for the replacements to be constructed of metal. The board will reconsider the request once SDG&E provides more information on the project. The board also recommended that the district ask for a $2,000 refundable deposit from the utility. In other action on the Aug. 9 agenda, a public hearing was held on adopting a fire mitigation fee annual report and upgrade to the multi-year facilities and equipment plan. There was no input from the public. The board unanimously approved

Power pole wood-to-metal replacement. Photo Courtesy of SDG&E / T. Walton

a resolution to adopt the plan for fiscal year 2016-17. Battalion Chief Steve Foster informed the board that the yearly mitigation fees are $88,000 through fiscal year 2020-21. Unanimous approval also was given to a request from management for a water-rate study. The last study was conducted in 2011.


Management indicated, “It would be desirable to update the study.” The directors agreed. Fire Captain Jared Andrade gave a PowerPoint update on the purchase of a new ambulance that was approved by the board in April. Andrade has traveled to Texas where the ambulance is being built. Andrade took several photos of the facility and the construction that is under way. He said everything is on schedule, and the ambulance should be arriving in Ramona in late October or early November. The board also approved a resolution to reappoint the general manager as RMWD’s representative to the San Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors. Barnum has been in this position for the past four years. He spends between 30 and 40 hours a month on his SDCWA duties. He attends board and subcommittee meetings on a regular basis, receiving a per diem of $150 for each regular and special board meeting. Barnum mentioned that the agendas for each meeting are typically between 200 and 400 pages. The meetings last from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., during which time Barnum is out of the RMWD office and at the San Diego location.


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In other business, the board approved establishing a new ad hoc committee to research potential conflicts of interest from candidates running for RMWD offices in the November election. Jim Piva and Doug Kafka are candidates for two of the board’s divisions. They both serve on the San Diego Country Estates Association governing board. Piva and Kafka attended the RMWD meeting and assured the board that if they should win the election, they would resign their seats on the SDCEA board. After much discussion about if serving on both boards would be a conflict of interest, RMWD Board President Thomas Ace declared there will be a new ad hoc committee. He appointed directors Joe Zenovic and Jim Hickle to serve on the new committee. The open seats are currently filled by directors Ace, Darrell Beck and George Foote. Ace is a candidate for his seat; Beck and Foote are not running for re-election. The next regularly scheduled RMWD board meeting will begin at 2 p.m. Sept. 12 at Ramona Community Center, 434 Aqua Ln. n

MOUNTAIN VIEWS ~ $395,000-$405,000

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ROOM FOR HORSES ~ $539,000

5BR/3BA, wonderful for extended family. Downstairs has 2BR/1BA for artist, author or teens to enjoy. RV garage has roll up door and shop inside the 3-car garage. Horse trails and western arena just down the street. Large deck to enjoy the views and large oak trees.


INTERNATIONAL Ramona Home JournaL 3

Film Crews Savor Local Hops Farm

By Annette Williams ~ the journal


wo film crews visited the Star B Ranch hops farm on Highway 78 recently to get an inside scoop on the local brewery scene from the ground up — literally. “I was approached by KPBS to come out and do a show called ‘A Growing Passion,’” said Eric March, ranch supervisor and assistant manager. “And I was approached by a second guy, Jay Znamirowski, from ‘Inside The Craft,’ an Internet show. “They were hoping to see how

we harvested the hops, how we cut them down, how we use the harvest machine to pick them up and how we transport them to the breweries.” Nan Sterman of the KPBS program and Znamirowski planned their visits to coincide with the harvest season, March said. “We had just started picking when the film crews came, and they got to watch the picking process.” Znamirowski originally heard about Star B Ranch through his contact at ChuckAlek Independent Brewers in Ramona. Since he was


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Nan Sterman of KPBS’ “A Growing Passion” television show discusses this year’s hops Photo by Darrel Kinney harvest with Eric March of Star B Ranch.

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already in the neighborhood, he decided reach out and see what was happening with locally grown hops. “I think one of the more interesting things I learned at Star B was that you can’t just throw some rhizomes into the ground and expect to have a hops farm,” Znamirowski said. “We don’t necessarily have the best conditions here in Southern California for hops, and guys like Eric have to put in a lot of work to produce a viable crop. He and others are basically pioneering the industry out here in an effort to support our breweries, so that together they can bring consumers a truly local product in every sense of the word.” March says that the craft beer movement in San Diego is definitely growing, and the interest in locally grown ingredients is an extension of how San Diego’s agricultural community sees a need and fills the niche. Additionally, he said, “It’s a way to keep some of the money in the county.” March, with his wife, Amie, has been living at the ranch for about eight years. Amie’s parents, Ken and Denice Childs, are co-owners of the ranch. March started raising hops in


2008, experimentally, at first, with 12 plants, adding a two-acre hops field about a year later. Hops are a plant whose seed cones, or strobiles, are a staple in the beer-brewing process. As a perennial, the plants’ yield can increase over the years under favorable conditions. “The drought has been bad, but things improved over the last two years,” he said. Star B Ranch’s hops are used by a number of county breweries, including ChuckAlek in Ramona and Nickel Beer Co. in Julian. “We did a lot of beer with Tom Nickel, which was awesome.” Five additional county breweries have come on board, including Fall Brewing Company, South Park Brewing Co., Half Door Brewing Co., Burning Beard Brewing, Monkey Paw Brewing, and the Ocean Beach location of Pizza Port. According to Znamirowski, there is an “incredibly collaborative spirit” that seems to permeate almost every aspect of the local San Diego craft beer scene. “One would almost expect that with so many breweries, in such high concentration in a relatively small area, there would be fierce

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competition,” he said. “Based on my experience, just the opposite is the case. The vast majority of brewers I’ve spoken to know that they can count on other breweries for assistance at the drop of a dime. I think this is one of the underlying conditions that makes San Diego such a force in the craft beer revolution

taking place across the country.” March says that he will be conducting an interview with “Inside The Craft” to complete his work with that program, which is scheduled to air Sept. 19 at www.insidethecraft.com. His episode with “A Growing Passion” program is expected to air in the spring. n

Bring on the Talent By Angela McLaughlin ~ the journal


night filled with patriotic tributes and local talent will certainly be an event to remember. Ramona Town Hall’s Talent Show Fundraiser on Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. at Ramona Mainstage will pay tribute to 9/11 and veterans, with proceeds to benefit the Town Hall. The first act of the show will feature a Patriot Day tribute to 9/11, including a short video and oration by Ramona Town Hall President Woody Kirkman and musical accompaniment by Gina Seashore. Patriotic performances by the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Color Guard, Ramona Community Singers, first responders and other participants will grace the stage. Following the tribute will be a 16-act talent show featuring all local talent. Singers, dancers, musicians and comedians will entertain the crowd, as a panel of judges hand out trophies to first-, second- and third-place winners. This will be a legitimate judging of talent, as these judges are made up of area experts. Performers will also circulate through the audience with hats, collecting donations. The person who comes back with the most donation money will be the winner of this contest. The event will also include a large auction, complimentary dessert and no-host bar. The fundraiser is expected to last about 2 ½ hours. Built in 1894, Ramona Town Hall is said to be one of the last and oldest town halls in California and is one of the oldest and largest adobe structures in the entire Southwest. It is on the National Register of Historic

Places and is also a State Historic Landmark. According to the Ramona Town Hall website, the Hall has not only served as the town’s first library, movie theater, high school and bank, but also as a dance hall, justice court and meeting location for many service groups. The Town Hall operates exclusively on fundraisers, grant money, private donations and rental fees, and is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. At 122 years old, the building requires a lot of maintenance for upkeep as well as dedicated members who are willing to support maintaining it. Currently, the East and West wings of the building are open for events, but the impressive Main Hall is still awaiting full restoration. This event will assist in raising funds for the Main Hall. Honorary Mayor Sharon Davis says, “Ramona Town Hall was donated for all the people of Ramona. We are fighting to get this facility open so we can return it back to the people. We have to have the help of the public to do this. It belongs to all of us.” Ramona Mainstage is located at 626 Main St. Tickets are $25 each and may be purchased at the Old Town Ramona Antique Fair, 734 Main St., or by calling 760-788-7215. Information about Ramona Town Hall may be found at www.ramonatownhall.com. Davis adds that this event will be an enormous help. Admission ticket sales, donations and auction bids, as well as those who choose to volunteer, all help make the building restoration possible. “Teamwork makes the dream work,” she says. n

READY TO SELL NOW? Ramona Real Estate Statistics Statistics for August 2016

Active Listings 9/1/16: 129 Price Range: $325,000 - $2,199,000 Average Days on Market: 77 Median List Price: $578,000

SOLD Stats August 2016: 46 Median Price: $483,000 Average Days on Market: 36 List Price/Sale Price: 98%

Info taken from Sandicor on 8/30/2016 Ramona’s real estate market is still very active. Ramona is one of the nicest, most affordable areas in San Diego County to purchase a home. Mortgage interest rates are still low, the ‘best rates’ are still below 4% so it makes sense to purchase rather than rent if you plan on staying put for 5-7 years. If you are a homeowner and you are not sure if it makes sense to sell now, or a renter who wants to find out if it makes sense to buy a home, Contact me TODAY for a FREE Consultation. There is no obligation and I am a no pressure agent who loves to educate my clients on the current market and assisting with those decisions regarding real estate!



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Ramona Home JournaL 5

Highlights of the Ramona Country Fair By Angela McLaughlin ~ the journal


orn dogs, cotton candy and funnel cakes.The familiar sights, sounds, tastes and smells of the Ramona Country Fair captured the excitement of fair-goers during the last weekend in August. “We thought it went excellent,” said the fair’s event chair Sally Westbrook, of the Ramona Chamber of Commerce. “We’ve had so many compliments from vendors, participants and people who attended. It was probably the best that we’ve done in quite awhile!” Saturday morning marked the Home Sweet Home Contest, where talented folks brought in their jerkies, jams, pickles, salsas and applesauce to be evaluated by a panel of judges. The winning selections were based mainly on consistency, flavor and appearance. A whopping 16 jams and jellies

were entered into the contest, giving ficult decision, nevertheless! Taking the judges a lot of flavors to savor. first and second place with their First place went to Debbie jerky was Sean Pawlicki with his son, Canfield and her peach jam; second Kahlil. Third place went to place was Kevin Canfield with orange John Sturgeon. jam; third place went to Kathie At just nine years old, Kahlil was Fritchman who made strawberrythe youngest contestant waiting for rhubarb jam. the judges’ verdict. After all his hard After tasting nine different salsas, judges declared Brandon and Crystal Carle’s medium-roasted salsa, with 99 percent of the ingredients grown in their own garden, to be the firstplace winner. Second place went to Rob Fritchman, and third went to Max Yates. In the contest for best pickles, contestant L. Kelsey took first place, followed by Brandon and Crystal Carle in second, and Mable Porter in third. Porter also took first place with her applesauce. The jerky division had just four different entries but it was a difFair-goers have fun winning prizes.

work, receiving his awards was a positive event. When asked how he felt about winning, he said, “Really good. I’m just excited and happy that I won!” The judges were encouraged with the turnout of this year’s contest, stating that there were more entries

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of The Hole In The Wall Gang, Victorian Roses Ladies Riding Society, Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association, Guns of the Round Table, and more. Sunday marked the fair’s first motorcycle rally, bringing impressive bikes from all over. The day ended with a bluegrass festival, filled with a variety of bands to top off the weekend of excitement. “All of our vendors were very, very pleased and are already asking to come back See Ramona Country Fair continued on page 10 Victorian Roses Ladies Riding Society.

Photos by Angela McLaughlin

The Hole In The Wall Gang performs at the Wild West show.

Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association.

than last year. However, they were surprised that no honey was submitted for judging and hope that next year will bring out even more talented contenders. The fair offered live music on Friday and Saturday nights, creating an exciting atmosphere for fair-goers. The many shows and contests greatly entertained visitors — from the pieeating contest to best mustache to the Wild West show. This year’s Wild West show brought out members



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CUSTOM HOME, HORSE PROPERTY Over 5 useable, private acres. Fenced and gated. Hot wire fencing for horses. Covered stalls, hay/ tack shed. Room for arenas, round pens and pad in for barn. 3BR/3BA, 2260 sq. ft., wide open floor plan, dual paned windows, sunken living room w/brick fireplace. Stainless steel appliances. Extra-large master suite w/ large brick fireplace, slider to patio and luxurious master bath. RV pad w/full hook-ups and an extra-large 3-car garage w/full bathroom. First time on market, original owners built this custom home. Move-in ready! MLS#160038693 $625,000 September 8, 2016

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WEST END, 2.54 USEABLE ACRES! Great location! All completely usable land, fully fenced. Trees galore, oaks, fruit trees. Well water, 12 stall breezeway barn, wash rack, storage shed with electricity and loft can be used as a small shop. Beautiful land with so many possibilities! Winery, horse property, agriculture, income property. 2 APN’s 283-032-77-00 and 78, 2 legal lots, will allow for 2 homes. HVAC, newer roof (2006), new water heater, dual glazed windows, new well house, 400 sq. ft. enclosed patio, great views! MLS# 160043827 $424,900-$449,000

Ramona Home JournaL 7

Chasing the Future By Tracy Rolling ~ the journal


eadow Chase has been chasing her future ever since she was a little girl. As Ramona Airport’s newest manager, and likely one of the youngest, she is ready to take on this challenging role and inspire others. “I love my job,” said Chase, sharing how she grew up in Escondido, attended charter school from kindergarten through 12th grade, and graduated from high school at the young age of 13. “I’ve always loved school,” she said. “I just like to learn.” She took a few classes at Palomar College before earning a Bachelor of Science degree in aviation management and a Master of Business Administration

On the cover, Meadow Chase is Ramona Airport’s newest manager.

degree from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She also has her private Ramona Home


Ramona Home Journal 726 D Street, Ramona, CA 92065 760-788-8148 Fax: 760-788-8413 news@ramonajournal.com

Publishers: Darrel & Carol Kinney

Julian Journal Mailing Address: P. O. Box 1318, Julian, CA 92036 760-788-8148 Fax: 760-788-8413

Office Administrator: Annette Williams GRAPHIC DESIGN: Mary Van Doren Sales Representative: Lori Mould | Katherine Dupre WRITERS: Darrell Beck | Ann Reilly Cole | Jim Evans | Ruth Lepper Johnny McDonald | Angela McLaughlin | Tiffany Pressler | Jack Riordan Tracy Rolling | Lindsay Santa | Rev. Andy Schreiber | Annette Williams Photographer: John Jones For Advertising, Call 760-788-8148 or Email: Sales@RamonaJournal.com To Submit a Press Release Email: News@RamonaJournal.com

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Ramona Home Journal is available free at Ramona Chamber of Commerce, Stater Bros., Ramona Café and other locations.

JulianJournal.com | RamonaJournal.com JulianGuide.com | RamonaGuide.com © 2016 The Ramona Home Journal & Julian Journal. Ramona Home Journal is published every other week and Julian Journal every 4 weeks, and ­distributed free of charge. Advance written ­permission must be obtained from the Publisher for partial or c­ omplete ­reproduction of any part or whole of the Ramona Home Journal or Julian Journal ­newsmagazine, including advertising material contained in its pages. Opinions expressed by ­contributors are not necessarily the opinions of this publication. The publisher is not ­responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints or ­typographical errors in ­editorial or advertisements printed in the publication. We reserve the right to edit ­submittals. Editorials and information on calendar events are ­welcome. Send to the Ramona Home Journal, 726 D Street Ramona, CA 92065; or phone (760) 788-8148; email sales@ramonajournal.com or send to Julian Journal, P. O. Box 1318, Julian, CA 92036 or email julian@ramonajournal.com 8 Ramona Home Journal

pilot certificate, multi-engine rating, and a tailwheel endorsement. “I have aspirations to get my commercial pilot’s license, and plan on going to law school at some point.” Prior to being awarded a five-year contract from the County of San Diego to

Photo by Tracy Rolling

oversee both the Ramona Airport as well as Fallbrook Community Airpark, she worked as the airport assistant manager for three years. Operating under Chase Airport Management, her company is staffed with experienced individuals, including Ramona’s former

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airport manager George Watson. “I’m very fortunate to work with such great people. They are wonderful assets.” Appreciating the diversity of her job, she manages the day-to-day business operations of the airports, which includes handling noise complaints, working with lease-holders, giving tower tours, supervising a bi-annual inspection, and investigating accidents and incidents alike. “No accident or incident is the same. Each situation is very different, and still, very stressful.” Guidelines established by the Federal Aviation Regulations classify an “accident” as having “substantial injury.” All other reports are considered incidents. “Safety is always our top priority and is enforced by the FAA.” In addition to overseeing roughly 300 in- and outbound flights daily, she works with seasonal crews, such as Cal Fire and the U.S. Forestry Service. Currently stationed at the Ramona airfield are two Cal Fire air tankers, one spotter plane and a U.S. Forestry Service helicopter. She acknowledges that there are a few differences between Fallbrook and Ramona, with one of the most significant being the size of their runways. “Fallbrook’s is 2,100 feet, and Ramona’s is 5,000.” Another distinction is Ramona’s Classic Rotors Museum showcasing rare and vintage rotorcraft. “It’s a one-of-a-kind, with operational helicopters. Very unique.” Besides being on-call 24/7, she helps plan airport events and is gearing up to host the Annual Ramona Air-Fair and Fly-In scheduled for next month. “We draw crowds from all over, including Poway, Fallbrook, Los Angeles, and even planes from Arizona will come in for the day,” she said, telling how many of the planes are unique, classic warbirds, and some even from the World War II era. Though she has little See Chasing the future continued on page 14 September 8, 2016

Experience the Flavors of Ramona By Angela McLaughlin ~ the journal


et ready to taste some of what Ramona has to offer at the second annual Taste of Ramona. This self-guided tour of participating eateries is set to take place on Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For $20, ticket holders will get a chance to savor delicious local treats and cuisine. Tickets may be purchased at the Ramona Chamber of Commerce, office San Vicente Inn and at participating restaurants. Event chair Charlotte Jensen is confident that this year’s tasting tour will be even more successful than the last one — which far exceeded expectations. “The restaurants always outdo themselves, as we discovered last year,” she said. There will be 19 different locations, with foods sure to please the palate. The venues are located along

Main Street between Sixth and Etcheverry streets, on D Street and in San Diego Country Estates, with individual addresses printed on the tickets. Safety is a priority, Jensen says. Volunteer sheriffs will be stationed up and down Main Street, helping people cross safely. In addition, there will be free shuttles that will transport ticket holders among five stops on the tour route. She says that with the extended hours this year, organizers expect the event to draw even more participants. Entertainers will also be at certain locations to add to the guests’ enjoyment. “Bring your appetites and some comfortable shoes and come along with us!” Jensen said. “Just follow the blue and gold balloon bouquets at each location.” Taste of Ramona is the perfect opportunity to enjoy these delicious tastings at your own pace as you tour the town. n

Library News The first in a series of free monthly concerts at Ramona Community Library will be held tonight, Sept. 8, from 6 to 7 p.m., featuring Prairie Sky, a San Diego-based bluegrass quartet. The Ramona Nights Series will continue on the second Tuesday of the month to provide live music and entertainment for the community. Future programming is expected to include art receptions and other social events for adults. Author Visit with Kathryn Aalto New York Times best-selling author Kathryn Aalto will visit the library to discuss her book “The Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh” at 11 a.m. on Sept. 10, co-hosted by Friends of the Ramona Library and Ramona Garden Club. Aalto is an American landscape historian, designer and lecturer who lives in Exeter, England. She will talk about Ashdown Forest, a wildlife haven that spans more then 6,000 acres in southeast England, which inspired the Hundred Acre Wood. There will be a question-andanswer period, book signing and

reception. A meeting of the Ramona Garden Club will follow at 12:30 p.m. Sunday Hours Start This Month The library is expanding its hours of service. Beginning Sept. 18, the library will be open on Sundays from noon to 5 p.m., with a free Sunday Sundae Ice Cream Social celebration from 1 to 2 p.m. All ages are welcome. Family-friendly programs are planned for each Sunday at 1 p.m., which may include crafts, puppet shows, movies and other fun activities for all ages. In addition, every Sunday will be called “Fresh Start Sunday.” For every 30 minutes people spend reading at the library on Sundays, $5 in late fees will be waived from their account. Some restrictions apply. “San Diego County Library is devoted to expanding access to library services,” said Acting Library Director Susan Moore. “Sunday afternoons will be a great time to bring the whole family to the Ramona Community Library to read, check out books, and enjoy free programs.” n

Ramona Library is located at 1275 Main St. Call 760-788-5270. September 8, 2016




$20 Ticket Price Includes Free Shuttle ~ 5 Shuttle Stops Look for on Ticket Tickets can be purchased at Ramona Chamber of Commerce, 960 Main St. and each participating restaurant. As a Courtesy to the Restaurants, Please Use Street Parking Only when Using the Shuttle. There will be Balloon Bouquets at Each Restaurant.

PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS Baskin Robbins Boll Weevil D’Carlos Dunkin Donuts Kountry Kitchen La Cocina London Bakery, The

Main Course, The Mamma Rosa Marinade on Main Oaks Grille, The Packards Coffee Shop Pete’s BBQ & Burgers

Pinto Thai Ramona Family Naturals Rubio’s Coastal Grill Salsa Mexican Food Starbucks Yogurt Barn








760-789-1311 960 Main Street, Ramona www.RamonaChamber.com Ramona Home JournaL 9

Ramona Country Fair Continued from page 7

next year,” said Westbrook. “Our Man About Town contest was extremely successful. It advanced our Chamber Scholarship Program by about $3,000. “The fair was what a good community event should be.”

Whether enjoying the rides and traditional fair food, shopping at various vendor stands or enjoying each day’s activities, visitors of all ages found plenty of amusement at the Ramona Country Fair. n

Give Me Back My Wig entertains on Friday night.

Photos by Angela McLaughlin

Judges enjoy their tasting experience.

Motorcycle show winner.

Photo by Paul Zawilenski

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Debbie and Kevin Canfield show off their winning jams and ribbons.

Mable Porter is pictured with her applesauce and pickles.

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September 8, 2016

Ramona Home JournaL 11


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The Miles Mercantile store built in 1925 stands next to the historic Ramona Town Hall 1894. Built by Henry Miles, it has poured concrete walls, 2 commercial store fronts of approx 1400 sq. ft., 2 residential units of approx. 500 and 800 sq. ft. It has 3 electric meters, 1 water meter, and approx. 9 parking spaces in back. Offered at $599,000 OBO

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Hablamos Español September 8, 2016

Cruise Season to End, Classic Car Shows Continue

By Annette Williams ~ the journal

shorter, the event will go from 3 to 5 p.m. The show is canceled for rain. Classic Cars Invited to Airport Open House The Ramona Airport Open House is set for Oct. 15, and classic car owners have been invited to bring their cars to display at the event. The open house will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and car owners should plan to arrive about 8:30. Ramona Airport is located at 2450 Montecito Rd. Trunk or Treat During the Ramona Chamber of Commerce annual Merchants’ Trick or Treat festivities on Oct. 31, car owners will decorate their vehicles and pass out candy to the kids. They will set up in the 1400 block of Main Street during the Chamber’s official trick or treat hours of 3 to 6 p.m. n


he Ramona American Graffiti Cruise that has been running every Thursday evening through the summer will officially come to an end Sept. 8 — but it’s not the last you’ll see of classic cars. Cruise night founders Jerry and Kristy Keller say that the final cruise will start at 6:30 p.m. and last about an hour. The cruise is ending because it’s getting dark earlier, making it difficult for spectators to enjoy the unique vehicles as they drive by. The Kellers expect to launch the third season of cruising next April, on the second or third Thursday. Updates will be available on the “Ramona American Graffiti Cruise” Facebook page. Hot Rod Roundup Many cruise night classics and more will be on display at the Fourth Annual Ramona Rod Roundup on Sept. 10, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission for spectators is free. The cars will be corralled at Calvary Chapel, just one block off the main drag at 114 14th St., Ste. D. There will be burgers, hot dogs and beverages available for purchase, along with raffles and more. It’s a child-friendly, no-alcohol event. The Roundup is a fundraiser for Restoration Ranch, a low-cost, nonprofit residential treatment program that helps men get free from drugs, alcohol and addictive behavior.

The 2016 car cruising season comes to an end Sept. 8. Photo by John Hancock Photography

Participant parking will be open at 8 a.m. Call Brian Storm at 760-239-1450. Sunday Car Shows Many owners of showpiece vehicles participate in the weekly car shows that take place every Sunday in the parking lot between Chase Bank and Bank of America in the 1400 block of Main Street. Everyone’s invited to come display their cars, and the public is welcome to stop

by and enjoy them. Kristy Keller says that summertime hours are from 4 to 6 p.m., and when the days grow

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Ramona Home JournaL 13

Bulldog Car Show a Success The King of the Mountain Bulldog Car Show held last month brought out vehicles of every size and type to benefit a worthy cause. “It was a very successful fundraiser for Ramona Pop Warner,” said Matt Curtiss of Camp Victory, the

event host. “There were 102 vehicles entered, both motorcycles and cars, and guests numbered about 400.” A giant Gravel ‘N Grit Inc. truck, provided by Brad Jansen of Ramona, served as the event’s stage. n

Benjamin James Roy 1976-2016

Benjamin James Roy passed away on Aug. 27, 2016, in Wildomar, Calif. He was born Nov. 4, 1976, in Denver, Colo. Ben was raised in Ramona by his parents, Jim and Joan Roy, and has two brothers, James and Josh Roy. Jim Roy was youth pastor at Grace Community Church from 1981 to 2000, and Ben, James and Josh were active in the youth groups, many mission trips, and summer camps at Hume Lake. Ben graduated from Ramona High School in 1994 and later from San Diego State University. While

attending Ramona High School, he was a football player and a wrestler. Ben married his wife, May, in 2006, and they have three sons: Eli, age 7; Ari, 4; and Jax, 3 months. Ben loved Jesus from a very early age, and he and May were very active in their church in Temecula. They raised their boys to know Jesus and seek him for comfort and guidance. A fund for the family has been set up by stepmother, Lisa Roy, at www.gofundme.com under the name “Ben Roy Family.” Services were scheduled to be held Sept. 2, 2016, at Crosspoint Church in Temecula. n

Unicorn Books to Host Book Signing

Matt Curtiss, left, and Paul Zawilenski are pictured with Paul’s orange-and-black Photo by John Jones motorcycle.

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14 Ramona Home Journal

Unicorn Books and Gifts will host a book signing and workshop Sept. 17 for author Paula Margulies, who will present her book “The Tao of Book Publicity.” The book was written to

help authors understand what’s involved in promoting and selling their books. The event will be at 3 p.m. at 845 Main St. n

Chasing the Future Continued from page 8 downtime, she enjoys riding motorcycles, dirt bikes, Jet Skis and planes when she can. “Basically, I like anything with an engine.” Grateful to her mother and father, Kristyn and Matt Chase, for their support, as well as her siblings Matthew, Depreice and Raylynn, she credits Peter Drinkwater, airport director for all eight San Diego County airports,

for being her mentor. “He has helped me so much, and I genuinely appreciate his support.” She advises young people to consider the field of aviation, and more importantly, encourages them to pursue their dreams, learn as much as they can, and never stop chasing down their own future. n

San Vicente Reservoir Continued from page 2 imported water supply is disrupted.” He said the timeline for filling the reservoir was accelerated by the extraordinary conservation achieved by the region since the completion of the dam raise and during the 12 months of statemandated conservation. “Raising the dam by 117 feet will create 52,100 acre-feet of water storage city for emergency use, plus 100,000 acre-feet of carryover storage capacity for periods of water scarcity,” said Palen. The Water Authority may in the future be involved in a new pumped storage project at the site, which may involve the leasing or purchase of land above the elevation of the existing reservoir for the creation of a smaller reservoir suitable for pumped storage. The dam raise was completed in 2014, while the Water Authority completed the Pump Station and the

Surge Control Facility in 2010, and a pipeline in 2011. “Aside from the minor work currently being performed on the docks and expected to be completed by mid-September, the Water Authority’s role at San Vicente Reservoir is limited to its ownership of its share of water within the reservoir, and the movement of that water within the Water Authority’s distribution system,” he said. “The City of San Diego operates the dam and reservoir and maintains its ownership of the pre-dam-raise capacity of the reservoir. As for fish catch records there, the biggest largemouth bass was 18.1 pounds. The largest trout was 15 pounds. A blue catfish, however, hit the scales at whopping 113 pounds, four ounces. The last bass finishing tournament was held in September 2008. n September 8, 2016

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Ramona Home JournaL 15

Unique Rides Part of VFW Poker Run

VFW Poker Run participants came in a wide variety of vehicles.


he sixth annual Veterans of Foreign Wars Poker Run was held last month, welcoming participants with all kinds of unique vehicles.

The 86-mile, round-trip route started in Ramona and included stops in Julian, Warner Springs and Santa Ysabel, and ended with

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Rotary District Governor Visits

Photo courtesy of Mark Gottas

Rotary International District Governor Marilyn festivities at the Ramona Post. Sanderson of District 5340, left, is pictured with Participant registrations Ramona Rotary Club President Kim Lasley. topped a record-breaking Sanderson, Assistant District Governor Tim Miller 103 this year, almost double and Chief of Staff Chuck Pretto visited the Ramona of last year’s run, according club last month. Photo Courtesy of Ramona Rotary Club to Post 3783 Men’s Auxiliary President Mark Gottas. The poker run is the group’s bigBacteria gest function, he said. The event is hosted by the Ramona Post Men’s Auxiliary, and this year raised funds to support Veterans the park, 17953 Dos Picos Dos Picos County Park is Village of San Diego and the Park Rd. seeking volunteers who are Ramona High School Navy Prospective volunteers interested in participating in Junior Reserve Officers may email Willie Villanueva at its annual Haunted Trails. Training Corps. n willie.villanueva@sdcounty. The event is set to take ca.gov. n place on Oct. 15 and 22 at

Dos Picos Seeks Volunteers for Haunted Trail

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Photography ~ Adults Category – Non-People 1st – Gail Edwards 2nd – Rosalyn Morales 3rd – Bruce Parker Category – People 1st – Stacey Nelson 2nd – Justin Sturgeon 3rd – Jerry Damon Category – Animals 1st – Hannah Richardson 2nd – Cliff Mueller 3rd – Judy Waddell Photography – Teens 1st – Courtney Ravens 2nd – Logan Ravens 3rd – Alaina Ramirez Photography 12 & Under 1st – Cash England 2nd – Grayson Sturgeon 3rd – Hannah Ferguson

Fair Art Contest Winners

2nd Grade ~ Watercolor 2nd Grade ~ Pastel 2nd Grade ~ Silhouettes Art ~ 12 & Under 1st – Izabella Kaelin 1st – Adriana Garcia 1st – Sydney Richard 1st Grade 2nd – Jose Sosa 2nd – Lexie Hammontree 2nd – Renee Roberts 1st – Heather Wash 3rd – Joshua Cesena 3rd – Kailey Eunice 3rd – Sarah Steven 2nd – Bailey Schwersensky And Evan Christopherson 2nd Grade ~ Acrylic 6th Grade ~ Mixed 3rd – Lilyen Reynolds 2nd Grade ~ 1st – Marissa Bustos 1st – Ricardo Velez 2nd Grade ~ Markers Watercolor Relief 2nd – Emily Roach 2nd – Megan Hunsberger 1st – Benjamin Bergman 1st – Maya Calvilla 3rd – Adan Gomez 3rd – Alexavia Zetterberg 2nd – Solomon Moua 2nd – Lilly Thomas 3rd – Jeffery Schaffer6SDG13811_CARE_Bryon__RAMONAJOURNAL__Run:07_14_16__7.94x10 3rd – Julissa Scott

“I would highly recommend these assistance programs to anybody.” Bryon

Horse Rescue to Host Fundraiser Coachella Valley Horse Rescue is set to host its third annual fundraiser on Nov. 12 from 3 to 9 p.m. The event “Save a Horse, Buy a Cowboy,” will be held at the Coachella Valley Horse Rescue Ranch, located on North Monroe St. in Indio, one-quarter mile east of Granite Construction. The fundraiser will include dinner, dancing, live and silent auctions, a horse kissing booth and tours of the ranch. Proceeds will go toward caring for the animals at the ranch and rescuing abused and neglected horses. Presale tickets are $50 and available online at www. cvhorserescue.org or by calling 760-808-6279. Tickets purchased at the gate will be $60 per person. The Coachella Valley Horse Rescue is a 501(c)(3) volunteer operated organization. Contact Annette Garcia at 760-808-6279 or email rescuedirector@ cvhorserescue.org. n

Look for us Every Other Thursday

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September 8, 2016

Ramona Home JournaL 17

6SDG13811_Updated_Bryon_RAMONAJOUR_7.94x10.indd 1

6/27/16 4:03 PM

Know Your Medicare Rights

By Cate Kortzeborn


s a person with Medicare, you have important rights. One of them is the right to appeal. An appeal is the action you can take if you disagree with a coverage or payment decision by Medicare or your Medicare health plan. For example, you can appeal if Medicare or your plan denies: • A request for a health care service, supply, item or prescription drug that you think you should get. • A request for payment of a health care service, supply, item or prescription drug you already got. • A request to reduce the amount you must pay for a health care service, supply, item or prescription drug. You can also appeal if Medicare or your Medicare Advantage plan stops providing or paying for all or part of a health care service, supply, item or prescription drug you think you still need. If you decide to file an appeal, you can ask your doctor, supplier or other health care provider for any information that may help your case. Keep a copy of everything you send to Medicare or your health plan as part of your appeal.

How you file an appeal depends on the type of Medicare coverage you have. If you have Original Medicare: 1. Get the “Medicare Summary Notice” (MSN) that shows the item or service you’re appealing. Your MSN is the notice you get every three months that lists all the services billed to Medicare, and tells you if Medicare paid for the services. 2. Circle the item(s) you disagree with on the MSN, and write an explanation of why you disagree with the decision on the MSN or on a separate piece of paper, and attach it to the MSN. 3. Include your name, phone number and Medicare number on the MSN, and sign it. Keep a copy for your records. 4. Send the MSN, or a copy, to the company that handles bills for Medicare (known as the Medicare Administrative Contractor) listed on the MSN. You can include any additional information about your appeal. Or you can use CMS Form 20027 and file it with the company that handles bills for Medicare. To view or print this form, visit www.cms.gov/cmsforms/downloads/cms20027.pdf. Or you may call 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) to have a copy mailed to you. TTY users should

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call 877-486-2048. You must file the appeal within 120 days of the date you get the MSN in the mail. You’ll generally get a decision from the Medicare Administrative Contractor within 60 days after they receive your request. If Medicare will cover the item(s) or service(s), they’ll be listed on your next MSN. If you have a Medicare Advantage or other health plan, read the materials your plan sends you, call your plan or visit www.Medicare.gov/appeals. In some cases, you can file an expedited or fast appeal. If you have a Medicare prescription drug plan, even before you pay for a given drug, you have the right to: • Get a written explanation (called a “coverage determination”) from your Medicare drug plan. A coverage determination is the initial decision made by your Medicare drug plan (not the pharmacy) about your benefits, including if a certain drug is covered, if you’ve met the requirements to get a requested drug, how much you pay for a drug, and whether to make an exception to a plan rule

KirE Builders, Inc. has been named “Best New Home Builder” in San Diego’s Best Union-Tribune Readers Poll 2016. The poll offers the opportunity for residents to nominate and vote for their favorite organizations. “The KirE Builders team and I



are grateful to be named 2016’s Best New Home Builder,” says Josh Santa, president of KirE Builders. “We truly appreciate the support of the community and look forward to continuing our mission to provide housing for San Diegans for years to come.” n

Steve Breen Book Signing at A Classic Tale


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Cate Kortzeborn is Medicare’s acting regional administrator for Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and the Pacific Territories. Call Medicare at 800-MEDICARE.

KirE Builders Named “Best New Home Builder”

A Classic Tale will host a book signing with Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist and children’s book author Steve Breen on Sept. 17. Breen will be present his two new

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when you request it. • Ask for an exception if you or your prescriber — your doctor or other health care provider who’s legally allowed to write prescriptions — believe you need a drug that isn’t on your plan’s formulary. • Ask for an exception if you or your prescriber believe that a coverage rule — such as prior authorization — should be waived. • Ask for an exception if you think you should pay less for a higher-tier (more expensive) drug because you or your prescriber believe you can’t take any of the lower-tier (less expensive) drugs for the same condition. For information on exceptions and your other Medicare rights, read the “Medicare & You 2016” handbook at www.medicare.gov/Pubs/pdf/10050. pdf. n

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619 283-7113

children’s books, “Woodpecker Wants a Waffle” and “A Perfect Mess,” from 2 to 4 p.m. A Classic Tale is located at 780 Main St., Ste. A. Call 760-654-3388. n



2005 Main Street 18 Ramona Home Journal

Ramona September 8, 2016

Shelter to Soldier Event Helps Vets and More


eterans, friends of veterans and dog lovers came together at Lake Henshaw last month to pay tribute to veterans and active-duty military, and to support the Shelter to Soldier program that adopts and trains shelter dogs to serve as psychiatric service dogs for post-9/11 combat veterans.

Soldier founder Graham Bloem said, “Every day, on average, 20 U.S. veterans and one active-duty service member commit suicide, and every day, 3,200 dogs are euthanized in the U.S.” Bloem introduced two veterans, Vic and Ben, who shared moving stories and described how their dogs, Kyrie and Tank, have made a difference in their lives, “Saving lives, two at a time.” Teri Kerns, co-owner with Moore of Ramona Ranch Winery and a veteran herself, envisioned and A service dog reminds guests what the Shelter to Soldier program is all about. Photo by David Billick

Ramona High School Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps present the colors during the opening ceremony. Photo by Teri Kerns

Ramona Ranch Winery and The Round Up Grill/John Little Catering

partnered to host the Live at the Lake event. On hand to greet guests were the Ramona High School Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC), along with Miss Ramona 2016 Chersten Sandvik and Teen Miss Ramona 2016 Ashley Dominguez. A flag presentation by the NJROTC and a rendition of the National Anthem sung by Cory Wilkins of Steelehorse Country was followed by Ramona Ranch Winery co-owner Micole Moore opening the ceremony. During the opening, Shelter to

Ramona Events

A service for nonprofit organizations, brought to you by Ramona Home Journal. Sept. 8-24 21: Ramona Art Guild at 7 pm at 8: Ramona Woman’s Club at 1 pm Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. at 524 Main St. 760-789-4515 760-787-1962 www.ramonaartguild.org www.ramonawomansclub.com 8: Ramona Nights Concert Series from 22: RHS Coming Home Carnival from 6-9 pm at Ramona High School, 6-7 pm at Ramona Library, 1275 Main 1401 Hanson Ln. St., featuring Prairie Sky. 23: RHS Homecoming Game and 8: Final Cruise Night from 6:30-7:30 crowning of king and queen at Bulldog on Main Street. Stadium, 1401 Hanson Ln. 10: Author Visit & Reception at 24: Taste of Ramona from 11 am-5 11 am at Ramona Library, 1275 Main pm at 19 participating restaurants. $20. St. Kathryn Aalto and her book “The Ramona Chamber of Commerce, Natural World of Winnie-the-Pooh.” 760-789-1311 10: Ramona Garden Club new time 24: Ramona Relay for Life and and location for September meeting, Ramona High School Golf check-in 12:30 pm at Ramona Library, 1275 opens at 11:30 am, shotgun start at Main St. 760-789-8774 www. 1:30 pm. $120 includes greens fees, ramonagardenclub.com cart rental, lunch and prizes. 10: Harvey Moore Exhibition Opening 760-445-5583 760-484-1488 Night at 6 pm at 2Create Gallery, 438 24: VFW Pig Roast Fundraiser gates Main St. Exhibition continues weekends open 1 pm, dinner 3-5 pm, with through October. karaoke, live music, kids’ activities at 10: Talent Show Fundraiser with a DaleMar Ranch, 17067 El Sol Rd. tribute to 9/11 and veterans from $30-$10. 619-247-0535 7-9 pm at Ramona Mainstage, 626 24-25: RHS Mattress Fundraiser from Main St., to benefit Ramona Town Hall. 10-5 at Ramona High School, 1401 www.ramonatownhall.com Hanson Ln. 15: Mobile Pantry Food Distribution Ramona Home Journal welcomes at 9 am at Ramona Food and Clothes special-event news from nonprofit groups Closet, 773 Main St. 760-789-4458 and organizations. Email us at www.foodandclothescloset.org news@ramonajournal.com. September 8, 2016

m on Ra

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drove the event. “We have three rescue dogs,” she said. “I was so moved by the good work of Shelter to Soldier that I wanted to find a way to help them, and look forward to future collaborations.” Guests enjoyed food, live music from Steelehorse Country and Dusty and the Love Notes, information about the program and visits with service dogs. For information about services, contact Shelter to Soldier at 855-287-8659 or visit. n

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He shows off tremendous talent with his vocal and acting skills. Laurey is played by Charlene Koepf, who has another great voice to bring “Oklahoma!” to its fullest. Zachary Scot Wolfe couldn’t be better as Will Parker, a cowboy who lacks in the common-sense department. He is an outstanding dancer, as well as actor and singer. The comic-relief role of Ado Annie is played by Alexandra Slade. She seems to be having as much fun onstage as the audience is enjoying her antics.


thing Entertainment Report by Ruth Lepper


Entertaining Audiences for 73 Years

By Ruth Lepper ~ the journal


t’s been more than seven decades since “Oklahoma!” first went up in lights on Broadway.The year was 1943. Several years later, the musical, set in 1904, filled the silver screen with Shirley Jones and Gordon MacRae starring as Laurey and Curly. It was an immediate hit with fans around the world. That was 1955. Now, the celebrated musical is gracing the stage at New Village Arts in Carlsbad. Director Todd Eck has a hit of

his own. “Oklahoma!” is based on Lynn Riggs’ play “Green Grow the Lilacs.” Music and lyrics are by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, with original dances by Agnes de Mille. Heading Eck’s cast is Jack French as Curly. He is tremendous, holding the audience spellbound as he belts out tunes. He starts off from backstage with, “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning.” French takes the lead from the beginning and never lets go.

Jonathan Sangster is excellent as Ali Hakim, the traveling peddler who has more than pots and pans on his mind when he hooks up with Ado Annie. Christopher Lesson is superb as the villainous Jud Fry. Susan Boland makes a great Aunt Eller. Kelly Derouin fills the role of Gertie Cummins, the girl with the annoying laugh. It’s a small cast compared with the Broadway production, but Eck assembled a great ensemble. Others in the cast are Jacob Reiss, Jillian Porter, Anton Maroun, Devin Collins, Chris Bona and Morgan Carberry.

Carberry plays a mean violin on stage and in the orchestra pit, where she is joined by Nobuko Kemmotsu on percussion and music director Tony Houck on piano. Eck is aided by Julio Catano, choreographer; Mea Hudson Hall, dramaturge; Christopher Scott Murillo, scenic designer; and Chris Renda, lighting designer. Costumes are by Mary Larson. “Oklahoma!” continues through Sept. 25. New Village Arts is located at 2787 State St., Carlsbad. Call 760-433-3245 or visit www.newvillagearts.org. n

Chamber Ribbon Cutting

Ramona Chamber of Commerce welcomed a new member, Simms Solar, Inc. Matt Simms holds the Photo Courtesy of Ramona Chamber of Commerce scissors at the ribbon cutting celebration.

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September 8, 2016


Camp Helps Transform Burn Victims into Survivors

ore than 50 young burn survivors from Southern California and Nevada attended Camp Beyond the Scars at nearby Oakbridge Camp last month, where they participated in activities and support sessions designed to help enhance self-esteem and coping skills.The goal is to transform burn victims into

burn survivors. Throughout the weeklong camp, which ended Aug. 13, youth between the ages of 8 and 17 were involved in activities such as swimming and water sports, laser tag, archery, a talent show, arts and crafts, hiking, a visit from therapy pets, a dance party, and a number of team challenges.

Youngsters have fun at Camp Beyond the Scars.

Many camp counselors are firefighters, medical professionals, educators and adult burn survivors who volunteer their time. Camp Beyond the Scars was established in 1987, and is one of the Burn Institute’s most successful burn survivor support programs. n

Photo Courtesy of Camp Beyond the Scars

VFW Presents Pig Roast Fundraiser Ramona VFW Post 3783’s Bi-Annual Pig Roast will be held Sept. 24 at DaleMar Ranch, 17067 El Sol Rd. The all-you-can-eat meal includes spitroasted whole pig, turkey and roast beef — side dishes are welcome. There will be a jumbo jump for the youngsters. Free motorhome and tent camping are available. Festivities begin at 1 p.m., and dinner is

from 3 to 5 p.m. Karaoke with Keith and Susan McDonald is from 1 to 5 p.m. The Rockhounds band will perform from 6 to 10 p.m. Donation cost is $30 for adults; $15 for ages 13 to 18; $10 for ages 7 to 12; and free for ages 6 and under. Also free are military, police and fire department/EMT personnel. Call 619-247-0535. This is a no-dogs event. n

LOcal Club News Ramona Woman’s Club will meet Sept. 8 at 1 p.m., with a “Sunshine and Roses Welcome Back” program. Meetings are held at 524 Main St. Call President Betty Shaw at 760-789-4515 or visit www.ramonawomansclub. com. Garden Club will co-host a special author visit at Ramona Library on Sept. 10, followed by the club’s meeting. The Garden Club and Friends of the Ramona Library will present New York Times bestselling author Kathryn Aalto, who will discuss her book “The Natural World of Winniethe-Pooh” at 11 a.m. at 1275 Main St. There will be a question-and-answer period, book signing and reception. Art Guild Printmaker Igor Koutsenko will be the guest artist at Ramona Art Guild’s Sept. 21 meeting at 7 p.m. at Ramona Library, 1275 Main St. A workshop with Koutsenko is scheduled for Sept. 24. Call 760-787-1962 or visit www.ramonaartguild.org. San Vicente Valley Club welcomes its September guest speakers, Bay Equity Branch Manager Theresa

Tynan and production manager Angie Hoye, who will talk about reverse mortgages and refinancing at the club’s Sept. 28 luncheon meeting. Meetings are held at the San Vicente Resort, 24157 San Vicente Rd. RSVP to Pam Molthen at 760-789-6659 by the Friday before the meeting. Check-in is at 11 a.m. The public is welcome. Visit sanvicentevalleyclub.com. Intermountain Republican Women Federated will present its fall fundraiser meeting on Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. at Mahogany Mountain Vineyard and Winery, 14905 Mussey Grade Rd. Guest speaker will be Jamie Glazov, author, editor and Internet television host. Cost is $20. The event will include opportunity drawings and gift baskets to help the club raise funds to support the community and students. The group welcomes members, spouses and guests from Ramona, Julian, Santa Ysabel and surrounding areas. RSVP by Sept. 26 to 760-703-9963 or 760-788-5801, or email sandylandrid@hughes.net. n

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Ramona Home JournaL 21

COMMENTARY For far too long, we in the law enforcement family have been enduring very hard times through incidents that the public has viewed negatively and through media-fueled tragedies. With the advent of social media, incidents depicting law enforcements’ dealing with situations resulting in lethal force quickly spread and are often judged in the court of public opinion before the facts come out. And yes, I agree that many of the incidents do not make us look good, and in a few rare cases, the incidents should not have occurred at all or could have been handled differently. Our law enforcement world has been turned upside down over the last few months with the multiple killings of officers in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and most recently the murder of San Diego Police Department Officer John De Guzman. It seemed like I wore a mourning band on my badge for three straight weeks. This is probably the hardest time I can remember enduring being a deputy sheriff and working in law enforcement. In my 29-plus years working as a deputy sheriff, I have worked various assignments and locations. My assignments have exposed me to a mixture of different socioeconomic and racially diversified communities.

Cheer Squad Assists Rotary Backpack Project

By Lieutenant Jerry Hartman

However, I have never worked in a community that is so giving, thoughtful and appreciative of law enforcement as the community of Ramona. Don’t get me wrong, I know other communities have wonderful people and groups who show their appreciation for what we in law enforcement do, but nothing this widespread. Again, this is my experience. I have worked in stations where families or religious groups bring goody bags and food during Thanksgiving or the Christmas season, but the continuous onslaught of goody bags, baked goods, sandwiches and thank you cards over the last few months has been touching and heartfelt. Every day when I am in the community of Ramona, someone will approach and thank me for my service. It’s astonishing the number of families that have dropped by the station just to say, “Thank you.” I have wanted to personally thank each family, class, group and organization who has brought us goodies or have sent cards or who braved the heat and came to the Hug A Cop event last month. I cannot name you all or personally thank you. I feel that the most appropriate means to share my gratitude is through the Ramona community media outlets.


Ramona High School cheerleaders made donations to Ramona Rotary Club’s recent drive to collect backpacks and school supplies for local schoolchildren. Pictured back row from left are cheer advisor Melissa Brunner, Victoria Martinez, Cheyenne Dephilippis, Savannah Parsons, Keely Bowden and Emily Balch, with Rotary President Kim Lasley, and front row, Sabrina Forehand, Mollie Pilley, Paige SanFilippo, Jessica Gallegos, Isabell Johnson, Maddie Cirillo and Hannah Porth. Photo courtesy of Melissa Brunner Not pictured is Ericka Bradley.

this community is. I see why so many people who work in the public safety fields choose Ramona as their home. Again, thank you! m

Again, thank you all for the outpouring of love you as a community have shown me and my deputies. Please accept all my appreciation and gratitude for your well wishes. Although I do not live in Ramona, I have quickly discovered what a gem


Lieutenant Jerry Hartman serves at the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Ramona Substation.







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