NMIMS Solution June 2023-Maxx Industry has received a major export order. To ensure that its process

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•MBA Subject coaching •MBA Assignment Help •MBA Project Help

Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD. has 15 years of teaching experience in MBA Business schools. For last fifteen years

Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD has taught various subjects from Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, International Business and General Specializations. He has written many research papers and case studies.

Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD organizes online MBA subject coaching / MBA Assignment help and MBA Project help. Many clients national and international has appreciated Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA., MCom.,MPhil.,PhD for his timely help in the assignments and projects and MBA subject coaching.

You can call him on his mobile no. 09025810064 (whatsapp available) or mail him at palaniappanmail@gmail.com. He does help/guide for the below question. If urgent or any query’s, Please feel free to call him on his mobile no. 9025810064

Call 9025810064 (whatsapp available) or Mail - Palaniappanmail@gmail.com

(whatsapp available) or do mail on palaniappanmail@gmail.com. He does help/guide for the below question



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Treasury Management in Banking

1. With Major Central Banks globally busy increasing interest rates to counter inflation impacting the emerging markets like India, what are the challenges faced by commercial banks for Treasury Management in view of tight liquidity situation with higher inflation & higher interest rates increasing the cost of funds?

2. In view of Geo-political situation, Corporates and Commercial Banks Treasury are exposed to three different exposures. Explain the same in view of RussiaUkraine war & earlier geo-political situation in Sri Lanka impacting the banks and corporates Treasury exposures.

3. Explain the role played by Clearing Corporation of India (CCIL) for the following products:

a. Money Market Products.

b. Foreign Exchange Products.



Insurance & Risk Management

1. If a Joint Family takes a Life Insurance for 2-3 family members from an Insurance Advisor. In context to above Scenario, what are different types of Costs Involved in above Insurance Process? Kindly Elaborate.

2. If a small scale MSME Firm is setting up a Risk Management Department, what could be the Instrumental Techniques would be considered by their Risk Manager?

3.a. How far Ratemaking can be a Crucial feature of Operations of Insurance Company?

3.b. A newly established Grocery Store want to have his Grocery Shop covered under Insurance with respectable/ probable Loss areas. How Insurer / Underwriter identify the respective Loss Exposures in Risk?



International Banking & Foreign Exchange Management

Q 1) You are an intern with XYZ Indian bank. You are supposed to submit a report on different methods used for managing foreign exchange risk, including currency hedging. Explain the role of the foreign exchange market and how it operates.

Q 2) As per the recent news, global inflation index is rising. Discuss the impact of interest rates and inflation on the foreign exchange market.

Q 3) You are a faculty of Foreign exchange management and your students are discussing an article on exchange rate systems and their impact on international borrowing.

A. You are supposed to acquaint your students with fixed exchange rate system and floating exchange rate system.

B. Also elaborate the difference between a spot transaction and a forward transaction in the foreign exchange market to your students, for a deeper understanding of exchange rate transactions.

Q 1. Sparsh Hospital (Orthopedic) required a robust business management solution to get the most efficiency and results from their team of medical professionals across multiple branches. The lack of system integration made processing bulk data volumes slow and prone to errors. Manual reporting was inefficient and not possible in real-time. Additionally, the existing laboratory information management system (LIMS) software led to duplicate data and processes. Sparsh Hospital wanted to eliminate these errors by using an ERP system. As a consultant to Sparsh hospital, what are the benefits of ERP packages that you will highlight to

NMIMS SOLUTION JUNE 2023 Visit Our Website: WWW.MBAASSIGNMENT.COM Enterprise Resource Planning

the management to overcome the challenges faced by them? How will you ensure that the implementation goes smooth, costs are saved rather than wasted?

Q 2. You have joined an online food aggregator as the CEO in the month of April 2021. The group had implemented an ERP System which went live in the month of November 2020. Also, few key members who were a part of the implementation team, left in between. After 1 month of joining the group, you found out that the ERP system implemented is not being used at its full capacity and also there is lot of resistance from the users. The President/MD has already invested time and money in the ERP system. As a CEO, you have to present the updates and findings to your MD. You seek answers to the following questions: What could be the probable reasons before or during the implementation that were not identified at that time, that led to the poor usage of the system? You, have to present a future plan to make the use of the system among users a hit. What will be your approach and strategic plan?

Q 3. A. Compare the pros & cons of pre-packed software versus customized software. Explain any two emerging trends that are currently integrated in ERP packages.

Q 3. B. What are open-source ERP packages. Explain the features of any two open-source ERP packages.

NMIMS SOLUTION JUNE 2023 Visit Our Website: WWW.MBAASSIGNMENT.COM Service Operation Management

Q1. Explain the concept of ‘Service Design’ in Service Operations. Discuss the various approaches that Service setups can adopt to implement ‘Service Design’?

Explain the concept with the help of reference from the Retail setup like a Supermarket

Q2. What Role do Service ‘Engineers’ play in designing ‘processes’ Service Operations. Explain the three techniques used to evaluate service operations with reference to a setup like a Fine dine family restaurant.

Q3. The ‘Food delivery’ segment is a good example wherein the businesses involve both manufacturing (food preparations) as well as service operations. The sold products are evaluated by the customers and they are also rated based on the service that the seller provides. With reference to the industry discuss the following aspects of service operations a. Discuss the elements that need to be planned in a Service Framework of the mentioned setup.

b. What are the challenges faced by the Service Managers who manage these service operations?

1. Explain various types of purchases with appropriate examples.

2. Discuss the process of strategic sourcing with suitable examples.


3. Consider PQR Inc. is procuring various products for their consumption. While procuring these products they want to go with the e-sourcing process. a. Explain various online catalogs of e-marketplaces.

b. Explain the process of online auctions.

Operations and Supply Chain Strategies

1. List down the competencies needed for an efficient global Operations and Supply Chain. Which competency would you highly prioritize if you are a producer of a semiconductor, which has a global demand in today's scenario.


2. Online fashion retailer Zalando to lay off hundreds of employees. Google fires 450 staff, Twitter shuts 2 offices; Meta confirms 11000 layoffs etc. If you are one of the founders of service industry which steps you will take with respected to industry life cycle.

3. The Landmark Group owned "Home Centre" has grown into one of the largest retail and hospitality conglomerates in India. They have presence in India, North Africa and Dubai operating over 630 stores across 145 cities with over 9.4 million square feet of retail space. The company is planning for an aggressive growth in the next 5 years and as part of this is planning to expand to business to many countries in South America and Far East. The biggest challenge they face is of shipping the heavy furniture and maintaining the huge inventory, which adds on to a lot of costs.

NMIMS JUNE 2023 SEM 1 2 3 4

a. You are appointed as business consultant in the organization. Suggest some different level of strategies that ultimately helps them.

b. Explain different expansion strategies with respect to "Home Centre"


Project Management

1. A ABC company is launching the new project consist of designing and constructing a Cricket Stadium and Amenities around it. Prepare the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform) Matrix with the following details.

a. Brief activity list (6-8 activities).

b. Figure out 4-6 project management related roles.

c. Prepare the RACI Matrix for the same.

2. A ABC company is launching the new project consist of designing and constructing a Cricket Stadium and Amenities around it. Consider following details for the project.

a. Feasibility study

b. Estimating the cost – Material and Construction

c. Designing of Stadium and Amenities.

d. Procuring the material

e. Construction and installation


f. Finishing work You as a project controller are asked to submit your plan for project control. Cover different project control tools and explain how they will be applied in this case. Also, mention as a head of project control which control you will monitor personally and why.

3. Answer the following questions:

a. A ABC company is launching the new project consist of designing and constructing a Cricket Stadium and Amenities around it. For this work we have three options. The details for these options are given below.

I: Initial investment C1 to C6: Cash flow at the end of Year-1 to Year-6 respectively.

b. Consider a hypothetical project of conducting a grand event in stadium. Explain the triple constraints of a project in this context with the examples for each constraint. Give your summary comment about this.

Total Quality Management

Q.1 You are appointed as head of Global Sourcing. You realize, your organization is carrying out complex global sourcing initiatives, but they are not adequately supported with equally thorough network design. Discuss the factors you would consider designing a global supply chain. Give some industry examples where it was successfully adopted.


Q2. Maxx Industry has received a major export order. To ensure that its processes work in tandem to conform to the export quality requirements, Maxx wants to formulate and control the business process effectively using SPC techniques. Discuss the major tools of SPC that may help Maxx in achieving its objective.

Q3. You have been asked by the management of your organization to improve employee productivity. After a thorough investigation, you realize productivity is low due to workplace injuries and illness and there is a need for an ISO standard which is designed to provide an effective set of processes for improving workplace health and safety.

a) What ISO standard would you recommend, explain its benefits?

b) Discuss the process of developing a new international standard.


Commercial Banking System & Role of RBI

1. Banking has changed radically over a period of 50 years starting from nationalization in 1969 of 14 private sector banks to privatization of banks in 1990s. Year 2014 resulted in setting of small Payments Banks in different parts of the country to a diametrically opposite step of mergers and consolidation of many weak public sector banks with a few large PSU banks in 2018/19. What has been the economic and financial compulsions/reasons for such changes in five decades?


2. Why banks are focusing more on shifting fund based lending to non-fund based lending? Explain different types of fund based and non-fund based lending activities.

3) Commercial banks are known for providing array of services to customers, the conventional one being on liability side are time and demand liability products.

a) Distinguish between time and demand liabilities and their characteristics

b) What are reasons for large financial institutions like Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) converting to commercial bank like IDBI Bank? Similarly, like Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) converted itself as ICICI Bank.



Financial Institutions and Markets

1. Ambey Ltd. is one of the biggest players dealing in fitness machines in India. The company now intends to launch a range of fitness food for fitness-conscious people and plans to market it by selling it on various e-commerce portals and opening retail outlets. So, the management of the company is planning to raise further capital in the debt market. As a financial advisor to the firm advise the various techniques which the company can use in order to raise capital from the debt market.

2. Prabhas has joined non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) but is unclear about the role and types of NBFCs. Apprise, Prabhas about the role of NBFCs in

JUNE 2023

the financial services segment with various types of NBFCs as per business activity catering for the financial needs of the Indian economy with examples.

3a) Uday is a new joiner at a currency exchange firm. His first task given by the manager is to prepare a report on trends in the major currency exchange quotes for the past year. However, Uday has little knowledge about the participants in the foreign exchange market. Brief Uday about the various participants in the foreign exchange market for successfully executing his task.

Q3b. “Regulatory mechanisms are implemented to ensure that there is always a balance between the inflow of money and the outflow of funds so that the financial markets are able to function efficiently and effectively.” Explain the important regulatory authorities in India with their functions.


Marketing of Financial Services

Q1) Develop a Public Relations campaign for IRDA to help create awareness about Life Insurance sector and to educate policyholders about their rights.

Q2) Amit Chopra, (age 31 years) works with a pharmaceutical company and has not yet started to invest for his retirement. Amit is married to Neelam (age 28 years) and they have one son aged 2 years. Amit wants you to prepare a plan for him to retire by age 60. (You can make any assumptions to further build up your case.)

Q3) You are a Financial Planner. Your client Prashant Pandey aged 35 years and works with an IT company earning Rs 15 lakhs per year. His wife Priti, aged 32


years, is a homemaker. They have one daughter aged 5 years. The couple requires your help to make some financial decisions. (You can make any assumptions to further build up your case.)

a) Prashant wants to buy a Pure Risk Life Insurance cover of Rs 5 crore. He is confused whether he should buy a ULIP or a Term Plan. Recommend the product best suited for his requirement.

b) Prashant and Priti want your help to invest for their daughter’s higher education which they estimate would be required after 15 year

Retail Banking

Q1. Monetary Policy is one the important drivers in growth & development of an economy. Illustrate at least four instruments/tools which are used universally in implementation of monetary policy.

Q2. Regulators of Retail Bank use Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) extensively to check excessive growth of credit in the bank. What is the significance of CAR in credit policy of Banks and how it works?

Q3. Risk Management is an important activity of the bank to keep it functional & healthy. Any laxity on this front may lead to increase in non-performing assets

a) Explain Credit Risk, Operational Risk, Liquidity Risk & Interest rate Risk.

b) What are the reasons of, non-performing assets.

Employee Development & Talent Management

1. You are evaluating the effectiveness of a training program aimed at enhancing the people management skills of Project Managers of an ITES company. Suggest the steps in developing a training evaluation process. How would you use the Kirkpatrick model to evaluate the effectiveness of training?

2. A retail chain wants to set up 40 stores across India in the next 6 months. They are hiring promising Stores managers, keeping their aggressive expansion plan in mind. Suggest some talent assessment tools for this position. The HR head wants to consider a few modern performance management methods besides 360 degrees’ approach. Which methods can she consider? What would be an argument for 360 degrees in comparison to other methods?

3) Orient Chemicals want to develop an effective succession plan to promote talent from within.

a) Suggest the steps involved in an effective succession planning program.

b) Why should Orient Chemicals focus on developing a Succession planning program?

International HR Practices

1) Dow Limited – an Australian MNC employed Australians (PCs) and Papua New Guineans (host country nationals) in its subsidiary in Papua New Guinea. The remuneration package for Australians is ten times more than that for Papua New Guineans for the same job. More than 85% of the host country employees


(Papua New Guineans) complain that they are highly demotivated as the company pays highly discriminated remuneration for the same job performed by Australians and Papua New Guineans. Considering the situation, explain why do MNCs prefer Ethnocentric Approach and share the limitations of the same.

2) You are the Group HR director for a small company that has begun to use international assignments. You are considering using an external consulting firm to provide pre-departure training for employees, as you do not have the resources to provide this ‘in-house’. What components will be needed to be covered? How will you measure the effectiveness of the pre-departure training program provided by this external consultant?

3) Mazvode is a Japanese general insurance company which has spread its operations across the continents with almost 55 percent of its employees working outside Japan. Performance management policy of the company is more developmental, learning and feedback driven in Japan, while the same is highly measured and competitive in North America, goal driven in Europe and a mix of all approaches in other nations of companies units. There is widespread dissatisfaction with performance management practice across as found out in employee satisfaction survey, since performance management has scored minimal.

Further study revealed that younger employees in Japan have sought a competitive and incentive-based performance management, while employees in North America have felt that the system should focus more on development rather than being task driven since most of customer engagement performance comes from contextual performance. There are other employees who have argued to do away with performance appraisal system altogether as in their belief it was demotivating than helping any cause.

a) Describe the major challenges faced in assessing the performance in international context

b) Suggest the criteria for the performance appraisal of International employees.



Strategic HRM

1) Brillio is a technology company that develops and deploys disruptive solutions that help customers compete better and capture business value faster. The company has invested in developing advanced tools. A sharp and obsessively focused talent acquisition strategy is at the core of Brillio’s ability to meet the highly demanding needs of its technology clients. HR Head at Brillio says. “When talent acquisition equips business to meet market needs, HR stops being a support function and becomes a strategic partner.” and that is just because of the key challenges around talent acquisition. As the HR Head of Brillo point out the challenges faced by Talent acquisition team in detail.

2) A follow-up survey was conducted the year after the implementation of the new appraisal system. Results were as follows:

81 percent better understood work group objectives

84 percent considered the new appraisal fair

72 percent said they understood how their merit raise was determined

70 percent met their personal and work objectives

77 percent considered the system a step in the right direction

As the HR manager you have noticed change in an appraisal system after the implementation of the new appraisal system. List out the Modern Appraisal Methods which has resulted a positive outcome with examples.

3) Jim Delaney, president of Apex Door, has a problem. No matter how often he tells his employees how to do their jobs, they invariably decide to do it their way, as he puts it, and arguments ensue between Jim, the employee, and the employee’s supervisor. One example is the door-design department, where the designers are expected to work with the

architects to design doors that meet the specification’ While it’s not rocket science, as Jim puts it, the designers invariably make mistakes such as designing in too much steel, a problem that can cost Apex tens of thousands of wasted rupees, once you consider the number of doors in, say, a 30-story office tower.

The order processing department is another example. Jim has a very specific and detailed way he wants the order written up, but most of the order clerks don’t understand how to use the multipage order form. They simply improvise when it comes to a detailed question such as whether to classify the customer as industrial or commercial.

The current training process is as follows. None of the jobs has a training manual, although several have somewhat out-of-date job descriptions. The training for new people is all on the job. Usually, the person leaving the company trains the new person during the 1- or 2- week overlap period, but if there’s no overlap, the new person is trained as well as possible by other employees who have filled in occasionally on the job in the past. The training is the same throughout the

company for machinists, secretaries, assemblers, engineers, and accounting clerks, for example.

a) What do you think of Apex’s training process? Does it help improving the performance of employees?

b) Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training process at Apex Door.

NMIMS JUNE 2023 SEM 1 2 3 4


International Finance

1) ABC Ltd- An Indian Multinational Company wants to expand its operations in European Nations and has decided to buy a land in Poland for setting a manufacturing unit. The setting of the manufacturing facility will open billiondollar European Market for the company.

2) An Indian company imported goods from US. The US manufacturer invoices the shipment in Dollar (USD), and the amount is USD 5 million. The importer needs to pay the amount by 30 October 2023. The data regarding the futures contract as on 10 October 2023 is:

3) An Indian Merchant importing goods from UK worth 1 million GBP. But there is no direct quotation between GBP INR is available in the market. The spot rate in the market available is

GBP USD 1.2100

INR USD 0.012


a) Calculate the exchange rate between GBP INR using the above information

b. Assume that spot quotation between USD INR 87400- 80.8700. The six months forward is 216.25-218.25. Calculate the six months forward bid and ask rate for USD INR. NMIMS


1) Sun Ltd plans to invest INR 500,000 in a project with the following cash flows:

Cash flow after tax year 1 = INR 100,000

Cash flow after tax year 2 = INR 300,000

Cash flow after tax year 3 = INR 200,000

Cash flow after tax year 4 = INR 200,000

The discount rate is 5 per cent and the risk adjusted discount rate is 20 per cent. Determine the NPV of the project using the risk adjusted discount rate. Will your decision be the same if the risk adjusted discount rate is increased to 22 per cent?

2) Mergers and Acquisitions are a part of corporate restructuring exercises. Discuss the different forms and types of mergers and acquisitions.

3) a) An investor purchases a August call option on Tata Motor’s stock, with an exercise price of Rs. 440. Determine the intrinsic value today if Tata Motor’s stock is trading at 1. i) 420

2023 SEM 1 2 3 4 SOLUTION
Strategic Financial Management

b) Apple Ltd has deployed a capital of 400 million in Orange Ltd a 100 per cent owned subsidiary company and it incurs a cost of 10 per cent. The after-tax profit generated by the subsidiary company is INR 45 million. Compute the EVA generated by the company?

1) Identify any 1 specific concern from any industry during the COVID-19 pandemic situation and depending on the selected approach to address the concern enlist the different tools which can be employed through the DMAIC cycle to narrow down the Key Process Input Variables (KPIVs) that are driving unacceptable output(s). The analysis of the concern (for e.g., if you choose restaurant industry then delivery concern or hospitals then patient handling concern) utilizing DMAIC process must include only tools necessary to resolve the concern. The focus should concentrate on a clear and minimalistic path to resolving the concern. You are free to follow any research, data collection and or analysis methodology that you consider the most appropriate to address the required task.

2) Suppose you are working as a facilities manager in a big mall of a metropolitan city that intends to adopt the lean technique for efficient management, identify any process/activity that needs improvement and create a broad outline in brief using DMAIC methodology.

1. ii) 460
Six Sigma

3 a) Enlist at least 5 Indian companies preferably from different industries or sectors which have implemented Six Sigma in a successful manner. Also, specify at least 1 substantial benefit achieved from implementation by each of the 5 Indian companies.

b) Give at least 1 example of each type of waste (8 Mudas) reduced due to the implementation of lean six sigma in that organizati You are free to select any industry or sector.

New Product Development and Managing Innovation

1) In the context of physical products, what are the different types of product packaging and what needs do packaging help with? Consider the example of Great Point, a nearby super market. As you walk through the aisles of the supermarket, think about and list examples for the 3 different types of product packaging.

2) Ashutosh works as a product manager for a large multi-national video content platform (eg. Tik Tok, Instagram etc.). The company would like to create a new app targeted at older population, aged 60+ years. Ashutosh is entrusted with the development of the new product. Describe the approach across the different steps in generic product design and development process that he should follow.

3a) Using a real-life example from your industry of choice (eg. Automobile, FMCG etc.), explain how innovation is different from invention? Why should companies innovate?


b) Imagine that you are the product manager of one of the hyper-local delivery aps – eg. Swiggy, Dunzo etc. The management has asked you to use the Kano model and write a report on the different types of product features in the appl. Explain the Kano model and the different types of product features with an example.



World Class Operations

1) You are the Quality Control Manager of an automobile manufacturer implementing Taguchi’s idea. In this context explain Taguchi’s Loss Function.

2) Quality is one of the parameters for companies to become world class. Examples can be cited of Ikea, Apple etc. In this respect briefly narrate the factors that affect quality of products manufactured by companies like Ikea, Apple etc.

3a) Assuming that you are the Operations Manager of an automobile manufacturer, implementing Fault Tree Analysis. Briefly explain the steps involved in the implementation.

B) With reference to you being an Operations Manager implementing Fault Tree Analysis, explain how is it differ from FMECA?




1) Brillio is a technology company that develops and deploys disruptive solutions that help customers compete better and capture business value faster. The company has invested in developing advanced tools. A sharp and obsessively focused talent acquisition strategy is at the core of Brillio’s ability to meet the highly demanding needs of its technology clients. HR Head at Brillio says. “When talent acquisition equips business to meet market needs, HR stops being a support function and becomes a strategic partner.” and that is just because of the key challenges around talent acquisition. As the HR Head of Brillo point out the challenges faced by Talent acquisition team in detail.

2) A follow-up survey was conducted the year after the implementation of the new appraisal system. Results were as follows: 81 percent better understood work  group objectives 84 percent considered the new appraisal fair 72 percent said  they understood how their merit raise was determined 70 percent met their  personal and work objectives 77 percent considered the system a step in the right  direction

As the HR manager you have noticed change in an appraisal system after the implementation of the new appraisal system. List out the Modern Appraisal Methods which has resulted a positive outcome with examples.

3) Jim Delaney, president of Apex Door, has a problem. No matter how often he tells his employees how to do their jobs, they invariably decide to do it their way, as he puts it, and arguments ensue between Jim, the employee, and the employee’s supervisor. One example is the door-design department, where the designers are expected to work with the architects to design doors that meet the specification’ While it’s not rocket science, as Jim puts it, the designers invariably make mistakes such as designing in too much steel, a problem that can cost Apex tens of

thousands of wasted rupees, once you consider the number of doors in, say, a 30story office tower.

The order processing department is another example. Jim has a very specific and detailed way he wants the order written up, but most of the order clerks don’t understand how to use the multipage order form. They simply improvise when it comes to a detailed question such as whether to classify the customer as industrial or commercial.

The current training process is as follows. None of the jobs has a training manual, although several have somewhat out-of-date job descriptions. The training for new people is all on the job. Usually, the person leaving the company trains the new person during the 1- or 2-week overlap period, but if there's no overlap, the new person is trained as well as possible by other employees who have filled in occasionally on the job in the past. The training is the same throughout the company for machinists, secretaries, assemblers, engineers, and accounting clerks, for example.

a) What do you think of Apex’s training process? Does it help improving the performance of employees?

b) Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training process at Apex Door.

NMIMS ASSIGNMENT ANSWER SHEET JUNE 2023 Visit Our Website: WWW.MBAASSIGNMENT.COM Employee Development & Talent Management

1. You are evaluating the effectiveness of a training program aimed at enhancing the people management skills of Project Managers of an ITES company. Suggest the steps in developing a training evaluation process. How would you use the Kirkpatrick model to evaluate the effectiveness of training?

2. A retail chain wants to set up 40 stores across India in the next 6 months. They are hiring promising Stores managers, keeping their aggressive expansion plan in mind. Suggest some talent assessment tools for this position. The HR head wants to consider a few modern performance management methods besides 360 degrees’ approach. Which methods can she consider? What would be an argument for 360 degrees in comparison to other methods?

3. Orient Chemicals want to develop an effective succession plan to promote talent from within.

A. Suggest the steps involved in an effective succession planning program.

B. Why should Orient Chemicals focus on developing a Succession planning program?


International HR Practices

Q1. Dow Limited - an Australian MNC employed Australians (PCs) and Papua New Guineans (host country nationals) in its subsidiary in Papua New Guinea. The remuneration package for Australians is ten times more than that for Papua New Guineans for the same job. More than 85% of the host country employees (Papua


New Guineans) complain that they are highly demotivated as the company pays highly discriminated remuneration for the same job performed by Australians and Papua New Guineans. Considering the situation, explain why do MNCs prefer Ethnocentric Approach and share the limitations of the same.

Q2. You are the Group HR director for a small company that has begun to use international assignments. You are considering using an external consulting firm to provide pre-departure training for employees, as you do not have the resources to provide this ‘in-house’. What components will be needed to be covered? How will you measure the effectiveness of the pre-departure training program provided by this external consultant?

Q3. Mazvode is a Japanese general insurance company which has spread its operations across the continents with almost 55 percent of its employees working outside Japan. Performance management policy of the company is more developmental, learning and feedback driven in Japan, while the same is highly measured and competitive in North America, goal driven in Europe and a mix of all approaches in other nations of companies units. There is widespread dissatisfaction with performance management practice across as found out in employee satisfaction survey, since performance management has scored minimal.

Further study revealed that younger employees in Japan have sought a competitive and incentive-based performance management, while employees in North America have felt that the system should focus more on development rather than being task driven since most of customer engagement performance comes from contextual performance. There are other employees who have argued to do away with performance appraisal system altogether as in their belief it was demotivating than helping any cause.

a) Describe the major challenges faced in assessing the performance in international context.

b) Suggest the criteria for the performance appraisal of International employees.


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