NMIMS June 22 Assignment - Intelligent Services, your employer, prides itself on hiring minorities.

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Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD. Call 9025810064 (whatsapp available) or Mail - Palaniappanmail@gmail.com Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD. has 15 years of teaching experience









Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD has taught various subjects from Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, International Business and General Specializations. He has written many research papers and case studies. Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD

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subject coaching / MBA Assignment help and MBA Project help. Many clients national and international has appreciated Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA., MCom.,MPhil.,PhD for his timely help in the assignments and projects and MBA subject coaching. You can call him on his mobile no. 09025810064 (whatsapp available) or mail him at palaniappanmail@gmail.com. He does help/guide for the below question. If urgent or any query’s, Please feel free to call him on his mobile no. 9025810064 (whatsapp available) or do mail on palaniappanmail@gmail.com. He does help/guide for the below question Contact: Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD Mail ID: palaniappanmail@gmail.com Ph: - 9025810064 (whatsapp available)

Business Ethics Governance Risk 1. As a product manager you are responsible for a new hand sanitizer launched recently by your company, Health and Hygiene Ltd. Most of your business is offline through channel partners. You are considering a hybrid model of offline as well as online distribution channels (ecommerce platform). Prepare a note for your Marketing Head identifying five financial and five operational risk involved and classify them as high, medium and low, so that the reputation and stated values of your company are protected. 2. Select any one popular TV advertisement for any product/service that you find ethically wrong/inappropriate/ offensive. Using any one ethical decision making model (three models covered in class during session1, chapter 2, or any other model) analyse and explain the ethical issues involved and why they are wrong /inappropriate /offensive, from the perspective of any three relevant stakeholders eg consumers, company/brand, section of society involved or targeted eg women, children etc. 3. Intelligent Services, your employer, prides itself on hiring minorities. One candidate fully fits the job requirements for an open position in your division. However, your boss is concerned that some of your customers will not understand the candidate’s limited command of the English language. You are the manager to whom this candidate will report, if selected. a. What decision will you take and how will you explain/justify it to your boss? b. Which two programs and/or processes will you introduce in your division to be able to successfully deploy many more such candidates in future? Insurance Risk Management 1. What could be peculiar features observed for Insurance in common world?

2. Explain the typical types of Insurance apart from Life Insurance 3.a. What can be termed as Basic Characteristics of Risk Management? 3.b. How one can identify the respective Loss Exposures in Risk? International Banking Foreign Exchange Management 1. You are an intern with XYZ Indian bank. You are supposed to submit a report on working of Treasury Operations of XYZ bank as your internship endterm report. Prepare a report on organizational and divisional structure of you bank. Explain the function of each division in detail. 2. As per the recent news India’s forex reserves have declined. You are a banker and you have an interview with one of the finance magazines. You are asked to explain what are forex reserves and the objective behind forex reserves. With reference to the news, how would this decline impact India 3. Authorized dealers also play an important role in foreign exchange transactions. In context to the statement, a. Explain the role of Authorized dealers with respect to RBI. b. What are the categories and functions of these categories of Authorized Dealers. Name some Authorised dealers under each category Research Methodology 1. The training manager at ABC corporation has asked you to identify the kind of training programs that should be offered to the young recruits who have joined as management trainees and are to be imparted five additional general management programs along with their specify job training modules. The trainees are a mixed bunch of engineering and management graduates. (a) How would you formulate your management research questions?

(b) How would you carry out a problem audit? Explain in detail the steps you would take for this. (c) What could be the mix of variables that could impact the investor decisions? Is it possible to represent the same through a theoretical framework? (d) State your study objectives and research hypotheses. 2. An Academic Opportunities. The objective of the study was as follows: 1. To assess the growth and development opportunities available in IT companies. 2. To form comprehensive information shoot on the compensation packages for employees of various IT opportunities. 3. To assess the tradeoff that employees might make with respect to growth and development opportunities in case of an attractive compensation package. 4. To profile the typical employee in the IT sector. 5. The implication of the analysis for the IT study. Develop a questionnaire for the above study based on the objectives? 3.a. Describe the four types scales with examples? 3.b. The table below presented the ranks which were assigned by three judges to the works of ten articles: S.no.











Judge A











Judge B











Judge C











Compute the spearman’s rank order correlation coefficients for each pair of ranking and decide: a) Which two judges are most alike in their opinion about these artists? b) Which two judges are different in their opinion about these artists? Treasury Management in Banking 1. Calculate the duration Gap of the following excerpts from the balance sheet of a bank. Also calculate the impact on the equity of the bank in the different interest rates scenarios. Balance Sheet for Hypothetical Bank Particulars Assets Macaulay Duration Liabilities Macaulay Duration Current Assets 1500 7 years Current Liabilities 1400 5 Years Fixed Assets 1400 Other Liab. 1300 2900 Equity 200 2900

Scenarios for Impact analysis: 1. Interest rates increased by 1% 2. Interest rates decreased by 1% 2. Visit www.world governmentbonds.com. and analyze the yield curves shapes of US, UK, Germany and Indian GOI bond yield curve. Explain your analysis in terms of shape and expectation about state of these economies. 3. Case study

Vistara Ltd. has imported spare parts worth 1 million USD and the invoice is payable in 180 days. Current Spot rate in the market is USD/INR 75. You are required to calculate impact on transaction exposure under following scenarios: a. Company decides to use Forward Market for hedging and wants you determine the 180 days forward rate (based in IRP) given interest rates in India as 6% per annum and Interest rates in US as 1% per annum and suggest the relevant position it should take in this forward. b. Is it always necessary that the forex exposure should be hedged? What will you suggest to Vistara if USDINR is expected to be around 76 after 180 days.

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