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VanAntwerp: after the bell
Life changing adventures explored by science teacher Mike VanAntwerp
marathons, races, and being outside.
In 2002 at 27 years old, science teacher Mike VanAntwerp had the opportunity to teach in South Africa at Ntongande High School, pursuing his desire to become a science teacher.
“My parents had both lived in South America and my mom had taught in Bolivia, so traveling and experiencing other places and cultures was valued when I grew up,” said VanAntwerp.
VanAntwerp expressed how teaching there was different in many ways than teaching here. Environment, attitude, and experience were huge factors when visiting and teaching in South Africa.
“What was amazing there is, they started the day typically singing, so the kids would sing and I just thought that was uplifting and a really neat way to start their day,” VanAntwerp said. “Kids there, they valued education differently. For them, education meant a way to a better life.”
The attitudes of the students changed the teaching for him.
“Kids looked at school as an opportunity versus here, it tends to get looked at as something they have to do. Instead of students saying we get to be here, they are more saying we have to be here. South Africa definitely made me realize what the opportunity that kids are provided with,” said VanAntwerp.
This opportunity fueled VanAntwerp to continue his career of teaching biology here at Holt.
Apart from his teaching, outside of school he participates in things such as coaching lacrosse, running marathons, even ultra
“I grew up in the country and lived next to a Nature Center which was basically like having 200 acres as a backyard. We just explored a lot so I liked the outdoors. We moved to the city when I was ten, though, and got away from the access to nature. A lot of my friends liked the outdoors, so we would camp and hike and just be outdoors a lot,” said VanAntwerp.
VanAntwerp has competed such as baseball, basketball, and soccer. When going into highschool, he stayed with soccer and also started playing lacrosse. He only stuck with soccer for two years as he wanted to put more focus on lacrosse. Going into college at MSU, he played Division 1 lacrosse. Since that, he has had some great opportunities just from being in MSU, some opportunities given for sports, and some for his career. that I know but I don’t know in the same way. So it’s a little weird but it’s kind of fun to have that rivalry a little bit,” said VanAntwerp. in multiple different running events in his lifetime. They range from just small jogs to full marathons. Some runs are more difficult than others.
VanAntwerp fully plans on continuing his adventures once he retires but aims to push himself to do even more than what his current achievements are.
“Last summer, I ran one in Lake Tahoe that was really hard like physically hard for me to keep moving at the end. It took me 14 and a half hours for 52 miles,” said VanAntwerp.
VanAntwerp makes the most out of running, not just doing it to do it, but doing it for every single reason behind it. Seeing how much he can go mentally and physically brings him an opportunity for another adventure.
“I love being outside. I also really like to compete. As you get older, there are less chances to compete in sports, but you always have yourself to compete with and see how much you can push yourself.
Running really far lets me see how much I can push myself physically, but even more so mentally. That to me is super fun; taking what I thought was beyond what I could do and then setting a new level,” said VanAntwerp.
Before all of this, VanAntwerp grew up playing various sports
“I played college lacrosse so I got the chance to play at Syracuse in the Carrier Dome, with 6,000 people watching and that was pretty sweet,” said VanAntwerp.
VanAntwerp now coaches lacrosse at Okemos High School. He stated that he had never even thought about coaching when he was younger, but after he stopped playing lacrosse, he still wanted to be involved with the game.
“I didn’t really think about coaching much when I was younger. I knew I really liked playing lacrosse and wanted to be around the game. It was a coincidence that during my first year teaching at Holt, they were also hiring a lacrosse coach for the first time. I coached here for 10 years prior to my current coaching job,” said VanAntwerp.
With VanAntwerp coaching at Okemos but teaching at Holt, he expressed how he deals with the rivalry between the two schools as he goes from teaching coaching.
“It was more weird when I first switched because my first year over there I was coaching against kids I’ve coached the year before, so that was weird. Now it’s, you know, it’s kids
“My big goal when I retire is to run a 100 mile race. I just don’t have time to train for one now. There’s also 200 milers and beyond which think would be pretty awesome, so hopefully I’m not too old for those when I retire. I hope to do lots of traveling though for sure. So many adventures still to have,” said VanAntwerp.