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PRIME TIME You Can’t Outrun the Blood!
Genomically Enhanced EPD Values
We have embraced DNA technology and the impact this has for all of us in the beef world from providing accurate ancestry to utilizing DNA technology as an important component in providing and using Genomically Enhanced EPD Values (GEEPD). We see an incredible demand for DNA technology starting with the seedstock provider reaching all the way to the packing side of our industry. It’s here, here to stay, and will be instrumental in making more profitable seedstock cattle, therefore creating more value for the customers of our genetic program.
We are making every effort to have 100% cattle sire verified by sale time. As of print time we are awaiting the very latest DNA results to insure 100% GE-EPD numbers and will have these completed by sale time. Currently, 89% of the sale offering is listed with GE-EPD panels and these are so noted in the proper space in this catalog. Once the March Brangus National Cattle Evaluation is populated we will provide a complete list of all the sale cattle with their newest and latest GE-EPD panels.
Our GE-EPD values are the best in Brangus with the most balance across traits and the best blend of antagonistic traits. Mound Creek seedstock bulls will offer your program more long-term genomic value than any other, will create more returned dollars for each dollar spent, and ultimately insure more long-term survivability and profitability in your breeding program. We simply ask of you to compare the factual differences in the multitude of seedstock breeding programs available.
2023 Non Parent EPD Average For Entire Set of Mound Creek Sale Cattle
H Preg: 7.80; Stay: 2.57; Breed Back: 0.95; Num Calves: 0.12; Terminal Index: 4.01
CED: 3.3; WW: 41; YW: 72; M: 8; TM: 28; SC: 0.8; REA: 0.59; IMF: 0.36

H Preg: 10%; Stay: 4%; Breed Back: 5%; Num Calves: 5%; Terminal Index: 4%
CED: 60%; WW: 5%; YW: 10%; M: 55%; TM: 10%; SC: 25%; REA: 5%; IMF: 10%
Bull Development
We are now in our seventh year of a hand-fed, silage-based bull feeding program that allows us to accurately understand consumption during gain test period. This ration is blended with 50% silage, 10% cotton burrs, and 40% premix composed of a protein pellet balancer, cracked corn, and DDGs. Our stockbulls are gain tested post weaning in long pastures fifteen to twenty acres in size. This testing program enhances greater mobility, ensures more quality of hoof and leg soundness, produces bigger bellied cattle with greater forage-based appetite, and are more ready to survive long term in a real-world environment. Simply put, they are more suited to stay longer, stay stronger, and be better equipped for the rigors of their new ranch life.
Brangus Value Project
The Brangus Value project is a comprehensive progeny test overseen by International Brangus Breeders Association designed to follow Brangus and Ultrablack AI sired steers through the feeding and packing segments of our industry capturing data on feed efficiency, carcass traits, and tenderness. In the future the data will filter through IBBA genomic database and national sire evaluation more accurately influencing the genomically enhanced EPD on thousands of seedstock animals in our breed.
These types of programs always have a price tag to be effectively managed, so the Brangus Value Project was formed. More details are found in the following pages. Mound Creek Ranch has pledges for four sponsorships from this program and will give these sponsorships to each of the volume bull buyer, volume female buyer, high selling bull buyer, and high selling female buyer.