QUICK FACTS • • • • • • • • • • •
15 patented claims (230± acres), and 37 unpatented claims (1,188± acres) Estimated two ounces of gold per hour during last mining operation Location upstream from Circle, Alaska, on the Yukon River – about 60 miles Estimated value of the remaining gold reserves –about $60 million net, according to EASI In 1971 Joseph Vogler of Fairbanks purchased the Woodchopper mining claims and continued mining periodically until his death in 1993 Flight time from Fairbanks is approximately 1:15 minutes in a Cessna 180 Gravel airstrip at the property approximately 2,500-feet; repairs will be needed Private inholding in the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve Woodchopper Creek was reportedly first mined in 1898 with an unusually high gold fineness of 0.933 Historic production on the creek produced some 117,000 ounces of gold or over two hundred million dollars at today’s prices Area wildlife includes caribou, very large moose, marten, lynx, wolverine, black and grizzly bears. The area’s abundant cliffs are important to Peregrine Falcons
Photo by NPS Ken Hill
Woodchopper Gold Claim | Circle, Alaska