Rana Habibi

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PORTFOLIO Urban Design and Architecture Rana Habibi


Rana Habibi University of Leuven, Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning | Kasteelpark Arenberg 1, Box 2431, 3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium | +32498570174 | rana.habibi@asro.kuleuven.be; rana.habibi@gmail.com


Rana Habibi is a researcher of urban-housing history at university of Leuven in Belgium. Her Ph.D dissertation is about ‹History of Modernist Middle Class Housing in Tehran, 1945-1979› which she worked under supervision of Prof. Bruno De Meulder. She also studied “Urbanism and Strategic Planning” as her Master degree in Leuven university and graduated with grade of ‹magna cum laude›. While she gained Master of European Urbanism at Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy, under supervision of Prof. Paola Vigano and Prof. Bernardo Secchi. She has several urban design experiences in European cities like Brussels, Veneto Region in Italy and Paris. She also did a research by design about Cantho (Vietnam) future development, under supervision of Prof. Kelly Shannon both in Leuven and Cantho. She has participated in several urban design workshops around the world with both universities of Leuven and Venice. During her PhD she had chance to assisting her supervisor for courses of ‹housing analysis›, ‹theory and practice of urbanism since 1945› and invited as a guest lecturer in courses like ‘urban studies’ and ‘colonial and post-colonial urbanism’. She also organized several European study trips for international graduated students. She worked as an architect on small architectural projects beside her research. Her research interest based on her multiple experiences are on fields of housing morphology, modern urban history, urban regeneration based on climate change discourses and urban inclusion. EDUCATION 2002- 2006 Bachelor of Architecture, Tehran-Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Department of Art and Architecture, Thesis subject: Women Cultural Centre: Regeneration of Marvi neighborhood – urban regeneration strategy for vulnerable central neighborhood of Tehran. Supervisor: Prof.Homa Irani Behbahani Overall result: 18.01 out of 20, with honors. 2006 – 2008 Master of Architecture, Tehran-Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Department of Architecture and Urbanism, Thesis: Anthropology Museum: Re-Structuring the Tajrish Square – regeneration

of Tajrish square through public space strategies Supervisor: Prof. M. Naghizadeh Overall Result: 19.38 out of 20, with honors. 2009 – 2011 Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning, University of Leuven [KUL], Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning Thesis: Inclusive Urbanism - “Ethnic Minorities and Public Spaces” revitalization of cultural sphere in vulnerable neighborhoods in multicultural metropolis: Brussels-Molenbeek Supervisor: Prof. Bruno De Meulder Overall Result till now: 79.11 out of 100, magna cum laude. September-January 2010 European Masters of Urbanism, Università IUAV Venezia, Thesis: No Car Scenario for Veneto Region- A Climate Change Approach Supervisor: Prof. Bernardo Secchi and Prof. Paola Vigano Overall Result: A 2011- 2015 PhD in Architecture University of Leuven [KUL], Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning Thesis: Persian Garden as the Structuring Principle of Modern(ist) Urban Quarters in Tehran – The Compulsive Persistence of an Archetype – Iranian Housing Discourses, Practices and Projects, 1945-1979. Supervisor: Prof. Bruno De Meulder PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS [URBANISM] 23-10 March 2010 Landscape Urbanism of Cantho, Cantho – Vietnam Organizer: University of Leuven and University of Ho Chi Minh City Supervisor: Prof. Kelly Shannon 3-13 April 2010 Climate Change and the Transformation of the Waterscape, Extreme City I, Venice – Italy Organizer: Università IUAV Venezia Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Fabian and Prof. Paola Vigano 6-13 September 2010 Mark (e) the urban fringe forest - IXth International Landscape Urbanism


workshop Kortrijk – Belgium Organizer: University of Leuven and Municipality of Kortrijk Supervisor: Prof. Bruno De Meulder and Prof. Kelly Shannon 8-18 October 2010 Extreme City II, Re-Creek (Recovering the Urban Creek), St-Petersburg - Russia Organizer: Università IUAV Venezia and St-Petersburg University Supervisor: Prof. Paola Vigano 16-22 May 2011 Inclusive Urbanism, Baltimore Regeneration, New York – USA Organizer: Parson School of Design, Supervisor: Prof. Miodrag Mitrasinovic, and Prof. Brian McGrath EXHIBITION [URBANISM] 26 May – 8 Jun 2010 Master Plan of Cantho – Vietnam at Arenberg Library of K.U.Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium.


CITIES HAVE BEEN STUDIED Europe: - Belgium: Brussels, Kortrijk. - Italy: Veneto region - France: Paris - Russia: Saint Petersburg Middle East: - Iran: Tehran, Isfahan Far East: - Vietnam: Cantho PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE [ARCHITECTURE] Sep 2004 – June 2005 (10 months) Safamanesh & Association, Assistant Architecture and Urbanism Firm Address: Niyavaran,Tehran. Telephone: +98-21-22802510 Internship: Worked as assistant designer in: - New Urban Dwelling in Kish Island, Regional and Neighborhood scale. - 100 meter Sea Observation Tower in Oil City of Asalouyeh, the Southern part of Iran. Jan 2007- Oct 2007 (10 months) Honarkadeh Pars, Assistant Architecture Firm Address: Seidkhandan, Tehran.

Telephone: +98-21-22858190 Internship: Worked as assistant designer of: - National Program for Chain Schools in Desert Cities, central part of Iran. Sep 2008 – Sep 2009 (1 year) Sharan, Assistant Architecture and Urbanism Firm Address: Kordestan highway, Tehran. Telephhone: +98-21-88030927 Worked as Architect-Designer in projects like: - Niavaran Hotel-Apartments (100 units), Tehran. - Commercial and Office Complex of Vali-Asr Street, Tehran. - Women-Cultural Center in Pardis Park, Tehran. - Benetton new branch in Tehran, competition March 2009. August 2014- ongoing project (expected in August 2015) Client: Dr. Alireza Nurbakhsh Project Manager: Sima Johnston Design of Museum for Banbury Sufi-Center, Sulgrave, England. Computer Programs: Auto-Cad, Sketch-up, Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop. PROFESSIONAL RECORD [ACADEMIC] 2011 – today Research Assistant, KU Leuven, Department of Architecture, Urbanism & Planning TEACHING EXPERINCE Course of Housing Analysis: first semester of 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 20132014 Organizing European Study Trip for course of Relevant Practice to Urbanism Studio: second semester of 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 Guest-Lecturer: Course of Theory and Practice of Urbanism Since 1945, 2012 and 2014, university of Leuven Course of Colonial and Post-Colonial April 2015 Course of Urban Studies April 2015 Course of Architectural History 2008, Tehran Azad University


RESEARCH INTEREST Housing Morphology, Urban Regeneration, Urban Morphology, Urban Inclusion, Urban-Architectural History.

PUBLICATIONS - Articles in internationally reviewed scientific journals Habibi, R. & De Meulder, B. (2015) Architects and Architecture without Architects- Iranian Housing Modernization and the Birth of New Urbanization, Cities Journal, pp.29-41. Habibi, R. (2015) Modern Taste: Iranian Domestic Culture Transformation and the Excellence of Car-Urban Landscape, Iranian Studies Journal, (under revision). Habibi, R. & De Meulder, B. (2015) A Transnational Model: Internationalism Discourses, Practices in 1970s Tehran, the Case of Ekbatan, Planning Perspectives Journal, (under revision).


- Book chapter, internationally recognized scientific publisher Habibi, R; De Meulder, B. & Habibi, S.M. (2015) Re-visiting Three Neighborhoods of Modern Tehran: Chaharsad-Dastgah, Narmak and Nazi-Abad in: Arefian, F. & Moeini, I. (eds.) Urban Change in Iran, New York: Springer, (in press). Buys, N; Dirickx, B; Habibi, R; Dung, T.T. (2014) Retention Basin as Impetus for Urbanism: O Mon, Cantho, in: Water Urbanism- East, by Shannon, K. & De Meulder, B. (eds.), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, pp. 240-248. Causin, S; Curtoni, A; Furlan, C; Habibi, R; Huismans, K; Kodiya, M; Netti, M; Sanabra, J; Sandra, B. (2010) The Coastline and Lagoon- Landscape of the Extreme, What if the lagoon would expand to allow resilience, in: Fabian, L. & Vigano, P. (eds.), Extreme City-Climate Change and the Transformation of the Waterscape, Venice: UniversitĂ IUAV Venezia, pp. 253-263. - Papers presented as international conferences and symposia, published in full in proceedings Habibi, R. (2012) Localization of Globalization- Case of Narmak-Tehran Prototype of Iranian Modernist Housing Project, in: Diker, N (eds.) Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism in the Meditranian and the Middle East Countries CAUMME 2012 International Symposium, Global Impacts and Local Challenges, Istanbul: Yildiz Technical University Press, pp. 33-34. Habibi, R. (2013) Nor modern, nor traditional, what about both- Narmak as Alternative City, in: Rouillard, D. & Wlaszyn, J. & Stanisheu, G (eds.) Urbanism

after Urbanism, 7th U&U International PhD Seminar Urbanism & Urbanization, Paris: LIAT/ENSA Paris Malaquais, pp. 205-218. Habibi, R. (2014) The Persian Garden as Latent Structuring Principle of the Patchwork Urban Quarters that Con- stitute Modern(ist) Tehran, in: Fadayi Nejad, S. (eds.) Urban Cultural Landscape Conference, Tehran: ISAP, pp. 24-38. - Articles in other reviewed scientific journals Habibi, R. (2008) Images and The Meaning of Place, Journal of Fine Art, no.35, Tehran: Tehran university, pp.39-50. Habibi, R. & Habibi S.M. (2008) Images of Isfahan School of Urban Development in Persian Paintings, Golestan-e-Honar Journal, no. 14, Tehran: Beheshti University, pp.1-23. Languages: English, French, Persian.

REFEREE Prof. Bruno De Meulder, KULeuven University Email: Bruno.DeMeulder@asro.kuleuven.be Sima Johnston, Project Manager Email: sima.johnston@btinternet.com Prof. Viviana d’Auria Email: Viviana.dAuria@asro.kuleuven.be Prof. Ali Madanipour, Newcastle University Email: ali.madani@newcastle.ac.uk Prof. Paola Vigano, IUAV University Email: paola.vigano@secchi-vigano.it





Uncovering the Secondary Favio Portilla - Karen Landuydt - Rana Habibi - Shyam Gandhi

UNCOVERING THE SECONDARY rescaling the primary

In contrast to suburbia, the urban fabric of Kortrijk is characterized by a multitude of varieties, subtleties and richness’s: a beguinage, convents, narrow alley’s, secret gardens, courtyards, thresholds, squares, commons,… This creates the potential for a high quality living environment combining the luxury of quietness and the nearbyness of the hustle and bustle of urban life. 10

By uncovering this quality of the second order living with a park in front of the house or around a hidden square reachable through a narrow alley, oriented on a majestic courtyard or in the middle of a secret garden goes hand in hand with the charms of highly differentiated networks for pedestrians, cyclists and playing children that informally connect the residential layer of the city. The uncovering of the second order requires the rescaling of the primary. Car traffic and parking are banned from the city centre and integrated within a parkway system (with integrated parking, multimodal nodes, etc.): the complete inversion of the existing but outdated ring road.

New Image for Kortrijk


UNCOVERING THE SECUNDARY rescaling the primary By uncovering the quality of the second order, living with a park in front of the house or around a hidden square reachable through a narrow alley, oriented on a majestic courtyard or in the middle of a secret garden goes hand in hand with the charms of highly differentiated networks for pedestrians, cyclists and playing children that informally connect the residential layer of the city. The uncovering of the second order requires the rescaling of the primary. Car traffic and parking are banned from the city centre and integrated within a parkway system (with integrated parking, multimodal nodes, etc.): the complete inversion of the existing but outdated ring road.

Uncovering the Secondary

The Primary Kortrijk is full of car parking and traffic. There is an abundance of ring infrastructe. 12

The Secondary In contrast to suburbia, the urban fabric of Kortrijk is characterized by a multitude of varieties, subtleties and richness’s: a beguinage, convents, narrow alley’s, secret gardens, courtyards, thresholds, squares, commons,… This creates the potential for a high quality living environment combining the luxury of quietness and the nearbyness of the hustle and bustle of urban life.

New Image for Kortrijk


The Secondary Axis Proposal for Kortrijk City

Uncovering the Secondary

Schoolsites Broelkant and Leiekant

Schoolsite Groeningekant and hospitalsite Houtmarkt


Diverse housing typologies imagined for new residential complexes. from two storey housing blocks to 12 floors highrise buildings, in order to respond different generation residents of Kortrijk.

The underneath section shows the syquence of high-rise appartments which provide the new image for Kortrijk.

New Image for Kortrijk


Proposal of two new residential complexes in order to absorb new generation to the city center of Kortrijk. The integration of green area in shape of semi-private and semi-public yards with housing blocks improve the secondary green axis of Kortrijk at the same time.

Niels Buys - Ben Dirickx - Rana Habibi - Tran Tien Dung

RETENTION BASIN AS IMPETUS FOR URBANISM O MON, CANTHO- Vietnam Lakeshore Structure This project published in: (2013) Water Urbanism East, De Meulder, B. & Shannon, K. Zurich: Park Books, pp. 246-247.


As part of the master plan revision of Cantho, O Mon will undergo a metamorphosis from a village into a fully-fledged new town. The investigation proposes a new form of urbanity in floodable lowlands through an ultra-dense urban development that is complemented by a new water body of enormous scale. The base for the new town plan begins as a print plate, a topographical manipulation of the lowlands into a scale of varied heights that represent different security levels and hence potential for varying urban development. The original geometries and property structures remain nevertheless an underlying order of and measure for the phasing of the urbanization. A road hierarchy is juxtaposed on the territory and, together with the water network, establishes accessibility and determines flexible block sizes. Highland platform infrastructure provides a foundation for proposed buildings; floodable low lands are a deliberate component of the new, resilient landscape mosaic. A number of small-scale urban fabrics could also be constructed on lower lands, generating corresponding new typologies (buildings on stilts, for instance). The design tests the capacity of O Mon to become a new type of central city characterized by a strongly articulated waterfront as civic centre with different topographical levels spawning a variety of public spaces in relation to the lake and canal system.



Lakeshore Landscape desigend the new center for Cantho, as an emerging city. The infrastruture landscape designed as combination if roads which worked as dam and water protection while the new center let the water comes through the city as well. The sponge system of streets and providing the diverse hight level of platforms created the dynamic landscape.


Cantho is facing the population booming in near future, therefore high-rise buildings typologies are crucial for this area. the most high-rise buildings located in the finger -type platforms on the water which create the new image for Future Cantho as well.






The infrastructure landscape provided dam levels

The Cultural Center for Cantho



What if no car inside the new nodes? Piombino Dese is a small city with 8,963 populations in Padua Province and will be one of the public transport nodes in future. The edges of city in north are Railway, in south Green Treviso Ostiglio- Ferrovia and other edges are faded in Agriculture Land. Two rivers in north and south are passing but not through urban settlements. Also there are 3 main roads, that connect Piombino Dese to north and south, east and west cities. One of the main roads (SR245) that already shaped linear to the city is one which will transform to Tram way in 2050. This city has 29.5 kmsq area but 50% of it belonged to Industries. There are more dense industries zone than dispersed. Now Piombino Dese is Village-Urban1 but according to the Potentials which said in above it can urbanized more in future but by keeping the qualities of village. One of the first design questions which this city is faced to is conversions seems crucial: Converting some Agriculture land to Urbanization, converting some part of Industrials to Residential areas and converting some part of industrial to agriculture land. In bigger scale these 2 roads would be part of green corridors of Veneto region as well. In general expansion is fallowing Linear Model along Tram way and Green Corridors. Thus the most far point from new north edge till fast lane (Tram Way) would be 850 M and from new south edge would be 650 M. It means this new city is totally transportable by micro mobility. For east - west connections tram way would have each 500 meter one stop, it means from each stop 10 minutes cycling and 20 minutes walking and all the sharing stations would be along tram way. In general we can define 3 kinds of landscapes and Mobility in this new city: 1-Water landscape – slow connector : micro mobility like bike and walk 2-Green Corridors – Medium connector: macro mobility like Bus and carsharing, micro mobility like bike.


No Car Scenario for Piombino Dese
















Vision of the new train station and the new city center: The new center provide its own electronical energy and works as self-sufficient system. This new center and new node is the renovation of old Roman railway which was already existed in Piombino Dese. 26

Vision of the new agro-cultural center: Piombino Dese historically was the place of agriculture and it still produces. The agro-cultural center proposed a productive museum of agriculture, which residents can contribute to this productive landscape.



Vision of the new science-industry center: Piombino Dese during industrialization was home of many factories, while in this moment many of them are out of used. the new proposal by contribution of micro-and macro mobilities and relating the factory to university production provide the new sciencee industry center and called it knowledge center.


The larger framework of No-Car Scenario in Piombino Dese

LANDSCAPE OF EXTREMES, ITALY- VENICE Causin, S; Curtoni, A; Furlan, C; Habibi, R; Huismans, K; Kodiya, M; Netti, M; Sanabra, J; Sandra, B. (2010) The Coastline and Lagoon- Landscape of the Extreme, What if the lagoon would expand to allow resilience, in: Fabian, L. & Vigano, P. (eds.), Extreme City-Climate Change and the Transformation of the Waterscape, Venice: UniversitĂ IUAV Venezia, pp. 253-263.

The Venice lagoon forms part of a larger system alternig the river deltas and lagoons along the Adriatic Coast. As these bodies of water are all related, it is our opinion that these areas also need to be considered to form a coherent vision for the region and its waterscape.


Climate change would possibly result in a sea level rise of 108 cm by 2100. As many examples have shown us, choosing a resistant approach would in the end result in failure. We believe that we have to look at the landscape itself to counter the consequences of the rise of the sea level and extreme flooding. The strip of lower lying and along the coast revealed by an analysis of the areas’s topography would be the first to disappear. The rivers and their sediments would transform these flooded areas into new lagoons, while the existing lagoon would become part of the gulf and eventually be transformed into new marshlands. The resulting new lagoon system would work as a resilient device, a buffer zone between the existing coast line and the strip of higher land that would be able to absorb the excess of water created by rise in sea level and flooding.




A resilient approach always goes together with some measures of resistance. The settlements in lower lands that need to be protected could be surrounded by a new system of dykes. This dykescape would not only protect the settlements from flooding, but also from a new opportunity for the existing settlements as it has the potential to become a productive and public place, combined with new typologies of settlements and services.


Jesolo Lido Jesolo Lido, one of the islands around Venice in this proposal would transform to become a floatting city with platforms which connect different parts of the city together , and sedimentation would cause the shape of lands to change, creating new beaches at the lagoon side of the city. A people mover would connect the city with San Dona and the new infrastructure system along the pieces of slightly higher land.


Like the coast cities, that will be flooded with a controlled system, Venice and the rest of the islands, could be thought with the same method.


Molenbeek includes two main part: old and new. The old Molenbeek has the highest rate of Moroccan and Turkish immigrants in Brussels. This neigborhood has lack of enough public and green space. While the new Molenbeek has more green space but less popular for immigrants. The strategy of Holiday Spaces provide an opportunity for more inegration of different nationalities who lives in Molenbeek. Leisure activities provides an occcasion that different cultures come together and do some activities together. Therefore four parks out of old Molenbeek choose as potential for adding new cultural centers in them. At the same time the post-industrial sites inside Molenbeek indicated for future pocket parks for inside Molenbeek.



Holiday Spaces inside Molenbeek


Holiday Spaces Tima and Place Table




The Transformation of Post-Industrial Sites to Pocket Parks


Visualization of Future Holiday Spaces in Molenbeek







Vanak village is transforming vastly. It is located in the upper center of Tehran, and has high land values. This part of Tehran is becoming popular for younger generation while it still settled the older residents. the variation of housing typologies was one of the challenges of this project. One of the most valuable features of the site was old Apple Trees. The start point of the project was mapping the apple trees on the site. The garden paths was other key figure of the design. based on curve paths and fabuolous views of site, the round forms designed for residential complex. 48

The landscape of the complex was focusing on centrality of each trees. the hierarchical roads connected the complex to the highway which connected the area to other parts of Tehran. Different typologies provided for variety of residents. One person to large families could find diverse typologies to live.





Block A West Facade East Facade








The Southern Facade





Atabak is one of the outcome of Tehran urban regeneration. This neighborhood was originally slum, and during decades demolished and a vast urban void remained instead. The new area belonged to the lower-income population of Tehran. The cooperative houses offer diverse public spaces, housing typologies and refer to the traditional way of living which used to in Tehran. Series of balconies for each blocks provide private open spaces for families to gather together during spring and summer. Like Traditional Iranian Urbans, series of gardens used as connector of urban blocks and liniear green spaces Housing blocks designed as modern version of courtyard houses.



Block A&B

urban block A & B facade


urban blocks: combination of courtyard houses and linear gardens

layers of public spaces and housing blocks

The low-income houses of Atabak were based on Iranian garden landscape. Also in architecture tried to use the old architectural elements like wind casher for cooling system.



different typologies used for this new neighborhood, diverse contribution of garden with houses.

layers of public spaces and housing blocks

Block D


private yards on each level inspired by mountain residential buildings located in the North of Tehran.

Block E


Layers of public spaces and gardens.

ABBASSABAD MUSEUM PARK, TEHRAN The new center of painting-art is located in the north center of Tehran. This new meuseum is not only a new center for art, but also is a platform for urban park in the center. 66

The diverse typology of Abbasabad hills provide an unique ocassion to introduce level parks, open theaters, open exhebitions during summer and artplayground for children. This landscape project is answering to lack of parks and open spaces in Tehran, while providing a new cultural center for painters. Multi-layer gardens are heritage of Iranian culture which embeded in history.



POETRY MONUMENTAL: A CONCEPTUAL DESIGN, TEHRAN Farid-Aldin Attar Neishabouri 12th century poet is one of the greates cultural figure of Iran. He is one of the Masters of Sufisim and has a several poetry in this subject. In one of his famous book: Mantegh-altair, Attar has described the seven stages of spirituality. It starts from leaving the dogma and ends up in level of deprivation and death. This conceptual design referes to this poetry of Attar and seven stages embeded in six glass walls and one concrete wall metafore of dogma and belongness. The last stage is going through a rampstair which connect the ground floor to the roof. Tree, pool of water and stream of water are all symbols of Persian Gardens which refer alot in Attar poems.


ANTHROPOLOGY MUSEUM: TAJRISH, TEHRAN The Association of Iranian Anthropologists were looking for a new museum to expose the sculptures, books, living materials of different nomads in Iran. The site was located in the old square of northern part of Tehran. The Idea was connecting the square to the old public but unused garden beside the square. The Anthropology Museum therefore, with a gallery-street connected the square to the garden. The garden was also part of the sculpture exhebition. 70

Two smaller semi-roofed galleries were connected to the courtyard and gallery-street. The combination of open and close spaces is one of the identical element of this project.






Rana Habibi, Hasan Nourbakhsh, Sima Johnston Nimatollahi center in Banbury, UK has plan to build a museum building in order to protect the valuble gifts and memories of last 60 years of sufisim. This new building is in continues of the existing building belong to 1992 and internally must be connected to each other. Therefore square of 3m to 3m connected this to buildings to eachother. A round stair on the other part connected the ground floor and first floor of museum to each other. The first floor is actually a half floor and have view to roof which some artworks will be located there. Two linear windows used for efficient indirect light. roof gardens for stair and connector building has designed.





Persian Gardens as the Structuring Principle of Modern(ist) urban Quarters in Tehran The Compulsive Persistence of an Archetype

Iranian Housing Discourses, Practices and Projects,1945-1979 PhD Dissertation


Rana Habibi


Middle-Class Housing in Tehran: 1945-1979 An instrument for modernization of society o r A Hidden negotiation for contextualization

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