Solved 2nd Year MBA Annamalai Assignment (2021–2022) Call 9025810064

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Contact: Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD Mail ID: Ph: - 9025810064 (whatsapp available) 346 MBA General Human Resource Management 1. “The field of HRM changes so rapidly that had become necessary for one to constantly review procedures and laws to that the practices will be effective and legal”. Critically evaluate this statement. 2. “Majority of the testing techniques for selection do not accurately assess the characteristics of the job. In fact most of the executives would divulge that the testing had no impact on future job performance. Do you accept or not? Discuss with justification. 3. Develop an incentive plan for the following positions: i. Chemical Engineer ii. Plant Manager iii. Used car sales force iv. First-line supervisor 4. Identify the Paramount barriers for effective training programme in IT field and how to crush them". Explain with real life examples. Marketing Management

1. “Chinese computer and electronic products possess advantages in design, innovation, rapid response and global market flexibility”- comment. 2. “Legal aspects protect competitors and consumers from many unethical pricing strategies that unscrupulous marketers may wish to attempt”. Critically analyse the statement. 3. In designing an advertising campaign for a soft drink, which would you find more useful; information about consumer demographics or information about consumer life style? Give an example of how would you use each type of information. 4. Suggest a successful way to segment the market for the following products a) Detergent Soap b) Designer Jewellery c) Breakfast Cereals. Financial Management 1. “The consequences of over- capitalisation are far more serious and fatal than under-capitalisation.” – Discuss. 2. “An optimal combination of the decisions relating to investment, financingand dividends will maximise the value of the firm to its shareholders”. – Examine 3. The analysis of debt to equity ratios alone can be decreasing and an analysis of the magnititude and stability of cash flows relative to fixed changes is extremely important in determining the appropriate capital structure. Give your opinion. 4. “The success of a business concern depends upon the way in which it earnings are computed, distributed and retained”- Comment on this statement. Operations Management

1. Operations management is the area of creating competitive advantage. Do you agree? Justify your answer. 2. A manufacturer requires 10,000 items per year. Price discount as follows: a ) Rs.4 up to 2000 items, Rs. 3.80 between 2000 and 4000 items. Rs.3.70 for quantities above 4000. Ordering cost = Rs. 50. b) Comparative inventory cost = 25% per year of average inventory price. c) Determine the optimum purchase policy under discount. 3. Why are some Industries located near the source of raw materials, where as some other Industries are located near the market for their finished goods? Discuss with relevant examples. 4. Prepare PERT network for assembling a Motor Bike. Project Management and Entrepreneurship 1. Describe two areas in a manufacturing project where there is a high level of uncertainty. How do you tackle these uncertainties? 2. Explain how to break the total project works and some major parts of the works into smaller and manageable item. Relate your answer to project phases, cost account, work package, activities and project schedule. 3. Should we combine debt – related cash flows with project cash flow? Why? Discuss the issues related to the principle of treating the financing cash flow separately from the investment cash flow. 4. Why do role models impact the decision of people to become the entrepreneurs? Do you think that a person whose parent was an entrepreneur of a failed business is

more or less likely to start his or her own business than a person whose parents were managers of large established companies? Strategic Management 1. If strategic planning is essentially a program, can it display the degree of adaptiveness that 21st century enterprises need? Would ‘strategic improvisation’ be a plausible alternative? Explore the practical consequences of strategic improvisation for enterprise management. 2. Select an Automobile industry in India, and evaluate its competitive business strategy using Porter’s five force model? What strategies can you suggest to convert the unattractive forces in to attractive ones? 3. Why would management adopt a stability strategy? Can stability strategies be viable over a lengthy period of time? Why or Why not? 4. Take an imaginary situation relating to pricing or investment policy in a selected industry in which there are few sellers and show how the adoption of different strategies by a leading player defines different possible paths. Use a decision tree to illustrate these different possible paths. Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations 1. “Labour Union meant for the right of the employees”- Do you agree Substantiate your views. 2. “Ensuring Industrial Relations is the important task of Human Resource Manager”. Do you agree or Disagree, Substantiate your views. 3. Workers education helps a worker to solve his problems not as an individual but is a member of his social class discuss?

4. “The Government plays an important role in establishing a better industrial relations and it passes various laws to protect the interest of both employers and employees”-Discuss. Training and development 1. A leading FMCG company in India decides to train its entire population of employees and managers to provide “Legendary Customer Service.” Suggest and explicate a design for evaluating the impact of such a massive training effort. 2. Is training transfer an important issue in the automobile manufacturing companies? How transfer is evaluated in those companies? Design an action plan sheet that a manager and employee could use to facilitate transfer of training. Justify each category included in the action plan. 3. Identify the procedures and their pitfalls for the effective implementation of MDP in organizations and suggest suitable measure to avoid pitfalls. 4. Many employees are unwilling to relocate geographically because they like their current community and because spouses and children prefer not to move, as the result, it is difficult to develop employees through job experiences that require relocation. How could an employee’s current job be changed to develop that employee’s leadership skills? Sales and Distribution Management 1. Write an essay on wholesaling? Explain the different marketing functions performed by wholesaler-distributors for manufacturers with the help of suitable examples.

2. What is the purpose of Sales Organization? What steps will you take for setting up a Sales Organization? Explain with the help of suitable example. 3. As a marketing manager for a nondurable manufacturing company, what factors would you consider and what process would you adopt to select a distribution channel? Explain. 4. Explore new marketing and distribution channel for online e-marketing Companies. Marketing Research and Consumer Behaviour 1. “Application of Marketing Research is helpful in promoting a product” – Comment this statement with a proper research design. 2. Illustrate with suitable example various sampling techniques used in marketing research. Suggest a suitable sampling plan to collect information from the students of a university regarding the recreation facility available. 3. Analyze the consumer decision making process and problems in buying a luxury car with appropriate examples. 4. “Knowledge about individual’s exposure to various media of communication will enable the marketer to understand consumer social behaviour:” Do you agree with this statement? Why? Investment, Security and Portfolio Management 1. Cite recent examples of political, social, or economic events (market risk) that have excited (a) The stock market, and (b) Stocks in a specific industry, to surge ahead or plummet sharply.

2. “Public issue of securities through prospectus is not only most popular but also the best method of raising fresh capital.” – Critically evaluate. 3. As a individual investor, what aspects of public issues you should be familiar with? Discuss your views with relevant to the recent trends in primary market. 4. The technical analyst places a great deal of importance on supply and demand in stock pricing. Presumably the fundamental analyst also believes that supply and demand are important. In what ways do the two groups disagree on the subject? Give your comments with suitable examples. Management of Financial Services 1. Discuss the present state of the Insurance in India and outline causes for their high growth. 2. Discuss the statement in detail “Reserve Bank of India is Banker’s Bank. – Do you agree? 3. I like to invest Rs 2 laths for long term in share market. Will you suggest investing it right now or should I wait for further correction. Justify your views in detail. 4. Do you think credit analysis is essential before providing loan to customers? Explain various credit appraisal techniques used by commercial banks to analyse the credit worthiness of borrowers. Production, Planning, Control and Maintenance 1. Is lead time in inventory really important? How can mismanaging lead time costs company?

2. Material handing not only adds value to the product instead, add to its cost. – Elucidate. 3. Assume that you are a production manager for TATA Steel, How will you deal break down maintenance cost? What types of maintenance you will adopt for them. 4. Identify two industries of your choice. When one industry practices TQM and the other practice six SIGMA. What will be the defective rate of the two industries? Quality Management 1. Explain the steps followed in Total Quality Management (TQM) in manufacturing industries in detail. 2. Chose an organization of your choice having a specific quality programme. Discuss the quality programme followed by the organization and how it has helped the organization to sustain in the competitive world. 3. According to current quality management thinking, what type of approaches to quality improvement is least likely to produce positive results 4. Quality and profitability are incompatible objectives.'' Do you agree? Write the quality and profitability factors for Hyundai motor. Personal Productivity Tools 1. List and describe the other features available with spreadsheet software in addition to its ability to calculate members. 2. Describe the procedure for managing electronic mail. What are the problems relating to attaching files in an electronic mail?

3. Compare the cost, overheads and sales figures of a company of your choice for last three years through appropriate chart in MS-Excel. 4. For what purpose the Macros are used in MS-Word. Give two examples with including the procedures to be followed while inserting Macros with step by step instruction. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1. “E-Business and the reason for going online.” – Express your views; 2. As a manager of a company, bring out the phases of moving the company from products to services. 3. How does CRM system enforce best practices for an Indian organization? 4. List and explain the issues involved in development of a business website.

347 MBA HRM 2nd year Organizational Development And Management Of Change 1. If you are an OD consultant what types and levels of changes you would observe and study in any organization. 2. Learning organizations attack fragmentation, competitiveness, and reactiveness” - Elaborate this statement? 3. “Resistance to change is an irrational response.” Do you agree or disagree? Substantiate your views. 4. Discuss the major interventions. In your opinion, Which OD interventions are most effective? Why? Training and Development 1. Prepare a training schedule for a newly joined salesman in a textiles company. 2. Do you think job rotation is a good method to use for developing management trainees? Why or why not? Justify your answer with suitable examples.

3. HR functionaries are better suited to become trainers than line managers. They don’t require training as they are experts in training. Give at least four arguments for against this statement. 4. Assume you are a Human resource manager in a manufacturing organization, If you had an opportunity to choose between adventure learning and action learning for developing an effective team in your organization, which would you prefer? Defend your choice with precise justification Labour Welfare 1. Write the various statutes enacted by Indian Parliament from time to time and various schemes implemented by government for the welfare of child, female and contact labours in India 2. Explain the following in detail a) Suggestions to Strengthen Trade Unions in India b) Benefits of Collective Bargaining c) Prevention of Industrial Disputes in India d) Need and Importance of Labour Welfare in India. 3. Give a detail note on voluntary welfare facilities provided by the Indian organization of your choice. 4. Explain the psychological issues relating to the employment and measures to be taken to prevent adverse impact on overall health of employees. Industrial Relations

1. Explain the historical perspective of Industrial relations in India. Discuss the issues and challenges facing by the organizations related to industrial relations in an organization you are familiar with. 2. Trade unions are inevitable for industrial democracy” – comment on this statement with regard to its principles and functions. 3. Explain the meaning, origin and growth of trade unions in India. Describe the present trade union scenario of an industrial area with which you are familiar. What your suggestions are for strengthen the trade unions in India. 4. The effect of both strikes and lockouts are the same, as they both ensure that workers will be away from work. Examine whether and why management wants to declare lockouts and when workers want to go on strikes. Also identify the ways and means of resolving such disputes within the organization and through alternative mechanisms Wages and Salary Administration 1. Why pay commission abolition proposed by government of India? Give SWOT analytical report. 2. If selection and placement decisions are done effectively, an individual performance should not vary a great; therefore, an incentive system is not necessary”. Do you agree to this statement? Justify your view. 3. Compare the Salary template of Four Companies and find out the one that has the most amount of Tax Saving schemes. 4. Do you agree that the objectives of collective bargaining are to reduce the areas of conflict and to create work atmosphere geared to productivity? Elucidate.

Strategic Management 1. Illustrate with examples of hyper competition and competitive and dynamic approaches in strategic marketing. 2. Select an Automobile industry in India, and evaluate its competitive business strategy using Porter’s five force model? What strategies can you suggest to convert the unattractive forces in to attractive ones? 3. Nowadays Product Diversification is a mandatory process in Indian Industry. Give an example for success and failure. Give reasons for the success and failure. 4. ‘Formality is the enemy of creativity and innovation’. Informality is the enemy of disciplined and reliable performance’. Is it consequently impossible for an enterprise to be both innovative and disciplined? Investigate how these qualities can be combined. E-Commerce 1. Enumerate Security of Internet hosts and networks, Public key infrastructure, Safety of E-Commerce applications, Electronic payment systems, Trust and reputation in E-Commerce. 2. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in ECommerce. 3. Describe the current e-commerce scenario in India and explain the future prospect of e-commerce. 4. Discuss about the prevention procedures of the firewall to avoid the attack from hackers. Business Research Methods

1. “Empirical research in India creates so many problems for the researchers” .State the problems that are usually faced by young researchers. 2. In order to improve the importance of chi square analysis, correlation analysis and t test. Create tables with imaginary and appropriate values and explain the results. 3. If a control group is a part of an experimental design, one need not worry about controlling other exogenous variables. –Discuss this statement. 4. Data processing is an intermediary stage of work between data collection and data analysis”- Explain the statement by enumerating the various operations involved in it.

348 MBA MM 2nd year Product and Services Marketing 1. Explain the traditional services marking mix and describe the expanded mix for services. Discuss the marketing mix as applicable to banking service sector. 2. Assume you are a team member of the marketing research department of a low cost domestic airline. Your manager has asked you to evaluate the service quality of the airline. How would you go about it? What service quality dimensions would you use to evaluate the same? 3. Write an explanatory note on origin and growth of products service marketing. Yoga and Spirituality have long been India’s strengths in foreign markets. Also the ayurvedic product brands from India are making a big league globally. Design strategy to focus on the measures you would prefer to initiate to increase the influx of high spending tourists coming from abroad. Also make use of the Indian traditional knowledge and sell books based on it in the markets abroad. 4. Every service needs a product and every product needs a service” comment. MARKETING RESEARCH

1. Marketing Research has been suggested as a training ground for advancement in the firm. Do you agree with this or do you feel that researchers should stay within their specialty? 2. Assume you wish to determine whether men are brand-conscious when they are shopping for suits. How could this question be studied using the observation method? Using the questionnaire method? 3. Assume you wish to determine whether men are brand-conscious when they are shopping for suits. How could this question be studied using the observation method? Using the questionnaire method? 4. Bring out a detailed marketing research that would be useful for a) the public transport authority in Chennai city b) National Zoological Park - Vandaloor. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR 1. Explain how the product manager of a breakfast cereal might change consumer attitudes toward the company’s brand by a) Changing beliefs about the brand b) Changing beliefs about competing brands c) Changing the relative evaluation of attributes d) Adding an attribute 2. Assume that a soft-drink marketer wanted to increase penetration in the Hispanic market. Prepare a set of recommendations for doing so. 3. Prepare a report that documents the effects of religious sub cultures on consumer behavior

4. Review the activities undertaken by marketing oriented firms and show the consumer behavior of each activity RURAL MARKETING 1. Does Rural Marketing require strategies? If yes or no – Give a detailed note. What are the product related strategies for rural marketing 2. Explain the various changes which are required to be made in the promotional strategy of a company for successfully promoting a product in rural markets 3. As a product manager of a FMCG company, how would you handle the menace of spurious brands in the rural markets? 4. Suggest the different ways of segmenting a rural market. On what bases would you consider for marketing Detergent soaps, cool drinks and television in rural market? Justify your views. SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT 1. Write an essay on wholesaling? Explain the different marketing functions performed by wholesaler-distributors for manufacturers with the help of suitable examples. 2. What is the purpose of Sales Organization? What steps will you take for setting up a Sales Organization? Explain with the help of suitable example. 3. As a marketing manager for a nondurable manufacturing company, what factors would you consider and what process would you adopt to select a distribution channel? Explain. 4. Explore new marketing and distribution channel for online e-marketing Companies.

STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1. If strategic planning is essentially a program, can it display the degree of adaptiveness that 21st century enterprises need? Would ‘strategic improvisation’ be a plausible alternative? Explore the practical consequences of strategic improvisation for enterprise management. 2. Select an Automobile industry in India, and evaluate its competitive business strategy using Porter’s five force model? What strategies can you suggest to convert the unattractive forces in to attractive ones? 3. Why would management adopt a stability strategy? Can stability strategies be viable over a lengthy period of time? Why or Why not? E-COMMERCE 1.










infrastructure,Safety of E-Commerce applications, Electronic payment systems, Trust and reputation in E-Commerce. 2. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in ECommerce. 3. Describe the current e-commerce scenario in India and explain the future prospect of e-commerce. 4. Discuss about the prevention procedures of the firewall to avoid the attack from hackers. BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS 1. “Empirical research in India creates so many problems for the researchers” .State the problems that are usually faced by young researchers.

2. In order to improve the importance of chi square analysis, correlation analysis and t test. Create tables with imaginary and appropriate values and explain the results. 3. If a control group is a part of an experimental design, one need not worry about controlling other exogenous variables. –Discuss this statement. 4. Data processing is an intermediary stage of work between data collection and data analysis”- Explain the statement by enumerating the various operations involved in it.

349 MBA FM 2nd year Management of Financial Services 1. Tax considerations give a definite advantage to hire purchase financing option” do you agree? Explain 2. What do you understand by credit rating? Go to any financial institution, get your credit rating and share your experience. 3. Discuss the present state of the insurance in India and outline causes for their high growth. 4. Discuss the structure and working of Indian banking industry. What suggestions would you offer for improvement of their performance? INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 1. As an executive of a leading institution, what factors should you critically evaluate with respect to a large industrial project, from the perspective of environmental and economic viability? 2. Do you know the foreign exchange rates fluctuate? How do these fluctuations affect us? What can be done to minimize these fluctuations? 3. “The international financial environment has become very Volatile” Do you agree? Discuss taking into account all relevant factors.

4. Do you know the foreign exchange rates fluctuate? How do these fluctuations affect us? What can be done to minimize these fluctuations? DERIVATIVES MANAGEMENT 1. “Besides serving as a barometer of the economy /market, the index also has other applications in finance.” – Elaborate the application of index. 2. What are various types of derivative instruments traded at NSE? What are various products available for trading in Futures and Options segment at NSE? 3. You are a portfolio manager who has just been exposed to the possibilities of stock index futures. Respond to the following situations. 4. Give a detail note on commodity future markets in India and also explain its impact on Production and Prices. Risk Management And Insurance 1. “Privatization of insurance sector has led to substantial growth in the insurance business in India and also led to improvement in confidence among policy holders.” – give your comments 2. Discuss the need and growing importance of Liability insurance policies in India quoting relevant examples with specific reference to Professional indemnity liability policy in the backdrop of the recent corporate scams. 3. Describe the concepts and ideas that developed from the seventeenth to the twentieth century which influenced the evolution of current risk management practice. 4. Risk avoidance is a negative treatment of risk rather than a positive technique – Elaborate.

Investment, Security And Portfolio Management 1. Cite recent examples of political, social, or economic events (market risk) that have excited (a) The stock market, and (b) Stocks in a specific industry, to surge ahead or plummet sharply. 2. “Public issue of securities through prospectus is not only most popular but also the best method of raising fresh capital.” – Critically evaluate. 3. As a individual investor, what aspects of public issues you should be familiar with? Discuss your views with relevant to the recent trends in primary market. 4. The technical analyst places a great deal of importance on supply and demand in stock pricing. Presumably the fundamental analyst also believes that supply and demand are important. In what ways do the two groups disagree on the subject? Give your comments with suitable examples. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1. If strategic planning is essentially a program, can it display the degree of adaptiveness that 21st century enterprises need? Would ‘strategic improvisation’ be a plausible alternative? Explore the practical consequences of strategic improvisation for enterprise management. 2. Select an Automobile industry in India, and evaluate its competitive business strategy using Porter’s five force model? What strategies can you suggest to convert the unattractive forces in to attractive ones? 3. Why would management adopt a stability strategy? Can stability strategies be viable over a lengthy period of time? Why or Why not? E-COMMERCE

1. Enumerate Security of Internet hosts and networks, Public key infrastructure, Safety of E-Commerce applications, Electronic payment systems, Trust and reputation in ECommerce. 2. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in ECommerce. 3. Describe the current e-commerce scenario in India and explain the future prospect of e-commerce. 4. Discuss about the prevention procedures of the firewall to avoid the attack from hackers. BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS 1. “Empirical research in India creates so many problems for the researchers” .State the problems that are usually faced by young researchers. 2. In order to improve the importance of chi square analysis, correlation analysis and t test. Create tables with imaginary and appropriate values and explain the results. 3. If a control group is a part of an experimental design, one need not worry about controlling other exogenous variables. –Discuss this statement. 4. Data processing is an intermediary stage of work between data collection and data analysis”- Explain the statement by enumerating the various operations involved in it.

269 MBA IS 2nd year Organizational Behavior 1. Prepare an interview schedule for the concept Personality and its components, conduct an interview with a few executives of any one organization known to you and present the results with critical analysis. 2. To highlight the concept, components, process, and importance of Groups in an organization prepare a role play script and explain group dynamics. 3. After listing out the qualities and theories of leadership view YouTube on executive leadership and present the outcome of your perception on leadership. 4. Make telephone calls to your friends and seniors working in various organizations and collect information about their Organizational Culture, analyze them and present them with issues and strategies. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1. A Person who understands all about Computer Hardware, software and Programming may not be suited to design a computer based Management Information System. Why not? 2. A Company decided to implement a highly integrated management information system. Any transaction entered in to the system would immediately affect all related functional subsystem at all levels of activity. The system was never implemented successfully. Why do you think it was a failure? 3. Using the Example of Selecting a personal computer .show the elimination by aspects Decision procedure.

4. Discuss the amount of centralization that PBS has and whether this is functional or dysfunctional. DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1. Discuss the various update operation on relation and types of integrity constraints that must be checked for each update operation? 2. Describe the three-level architecture of DBMS? Also explain its importance in a database environment. 3. What do you understand by distributed databases? Give the various advantages and disadvantages of distributed database management system. 4. What are the ACID properties? Define atomicity, Consistency, isolation, and durability and illustrate them through examples? ELECTRONIC COMMERCE 1. Electronic Commerce is commonly known as e-commerce, is a process of buying and selling of goods or services using electronic systems. List out the applications and benefits of e-commerce. 2. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in ECommerce. 3. Compare the communication system in traditional business and on-line business. 4. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in Indian Software Industry. ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING

Identify the Organization that has requirement for ERP systems implementations and make an introspection of the functionality that requires such implementation. On behalf of the Organization prepare 1) A hardware Requirement details and submit. 2) A user Interface details and submit. 3) A gap analysis report and submit. 4) Identify the Organization that has requirement for ERP systems implementations and make an introspection of possible failure source to ERP implementation DATA WAREHOUSING AND DATA MINING 1. Is snowflake schema one of the forms of arrangement in fact table. How many fact tables are there in snowflake schema? Is fact table normalized or de normalized? 2. If you are an expert in data mining preparation, then prepare a comparison chart for discrete and continuous data? How do you differentiate between discrete and continuous data? Justify your answer with examples. 3. Explain the classification of data mining systems. 4. Elaborate how data warehousing and OLAP Technology useful for data mining. Software Project Management 1. A public library is considering the implementation of a computer-based system to help administer book loan at libraries. Identify the stakeholders in such a project. What might be the objectives of such a project and how might the success of the project be measured in practical terms?

2. Assume that a company has decided on a COTS solution that will replace the whole of the existing maintenance accounting system rather than simply plugging in additional modules to deal with group accounts. Write a memorandum to the company’s legal department outlining the important provisions that a contract to supply this system should have. 3. An organization is contemplating the purchase of a project planning software tool such as MS project and has decided to draw up quality specifications for the package. The features that they are particularly concerned are, to set up details of new projects and updating the project details with information about actual work completed. Draw up quality specifications in respect of the qualities of 1.) Usability 2.) Reliability 3.) Recoverability 4. Abc software company is to develop software for effective counseling for allotment of engineering seats for students with high scores ranking from top colleges. The product has to be upgraded if the common entrance score is to be considered. Describe the appropriate product development life cycle and the standard skills required. Advanced Web Design 1. Develop XML document that will hold player (Like Cricket) collection with field for player - name, age, batting - average and highest - score. Write suitable document type definition and schema for the XML. 2. Develop a web page for employee registration form using HTML and validate the registration form with JavaScript.

3. What is RMI? Create a remote phone book server that maintains a file of names and phone numbers and a client allows the user to scroll through the file using RMI concept. 4. Create a website for a online super market. The website should have a home page which helps the users to navigate to various other pages. Every web page in the website gives a detailed description of different items present in the super market. Make the website user friendly by adding relevant images and other formatting options. The last web page should present a feedback form for the customer.

179 MBA IB 2nd year International Human Resource Management 1. Assume yourself as a managing director of a multinational corporation; what are the measuring tools you will utilize to evaluate the impacts of inter country differences on HRM? Justify your views with appropriate examples 2. Manpower planning is considered as the most primary and important task of HR department internationally. Why is it not so in India? Also discuss the consequences of not planning manpower requirements 3. Your Organisation is a multinational company based at India. Simultaneously three executives looking after three geographical area decides to quit. The top Management is asking you to conduct the exit interview for those tendered their resignation. How would you organize the exit interview? Will you impress upon them to continue? If “Yes” why? If “No” Why Not 4. A Human Resources manager working for a multinational company would be expected to have a much broader knowledge of employment related matters compared with a counterpart in a domestic company. What types of knowledge would you expect an international HR Manager to have? List and explain five items that you think most important in this regard? International Marketing Management 1. Explain the Different methods used by a researcher in conducting research in an International Environment? Which method can be most effective while collecting data about brand loyalty and why ?

2. has been an early winner in the on-line book business. Which market segment has Amazon served? Are the Amazon target market segments in the United States and the rest of the world identical? 3. “Modern marketing concept is applicable to all business organizations irrespective of their size or nature of the goods or services marketed”- Do you agree or disagree? Give your justification 4. Interview with friends and prepare the report and find out who would they go for information for the products mentioned below and also indicate why do you view her/him as the source of information and advice? a) Computer note book b) Cell phones c) Holiday resort d) Toys. International Financial Management 1. Elaborate the different criteria and difficulties in evaluating foreign projects While making international investment decision for developing countries investors. 2. "In the absence of a common currency throughout the world, a series of problems arise in International cash management." What are these problems? How can these problems be overcome? 3. An export company wants to raise capital from international markets. What are the basic considerations the firm should take into account while making this international financing decision? Explain. 4. What is euro band market? How does international stock market operations is an important aspect to a MNC. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

1. You are assigned the position of Chief Manager in a logistics company located at Mumbai. You have customers across globe. Your responsibility is to collect the goods from various sources and export it from the nearest port. How do you do the operation, and explain the problems you may face during the logistical operations? 2. Many innovations on technology-based approaches are well-suited to the enhancement of the effectiveness of Supply Chain Management"-Justify the statement by giving few applications of information technology in SCM. 3. Assume that you are the manager for a logistics, how will you develop your organization? In that condition how would you manage disputes? Discuss and elaborate the statement. 4. Illustrate with suitable example of supplier assessment techniques used in logistics. Explain this as a logistic manager. Global Strategic Management 1. “Strategic planning deals with formulating, implementing and evaluating strategies to perform the cross functional decision of the company” Do you agree or disagree? Substantiate your views. 2. Take an organization with which you familiar, and use relevant tools and frameworks to identify and access the potential sources of competitive advantage. To What extent will the sustainability of this competitive advantage depend upon the organization strategic capabilities or its position within the industry? 3. Classical management-oriented organizations differ from strategy-focused organizations. Discuss.

4. “Globalization presents a real challenge to the strategic management of Business Corporations.” How can any group of people in any one company keep track of all the changing technological, economic, political – legal and Socio-cultural trends around the world? This is clearly impossible – Justify your views. INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICIES AND DOCUMENTATION 1. Exports made on re-export basis shall not be counted for reorganization, why? 2. Analysis the WTO, what role does the WTO play with respect to the Indian economy. 3. “IMF and world bank serve the interests of industrialized nations rather than these of the developing countries.” – Discuss. 4. Briefly explain the latest EXIM Policy of India. Identify the gains and losses of those policies. International Marketing Research And Consumer Behaviour 1. How do social and cultural influence the impact on international consumer behavior. 2. “Experimental method of research is not suitable in management field”. Discuss, what are the problems in the introduction of this research design in business organization? 3. Discuss the major ethical issues in International marketing with three examples. 4. A company manufacturing electronic goods wants to know how best it can satisfy its potential buyers in the Indian market. Give your suggestions for formulating an appropriate marketing research proposal.

Export and Import Finance 1. “Credit Insurance agencies will help the exporter & importer in financial payments” – Prove it. 2. What is letter of credit? How finance importers will use letters of credit? Elaborate different types of Letter of Credits prevailing in business. 3. Describe the general provisions related to import under the Foreign Trade Policy (EXIM Policy) of Government of India. Do you think that these provisions facilitate the foreign trade? 4. Do you think marine insurance is necessary one in export? Comment on it.

178 MBA EB 2nd yr E-COMMERCE 1. Electronic Commerce is commonly known as e-commerce, is a process of buying and selling of goods or services using electronic systems. List the applications and benefits if e-commerce. 2. Discuss the role of data mining techniques and data visualization in ECommerce. 3. Compare the communication system in traditional business and on-line business. 4. Discuss the challenges and opportunities of e-commerce in Indian Software Industry. E-Commerce: Application and Securities 1. “Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business - The Supporting Pillars of Successful e-Commerce Business” – Do you agree this statement or not, substantiate your views. 2. Elaborate the role of the Web in the marketing communication mix. 3. Digital Asset Management from an Intranet Perspective – Discuss. 4. Explain the Role of Human Resource Information Systems in Human Resource Planning. Internet and Java Programming 1. If you look for the best internet tools online to have a leg up on the competition, assemble the top list of internet tools and describe them with suitable illustrations.

2. HTML has been traditionally used for building web applications and web pages that in turn, help in building a dynamic website. By using HTMLprogramming language develop a business website for your own online business. 3. Method overloading in Java supports compile-time (static) polymorphism. Discuss about Method Overloading with its rules and every concept with suitable example. 4. Develop a JDBC application for storing and retrieving the vendor details from a database of a Jewelry shop. Advanced Web Development and Design Tools 1. Design and develop web page with Java script for calculating the total price amount of the online purchased items of an electronics shop. 2. i) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of VB Script. ii) Explain the data types, Variables, Operators and error dealing in VB Script. 3. Explain the three types of session bean and its applications. Explain the steps in creation of stateless EJB. 4. Develop an application to demonstrate the features and advantages of servlet. ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING 1. Identify the Organization that has requirement for ERP systems implementations and make an introspection of the functionality that requires such implementation. On behalf of the Organization prepare 2. A hardware Requirement details and submit. 3. A user Interface details and submit.

4. A gap analysis report and submit 5. Identify the Organization that has requirement for ERP systems implementations and make an introspection of possible failure source to ERP implementation. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1. Take an imaginary situation relating to pricing or investment policy in a selected industry in which there are few sellers and show how the adoption of different strategies by a leading player defines different possible paths. Use a decision tree to illustrate these different possible paths. 2. Carry out SWOT analysis of Indian Railways. Suggest measure to run it profitable. 3. Nowadays Product Diversification is a mandatory process in Indian Industry. Give an example success and failure. Give reasons for the success and failure. 4. Technological factors represent major opportunities and threats, which must be taken into account while formulating strategies. Discuss. How will a firm build a sustainable technology based competitive advantage? Global Marketing 1. Give a detailed note on balance of payments in International Trade. 2. Elaborate Tariff and Non Tariff barriers in International Trade. 3. Examine the role of IMF and World Bank in International Trade. 4. Illustrate the various measures taken for export promotion and give a detailed note on export licensing procedure. Structured System Analysis and Design

1. Develop a Conceptual and ER model with DFD for online education student centric learning process. 2. Describe how logical and physical design with dialogues can use in system development and implementation with real time example. 3. Elaborate the various types of databases available and its use in business applications. 4. Why some of the new system implementation fails? Explain how this can be overcome and identify ways to increase the success rate. Contact: Prof.Dr.N.Palaniappan.,MBA.,MCom.,MPhil.,PhD Mail ID: Ph: - 9025810064 (whatsapp available) Annamalai University MBA Assignments Answers 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment Help 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment Solved Assignment 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer sheet 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA General Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Assignment solved 2021-2022

Annamalai University MBA MARKETING MANAGEMENT Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA INFORMATION SYSTEMS Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA E-BUSINES Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment Help December 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment Solved Solution 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment answer sheet 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA First year Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Second year Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment solved Solution 2021-2022 Annamalai University MBA Assignment solved 2021-2022 Annamalai University 348 MBA MARKETING MANAGEMENT Second Year Assignment Solution 2021-2022 Annamalai University 349 MBA FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Second Year Assignment Solution 2021-2022

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Second Year Assignment Solution 2021-2022 Annamalai University 269 MBA INFORMATION SYSTEMS Second Year Assignment Solution 2021-2022 Annamalai University 346 MBA General Second Year Assignment Solution 20212022 Annamalai University 178 MBA E-BUSINESS Second Year Assignment Solution 2021-2022 Annamalai University 179 MBA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Second Year Assignment Solution 2021-2022

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