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PRIME TIME You Can’t Outrun the Blood!
Where’s The Weights and Measures
We believe in the whole herd use of GE-EPD values and those associated percentile ranks. In fact, the Percentile Ranks are the most important component of the entire set of weights, measures, and EPD values provided in this database driven catalog. However, our buyers sure appreciate the individual weights and measures provided for each animal in this sale. Our genetic selection program, assisted greatly through our use GE-EPD values, continues to prove the consistency and long-term effect from our intensive selection program designed to address the needs of those in the ranching world. Even with a silage-based feeding program in a very wet, muddy, windy, brisk winter, here are the excellent weights and measures from these 170 sale bulls adjusted to 205 days and 365 days of age.

Feeders and Packers
During a very oppressive and dry summer and thru a wet, muddy, windy, brisk winter, our sale bulls still averaged 5.7% IMF fitting in the CAB end of Choice while blending an outstanding RE/100 lb. body weight of 1.25 inches! Additionally, there are over 20% of these bulls that have collectively scanned in all three levels of the Prime grades. These grid-based indicator values are off the charts and the importance of these two numbers (RE/100 and IMF) is validated by the input and visits to feedlots and packing plants. In fact, that segment of our beef industry uses these two measures as primary components when making future buying decisions based on prior feeding and hanging history.
Broadcasting Our Sale Real Time on the Internet
This year’s sale will again be broadcast live on the internet. Our good friend Wade Fisher, Ideal Productions, has professionally taken video of our sale offering. The Ideal Productions video will be broadcast real time by DV Auctions and those who cannot attend the sale will have the capabilities of bidding on cattle throughout the day.
The cattle will sell from the video screens and remain in their display pens during our sale. Please spend a little extra time going thru the cattle in their display pens prior to the sale so you can be familiar with your potential purchases. Any of our team members can assist in your selection process.
Embryo Collection Rights
Rather than trying to keep track of different ownership percentages thru these females we have decided to sell 100% ownership and possession of every female selling. However, Mound Creek Ranch and Cooperators will reserve the rights to one embryo collection or two half collections (IVF harvest or conventional collection) on every female in the sale at our expense and your convenient timing.
We Will See You Soon
Hope you can be with us Friday and Saturday of our sale week, or just about anytime you would like to visit. Be sure and wear your green on March 17. We will always have refreshments and something to snack on. Friday at lunch and Saturday mornng we’ll treat you to campfire food prepared by the Yarbrough family out of their fantastic chuckwagon. Friday night after the Female Sale is Leona General Store Time! Get ready for one of the best steaks you’ll ever eat. Call any of our ranch team if you should have questions.