Atoms and quantic efects of light

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Teoría de la Súper Colisión

[Escribir texto] Norbert R. Ibañez

Teory of SúperColisión

THEORY OF THE SUPERCOLISION I design of cover and maquetación, for the own Author Copyright ©By Norbert R. Ibañez 2008 Form in digital edition in Spain, Europe NORBOOKS Editions 2008 e-mail contact: Also for the author, available free in Translation of English to Spanish THE DISK DE NEBRA Literary engineering Comments on the Hand written Voynich The Jolly Rogers Underground Pvc Antenna Pirate Wifi Interesting Blogers: Bloger Bloger


Teory of SúperColisión


Hypothesis of the Supercollision ATOMS AND QUANTUM EFFECTS OF THE LIGHT BY Norbert R. Ibañez ©2008



Teory of SúperColisión

Hypothesis of the Supercollision By Norbert R. Ibañez ©2007



Teory of SúperColisión

Preface I have liking for the physics, but this doesn't transform me into anything. I am completely to the margin of any it lines academic. I simply read myself a theory of a scientist of high level and intent to understand that it is what has seen their author. Then treatment of repeating their mental reasoning has exactly to see if they coincide in some point with well-known postulates, or if those ideas can be possible inside some possible Physical scenario. However, I personally don't continue anybody. You understand the word nobody; because to anybody. Your you can believe that that you like, to think what you want, to hold on to the physics as if it was the system of divine ideas, and their credo; the laws of all the but big scientific. But I don't continue anybody. I am not of anybody; neither I make idolatry ciencitifica of some myth of the physics. I make what I believe that it can be interesting in the field of the hypotheses or theories, so much if it is good intellectually as if it is a mess, and everything the rest; what you/they say those that but they know about these topics of Physics for bigger experience that you/they have, he/she gives me completely the same thing. I go for free, and I am independent. For that reason, I have a NON LICENTIATE very well For the University of Stamford won to pulse. And my life is not to pursue a beginner one, as a cinema actor, it pursues a Oscar… so… good luck with your Beginner one!!.

Norbert R. Ibañez Non-Graduate in Theoretical Physics, For the University of Stamford


Teory of SúperColisión

INTRODUCTION When writing some topic on theoretical physics that is attractive of outlining to the readers interested in exploring what there is but there of what we are said or he/she teaches academically, especially for me that am a simple fan without excessive knowledge--and in this I am honest because he/she already leaves it clear in the I preface, and because I don't have any acquired academic degree--, he/she could not speak of a hypothesis like this if it didn't feel a special attraction to explore the old ones you already devise discarded by the physics. Inside an investigation and selection of topics of Physics, I made the decision of making a simple literary development on it little that I have been able to study and to understand on what I have come finally he/she is necessary to call, inside the world of the theoretical physics, Theory of the Supercolision, summarized as TSC. Let us don't confuse with the Theory of the Sensible Súper of Brian Greene, in fact you because it possesses the same initials. The Theory of the Super Collision won't be a great hypothesis because not this made by a renowned one scientific, if you don't want, but he/she has but grouper of which you imagine. Think it very slowly. An uncle that hardly knows anything about physics, and that I never step the university making these things, he/she dares to create something like that. If, certainly, if that something can be crazy if it is that you want to think it. It is necessary to be very valiant, and not to be afraid to the bad critics made by the just apuñaladores of the Physics, those that are always willing to behave as depredators’ and to break you to pieces with their sharp teeth, boasting that these totally mistaken one. Before beginning with what I have intended to explain, I consider opportune to remark some aspects that have to do with my personal opinion in front of the TSC. The Theory of the Supercolision TSC is possible that it is in an anecdote but of the many that are written in Internet, but I at least wait that they interest these explanations, although seemingly they are not very exact and seem an opaque gibberish in some moment. The certain thing is that Einstein, and other theoretical physiques, passed great part of their life, building the pieces of the physics, that is to say; trying to reach a scientific prodigy: to unite the Theory of the Relativity with the Quantum Mechanics that describes the universe to atomic scale, and that perhaps it was an impossible one. Einstein didn't achieve it its dream of connecting the physical laws of the macrocosms with those of the microcosms, neither, other many current specialists have achieved it, what one has come to become a species widespread anxious aspiration of the study on the operation of the universe, to be able to hang the new genius's name in all the encyclopedias and books of physics of the whole planet. The theoretical physiques look for to structure a great unification between the Theory of the General Relativity and the Quantum Mechanics. The first one, all the necessary capacity behaves to explain the effects of the gravitational force on a curved space-time. However, and according to them, he/she has not been possible to distinguish precise consequences of the possible forces that act on or in a particle, since this continues, usually, an inertial trajectory or he/she takes the possible shorter road, describing a geodesic course on the curved space-time. For it, to explain all the low well-known forces oneself idea, a concept, a single theory, represents at the moment for most of the physiques the sacred grail of the Physics that has the rapt scientists, as the stone Philosophical he/she had absent-minded to the Alchemists now some centuries ago.

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Teory of SúperColisión

ABOVE PARTICLES AND ENERGY We won't lose the time in being very restrictive or strict, that limits our creative capacity a lot, and for that reason we will use the models that are necessary (they are been worth or not) to be able to approach as much as we can to what we are trying to explain. It is difficult to arm ideas on physics without having many knowledge, but in defense this way of making physical, I will say that the Physiques as Democritus or Aristotle also have that to confront the same problem. So I will move the ideas, as a boy that plays with the records of an I Bequeath… To understand this model, the definition finishes of an Atom, or its concept but simple and serious end a “Container” that would contain three trajectories (Three dimensions) of orbit particle that you/they would correspond to the different virtual strings, with its different characteristic journey of longitude. The particles don't rotate around, of the nucleus of an atom in an only sense or orbit, but rather in a certain instant they adopt other orientations of orbits, always following a three-dimensional space, it Figures A-1. In this hypothetical case, I want to clarify that here we are creating a structure Atomic ideal, alone it is ideal, he/she is a model that serious basically quantum, although in this atomic container they would become unified several properties, all them orderly in a perpendicular and parallel way that would be opposed among if in this three-dimensional space. We know that the light is particle and wave. We also know that the matter becomes energy for E=Mc2 it formulates it. So due to these data of other physiques, and giving a special application of the theory of the relativity, if you prefer it, I change the order of the pieces… I can also postulate that any particle is equal, according to the equations of Einstein, to a certain quantity of “Light” stored in form of mass. As you have heard it. Like you or not. An atom is according to this model a container of light that has the aspect of mass. We can say, without fear to make a mistake in excess with this definition that all matter that we see, plays, and we feel, in fact it is its equivalent one proportional in light, for its correspondence with the relationship of its energy. And this is also expressed by the fact that the light is an electromagnetic wave according to the ideas of Maxwell, and this has quite direct relationship with the quantum theory of Planck, and with the Relativity of Einstein. This way, and with this idea so extravagant in the game board that makes smile to the professionals, suppose –solo we speculate - that an Atom is as a fundamental container of energy whose structure would be compound (for light) and microscopically if we could see like that Light is ordered, we would see thousands of trillion geometric points of reference (Positions of probability particle) that stops our description, and for lack of but data, we will use a concept of fractions of the speed light, that is to say they would be by definition fractions of light that would form an order of wave longitude determined in a case, and in other a longitude or radiation “massive” (The case of atomic disintegration effect), or like you/he/she happens with the visible light. This model's so extravagant characteristic, is that each point would behave as a relative center, in relation to the rest. We know for the investigations that the Atom if this compound for three basic particles in most of the cases, and that there are identified three fundamental particles, the electron (and -) the proton (p+), and the neutron (n±).


Teory of SúperColisión The Theory that intends, is fundamentally that all these particles that we can see “extrapolated” some of other, as if they were different particles with presence independent physics among if in the three-dimensional space, they are in fact oneself and single particle that it follows a physical sequence of exchanges in that quite unusual three-dimensional space. The main reason to try to sustain this type of effect so strange, is that a geometric journey or theoretical trajectory that it would allow to not maintain would exist alone a relationship of State but a certain perfect balance among the laws of the Thermodynamic one, considered Energy, and the behavior so surprising of the own particles. To begin, each one of these particles possesses a rotation (Spin) in a hypothetical micro space, just as we see in this fictitious diagram:

A-1 We can imagine a particle that moves around a small circle. For their position, their movement doesn't have great reach, because the circle is very small and the only thing that makes is to give turns and turns. But even so, what does it mean this movement? it demonstrates that this movement this associated to a simple measure of the electromagnetic field. This interpretation must be very surprising from a point of view of the modern physics if we consider that “the loads accumulate in the exterior” according to Faraday and that the one circulates it involves the existence automatically of (A Longitude) a measure field (as the electromagnetic field). Just as it describes the diagram A-1, here the three are represented possible “vectors” or position of the Spin -orientation of the waves - (The basic oscillator), when in fact they are the different trajectories that exist as supposed strings (particles) in an atom, very similar to the idea of the diagrams of Feiman. As we already know, basing us in that a particle can be wave and corpuscle according to Max Planck, and also a special case of the relativity, we would find a certain interesting relationship among the components of an electromagnetic wave, that is to say, an electromagnetic electric, other component, and another of radiation or light. It is also obvious that a body in “Rotation”, generate certain quantity of Force (Potential Energy) that like they demonstrate the numerous existent theories this it is of an infinitesimal order. Although their mensuration throws a very low value, it is even habitually a fact that you grieve he/she has influence in the environment of the physics, this interaction exists. Nevertheless, such an interaction is not possible to ignore it completely although all the experiments and existent investigations spread to underrate it, and in fact in spite of its apparent scarce influence at atomic level this fact is part a fact (Phenomenon) much bigger and but important. But for comfort, in the Physics this fact spends for high.


Teory of SúperColisión As before we make, and the science has described, we know that the Waves and the Particles behave indistinctly as something “Punctual, (Particle) and I eat wave (Something longitudinal lightly) trasversal. So their form, their geometry and address, they seem clearly to be opposed just as expressed the diagram A-1 in the one that is appreciated that the particles adopt different opposed orbital trajectories among if. When a particle is Wave, it is opposed to the state of the particle, but when it is particle it is opposed to the state of Wave, and when it is not none of the two things, it seems to show the stranger aspect of a curious balance (I Space). Partly, this description so strange that we propose here it agrees, but in a very general way, with the existent reality of the behavior of the particles and the case that we try to solve, it is that that same effect, is the one that in fact happens inside an atom and that thanks to him, the atom can pretend to maintain its structure of three particles and its extraordinary balance of forces. The “it Nails” of these two versions of oneself made –dualism wave particle - he/she seems to in fact be in the Physics of the Radiation. And due to this we reason in the following way: that is a phenomenon in both cases more characteristic of the behavior of the radiation, maybe fundamentally due to the Thermodynamic one. The fact that in an Atom Orbits exist for the Electrons and the protons, it is not casual, and but well it seems to obey a design of a very precise engineering system. Although this is a supposition, the serious Atomic reality another different from the one that can observe, since an electron under serious certain conditions a proton, and inversely by means of a trajectory (Circuit), I reciprocate like sample the Figure A2:

Figures A-2 The effect of fall of the Electron on the Proton was already proposed and described by the Physics in the past, although this effect has been underrated for years. No physique has worked with this concept again; because what you/they have become trained of, the Atom says that this is not assumable according to the laws of the physics. But the Reality is that the Electron, at quantum level if it could fall on the Proton, Transforming the electron into Proton, and the proton in electron, and to displace it –perhaps - with so much speed (As the Speed light) and such a force that difficultly the human eye could perceive this change, although if we could suppose that it happens this effect for the detail that the electron liberates a photon. When a photon collides against a grill or badge, this it liberates an electron, and this principle is the photoelectric phenomenon. There is a physical phenomenon nevertheless in the own immediate nature that maybe in some scale, it demonstrates the existence of this phenomenon. The clouds. In a cloud the loads have an effect seemed the one described in this phenomenon.


Teory of SúperColisión So that if we gave had been worth this idea of the fall of the electron, the only possible test that it happens serious that the Atom should emit a certain quantity of energy in a certain frequency, because when an electron collides with a proton this it could remove during a very brief fraction of one second, a quantity of radiation or photon, to compensate its thermodynamic balance in the atom. So that we understand the parallelism of certain ideas or concepts of the Physics; we cannot affirm that a photon collides against a badge, and an electron is detected, and on the other hand, an electron collides against another particle in the nucleus of the Atom, and don't happen something similar. Ago should be detectable. What happens usually, is that the Theory of the “Supercolision” of the Electron on the Proton, to the non –observers’ - such an effect, this it is said that it doesn't exist. It doesn't exist way to observe it at the moment, although if it should have some way of to calculate it or to measure it. And the main problem is that it is an idea that this already discredit and abandoned. In theory the collisions among particles inside the Atom, it seems that they would not be precisely partly observables for the effect of the “Relativity” or the Simultaneity of the references, to the being a punctual fact, because it happens inside the atomic container. Let us remember that the waves and the particles would move to the speed of the light, and that the light or the particles, or the waves, as well he/she knows any physique, they arrive at the same time to all the points. That is to say that the “I Exchange among particles” it happens in way so practically simultaneous in both ends that for that reason a supposition would be observed but I specify balance state among particles and among loads inside the atom, and for that reason we never observe the effect that the Atom doesn't jump exploding in pieces. Why would not we observe like the particles are exchanged?. Well, here it is necessary to suppose enough things, as that for example the eye needs “Light”, to see, and that light practically doesn't give time to that it arrives to the I take place for what is as when we see a video sequence to 24.5 photogram’s per second: there is image change, but the eye doesn't perceive it in a discontinuous way because the one takes place alone you go for above or below a certain frequency, or speed. This can explain to it otherwise. We can see the vibration of a rope of a musical instrument if this vibration is of a certain frequency and we find that the rope is thick as a sausage. But if we increase the energy, the vibration can be such that we don't see anything for that the light won't impact on the rope if this he/she moves to an enormous speed, maybe very next, or maybe exactly to the same speed, or maybe superior to the same speed light. This serious a way of explaining the stability of the union of forces inside the atom. This thesis also leans on in the idea, that any particle rushed to the speed light, it would possibly be extrapolated of if same, that is to say, he/she would move theoretically in a quantum fringe of the spectrum that not serious visible for anything neither nobody stops; because the longitude of wave of the particle is so short that it doesn't reach it, or to that moves very quick and the light cannot impact it. Light

Trajectory of the particle VC

Figures A-3 10

Teory of SúperColisión To illustrate the change that before have described with the strings inside the Atom, and to make it much more comprehensible or more immediate to a very well-known example in the real life, we will insert the hypothetical behavior of these particles in a simulation in form of table of Billiards. Let us play a brief departure of Billiards with particles. A



Figures. - H In the state “A”, the typical behavior of the Atom shows us the aspect that its structure this in a perfect balance among its particles; the colored Electron of Blue, White's colored Neutron, and the colored Proton of Red. In State B, an imaginary player gives a Sticking (Pulse) with the stick of Billiards to the Electron that as a consequence of the collision with the white ball, the electron occupies her space and her place displacing the proton of her position and expelling him outside of the nucleus, fair in the periphery of the table of Billiards. Let us say, to make these less abstract terms that in the collision “it Absorbs their energy state and it is located at that precise level” for the principle of the conservation of Newton movement and we understand each other this way better. In the Real Atomic environment, the idea of the doesn't exist “initial sticking”, but it is substituted somehow by an effect very precise called situation of “maximum Absorption” or “it loads” that theoretically should be related with an it limits given of the Energy kinetics and Energy potential that slowing the movement of the orbit but it carries to an extreme of the electron in the bark; exactly where Faraday says that they accumulate most of the appraisable electric or magnetic loads, until finally, due to the speed and angular moment, and to the impossibility of jumping to a new orbit where to reach a state but rich of energy, the electron you collapses and he/she throws on the nucleus of the Atom where this the Proton reaching (had more than enough) of energy. The electron cannot give a jump but there of its it finishes orbit, because that would imply to modify the structural geometry of the atom and its dimensions, as well as its mass, just as it predicts the relativity for the mass that move to the speed of the light, and that is not acceptable from this physics.




Figures. - P


Teory of SúperColisión Here, in this sequence, D, E and F, we can do with something but of detail the effect of the precipitation of the electron on the neutron, and as it substitutes it in their position, occupying their place, and becoming an electron, in the same way as if they had him giving with a taco of Billiards to a ball, for the principle of the conservation of Newton movement. The interesting thing, is that the precipitation of a particle on other, it should create for an instant T, a balance between the proton and the electron, where a neuter field should appear, where the forces during the instant T is as much in rest as in movement, and the principle of the equivalence of Einstein is completed. Due to the violence of the internal crashes, among the electron (With a state of inferior energy) and the proton (With a state of superior energy), we can suppose that a thermodynamic incidence exists (Transformation of the generated energy) in which the liberated energy should become heat, reason why we would observe an increase of the temperature in radiation form, for the law of Joule. In accordance with this; if such an effect could exist by way of oscillation-radiation, but the law of the entropy compensated it in such a way that the balance among the energy of the alone loads allows a very brief point (Instant) of exchange of levels, for what the alone atom can “to Irradiate” in some too short longitudes as to estimate them in that sense, and that heat or irradiation decreases to a simple liberation of a photon in such an exchange; photoelectric energy. The dissipated energy, you Rebalance instantly in such a brief and quick way that that energy finishes being a simple and brief gleam that is possibly manifested very discreetly in a fringe of the spectrum detectable. The question of that residual of heat in radiation form (Almost imperceptible), taken place by the collision internal Electron Proton, he/she would have to do with the existent geometric reciprocity between the radius of the electron and the radius of the proton, in relation to the potential energy, the kinetic energy, and the quantity of load reached in a point very I criticize of their respective orbits. An increase of the orbit (Ellipsoidal), or a reduction of the orbital radius, they are factors that should increase or to make fall the potential state of the load of each particle at the same time that the rebalance in a very precise way. To be more necessary, and according to the same one it formulates of Einstein, the energy neither it is believed neither it is destroyed, but rather he/she transforms, and at the same time it also exists the principle of conservation of the mass of Lavoisier, where in a closed system (without exchanging materials with the exterior) the total mass of the existent substances doesn't vary although any chemical reaction takes place among them, and this quantity of energy is unalterable somehow in all the cases. As the Atom we have said, it is an ideal and practically perfect container, physically he/she would not make sense that their energy stayed unalterable in the time in form of Particles, or in form of waves, that is to say, estimating that it was always in oneself State, since that would go against the same foundation the Laws of the Entropy and the Thermodynamic one. In fact what is denominated the atomic disintegration that implies a well-known energy detachment in a general way as “radiation " exists that partly could be the result of certain aspects of this hypothesis. Consequently, and in a theoretical way that exchange should exist among the two wave segments but high and first floor of the energy (Electron-proton), and let us remember that the particles are to the final end “Energy becoming a half geometric one or through that means”, in wave and way particle I reciprocate just as we express in our hypothesis, for that that the interaction electron proton, it should exist somehow even when regrettably it has not been possible to observe it. 12

Teory of SúperColisión In the case C of the table of Billiards sees I eat he/she has already thrown on the ball of the center; the electron, enriched, that is now a Proton, and that in the instant of the “transition” of the Atom, neither it is an Electron neither it is a Proton, (presumably an intermediate state of balance among loads) and it displaces it of its center, finishing the conversion in a simple game of “holes.” This way, in this description, the Electron of the “Sticking B”, it is an electron that has reached a state it limits, such that it can no longer rotate but it has more than enough if same (Effect of the mass in relation to the speed light and the relativity), for what throws violently against the nucleus. The initially precipitate electron, on the other hand, would become a proton for the law of the conservation of the movement, and therefore both particles could exchange indefinitely in a circuit (Rope) their energy states. This, at least in theory you should complete partly, in accordance with the current laws of the established Physics. According to the own one it formulates of Einstein E=Mc2, so that a body moves in the space, energy should be given. If we want that the body hurries it is necessary to provide him energy, but as much as but he/she approaches a mass M to the speed light, but energy is to give him and consequently but its mass increases. Supposedly, in the one it limits, the quantity of energy that it would be necessary to give him in the time should be such that it cannot be given in a limitless way and consequently the body can no longer hurry but (Effect terminal speed, according to Law of Newton): when applying an effort on a particle, the gradient of speed is proportional to the applied effort Theoretically the mass consumes so much (it increases so much) that something really should of happening in the one it limits. Nobody knows that it happens in that hypothetical limit, but in this limit any thing, include that the mass could suffer a collapse could happen, maybe similar to that of a black hole… or to pass from its physical state to an imaginary state (Matter in dispersed dimensional state, or dark matter). In accordance with this, the surface of the atom this busy one for an electron, and this broken to a very high speed creating a bark, and in connection with the proton, and for this system of references, the proton remains seemingly static in the center of the atomic structure, and he/she takes place a generating effect presumably in a similar way to like it happens with the incandescent nucleus and the bark of the earth. (According to Faraday, the loads are distributed by the surfaces). But the electric loads can also be annulled among if. Although the rotation of the electron produces the electromagnetism, this it should also consume that is to say energy that should be given somehow from some part, a should exist “first pulse” for which the electron is able to maintain its orbit in a very precise radius, regarding the proton in the nucleus. The potential energy of a mass, alone it is liberated if this it changes their relative space, that is to say, their position. And here we would be speaking of the radius in the atom. In the case of the electron their energy comes given initially by its mass (According to the relativity), but this mass is relative, because according to the classic mechanics a body in movement this physically somehow excluded of the gravitational interactions (Its gravitational Mass and its Inertial Mass are equivalent), and as the mass it is measured in accelerations, the mass of the electron is usually calculated in “Comparison” with that of the proton that remains relatively in rest in the nucleus of the Atom. It is necessary to point out that the proton doesn't remain static, but rather he/she also has a movement in a sense different to that of the electron.


Teory of SúperColisión As it is well known, to put in orbit an artificial satellite it is necessary to provide him I impel initial (energy), and if this impulse is excessive, the satellite comes off of the foreseen orbit and it is positioned erratically in the Space, he/she even gets lost in a trajectory Uncontrolled, but if the one imposed it is insufficient the satellite throws on the earth, and the structure of the launching is reduced to a disaster. It doesn't seem possible to deny that in their rotation, the electron “it absorbs in way to climb” an energy portion from some part of the atom. In fact all the physiques coincide in affirming that this of the some way is this way, and that the electron absorbs energy in each orbit. But to suppose this, it implies to admit that the Electron reaches each one of its orbits due to the very precise existence of “A quantum stairway”, that is to say, of a series of levels of energy Preexisting, like they predict the Equations of Planck exactly, or that these levels are somehow inherent to a balance type just as the one that describing hypothetically are already, for what this alone electron can go up the steps mathematically in progressive way of two in two, or of three in three, surprisingly in relation to a dimensional constant (Space-time). It also supposes that it should have a “moment” such that the relationship among speed, acceleration, energy, and mass, be affected by the laws of the physical relativist producing the collapse of the mass of the electron in their bark, and consequently their sudden deceleration, due to the effect of dilation of the Geometry. Now then, the famous query arises here among the idea of the mass in movement and the mass in rest, and the quotient of the imaginary energy. What mass does he/she have a body that travels next to the speed of the light?. Exactly, an imaginary mass that belongs together with the idea of the all of Planck!!, But that it is an imaginary mass according to the relativity but an electromagnetic wave that transports energy, and does he/she become wave and particle reciprocally in oneself instant?. Because an electron. The mass of an object is really measured in the instant of its deceleration, not during its acceleration. According to our hypothesis, during the acceleration the mass of a body every time he/she approaches more to a quotient of the kinetic energy that spreads to zero, while as much as but Decelerates a mass, more increases the potential energy proportionally according to the relative position of the motive. These two value MO and M1, they are in the perfectly synchronized Atom, for the inherent reciprocity of the inverse terms, but they are expressed physically by the fact that an electron rotates orbitaly in opposition to a proton, and the same thing inversely, so that its angular moments spread to be annulled among if, and the force; rather it doesn't force it resultant, it is a balance of loads or a Neuter space that seemingly this in the fringe of the neutron that is where presumably the electric loads are annulled somehow. However, our theory – Nonsense’s- or not - it is even more daring and it seeks to deepen in the tiniest parts in the own Atomic matter. We know now thanks to the Relativity that certain quantity of energy is mass, and certain quantity of mass is energy, for that that this reciprocity (An inverse cube) it exists.


Teory of SúperColisión Maybe the idea that the electron throws in fact on the proton it is effect and it causes of that same conversion in particle and wave that it predicts the quantum constant and also somehow the relativity. If we observe to an electron that broken unfailingly on the surface of the proton, and this it seems to maintain a quite stable state, the question is maybe to understand that a particle, to the being wave and particle, it can be in two places “practically” in oneself instant, although with the only particularity –Exclusion or physical exception of Nor that he/she can never return already for the same road journey. This of being certain, would mean that could be exchanging their positions from the bark to the nucleus and of the nucleus to the bark (I Exchange of holes) by means of the effect “hole”, or hole, by means of a “Supercolision.” And this would demonstrate, at least partly that in the atoms a point exists on the bark that there is maybe an opening teacher, a symmetry point, kind of a door, or but well black hole, where you happens this effect. This point is where a particle is superimposed to another particle, achieving this way the atomic balance. Those “holes” or holes, are the quantum overlappings of the particles, that is to say, to explain to it somehow simple, a hole is exactly “the hole of the disappearance that he/she leaves a particle when this he/she becomes wave”, for that that another particle that not yet has become in a wave, it can occupy that place for some instants, exactly as when the billiard balls collide, creating a Supercolision. The idea of the Supercolision is dared, and a lot but when this outlined by an investigator that is not Physical: (The electron falling on the proton, and occupying its place), and it seems a fantastic idea, but the key question of how it could happen this it resides in this description that I have been able to reproduce this other way. Both particles; electron and pontoon, they describe in a quantum space, trajectories in opposed hairspring (Cones) among if that have form of energy cone, for which you/they accelerate or Decelerate; in the same way like he/she makes it a circular device of shot of particles, but or less, as those that we usually know the same case of the collision ring. Electron


Figures. - O These cones that I call amusingly, “Piones”, they are in fact the basic product of the effect of the energy; it is concretely an effect of the behavior of the energy, almost in a very similar way as it happens with the sonic cones when an airplane breaks the barrier of the sound, thanks to the one which the energy liberated by the acceleration of a mass in the space, transforms in sound waves (electromagnetic Waves that transport energy, radiation, and something of heat, even something of light although it is not possible to see it).


Teory of SúperColisión Let us suppose that the particles travel an upward since road (spiral Orbit), around the central nucleus of the atom for the one that you/they win energy until at the end, its course in the space becomes so wide and untenable that inevitably enter in lost or in drill. The word “lost” it means that it can no longer win more energy, neither to conserve it, neither to continue hurrying in some space type toward the trajectory that you/they conserved, for that that according to the principle of the conservation and the own relativity this it owes himself he/she transforms somehow. Then it is when the collapse begins, and you happens the inverse journey, in a descending hairspring toward the nucleus, and this serious at least the theoretical quantum description of what would be happening inside the nucleus of the atom, at quantum level, although we cannot see it. Neither want to see it the Physiques. But does the question criticize that we would like to know it is… why does the Electron in a certain one limit Physical, would he/she enter in lost and would he/she fall, substituting to the Proton, following the simple principle of the conservation of Newton movement?. Until similar point devises an overturn could he/she give to the physics but current?. To the view, he/she has a lot to do with the effect of the relativity, and the relationship mass energy, but also partly with Newton Classic Mechanics. Although there is Physical that suspect that the Graveness if he/she has something to see at Atomic level, there is also equally I number of Physical willing to affirm that the particles seem to escape from the ordinary effects of the mechanics of Newton Force. But these particles are also somehow matter or mass and these particles are not exempt to those laws for very microscopic that are, and although seemingly to such an insignificant scale, they are not considered or that it stops effects of the Physics, it is better to consider these effects from another perspective, just as the quantum mechanics, or the relativity. However, here if the basic mechanics enters. A rotation, and an adjournment, they are two of the mechanical but fundamental movements of the Universe, and they are but near the mark of reference of the Classic Physics that of the Quantum Physics or Relativist. The waves and the particles, when moving in a space, alone they can make it in a certain way; in a certain movement Wave (oscillating) that in fact it is a simple hairspring that stretches out and he/she shrinks on if same and have more than enough their own center, just as the he/she makes a simple jetty that retro-feeds of their own kinetic energy and potential. Space Atomic

Figures. - W


Teory of SúperColisión Here we see in the Figure, as the hairspring broken environment to a symmetry axis, righthanded, Left handed. Let us remember, like we said before that so that a particle is able to ascend for its own hairspring (an energy cone described in the space) precise energy, and while he/she is given that energy, the particle he/she will be able to ascend, and it could even jump to the following orbit of its own hairspring described in that space, thanks to that cone or device of acceleration Centrifugal / Centripetal. But as well as we know that, according to the Relativity, it is not possible to give to the particle energy in a limitless way so that it describes in a constant way an orbit after other, it is possible to suppose with some degree of certainty that in some moment, that particle will suffer some stranger effect of “I Collapse” that could be perfectly related with the “Inertia” of its own mass, it structures geometric (Longitude of Wave), and energy Power and Kinetics. In that instantaneous collapse, “Limit theoretical Physical”, or “the terminal speed” of the mass it would experience on the other hand on one hand the classic transformation in quantum Wave/Particle that predicts the Quantum Theory, their own energy, according to the serious relativity the responsible for that effect, and the description of the orbits would be in relation to the classic Mechanics. Our electron, when reaching such an orbit speed on the proton, would overcome a hypothetical barrier, in the one which, the energy won by the serious electron by an instant very brief superior to the mass of the proton (Inversely proportional to the volume of the mass), for that that to the “not to be able to hurry but in its geometric bend on the pontoon”, he/she would not receive but energy, and in that instant it is when the energy that has won in its trajectory and when not being able to continue accumulating it, it would produce the Collapse (Stemming), and the later Supercolision against the nucleus of the atom. In Theory, at least it seems possible to believe that a particle if it describes a cone in the opposed sense to the trajectory of their own physical movement, and that this effect (Energy kinetic/Energy Power), it is the one that allows the transformation of the energy of the particle in something punctual in an instant, and in other, the same particle is something longitudinal, for that that, of being certain also this, would allow us to know for that a particle makes noise, or he/she has electric load, and because in the universe what the physiques have denominated bottom noise or white noise exists. For incredible that could seem this version of the quantum physics, these expressions could maybe give us hints on that they are the interactions at level of wave particle, and for that we see a particle in an instant and in other we don't know in that I space this, and somehow we would understand “The Uncertainty” of the particle. In fact, the spiral effect of cone, is it that partly we detect and we describe Conventionally like geometric structure of the electromagnetic wave. A fraction of that hairspring. But what had not been considered until this moment, is that it is the same particle the one that describes this type of longitude geometry and that it is the same particle the one that that road travels and it finishes it punctual form, altering that longitudinal geometry, in a punctual one (TO dimensional). Due to the idea of the Supercolision and the “hole” (A Hollow space), a particle could arm and to dismantle its own space (Geometry), and to transform it in energy or in movement, so in both cases the condition of the transformation of the potential would be completed alternatingly.


Teory of SúperColisión The “hole” or hole, would also rot maybe to explain for that in a cloud of electronic agitation, there are dark fringes, in fact for that are the areas where the Instant electron would have changed its state; dismantling its geometry, and leaving a hole that serious equivalent to its state particle.


Teory of SúperColisión

II THE INTERACTION AMONG THE FORCES ATOMIC GRAVITY, QUANTUM GRAVITY In the world of the particles, it is still to explain the disconcerting part in the Standard Physics and that he/she belongs together with the balances, or the form in that you/they are related some particles with other, creating what today considers as “Strange Interaction among Particles.” The strange Attraction among particles, is almost always related it with the Physical characteristics of the own particles; that is, mass, speed, loads, dimensions, etc. However, the Physics of the particles has displaced its attention toward what you/they would seem Obvious Physical effects for observation, and on the other hand, it doesn't contemplate other less attractive effects. In the first place we will consider the same concepts, but concentrating on the aspects but subtle. The fundamental attraction among particles (Electron-proton), he/she decreases in this part of the theory of I Tasted them collisions like a simple attraction among the differences of symmetry of the particles, to the energy differences that are manifested in form of heat (Thermodynamic) and that they impact in a direct way in what we observe as “the Gravitational aspect of the mass.” We could say, without a great mistake margin that what we observe as attraction among particles, decreases to a simple intent of balance of quantities of energy (Radiation) expressed according to the Thermodynamic one, in form of agitation (Waves) and that reduced to a simple explanation they have to do with the exchange of heat in a space or I deposit (Atom). “The attractions of Newton Law, that is to say the massive gravitation, in fact is a part the effects of a balance from the Thermodynamic one to level of energy of particles.” The electrons attract to the protons for the principle of the thermodynamic one, and the protons interactions with the electrons for a principle I reciprocate of energy exchange. To understand this process, we need to associate the radiation concept (Light and heat) with that of the electromagnetic waves, and to add it to the idea that the energy always adopts the poorest or stable state, as well as that the heat travels toward the cold. It is not possible to deny that a particle, have a certain equivalence in energy-radiation (Heat), since in some aspect the quantum physics this is already suggested. The electrons are loaded electrically, and they attract to the protons. It exists the possibility that the proton has a potential difference in relation to the principle of Faraday. The electron accumulates its load in the exterior, while the proton would make it in its nucleus. This difference has not been able to consult it in any physics book. There is an interaction it reciprocates to level of loads and particles, to the margin of the gravitational one and the electric one: The protons absorb great part of the radiation that comes from other atoms, and the electrons repel part of the radiation of other atoms (For an opposition principle), so a balance exists and also an interaction.


Teory of SúperColisión Anyway, what we observe as magnetic attraction, comes determined by a subtle interaction of the exchange of very discreet quantities of heat (Radiation) that are detected as “effects” electromagnetic. In fact the relationship among heat, radiation, and electromagnetism, is not possible to deny it. According to the general law of Newton Force; “the bodies are of the type that you/they are, they are always attracted with a directly proportional force to the volume of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of their distances.” At least that is what is considered as the formal theory. Now then, when we want to relate the laws of Newton Force inside the nucleus of an atom (although it seems a nonsense), in relation to two particles like they are it the electron, and the proton that orbited one regarding the other one, the Physiques find that we find these laws too general for the microscopic and limited that you/they are the existent longitudes among particles in the Atom. To the being punctual bodies, the difficulty that it bears to apply this laws he/she makes that any result takes place in the same field or point, for what big differences are not observed. However the laws of Newton Force, are in some very precise aspects “invariable”, for the relationships that he/she settles down in their own description. Of there that we make an extravagant description of these laws, and let us formulate these terms so strange, because we seek to arrive to other concepts. In relation to the Atom, the particles have some characteristics that it is not possible to ignore. The loads of the same sign, that is to say, according to our interpretation of the laws of Newton Force, the identical masses; for example, two Protons, have identical load and same value and oneself sign, and therefore we say that they share a “property or symmetry characteristic” in the sense of oneself unit class or equivalent value in energy. According to Newton first law, if two masses are exactly same, presumably also they should be it their forces. The force of a Proton that acts on another is this way negative, bony repellent, and it will remain in rest (Balance) or he/she moved from the center of mass to constant speed. The “Attraction” among these two elements it is zero because both particles are repelled mutually, due mainly to that they possess the same sign, and therefore we could add (to say) that identical volume and it forces, according to the interpretations of Newton force. But according to, and I say according to, the interpretation, the Repellency among particles of the same sign, would happen for a simple concept of Mathematics related with the Geometry of the unit of the own particle of the Proton. Be maybe so simple, as that two protons, their load and energy this certain one for their volume that in fact is their geometric structure. As two protons they have and they share this same one “characteristic” of identity, (Same value) we would be with which their Geodesy (their geometric measures) they produce their load.


Teory of SúperColisión And as the loads of the same sign they are repelled, this makes suppose that it is because their values are equivalent and because they possess the same unit of force. To understand each other better, and for that this serious this way, it is necessary to make the supposition that the dimensions of the Proton and of the Neutron, in spite of what has been described, they are at least symmetrical or constant. That is to say that their geometry theoretical sphere is in fact a container or recipient of certain quantity of energy, related with a series of physical constants that you/they are present in all the loads of the same sign. At some time somebody, has the following question been asked… that this made a single particle? The answer is frankly quite singular. Of simple information but expressed in a quite surprising way. For example, the mass M of the proton would be only determined by three fundamental factors, relatively opposed among if: Longitude (Meter) Temperature (Q) and Acceleration, expressed by the Speed Light VC, and consequently the hypothetical mass G is equivalent as expression:




Figures. - Y He/she also explains the relationship among inertial mass * and the graveness. However, for a particle he/she has not been possible to distinguish a gravitational force that affects their trajectory, since this, usually, he/she moves in a geodesic layout that follows an inertial trajectory. We know how to formulate the graveness by means of the geometry of the space time, but we have not still found anything truly consistent that allows to become geometry waveparticles of force. As you he/she can see, the graveness arises of a center of masses that is the point from where all the force converges and to they diverge, but they are also annulled in a very precise balance. Therefore the idea of the movement in bend form, for the expression of the G Graveness, is enough guessed right. The problem of expressing that a particle has a configuration, where several factors converge, it is that it is an application peculiar of a small portion from the Unification to level of an only and exclusive particle, and not of all the particles. I don't speak of unifying several different particles, as protons, electrons, Quarks, etc, but that in a single very well-known particle there are some simple ones constant that they are what gives the body and let us say “it Forms existential” to the particle. For the physiques it is quite abstract to understand like they can be inserted in the dimensional configuration of a single particle, the Meter, the speed light, the thermodynamic one, and the Gravitational Constant. It seems a nonsense.


Teory of SúperColisión They are made truly very strange to end up understanding such a simple idea as this, from the whole baggage of knowledge that have learned. But it is this way. And there are mathematical evidences that support that this is this way, and with the step of the years, maybe, this will receive their confirmation not now. But for the time being, I don't have any doubt in affirming it. These constants are in a single particle, and they are prepared in an order that you leave in the figure Y. To finish, if somebody wants to dare to ask that is the information in relation to that described some more lines behind, I will simply tell him that is a mathematical order. A simple order, as the one that for example also has our own DNA. There is an order teacher, and that order this “Replied” in everything in a very certain way, in fact in form of combination of information. This way, in the particles, the information is a configuration, of where he/she comes off that the particle possesses some quite peculiar physical interactions.

*** For matters on this topic, directly to the mail address, please insults and absurdities are sent directly to the trash box of Linux by system. So don't lose the time neither make an effort. He/she enters me for a hearing, and it leaves me for the other one. Norbert R. Ibañez


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