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YOUR Business is OUR Business

Breeding cattle is as much our passion as it is our livelihood, but our direct involvement in the feeder cattle sector has given us a unique perspective as well.

We are fortunate to handle over 15,000 head of Angus-sired calves on an annual basis. This exposure directs the priorities in our seedstock selection where it becomes clear that we must balance all the maternal traits vs. adequate growth and direct pounds in the “right package”. While considering this important part of the production cycle, you also realize the value of performance when selling yearling bulls [and their resulting offspring] to be profitable. Payweight is the driving component of a profitable feeder calf, however this growth and growth curve can be accomplished in the right package. We are talking about cattle that have explosive growth to weaning and then plateau to a more efficient and useful endpoint. We breed cattle that will perform on the rail as well. All Angus cattle marble, but many lack enough muscle per cwt to yield and dress in a profitable package. When a pen of cattle is fed and hung on the rail, there will easily be a $700 difference from the most profitable to the least profitable in the pen. We have always focused on high REA cattle and believe that one of the most useful tools available to us is to ultrasound these cattle and calculate a square inch per cwt correlation. You will find that measurement for each bull in the catalog. Without adequate muscle, feeder cattle wont yield grade or dress in a profitable fashion. We spend many days and nights throughout the fall marketing our customers cattle. We have built strong relationships with numerous buying groups, and we value that insight gained from the marketing transactions. With “boots on the ground” at the shipment, you receive a firsthand analysis of what works and what does not. We take that knowledge back to our own cowherd and then set the BALANCE between traits that work in the cowherd and traits that add value in the sorting pen. You really can have it all when you stick to your priorities and don’t make any excuses. We thoroughly enjoy breeding these cattle and all the challenges and opportunities that come with it If we can ever market cattle for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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