Things To Know About A Silver Speaker Wire The use of silver speaker wire is gaining popularity everywhere. This metal is preferred for audio systems wiring, in comparison to other metals. This is due to certain properties, which gives it an upper hand over other metals. It is being used to connect parts of the audio system. Internal coils of amplifiers are also being replaced by similar coils. The better sound clarity achieved, is liked by every person. All this provides an edge to it over all other metal wiring available. Speaker’s wires are cables used for connecting audio systems. “Zip-cord” is another name for these. A variety of choices is available in the market. Presently, the wires being used are a combination of two or more metals. These are further insulated for protection. The insulation material may vary, according to wire. The choice of these does not have any influence on the polarity of the speaker. That depends on the terminals, to which it is connected. The quality and performance also matter on the purity of silver. 99.99% pure wire should be used in order to get full benefits. Impurities less than 0.01% are not important. The cost of removal of these may be more than required. Impurities, more than these, would be reflected in the sound coherence. In general terms, a 99.99% pure wire is known as 4 nines. There is no category of 5 nines, so beware of those offering it. The purity alone does not ensure the best results. The heating process, which the wire went through for softening, is also a prime factor. The treatment process it went through is critical as well. Twisting of the element during manufacture may alter the sound. The “burn effect” is also amplified to a noticeable level by this; spoiling the tone. This makes hearing unpleasant and ineffective. The cables used, are most of the time insulated. Teflon is used most of the time as an insulator. According to a research carried out in France, modular distortion is generated due to fluctuations in the currents. It suggests that the insulator and the cable can minimize this effect. Simple Teflon may affect the tone of sound. A micro porous Teflon insulated cable is a better option. Silver is more conductive than any other metal used. It has a conductivity of 1.59. There is a difference of approximately 8% between the conductivities of copper and silver. Such a slight difference is not enough to bear the extra cost. So, in terms of conductivity, copper is acceptable. The initial problem regarding wires is the resistance caused. This, in turn, affects the sound vibrations. There is a significant degree of energy loss, which increases electricity consumption. Still the quality is not up to par. This problem is minimized by such wiring. It has low resistance, which makes the sound more audible and clear. The impedance caused by these is below 5%. This can be easily ignored. A silver speaker wire has its pros and cons, but it should be given a chance. Although it can cost more than an average wire, it provides less resistance. It lasts longer and provides
improved sound. It sounds realistic. Energy loss and technical errors are decreased. The composition and manufacturing of the wire also play a vital role in this. Read more about Features Of A Silver Speaker Wire visiting our website. For further details, Visit
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