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Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD. has 15 years of teaching experience in MBA Business schools. For last fifteen years
Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD has taught various subjects from Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, International Business and General Specializations. He has written many research papers and case studies.
Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD organizes online MBA subject coaching / MBA Assignment help and MBA Project help. Many clients national and international has appreciated Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA., MCom.,MPhil.,PhD for his timely help in the assignments and projects and MBA subject coaching.
You can call him on his mobile no. 09025810064 (whatsapp available) or mail him at palaniappanmail@gmail.com. He does help/guide for the below question. If urgent or any query’s, Please feel free to call him on his mobile no. 9025810064
(whatsapp available) or do mail on palaniappanmail@gmail.com. He does help/guide for the below question
Mail ID: palaniappanmail@gmail.com
Ph: - 9025810064 (whatsapp available)
Business Economics
1. Demand forecasting is not a speculative exercise into the unknown. It is essentially a reasonable judgement of future probabilities of the market events based on scientific background. Explain the statement by elaborating any 3 methods each from qualitative and quantitative methods of demand forecasting.
2. Law of Demand drives the economy and helps business decisions that meet consumer needs. Demand is the consumers’ desire and willingness to pay for a product or service at a given price and time. Enumerate any five factors each from individual and market demand.
3a). “The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility plays an important role in the economy. It directly relates to the consumption and production of goods.” In context with the given statement enumerate Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility with its assumptions.
3b). Calculate Marginal Utility and Average Utility from the information given in the below table:
Financial Accounting & Analysis
1. Analyse the following transactions for Surprise Ltd. using the concept of Accounting Equation comprising of Assets, Liabilities and Equity.
1. Commenced business with cash of ₹ 5,00,000.
2. Purchased equipment for cash ₹ 2,00,000.
3. Purchased furniture worth ₹50,000 on credit from IndiMart.
4. Purchased raw materials for ₹25,000 against cash from XYZ Suppliers.
5. Deposited cash of ₹ 1,25,000 in the current account.
6. Sold goods for ₹75,000 and received a cheque against the same.
Q2. Prepare a vertical balance sheet from the following information:
Q3. A) Prepare a comparative income statement for any company extracting their P&L statement for the years 2020-21 & 2021-22. Analyse the incline and decline in the different elements in the P&L Statement and provide detailed insights
Q3. B) Prepare a trend analysis statement for any the same company extracting their P&L statement for the years 2019-20, 2020-21 & 2021-22. Analyse the incline and decline in the different elements in the P&L Statement and provide detailed insights.
Information System for Managers
Q.1) COMPT_PREP is an Educational Institute which helps the aspirants to prepare for Engineering and Medical Exams. They have around 20 branches across the country. The aspirant’s base is exploding on a Year-on-Year basis. Suggest a
Cloud Solution strategy to help manage the entire operations of COMPT_PREP. Also, detail out the features & benefits of this Cloud Solution Strategy.
Q.2) You are the owner of a start-up Manufacturing company in Pune and have a total of around 100 employees. To streamline the operations of various departments of your organization, which particular System you will use to automate the various inter-processes of your organization. State the benefits of its implementation and the challenges faced while implementing it.
Q.3a) You are a Personal Blogger and you are much keen on penning down your thoughts in the form of blogs. The Blogging Platform used by you can be any depending on your choice.
b) What could be the possible vulnerabilities and threats related to Blogging Platforms? Explain any 5 vulnerabilities/threats in de (5 marks) B) Suggest and describe at least any 2 protective measures to overcome these vulnerabilities/ threats related to Blogging Platforms. NMIMS
Management Theory and Practice
Q1. Ravi Kishan Mills, accompany dealing with making ethanol from sugarcane residue has traditionally been a centralized company from generations run by the founders. Now as the 4th Generation steps in to take over the reins, they feel its high time, they go decentralized as the firm has grown leaps and bounds and become a mid-sized company today from the small scale it started with. They have
hired you as a consultant for the same. Can you guide them about the same by making them aware of the pros and cons of both and helping them take a decision?
Q2. Shemaroo entertainment earlier only had a base in Mumbai, India. It has now expanded its wings to other parts of the world too and want to also get into other avenues of filmmaking. They have hired you as a consultant to help them design their organizational structure as earlier they used to follow the traditional line structure. They would want to use the 6-box model in order to determine what structure will suit them the best. Can you guide them on the same?
Q3. Thakur Publishing house, an age-old Printing press feels that over the years their employees have lost their motivation and their performance standards is dipping.
a) They have hired you as a consultant. Can you guide them about how can they use Mc Cleland’s Theory of Needs to motivate their employees?
b) Also, can you use ERG Theory, to help guide them to motivate their employees?
Marketing Management
Q.1 Tata Motors is all set to launch its electric car Tata CURVV. It has decided a price range of approx. ₹15.00 – ₹ 20.00 Lakh with an automatic transmission. Based on the above information, as a marketing consultant, suggest a suitable segmentation plan for the newly launched brand (suggest a suitable type of segmentation with appropriate justification). Based on the type of segmentation, suggest an appropriate Positioning strategy with justification.
Q.2 Your friend is planning to purchase a laptop for routine usage & is seeking your guidance for the same. Practically guide him through the steps of consumer buyer decision making process.
Q.3 Read the case & answer the questions based on the case:
Aahar fast food is a very popular evening/late night joint targeting young students, young couple, and even family. It serves delicious food & customers have always appreciated their service too. It has its presence in the market since last 10 years in Mumbai & are planning a Pan-India launch. As a consultant help them with the following:
a) Recommend an advertising strategy for the launch focusing on appropriate message decisions & specific media vehicles (combination of media vehicles is expected including social media).
b) Suggest at least two sales promotional tools at consumer-level for the new launch with appropriate justification
Organisational Behaviour
Q1. Leadership is widely regarded as a critical attribute that is becoming increasingly scarce in organizations. It is a process in which an individual seeks the support of others to achieve common goals. Leaders are visionary individuals who act as catalysts in motivating and influencing others. Given these statements, it is essential to examine the importance of leadership in any organization. Conclude by answering that how the organisation would fare if leadership is not right?
Q2. Harvey and Weems are Team leaders of team A and B respectively. Harvey is very open to feedback and does not let his perception rule his decision. He takes action based on facts and figures whereas Weems get carried away with his perception. Team A is very happy and motivated team which is clearly visible by their performance and just the reverse goes for team B. Weems takes aid from a self-help book where he reads about the managerial implications of perception. When he does a self-analysis he understood that all this while he was working totally under the influence of his perception. Weems decides to take a plunge and modify his behaviour. Discuss any three managerial implications of perception and conclude by stating that what could have made Weems change his way of behaving?
Q3. John and Jacob are co-workers. They both are working in the same project but their work values are very different from each other. John belongs to GenX (The X Generation) and relies a lot on the team-work as well as its (team’s)progression and upliftment, whereas Jacob is from GenY (The Y Generation) or the Millennial and for him self-reliance is more important. Though they share a great personal rapport but they always are found having disagreement at work.
a) Explain the reason for their disagreement? It is natural to have such disagreement, give concluding remarks for Jacob’s behaviour in terms of the generational value
b) Introduce the value system of your generatio Discuss the rest of the generations and their values?