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Mesh Fence Banners

COVID-19 Mesh Fence Banners

Keep workers and visitors informed and • Durable mesh banner with reinforced grommets protected by conveying important COVID-19 • Mesh material allows for air flow safety information visible at all times. • Ideal for job site/facility use • Sized specifically for use on fencing




Sigue Estas Medidas Preventivas Lávate las manos a menudo con agua y jabón durante al menos 20 segundos. COVID-19 PROTECT YOURSELF! Si no hay agua y jabón, usa un desinfectante para manos con al menos un 60% de alcohol. Follow these Preventative Measures

Mantén una distancia de 6 pies entre las personas siempre que sea posible. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Evita tocarte los ojos, la nariz y la boca. If soap and water are not available use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Cúbrete la boca y la nariz al toser o estornudar. Maintain a 6 foot distance between people whenever possible.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

6’ x 12’ 5’ x 10’ 6’ x 12’ 5’ x 10’ English BT61 English BT561 Spanish SPBT61 Spanish SPBT561 SIZE

6' X 12' LIST

$168.98 6’ x 12’ 5’ x 10’ 6’ x 12’ 5’ x 10’ English English Spanish Spanish

BT62 BT562 SPBT62 SPBT562

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