Everest yeti trail booklet

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home above the clouds...


YMH Kongde

Everest Yeti Trail: Trail to Kongde Difficulty level : Moderate to Strenuous Maximum Altitude: 4800M Accommodation: 6 nights at “YMH Comfort Lodge” & 3 nights at Gokarna Forest Resort Guide: English speaking Nepali tour leader Group: Minimum 2 person to 12 person in a group Best Months: Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun Departures: 4 guaranteed departures every week

“Everest: Yeti’s Trail” is designed to accommodate trekkers who prefer a comfortable stay while trekking in the hidden foot prints of Yeti. According to the Himalayan myth, this part of the Everest region – mainly valley of Thame used to be the abode place of Yeti. Thame used to be the trade point between Nepal & Tibet and not to forget the birthplace of famous Everest Summiteers like Tenzing Noragay Sherpa and Appa. The other main attraction of this package is Kongde lodge which is the lodge located at the highest altitude of the world which offers a spectacular view of series of Mountain. One would be spellbound by the view that Kongde offers. Yeti Trail is based on our comfort mountain lodges – Yeti Mountain Home, situated around the trans-himalaya Range at Khumbu. The five lodges are located in Lukla, Phakding, Namche, Thame & Kongde which lie in the main trekking trail to Everest region. Every individual site of the lodges is chosen taking precaution for environmental impact approved by the Government providing the best view. Each room is designed to offer the guests with modern comfort.

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09 Nights 10 Days Everest Yeti Trail Kongde Detailed Itinerary DAY 01 | ARRIVAL IN KATHMANDU (1300M) Welcome to Nepal! Upon your arrival in Kathmandu Airport, you’ll be met at the airport by our representative (they’ll have the YMH signboard if you’ve booked direct or the logo of your agent if you are through your agent). There’s a short drive to the Gokarna Forest Resort, our peaceful haven on the outskirts of Kathmandu. This is your hotel base before and after trek. Your program on the hotel will be on Bed & breakfast plan. You’ll be served with welcome drink and will start briefing about your programs and collect necessary documents for permit for the trekking. Overnight: Gokarna Forest Resort Maximum altitude: 1300m (4265ft) DAY 02 | FLY TO LUKLA. TREK TO PHAKDING (2610M) We make an early start to take a spectacular, short mountain flight to Lukla, the start point for our trek. Watch out for the Langtang and Jugal ranges then the Rolwaling Himal, Gaurisankar and Menlumtse before getting your first glimpse of Everest on the flight. Our trekking crew meets us at the Lukla

airstrip and we’ll spend a few minutes sorting out bags etc before setting off through this winding village to the trek start proper at the Khumbu ‘gateway’. It’s gently downhill on pitched stone trails through low rhododendron forest, small ‘garden’ farms and old and new hamlets to the banks of the foaming Dudh Koshi River. There will be plenty of short stops to meet the locals, take photographs and just soak up the scenery and the clear mountain air as we meander along, the undulating trail glimpsing views of 6000m snowcapped peaks high above. Passing the enormous mani stone at Thado Koshi we meander up through the many chortens and prayer wheels of Sano and along to our destination of YMH Phakding in time for a late lunch. The afternoon is free to rest in the riverside gardens or sun lounge. For those who wish to we’ll make a short trip up to the higher village and delightful tiny gompa perched on the valley side. Gather again for pre-dinner drinks round the fire followed by evening meal.

DAY 03 | TREK TO NAMCHE (3440M) After breakfast at lodge, we trek to Namche following with the left bank of DudhKoshi River. While following the level path along the right bank from the resort, Thamserku 6623 m looms skyward on the opposite bank. After crossing a stream and climbing the terraced hill from the DudhKoshi route, you arrive at Banker. Walking on the riverbed on the left bank, through a forest you arrive at Chumow where you can visit the Vegetable Farm. Walking along a path with many ups and downs, crossing a stream you pass by a small village located at 2840 m gaining with 230 m from Phakding named Monjo. You stop for lunch here. Then from Monjo,

Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home – Phakding (2610M) Meal: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 3hrs walk Hiking Level: Easy Maximum altitude: 2610m (8562ft)

descending stone steps you come to a suspension bridge, and, after a short climb you reach Jorshale. This is the entrance to the National Park, and you must wait here while your guide pays the entrance fees. Walking beside the river, you reach a forested mountainside and pass a rocky area. After crossing a high, winding path, you descend to the riverbed and reach a V-shaped valley. The river forks here: the right stream is the DudhKoshi and the left is the BhoteKoshi that leads to Nangpa La. Crossing another suspension bridge and walking a short distance alongside the BhoteKoshi, you ascend to TupDhara where you will get the first view of Mount Everest. From here you ascend gradually up to Namche

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Day 06 | HIKE TO SUMDUR PEAK (4800M) After breakfast at lodge, take a halfhour walk up to Thame Monastery. This monastery is located in the Khumbu region, 200 metres above the village. It is set on the southern slope of Sumdur Mountain under a very high rocky cliff, noted for its rock formations, which are mentioned in five books on the history of the region. The monastery was built in the 14th century.
From the monastery you trek back to the lodge, arriving in time for lunch. After lunch you can also visit the home of two famous Sherpa’s One Tenzing Norgay and Appa Sherpa who has now climbed Mount Everest 20 times. Bazaar (The Sherpa capital). Dinner at the evening is included.

Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home – Namche (3440M)

Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home – Namche (3440M)

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Hiking Level: Easy

Trekking Time: 6hrs walk

Maximum altitude: 3790m (12434ft)

Hiking Level: Moderate with 3 hours of steep ascent to Namche. Optional Activity: Hike upto the Pema Choling Monastery Maximum altitude: 3440m (11286ft) DAY 04 | ACCLIMATISATION HIKE TO KHUMJUNG VILLAGE (3790M) Today we’ll take a gentle walk to gain a little height and then have the afternoon free to explore the shops and cafes of this delightful little town. Your guide will take you to a couple of wonderful viewpoints to see the ‘rockstars’ of the mountain world spread out before you: Lhotse, Nuptse, Everest, Ama Dablam... they ring the deep valley sides in a magnificent arena. You should also be able to see the trails to Everest. If you’re feeling energised we’ll continue on to the delightful villages of Kumjung and Kunde with their health post and school both started by the Sir Edmund Hilary Fund. After lunch, you are free to head down to the Namche market to browse the shops, chat to the locals and maybe pick up a souvenir or two. You may also see the Tibetan traders who make a yearly journey over the high passes (Nangpa La) from the Tibetan plateau with their yaks laden with goods to sell at the markets. Late in the afternoon there’s an option to visit Namche Monastery. The monastery is about 80 years old and has beautiful Thanka paintings of Tibetan deities. You are most welcome to burn a butter lamp for your loved ones.

Trekking Time: 4hrs walk

DAY 05 | TREK TO THAME (3820M) After breakfast at Namche, begin your walk to Thame, which should take approximately 5 hours walk. You will pass through a beautiful pine forest and typically Sherpa homes. This trail forms part of the entry route to Tibet, which passes at Nanga La, near the 8,012-metre peak of Cho Oyu, first climbed in 1954. It is also the historical route that the Sherpa’s migrated from eastern Tibet 800 years ago. A lunch stop is made at Thamo. It’s also the home Ang Rita Sherpa, who holds the record for scaling Mt Everest ten times without oxygen. After lunch you ascend gradually up passing a monastery where nuns live and finally you come to village of Samden. From here you descend down to the bridge and crossing BhoteKoshi River and a half an hour ascent up to reach Thame Village, where you stay at Yeti Mountain Home, your base for the next two nights. Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home, Thame Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 5hrs walk Hiking Level: Easy Optional Activity: Ceremony at the Thame Monastery Maximum altitude: 3820m (12532ft)

Thame is one of greatest village of SoluKhumbu where many young High altitude climbing Sherpa’s have climbed Mount Everest at least 6 to 18 times ... Very beautiful village with very humble Everest summiteers ... Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home, Thame Meals: Breakfast, Picnic Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 5/6hrs walk Hiking Level: Moderate ascent to Sumdur Peak Maximum altitude: 4800m (15748ft)

DAY 07 | TREK TO KONGDE (4250M) After breakfast you walk about 6 hrs through beautiful rhododendron, pine and bamboo forest. This route is the original Khumbu Sherpa route used before 1950 which we renovated later with the view of Khumbu mountain views. From Thame, you trek down hill 30 minutes to Khumbu Electric Power House, other side of BhoteKoshi River. After 15 minutes walk you come across a typical small Sherpa village “PARE”. Walking through pine and

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bamboo forest you will arrive in the glacier of Kongde Mountain with the fantastic view of Everest, Lhotse and AmaDablam. Your lunch will be packed lunch served on the mid of the trail. You can enjoy the magnificent view of the Majestic Mountain along with the landscapes of Khumbu region. Your stay will be at Yeti Mountain Home, Kongde which is the lodge located at the highest altitude of the world. Dinner will be served at the lodge. Overnight: YMHome, Kongde Meals: Breakfast, Picnic Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 7/8hrs walk Hiking Level: Moderate to Strenuous Maximum altitude: 4250m (13943ft)

DAY 08 | HELI FLIGHT TO LUKLA AND FLY BACK TO KATHMANDU Early morning breakfast with the views of Panoramic Himalayas including Everest, Lhoste, Ama Dablam. A complimentary Champagne bottle will be provided to celebrate the completion of the Kongde trek. Your heli ride to Lukla will be ready that will take about 5 minutes flight and then wave goodbye to the Himalaya on a short, but spectacular flight back to Kathmandu! In clear weather this can be one of the highlights of your tour, with amazing views of the surrounding mountains. On arrival in Kathmandu we’ll transfer to Gokarna Resort. Then you’ve free time to relax or head into the city. We find most people want to simply unwind and enjoy the hotel facilities – whatever you choose, we’ll help! Overnight: Gokarna Forest Resort Meals: Breakfast, Flight time: 5 minutes to Lukla, 35 minutes flight to Kathmandu

offer culturally and historically. However, we’re mindful not to overload you on your first day so will ensure the day has a good balance between sightseeing, exploring and relaxation time.

Maximum altitude: 1300m (4265ft)

The exact itinerary may change depending on the local conditions but we shall most likely visit:


Pashupatinath, one of the most important temples in South Asia to the Hindu God, Lord Shiva;

After enjoying a leisurely breakfast at the hotel, we’ll be met by our guide for our day trip to a few of the Kathmandu valley’s most spectacular and important sights and some vibrant, colourful markets. With a meld of three ancient capitals and their associated palaces, temples and markets of Kathmandu has a lot to

One of the three Durbar (Palace) Squares , a complex of palaces and temples which was formally the social, religious and administrative focal point of the ancient city Boudhnnanath Stupa, a wonderful Buddhist site centred on a huge Stupa topped with the all-seeing eyes. If

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possible we’ll come here in the early evening to soak up the atmosphere of hundreds of Tibetan and Sherpa peoples walking their devotional khora Overnight: Gokarna Forest Resort Meals: Breakfast DAY 10 | INTERNATIONAL DEPARTURE Final departure depending on your flight schedules.

OPTION: While Heli ride to Lukla is a preferred itinerary and chosen by most of our clients as it saves time, an alternative walk out to Lukla is possible. The itinerary for walk out to Lukla:

the way we’ll have some drink stops and a chance to visit Chaurikharka High School and Kyongma Monastery. On reaching Lukla we could take a quick stop for a congratulatory group photo at the ‘gateway’ arch then we’ll check-in to our lodge for lunch and a rest. The afternoon is free to explore – you may like to visit the PasangLhamu Foundation hospital or potter up to some nearby hamlets. We celebrate our success on the trail with a final. This is also a good time to give your gratitude to your porter and trekking crew for their wonderful support and to bid them farewell. Dinner at the hotel in included. Overnight: YMH, Lukla Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Hiking Level: Easy to Moderate


Trekking Time: 4hrs walk

After breakfast at Kongde, we trek down to Phakding following the view

Maximum altitude: 2860m (9383ft)

of Phakding valley and excellent view of Mt. Thamserku (6623 m) and range of Kangtega. We descent through the jungle to Toktok village and walk further down to Phakding. Dinner at YMH is included. Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home, Phakding Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Hiking Level: Easy Trekking Time: 4/5hrs walk Maximum altitude: 2610m (8562ft) DAY 09 | TREK TO LUKLA (2860M) Our last day trekking, with a bit of a sting in the tail! It’s around three hour walk to Lukla, with the last hour or regaining 200m+ height – it’s uphill. On

DAY 10 | FLY BACK TO KATHMANDU Wave goodbye to the Himalaya on a short, but spectacular flight back to Kathmandu! In clear weather this can be one of the highlights of your tour, with amazing views of the surrounding mountains. On arrival in Kathmandu we’ll transfer to Gokarna Resort. Then you’ve free time to relax or head into the city. We find most people want to simply unwind and enjoy the hotel facilities – whatever you choose, we’ll help! Overnight: Gokarna Forest Resort Meals: Breakfast Maximum altitude: 1300m (4265ft) DAY 11 | IN KATHMANDU WITH HALF DAY SIGHTSEEING TOUR

After enjoying a leisurely breakfast at the hotel, we’ll be met by our guide for our day trip to a few of the Kathmandu valley’s most spectacular and important sights and some vibrant, colourful markets. With a meld of three ancient capitals and their associated palaces, temples and markets of Kathmandu has a lot to offer culturally and historically. However, we’re mindful not to overload you on your first day so will ensure the day has a good balance between sightseeing, exploring and relaxation time. The exact itinerary may change depending on the local conditions but we shall most likely visit: Pashupatinath, one of the most important temples in South Asia to the Hindu God, Lord Shiva; One of the three Durbar (Palace) Squares , a complex of palaces and temples which was formally the social,

religious and administrative focal point of the ancient city Boudhnnanath Stupa, a wonderful Buddhist site centred on a huge Stupa topped with the all-seeing eyes. If possible we’ll come here in the early evening to soak up the atmosphere of hundreds of Tibetan and Sherpa peoples walking their devotional khora Overnight: Gokarna Forest Resort Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Maximum altitude: 1300m (4265ft)

DAY 12 | INTERNATIONAL DEPARTURE Final departure depending on your flight schedules.

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10 Nights 11 Days Everest Yeti Trail Thame Legendry

Everest Yeti Trail: Trail to Thame

“EVEREST: YETI’S TRAIL” is designed to accommodate trekkers who prefer a comfortable stay while trekking in the hidden foot prints of Yeti. According to the Himalayan myth, this part of the Everest region – mainly valley of Thame used to be the abode place of Yeti.

Difficulty level: Moderate to Strenuous

Thame used to be the trade point between Nepal & Tibet and not to forget the birthplace of famous Everest Summiteers like Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and Appa. The other main attraction of this package is Kongde lodge which is the lodge located at the highest altitude of the world which offers a spectacular view of series of Mountain. One would be spellbound by the view that Kongde offers.

Maximum Altitude: 4800M Accommodation: 7 nights at “YMH Comfort Lodge” & 3 nights at Gokarna Forest Resort Guide: English speaking Nepali tour leader Group: Minimum 2 person to 12 person in a group Best Months: Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun

Yeti Trail is based on our comfort mountain lodges – Yeti Mountain Home, situated around the trans-himalaya Range at Khumbu. The five lodges are located in Lukla, Phakding, Namche, Thame & Kongde which lie in the main trekking trail to Everest region. Every individual site of the lodges is chosen taking precaution for environmental impact approved by the Government providing the best view. Each room is designed to offer the guests with modern comfort.

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Detailed itinerary DAY 01 | ARRIVAL IN KATHMANDU (1300M) Welcome to Nepal! Upon your arrival in Kathmandu Airport, you’ll be met at the airport by our representative (they’ll have the YMH signboard if you’ve booked direct or the logo of your agent if you are through your agent). There’s a short drive to the Gokarna Forest Resort, our peaceful haven on the outskirts of Kathmandu. This is your hotel base before and after trek. Your program on the hotel will be on Bed & breakfast plan. You’ll be served with welcome drink and will start briefing about your programs and collect necessary documents for permit for the trekking. Overnight: Gokarna Forest Resort Maximum altitude: 1300m (4265ft)

small ‘garden’ farms and old and new hamlets to the banks of the foaming Dudh Koshi River. There will be plenty of short stops to meet the locals, take photographs and just soak up the scenery and the clear mountain air as we meander along, the undulating trail glimpsing views of 6000m snowcapped peaks high above. Passing the enormous mani stone at Thado Koshi we meander up through the many chortens and prayer wheels of Sano and along to our destination of YMH Phakding in time for a late lunch. The afternoon is free to rest in the riverside gardens or sun lounge. For those who wish to we’ll make a short trip up to the higher village and delightful tiny gompa perched on the valley side. Gather again for pre-dinner drinks round the fire followed by evening meal. Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home – Phakding (2610M) Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 3hrs walk

DAY 02 | FLY TO LUKLA. TREK TO PHAKDING (2610M) We make an early start to take a spectacular, short mountain flight to Lukla, the start point for our trek. Watch out for the Langtang and Jugal ranges then the Rolwaling Himal, Gaurisankar and Menlumtse before getting your first glimpse of Everest on the flight. Our trekking crew meets us at the Lukla airstrip and we’ll spend a few minutes sorting out bags etc before setting off through this winding village to the trek start proper at the Khumbu ‘gateway’. It’s gently downhill on pitched stone trails through low rhododendron forest,

Hiking Level: Easy Maximum altitude: 2610m (8562ft) DAY 03 | TREK TO NAMCHE (3440M) After breakfast at lodge, we trek to Namche following with the left bank of DudhKoshi River. While following the level path along the right bank from the resort, Thamserku 6623 m looms skyward on the opposite bank. After crossing a stream and climbing the terraced hill from the DudhKoshi route, you arrive at Banker. Walking on the riverbed on the left

bank, through a forest you arrive at Chumow where you can visit the Vegetable Farm. Walking along a path with many ups and downs, crossing a stream you pass by a small village located at 2840 m gaining with 230 m from Phakding named Monjo. You stop for lunch here. Then from Monjo, descending stone steps you come to a suspension bridge, and, after a short climb you reach Jorshale. This is the entrance to the National Park, and you must wait here while your guide pays the entrance fees. Walking beside the river, you reach a forested mountainside and pass a rocky area. After crossing a high, winding path, you descend to the riverbed and reach a V-shaped valley. The river forks here: the right stream is the DudhKoshi and the left is the BhoteKoshi that leads to Nangpa La. Crossing another suspension bridge and walking a short distance alongside the BhoteKoshi, you ascend to TupDhara where you will get the first view of Mount Everest. From here you ascend gradually up to Namche Bazaar (The Sherpa capital). Dinner at the evening is included. Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home – Namche (3440M) Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 6hrs walk Hiking Level: Moderate with 3 hours of steep ascent to Namche. Optional Activity: Hike upto the Pema Choling Monastery Maximum altitude: 3440m (11286ft) DAY 04 | ACCLIMATISATION HIKE TO KHUMJUNG VILLAGE (3790M) Today we’ll take a gentle walk to gain a little height and then have the afternoon free to explore the shops and cafes of this delightful little town.

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Your guide will take you to a couple of wonderful viewpoints to see the ‘rockstars’ of the mountain world spread out before you: Lhotse, Nuptse, Everest, Ama Dablam... they ring the deep valley sides in a magnificent arena. You should also be able to see the trails to Everest. If you’re feeling energised we’ll continue on to the delightful villages of Kumjung and Kunde with their health post and school both started by the Sir Edmund Hilary Fund. After lunch, you are free to head down to the Namche market to browse the shops, chat to the locals and maybe pick up a souvenir or two. You may also see the Tibetan traders who make a yearly journey over the high passes (Nangpa La) from the Tibetan plateau with their yaks laden with goods to sell at the markets. Late in the afternoon there’s an option to visit Namche Monastery. The monastery is about 80 years old and has beautiful Thanka paintings of Tibetan deities. You are most welcome to burn a butter lamp for your loved ones.

Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home, Thame Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 5hrs walk Hiking Level: Easy Optional Activity: Ceremony at the Thame Monastery

After lunch you can also visit the home of two famous Sherpa’s One Tenzing Norgay and Appa Sherpa who has now climbed Mount Everest 20 times. Thame is one of greatest village of SoluKhumbu where many young High altitude climbing Sherpa’s have climbed Mount Everest at least 6 to 18 times ... Very beautiful village with very humble Everest summiteers ...

Maximum altitude: 3820m (12532ft) Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home, Thame Day 06 | HIKE TO SUMDUR PEAK (4800M) After breakfast at lodge, take a halfhour walk up to Thame Monastery. This monastery is located in the Khumbu region, 200 metres above the village. It is set on the southern slope of Sumdur Mountain under a very high rocky cliff, noted for its rock formations, which are mentioned in five books on the history of the region. The monastery was built in the 14th century.
From the monastery you trek back to the lodge, arriving in time for lunch.

Meals: Breakfast, Picnic Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 5/6hrs walk Hiking Level: Moderate ascent to Sumdur Peak Maximum altitude: 4800m (15748ft)

DAY 07 | TREK BACK TO MONJO. (2850M) Heading back towards Lukla, we first spend an overnight at Monjo. From our high perch above the

Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home – Namche (3440M) Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 4hrs walk Hiking Level: Easy Maximum altitude: 3790m (12434ft)

DAY 05 | TREK TO THAME (3820 m) After breakfast at Namche, begin your walk to Thame, which should take approximately 5 hours walk. You will pass through a beautiful pine forest and typically Sherpa homes. This trail forms part of the entry route to Tibet, which passes at Nanga La, near the 8,012-metre peak of Cho Oyu, first climbed in 1954. It is also the historical route that the Sherpa’s migrated from eastern Tibet 800 years ago. A lunch stop is made at Thamo. It’s also the home Ang Rita Sherpa, who holds the record for scaling Mt Everest ten times without oxygen. After lunch you ascend gradually up passing a monastery where nuns live and finally you come to village of Samden. From here you descend down to the bridge and crossing BhoteKoshi River and a half an hour ascent up to reach Thame Village, where you stay at Yeti Mountain Home, your base for the next two nights.

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DudhKosiriver the trail before reaching Phakding where we spent a night while coming up and descends quite steeply and trekking poles are highly recommended. There is no hurry and along the way we have the chance to spend time in a number of small Sherpa settlements, situated off the main trail and unused to seeing trekkers. Finally, we reach the Everest Trail and continue our trek to Monjo. Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home, Monjo Meals: Breakfast, Picnic Lunch, Dinner Trekking Time: 5hrs walk Hiking Level: Easy Maximum altitude: 2850m (9350ft) DAY 8 | TREK TO LUKLA (2860M) Our last day trekking, with a bit of a sting in the tail! It’s around three hour walk to Lukla, with the last hour or regaining 200m+ height – it’s uphill. On the way we’ll have some drink stops and a chance to visit Chaurikharka High School and Kyongma Monastery. On reaching Lukla we could take a quick stop for a congratulatory group photo at the ‘gateway’ arch then we’ll check-in to our lodge for lunch and a rest. The afternoon is free to explore – you may like to visit the PasangLhamu Foundation hospital or potter up to some nearby hamlets. We celebrate our success on the trail with a final. This is also a good time to give your gratitude to your porter and trekking

crew for their wonderful support and to bid them farewell. Dinner at the hotel in included. Overnight: Yeti Mountain Home, Lukla Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Hiking Level: Easy to Moderate Trekking Time: 4hrs walk

markets. With a meld of three ancient capitals and their associated palaces, temples and markets of Kathmandu has a lot to offer culturally and historically. However, we’re mindful not to overload you on your first day so will ensure the day has a good balance between sightseeing, exploring and relaxation time.

Maximum altitude: 2860m (9383ft)

The exact itinerary may change depending on the local conditions but we shall most likely visit:


Pashupatinath, one of the most important temples in South Asia to the Hindu God, Lord Shiva;

Wave goodbye to the Himalaya on a short, but spectacular flight back to Kathmandu! In clear weather this can be one of the highlights of your tour, with amazing views of the surrounding mountains. On arrival in Kathmandu we’ll transfer to Gokarna Resort. Then you’ve free time to relax or head into the city. We find most people want to simply unwind and enjoy the hotel facilities – whatever you choose, we’ll help! Overnight: Gokarna Forest Resort Meals: Breakfast Maximum altitude: 1300m (4265ft)

One of the three Durbar (Palace) Squares, a complex of palaces and temples which was formally the social, religious and administrative focal point of the ancient city. Boudhnnanath Stupa, a wonderful Buddhist site centred on a huge Stupa topped with the all-seeing eyes. If possible we’ll come here in the early evening to soak up the atmosphere of hundreds of Tibetan and Sherpa peoples walking their devotional khoraOvernight: Gokarna Forest Resort Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

DAY 10 | IN KATHMANDU WITH HALF DAY SIGHTSEEING TOUR After enjoying a leisurely breakfast at the hotel, we’ll be met by our guide for our day trip to a few of the Kathmandu valley’s most spectacular and important sights and some vibrant, colourful

Maximum altitude: 1300m (4265ft) DAY 11 | INTERNATIONAL DEPARTURE Final departure depending on your flight schedules.

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YMH Lodges “Yeti Mountain Home luxury lodges offer an incredible experience in the high Himalaya." Our six beautiful lodges will make your Everest trek a truly unforgettable experience – in the best possible way. All built using sustainable technologies, employing local people, growing our own vegetables and with the depth and generosity of a warm Sherpa welcome, Yeti Mountain Home luxury lodges offer an incredible experience in the high Himalaya.

As well as our YMH Treks we also welcome independent trekkers who wish to plan their own journeys and stay here or there for a night or more. If you’re planning to trek in the Khumbu and have your own itinerary in mind, you are very welcome to enjoy the comfort and warmth of our beautiful mountain homes for as long as little as you like.

In the autumn and spring seasons it is best to book in advance: you can use our own booking facility here, email us for advice and information. If you prefer to be completely flexible feel free to call in for a delicious lunch or dinner or a lovely comfy room for the night. Our doors are always open for passers-by!




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Gokarna Forest Resort is situated inside the Gokarna Protected Forest which in the past used to be the private royal hunting ground of the kings of Nepal. The quiet, natural and peaceful environment of the resort makes it the perfect getaway for relaxation and indulgence with the most exotic forest views from our cottage rooms.

Marking a difference in Helicopter Airlines, Altitude Air Pvt .Ltd. is committed to the highest level of safety and performance! Comprising of veterans who have made a significant growth and contribution in the field of tourism and made Nepal proud, our team of highly qualified and experienced personnel is our biggest pride and strength!

Tara Air provide the most extensive connectivity in the Mountains of Nepal. Tara Air is the newest and biggest airline service provider in the Nepalese mountains. This company has started business with the mission of helping develop the rural Nepal. Accordingly, our service is concentrated in the hills and mountains of the country from the Far East to the Far West.

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Ang Phurba Sherpa

Lhakpa Sona Sherpa

Pasang Temba Sherpa

Tenzing Sherpa

Responsible Attitude As Sherpa people we have a great desire to protect our environment as ‘Guardians of the Himalayas’ while encouraging tourists to explore our wonderful world. We’ll help ensure that your visit will have a positive impact on local communities, and which will very much add to your experience. In all of our lodges water is heated by solar power, and electricity comes directly from local hydro projects. In Phakding we have our own hydro plant and the electricity generated is shared with the local village. We are working on a scheme to create brickettes using recycled materials, such as paper and leaves, to burn on our stoves rather than yak dung and fallen wood collected from the lower valleys. Being deep in the mountains we have everything carried in and by doing so we employ a great number of local men and women. Ninety per cent of our lodge staff are locally employed. Similarly, our guides and the team with you on the trail are all Nepalese and the vast majority again are from this

region. We are currently designing a scholarship scheme for schools local to the places you will visit. Its aim is that a percentage of our income will go towards supporting a number of children in the area to go through schooling. In this way we can also help the future of the region as well as the present. Your food where possible is local. Much of the fresh produce you eat is from the local village, grown by our neighbors. This way you are enjoying seasonal organic vegetables of the highest

quality while supporting the local community. Perhaps our largest contribution goes to the Pasang Lhamu Mountaineering Foundation established in 1993. Pasang Lhamu Sherpa was the first woman to summit Mount Everest although tragically she died on the descent. She holds a very dear place within our hearts at Yeti Mountain Home. The foundation helps finance many projects that help to improve life in the Khumbu region. Some of the foundation’s active projects are listed below:


Education for children whose parents have been killed in the mountains


Vocational training such as craft workshops for women from deprived and remote areas


Family health centres


The building and support of Lukla Hospital


Building porter shelters in many different trekking regions


Tree plantation


Peak cleaning and pollution control

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Package Details for Kongde Cost for Kongde

Services Include

Service does not include:

Airport/Hotel/Airport Transfers

Personal equipment & Insurance

Everest Yeti Trail:

Alcoholic beverages & soft drinks

Kongde with Heli Fly out

Expenses of personal nature.

The Cost Minimum 2 pax US$ 2995.00 Per person

3 night Hotel Gokarna Resort on Full Board in Twin Room Sightseeing with entrance fee Bhaktapur & Boudha English Speaking Nepali Leader Trekking Staffs and Porters All staffs daily wages/ Insurance 7 nights YMH Lodges as per program on FB

Nepal Visa Fee US$ 40 Per person Tips for Staffs Emergency rescue evacuation if needed

Single Room Supplement US$ 565.00 Kongde with Walk Out option The Cost Minimum 2 pax US$ 2795.00 Per person

National Park & TIMS/PLRM entrance Fee

Single Room Supplement US$ 675.00

Flight: Ktm-Lukla-Ktm with airport tax Welcome & Farewell Dinner in Kathmandu

Cost for Thame The Cost Minimum 2 pax US$ 2465 Per person Single Room Supplement US$ 565

Package Details for Thame Services Include

Service does not include:

Airport/Hotel/Airport Transfers

Personal equipment & Insurance

3 night Hotel Gokarna Resort on Full Board in Twin Room Sightseeing with entrance fee Bhaktapur & Boudha English Speaking Nepali Leader Trekking Staffs and Porters All staffs daily wages/ Insurance 7 nights YMH Lodges as per program on FB

For More Inquiry & Booking

Alcoholic beverages & soft drinks Expenses of personal nature. Nepal Visa Fee US$ 40 Per person Tips for Staffs Emergency rescue evacuation if needed

National Park & TIMS/PLRM entrance Fee Flight: Ktm-Lukla-Ktm with airport tax Welcome & Farewell Dinner in Kathmandu

Pasang Sherpa Phone: +977 1 4438570 Mobile: +977 9813905863 Email: info@yetimountainhome.com Skype Id: yetimountainhome

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A typical day on the

Everest Yeti’s Trail Trek Wake up to a hot drink brought to your room by our lovely Sherpa team. Pack your bags and get ready for the day then potter down to a leisurely breakfast. The porters will arrive as you’re breakfasting to carry your trek bag up to our next overnight stop. We usually walk for an hour or so before taking a break and of course there are lots of wonderful views, people and interesting things and photo stops along the way too. We usually reach our next lodge in time for a late lunch then check into our rooms and relax for a while. In Namche and Lukla the masseur is on hand all afternoon for appointments: you may like to book in for a treatment. Or you might feel like exploring the local village and hills maybe with your guide or maybe by yourself. We re-group again for drinks around the fire. We finish the day with a three course meal – local style or Western there’s plenty of variety and lots of taste! We tend to drift off to bed fairly early although a quick peak outside at the night sky, particularly higher up where the heavens are really ablaze with stars, can be a late night treat before sleep. USEFUL INFORMATION FOR YOUR TREK Insurance: It is essential that you have appropriate travel insurance for this trip. Make sure your insurance includes helicopter rescue and evacuation. Previous clients have used the BMC (UK), Snowcard, WorldNomad and TravelEx. Nepal country information and visas: for European, US, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand visitors you can either purchase a visa in advance from the Nepalese Embassy in your home country of buy one on arrival at Tribhuvan Airport, Kathmandu. A 30 day visa currently costs $40pp payable in USD or Nepali Rupees. You’ll need a passport photograph. IN CASE OF FLIGHT CANCELLATION Please be aware that flying into mountains with unpredictable weather conditions can sometimes lead to flight delays or changes. Our agents always endeavor to make sure you reach your

destination on time and will re-arrange your ticket to the next available flight. When encountering severe delays this may mean changing the trek itinerary or your international flights. IF KATHMANDU TO LUKLA FLIGHT IS POSTPONED: In case of flight delays to Lukla we will endeavour to accommodate you at the Gokarna Resort/other hotel based on their availability until we have a confirmed flight for you. We will adjust the itinerary to ensure you get as much time as possible in the mountains. This may mean reducing / removing the Kathmandu nights at the end of the trip. IF LUKLA TO KATHMANDU FLIGHT IS POSTPONED: In case that the flight from Lukla to Kathmandu is cancelled you will be asked to cover the additional YMH lodge costs in Lukla. IF FLIGHTS CANNOT OPERATE DUE TO EXTREME BAD WEATHER: In extreme conditions the regular flights cannot operate. In such cases, Yeti Mountain Home can assist you by providing a helicopter service. You will be asked to pay this extra cost (less the regular flight ticket price). You may wish to place a claim for this with your insurance company on return to your home country. RECOMMENDED PERIODS Spring: Mid of April-June. Come and visit when the rhododendrons and alpine flowers are in full bloom. Expect clear skies and sunshine in the mornings with some light cloud cover later in the day Autumn / Winter: Mid of September – December. October can be busy, but at this time of year the weather is normally very stable except crisp sunny days and cold evenings.

taste of the high mountain experience and to be amongst the Sherpa community. This is a combination of Moderate & Strenuous grade trek: most trek days are 4-5 hours long with only a couple being a little longer; altitude gain is usually around 300-500m /day and the paths and tracks are generally wide and well-marked. We ask that you have a reasonable level of fitness, but you don’t need to be an experienced trekker to enjoy this trip. But trekking experience would work wonder while going through these trails. Your trek leaders will ensure we take a comfortable pace on the trail and you’ll have Sherpa support in every step of the way. If you’re comfortable going on day walks in low hills in your home country (e.g. the Cotswolds, UK) or maybe you swim, cycle or take a class a couple of times a week you should find this trek well within your means. Having a hot shower and many other creature comforts to look forward to makes each day’s trekking even more of a joy! (And you can always indulge in a massage or other spa treatment at our Namche and Lukla lodges to relax any tired or achy muscles) THE LODGES Yeti Mountain Homes are a group of luxury lodges situated in the Khumbu / Everest region of Nepal. They are owned by a local family offering the full warmth of a traditional Sherpa welcome with the comfort of the best boutique hotels: crisp linen sheets, en-suites with hot showers, cozy lounges with log fires and well-stocked bars; local and international cuisine from our talented chefs. Yeti Mountain Home lodges offer a high-class, high mountain experience beyond compare. On “Everest: Yeti’s Trail: Thame Legendary”, you’ll stay at Yeti Mountain Home lodges in Phakding, Namche, Thame, Monjo, Kongde and Lukla.

LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: THIS TREK IS IT FOR YOU? “Everest: Yeti’s Trail” program is designed for those who are seeking for adventure and those who want to get a

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info@yetimountainhome.com www.yetimountainhome.com

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