The January 2017 Issue of the New York Holstein News

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January 2017


The nd All-New York Awards

If you build it, they will come.

The Total Package

100% No Horns, Red-Carrier, High Components, A2A2, & A Breed-Leading Cow Family!

91HO5902 QUIET-BROOK-D P-BAL 12183-ET *RC *PP GTPI +2351 PTA +496M +.08%f +40F +.12%p +47P +488NM +2.2PL 2.94SCS +2.2DPR PTA +1.70T +1.48UDC +.84FLC Sired by View-Home Powerball-P-ET aAa: 3-2-4 (Open - Tall - Strong)


His Dam – 4.0% Protein! S-S-I LADD HILDA 8236 P-ET *RC *PO (VG-85, VG-MS @ 2-06) 2-00 3x 386 24,450 4.5 1103 3.8 938 2-11 3x 365 30,714 4.4 1350 4.0 1230 Sired by Ladd P from a Man O Man full sister to Cookiecutter MOM Halo-ET (VG-88, EX-MS DOM). 3rd Dam: 4th Dam: 5th Dam: 6th Dam: 7th Dam: 8th Dam: 9th Dam:


Gary and Janet Tubolino & Family 41 Grove St. • Adams, NY 13605-1203 Fax: 315-232-4153 • Gary’s Cell: 315-405-1588

Cookiecutter Gld Holler-ET (VG-88, EX-MS GMD-DOM) Nominated Global Cow of the Year 2016 Ms Kings-Rnsm Champ Haley-ET (EX-90, EX-MS GMD-DOM) Regancrest-JVD Hanna-ET (EX-90, EX-MS) Long-Haven Rudolph Dee-ET (2E-90, EX-MS) Regancrest Elton Disrael-ET (VG-88, EX-MS DOM) – Full sister to Durham Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95, EX-MS GMD-DOM) Snow-N Dorys Denise (2E-90, EX-MS GMD-DOM)

No matter how you look at him, P-Bal rings the bell! No horns, high components, A2A2, & a cow family that has made history around the world. 100% RHA as well, just like all the Field of Dreams bulls! Field of Dreams is committed to serving our farmers with sound, profitable genetics and helping make American great again!

s ’ p o t l a Ov

Best Three Females

Honorable Mention All-New York ~ 2016 1st – Central NY Holstein Show 2nd – PA-All American Holstein Show 3rd – NY Spring Show & NY State Fair Show


High Honorable Mention All-NY 150,000-Lb. Cow 5-04 2x 313 29,567 4.1 1215 2.9 846 6-03 2x 365 31,554 3.6 1138 2.9 921 LTD: 167,448M 6,331F 4,876P Ǥ 1st 150,000-Lb. Cow – Central NY Holstein Show; 2nd O-H-M Holstein Show; 3rd NYS Fair; & 4th PA-All American Show

OVALTOP ATWOOD LASSIE (VG-88) 2-03 2x 365 26,033 3.5 908 2.8 725

Howard W. Wolfe & Family Ͷ͵͸ Ȃ ϐ ǡ ͳ͵Ͷ͵ͻ Ǥ Ǥ

OVALTOP GIBSON NAOMI (2E-93) 3-05 2x 364 27,932 3.5 967 3.3 924 4-07 2x 365 26,196 3.8 992 3.4 882 Ǥ

Ƭ ͵ͳͷǤͺͷͺǤʹͺͺʹ Doug 315.858.9058 Ƭ ͵ͳͷǤͺͷͺǤͳͶ͸Ͳ ǣ ̷ Ǥ

NYS Master Breeder Herd 27 Year PBR Herd BAA: 110.4 22 EX 48 VG 5 GP DHIR Avg. 26,471 3.6 959 3.0 785

NYN January 2017 - 3

CONTENTS Departments

(USPS 382-940) (ISSN 0279-8611) Official Publication of the New York Holstein Association To promote the Holstein breed for the economic and social benefit of junior and senior members. Volume 72

No. 1 January 2017

Published monthly, except August, 1st of each month. News and advertising forms close 25 days in advance of publication date. Livestock advertising rates upon request. Michael McCaffrey, Editor 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite #5, Ithaca, NY 14850 Phone: 607-218-6378 Fax: 607-218-6379 NYHA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Thomas Kugler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518-366-3901 1st Vice President Alicia Lamb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585-993-8026 2nd Vice President Jason Pullis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-794-6737 Secretary Kelly Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920-728-1596 Treasurer David Harvatine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-730-8489 Roy Denniston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diesel Hitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luke Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Paddock . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

518-766-4214 315-725-8003 607-369-2251 315-723-2080

Subscription price in the U.S. is $25 per year; $35 first class mail Canada and overseas standard delivery; $55 overseas first class air mail. Single copies $2. Payable in U.S. funds only. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to inform us of your new mailing address. The New York Holstein News (ISSN) (02798611) (USPS 382940) is published monthly, except August, for $25 per year by Cayuga Press, 215 South Main Street, Cortland, NY 13045. Entered as periodical matter at the post office at Ithaca, NY 14850 and other locations. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the NEW YORK HOLSTEIN NEWS, 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite 5, Ithaca, NY 14850. Due to uncertainties in the mail, NY Holstein News cannot assume responsibility for prior delivery of issues carrying advertising of sales scheduled for less than 21 days after our issue date, which is the 1st of the month. 4 - NYN January 2017

January 2017

From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Executive Manager’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Junior Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Index of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Features 62nd Annual All-New York Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-18 Junior All-New York Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-22 2017 DJM Finalists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 News Photo Contest for 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2017 Calf Scholarship Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

About the Cover

Selected for our cover are the six unanimous, milking All-New York Award winners. They are, from the top: Sicy Svelte Alexander, senior 3-year-old owned by Aidan Mulligan; Arethusa Daryl Sienna, Milking Yearling owned by Jared Dueppengiesser; Craigcrest Rubies Rachelle-ET, junior 3-year-old owned by Jonathan & Alicia Lamb; Long-Haven Sid Carla, 4-year-old owned by Oakfield Corners Dairy; Luncrest Sanchez Bambi-1412, 5-year-old owned by Luncrest Farm; and Aija Goldwyn Giovanni, junior 2-year-old owned by Jamie & Petra Black and Jaquemet Holsteins. Full presentation of the 2016 All-New York and Junior All-New York Awards begins on page 13.

From the Editor Happy New Year! As we stand at the beginning of a new year full of endless possibilities and potential, I wish everyone the best of health, happiness, and prosperity in 2017. We have an exciting year planned for the News and I hope you will be part of our endeavors in 2017. I am hearing about several exciting sales and new ventures for the upcoming 12 months and I applaud those who are thinking outside the box, daring to try something innovative, and taking risks. The old adage, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained,” which I learned MICHAEL McCAFFREY dates back to the 1300’s, is perhaps a healthy perspective for a new year. Certainly it can apply to each of us personally. Perhaps we have an individual goal or wish for ourselves for the year ahead. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Maybe this familiar adage applies to our Holstein Club and what we do on a local level. Maybe we attempt something for the first time – an open show, host a tag sale, a silent auction, or sponsor a club tour … “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Or maybe we think about how we promote our hard work and breeding program in the year ahead. With tight profit margins, uncertain milk prices, and all that goes with dairy farming, a Registered Holstein farm’s premier asset is the herd and all the genetics that make it unique. Land and machinery and buildings are all vital to a farm, but what makes us all passionate for this business is the Registered Holstein. It’s the basis of our Association, our monthly News, our local club, our junior program … we all share the same drive for the Registered Holstein cow. So maybe a regular promotion program for your farm is a goal for 2017. Our ads start at $30 for Member-Directory ads. Feature a cow of the month, potential show calves for sale, a sale consignment, or just keep your farm name, contact information, herd average and BAA in front of readers. Need help with ad content? That’s what I do, and I would enjoy working with you. So maybe our mantra for ourselves, our clubs, our farms, and our ad promotion in 2017 is “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” I hope all your ventures are worthwhile in the year ahead.

Happy New Year! New York Holstein Has a Busy Year Ahead! NY HOLSTEIN CONVENTION

Jan. 12-16, 2017 – Holiday Inn, Liverpool, NY Senior Convention – Jan. 12-14 NY Convention ET Sale – Jan. 12 NY Junior Holstein Convention – Jan. 14-16 ** See the December News for full details & schedule. We hope you will join us for the All Breeds Get-A-Way on Electronics Parkway!


April 7-10, 2017 – Syracuse, NY APRIL 7 9:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. APRIL 8 9:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M.

Junior Showmanship Richard Keene Memorial Judging Contest Protein Breeds Sale NY Junior Holstein Show, Carl Phoenix, judge Ayrshire Show, Jeff Stephens, judge Guernsey Show, Mike Berry, judge New York Spring Holstein Sale **One of the premier Holstein sales each spring, selections are underway! Contact Dave Rama or Kelly Reynolds to consign!

APRIL 9 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. APRIL 10 8:00 A.M.

Red & White Show, Carl Phoenix, judge Milking Shorthorn Show, Mike Deaver, judge Jersey Show, Mike Berry, judge Brown Swiss Show, Jeff Stephens, judge New York International Spring Holstein Show, Mike Deaver, judge

**Carousel Contact information: Alan Danforth (518) 231-6597 Kelly Reynolds (920) 728-1596 ** Entry forms will be online mid-February at Area Hotels: (hotels may recognize special Carousel rates with the words “Spring Dairy Carousel”) Best Western Fairgrounds . . .(315) 484-0044 Clarion Fairgrounds . . . . . .(315) 457-8700 Comfort Inn Fairgrounds . . .(315) 453-0045 Maplewood Inn . . . . . . . . .(315) 451-1511 Red Mill Inn . . . . . . . . . . . .(315) 635-4871 Western Ranch . . . . . . . . . .(315) 457-9236 Camper/RV hookups are available at $30/day Reservations, camper license #, & prepayment required

Visit our website and follow us on Facebook for updates, activities, and all that’s happening with the New York Holstein Association!

Kelly Reynolds Executive Manager Email: Cell: 920.728.1596 Jennifer Ginzery - Office Manager Email: Stacie Sherman - Office Assistant Email: Michael J. McCaffrey - Editor Ph: 607.218.6378 Email: State Office Address: 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite #5, Ithaca, NY 14850 Ph: 607.273.7591 • Fax: 607.273.7612

National Field Reps: Seth Carpenter – 802-380-9382 Matt Lawrence – 724-877-5154 NYN January 2017 - 5

+62P, +2725 GTPI Jedi!

From Our Favorite Black & White Family Sells in the NY Convention ET Sale Selling: TIGER-LILY JEDI PAMELA-ET b. 7/27/2016 PTA +1930M +53F +62P +786NM$ +7.2PL 2.84SCS +3.1DPR CM$ 798 FM$ 756 143 FE, BDC +.47, Stature +.78 PTA +2.63T +2.02UDC +2.31FLC -- +3.55UH, +3.27UW NY Convention ET Sale Her Supershot maternal brother at Accelerated Genetics is over 900NM$.

January 11, 2007 â—† Albany, NY

Her Dam: TIGER-LILY MOGUL 5790 (VG-85, VG-MS @ 2-06 – DOM) – GTPI +2545 2-02 3x 271 25,836 4.1 1055 3.1 800 PTA +910M +71F +39P +753NM +6.7PL 2.72SCS +1.7DPR PTA +1.82T +1.94UDC +1.39FLC Next dam is a VG-85, VG-MS Bookem with records to 37,900 3.7 1388 3.2 1196. Congratulations to Lily on Tiger-Lea Light RapunzelRed being named High Honorable Mention Jr. All-NY Spring Calf and Best Bred & Owned! They are looking forward to the 2017 show season!

3633 County Rte. 32 Oxford, NY 13830 ‡ )D[


OSCWIL-RED … Destined for Greatness!

Show-Type, Great Components, Renowned Cow Family – Semen Now Available! 91HO5786 OSCWIL SYMPATICO-RED – GTPI +2164

His Famous Granddam

PTA +503M +.10%f +46F +.04%p +26P +2.1PL +.4DPR PTA +2.10T +1.92UDC +1.83FLC +2.30 Rear Legs Rear View +2.24 FUA +3.28 RUA +3.28 RU Height aAa: 234615 – Tall – Open – Strong OSCWIL-Red is a beautifully-balanced bull with an uphill run, open rib, and great strength through the front end. Look for him to sire fancy, red show calves! Backed by a fantastic maternal line with consistently high components, his daughters should be profitable, easy-keeping cows! Semen is available at $8/unit, $6.50/unit for 50 or more, or $5/unit for orders over 100 units!: Free shipping on 50 or more units! Call or Text Kim at 585-746-5159

MERGOLD ADVENT MS MEG-RED (EX-92, EX-MS) 6-02 2x 365 36,940 4.8 1788 3.1 1149 Next dam is Derrwyn Miss Special-Red-ET (4E-94DOM), 3x All-American Red & White, followed by 7 more VG & EX dams. Sympatico-Red’s dam is a beautiful VG, 3y Redburst daughter with a bright future.

Zuber Farms, Inc. 5633 Tower Hill Rd., Byron, NY 14422-9775 • Heifer Farm: 3846 Westside Drive, Churchville, NY 14428 6 - NYN January 2017

Quality Registered Holsteins and Brown Swiss

GTPI +2771 GTPI +2644 +2771 +2609 +2644 +2593 +2609 +2574 +2593 +2566 +2574 +2556 +2566 +2556

Elite Total Performance Sires GJPI Large photo: Farnear Adeen Adella-ET (VG-85), Rick & Tom 7JE1274 AXIS +240 Elite Total Performance Sires GJPI Large Adeen Simon,photo: Farley,Farnear IA Herges photo. Adella-ET (VG-85), RickSCD-JC & Tom Small photos (t to b): 7JE1149 AXIS DIMENSION +198 7JE1274 +240 Simon, Farley, IA Herges photo. Mayflower Debra Sue (VG-85), Small photos (t to b): SCD-JC Silver Creek Dairy LLC, Forest, New +193 7JE1331 VARICK 7JE1149 DIMENSION +198 Mayflower DebraAxis SueJessica (VG-85), OH; River Valley GPTI Silver Creek(VG-86%), Dairy LLC,Kessenich Forest, 975 {6}-ET +193 7JE1331 VARICK New OH; Axis Jessica FarmsRiver LLC,Valley De Forest, WI; Bear7AY84 BURDETTE +483 GPTI 975 {6}-ET (VG-86%), Kessenich Ayr Burdette Ray (VG-85), 1st Farms LLC, Deand Forest, WI; Bearfour-year-old reserve grand 7GU446 BURDETTE NOVAK +77 7AY84 +483 Ayr BurdetteWorld Ray Dairy (VG-85), 1st champion, Expo, four-year-old and reserve 2016, Budjon-Vail, Lomira,grand WI GPPR 7GU446 NOVAK +77 champion, World Dairy Expo, 2016, Budjon-Vail, Lomira, WI 7BS852 BOSEPHUS +149 GPPR +149 When you need the top total performance sires in 7BS852 every breed,BOSEPHUS turn to Select Sires! We are home to the best of the best 速



All bulls except All bulls BOBexcept qualifyBOB for export qualify toforCanada. export toCDCB/HA Canada. Genomic CDCB/HA Genomic Evaluation Evaluation 12/16. 速GTPI 12/16. is a 速registered GTPI is a trademark registered of trademark Holstein ofAssociation Holstein Association TM a trademark JPI is a of trademark the American of theJersey American CattleJersey Association. Cattle Association. USA. TMJPI isUSA.

Elite Total Performance Sires 7HO12165 MONTROSS Sires Elite Total Performance 7HO11351 MONTROSS SUPERSIRE 7HO12165 7HO11621 7HO11351 MAYFLOWER SUPERSIRE 7HO11752 MAYFLOWER BOB 7HO11621 7HO11708 BOB ROOKIE 7HO11752 7HO11383 ROOKIE MORGAN 7HO11708 7HO12105 MORGAN REFLECTOR New 7HO11383 7HO12105 REFLECTOR New

no matter Calltotal your performance Select Sires representative to placeturn an toorder today! When you the needcolor. the top sires in every breed, Select Sires! We are home to the best of the best no matter the color. Call your Select Sires representative to place an order today!

NYN January 2017 - 7


looming in Other Pastures Curr-Vale Bred & Doing Well for Others Reserve Jr. All-NY Fall Yearling HHM All-NY Fall Yearling CURR-VALE BROKAW HAZEL-ET

1st Fall Yearling & Junior Champion at Cortland Classic (Jr. & Open) 1st at NYSF Open Show (Jr. Div.) & HM Jr. Champion 2nd at NYSF Open Show 3rd at Premier National Junior Show Owned by Lisa Sharpe, Cortland, NY


1st Fall Yearling & Jr. Champion at Erie Co. Fair Youth Show 1st at WNY Spring Dairy Preview 2nd at NYSF Youth Show & NYSF Open Show (Jr. Div.) 6th at NYSF Open Show Owned by Isaac Folts, North Collins, NY Their Dam: ST-JACOB DURCHAN HALEIWA-ET (EX-92) 4-06 2x 305 32,290 3.4 1108 3.2 1045 2nd Dam: DUBEAU DUNDEE HEZBOLLAH (EX-92) 4-03 2x 365 42,050 4.4 1859 3.1 1299 Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old 2011

Hazel & Haven’s full sister just scored VG @ 2yrs! We have more sisters by Brokaw, Camelot, & Sid!


1st Winter Calf & Junior Champion at Ontario Co. Fair 2nd at Wayne Co. Fair 4-H Show 3rd at Wayne Co. Holstein Show 4th at Big 6 Open Show. Owned by Rachel Rouland, Clifton Springs, NY Dam: CURR-VALE LINJT EXPLICIT-ET (EX-90) 4-01 2x 268 25,570 3.5 943 3.1 818 (Inc.) Next dams: 3E-93 Sept Storm, 3E-94 Durham, EX Royalist, & 2E-91 Lincoln

The Currie Family

2267 Currie Rd. Tully, NY 13159 (315) 696-8051

8 - NYN January 2017

We are so pleased to see these New York youth do well with their Curr-Vale heifers. We will have some outstanding showage calves from many of our best cows available in 2017!

First Family #1 GTPI Proven Sire in the Breed GTPI +2771–

7HO12685 BACON-HILL MONTROSS-ET (VG-88) PTA +2964M +94F +88P +883NM +4.9PL 7.1 CE 229FE PTA +2.36T +1.78UDC +2.02FLC D/AV ME 32,333 3.7 1201 3.1 989

Money’s Grandson – GTPI +2872 - #3 Active Sire

His Dam – Nominated Global Cow of the Year ‘16

UNIQUE-STYLE BOLTON MONEY (2E-93 GMD-DOM) – GTPI +2296 3-01 3x 365 38,430 4.2 1614 3.2 1247

The Kugler Family 28 Coons Rd. Valley Falls, NY 12185 Tom’s Cell: 518-366-3901

Ě¢ ȓ ǯ

7HO12600 BACON-HILL PETY MODESTY-ET PTA +1955M +96F +65P +994NM +8.2PL +2.7DPR 6.4% CE 218FE PTA +2.40T +2.49UDC +1.92FLC Pety x Bacon-Hill Suprs Modesty-ET (VG-85-DOM) w/2-01 3x 365 37,114 3.8 1406 3.0 1090 x Bolton Money.

The Peck Family 285 West River Rd. Schuylerville, NY 12871 Bill’s Cell: 518-424-6770 NYN January 2017 - 9

Executive Manager’s



Dear NY Holstein Members and Enthusiasts, As I sit down to write my first Executive Manager Report snow is falling in Western New York. I am excited to take on this position for the Association. Growing up with registered Holsteins and being active in the Holstein organization has laid the groundwork for my passion for the breed and this industry. The holidays have wrapped up and I hope you all had time to enjoy your family and friends this holiday season. It’s such a nice time to see everyone, reflect on the past year, and spend time with the ones you love. My first order of business is thanking Patsy Gifford for everything she has done for this association. Personally, working with Patsy these past two months has been invaluable to my transition into this role. She has patiently and thoroughly explained things to me and helped me whenever I have had questions. She has been such an asset to the association and the Holstein breed in New York these past 15 years. I remembered when I moved here from Wisconsin and was a student at Cornell she was so welcoming and encouraging of my presence in New York. Please take time to thank Patsy for her time given to New York Holstein. She will be at convention for a few days so don’t miss your chance to say hello and thank you. Convention planning is wrapping up nicely. The committee headed up by Beth Keene and Kerry Adams have put together a great event and we hope you can all join us January 12-14 and 14-16 for the junior portion. The very capable Junior Executive Committee has been working diligently to organize the Junior Convention. I remember growing up how convention was one of my favorite events to attend. It is where I met lifelong friends and learned so many useful life skills. The Holstein breed provides so much to its followers but the biggest thing being a part of the Holstein fraternity offers is friendship. No matter where I seem to go in life I am somehow connected to the Holstein breed and dairy industry, convention is a great place to foster those relationships. The convention sale lineup has a great representation of elite Holstein cattle. I know that times are tough for farmers right now but it truly is a buyer’s market. If you’re looking to get into a special cow family whether it be high genomic or showring type the New York 10 - NYN January 2017

Convention ET Sale on Thursday, January 12 is the place to do it. It’s never too early to start thinking about Spring Sale consignments either. The spring sale will be held in conjunction with Spring Carrousel. If you have a special one to consign I’d love to come take a look. Please feel free to introduce yourself at convention, I look forward to getting to know the membership better in the coming year. I have been fortunate to attend a few county Holstein club banquets and I would like to thank the different clubs for inviting me. If I was unable to attend your county banquet hopefully I can make your county show or another event in the coming year. I’d like to get out on some farms this spring as well so if you’re classifying or would just like to have me out let me know. I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself for those of you that don’t know me. I grew up in Wisconsin, my mom, Katie Coyne and step dad, Grant DeBruin milked 60 cows under the Mill-Wheel Farm prefix. My dad, Terry Lee, is a cattle hoof trimmer. My older sister, Maureen, works in sales and marketing for a dairy products company in central Wisconsin and my younger brother, Wyatt, works for a dairy cattle hoof trimmer. We sold our cows in 2008 but I kept a few animals from my foundation cow family. While I wasn’t raised in New York I have strong ties here as my mom is originally from Avon, NY where her parents, Tom and Teresa Coyne, had Mill-Wheel Farm and my grandpa Tom was an auctioneer. I grew up very active in Junior Holstein competing in many events including, speech, quiz bowl, jeopardy, judging contests, and showing. I was a national YDJM and DJM semifinalist for Wisconsin, looking through and reading New York’s DJM books was a real treat this year. Wow, we have so many youth to be proud of and a future to be excited about! I attended Cornell University where I majored in Animal Science and was on the National Champion Judging team in 2011. After school I moved to western New York and worked for Oakfield Corners Dairy and Lamb Farms as a herdsperson and then the genetics barn manager. During this time, I also helped on my husband’s farm, Reyncrest Farm, in Corfu, NY. My husband Tyler and I own a few cattle and work with the farm’s show animals. Tyler’s family has a 1,000 cow dairy and he works alongside his siblings, Mackenzie and Andy, and parents, John and Shelley. Tyler and I got married this past summer and bought a house right around the corner from Reyncrest. While the farm and our jobs keep us busy we also enjoy spending time with friends and family and our dog, Chesney. I can’t say enough how excited I am to be taking over the Executive Manager position. To be able to work with Holstein cattle, breeders and supporters is my dream job. I know I have big shoes to fill in Patsy’s absence but I know that we as an association will only build on the strong foundation we have. I will be working from home a few days a week and in the office a few days so please feel free to get ahold of me, I am always available by phone and email. Stay in touch and I hope to see you at Convention, Kelly Reynolds

Honors Worth Mentioning Honorable Mention All-New York Fall Yearling WALL-ST MCCUTCHEN RUTHIANA 1st Fall Yearling & Junior Champion at Chautauqua County Holstein Show 3rd at NY State Fair Open Show Now fresh at 2-00 with an Exactly son who is the spitting image of his mother, Ruthiana looks great and is a terrific addition to our milking herd. Sired by McCutchen, Ruthiana’s dam is Wall-St Guthrie Ruthann (VG87), followed by a Touchdown-Red, then R-E-W Rosa-ET (2E-90), an 8th generation Excellent, all multiple-E, in the D-R-A August (4E-96-DOM) family.

Honorable Mention All-New York Spring Yearling MERRILLEA MALONE ELLIE-RED 1st Spring Yearling & Junior Champion at NYS Fair Red & White Show 1st & Reserve Junior Champion at Cortland Classic 10th at International Red & White Show, Madison, WI Owned with Bret Bossard & Shaun Merrill Sired by Malone-Red, Ellie also has a “dream about” pedigree to go with her great type. Her dam is a GP-82 Advent, followed by Sam-Sim Sanchez Excellence (EX-90), a 6th generation Excellent in the Ridgedale “E” family that includes the Breed’s first three generation EX-95 group. Ellie has a full sister, Wall-St Malone Electra-Red, a promising summer yearling for this year’s show season.

Best wishes for a Happy, Healthy New Year! Wall Street Dairy LLC

The Winton & Wolcott Families and Jim Modica 3353 Wall Street, Mayville, NY 14757 908-872-2682 • Follow us on Twitter @WallStreetDairy and Facebook at Wall Street Dairy

July 2016 Classification 14 EX 43 VG 14 GP BAA: 108.8 James 1:17, “All good gifts around us come from Heaven Above.” NYN January 2017 - 11

Obituaries ď ˘ GLENN D. HASTINGS

Glenn D. Hastings, 92, of Morley, NY passed away peacefully at home on December 16, 2016 while surrounded by family and under the care of Hospice and Palliative Care of the St. Lawrence Valley. Calling hours were held December 20 at the O’Leary Funeral Home in Canton, NY. Contributions in his memory may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care; 6805 US Hwy 11, Potsdam, NY 13676. Glenn is survived by his loving wife, Leila, of 69 years, by their two sons, Stephen and Christopher Hastings, both of Canton and by their two daughters, Nancy Hastings Bristol of Canton and Judy Hastings of Wanakena. He is also survived by numerous grandchildren and greatgrandchildren, which were his pride and joy. He is predeceased by his parents and all of his siblings, Warren and Dean Hastings, Anna Faye Smith, Beatrice MacCauley, Arloween Bishop, and June Young. Glenn was born February 12, 1924 in Richville, the son of Warren Sr. and Lena M. (Raven) Hastings. A graduate of Heuvelton High School, he went on to attend Canton ATI to study Electrical Engineering before deciding to put his education on hold during World War II. Shortly after enlisting in the U.S. Army, he became severely ill with rheumatic fever. After several months of being hospitalized, he was medically discharged from the service. On March 6, 1947, Glenn married the love of his life, Leila D. Bush, in Morley, after two weeks of courting. Glenn worked as a farmer for many years and later became a breeder for Dr. Smith, Curtis Breeding Service, and ultimately American Breeders Service, where he retired as District Manager. All the while, he and Leila were successful business owners, to include several real estate properties in the area. In 1966, they built and operated Hastings Country Store for 21 years and later the Ye Olde Gin Mill bar for another eight years. When Glenn was young, he enjoyed horseback riding and eventually went on to hold many horse and cattle shows.

MARY A. WALKER Mary A. Walker, 85, of Sprague Hill Rd., Falconer passed away December 8, 2016 in the Lutheran Home and Rehabilitation Center. A lifelong area resident, she was born September 19, 1931 in Jamestown, the daughter of the late Burke F. and Bertha Adams Allen. 12 - NYN January 2017

Mary was a 1949 graduate of Falconer High School and was a dedicated farm wife for most of her life. She was a member of the Falconer United Methodist Church, Ross Grange, Daughters of American Revolution, Farm Bureau, and Country Life Club. Mary was devoted to her family, her home and church. Surviving are her husband Frank L. Walker whom she married January 28, 1950 in the Falconer United Methodist Church; five children: Victoria (Dr. James) Goodfellow of Enon, OH, Kay (Richard) James of Canandaigua, NY, Michael (Pat) Walker of Randolph, Burke (Darlene) Walker of Myerstown, PA, Bruce Walker of Falconer; 13 grandchildren: Susan Goodfellow, Pamela (Eric) Thomas, Jessica (Rusty) Rizzotte, Kate (Tom) Currie, Lucas (Jetta) Walker, Alex Walker, Andrew Walker, Ashley Walker, Amy Walker, Chelsea (Andy) Constantino, Nicholas Walker, Evan Walker, Tyler Walker; three great grandchildren: Clara, George and Theodore Currie; two brothers: Melvin (Judy) Allen of Westfield, Samuel (June) Allen of California; a sister Dora Elliot of Scotland; a foster sister Virginia Barnes of Gerry, sistersin-law Dorothy Sprague of Florida and Jean Hardigree of Tennessee, and many nieces and nephews. Besides her parents she was preceded in death by a brother, Burke F. Allen Jr., an infant grandson Nathaniel Walker, and sister-in-law Virginia Perdue. A memorial service was held December 17 in the Falconer United Methodist Church with Rev. Timothy D. Phelps officiating. Inurnment will be in Levant Cemetery at a later date. Memorials may be donated to the Falconer First United Methodist Church or Chautauqua Hospice and Palliative Care.

The February News Is the Cow Family Issue Highlight your favorite maternal line for GTPI, superior type, & consistent transmitting ability! Ad deadline is Wednesday, January 18

Call Mike at 607-218-6378

The 62nd All-New York Awards The New York Holstein News is pleased to present the winners of the 62nd annual All-New York and Junior All-New York Contests. This year, over 150 entries vied for honors in the Contests, down a bit from a year ago, however the depth and strength of each class and the quality of each entrant reflect the high caliber of show cattle found in the Empire State. From the highpowered shows in New York State, beginning with April’s New York Spring Dairy Carousel through the international shows in the fall, many of this year’s state competitors went on to National shows with several earning All-American nominations as well. New York senior and junior members are to be congratulated on a fantastic 2016 show season. Serving on this year’s All-New York and Junior AllNew York panel were David Bergeron, judge at the New York Junior Holstein Show in April, Justin Burdette, officiant at the New York International Spring Holstein Show, Alicia Lamb, judge at the New York State Fair Youth (4-H) Show, Jeff Stephens, judge at the New York State Fair Open Show, and Michael Wolfe, Richfield Springs, NY. The five judges worked meticulously to place this year’s classes. Of note, no judge placed a class in which he or she had a current ownership. Many of the classes in the 2016 Contests include past All-New York and Junior All-New York winners as well as All-American and Junior All-American alumnae. The classes reflect those of the national competitions. New York breeders and all exhibitors participating in this year’s Contests can be very proud of all their accomplishments and for making our 2016 competitions so memorable.


Many Empire State exhibitors can claim more than one award winner in this year’s Contests. Several of New York’s most prominent and wellrecognized prefixes are found on more than one award winner: Curr-Vale, Lantland, Luncrest, Midas-Touch, Mikelholm, Oakfield/OCD, Ovaltop, Pavany, RansomRail, Reyncrest, Ridgedale, and Ziems/ZBW. In addition, several other of New York’s most competitive show strings can claim multiple winners in the Contests including Jamie & Petra Black, Lisa Sharpe, Tillapyke Holsteins, and Wall Street Dairy. Certainly worthy of mention is a first for the AllNew York Contest - Luncrest Farm – the Lundy Family, Granville, NY – had the All-New York, the Reserve All-New York, and the High Honorable Mention AllNew York Best Three Female groups. More Best Three Female groups competed in this year’s Contest than in many years, a true feat of excellence for all the breeders who entered.


A total of 13 bulls sired more than one award winner in this year’s Contests. Continuing his reign as one of the all-time great sires of show-winning daughters, Braedale Goldwyn has the highest number of award winners at eight, followed by Pine-Tree Sid-ET and ValBisson Doorman-ET who both have six prize-winning

daughters. Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET and Gillette Windbrook-ETS each have five award-winning daughters in this year’s Contests, followed closely by Goldwyn son, Ms Chassitys Gold Chip-ET with four. Goldwyn’s influence continues in his sons with Mr Apples Armani-ET, Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET, Lirr Drew Dempsey, Gorwood-D Molsons Gold, Scientific Destry-ET, BKB Goldwyn Atlas-ET, and Gillete JordanETS all siring winners this year.


Any state would be hard pressed to have the depth of quality and numbers found in the All-New York and Junior All-New York Contests. Strong participation by our breeders and most-recognized show herds is a true testament to the caliber of our competition. It is also gratifying to see the number of entrants who also competed on the national stage. In addition, a significant number of Red & White entries were part of this year’s Contests, and while no Red & White show placings are counted, still many of those entered received recognition from black & white show placings or reputation, and many of them are also vying for honors in the Red & White All-American Contest. Looking at the classification scores on the cows competing this year really tells the story of just how strong our All-New York Contests are! One cow – Ridgedale-T Raichu-Red, is EX-96. Six cows in the Contests are scored EX-94 – the All-New York 4-YearOld, the All-New York Aged Cow, the Honorable Mention Aged Cow, the Reserve 150,000-Lb. Cow, the High Honorable Mention 150,000-Lb. Cow, and the High Honorable Mention Junior All-New York Aged Cow. Another six cows are EX-93 including several of the younger cows. Seven of these cows above 93 points are junior-owned! Also included in this year’s Contests are two 17th generation Excellents! Combined they were the All-New York Produce of Dam and each also won Junior All-New York recognition for Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY. All the breeders and owners of these highcaliber cows are to be congratulated. Our competitors are also outstanding producers, with numerous cows in the Contests sporting records nearing 40,000 lbs. of milk. Among this year’s honorees there are “genomic” cows as well. To say the least, this year’s Contests and cows are world-class! For the 13th year, Dr. Brad & Ruth Pedersen of Delaware Valley Vet Service, Delhi, NY, are co-sponsors of the All-New York and Junior All-New York Contests with the New York Holstein News. On behalf of the entire New York Holstein fraternity, and especially those receiving awards in this year’s Contests, we thank the Pedersens for their continued support and generosity to this long-standing Empire State tradition. Congratulations to all the award recipients in this year’s Contests and thank you to everyone who participated this year. They were indeed impressive classes and a fitting conclusion to a great year of shows in New York State. Best wishes to everyone competing in the year ahead.

nyn January 2017 - 13

2016 All-New York Awards SPRING HEIFER CALF

All-New York ROLL-N-VIEW DOOR CARMAN-ET Garrett Peters, Roxbury, NY

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned REYNCREST CRVTE LAURALYN-ET Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY

High Honorable Mention REYNCREST CORVETTE GRACIE Hudson Luft, Elba, NY

Honorable Mention YOTPOLIS AR T-97 Nicholas Yotpolis, Clymer, NY

High Honorable Mention KINGS-RANSOM DOOR CASSIE-ET Lauren King, Schuylerville, NY

Honorable Mention PAVANY BLAKE BRIE Joseph & Ellen Haner, Canandaigua, NY

High Honorable Mention OAKFIELD DOORMAN CAMERON-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Honorable Mention REYNCREST LIMITED FUNDS-ET Georgia Luft, Elba, NY


All-New York ROCKLAN-ZBW PENELOPE-ET Mason Ziemba, Durhamville, NY

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned OAKFIELD SOLOMON LULLABY-ET Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, Oakfield, NY


All-New York KINGSWAY DOORMAN ANDREA-ET Jerry Jorgensen & Abe Light, Perry, NY

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned REYNCREST LMTED EDITION-ET Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY


All-New York LUNCREST WEDDING DRM-1713-ET Andrew Chlus, Little Falls, NY

14 - NYN January 2017

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned REYNCREST DOORMAN LANTANA-ET Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY

Reserve All-New York OAKFIELD GOLD CHIP EVITA-ET Jennifer King, Waddington, NY

Delaware Valley Vet Service SPRING YEARLING HEIFER

Reserve All-New York MIKELHOLM ATWOOD BOUNCER Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY

High Honorable Mention WILLDINA DOORMAN LINDSAY Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Honorable Mention (Tie) RANSOM-RAIL ARMANI KEEVE-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Honorable Mention (Tie) MERRILLEA MALONE ELLIE-RED J. Winton, B. Bossard, & S. Merrill, Mayville, NY

All-New York and Best Bred & Owned OSCWIL-LBH SID ROTTEN 8338 Payton Bennett, Larry Hill, & Schwab Dairy, Arcade, NY


Reserve All-New York JACOBS SID JUSTICE Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY

All-New York WINDY-KNOLL-VIEW PENCIL-ET Jack Ross & Stephanie Bergen, Lowville, NY

High Honorable Mention and Best Bred & Owned HFM ELVIS LUCY-ET Lisa Sharpe, Cortland, NY

Honorable Mention PAVANY AXFORD SHAYNA-RED Joseph & Ellen Haner, Canandaigua, NY


All-New York MS GOLDWYN SHAZAM-ET Reyncrest Farms & Luncrest Farms, Corfu & Granville, NY

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned REYNCREST HEZ GOLD CHAIN-ET Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY

High Honorable Mention CURR-VALE BROKAW HAZEL-ET Lisa Sharpe, Cortland, NY

Honorable Mention (Tie) WALL-ST MUCCUTCHEN RUTHIANA Jeffrey Winton, Mayville, NY

Honorable Mention (Tie) OCD CAMDEN LYRA-RED-ET Bryce Warriner, Andover, NY

JUNIOR BEST THREE FEMALES Reserve All-New York Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY




All-New York Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

nyn January 2017 - 15

2016 All-New York Awards FALL YEARLING IN MILK

All-New York ARETHUSA DARYL SIENNA Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned REYNCREST WIND GUST-ET Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY

High Honorable Mention PARAMOUNT-MB CRVT ASHTABULA Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Honorable Mention ST-JACOB BRAZZLE HADLEE-ET Meagan Chittenden, Schodack Landing, NY

High Honorable Mention CRANHOLME ATWOOD PASTA-ET Isaac Folts, North Collins, NY

Honorable Mention JACOBS GOLD CHIP ALL Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY

High Honorable Mention and Best Bred & Owned BRACIN GOLDWYN CAMI-ET Brad & Cindy Murphy and John Roberts, Parish, NY

Honorable Mention BUTLERVIEW DOORMAN CAMO Brian Oster, Schodack Landing, NY

High Honorable Mention UNIQUE ATWOOD CECILIA-ET Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY

Honorable Mention TILLAPYKE WINBROOK ABBIE-ET Duane Tillapaugh & Maple Downs Farms II, Middleburgh, NY


All-New York AIJA GOLDWYN GIOVANNI-ET Jamie & Petra Black and Jaquemet Holsteins, Constable, NY

Reserve All-New York HELL-YEAH DEMPSEY BERRY Daniel Hosking, New Berlin, NY



Reserve All-New York MS JACOBS GOLD COIN-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Ransom Rail Farm, Robert Landis, & Brian George, Perry, NY


All-New York CRAIGCREST RUBIES RACHELLE-ET Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, Oakfield, NY

16 - NYN January 2017

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned MIDAS-TOUCH MCUT MALIBU-ET David King and Jamie & Petra Black, Waddington, NY

Delaware Valley Vet Service SENIOR 3YEAROLD

All-New York SICY SVELTE ALEXANDER Aidan Mulligan, Avon, NY

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned REYNCREST SC MAYBELLINE Reyncrest Farms, Corfu, NY

High Honorable Mention LUNCREST MONREAL MICHI-1516 Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY

Honorable Mention MIKELHOLM ALEX ROBBI Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY

High Honorable Mention ERNEST-ANTHONY SID TREVA-ET R. Michael Putman & Ranway Farm, Farmington, NY

Honorable Mention and Best Bred & Owned LANTLAND MOLSON CHEDDAR Kirt Menzi, Jr., Horseheads, NY

High Honorable Mention CRACKHOLM GOLDWYN CHARY-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Honorable Mention RANSOM-RAIL BRAXTON KALEY Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

High Honorable Mention SHORESBROOK TALENT AX-ET Kirt Menzi, Jr., Horseheads, NY

Honorable Mention MM-T POCKETS AT ROXANNE-ET Brett Roberts, Remsen, NY


All-New York LONG-HAVEN SID CARLA Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Reserve All-New York MAPLE-DOWNS EXTREME FAITH Emily Tillapaugh, Warnerville, NY


All-New York and Best Bred & Owned LUNCREST SANCHEZ BAMBI-1412 Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY

Reserve All-New York LUNCREST JORDN MESSIN-1392 Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY


All-New York BELLA-ROSA GW SARA-ET Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, Oakfield, NY

Reserve All-New York and Best Bred & Owned LUNCREST ATLAS HEATHER-1274 Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY

nyn January 2017 - 17

Delaware Valley Vet Service 150,000 LB. COW

All-New York and Best Bred & Owned RIDGEDALE-T RAICHU-RED W. Cyrus Conard, Sharon Springs, NY

Reserve All-New York RIDGEDALE BONIVA-ET W. Cyrus Conard, Sharon Springs, NY

High Honorable Mention OVALTOP DUNDEE ESTER Douglas Wolfe, Richfield Springs, NY

SENIOR BEST THREE FEMALES Reserve All-New York Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY High Honorable Mention Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY Honorable Mention Ovaltop Holsteins, Richfield Springs, NY LUNCREST ATLAS HEATHER-1274

LUNCREST SANCHEZ BAMBI-1412 All-New York Luncrest Farm, Granville, NY




All-New York Kirt Menzi, Jr. & Jacob Menzi, Horseheads, NY




All-New York Produce of Oakfield Atwood Rikki-ET Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY

18 - NYN January 2017


2016 Jr. All-New York Awards SPRING HEIFER CALF

Junior All-New York ROLL-N-VIEW DOOR CARMAN-ET Garrett Peters, Roxbury, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York REYNCREST CORVETTE GRACIE Hudson Luft, Elba, NY

High Honorable Mention and Best Bred & Owned TIGER-LEA LIGHT RAPUNZEL-RED Lily Marshman, Oxford, NY


Junior All-New York ROCKLAN-ZBW PENELOPE-ET Mason Ziemba, Durhamville, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York KINGS-RANSOM DOOR CASSIE-ET Lauren King, Schuylerville, NY

High Honorable Mention OCD ARCHRIVAL SOAR-ET Erin Harkenrider, Freeville, NY

Honorable Mention CURR-VALE GOLD CHIP EXPLOIT Rachel Rouland, Clifton Springs, NY


Junior All-New York OAKFIELD DOORMAN CAMERON-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York REYNCREST LIMITED FUNDS-ET Georgia Luft, Elba, NY

High Honorable Mention DAIRYSMITH CAMELOT DONETTE Preston Post, Hobart, NY


Junior All-New York LUNCREST WEDDING DRM-1713-ET Andrew Chlus, Little Falls, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York CAMPOLS ARMANI MARGO-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

High Honorable Mention OAKFIELD GOLD CHIP EVITA-ET Jennifer King, Waddington, NY

Honorable Mention and Best Bred & Owned J-LUC CHOPS BLOSSOM Jack Brown, Cobleskill, NY

nyn January 2017 - 19

2016 Jr. All-New York Awards SPRING YEARLING HEIFER

Junior All-New York and Best Bred & Owned MIKELHOLM ATWOOD BOUNCER Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York RANSOM-RAIL ARMANI KEEVE-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

High Honorable Mention MIDAS-TOUCH CLEAVAGE-RED-ET Jennifer King, Waddington, NY


Reserve Junior All-New York LANTLAND AIRLIFT BOW Mallory Rhodes, Horseheads, NY

Junior All-New York and Best Bred & Owned HFM ELVIS LUCY-ET Lisa Sharpe, Cortland, NY


High Honorable Mention FLEURY SID LILIA Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY Junior All-New York OCD CAMDEN LYRA-RED-ET Bryce Warriner, Andover, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York CURR-VALE BROKAW HAZEL-ET Lisa Sharpe, Cortland, NY


Junior All-New York ARETHUSA DARYL SIENNA Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

20 - NYN January 2017

Reserve Junior All-New York PARAMOUNT-MB CRVT ASHATABULA Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

High Honorable Mention ST-JACOB BRAZZLE HADLEE-ET Meagan Chittenden, Schodack Landing, NY

Honorable Mention DEN-REIN CHELIO FANCY Randall Reinshagen, South Kortright, NY

Delaware Valley Vet Service JUNIOR 2YEAROLD

Junior All-New York HELL-YEAH DEMPSEY BERRY Daniel Hosking, New Berlin, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York CRANHOLME ATWOOD PASTA-ET Isaac Folts, North Collins, NY

High Honorable Mention JACOBS SID BAHAMAS Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Honorable Mention OAKFIELD ATWOOD LATTE-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

High Honorable Mention LANTLAND WINDBROOK HYSTERIA Jacob Menzi, Horseheads, NY

Honorable Mention HEADWATER BRADNK APPLECRISP Ella Sherman, Turin, NY


Junior All-New York MS JACOBS GOLD COIN-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York JACOBS GOLDWYN KARANA-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY


Junior All-New York and Best Bred & Owned MIKELHOLM WINDBROOK RORY-ET Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York MIKELHOLM ALWAYS RHIANA-RED Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY


Junior All-New York and Best Bred & Owned MIKELHOLM ALEX ROBBI Emily Mikel, Stafford, NY

Congratulations 2016 All-New York and Jr. All-NY Award Winners!

Reserve Junior All-New York ERN-MAR-ACRES AMAZE HOLLY Ashley Thornton, Boonville, NY

nyn January 2017 - 21

2016 Jr. All-New York Awards 4YEAROLD

Junior All-New York KULP-GALTON BRAXTON RUTH-ET Brett Post, Hobart, NY

High Honorable Mention ZIEMS DESTRY SUN-RAE-ET Lydia Cox, Cato, NY

Honorable Mention VALEWOOD ASHCK EVELYN Lacie Head, Hubbardsville, NY

High Honorable Mention WINDEX SANCHEZ TAMMY Bryce Windecker, Schuyler, NY

Honorable Mention OCD LARAMIE TWILITE-ET Ryan Hamilton, Castile, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York LANTLAND MOLSON CHEDDAR Kirt Menzi, Jr., Horseheads, NY


Junior All-New York CRACKHOLM GOLDWYN CHARY-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York and Best Bred & Owned RANSOM-RAIL BRAXTON KALEY-ET Jared Dueppengiesser, Perry, NY


High Honorable Mention LANTLAND ASPEN HEMLEY Kirt Menzi, Jr., Horseheads, NY Junior All-New York SHORESBROOK TALENT AX-ET Kirt Menzi, Jr., Horseheads, NY

Reserve Junior All-New York MIDAS-TOUCH CHRY PIE-RED-ET Jennifer King, Waddington, NY

150,000LB. COW

Junior All-New York RIDGEDALE-T RAICHU-RED W. Cyrus Conard, Sharon Springs, NY

22 - NYN January 2017

Reserve Junior All-New York RIDGEDALE BONIVA-ET W. Cyrus Conard, Sharon Springs, NY

Our Pasta is REALLY Good! Congratulations to Isaac & Pasta on a great year in the show ring Reserve Junior All-New York Jr. 2-Year-Old High Honorable Mention All-New York Jr. 2-Year-Old


1st Jr. 2-Yr-Old, Reserve Grand Champion & Reserve Supreme Champion at Erie County Youth (4-H) Show 1st & BU at NY State Fair Youth Show 2nd & Reserve Intermediate Champion at NY State Fair Open Show ( Jr. Division) 2nd, Best Udder of Show, Reserve Intermediate & HM Grand Champion at WNY Regional Jr. Show 3rd & BU at WNY Regional Show 4th at NY State Fair Open Show

Sired by Atwood, Pasta’s dam is a VG-86, CAN Pine-Tree Sid-ET out of Stone-Front Iron Pasta (2E-96), 2-time All-American & All-Canadian with records to 44,694 4.2 1890 3.4 1510. The next dam is a 4E-92 Jed followed by a VG-88 Pontiac. Pasta is due in March to Solomon.

Her Doorman Daughter

J-FOLTS DOORMAN PIZAZZ b. 3-4-2016 Watch for her in the show ring in 2017!

Folts Farms, LLC.

Josh and Ginny Folts 716-628-7171 10307 Mile Block Road, North Collins, NY 14111 NYN January 2017 - 23

“All NY Success

REYNCREST LMTED EDITION-ET Reserve All-NY Fall Calf 2nd NYSF Member Reserve All NY Jr. Best Three Females and Nominated All American Jr. Best 3 Females Gold Chip X Lavish EX-91

REYNCREST LIMITED FUNDS-ET HM All-NY Fall Calf, Reserve Jr. All-NY Fall Calf 1st NIOGA Holstein Show and Junior Champion Gold Chip X Lavish EX-91 Congrats to Georgia Luft on a great year with Limited!

REYNCREST DOORMAN LANTANA-ET Reserve All-NY Summer Yearling 2nd WNY Regional Show 2nd New York State Fair Member Reserve All NY Jr. Best Three Females and Nominated All American Jr. Best 3 Females Doorman X Reyncrest Strm Luminous EX-90

REYNCREST CRVT LAURALYN-ET Reserve All-NY Spring Calf 1st NYSF Corvette X Reyncrest Alxndr Lavish EX-91

REYNCREST CORVETTE GRACIE Reserve Junior All-NY Spring Calf, HHM All-NY Spring Calf 1st NIOGA Holstein Show and Reserve Junior Champion 1st WNY Regional Show 2nd NYSF Corvette X Guyview Goldwyn Giggles EX-90 Congrats to Hudson Luft on a great year with Gracie!

Reyncrest Farms

John, Shelley, Mackenzie and Andy Reynolds, Tyler and Kelly Reynolds 9666 Alleghany Rd. Corfu, NY 14036 – – 585-356-8123- Tyler Cell 24 - NYN January 2017

s at Reyncrest”

JACOBS SID JUSTICE Reserve All-NY Winter Yearling 1st WNY Regional Show 2nd NYSF Sid X VG Goldwyn X Valleyville Lheros Jenn

MS GOLDWYN SHAZAM-ET All-NY Fall Yearling Nominated All American Fall Yearling 7th International Holstein Show 1st & Jr. Champion NYSF 1st & Jr. Champion WNY Regional Show Goldwyn X Happydanny Jayz Sunday EX-95 Owned with Luncrest Farm

REYNCREST HEZ GOLD CHAIN-ET Reserve All-NY Fall Yearling Nominated All American Fall Yearling 4th International Holstein Show 2nd & Reserve Junior Champion WNY Regional Show Member Reserve All NY Jr. Best Three Females and Nominated All American Jr. Best 3 Females Heztry x Reyncrest Gold Locket-ET EX-91

REYNCREST WIND GUST (VG-85) Reserve All-NY 1st NYSF Windbrook X Guyview Golwyn Giggles EX-90

REYNCREST SC MAYBELLINE (VG-88) Reserve All-NY 1st WNY Regional Show 3rd NYSF Stanley Cup X OCEC Jasper Maestro EX-90

“Thank you to everyone who makes this success possible, looking forward to a great 2017” NYN January 2017 - 25

Proud of Emily and All Her Homebred Winners Junior All-NY Jr. 3-Year-Old

MIKELHOLM WINDBROOK RORY-ET (EX-92) 3y ME 305 49,140M 1696F 1142P Completes 17 generations of EX back to Audrey Posch (EX-93-GMD)

Junior All-NY Sr. 3-Year-Old Honorable Mention All-NY Sr. 3-Year-Old

MIKELHOLM ALEX ROBBI (EX-91) 3-01 2x 26,910M 902F 777P Maternal sister to Rory & 17th generation EX.

Rory & Robbi were the 2016 All-New York Produce of Dam. Reserve All-NY Spring Yearling Junior All-NY Spring Yearling

MIKELHOLM ATWOOD BOUNCER Next three dams are EX-91, EX-93, & EX-91

Reserve Junior All-NY Jr. 3-Year-Old

MIKELHOLM ALWAYS RHIANA-RED (EX-91) 3y ME 305 35,130M 1140F 964P Next two dams are EX-91 & EX-93

Thank you to our show crew, Bryce & Ryan Hamilton, for all your help! John, Sue, & Emily Mikel John’s Cell: 585-356-5551 26 - NYN January 2017


6321 E. Bethany-LeRoy Rd. Stafford, NY 14143

The Culmination of a Great Year Nominated All-American Sr. 2-Year-Old All-NY Senior 2-Year-Old

Jr. All-NY Sr. 2-Year-Old Reserve All-NY Sr. 2-Year-Old

Nominated All-American Fall Yearling in Milk All-NY & Jr. All-NY Fall Yearling in Milk

MS ABSOLUTE BLISS-ET (EX-92, 94-MS) 1st Sr. 2-Yr-Old, Int. & Grand Champion at NYS Fair 2nd at WNY Regional Show & HM Int. Champion 4th at International Holstein Show & NY Spring Show Absolute x Ms Beautys Bombshell-ET (EX-92) x Ms Exels Dundee Beauty (3E-93) x 2E-93 Integrity Owned with Robert Landis & Brian George

MS JACOBS GOLD COIN-ET (VG-89) 1st Sr. 2-Yr-Old at International Jr. Show 1st & Int. Champion at WNY Regional Show 1st & Int. Champion at NY Spring Show (Jr. Division) 1st at NY Spring Junior Holstein Show Goldwyn x 5 gens. VG or EX – Full sister to Robrook Goldwyn Cameron (EX-95)

ARETHUSA DARYL SIENNA 1st Fall Yearling in Milk & HM Int. Champion at International Jr. Show 2nd at International Holstein Show 2nd at WNY Regional Show & 3rd at NYS Fair Daryl x Domain x VG-86 x Ernest-Anthony LL Sammy-ET (EX-95) x EX-93 x EX-95 Now owned by Milksource LLC, WI

Reserve Jr. All-NY Fall Yearling in Milk High Honorable Mention All-NY Fall Yearling in Milk

Junior All-NY 5-Year-Old High Honorable Mention All-NY 5-Year-Old

PARAMOUNT-MB CRVT ASHTABULA (VG-88) 1st Fall Yearling in Milk at WNY Regional Show 1st at NYS Fair Open Show (Jr.) & 2nd Open 2nd at International Jr.Show Corvette x VG-88 Alexander x EX-92 Shottle x 5 gens. VG & EX “Chief Adeen’s”

CRACKHOLM GOLDWYN CHARY-ET (EX-93) 1ST 5-Year-Old, Senior & Grand Champion at NYS Fair Open Show (Jr.) 3rd at NY State Fair Open Show 4th at International Jr. Show Goldwyn x EX-92 Fortune x VG-86 Gibson x Belroux Storm Cristal (EX-96-2E) x 2 gens. VG-86

We were proud to have 7 other cows & heifers receive awards in the All-NY & Jr. All-NY Contests. Thank you to all who contributed to our show ring success in 2016!

Nominated All-American Jr. 2-Yr-Old

MS UBERCREST LAKE LAYLA RAE (VG-85) 4th Jr. 2-Yr-Old International Holstein Show 4th at Eastern National Atwood x EX-91 Windbrook x 8 gens. EX “Roxy’s” Owned with Tom & Erin Uber and Travis Couch

7835 Butler Rd • Perry, NY 14530 585-237-6597 585-704-4725 Pete 585-689-0475 Jacob

NYN January 2017 - 27

Competing this Year in the 17 Years & Older Division at Junior Convention, Liverpool, NY


PAIGE DEMUN Troupsburg, NY

JACK BROWN Sharon Springs, NY



One Sharp PENCIL 2016 All-New York Winter Yearling Heifer WINDY-KNOLL-VIEW PENCIL-ET

1st Winter Yearling & Res. Junior Champion at Lewis Co. Fair & Lewis Co. Holstein Show 1st at NY State Fair 4th at Eastern National A beautiful heifer with a pedigree to match, Pencil is sired by Windbrook x EX-95 Panini (Goldwyn) x 2E-95 GMD-DOM Pledge x 2E-95 GMD-DOM Promis x 3E-94-DOM Pala. Pencil is due this spring to Solomon. Owned with Stephanie Bergen.

Thank you to everyone who was a part of our success this show season, especially Shane Wilson & Rachel Jebson.


Jack Ross – 7724 Park Avenue – Lowville, NY 13367 – (315) 771-4743 28 - NYN January 2017

The Kind We Like …

Good heifers backed by deep pedigrees, bred to develop into great cows!

High Honorable Mention All-NY Winter Yearling and Best Bred & Owned Junior All-NY Winter Yearling

High Honorable Mention All-NY Fall yearling Reserve Junior All-NY Fall Yearling


Mayfield Elvis x VG-87 Jasper x EX-91 Shottle x Savage-Leigh Leola-ET (EX-91) x Savage-Leigh Licorice-ET (EX-92 GMDDOM) x Bellwood Linda (2E-92 GMD-DOM) x VG-87-GMD x EX-90-GMD, Lucy was fresh in December & looks tremendous!! 1st Junior & 3rd Open NYS Fair 2016 1st & Reserve Jr. Champion at Cortland & Broome Co. Fairs

Another calf we are excited about: HFM GOLDEN DREAMS KARLOINA

Golden Dreams x Norton (will be scored 1/13/17) x VG-87 Super (will be rescored) x EX-92 Stardust x 5 more EX dams. 1st Spring Calf Cortland Classic 2016 1st & HM Jr. Champion Cortland & Broome Co. Fairs


Brokaw x EX-92 St-Jacob Durchan Haleiwa-ET x EX-92 Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah x EX-90 x VG-87, Hazel calved in December with a fancy Gold Chip heifer and is off to a great start! 3rd Premier National Junior Show, Harrisburg 1st & HM Jr. Champion (Jr. Division), 2nd Open NYS Fair 2016 1st & Jr. Champion Cortland Classic (Jr. & Open) 1st & Jr. Champion at Cortland & Broome Co. Fairs

It was a tremendous honor to have all three heifers win their class and be pulled out for Junior Champion at both county shows we exhibited at in 2016.


Home to HFM Holsteins Kevin, Kim, Lisa, & Matt Sharpe 6473 Haights Gulf Rd. – Cortland, NY 13045 – Matt’s Cell: 607-345-9852

– Calendar of Events – SALES Jan. 12 March 11 March 25 April 1 April 8 April 22 May 12 May 20

Syracuse, NY New York Convention ET Sale, The Cattle Exchange & NYHA, co-mgrs. Ithaca, NY CUDS Spring Sale, The Cattle Exchange, mgr. New Berlin, NY Spring Premier All-Breed Sale, Hosking Sales, mgr. Alfred, NY Alfred State Spring Fling, Hosking Sales, mgr. Syracuse, NY New York Spring Holstein Sale, The Cattle Exchange & NYHA, co-managers Cobleskill, NY 36th Cobleskill Dairy Fashions Sale, The Cattle Exchange, mgr. Malone, NY Top of the State Select Sale. Contact person: Andre Poirier, 518-292-8076 Oakfield, NY Spring Sensation Sale, The Cattle Exchange, mgr.

SHOWS April 8 April 9 April 10

Syracuse, NY New York Junior Holstein Show Syracuse, NY New York Red & White Show Syracuse, NY New York International Spring Holstein Show June 15-17 Hamburg, NY Spring Dairy Preview July 3-5 Norwich, NY CNY Holstein Show 2017 Jan. 12-14 Jan. 14-16 Feb. 2-4 April 7-10

EVENTS Syracuse, NY New York Holstein Convention Syracuse, NY New York Junior Holstein Convention Hamburg, NY WNY Farm Show Syracuse, NY New York Spring Dairy Carousel

NYN January 2017 - 29

HOSS is the BOSS! +2829 GTPI Modesty Selling as Lot #1 in the NY Convention ET Sale AOT MODESTY HOSS-ET – b. 9/25/2016

NY Convention ET Sale January 11, 2007 â—† Albany, NY

PTA +1593M +.19%f +114F +.06%p +65P +940NM +6.4PL +1.7DPR 3.0%DCE PTA +2.67T +2.01UDC +1.43FLC *107 Points Above Parent Average! Consigned by AOT Genetics, David King & Tom Kugler Her Dam – 9th Generation EX-MS COOKIECUTTER SSIRE HAS-ET (VG-87, EX-MS DOM) GTPI +2572 2-01 3x 365 38,700 4.5 1740 3.2 1252 PTA +1157M +95F +51P +729NM +3.6PL +1.0DPR PTA 2.24T +1.80UDC +.64FLC Over a dozen sons in A.I. to date! Next dam is MOM Halo (VG-88, EX-MS DOM), then 7 more VG & EX, all with EX-MS!

Also Selling January 12 – “The IVF Machine!�

REGANCREST CHANEL-ET (EX-92, EX-MS) 4-11 2x 365 30,220 4.2 1261 3.2 954 High Honorable Mention Jr. All-NY 5-Year-Old 2013 7th Generation Excellent by Goldwyn from the Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET (EX-92 GMD-DOM) family, Chanel is a maternal sister to Regancrest S Chassity-ET (EX-92 GMD-DOM). &KDQHO KDV DQ LQFUHGLEOH à XVK KLVWRU\ DQG LV ´PDNLQJ EHDXWLHV¾ VWXQQLQJ FDOYHV DOUHDG\ RYHU 7

ALSO OFFERING: 5 Female Dempsey & 5 Female Awesome-Red embryos x Chanel DaviD King 69 Halfway House Rd. – Waddington, nY 13694 315-322-4162 – 315-212-0032 (cell) Follow us on Facebook at Midas Touch genetics. 30 - NYN January 2017

Focused on Making the Right Ones!

Our ALL Everything Nominated All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old Reserve All-New York Jr. 3-Year-Old and Best Bred & Owned

Reserve Jr. All-New York Aged Cow

MIDAS-TOUCH MCUT MALIBU-ET (EX-90, EX-MS) 2nd at New York State Fair 6th at International Holstein Show A 6th generation EX in the Miss Mark Maui (2E-95 GMD-DOM) family, Malibu is owned with Opportunity Genetics, Jamie & Petra Black

High Honorable Mention Jr. All-New York Spring Yearling

Dam & Daughter

MIDAS-TOUCH CHRY PIE-RED-ET (EX-93, EX-MS) MIDAS-TOUCH CLEAVAGE-RED-ET *PO 2-11 3x 365 30,870 5.0 1532 3.3 1015 2nd & Reserve Jr. Champion St. Lawrence Co. Fair 2nd Aged Cow NY Spring Junior Holstein Show 2nd at St. Lawrence Co. Holstein Show 6th generation EX x Ellbank Cherry Coke-Red-ET (EX-92). 5th at NYSF Youth Show Chry Pie is due Jan. 3 Sandy-Valley Crown-P-Red-ET x Chry Pie, Reserve All-New York Summer Yearling to Incredibull-Red. she is due in March to sexed High Honorable Mention Jr. All-New Diamondback *RC, just right for the Spring Shows! York Summer Yearling

OAKFIELD GOLD CHIP EVITA-ET 1st Summer Yearling at St. Lawrence Co. Fair 2nd at St. Lawrence Co. Holstein Show 2nd at NYS Fair Open Show (Jr. Division) 5th at NYS Fair Open Show Gold Chip x Budjon-JK Emilys Edair-ET (EX-95), then 7 more Excellent “Elegance” dams.

Your next show winner may be in Waddington! Give us a call! NYN January 2017 - 31

Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that 2016 has already come to an end! It feels as if just yesterday I was on a plane arriving home from the Cornell University Dairy Science trip to Italy that took place last January. Though it feels as if that occurred so briefly ago, I Lindsey McMahon am at this very moment in warm and cheerful Myanmar on yet another Cornell affiliated trip one full year later. The many travel opportunities that this university has already blessed me with and will continue to bless me with in the future, are just one of the many things I am very thankful for this new year. Other things I am of course thankful for include my family, friends, my farm and this organization. Though it may not quite be sunny and 75 degrees in good old New York State there is still plenty to look forward to with this new year, including…. you guessed it…convention!!! Convention is right around the corner and I hope each and every one of you is more than excited to attend. As juniors members, this organization offers endless opportunities for the development of valuable leadership and career skills that many fail to ever master. Those of you who participate in speech will be able to deliver presentations with ease for the remainder of your lives. Those of you in jeopardy or dairy bowl are clearly able to think quickly on your feet and comprehend material of many sorts! Members that take the time to craft DJM books are compiling year-to-year resumes and gaining valuable interview practice. These skills are something each of you will carry with you throughout all of your lives. With that, I highly encourage each of you to take advantage of these opportunities. If not this year, then next! With convention right around the corner, I am sure many of you may be feeling a bit nervous. As a member who has participated in speech, dairy bowl, and has served as the Jr. Executive Committee dairy bowl chairperson I can tell you that I have been nervous more times in my life than I needed to be. The competitions each of you participates in are meant to be fun learning opportunities. With that, try to keep the following tips in mind… 1. Be Prepared: I know each you have been working tirelessly to prepare for individual contests. For dairy bowl and jeopardy, it is important to practice questions both 32 - NYN January 2017

2. Go With Your Gut! I have lost count of the number of times I have been in front of a microphone with a specific line of my speech memorized and my head has me blurt out something else, or when I have thought I knew the answer to a dairy bowl question but I second guess myself and give an incorrect answer. Often times, the first thing that comes to your mind during these competitions will be right. Take deep breaths, focus, and don’t doubt yourself! Always go with your gut! 3. HAVE FUN! The entire purpose of convention is for juniors all across the state to come together and have fun! While competitions may often times feel like a lot of pressure, it is important to remember why you are there. Don’t let the stress of talking in front of a crowd or answering questions let you miss out on having a great time.

O-H-M Junior News By Brogan Graves

I became news reporter at our December meeting at Insight Dairy. Our agenda was election of officers, gift exchange, and dairy bowl/dairy jeopardy sign ups. O-H-M Junior Club results are: President, Austin

Dairy Dilemma Questions Senior: What form of measurement is most often used to assess cow comfort in free stall barns? Junior: Perinatal calf mortality is a significant problem more commonly referred to as what? Novice: What dairy drink comes with your school lunch every day?

Senior Answer: Stall Use Index Junior Answer: Still Births Novice Answer: Milk

Hello Juniors!

alone and with your teams. I have found in the past that “dividing and conquering” works best. Try to have a general knowledge of all possible subjects that you may be quizzed on. Then divide subjects between team members and have each person know in depth information on one topic. For example, Susie has studied nutrition tirelessly, while Jack learned all he could about crops. For speech contests, practice makes perfect! Recite your prepared speech over and over and over again both alone and in front of others, making sure to speak slowly and clearly. Extemporaneous speech is a bit more tricky. Try to study material in broader subjects with a few specific topics known in depth. This will give you a better chance of forming a well-rounded response when writing your speech.

Ainslie; Vice President, Ellie Ainslie; Secretary, Laura Littrell; Treasurer, Aidan Ainslie; State Directors, Cassie Menendez and Bryce Windecker; Scrapbook and Folding Display, Natalie Fredericks; Banquet Chair, Laura Littrell; Show Chair and Concession, Carolyn Littrell; Silent Auction, Abbie Ainslie; Trip Leader, Brogan Graves; and Activities, Brogan Graves.

Production Leaders COBLESKILL CADET SHAY 1285-ET (GP-82) 5-00 3x 365 48,640 5.1 2483 2.6 1281 S: By-My Blitz Cadet-ET 2nd Fat, Mature, New York, 3x, 365 days State Univ. NY Agr & Tech College, Cobleskill, NY COBLESKILL KID BESSIE (VG-86) 4-00 3x 365 51,970 3.5 1821 2.8 1473 S: Cedar-Haven-NR Kid-ET 3rd Milk, Jr. 4-Year-Old, New York, 3x, 365 days State Univ. NY Agr & Tech College, Cobleskill, NY COBLESKILL OMAR ABBY (G-75) 3-01 3x 365 41,840 5.5 2307 3.0 1239 S: UFM-Dubs Omar-ET 1st Fat, Jr. 3-Year-Old, New York, 3x, 365 days State Univ. NY Agr & Tech College, Cobleskill, NY COBLESKILL PLANET SPAZ (GP-81) 2-00 3x 300 29,220 5.2 1527 3.0 863 S: Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 2nd Fat, Jr. 2-Year-Old, New York, 3x, 305 days State Univ. NY Agr & Tech College, Cobleskill, NY COBLESKILL PLANET SUMMER (GP-84) 3-02 3x 365 38,690 5.4 2104 3.0 1164 S: Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 3rd Fat, Jr. 3-Year-Old, New York, 3x, 365 days State Univ. NY Agr & Tech College, Cobleskill, NY COBLESKILL SHOT DOLLY (G-79) 3-00 3x 291 29,520 6.4 1896 3.3 979 S: Lincoln-Hill Shot Laser-ET 3rd Fat, Jr. 3-Year-Old, New York, 3x, 305 days State Univ. NY Agr & Tech College, Cobleskill, NY GREENHILLACRES ALEX JENNY (EX-90) 6-01 2x 305 44,750 3.6 1613 3.3 1489 S: Golden-Oaks St Alexander-ET 3rt Protein, Mature, New York, 2x, 305 days Maplelane-Manor Farm, Apulia Station, NY MS ATLEES GW ABRACADABRA-ET (EX-92) 4-00 2x 305 36,980 5.4 2005 2.9 1064 4-00 2x 365 43,220 5.0 2182 2.9 1267 S: Braedale Goldwyn 3rd Fat, Jr. 4-Year-Old, New York, 2x, 305 days 2nd Fat, Jr. 4-Year-Old, New York, 2x, 365 days Jason Lloyd, Middleburgh, NY

17th Annual

Central New York Holstein Show

July 3, 4, 5 – Norwich, NY Over $100,000 in prize money to date! $1000 for Grand Champion 1 Year use of a tractor for Best Bred & Owned of Show – Donated by Clinton Tractor

Watch future issues of the News for more details. &Žƌ ĞŶƚƌŝĞƐ Θ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͗ Fred Myers 8083 East Floyd Rd. Rome, NY 13440 (315) 865-6190 or (315) 271-5329 (cell)

SALE SCHEDULE Upcoming Sales Managed by The Cattle Exchange Jan. 12 Feb. 24 March 11 April 8 April 22 May 3 May 20 May 27 June 30

Syracuse, NY New York Convention ET Sale Paso Robles, CA Holstein Fun in the Sun West Ithaca, NY CUDS Spring Sale Syracuse, NY New York Spring Holstein Sale, co-managed with NYHA Cobleskill, NY 36th Cobleskill Dairy Fashions Sale Lake Como, PA Jericho Dairy Complete Dispersal Oakfield, NY Spring Sensation Sale at Oakfield Corners Dairy Edgerton, WI Special Sale at Sherona-Hill, Mike Deaver, owner Bellevue, WA National Convention Sale at Hyatt Regency. Call 888-421-1442 for reservations

If you are looking for quality replacements, give us a call! No order is too large or too small! Call or Email for 1st Class Catalogs.

For the finest in Livestock Mortality Protection Contact: Merry Rama Insurance at 607-746-2226 Protect your investments accordingly! Don’t gamble with your future! NYN January 2017 - 33

Something Different Offering 2 High GTPI Calves from the Great “Halo” Family! To the NY Convention ET Sale, Jan. 12

Their Granddam – 9th Gen. VG or EX NY Convention ET Sale January 11, 2007 ◆ Albany, NY


PTA +2037M +77F +77P +794NM +5.4PL 2.89SCS +1.5DPR PTA +2.41T +1.44UDC +1.91FLC Sired by S-S-I Eraser P Expresso-ET

To the Fun in the Sun West Sale, Feb. 24, Paso Robles, CA TELSTAR HEISBERG HARRIET-ET b. 7/11/2016 – GTPI +2741

PTA +1391M +71F +53P +803NM +6.6PL 2.73SCS +3.9DPR PTA +2.58T +1.87UDC +1.92FLC #3 GTPI daughter of OCD Jabir Heisenberg-ET!


2-11 3x 284 26,980 3.9 1054 3.5 938 &ƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ŚĞĂƌƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ǁŽƌůĚͲĨĂŵŽƵƐ ͞ ŽŽŬŝĞĐƵƩĞƌ͟ ĨĂŵŝůLJ͕ next dam is MOM Halo (VG-88, EX-MS DOM), Hailey & Harriet’s dam: ϴƚŚ ŐĞŶĞƌĂƟŽŶ s' Žƌ y ďĂĐŬ ƚŽ Snow-N Denises Dellia (2E-95 GMD-DOM), COOKIECUTTER MONT HADLEY-ET – GTPI +2613 all with EX-MS. PTA +1673M +73F +60P +734NM +4.9PL 2.82SCS +.7DPR +2.47T **By Montross, Hadley calved in November, is milking 110 lbs./day, Θ ůŽŽŬƐ ĨĂŶƚĂƐƟĐ͊ tĂƚĐŚ ĨŽƌ ŚĞƌ ƉŝĐƚƵƌĞ ďĞĨŽƌĞ ƚŚĞ ƐĂůĞ͊

Proud of the This All-New York & Junior All-New York Winner LUNCREST WEDDNG DRM-1713-ET

1st Summer Yearling & Jr. Champion, WNY Regional Jr. Show & HM Open 1st at NYSF (Jr. Division) & 3rd Open ϮŶĚ Ăƚ Ez ^ƉƌŝŶŐ :ƌ͘ ^ŚŽǁ Θ Ez /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů Spring Show (Jr. Division) ϵƚŚ Ăƚ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů :ƌ͘ ^ŚŽǁ Θ ϭϯƚŚ /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ,ŽůƐƚĞŝŶ ^ŚŽǁ -Owned & Show by Andy, she is a Golden ƌĞĂŵƐ dž yͲϵϮ ^ŚŽƩůĞ dž yͲϵϮ ƵƌŚĂŵ

Mitch, David, & Andrew Chlus 388 Myers Rd. Little Falls, NY 13365 (315) 823-3196 34 - NYN January 2017

The New York Convention ET Sale Thursday, January 12, 2017 – 5:00 PM Holiday Inn – Liverpool, NY

An opportunity to acquire the finest genetics of every breeding philosophy. Some of the deepest pedigrees in the Breed will be represented!

Cookiecutter Ssire Has-ET (VG-8,7 EX-MS, 2y) 2-01 3 365 38,700 4.5 1740 3.4 1325 Selling as Lot 1 is her 9/16 Modesty dtr., +2829 GTPI, +1593M +114F +65P +940NM +2.67T +2.01UDC. Maternal sister to AI Sire, Haroldo (+2717 GTPI, +821NM, +134CFP). Next dam VG-88 EX-MS DOM, 2y Halo X 7 more gens VG/EX, all with EX-MS! AOT Genetics, 518-366-3901

Ms JJR Day Dixie-ET (VG-85, 2y) 2-00 2 344 28352 4.2 1191 3.0 855 Her fancy flush age 8/16 Modesty dtr. sells. +2728 GTPI, +1960M, +80F, +62P, +897NM, +7.9PL, 6.4%SCE. Next dams VG-87 EX-MS, 2y Robust x EX93 DOM Planet Danica x 12 more VG/EX dams. King & Emerling, 518-695-9245

Juniper Goldwyn Wistful-ET (2E-93 EX-MS) 1-11 2 365 30550 4.2 1274 3.3 1004 Selling are 3 #1 & 2 #2 KingRoyal Embryos. PA GTPI +2715. Dam by Delta, +2684 GTPI +1716M +76F +806NM +2.40T +2.21UDC x GP-83, 2y by Supersire x EX-90 EX-MS Sonic x 2E-93 Wistful x 2E-95 DOM Outside Wish x 7 more VG/EX dams. Crawford & Juniper Farm, 607-222-5788

Josey-LLC Olym Sassafras-ET Due in May & looks really good! Selling is her outstanding 9/16 *RC Modesty dtr.! +2376 GTPI +53F +45P +829NM +8.7PL +3.9DPR +2.14T +2.69UDC. One of the highest *RC heifers in the World! Next dams VG-85-DOM, 2y Epic x EX-90 Planet Silk x 8 more VG/EX dams. Adam Fraley, 570-772-6837

Cookiecutter Honeydew-ET (VG-87, EX-MS, 2y) 1-10 2 365 26910 4.7 1256 3.6 980 Due back 1/17, she looks to be EX! Her flush age 1/16 Superman dtr. sells! GTPI +2431, +1091M, +74F, +53P, +614NM, +2.03T, +1.80UDC. Next dams EX91 Supersonic X VG-88 MOM Halo X 7 more VG/EX dams, all with EX-MS. Blane Murray, 315-246-1457

TC Sanchez Kristina (EX-95 EEEEE) 2nd Aged Cow & Res. Sr. Champion WDE Jr. Show (2nd Open) 2016 Selling from Kristina are 5 #1 IVF Sexed Doorman Embryos. Next dams 4E-92 Terrason w/194,234M lifetime x VG-85 Rudolph x GP-84, 2y Astre x 2 more VG dams. Eaton & Galton, 315-857-8303

Luck-E Goldwyn Aaliyah (2E-94 EEEEE) Res. Grand Champion Premier Nat’l Jr. Show 2015 Selling from her 3E-94 EEEEE Outside dam are 5 #1 DT Sid Embryos. Next dams 2E-90 Blackice X 3E-93 GMD-DOM Charles X 4 more VG or EX dams. Fieldstone Farm, 607-435-0792

Eildon-Tweed MOM Chaps-ET (EX-90, EX-MS DOM) 1-11 3 365 34,550 4.4 1508 3.2 1116 Backed by 7 gens VG/EX dams from the Mac Chapter family. Her 3/16 +2650 GTPI Game Changer gr’dtr sells. +750NM +79F +56P +2.29T. Ready to IVF with a unique pedigree. Eildon Tweed Farm, 518-882-6684

Regancrest Chanel-ET (EX-92, EX-MS) 4-11 2 365 30,220 4.2 1261 3.3 1011 She sells open & ready to flush or breed! Next dams, Regancrest Cinderella (2E-92 GMD-DOM), Barbie (EX-92 GMD-DOM), then 5 more VG/EX dams. Midas Touch Genetics, 315-212-0032

View & Bid online in Real Time at Bidders must be pre-approved. Contact Aaron Ray Thompkins if you need assistance at 336-363-4639

Sale Managed by:

Sale Sponsored by:


Dave Rama . . . . . RickVerBeek . . . . Dan Brandt . . . . . Kelly Reynolds . . . Patsy Gifford . . . . Mike McCaffrey . . Tom Harkenrider .

(607) 435-0792 (614) 264-5980 (717) 821-1238 (920) 728-1596 (607) 316-0867 (315) 447-4699 (607) 279-3160

NYN January 2017 - 35

Working with Legends like Horace Backus and Patricia Gifford has been a gift to all members of The NY Holstein Association and for this we say,


Like a ship’s captain, Patricia Gifford has steadily guided the NY Holstein Association these past 15 years. It’s never easy being at the helm; you can’t please everyone all the time but Patsy has managed to create an atmosphere in which our association has thrived and become a model example for all associations to follow. Leadership on all levels from Junior activities to the NY Spring Show, the VWDWH VDOHV ÂżUVW FODVV 1DWLRQDO &RQYHQWLRQ DQG on and on! Patsy, we thank you for your years of service and dedication to our association! Merry and I appreciated working with you all these years and I greatly appreciate your hitting me over the head when I needed it! That’s what friends are for. Enjoy retirement and live life to the fullest! No person I have ever worked with has exhibited more class, knowledge or enthusiasm for the Holstein business than “The Dean of Pedigrees,â€? Horace Backus. Horace is a household name around the Globe. Every NY Holstein member has memories of Horace they will cherish forever and we are grateful to have been able to work with him for over 30 years and call him a close friend! Horace, thanks for the memories. Dave and Merry

36 - NYN January 2017

Here’s Our MINDSET… MS JEDI MINDSET 6197-ET b. 11/2/2016 – GTPI 2774 And she sells in the PTA +1727M +80F +64P +871NM +7.4PL 2.81SCS +3.4DPR PTA +1.90T +1.46UDC +1.35FLC NY Convention Sired by S-S-I Montross Jedi-ET **167 Points Above Parent Average! ET Sale, Jan. 12 NY Convention ET Sale January 11, 2007 ◆ Albany, NY

Her Dam

Her Famous Granddam

Other Exciting Heifers OCD DENVER MINCY-ET GTPI +2756, gRZG 158 LA-CA-DE-LE MONTROSS 6027-ET – GTPI +2792 (283 points above PA w/solid health & production across the board)

SEAGULL-BAY SH MAUREEN-ET (VG-88-DOM) – GTPI +2383 2-02 3x 365 28,020 4.1 1139 3.5 983 Sired by Amighetti Numero Uno

AMMON-PEACHEY SHAUNA-ET (EX-91 GMD-DOM) 6-03 3x 365 40,290 3.7 1479 3.2 1309 Called “The Ultimate Genomic Transmitter!” Next 7 dams all VG & EX in the “Rudy Missy (3E-92 GMD-DOM)” Family.

Keith, Betsy, Owen, & Lucy Kimball Keith’s Cell: 603-667-8084 5064 Wilson Rd. Groveland, NY 14462

We are also proud of our Jerseys!

14 EX – 1 Headline EX-92, her EX-90 Action dam is due in June with her 10th calf; 4y Jamaica EX-91 (max) owned by Herdsman Cody Pearson – 31 VG 8589 (includes 3 2-yr-olds @ 85, 3 @ 86, & a Grand @ 87, 2-02 owned by Cody; 42 VG 80-84 and 13 Desirable. Herd Avg. 20,308 5.3 1082 3.7 747

Game Changer!

Selling in the NY Convention ET Sale EILDON-TWEED G CHAPARA 3-ET b. 3/29/2016 – GTPI +2650

PTA +1488M +79F +56P +750NM +4.5PL 2.68SCS +1.6DPR 3.1%DCE PTA +2.29T +1.86UDC +.72FLC A different sire stack, her sire is Stantons Game Changer (Jabir x Observer) and her Montross dam is due in April & looks great. She sells ready to flush! Her Famous Granddam

EILDON-TWEED MOM CHAPS-ET (EX-90, EX-MS DOM) 1-11 3x 365 34,550 4.4 1508 3.2 1116 Next 7 dams all VG & EX in the Charm/ Chapter 3 family. Also selling from the same maternal line: +2650 GTPI Jedi EILDON-TWEED JED CHARMER 2A b. 6/6/2016 PTA +1487M +43F +50P +673NM +5.6PL 2.76SCS +3.3DPR PTA +2.74T +2.68UDC +2.23FLC Dam is a GP-83, VG-MS 2y Halogen, next dam is a GP-84 Mogul, then 7 gens. VG & EX. David R. Wood 1253 Eastern Ave., West Charlton, NY 12010 Ph. (518) 882-6684 Email: Seth Wadsworth, Herdsman Chuck Baldwin, Asst. Herdsman RHA: 1276 cows 26,346m 4.2%f 3.2%p

38 - NYN January 2017

LA-CA-DE-LE HEINZ LEAH-ET GTPI +2684 – Out of WCD-ZBW Montross Lacy (GTPI +2645), just fresh x VG-86 Supersire

A Special Night at Convention ‘17 The planning committee for this year’s New York Holstein Convention – “All Breeds Get-A-Way on Electronics Parkway” – has a great time in store for all who attend the Senior Convention from Jan. 12-14 and the Junior Convention Jan. 14-16 in Liverpool, NY. A very special part of this year’s Annual Banquet will be to honor Patsy Gifford, recently-retired Executive Manager of the New York Holstein Association. After 15 years of dedicated service to the Association, Patsy will be honored formally on Friday evening and all New Yorker’s and friends of New York Holstein are encouraged to be part of the celebration. Registration forms for the Convention can be found in the December News as well as on the website, For those unable to attend but who would still like to wish Patsy well, cards and letters may be sent to the New York Holstein Association office, 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite 5, Ithaca, NY 14850 and those will be presented to Patsy at the banquet as well. We hope you can be part of a very memorable night in New York Holstein history. – The 2017 NYHA Executive Committee

Agricultural Professionals | Horticulturalists | Farm owners | General Public

February 2, 2017 10:00am-4:00pm February 3, 2017 10:00am-6:00pm February 4, 2017 9:00am-3:00pm

The Fairgrounds, Hamburg, NY Two Buildings | Heated & Indoors

Vendor Space Still Available! Save up to $100 before December 31st!

NAPA Auto Parts Mechanics Competition

Hay Bale Throwing Competition

Manure Pit & Confined Pesticide Recertification Space Rescue Simulator Classes | (716) 649-3600 ext. 6488 Submit this original ad with your entries to receive one FREE animal entry ($10 value) *Limit one per farm

NEW DATES! JUNE 15-17, 2017 Top Notch Facilities | Over $4000 in premiums and awards and look for Livestock/Equine Events Entry information available January 1, 2017 Hamburg, NY | Just 20 Minutes South of Buffalo (716) 649-3900 ext. 6488 NYN January 2017 - 39

New York Member Directory *****************


Robert & Daniel Crowell 1414 Cassadaga Road South Dayton, NY 14138 716-988-3312

Coyne Farms Inc. 585-202-1327


Maplegrand FarMs Brad Cates 1081 Otisco Valley Road Preble, NY 13141 315.636.7146 Fax 315.636.8489

Call Richard N. Mellinger 1-877-530-2687 Get a Good Deal More For A Good Deal Less!


Registered Holsteins

Robert, James & Melvin Irwin -DUYLV 5G ‡ 3HUX 1<

Matthew Reynolds 4 Old. Rt. 58 North Gouverneur, NY 13642 315-869-1120

BAA 107.4


Frank Francisco, Area Representative

Gabriel & Penelope Carpenter Josiah & Alexandra 36 South St. – Dryden, NY 13053 607-543-1219 – Jonah 2:8


semen special

Cell 716.397.1597

Happy New Year! Start your New Year right with FREE SHIPPING in January & February on orders of 30 units or more!

23-Year Progressive Genetics Award Winner Young Cows & Bred Heifers Available

Mike Walker Photography 7 Woodmancy St. Randolph, NY 14772

Hey New Yorker’s!

Ä›Â›ÂŠÂ—ÂŒÂ’ÂœÂ˜Č“ Â?ÂŽÂ—ÇŻÂŒÂ˜Â– Cell: 315.730.3287

Tel: 570.833.5123 US: 800.525.2953 Fax: 920.921.5850

PO Box 164 125 Taurus Ln. Mehoopany, PA 18629

ST Genetics is a division of Inguran LLC

Home of high-type, true-transmitting cow families!


Young Cows & Bulls for Sale! Deep-pedigrees – the foundation kind!

*Calving Ease All 3 are High Conception!


$3.50/unit – must take 300 units, any combination

DEAN SHARP District Sales Representative Western NY

ď ‡ď Ąď ˛ď š ď ”ď ľď ˘ď Żď Źď Šď Žď Żď€Żď †ď Šď Ľď Źď ¤ ď Żď Ś ď „ď ˛ď Ľď Ąď ­ď ł ď ‡ď Ľď Žď Ľď ´ď Šď Łď ł 315-405-1588

Cell: 585/721-8066 E-mail:

1 East Hadley Rd. – Hadley, MA 01035 Gordie & Beth Cook – Cell 413-447-1461 Hank & Debra Cook and Family Cell 413-320-1017 40 - NYN January 2017

New York Member Directory Calf-Cow Specialty Coats

Show Equipment for Sale

Waterproof & Quilted Calf Coats – Jersey, Regular & Jumbo Holstein Cow Coats – Jersey & Holstein Specialty Travel Coats Calves to Cows (all sizes) Ida Jane Plance 1870 Shumway Hill – Wellsboro, PA 16901-6839 (570) 724-4988 – Cell: (570) 419-2001

Visitors and Inquiries on Cattle Always Welcome 309 Covered Bridge Rd. • Unadilla, NY 13849 607.369.2251 • Barn 607.369.9434

1609 Redstone Trail Green Bay, WI 54313 (H) 920.465.3880 (C) 920.737.3050 Lea Jordan Associate Photographer 608.214.1845

Feed Cart, Barn Signs, Clippers, Halters, Brushes – everything connected with showing. Fred Myers Cell: 315-271-5329 Home: 315-865-6190


Opportunity to work with and care for high type Registered Holstein herd. Duties include milking, cattle care, feeding, operating machinery, & general farm maintenance. Housing available.

Elmvue Farm Johnstown, NY Brett: 518-774-4597 Randy: 518-332-8469

Do you enjoy taking photos? Are you a gifted photographer? (it’s okay … you can say it!)

The New York Holstein News is sponsoring a Cover Photo Contest in 2017 and invites you to submit your favorite photos of farm scenes, cows, kids, events … all New York Holstein-related! 1. Only NYHA junior and senior members may participate 2. Scenic photos taken by professional photographers may be submitted, but they must be the property of the member (paid unlimited use fee to the photographer). 3. All photos must contain a Holstein or be related to a NYHA activity. 4. Photos should be high-resolution (300 dpi or higher). Color or black & white photos accepted. 5. Deadline for submitting photos is November 1, 2017. Photos can be submitted throughout the year. The top 5 will be presented in the December issue of the News for a popular vote by News readers. 6. Winners will have their photos used as covers in 2018 as well as receiving a credit toward discounted ad space.

We know New York’s got talent … here’s a great chance to show off your photography skills! Email digital entries (preferred) to or mail hard copy photos to: Photo Contest – New York Holstein News – 840 Hanshaw Rd., Suite 5 – Ithaca, NY 14850 NYN January 2017 - 41


Dr. Larry E. Darling, 73, of Roxbury, New York, passed away peacefully Wednesday, November 2nd at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City, surrounded by his loving family after courageously battling cancer for 16 years. Born April 15th, 1943 in Jamestown, NY, Larry was the son of the late Gweneth Clement Darling and Glenn C. Darling, Jr. Larry is survived by his beloved wife Jeanne of 47 years from Roxbury: son Jeffrey and daughter-in-law Paula and their 4 children Jacob, Kyle, Peyton, and Liana of Schenevus, NY; daughter Laurie Darling Gutheil and son-in-law Jason of Queensbury, NY; son Christopher and girlfriend Kendal Sprague of Roxbury, NY; sister Linda Powell and brother-in-law Dr. Joesef Powell of Conewango NY, brother and sister-in-law Vincent and Anne Warner of Masonville, NY; brother and sister-in-law Charles and Philena Holdridge of Pontiac, MI; brother and sister-in-law Richard and Teri Holdridge of Bloomville, NY; along with many nieces and nephews. Larry’s love for registered Holsteins was passed down through multiple generations of the Darling Family. Farming was in his blood. As a boy, Larry was active in Future Farmers of America, New York Holstein Association, and 4-H. Larry grew up in Conewango Valley and graduated from Pine Valley Central School (Chautauqua County, NY) in 1961. He played basketball and track and field, while excelling in the pole vault, by placing 1st in the county and 2nd in sectionals. Larry displayed his talents for the arts by participating in the school musical in each of his junior and senior years. Larry was outstanding playing the French horn while being a member of the school marching and concert bands. He was also selected to the prestigious Chautauqua All-County Band and a member of the FFA National Band. He served as the state treasurer of the FFA and was exceptional showing cows in 4-H. At the New York State fair, Larry was the state champion for judging cows, a 4-generation feat accomplished by his father in 1936, as well as his son Jeff and grandson, Peyton. Upon graduation, Larry operated the family farm for a year before heading to Ithaca, NY to attend Cornell University. Larry graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University in 1967. He worked diligently at the Cornell dairy barns throughout his 7 years at Cornell to pay for his education. He was a member of Alpha Zeta, a fraternity devoted to the furtherance of agriculture and life sciences. He continued his education at Cornell University and graduated in 1969 with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. He went to auctioneer school in Mason City, Iowa and volunteered his time and skills for decades as the auctioneer for the Delaware County Holstein Club at its’ annual spring calf sale at the Delaware County Fair and other community events. As a veterinarian, Larry took great pride in his work; his love for animals was exemplary in his demeanor, approach, and care. He worked countless hours to save sick cows; never giving up on an injured animal if there was any chance of improvement. He expanded his education by obtaining accreditation as a licensed state veterinarian. Throughout his career, Larry serviced over 50 dairy farms and held rabies clinics for small animals. As a farmer, he understood the economics of the dairy farming industry and was always cognizant and fair with his services rendered. Larry was a leader in the community. He served as a member of the Roxbury Central School Board for 10 years, while serving as board president for 5 years. He was a member of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Delaware County and the Delaware County Holstein Club of which he also served as president. A little more than a month after graduation, Larry married the love of his 42 - NYN January 2017

life, Jeanne Marie Holdridge on July 19, 1969. The two of them embarked on a journey of family, friends, farming and veterinary medicine. Larry was a true family man: with unwavering love and devotion to his family. He enjoyed spending time watching his children and grandchildren play sports, show cows, and attend concerts. He always made time to teach his children lifelong skills through preparation, planning, and showing registered Holsteins at the county, state, and national dairy shows. One of Larry’s highlights in the show ring was watching Chris show his homebred intermediate calf Darling Farm Luke Jasmine at the 1997 mid-east fall national show in Louisville, KY. Watching from the stands, Larry learned that Chris and Jasmine had defeated the 1997 open show World Dairy Expo winner. Larry loved to travel the world with his family and friends. He traveled across the country multiple times visiting family and dairy friends from Cornell. He traveled to Europe three times with the Saint Rose Women’s Soccer team. Another highlight of Larry’s was being in Pensacola, FL in the fall of 2011. He was strong enough to witness Laurie coach the women’s soccer team at Saint Rose to the 2011 National Championship. Larry was recognized as a master breeder from the Delaware County Holstein Club. Along with his wife Jeanne, they were recognized as honorary members in 1992. Larry proudly bred over 25 excellent cows and bulls along with one all-American and three junior all-American nominations with Holstein cattle. In addition, he took great pride in earning five best bred and owned awards at National Holstein Shows along with receiving multiple premier breeder and exhibitor awards at the Delaware County Holstein Show. His favorite cow, Jennie, lived to be 15 years. She produced nearly 300,000 pounds of milk with over 10,000 pounds of butterfat. Jennie has links to most of the offspring on the family farm over the past 25 years. After battling cancer for 5 years, in 2006 Larry transitioned the Darling Farm and dairy production to organic. He has been a strong supporter of the vision and direction of Organic Valley. Besides his parents, Larry is predeceased by his sister Nancy Darling Chyu who died on October 24, 2000. Larry left an indelible impression on everyone he met. Those who knew Larry were drawn to his humor, quick wit, and charisma. Those who loved Larry will remember him for his compassionate and generous spirit. He expected best efforts from his children and those he worked with. Hard work was a virtue that he demonstrated every day. He was a man with integrity, and lived each day with honor and pride. The family greatly appreciates family members and friends who helped take care of Larry throughout his tremendous battles with cancer. A special thank you to Joanne McLaughlin, Dr. Esperanza Papadopoulos, Dr. Paul Hamlin, and the stem cell transplant and medical oncologist teams at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center as well as the nurses and staff that cared for him. A memorial service was held November 9 at the Community Church in Delhi with buial following in New Kingston Valley Cemetery. Pastor Frank MacCracken officiated the ceremony along with brother-in-law, Pastor Charles Holdridge. For memorial contributions, the family has established a fund for youth involved with fitting, showing, and judging dairy cattle at the Delaware County Fair. In addition, a memorial scholarship will be created at Cornell University in the memory of Dr. Larry E. Darling for students who originated from a New York State dairy farm and enroll in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. Contributions can be sent to: Community Bank, 124 Delaware Street, Walton, NY 13856, c/o Dr. Larry E. Darling Memorial Fund.

You Asked.

GENEX Delivered. A Global Index Designed for Commercial Producers The Ideal Commercial Cow (ICC$) index uses real-time economic indicators and science-based genetic principles to address the needs of commercial dairy producers. The index incorporates data-driven genetic evaluations and research from multiple sources.

ICC$ Compared to LNM$ The ICC$ index puts more emphasis on health and fertility selection as well as longevity. Specifically, ICC$ leads to improved female fertility as well as fewer health events through inclusion of the GENEX proprietary health traits – Subclinical Ketosis, Metritis and Foot Health.

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NYN January 2017 - 43



The purpose of the Calf Scholarship Award Program is to select a youth who is worthy of the award - a fine pedigreed calf with the potential to develop into a future brood cow. The program offers such a calf to a youth who has demonstrated the interest and ability to develop the calf to her fullest potential and who will grow through this project. Applicants for this award must meet the following specifications: 1. Age limit – 12-15 years of age (as of January 1, 2017). 2. Housing facilities - youth must have the facilities to raise a calf, must live or work on a working dairy farm including milking facilities, and the herd must be on or be willing to participate in official test and classify, when the animal calves and is eligible to participate in these programs. The calf must be housed in New York State. 3. Junior Holstein membership -- applicants do not necessarily have to be Junior members, but must be willing to join the New York Junior Holstein Association. Applicant must be a resident of New York State. Juniors who have previously applied and not been selected to win the calf are welcome to resubmit an application. 4. Farm visits – youth must welcome periodic farm visits. 5. Show calf -- winner must be willing to show the calf at appropriate shows. Additional forms are available upon request from the New York Holstein Office, 840 Hanshaw Road, Suite 5, Ithaca, NY 14850 (Phone: 607-273-7591) and on line at, OR, you may photo copy the form as needed. Applications must be mailed to the same office with a postmark on or before March 2, 2017. The calf will be awarded at the 2017 New York Holstein Spring Carousel, Syracuse, New York, during the NYS Junior Show. One reference from an adult (such as Jr. Holstein Advisor, 4-H Leader, Teacher, or adult Mentor) is also required. This reference should be sent directly to the New York Holstein Association office.

NEW YORK HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION, INC. 2017 CALF SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION NAME__________________________________________________________ COUNTY________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________ CITY___________________ ZIP CODE_______________ TELEPHONE_______________________________________________ AGE (As of January 1, 2017) _____________ 1. 4-H_____ (yrs), FFA_____ (yrs), State & Co. Holstein Assoc._____ (yrs) Junior Member of Holstein Association USA, Inc._____ (yrs) 2. Number of Registered Holsteins (100% RHA) on home farm______ Number of 87 to 99% RHA______ Number of Less than 87% RHA______ RHA means Registered Holstein Ancestry 3. Number of this total owned by_____ Junior family members: 100% RHA______ 87 to 99 % RHA______ Less than 87% RHA______ 4. Number of this total that you currently own: 100 % RHA______ 87 to 99 % RHA______ Less than 87% RHA______ Applicant’s Signature ____________________________________________ Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature___________________________________ Name and phone number of reference ___________________________________________________

Please attach your answers to questions 5 through 10 on separate paper, limiting the answer to each question to 100 words or less. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Why are you interested in Registered Holsteins? What are your responsibilities on the home farm? What are your goals and/or plans for the future? Why do you feel you are worthy of this animal? How would you develop this calf to her fullest potential? 10. What are your other interests and activities? DEADLINE: Must be postmarked on or before March 2, 2017 2017 CALF SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION PLEASE RETURN THIS SHEET DIRECTLY TO: NEW YORK HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION 840 HANSHAW ROAD, SUITE 5 ITHACA, NY 14850 Fax: 607-273-7612 Email:

Applicant’s Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendation: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed___________________________________________

Title/relationship to applicant___________________________________

Please attach answers to questions 5-10 with application. 44 - NYN January 2017

(Additional pages may be used if necessary.)

And the Nominees Are... Nominated All-American Aged Cow

Nominated All-American Aged Cow





** To the NY Convention ET Sale, Jan. 12: 5 #1 IVF Sexed Doorman embryos from Kristina! /RRNLQJ IRU \RXU QH[W EOXH ULEERQ ZLQQHU" :H KDYH VKRZ DJH FDOYHV IURP PDQ\ RI RXU EHVW FRZV DYDLODEOH *LYH XV D FDOO

Best wishes to everyone in the New Year!

Todd Galton & Family 2146 Mill St., Nunda, NY 14517 3KRQH ‡ WJDOWRQ #IURQWLHUQHW QHW +ROVWHLQZRUOG FRP UROO Q YLHZ

Your visit and interest are always welcome.

NYN January 2017 - 45


Fantasia’s EX Sanchez Her Dam: Roedale S Fantasia-ET (4E-95) 8-08 2x 365 37,562 3.3 1239 2.6 970 LT: 233,667 3.2 7572 2.8 6388 2 EX & 4 VG daughters to date. Babies at the farm by Absolute, Byway, and Windhammer. Her May Windhammer bull is available.


• Jamesway • Berg • Patz • Farmway • Clay • Starline • Badger •J&D Drive Units, Sprockets & Ramps Available Call for Delivery & Installation

Art Timmel Equipment

2nd Dam: Tri-Day Encore Fanny-ET (EX-92) 2-06 3x 365 33,410 3.9 1318 3.0 1005

Roedale Sanchez Fedora-ET *RC (EX-90, EX-MS)

3rd Dam: Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite 2-07 2x 365 25,112 3.1 783 2.9 731 (2E-92-DOM) 4-10 2x 365 26,290 3.1 817 2.7 715 6-01 2x 337 22,670 3.4 770 2.9 663 6-00 2x 91 7,856 3.0 235 2.9 225 Inc. By Sanchez, she was fresh in September with a red heifer calf by Hy Class. She has been bred back to Awesome-Red. Thank you to the new customers that came to Roedale in December: Henry and Mike Huizinga from Owego picked up two service bulls from Attitude Alexus-Red (EX-91 w/942F in 148 days @ 4Y), Jeremy Mikelac from Ft. Plain picked up two goosenecks of straw and the folks from Conant Acres in Maine got a load of hay delivered right before Christmas. How can we help YOU in 2017? Give us a call today!

3626 Brown St. • Collins, NY 14034

716.532.2040 Shop 716.532.2919 Home

Building Something Special

Allan & Pat Pullis Jason, Holly, Max, & Owen Pullis Luke, Theresa, Adam, Lucia & Noah Pullis 626 McShane Rd., Richfield Springs, NY 13439 Phone: 315-858-0651 Luke’s Cell: 315-263-7422 Jason’s Cell: 315-794-6737

– Index of Advertisers – Bacon Hill Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cattle Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 36 Central New York Holstein Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Cook Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Co-Vale Holsteins LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Coyne Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Currie Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Eildon Tweed Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Elmvue Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Field of Dreams Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fisher, Cybil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Footbridge Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Folts Farms, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Francisco, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Genex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Green Banks Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ideal Dairy Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Joleanna Holsteins, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 La Casa de Leche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Maplegrand Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mellinger, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Midas Touch Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Mikelholm Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Myers, Fred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 46 - NYN January 2017

New York Convention ET Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 New York Holstein Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Oakfield Corners Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Ovaltop Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Plance, Ida Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Ransom Rail Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Reyncrest Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Roedale Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Roll-N-View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Rossdale Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Select Sire Power, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sharp, Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ST-Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Telstar Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Tiger Lily Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Timmel, Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Tubolino, Gary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Val-E-Vue Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Walker, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Wall Street Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Wideawake Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 WNY Farm Show & Spring Dairy Preview . . . . . . . . . 39 Zuber Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2016 Was a Good Year at Oakfield Corners Excited For a Sara

2E-94 -- EEEEE All-NY Aged Cow Grand Champion, WNY Regional Show Grand and Supreme Champion WNY Spring Show


Great 2017



EX-94 -- EEEEE All-NY 4-Year-Old Reserve Grand Champion, WNY Regional Show Reserve Senior and HM Grand Champion, NY State Fair


Also honored to win All-NY Junior Best 3 Females, Reserve Jr Champion at NY State Fair R&W Show with Rejoyc-Red, and Reserve Grand and Reserve Supreme Champion at the Nioga Show with Shanel

HHM All-NY Spring Yrlg 2nd Place Spring Yrlg, NY International Spring Show Reserve All-NY Winter Calf 2nd Place Winter Calf, WNY Regional Show

Proud to host the first Growing Through Showing Workshop with nearly 300 youth in attendance! We also had a successful Tag Sale at Oakfield Corners, selling 40 head for an average of $2903.75. We have a great team at Oakfield Corners this year with Andy Beach, Adam Dresser, Andrew and Jenna Lenhart, Madison Fisher, and Emilie Mulligan. Best wishes to Kelly Reynolds in her new role with NY Holstein.

JONATHAN & ALICIA LAMB OAKFIELD CORNERS DAIRY / LAMB FARMS INC. Oakfield, NY 14125 Cell: 585-704-2501 • Fax: 585-343-4226

EX-92 -- EEEEE All-NY Junior 3-Year-Old Nominated All-American Reserve Intermediate Champion, WNY Regional Show HM Intermediate Champion, NY State Fair 1st Place Junior 3-Yr-Old, NY International Spring Show 2nd Place Junior 3-Yr-Old, World Dairy Expo

Mark your calendar s now for the 2017 Sp ring Sensation Sale, M ay 20 at the farm! Email:

14 heifers on farm over +2800 GTPI 133 heifers on farm +2700-2799 GTPI Three high ranking full brothers now available at Select Sires: 507HO12899 SlamDunk +2815 GTPI 507HO12897 Samuri +2802 GTPI 507HO12898 SuperSpring +2796 GTPI Their Dam

OCD Supersire 9882-ET (VG-86 @ 2Y), +2678 GTPI, now owned by Anderson, Genosource, and Jorgensen Watch for the current #8 bull of the breed, Oakfield Modest Einstein, +2916 GTPI, to be available from Select Sires in 2017!


sexed semen

Conception rivals


Genetics You Want in the Daughters You Need US 800.525.2953 920.921.6029

XY® and Sexing Technologies® sex-selected sperm products are made using the proprietary technologies of XY LLC and Inguran LLC, as partially represented by US patents 7208265, 6524860, 6357307, 6604435, and 8623657. Patents Pending worldwide. XY® sex-selected inseminates are packaged as single use artificial insemination doses for heifers not to be divided or used in MOET or IVF procedures. STgenetics is a division of Inguran LLC. XY is a registered trademark of XY, LLC. The STgenetics logo/mark and SexedULTRA are trademarks of Inguran LLC. Sexing Technologies and the STg logo/mark are a registered trademarks of Inguran LLC. Product of the USA.

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