The ZBW Special Edition Sale

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Sale Order 1








































































































Z B W S p e c i a l E d i t i o n 2 0 11

Ma-Tom-Ba Aspen Rae 526 (EX-91 EX-MS) Dam of Lot 50A

Lot 50A

Aaron Eaton, Scott Walton and Russell Subject 4227 W. Seneca Turnpike Syracuse, NY 13215 315/857-8125 (Aaron)

Erinwood Goldwyn Rae 1-ET 140537880 100%RHA Born: June 12, 2009 P9 PTPI +1816 pta +322M +35f +20P 41%r 8/2011 pta +.4PL 2.81scs -1.3dpr 8%dce pta +3.12t 2.14udc +2.20flc Awesome Jr. 2-Year-Old

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84-8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +2001G PTA +211M +38F +19P 99%R 8/2011 PTA +425NM +.11%F +.05%P 7%US PTA +2.4PL 2.63SCS -.4DPR 6%DCE PTA +3.13T +2.63UDC +2.73FLC 99%R 8/2011

SHOREMAR JAMES 5902195C TV TL CAN GP-81-2Y 8-03 GM 50K GTPI +1258G PTA +.67T +.62UDC +.23FLC 99%R 4/2011

Ma-Tom-Ba Aspen Rae 526 62316450 tr EX-91 EEEVE 4-08

Ek-Oseeana Aspen-ET 129854100 tv tl CAN EX-91 50K GTPI +1209G PTA +2.66T +1.42UDC +1.39FLC 99%R 8/2011

2-06 2 365 30750 4.1 1259 3.2 986 4-03 2 365 39550 3.8 1514 3.1 1227

BRAEDALE BALER TWINE-ET 6860888C CAN VG-86-2Y 29* 2-01 2 365 30906 4.9 1521 3.4 1052

Scientific Durh Rae 400-ET 60702630 CV VG-87 VVVVV 3-00 2-03 2 305 25340 3.2 815 3.0 765 3-09 2 365 41390 4.2 1744 3.3 1356

Sells Fresh 9/1/2011

3rd Dam: Scientific Charity Rae-ET (EX-91) 5-00 2 365 44120 3.8 1694 2.8 1247 4th Dam: C Hanoverhill Tony Rae (3E-96 GMD DOM 5*) 6-11 3 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 HM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old ‘88 Nom. All-American 5-Year-Old ‘91 9 EX Daughters Nom. All-American ‘88 & ‘91 5th Dam: Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET (2E-94 GMD DOM) 10-00 3 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129 6th Dam: Mil-R-Mor Roxette (EX-90 GMD DOM) 7-01 2 365 24530 4.7 1153 21 EX Progeny Canada’s 1st 30* Brood Cow 7th Dam: C Glenridge Citation Roxy (4E-97 EX-MS GMD) 5-06 2 365 21308 5.1 1086 2X Queen of the Breed! 16 EX dtrs. All-Time All-American Aged Cow Over 100 EX decendents in this family! 8th Dam: EX-90 GMD 6* Life: 218636 3.9 8581 9th Dam: VG 5* Brood Cow Life: 249580 3.7 9295

Z B W S p e c i a l E d i t i o n 2 0 11

Wilstar-RS TLT Limited-Red (EX-94 EX-MS) Dam of Lot 103

Lot 103

Milk Source LLC c/o Jamie Endvick N3569 Vanden Bosch Road Kaukauna, WI 54130 920/766-5335

Milksource SS Deuce Lucy-eT 69954119 RC

Scientific SS Deuce-ET 135787957 RC TV TL TY 50K GTPI +1656G EX-90 EEV+ 4-07 PTA -22M -27F +4P 99%R 8/2011 PTA +93NM -.10%F +.02%P 99%R 8/2011 PTA +2.3PL 3.01SCS +1.70DPR 8%DCE PTA +2.26T +1.78UDC +2.19FLC 98%R 8/2011

WILSTAR-RS TLT LIMITED RED 62371079 EX-94 EEEVE 5-11 1-11 2 365 24200 3.8 928 3.2 778 3-07 2 365 37420 4.1 1519 3.3 1221

100%RHA Born: January 17, 2011

PURSUIT SEPTEMBER STORM-ET 6820564C RC TV TL CAN EX ST GM 50K GTPI +2608G PTA -174M +36F -11P 99%R 8/2011 PTA +1.90T +1.49UDC +2.82FLC 99%R 8/2011 Scientific Debutante Rae-ET 132416603 rc cv EX-92 EEEEE GMD DOM 4-00 2-02 2 365 32930 4.4 1440 3.2 1070

All-American 4-Year-Old ‘05 Res. Sr. &  Res. Grand World Dairy Expo ‘05 LADINO PARK TALENT-IMP-ET 930377AUS RC TV TL EX-90 6Y AUS 50K GTPI +1433G PTA +2.09T +2.37UDC +.99FLC 99%R 8/2011 WILSTAR-RS KITE LOVER-RED 134370389 EX-91 EEEVE 2E 6-01 2-03 2 327 26160 3-03 2 365 32070 4-07 2 365 41700 LIFE 1258 116740

3.7 977 3.6 1170 3.9 1627 3.9 4511

3.1 820 3.1 999 3.1 1297 3.2 3703

Breeding info 3rd Dam: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Wilstar-RS Rub Lazer-Red-TW xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (2E-91 EX-MS) 4-02 2 365 40920 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.7 1532 3.3 1356 Life: 1550 135190 3.7 4954 3.3 4504 4th Dam: WVA-Greystone M Lexus-ET (EX-91) 4-04 2 365 28490 3.1 890 3.0 842 Life: 1560 113910 3.3 3756 3.1 3477 5th Dam: Hanover-Hill Charlylu-Red (VG-85 DOM) 4-11 3 365 35320 4.1 1463 3.6 1280 LIFE 2108 164030 3.8 6183 3.6 5844 6th Dam: Hanover-Hill-R Lulu-Red-ET (2E-91 EEEEE) 3-05 3 365 26620 3.9 1033 3.5 920 7th Dam: C Hanoverhill Sheik Lulu-ET (3E-94 EEEVE GMD DOM) 6-11 3 365 37730 3.9 1488 3.0 1146 LIFE 2849 206369 3.9 8136 3.5 7196 8th Dam: Tora Triple Threat Lulu *RC (EX-96 EX-MS GMD DOM) 3-04 2 321 22070 3.7 812 LIFE 2395 133398 3.9 5185 9th Dam: Ormsby Lougo (2E-90 GMD) 8-05 2 365 24550 3.7 899 10th Dam: Ormsby Alta Pride (VG) 11-10 2 365 22837 3.4 776 11th Dam: VG-GMD

Z B W S p e c i a l E d i t i o n 2 0 11

Rossdale Boliver Rachel-ET (2E-92 EX-MS DOM) Dam of Lot 105

Lot 105

Rossdale SHR Alex Reba-ET 66758165

Kevin & Barb Ziemba 2082 Poplar Ridge Road Aurora, NY 13026 315/730-0201

100%RHA Born: September 11, 2009 P9 50K GTPI +1806G PTA +207M +75F +17P 76%R 8/2011 PTA +385NM +.26%F +.04%P PTA +1.6PL 2.97SCS -.5DPR 7%DCE PTA +1.59T +1.58UDC +.47FLC 73%R 8/2011 Milking Yearling for the Royal!

Golden-Oaks St Alexander-eT 61133837 tr tv tl Td EX-93 EEVE 7-07 50K GTPI +1814G PTA +779M +68F +26P 94%R 8/2011 PTA +327NM +.15%F +.01%P 100%US PTA+1.0PL 2.90SCS -2.3DPR 8%DCE PTA +2.37T +1.53UDC +2.00FLC 89%R 8/2011

NEU-WAY PATRON ALLIE-ET 17216847 CV TM VG-87 VE+VV GMD DOM 2-08 1-11 2 365 35440 3.9 1398 3.1 1101


END-ROAD PVF BOLIVER-ET 123586443 TV TL TY EX-96 EEEE 11-11 GM 50K GTPI +1839G

2-02 2 365 28160 4.3 1214 3.2 894 5-08 2 349 31880 4.0 1279 3.0 950

Sells Fresh 9/8/2011 1st Test 70lbs. 5.9F 2.8P

COMESTAR STORMATIC-ET 6947936C TV TL CAN VG-88-4Y Extra 50K GTPI +1500G PTA +1.74T +.93UDC +2.55FLC 99%R 8/2011

ROSSDALE ADDISION REICHT-ET 132471767 VG-88 VVGVV 4-01 2-02 2 365 26380 3.9 1040 3.0 783 3-07 2 365 34680 4.6 1578 3.0 1038 5-05 2 326 22290 3.8 851 3.0 667

3rd Dam: Rossdale Rudy Rose-ET (VG-87 EX-MS DOM) 3-09 2 365 30100 4.8 1451 3.1 933 4th Dam: Ara-Kuh Bell Bernice (VG-87 GMD DOM) 5-03 3 365 30837 3.6 1101 3.1 951 LIFE 1532 110637 3.7 4060 3.0 3347 5th Dam: Ara-Kuh Cavilier Anne (VG-85) 5-01 2 305 24670 3.7 904 3.0 752 LIFE 1525 112180 3.7 4171 3.1 3512

Z B W S p e c i a l E d i t i o n 2 0 11

Lot 106

Loyalea Rose Royce Mitzi 9785834c

Clark Valley Holsteins 26429 Simcoe St. RR2 Woodville, ON K0M 2T0 705/439-2261

Sells Fresh 8/24/2011

Born: September 3, 2009

Sterndale Ross Royce Red-eT 633751c CVF BLF

KHW KITE ADVENT-RED-ET 133002953 TV TL TD EX-94 EEEE 5-00 50K GTPI+1516G PTA +2.44T +2.22UDC +1.55FLC 99%R 8/2011 lavender ruby redrose-red 7254370c EX-96 EEEEE 3E 9-02 7-04 2 365 52100 4.9 2576 3.2 1653 LIFE 1767 182360 4.1 7546 3.3 6041

Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo ‘05 Grand Champion Grand Int’l R&W Show ‘07 curlhaven meteor storm 9287981c CAN EX-90 4E 3-02 2 351 27090 4-03 2 365 28744 6-07 2 365 32251 8-10 2 355 26777 LIFE 181663

3.6 977 3.6 1041 3.6 1173 3.7 983 3.6 6616

3.1 829 3.0 862 2.9 933 2.9 787 3.0 5470

Maughlin Storm 5457798 CAN EX GM Extra Curlhaven Metro Klor 10662475c CAN G-75 2Y 3rd Dam: Curlhaven Charles Klo (CAN VG-85 4Y)

Lot 107

Devans Denzel Princess 11163761c

Devans Holsteins 7443 Range Rd. RR 1 Smithville, Ont. L0R 2A0

La Presentation Denzel-ET 101431985c BYF CVF BLF CAN VG-86 4Y Extra

Born: December 24, 2010 Fancy Show Heifer

CALBRETT-I H H CHAMPION 6961162C TV TL CAN EX GM LA PRESENTATION DANOISE 7261170C CAN VG-88 5Y 6* 4-10 2 365 36468 4.2 1548 3.4 1243

Dymentholm Carisma Regal 9789787c CAN VG-85 2Y 2-00 2 238 17425 4.5 785 3.3 571 (Inc)

1st Inter. Yearling Niagara ‘10 Res. Jr. Champion Niagara ‘09 Grand 4-H Calf Niagara ‘09 1st Inter. Calf Niagara ‘09

Dupasquier Carisma 9409361c CAN EX-94 Glen Drummond Remark 9360238c CAN EX-90 EX-MS 2-06 2 313 24156 4.8 1162 3.7 895 3-05 2 355 27584 4.9 1340 3.7 1008 4-10 2 365 33735 4.5 1534 3.5 1166

Res. Jr. Champion Ontario Spring Discovery ‘04 1st Jr. Yearling Ontario Spring Discovery ‘04 2nd Jr. Yearling N Niagara ‘04

3rd Dam: Glen Drummond Shower-ET (CAN EX 13*) 4-10 2 365 28583 4.8 1380 3.6 1016 1st Jr. Calf West Central Champion ‘90 4th Dam: Glen Drummond S C Jo Beth (CAN 2E-90 7*) 5-09 3 305 31358 4.0 1263 3.1 974 Life: 141637 4.2 5994 Production Award & 1 SUP lactation Grand Champion Brant Wentworth ‘84 5th Dam: Glen Drummond Matt Beth (CAN VG-85 4*) 11-10 2 365 25038 3.7 935 2.8 697 Life: 105953 4.1 4295 6th Dam: Glen Drummond Marquis Beth (CAN VG) Life: 112688 4.2 4766 7th Dam: Ferglynn Rag Apple Bertha (CAN VG 3*) 7-00 2 365 27796 4.7 1303 Life: 208857 4.0 8344

Z B W S p e c i a l E d i t i o n 2 0 11

Freurehaven Shottle Lautella (CAN VG-87) Dam of Lot 109

Lot 109

Freurehaven Labelle 11004728c

David Dyment and Sebastien Dion c/o Dyment 468 Falls View Road Dundas, Ont., Canada 905/308-1008 (David) 519/320-0656 (Sebastien)

Born: April 27, 2011 GTPI +2239G PTA +1742M +53F +60P 8/2011 PTA +3.4PL +2.77SCS +.1DPR PTA +3.03T +2.38UDC +2.63FLC 8/2011 GPA LPI +2899 DGV LPI +3012 +12 CONF +11MS LPI +2611 PA +1794M +69F +73P +12CONF +9MS +8FL 8/2011

Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET 135746776 VG-85 VVV+ 4-11 GM 50K GTPI +2193G PTA +1317M +70F +68P 94%R 8/2011 PTA +623NM +.08%F +.10%P 100%US PTA +2.6PL 2.94SCS +.8DPR 7%DCE PTA +1.82T +1.40UDC +2.05FLC 91%R 8/2011

FREUREHAVEN SHOTTLE LAUTELLA 9690374 CAN VG-87 1Y GLPI +2263 +1828M +51F +53P +15 CONF 1-09 2 117 11687 4.0 467 3.1 351 305 27802 4.0 1109 3.1 873 (Proj.)

O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET 122358313 TR TV TL EX-94 EEEE 7-07 GM 50K GTPI +2060G WINNING-WAY MARCI-ET 130677626 CV VG-89 EEEVV 7-04 1-11 2 365 32010 4.8 1544 3.6 1158

PICSTON SHOTTLE-ET 598172GBR TV TL GM 50K GTPI +2074G PTA +1301M +62F +36P 99%R 8/2011 PTA +2.92T +2.16UDC +1.92FLC 99%R 8/2011 Freurehaven Lautella Boldton 8927738 CAN VG-87 2Y GLPI +2877 1-11 2 356 36616 4.3 1556 3.4 1239

3rd Dam: Cometar Lautella Goldwyn 1-11 2 365 37518 4.8 1786 3.5 1296 4-11 2 294 37884 4.2 1581 3.3 1246 Full Sister to Lauthority Sold for $140,000 in A.D.I. Sale 4th Dam: Comestar Lautelma Igniter (CAN VG-89 4Y 12*) 4-02 2 365 49804 4.7 2343 3.5 1728 5th Dam: Comestar Lautelle Emerson (CAN VG-85 2Y 2*) 2-02 2 365 30298 4.0 1197 3.6 1093 6th Dam: Comestar Lausan Black (CAN VG-87 6Y 23*) 5-04 2 365 37039 4.3 1587 3.6 1318 Life: 108246 4.4 4735 3.8 4151 7th Dam: Comestar Laurie Shiek (CAN VG-88 5Y 23*) 6-09 2 365 29864 4.5 1329 3.2 959 Life: 2015 106564 4.5 4780 3.5 3682 HM All-American Sr. 2-Year-Old ‘89 All-Canadian Sr. 2-Year-Old ‘89 Cow of the Year ‘95 - 12 VG dtrs 8th Dam: Elysa Anthony Lea (CAN EX 15*) 6-02 2 365 35770 3.9 1398 2.9 1049 LIFE 1569 109579 4.0 4335 3.1 3439 3rd Aged Cow Victoriaville 1988

Z B W S p e c i a l E d i t i o n 2 0 11

Lot 110

Floch Farms Carolina 69895821

Sells Fresh 9/26/2011

100%RHA Born: September 12, 2009 Milking Fall Yearling

Jason Floch 779 N Summit Road Jamestown, PA 16134 724/932-3735

BRAEDALE GOLDWYN 10705608C TV TL CAN GP-84-8Y Extra GM 50K GTPI +2001G PTA +211M +38F +19P 99%R 8/2011 PTA +425NM +.11%F +.05%P 7%US PTA +2.4PL 2.63SCS -.4DPR 6%DCE PTA +3.13T +2.63UDC +2.73FLC 99%R 8/2011

SHOREMAR JAMES 5902195C TV TL CAN GP-81-2Y 8-03 GM 50K GTPI +1258G PTA +.67T +.62UDC +.23FLC 99%R 4/2011 BRAEDALE BALER TWINE-ET 6860888C CAN VG-86-2Y 29* 2-01 2 365 30906 4.9 1521 3.4 1052

SILKY GIBSON-ET 6215479C BY TV TL CAN EX 96 ST 50K GTPI +1318G pta +1.50T +1.07udc +.22flc 99%r 8/2011

Floch Farms Carly 141484644

Floch Farms Candy 137665945 tr EX-90 EEEVV 5-03 4-11 2 323 20690 3.4 712 3.0 617

Lot 111

Ronbeth Hopefullee 9499102c Born: June 6, 2003

Matthew Sears 2109 E. Clark Road Homer, NY 13077 607/749-6276

COMESTAR LEE-ET 5757117C TV TL CAN EX-Extra GM 50K GTPI +1353G PTA +1.18T +.51UDC +.98FLC 99%R 8/2011

3rd Dam: Garden-Acres Casey (VG-88) 4th Dam: Garden-Acres Katie (GP-82) 5th Dam: Garden-Acres Con (3E-90) 10-08 2 305 24550 3.9 949 2.9 717 Life: 2440 175650 3.8 6634 3.0 5231 6th Dam: Garden-Acres P Snoflake (3E-93 EEEE GMD DOM) 5-02 2 305 31420 3.3 1022 2.7 846 Life: 1704 152780 3.2 4825 2.8 4255 7th Dam: Garden-Acres Snoball (3E-93 EEEE) 7-03 2 305 24410 3.1 750 Life: 2157 141210 3.0 4216

Sells Fresh 5/7/2011 Bred 9/29/2011 to Sicy Knowledge 200H5340

HANOVERHILL RAIDER-ET 390409C TV TL CAN EX Extra COMESTAR LAURA BLACK-ET 5319783C CAN VG-87-3Y 19* 4-04 2 352 33084 3.5 1157 3.1 1026

Ronbeth Skychief Hope 6340139c CAN VG-87 5Y 2-03 3-04 4-03 5-04

2 2 2 2

348 307 305 345

19773 19656 21228 20597

4.3 4.4 4.4 4.1

844 864 925 835

3.2 3.5 3.2 3.2

639 683 687 663

DONNANDALE SKYCHIEF-ET 391661C TL CAN EX-Extra GM Ronbeth Aerostar Holly 5508631c CAN VG-88 9Y 1* 2-01 2 364 21532 3-02 2 328 22233 4-03 2 325 25191 5-03 2 314 23302 6-03 2 305 24219 7-07 2 365 26688 LIFE 223359

4.1 890 4.1 921 4.0 1011 3.9 919 4.1 1003 4.1 1086 4.1 9140

3.3 703 3.4 749 3.1 784 3.2 747 3.3 798 3.3 873 3.2 7239

3rd Dam: Ronbeth Telmatt Dolly (CAN 3E-EX 9*) 13-02 2 365 21241 4.2 881 3.3 709 Life: 277493 4.4 12193 3.4 5410 3 EX Daughters 4th Dam: Ronbeth Empress Donna (CAN VG-85 2*) Life: 192440 4.0 7637 5th Dam: Ronbeth Priscilla Burkess (CAN EX) 3*) Life: 188870 4.1 7690 6th Dam: Ronbeth Supreme Burkess (CAN VG 4*) Life: 220967 4.4 9744

ZBW Special Edition Updates Lot 1 -­‐ Sells with 10 embryo guarantee or full refund by 4/15/12. Lot 2 -­‐ SRF-­‐ZBW Clark Lynn-­‐ET 63950318 Born 7/9/11 Lot 3 -­‐ Dam is NOW EX-­‐92 (92, 91, 92, 93, 92) Dam RIP 4-­‐0 195 18,993 3.5 657 2.9 556 inc. Lot 4 -­‐ Dam is NOW EX-­‐92 (92, 91, 92, 93, 92) Dam RIP 4-­‐0 195 18,993 3.5 657 2.9 556 inc. Lot 5 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐86 @ 2-­‐7 (86, 86, 82, 87, 86) Dam is NOW EX-­‐92 (92, 91, 92, 93, 92) $10,000 bull contract to Select Sires $8,000 bull contract to Genex ABS interest 2-­‐2 114 10,043 3.8 380 3.1 307 inc. Lot 6 -­‐ Bigtime Summer Yearling for 2012 Dam is now VG-­‐86 and 2nd Dam is now EX-­‐92 Lot 7 -­‐ Out Lot 8 -­‐ Dam is now VG-­‐86 and 2nd Dam is now EX-­‐92 Lot 11 -­‐ Awesome Spring Calf Lot 13 -­‐ Genex would like to talk to new owner for a bull contract Lot 14 -­‐ Checked Pregnant to Gold Chip (Bred 8/8/11) $10,000 bull contracted to Select Sires $8,000 bull contract to Genex Lot 16 -­‐ Genex would like to talk to new owner for a bull contract Lot 18 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐86 @ 2-­‐8 (85, 88, 86, 85, 85)!!!! 2 Select Sires Bull Contracts for $10,000 each ABS Bull Contract $9,000 Bull Contract to Genex 5#1 embryo contract to Genex @ $1450/embryo Embryo interest from Masterrind and GenElite

Lot 19 -­‐ ABS Contract interest at time of flushing Genex Contract interest at time of flushing Select Sires Contract interest at time of flushing Lot 20 -­‐ ABS Contract interest at time of flushing Genex Contract interest at time of flushing Select Sires Contract interest at time of flushing Lot 21 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐85 (85, 86, 82, 82, 85) 78 lbs. 3.9f 3.0p last test Lot 22 -­‐ Dam is NOW 2E-­‐94 and was 6th Aged Cow at International R&W Show – Should be 3x All-­‐ American Nominee Lot 23 -­‐ 3-­‐6 365 32,606 4.7 1541 3.1 1018 Last test 72lbs 4.9f 3.3p Bred 9/24/11 to Runner-­‐P 94H881 Lot 24 -­‐ Fancy Fall Yearling for 2012 2nd Dam is NOW 2E-­‐94 and was 6th Aged Cow at International R&W Show – Should be 3x All-­‐ American Nominee Lot 25 -­‐ Genex would like to talk to new owner for a bull contract Lot 26 -­‐ New calf – Schillinwood Grard Maple-­‐ET 69823910 +1976 GTPI +834M +68F +34P +414NM$ +1.1PL -­‐1.8DPR +2.64T +2.97UDC +1.57FLC Higher genomics of the 2 calves Lot 27 -­‐ Out Lot 28 -­‐ Fancy, Fancy, Fancy Lot 29 -­‐ Averages 12 embryos/flush 2EX & 2 VG daughters, 1 son at Taurus scored EX-­‐94 Daughter scored VG-­‐88 and was 2nd Sr 2 Yr Old NY State Fair Checked on 10/12 with a good CL Lot 31 -­‐ Out

Lot 32 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐88 @ 2-­‐9 (89, 90, 88, 85, 87) 2-­‐5 74 5,606 3.7 206 2.7 150 inc. Last test 84 lbs 3.8f 2.7p Flushed 9/27 to Dempey resulting in 5 #1 and 4 #2 embryos Lot 34 -­‐ Out Lot 35 -­‐ Dam is now EX-­‐90 @ 4-­‐6 (92, 88, 89, 87, 90) Dam RIP 4-­‐2 103 8,723 4.4 328 2.6 226 inc. Lot 38 -­‐ Fancy, Fancy, Fancy Lot 40 -­‐ Genex Contract interest at time of flushing 2nd Dam: Curr-­‐Vale Durham Apricot is now 2E-­‐91 Lot 43 -­‐ 5-­‐10 164 15,909 3.1 490 2.9 460 inc. Bred 10/9/11 to Sexed Dempsey 507H9264 Lot 46 -­‐ 8 Pregnancies due 3/1/12 Lot 47 -­‐ Full sister to embryos +1974 GTPI +459NM +1746M +49F +42P +2.06T Lot 48 -­‐ 11th Winter Yearling at International Holstein Show Lot 49 -­‐ NOW EX-­‐90 @ 3-­‐1 (90, 92, 90, 90, 88) COMPLETES 10 GENERATIONS OF EX ROXYS!!!! 2-­‐10 53 4,191 5.0 210 2.9 123 inc. Last test 97lbs 4.2f 2.9p Serviced 9/26 to Destry Owned by Eaton, J. Phoenix and C. Phoenix Lot 50 -­‐ Polled!! RC test pending DAM SELLS as Lot 50A and is NOW VG-­‐87 (87, 87, 80, 86, 85) Dam RIP -­‐ 2-­‐2 22 998 3.5 35 3.0 30 inc. Lot 50A -­‐ Added lot. Dam of Lot 50. Erinwood Goldwyn Rae1, NOW VG-­‐87 (87, 87, 80, 86, 85) Maternal Sister to Whitaker Stormatic Rae, EX-­‐92 All-­‐American Nominee Serviced 10/13 to Bradnick Lot 54 -­‐ Out

Lot 56 -­‐ Dam should be high VG Dam RIP 1-­‐11 134 7,850 3.8 299 2.7 214 inc Lot 57 -­‐ GLEEM IS NOW EX-­‐94!!! (96, 96, 92, 88, 94) 5-­‐1 112 12,488 3.3 408 2.9 338 inc. Last test 119lbs 4.0f 2.5p Should be All-­‐NY 5 Yr Old! Lot 58 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐86 (86, 89, 82, 83, 86) $10,000 bull contract to Select Sires Last test 85 lbs 4.4f 3.2p Lot 60 -­‐ Out Lot 63 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐87 @ 2-­‐9 (85, 88, 85, 88, 87) Last flush on 9/27 15 good embryos by Atwood 2-­‐1 201 15,690 3.6 555 2.6 415 inc Last test 84lbs 3.6f 2.9p Lot 66 -­‐ REBA LOU is NOW EX-­‐92 (92, 93, 88, 91, 92) Milking over 110 lbs per day Lot 67 -­‐ Out Lot 68 -­‐ NOW EX-­‐90 (91, 92, 88, 87, 89) Milking over 100 lbs per day Lot 70 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐85 (83, 87, 80, 82, 86) $10,000 bull contract to Select Sires 2 Bull Contracts to ABS $8,500 bull contract to Genex 2-­‐2 115 8,609 3.5 290 2.9 245 inc. Last test 87 lbs 3.6f 3.0p Lot 71 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐87 (86, 88, 77, 87, 87) Last test 82lbs. Lot 72 -­‐ Awesome Flush cow milking 100 lbs. Lot 73 -­‐ Substitution – R-­‐E-­‐W Dorcy Candy-­‐ET 69898234 Not Genomic tested PA +2068PTPI

Lot 74 -­‐ WOC-­‐ZBW Braxton Skype 70281674 Born 6/5/11 Wow! She could be crossing the colored shavings as a Summer Yearling next fall. Lot 75 -­‐ A potential All-­‐NY Spring Yearling due to be a Jr 2 for the Spring Shows! Lot 76 -­‐ NOW 2E-­‐91 (89, 93, 87, 88, 92) Most recognized Lawnboy daughter worldwide! Lot 78 -­‐ Serviced to Gold Chip 9/25. Multiple bull and embryo contracts New $8,500 bull contract to Genex Lot 79 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐85 (86, 87, 85, 87, 82) Milking Yearling for the Royal Lot 82 -­‐ Get her home get her bred and have a bigtime Fall Yearling in milk for 2012! Lot 83 -­‐ Now GP-­‐80 (81, 84, 82, 75, 79) 2-­‐0 54 3,420 3.5 111 2.7 94 inc. Last test 68 lbs Lot 86 -­‐ Don’t miss her! Dymentholm Lexis Luxury 11004738 Born: 7/20/11 There are 4 Braxton 7/11 calves from Lulu. Buyer satisfaction guaranteed! The best calf is in the sale, but the buyer is welcome to evaluate all 4 calves within the next few weeks if they would like. Lot 87 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐86 (87, 86, 85, 80, 87) Confirmed Pregnant to Runner-­‐P due 6/10/12 2-­‐2 139 9,585 4.1 393 2.5 244 inc. Last test 82lbs 4.1f 2.7p Lot 89 -­‐ She will show with the best! Lot 90 -­‐ Embryos at sale! Lot 91 -­‐ Embryos at sale! Lot 92 -­‐ Embryos at sale! Lot 93 -­‐ Out Lot 94 -­‐ Embryos at sale!

Lot 96 -­‐ Last test 102lbs 3.8f 3.1p 132 transferrable eggs in 9 flushes. The last 2 were with sexed semen and she had 18 (17 # 1's) Lot 97 -­‐ ABS Contract interest at time of flushing Lot 101 -­‐ Make your own #1 GTPI female! Lot 102 -­‐ Special ET Terms - 25% Down - 25% at Pregnancy Confirmation - Balance at 4 mos. Guarantee- Minimum of 3 females to choose from, from her first flush. At least one over PA. OR First female over PA after that. OR

Standard ET terms – 25% Down – Balance at 4 mos. Minimum of 2 females or all females from first flush. Whichever is greater

Lot 103 -­‐ Dam is World famous Limited. Just named Reserve Grand Champion at the Grand International Red & White Show at World Dairy Expo! Lot 104 -­‐ Out Lot 105 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐86 (87, 87, 82, 85, 86) Milking Yearling for the Royal 1st test 76 lbs 5.9f 2.8p +75F Genomic Lot 106 -­‐ Milking 65-­‐70 lbs. Lot 107 -­‐ Super fancy Winter calf! Lot 108 -­‐ Out Lot 109 -­‐ Do Not Miss this big GTPI and GLPI fancy, black, cut Man-­‐O-­‐Man $10,000 bull contract to Select Sires $9,000 bull contract to Genex ABS Contract interest at time of flushing Semex Contract interest at time of flushing Dam will score higher and is entered as a Jr 2 for the Royal!

Lot 110 -­‐ NOW VG-­‐85 (85, 86, 78, 83, 85) Give her time – She could be the one! Milking Yearling Lot 111 -­‐ NOW EX-­‐90 (95, 93, 92, 84, 88) 7-­‐11 139 12,022 4.0 483 2.7 325, Last test 93lbs 4.0f 3.0p Serviced 9/28 to Bradnick

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