Comedy Play Scripts Are Fun To Write

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Comedy Play Scripts Are Fun To Write If you are an aspiring playwright or screenwriter, writing comedy play scripts does not have to be that hard. There are many tricks to learn in order to write good ones. The best way to learn is to watch comedies and learn from the pros what is funny. Being funny takes some practice, although some people are just born with it. They are lucky. Others may have to work at harder, but that is okay. Everyone has their own talents. Life somehow gets balanced out when it comes to talent as it seems the one that have one type of talent is one that another would not have and vice versa. Some people may have to try harder than others to flesh out a script while it may come very easily for others. Each story has a beginning, middle and end and must have a main character that has a goal that someone or something else wants to take away. Three acts comprise most screenplays or plays with the first act being one third of the script and the middle being sixty pages of the script. The first and third acts are both thirty pages which totals one-hundred-and-twenty pages total. This also means that each minute of acting time is usually one page on the script. Writers usually struggle with the second act as it is the longest and most difficult to keep going. It takes stamina and determination as well as some creativity and knowledge of the craft. There are writing support groups in your local area and online to help with the process. There are also many creative writing classes you can take to supplement any other support you have. Learn to have patience with yourself as you embark on this writing journey. Not many people can do what you are trying to do so just having the effort is important to appreciate in oneself. Issues to overcome may include feeling overwhelmed and then this may help you relate to your main character. It will be as if they are going through what you are in a sense. Get help if you feel you have lost the momentum. Do this before you decide to give up on your book or script altogether. That would be the last thing you would ever want to do is to give up. That is where stamina comes into play. Go to a store in your town and look for books on how to write comedy. This will help fill in the gaps when you are struggling. Learning how to pitch your script is going to be a whole new ballgame when it comes to making it big in this business. You must be able to sell your idea or no on will ever know it exists. Then after you sell your idea, the money will come in because they will also buy your script. Try to swallow any pride if you get rejected or are asked to revise anything. Comedy play scripts like any other genre are not hard to write if you follow a basic formula and then add your own flair and creativity. Enjoy the process of creating something new to share with the world and then watch it come to fruition. If you need comedy play scripts go to You will find a large variety of scripts when you visit Plays for the Stage at

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